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The highly conserved 350-bp major regulatory element HS-40 (or alphaMRE) upstream of the human alpha-globin gene cluster is involved in the regulation of alpha-globin gene expression. The study of alphaMRE differences between human populations and the evolution of alphaMRE sequences in mammals may lead to a better understanding of the function and importance of this element in the regulation of expression of the downstream alpha-cluster. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis was used to determine the sequence heterogeneity of the alphaMRE region in 276 unrelated individuals, representing seven different populations. Furthermore, we analysed the alpha major regulatory elements of chimpanzee, orang-utan and rhesus monkeys and compared them with the equivalent human and murine sequences. Six different alphaMRE haplotypes (labelled A to F) were found in humans. Haplotype frequencies between the seven populations showed a gradual shift to a higher haplotype A distribution from west to east, being the highest in Indonesians. The African sample shows the largest divergence in haplotypes. Five out of six different haplotypes were present, three of which were exclusively found in Africans. The high prevalence of the haplotype A in humans, together with the conservation of this haplotype in apes, suggests that it is the ancestral one. The alphaMRE fragment appears to be a highly polymorphic marker, which could be used in combination with the regular markers in the alpha-cluster to extend the haplotype and to follow segregation of alpha-thalassaemia genes in population studies more accurately.  相似文献   

Ectopic recombination between repeated but nonallelic DNA sequences plays a major role in genome evolution, creating gene families and generating copy number variation and pathological rearrangements in human chromosomes. Previous studies on the alpha2- and alpha1-globin genes have shown that de novo deletions common in alpha(+)-thalassemics can be directly accessed in human DNA and provide an informative system for studying deletion dynamics and processes. However, nothing is known about the reciprocal products of ectopic recombination, namely gene duplications. We now show that molecules carrying three alpha-globin genes can be detected in human DNA by using physical enrichment plus an inverse PCR strategy. These de novo duplications are common in blood and sperm and appear to arise by two distinct mechanisms: meiotic exchanges between homologous chromosomes that generate a minority of sperm duplications, plus mitotic ectopic exchanges that occur in the soma and germ line and can show erratic fluctuations in frequency most likely caused by mutational mosaicism. The dynamics and processes of duplication are very similar to those of deletion, particularly for meiotic exchanges. This result suggests rearrangement pathways dominated by fully reciprocal ectopic exchange, with nonreciprocal pathways such as intramolecular recombination and single-strand annealing playing at best only a minor role in the generation of deletions. Finally, the high level of instability at the alpha-globin locus contrasts with the rarity in most populations of chromosomes carrying duplications or deletions, pointing to strong selective constraints that maintain alpha-globin gene copy number in human populations.  相似文献   

Analysis of the human alpha-globin gene cluster in transgenic mice.   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
A 350-bp segment of DNA associated with an erythroid-specific DNase I-hypersensitive site (HS-40), upstream of the alpha-globin gene cluster, has been identified as the major tissue-specific regulator of the alpha-globin genes. However, this element does not direct copy number-dependent or developmentally stable expression of the human genes in transgenic mice. To determine whether additional upstream hypersensitive sites could provide more complete regulation of alpha gene expression we have studied 17 lines of transgenic mice bearing various DNA fragments containing HSs -33, -10, -8, and -4, in addition to HS -40. Position-independent, high-level expression of the human zeta- and alpha-globin genes was consistently observed in embryonic erythroid cells. However, the additional HSs did not confer copy-number dependence, alter the level of expression, or prevent the variable down-regulation of expression in adults. These results suggest that the region upstream of the human alpha-globin genes is not equivalent to that upstream of the beta locus and that although the two clusters are coordinately expressed, there may be differences in their regulation.  相似文献   

The alpha-globin gene cluster is located at the very tip of the short arm of chromosome 16. It produces the alpha-like globins, which is combined with the beta-like globins to form hemoglobin, and its mutants cause alpha-thalassemia, which is one of the most common genetic diseases. Its expression shows a tissue and developmental stage specificity that is balanced with that of the beta-globin gene cluster. In this article, we summarize the research on the control of expression of the alpha-globin gene cluster, mainly with respect to the alpha-major regulatory element (alpha-MRE): HS-40, the tissue-specific and developmental control of its expression, and its chromosomal environment. In summary, the alpha-globin gene cluster is expressed in an open chromosomal environment; HS-40, the 5'-flanking sequence, the transcribed region, and the 3'-flanking sequence interact to fully regulate its expression.  相似文献   

Extensive molecular studies have characterized 15 dimorphic and 2 multiallelic genetic markers within the human alpha-globin gene cluster. Analysis of these markers in 9 populations has shown that the alpha-globin locus is remarkably polymorphic and is therefore an ideal marker on chromosome 16 for the construction of a human genetic linkage map. The combined analysis of 9 polymorphic markers has established alpha-globin haplotypes that provide the means to study the molecular genetics and common mutants of this cluster. The novel association of a conventional restriction fragment length polymorphism haplotype and linked, hypervariable regions of DNA should allow a comparison of the rate of change of such markers.  相似文献   

Deletions in distal Yq interval 6 represent the cause of 10-15% of idiopathic severe male infertility and map to a region defined AZFc (azoospermia factor c). The testis-specific gene DAZ is considered a major AZFc candidate, and its deletion has been associated with a severe disruption in spermatogenesis. However, DAZ is actually a multicopy gene family consisting of seven clustered copies spanning about 1 megabase. Only deletions removing the entire DAZ gene cluster together with other genes have been reported in infertile males. Because no case of spermatogenic failure has been traced to intragenic deletions, point mutations, or even deletions not involving all the DAZ copies, the definitive proof for a requirement of DAZ for spermatogenesis is still debatable. Here we report the first case of a partial deletion of the DAZ cluster removing all but one of the copies. This deletion is present in a patient affected with severe oligozoospermia who had a testicular phenotype characterized by a great quantitative reduction of germ cells (severe hypospermatogenesis). The absence of this deletion in the fertile brother of the patient suggests that this de novo mutation indeed caused the spermatogenic failure.  相似文献   

To investigate the in vivo function of the newly defined DNase I hypersensitive site HS-48 on the whole human alpha-globin gene cluster, the region containing all the other known 5 hypersensitive sites HS-4 to HS-40 was deleted from a 117 kb bacterial artificial chromosome clone bearing the whole human alpha-globin gene cluster. Transgenic mice were generated from this construct. The RNase protection assays showed that with HS-48 left and all the other 5 hypersensitive sites deleted, the expression of human alpha-like globin genes was completely silenced in embryonic, fetal and adult stages in all tissues. This finding indicates that HS-48 alone has no enhancer activity on the expression of human alpha-like globin genes, and that the region of HS-4 to HS-40 already contains all the upstream cis-elements needed for regulating human alpha-like globin genes.  相似文献   

M Albitar  A Care  C Peschle  S A Liebhaber 《Blood》1992,80(6):1586-1591
The alpha-globin gene cluster contains four functional globin genes, zeta, alpha 2, alpha 1, and theta. The developmental regulation of the embryonic zeta and fetal/adult alpha 2- and alpha 1-globin genes is well characterized at the level of protein synthesis. The developmental pattern of the theta-globin gene is not well characterized due to the inability to detect its encoded protein. Direct analysis of the globin switching at the steady-state messenger RNA (mRNA) level has been hampered by the difficulty in obtaining quantities of embryonic and early fetal mRNA sufficient for analysis. We analyzed the relative levels of the steady-state zeta-, alpha-, and theta-globin mRNAs in yolk sac in 5-, 6-, 7-, and 8-week postconception embryonic liver, and in cord and adult blood reticulocytes. We show that the switch in the alpha-globin gene cluster from the embryonic to fetal/adult pattern of expression begins at 5 to 6 weeks of gestation. Both the theta- and alpha-globin genes show similar patterns of developmental control that are reciprocal to zeta. alpha-globin RNA is barely detectable or undetectable at 5 weeks, and increases in the 6- to 8-week period, while theta-globin mRNA shows a parallel increase at 5 to 8 weeks postconception and is expressed in cord blood and adult reticulocytes. These data show that the theta-globin gene represents a fetal/adult gene, albeit expressed at a low level.  相似文献   

Spot 14 gene deletion increases hepatic de novo lipogenesis   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Previous studies have investigated the relationship between the Spot 14 gene and hepatic lipogenesis. Those studies found that the Spot 14 protein was induced when lipogenesis was induced and suggested that induction of the Spot 14 protein was required for induction of hepatic lipogenesis by thyroid hormone and dietary carbohydrate. Analysis of those findings led us to hypothesize that the Spot 14 gene is required for induced hepatic de novo lipogenesis in vivo. To test this hypothesis, we created an in vivo deletion of the Spot 14 gene in mice using gene-targeting technology. Southern blot analysis showed that the Spot 14 gene was disrupted. Northern blot analysis showed that this disruption ablated expression of intact hepatic Spot 14 mRNA. In contrast to our hypothesis, acute thyroid hormone administration led to comparable induction of hepatic lipogenic enzyme mRNAs between the wild-type and knockout mice. Furthermore, long-term treatment with both thyroid hormone and a diet promoting lipogenesis led to enhanced lipogenic enzyme activity and a greater rate of hepatic de novo lipogenesis in the knockout, compared with the wild-type, mice. Although these data indicate that the Spot 14 protein is not required for induced hepatic de novo lipogenesis, they also suggest that Spot 14 plays some role in this process. It is possible that alternative pathways that complement the loss of the Spot 14 protein are present, and in the absence of Spot 14, these alternative pathways overcompensate to produce an enhanced rate of induced lipogenesis.  相似文献   

We have developed a series of cosmids that can be used as vectors for genomic recombinant DNA library preparations, as expression vectors in mammalian cells for both transient and stable transformations, and as shuttle vectors between bacteria and mammalian cells. These cosmids were constructed by inserting one of the SV2-derived selectable gene markers--SV2-gpt, SV2-DHFR, and SV2-neo--in cosmid pJB8. High efficiency of genomic cloning was obtained with these cosmids and the size of the inserts was 30-42 kilobases. We isolated recombinant cosmids containing the human alpha-globin gene cluster from these genomic libraries. The simian virus 40 DNA in these selectable gene markers provides the origin of replication and enhancer sequences necessary for replication in permissive cells such as COS 7 cells and thereby allows transient expression of alpha-globin genes in these cells. These cosmids and their recombinants could also be stably transformed into mammalian cells by using the respective selection systems. Both of the adult alpha-globin genes were more actively expressed than the embryonic zeta-globin genes in these transformed cell lines. Because of the presence of the cohesive ends of the Charon 4A phage in the cosmids, the transforming DNA sequences could readily be rescued from these stably transformed cells into bacteria by in vitro packaging of total cellular DNA. Thus, these cosmid vectors are potentially useful for direct isolation of structural genes.  相似文献   

In a gene mapping study on 217 newborn babies in Taiwan with alpha- and zeta-globin probes, we have observed 4 cases (1.84%) of alpha-thalassemia-2 heterozygotes (zeta zeta-alpha/zeta zeta alpha alpha) without increased levels of hemoglobin (Hb) Bart's in the cord blood. Eleven subjects (5.07%) were found to have the South East Asian alpha-thalassemia-1 haplotype (zeta zeta--SEA/zeta zeta alpha alpha) with increased Hb Bart's levels ranging from 2.2 to 9%. One case, with Hb Bart's level of 14% in the cord blood, was found to have the genotype of zeta zeta--SEA/zeta zeta alpha alpha T (0.46%). Four heterozygotes (1.84%) were found with the triple alpha gene anti-rightward arrangement (zeta zeta alpha alpha alpha 3.7/zeta zeta alpha alpha). Twenty-one heterozygotes (9.68%) were found to have the triple zeta-globin gene arrangement (zeta zeta zeta alpha alpha/zeta zeta alpha alpha). A new triple zeta-globin gene variant with a BamHI polymorphism was also observed in this study.  相似文献   

The brown fat specific UnCoupling Protein 1 (UCP1) is involved in thermogenesis, a process by which energy is dissipated as heat in response to cold stress and excess of caloric intake. Thermogenesis has potential implications for body mass control and cellular fat metabolism. In fact, in humans, the variability of the UCP1 gene is associated with obesity, fat gain and metabolism. Since regulation of metabolism is one of the key-pathways in lifespan extension, we tested the possible effects of UCP1 variability on survival.Two polymorphisms (A-3826G and C-3740A), falling in the upstream promoter region of UCP1, were analyzed in a sample of 910 subjects from southern Italy (475 women and 435 men; age range 40–109). By analyzing haplotype specific survival functions we found that the A-C haplotype favors survival in the elderly. Consistently, transfection experiments showed that the luciferase activity of the construct containing the A-C haplotype was significantly higher than that containing the G-A haplotype. Interestingly, the different UCP1 haplotypes responded differently to hormonal stimuli. The results we present suggest a correlation between the activity of UCP1 and human survival, indicating once again the intricacy of mechanisms involved in energy production, storage and consumption as the key to understanding human aging and longevity.  相似文献   

An abnormal von Willebrand factor (vWF) gene restriction pattern has been found in a patient with von Willebrand disease. Because this gene alteration is not present in his parents or in 50 normal and 25 affected subjects, and the restriction fragment length polymorphism haplotypes are inherited normally in the patient's family, we suggest that a de novo mutation is present. Bands with reduced intensity and additional fragments, observed in several restriction digests, hybridize with noncontiguous copy DNA (cDNA) portions, thus indicating the presence of a heterozygous gene deletion. The deletion removes a genomic region containing at least codons 1147 through 1854 and corresponding to the D3-A3 homologous protein domains. The extent of the vWF pseudogene on chromosome 22 is roughly similar to that of the deleted area. However, the pseudogenic nature of the deletion is excluded by the mapping of bands with reduced intensity in the patient to the true vWF gene. The vWF antigen levels are one fourth of normal and ristocetin cofactor activity is severely impaired. The reduction of high molecular weight multimers in plasma and platelets and the altered triplet morphology are compatible with the presence of a dominant variant of type II von Willebrand disease.  相似文献   

In a previous study, we described a form of nondeletion alpha- thalassemia (alpha T Saudi alpha) found in subjects of Saudi Arabian origin. In the current study, using synthetic oligoprobe hybridization and restriction enzyme analysis, we have demonstrated that the molecular basis of alpha T Saudi alpha is due solely to a single base mutation (AATAAA----AATAAG) in the polyadenylation signal of the alpha 2 gene and that the frameshift mutation in codon 14 of the linked alpha 1 gene is the result of a cloning artefact. The alpha 2 polyadenylation signal mutation occurs in other Middle Eastern and the Mediterranean populations and is responsible for the clinical phenotype of Hb H disease in some Saudi Arabian individuals with five alpha genes (alpha T Saudi alpha/(alpha alpha alpha)T Saudi). Evidence suggests that the (alpha alpha alpha)T Saudi haplotype has arisen as a result of a recombination between two misaligned chromosomes bearing the alpha T Saudi alpha defect.  相似文献   

DNA methylation in chicken alpha-globin gene expression.   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:8       下载免费PDF全文
We have investigated certain specific methylation sites of the chicken alpha-globin gene cluster in DNA from embryonic and adult erythroid cells as well as from brain and sperm cells. Eight contiguous DNA fragments of the alpha-globin gene cluster were subcloned from a recombinant lambda phage. The subclones were used as probes to map all the Msp I/Hpa II and Hha I sites in the unmethylated cloned DNA and specific sites of methylation in and around the alpha-globin gene cluster in chromosomal DNA. The data show that sperm DNA is totally methylated at these restriction sites in the globin gene region, as is brain DNA, with some exceptions. Interestingly, the methylation status of specific sites 5' to the coding sequences is correlated with expression of the embryonic or adult alpha-globin genes in different stages of erythroid development. Some sites showing partial methylation, however, do not conform to the model that transcribed genes are unmethylated or undermethylated. We also find a well-defined 3.5-kilobase region of DNA 5' to the alpha-globin gene cluster in which all C-C-G-G sites are resistant to Msp I digestion in all tissues. This "Msp block" is presumably caused by 5-MeCpC methylation.  相似文献   

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