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Although the contribution of cytonuclear interactions to plant fitness variation is relatively well documented at the interspecific level, the prevalence of cytonuclear interactions at the intraspecific level remains poorly investigated. In this study, we set up a field experiment to explore the range of effects that cytonuclear interactions have on fitness-related traits in Arabidopsis thaliana. To do so, we created a unique series of 56 cytolines resulting from cytoplasmic substitutions among eight natural accessions reflecting within-species genetic diversity. An assessment of these cytolines and their parental lines scored for 28 adaptive whole-organism phenotypes showed that a large proportion of phenotypic traits (23 of 28) were affected by cytonuclear interactions. The effects of these interactions varied from slight but frequent across cytolines to strong in some specific parental pairs. Two parental pairs accounted for half of the significant pairwise interactions. In one parental pair, Ct-1/Sha, we observed symmetrical phenotypic responses between the two nuclear backgrounds when combined with specific cytoplasms, suggesting nuclear differentiation at loci involved in cytonuclear epistasis. In contrast, asymmetrical phenotypic responses were observed in another parental pair, Cvi-0/Sha. In the Cvi-0 nuclear background, fecundity and phenology-related traits were strongly affected by the Sha cytoplasm, leading to a modified reproductive strategy without penalizing total seed production. These results indicate that natural variation in cytoplasmic and nuclear genomes interact to shape integrative traits that contribute to adaptation, thereby suggesting that cytonuclear interactions can play a major role in the evolutionary dynamics of A. thaliana.The genomes of eukaryotes originate from ancient endosymbiotic associations that eventually led to energy-harnessing organelles: mitochondria, common to all eukaryotes, and chloroplasts in the “green” lineage. The evolution of endosymbionts into cellular organelles was accompanied by massive gene loss, with a large proportion being transferred to the nucleus (1, 2). Nevertheless, mitochondria and chloroplasts retained a few (30–80) protein-encoding genes that play crucial roles in energy metabolism (respiration and photosynthesis). Mitochondrion and chloroplast metabolisms rely on the proper interaction of nuclear-encoded proteins and their counterparts encoded in the organelle genome. Consequently, the genes in nuclear and organellar compartments are expected to be coadapted (3).Cytonuclear coadaptation has been demonstrated by altered phenotypes observed on interspecific exchanges of cytoplasm between related species in mammals (4), yeast (5), arthropods (6), and plants, whose interspecific crosses are frequently successful (7). These alterations affect organelle function and even the organism phenotype, indicating epistasis between nuclear and cytoplasmic genes. Although cytonuclear coadaptation is generally studied at the interspecific level, the existence of intraspecific genetic diversity in organelle genomes suggests a potential for genomic coadaptation within species. A few studies have reported phenotypic effects of intraspecific cytonuclear epistasis in nonplant species (811). In plants, many studies have focused on cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS), an impairment of pollen production governed by nucleo-mitochondrial interactions in some hermaphroditic species (12), in particular in crops and their relatives (13). The phenotypic effects of intraspecific cytonuclear epistasis other than CMS have been reported in only a limited number of plant systems (1417), with evidence that cytoplasmic variation contributes to local adaptation (18, 19).In recent years, several studies using reciprocal segregating populations of the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana have investigated the effect of cytonuclear epistasis on a number of laboratory-measured phenotypes such as the metabolome, defense chemistry and growth (17, 20, 21), water-use efficiency (22, 23), and seed germination (24, 25). Although some studies have reported significant effects of cytonuclear epistasis (17, 20, 21, 23, 25), others have found additive cytoplasmic effects but with weak or no cytonuclear epistasis (22). Each of these studies (with the exception of ref. 25) was, however, based on a single reciprocal cross between two natural accessions, thereby preventing the estimation of the prevalence of cytonuclear epistasis in this species. In addition, although these reports involve adaptive traits (2630), the investigation of the effect of cytonuclear epistasis on adaptive phenotypes in field conditions is, at best, scarce in A. thaliana.Here, following the modern standards of ecological genomics (31), we explored the prevalence of cytonuclear interactions on adaptive whole-organism traits in the model plant A. thaliana in a field experiment. To do so, based on eight natural accessions of a core collection that covers a significant part of the species’ cytoplasmic and nuclear genetic diversity in A. thaliana (25, 32), we created eight series of seven cytolines. Cytolines are genotypes that combine the nuclear genome from one parent with the organelle genomes of another (33). We examined the cytolines and their parental accessions for effects of cytonuclear interactions on 28 field-measured traits related to germination, phenology, resource acquisition, plant architecture and seed dispersal, fecundity, and survival.  相似文献   

Genes encoding plant nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat (NB-LRR) proteins confer dominant resistance to diverse pathogens. The wild-type potato NB-LRR protein Rx confers resistance against a single strain of potato virus X (PVX), whereas LRR mutants protect against both a second PVX strain and the distantly related poplar mosaic virus (PopMV). In one of the Rx mutants there was a cost to the broad-spectrum resistance because the response to PopMV was transformed from a mild disease on plants carrying wild-type Rx to a trailing necrosis that killed the plant. To explore the use of secondary mutagenesis to eliminate this cost of broad-spectrum resistance, we performed random mutagenesis of the N-terminal domains of this broad-recognition version of Rx and isolated four mutants with a stronger response against the PopMV coat protein due to enhanced activation sensitivity. These mutations are located close to the nucleotide-binding pocket, a highly conserved structure that likely controls the “switch” between active and inactive NB-LRR conformations. Stable transgenic plants expressing one of these versions of Rx are resistant to the strains of PVX and the PopMV that previously caused trailing necrosis. We conclude from this work that artificial evolution of NB-LRR disease resistance genes in crops can be enhanced by modification of both activation and recognition phases, to both accentuate the positive and eliminate the negative aspects of disease resistance.Plant resistance (R) genes confer dominant resistance against diverse pests and pathogens including viruses, fungi, and invertebrates (1). The vast majority of R genes encode NB-LRR (nucleotide-binding leucine-rich repeat) proteins (2) that form a subgroup within the STAND ATPases (signal transduction ATPases with numerous domains) (3). NB-LRRs are thought to function as a molecular switch, existing in ATP-bound “active” or ADP-bound “inactive” states (47). Activated NB-LRRs initiate a downstream signaling cascade triggering defense responses, which often culminate in a form of programmed cell death know as the hypersensitive response (HR) (8).Activation of NB-LRRs occurs following molecular recognition in which a pathogen-derived elicitor interacts, either directly or indirectly, with the LRR and/or other domains of the protein (915). In different R proteins the molecular mechanisms may vary but, in Rx from potato (16), which confers resistance to potato virus X (PVX), the domains required to initiate downstream signaling (17, 18) are likely exposed by conformational changes (19, 20) following recognition.NB-LRR genes represent a useful target for generating disease-resistant crops, and have long been selected unknowingly by crop breeders. More recently, transgenic approaches have been used to transfer R genes between plant species (2123). However, the usefulness of NB-LRR genes in both conventional breeding and transgenic approaches is limited by the availability of R protein genes with useful recognition specificities. In addition, there may be a cost to carrying NB-LRR R genes. The disease-resistant plants may have reduced fitness in competition with susceptible plants (24), there may be a tradeoff with plant growth (25), the plants may exhibit hybrid incompatibility (26), or they may exhibit a partial resistance against some strains of pathogen so that there is a spreading necrosis that kills the plant (2730).Artificial evolution through random mutagenesis has been explored previously as a strategy to expand the number of useful variants of Rx (27). The evolved products were forms of Rx with mutant LRR domains that recognized more strains of PVX than the wild-type protein. The elicitor of Rx-mediated resistance is the viral coat protein (CP), and the wild-type protein responds to strains in which there is a T and a K at positions 121 and 127, respectively (CPTK), but not those with a K and an R at these positions (CPKR) (31). The artificial evolution focused on the LRR domain (27), and the selected mutants were elicited by both CPKR and the original CPTK. However, this broad recognition had a cost in that one of the mutants, RxM1 (N846D), displayed systemic necrosis when the plants were challenged with poplar mosaic virus (PopMV). This virus is a distant relative of PVX, and on plants with wild-type Rx, or without Rx, it only induces a mild mosaic. To explain the lethal symptom associated with PopMV on RxM1 plants we proposed that the mutation mediated weak recognition of a PopMV structure that was invisible to the wild-type Rx. The systemic necrosis would have arisen because the weak recognition by Rx triggers a delayed HR response that is too late to prevent spread of the virus from the site of initial infection.This side effect of the M1 mutation illustrates the balance between the costs and benefits of disease resistance, and it created an opportunity to find out whether artificial evolution could be used to reduce the costs associated with disease resistance of NB-LRR proteins. Our approach was random mutagenesis of RxM1 combined with selection for response to the PopMV coat protein rather than CPKR. In addition, rather than the LRR, we mutagenized the amino-terminal coiled coil (CC), NB, and ARC (shared by Apaf-1, resistance genes, and CED-4) domains. By selecting mutants with enhanced recognition of PopMV, we predicted to isolate mutants that give a strong and rapid response to this virus and eliminate the spreading HR. By focusing on domains other than the LRR, we reasoned that we would avoid compromising the beneficial aspects of the RxM1 phenotype.Here we describe five amino acid changes that gave the selected response to the PopMV-CP. These mutants increase the activation sensitivity rather than the recognition phase of the Rx resistance mechanism and, from protein modeling, we conclude that they are localized around the conserved ATPase nucleotide-binding pocket. Transgenic plants containing these versions of Rx retained broad-spectrum resistance against PVX strains and PopMV without systemic necrosis: The cost of RxM1 resistance had been eliminated. The results show that Rx can be enhanced by a stepwise process that targets both recognition and activation mechanisms. Based on these results, we suggest that artificial evolution could be a useful enhancement of all disease resistance that is to be transferred by genetic manipulation of NB-LRRs.  相似文献   

Auxin binding protein 1 (ABP1) has been studied for decades. It has been suggested that ABP1 functions as an auxin receptor and has an essential role in many developmental processes. Here we present our unexpected findings that ABP1 is neither required for auxin signaling nor necessary for plant development under normal growth conditions. We used our ribozyme-based CRISPR technology to generate an Arabidopsis abp1 mutant that contains a 5-bp deletion in the first exon of ABP1, which resulted in a frameshift and introduction of early stop codons. We also identified a T-DNA insertion abp1 allele that harbors a T-DNA insertion located 27 bp downstream of the ATG start codon in the first exon. We show that the two new abp1 mutants are null alleles. Surprisingly, our new abp1 mutant plants do not display any obvious developmental defects. In fact, the mutant plants are indistinguishable from wild-type plants at every developmental stage analyzed. Furthermore, the abp1 plants are not resistant to exogenous auxin. At the molecular level, we find that the induction of known auxin-regulated genes is similar in both wild-type and abp1 plants in response to auxin treatments. We conclude that ABP1 is not a key component in auxin signaling or Arabidopsis development.The auxin binding protein 1 (ABP1) was first isolated from maize plants based on its ability to bind auxin (1). The crystal structure of ABP1 demonstrated clearly that ABP1 has an auxin-binding pocket and, indeed, binds auxin (2). However, the elucidation of the physiological functions of ABP1 has been challenging because the first reported abp1 T-DNA insertion mutant in Arabidopsis was not viable (3). Nevertheless, ABP1 has been recognized as an essential gene for plant development and as a key component in auxin signaling (49). Because viable abp1 null mutants in Arabidopsis were previously unavailable, alternative approaches have been used to disrupt ABP1 function in Arabidopsis to determine the physiological roles of the protein. Cellular immunization approaches were used to generate ABP1 knockdown plants (10, 11). Inducible overexpression of the single chain fragment variable regions (scFv12) of the anti-ABP1 monoclonal antibody mAb12 both in cell lines and in Arabidopsis plants presumably neutralizes the endogenous ABP1 activities (10, 11). Two such antibody lines, SS12S and SS12K, have been widely used in many ABP1-related studies (4, 6, 911). The results obtained from the characterization of the antibody lines suggest that ABP1 regulates cell division, cell expansion, meristem activities, and root development (4, 6, 10, 12, 13). Transgenic plants that overexpress ABP1 antisense RNA were also used to elucidate the physiological functions of ABP1 (4, 10). Moreover, missense point mutation alleles of abp1 have also been generated through the Arabidopsis TILLING project. One such TILLING mutant, named abp1-5, harbors a mutation (His94 >Tyr) in the auxin-binding pocket and has been widely used in many ABP1-related studies (4, 8, 9). Previous studies based on the antisense lines, antibody lines, and Arabidopsis mutant alleles have led to the conclusion that ABP1 is essential for embryogenesis, root development, and many other developmental processes. However, the interpretation of results generated by using the ABP1 antisense and antibody lines are not straightforward and off-target effects have not been completely ruled out. We believe that characterization of abp1 null plants is urgently needed to unambiguously define the roles of ABP1 in auxin signaling and in plant development.In the past several years, studies of the presumed ABP1-mediated auxin signal transduction pathway were carried out in several laboratories. It has been hypothesized that ABP1 is an auxin receptor mediating fast, nongenomic effects of auxin (46, 8, 9), whereas the TIR1 family of F-box protein/auxin receptors are responsible for auxin-mediated gene regulation (14, 15). One of the proposed functions of ABP1 is to regulate subcellular distribution of PIN auxin efflux carriers (6, 9, 13). Furthermore, a recent report suggests that a cell surface complex consisting of ABP1 and transmembrane receptor-like kinases functions as an auxin receptor at the plasma membrane by activating the Rho-like guanosine triphosphatases (GTPases) (ROPs) in an auxin-dependent manner (8). ROPs have been reported to play a role in regulating cytoskeleton organization and PIN protein endocytosis (5, 6). However, it is important to unequivocally determine the biological processes that require ABP1 before extensive efforts are directed toward elucidating any ABP1-mediated signaling pathways.In this paper, we generate and characterize new abp1 null mutants in Arabidopsis. We are interested in elucidating the molecular mechanisms by which auxin regulates flower development because our previously identified auxin biosynthetic mutants display dramatic floral defects (1618). Because ABP1 was reported as an essential gene and ABP1 binds auxin (2, 3), we decided to determine whether ABP1 plays a role in flower development. We used our recently developed ribozyme-based CRISPR gene editing technology (19) to specifically inactivate ABP1 during flower development. Unexpectedly, we recovered a viable abp1 mutant (abp1-c1, c stands for alleles generated by using CRISPR) that contains a 5-bp deletion in the first exon of ABP1. We also isolated a T-DNA abp1 allele (abp1-TD1) that harbors a T-DNA insertion in the first exon of ABP1. We show that both abp1-c1 and abp1-TD1 are null mutants. Surprisingly, the mutants were indistinguishable from wild-type (WT) plants at all of the developmental stages we analyzed. Our data clearly demonstrate that ABP1 is not an essential gene and that ABP1 does not play a major role in auxin signaling and Arabidopsis development under normal growth conditions.  相似文献   

Lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases (LPMOs) exhibit a mononuclear copper-containing active site and use dioxygen and a reducing agent to oxidatively cleave glycosidic linkages in polysaccharides. LPMOs represent a unique paradigm in carbohydrate turnover and exhibit synergy with hydrolytic enzymes in biomass depolymerization. To date, several features of copper binding to LPMOs have been elucidated, but the identity of the reactive oxygen species and the key steps in the oxidative mechanism have not been elucidated. Here, density functional theory calculations are used with an enzyme active site model to identify the reactive oxygen species and compare two hypothesized reaction pathways in LPMOs for hydrogen abstraction and polysaccharide hydroxylation; namely, a mechanism that employs a η1-superoxo intermediate, which abstracts a substrate hydrogen and a hydroperoxo species is responsible for substrate hydroxylation, and a mechanism wherein a copper-oxyl radical abstracts a hydrogen and subsequently hydroxylates the substrate via an oxygen-rebound mechanism. The results predict that oxygen binds end-on (η1) to copper, and that a copper-oxyl–mediated, oxygen-rebound mechanism is energetically preferred. The N-terminal histidine methylation is also examined, which is thought to modify the structure and reactivity of the enzyme. Density functional theory calculations suggest that this posttranslational modification has only a minor effect on the LPMO active site structure or reactivity for the examined steps. Overall, this study suggests the steps in the LPMO mechanism for oxidative cleavage of glycosidic bonds.Carbohydrates are the most diverse set of biomolecules, and thus, many enzyme classes have evolved to assemble, modify, and depolymerize carbohydrates, including glycosyltransferases, glycoside hydrolases, carbohydrate esterases, and polysaccharide lyases (1). Recently, a new enzymatic paradigm was discovered that employs copper-dependent oxidation to cleave glycosidic bonds in polysaccharides (213). These newly classified enzymes, termed lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases (LPMOs), broadly resemble other copper monooxygenases and some hydroxylation catalysts (1421).The discovery that LPMOs use an oxidative mechanism has attracted interest both because it is a unique paradigm for carbohydrate modification that employs a powerful C–H activation mechanism, and also because LPMOs synergize with hydrolytic enzymes in biomass conversion to sugars because they act directly on the crystalline polysaccharide surface without the requirement for depolymerization (4, 22, 23), making them of interest in biofuels production. LPMOs were originally characterized as Family 61 glycoside hydrolases (GH61s, reclassified as auxiliary activity 9, AA9) or Family 33 carbohydrate-binding modules (CBM33s, reclassified as AA10), which are structurally similar enzymes found in fungi and nonfungal organisms (22), respectively. In 2005, Vaaje-Kolstad et al. described the synergism (24) of a chitin-active CBM33 (chitin-binding protein, CBP21) with hydrolases, but the mechanism was not apparent. Harris et al. demonstrated that a GH61 boosts hydrolytic enzyme activity on lignocellulosic biomass (2). Vaaje-Kolstad et al. subsequently showed that CBP21 employs an oxidative mechanism to cleave glycosidic linkages in chitin (4).Following these initial discoveries, multiple features of LPMOs have been elucidated. LPMOs use copper (57) and produce either aldonic acids or 4-keto sugars at oxidized chain ends, believed to result from hydroxylation at the C1 or C4 carbon, respectively. Hydroxylation at the C1 carbon is proposed to spontaneously undergo elimination to a lactone followed by hydrolytic ring opening to an aldonic acid, whereas hydroxylation and elimination at C4 yields a 4-keto sugar at the nonreducing end (512). The active site is a mononuclear type(II) copper center ligated by a “histidine brace” (5, 12), comprising a bidentate N-terminal histidine ligand via the amino terminus and an imidazole ring nitrogen atom and another histidine residue also via a ring nitrogen atom. Hemsworth et al. reported a bacterial LPMO structure wherein the active site copper ion was photoreduced to Cu(I) (12), and Aachmann et al. demonstrated that Cu(I) binds with higher affinity than Cu(II) in CBP21 (13). A structural study of a fungal LPMO revealed an N-terminal methylation on a nitrogen atom in the imidazole ring of unknown function (5), but some LPMOs are active without this modification (6, 11). LPMOs require reducing agents for activity such as ascorbate (28, 1012), and cellobiose dehydrogenase (CDH), a common fungal secretome component, can potentiate LPMO activity in lieu of a small-molecule reducing agent (7, 8).Overall, many structural and mechanistic insights have been reported since the discoveries that LPMOs are oxidative enzymes (410). However, many questions remain regarding LPMO function (22, 25). Here, we examine the LPMO catalytic mechanism with density functional theory (DFT) calculations on an active site model (ASM) of a fungal LPMO. We seek to (i) understand the identity of the reactive oxygen species (ROS), (ii) compare two hypothesized catalytic mechanisms, and (iii) examine the role of N-terminal methylation in catalysis.  相似文献   

To dissect the kinetics of structural transitions underlying the stepping cycle of kinesin-1 at physiological ATP, we used interferometric scattering microscopy to track the position of gold nanoparticles attached to individual motor domains in processively stepping dimers. Labeled heads resided stably at positions 16.4 nm apart, corresponding to a microtubule-bound state, and at a previously unseen intermediate position, corresponding to a tethered state. The chemical transitions underlying these structural transitions were identified by varying nucleotide conditions and carrying out parallel stopped-flow kinetics assays. At saturating ATP, kinesin-1 spends half of each stepping cycle with one head bound, specifying a structural state for each of two rate-limiting transitions. Analysis of stepping kinetics in varying nucleotides shows that ATP binding is required to properly enter the one-head–bound state, and hydrolysis is necessary to exit it at a physiological rate. These transitions differ from the standard model in which ATP binding drives full docking of the flexible neck linker domain of the motor. Thus, this work defines a consensus sequence of mechanochemical transitions that can be used to understand functional diversity across the kinesin superfamily.Kinesin-1 is a motor protein that steps processively toward microtubule plus-ends, tracking single protofilaments and hydrolyzing one ATP molecule per step (16). Step sizes corresponding to the tubulin dimer spacing of 8.2 nm are observed when the molecule is labeled by its C-terminal tail (710) and to a two-dimer spacing of 16.4 nm when a single motor domain is labeled (4, 11, 12), consistent with the motor walking in a hand-over-hand fashion. Kinesin has served as an important model system for advancing single-molecule techniques (710) and is clinically relevant for its role in neurodegenerative diseases (13), making dissection of its step a popular ongoing target of study.Despite decades of work, many essential components of the mechanochemical cycle remain disputed, including (i) how much time kinesin-1 spends in a one-head–bound (1HB) state when stepping at physiological ATP concentrations, (ii) whether the motor waits for ATP in a 1HB or two-heads–bound (2HB) state, and (iii) whether ATP hydrolysis occurs before or after tethered head attachment (4, 11, 1420). These questions are important because they are fundamental to the mechanism by which kinesins harness nucleotide-dependent structural changes to generate mechanical force in a manner optimized for their specific cellular tasks. Addressing these questions requires characterizing a transient 1HB state in the stepping cycle in which the unattached head is located between successive binding sites on the microtubule. This 1HB intermediate is associated with the force-generating powerstroke of the motor and underlies the detachment pathway that limits motor processivity. Optical trapping (7, 19, 21, 22) and single-molecule tracking studies (4, 811) have failed to detect this 1HB state during stepping. Single-molecule fluorescence approaches have detected a 1HB intermediate at limiting ATP concentrations (11, 12, 14, 15), but apart from one study that used autocorrelation analysis to detect a 3-ms intermediate (17), the 1HB state has been undetectable at physiological ATP concentrations.Single-molecule microscopy is a powerful tool for studying the kinetics of structural changes in macromolecules (23). Tracking steps and potential substeps for kinesin-1 at saturating ATP has until now been hampered by the high stepping rates of the motor (up to 100 s−1), which necessitates high frame rates, and the small step size (8.2 nm), which necessitates high spatial precision (7). Here, we apply interferometric scattering microscopy (iSCAT), a recently established single-molecule tool with high spatiotemporal resolution (2427) to directly visualize the structural changes underlying kinesin stepping. By labeling one motor domain in a dimeric motor, we detect a 1HB intermediate state in which the tethered head resides over the bound head for half the duration of the stepping cycle at saturating ATP. We further show that at physiological stepping rates, ATP binding is required to enter this 1HB state and that ATP hydrolysis is required to exit it. This work leads to a significant revision of the sequence and kinetics of mechanochemical transitions that make up the kinesin-1 stepping cycle and provides a framework for understanding functional diversity across the kinesin superfamily.  相似文献   

Prochlorococcus is an abundant marine cyanobacterium that grows rapidly in the environment and contributes significantly to global primary production. This cyanobacterium coexists with many cyanophages in the oceans, likely aided by resistance to numerous co-occurring phages. Spontaneous resistance occurs frequently in Prochlorococcus and is often accompanied by a pleiotropic fitness cost manifested as either a reduced growth rate or enhanced infection by other phages. Here, we assessed the fate of a number of phage-resistant Prochlorococcus strains, focusing on those with a high fitness cost. We found that phage-resistant strains continued evolving toward an improved growth rate and a narrower resistance range, resulting in lineages with phenotypes intermediate between those of ancestral susceptible wild-type and initial resistant substrains. Changes in growth rate and resistance range often occurred in independent events, leading to a decoupling of the selection pressures acting on these phenotypes. These changes were largely the result of additional, compensatory mutations in noncore genes located in genomic islands, although genetic reversions were also observed. Additionally, a mutator strain was identified. The similarity of the evolutionary pathway followed by multiple independent resistant cultures and clones suggests they undergo a predictable evolutionary pathway. This process serves to increase both genetic diversity and infection permutations in Prochlorococcus populations, further augmenting the complexity of the interaction network between Prochlorococcus and its phages in nature. Last, our findings provide an explanation for the apparent paradox of a multitude of resistant Prochlorococcus cells in nature that are growing close to their maximal intrinsic growth rates.Large bacterial populations are present in the oceans, playing important roles in primary production and the biogeochemical cycling of matter. These bacterial communities are highly diverse (14) yet form stable and reproducible bacterial assemblages under similar environmental conditions (57).These bacteria are present together with high abundances of viruses (phages) that have the potential to infect and kill them (811). Although studied only rarely in marine organisms (1216), this coexistence is likely to be the result of millions of years of coevolution between these antagonistic interacting partners, as has been well documented for other systems (1720). From the perspective of the bacteria, survival entails the selection of cells that are resistant to infection, preventing viral production and enabling the continuation of the cell lineage. Resistance mechanisms include passively acquired spontaneous mutations in cell surface molecules that prevent phage entry into the cell and other mechanisms that actively terminate phage infection intracellularly, such as restriction–modification systems and acquired resistance by CRISPR-Cas systems (21, 22). Mutations in the phage can also occur that circumvent these host defenses and enable the phage to infect the recently emerged resistant bacterium (23).Acquisition of resistance by bacteria is often associated with a fitness cost. This cost is frequently, but not always, manifested as a reduction in growth rate (2427). Recently, an additional type of cost of resistance was identified, that of enhanced infection whereby resistance to one phage leads to greater susceptibility to other phages (14, 15, 28).Over the years, a number of models have been developed to explain coexistence in terms of the above coevolutionary processes and their costs (16, 2932). In the arms race model, repeated cycles of host mutation and virus countermutation occur, leading to increasing breadths of host resistance and viral infectivity. However, experimental evidence generally indicates that such directional arms race dynamics do not continue indefinitely (25, 33, 34). Therefore, models of negative density-dependent fluctuations due to selective trade-offs, such as kill-the-winner, are often invoked (20, 33, 35, 36). In these models, fluctuations are generally considered to occur between rapidly growing competition specialists that are susceptible to infection and more slowly growing resistant strains that are considered defense specialists. Such negative density-dependent fluctuations are also likely to occur between strains that have differences in viral susceptibility ranges, such as those that would result from enhanced infection (30).The above coevolutionary processes are considered to be among the major mechanisms that have led to and maintain diversity within bacterial communities (32, 35, 3739). These processes also influence genetic microdiversity within populations of closely related bacteria. This is especially the case for cell surface-related genes that are often localized to genomic islands (14, 40, 41), regions of high gene content, and gene sequence variability among members of a population. As such, populations in nature display an enormous degree of microdiversity in phage susceptibility regions, potentially leading to an assortment of subpopulations with different ranges of susceptibility to coexisting phages (4, 14, 30, 40).Prochlorococcus is a unicellular cyanobacterium that is the numerically dominant photosynthetic organism in vast oligotrophic expanses of the open oceans, where it contributes significantly to primary production (42, 43). Prochlorococcus consists of a number of distinct ecotypes (4446) that form stable and reproducible population structures (7). These populations coexist in the oceans with tailed double-stranded DNA phage populations that infect them (4749).Previously, we found that resistance to phage infection occurs frequently in two high-light–adapted Prochlorococcus ecotypes through spontaneous mutations in cell surface-related genes (14). These genes are primarily localized to genomic island 4 (ISL4) that displays a high degree of genetic diversity in environmental populations (14, 40). Although about a third of Prochlorococcus-resistant strains had no detectable associated cost, the others came with a cost manifested as either a slower growth rate or enhanced infection by other phages (14). In nature, Prochlorococcus seems to be growing close to its intrinsic maximal growth rate (5052). This raises the question as to the fate of emergent resistant Prochlorococcus lineages in the environment, especially when resistance is accompanied with a high growth rate fitness cost.To begin addressing this question, we investigated the phenotype of Prochlorococcus strains with time after the acquisition of resistance. We found that resistant strains evolved toward an improved growth rate and a reduced resistance range. Whole-genome sequencing and PCR screening of many of these strains revealed that these phenotypic changes were largely due to additional, compensatory mutations, leading to increased genetic diversity. These findings suggest that the oceans are populated with rapidly growing Prochlorococcus cells with varying degrees of resistance and provide an explanation for how a multitude of presumably resistant Prochlorococcus cells are growing close to their maximal known growth rate in nature.  相似文献   

DNA polymorphisms are important markers in genetic analyses and are increasingly detected by using genome resequencing. However, the presence of repetitive sequences and structural variants can lead to false positives in the identification of polymorphic alleles. Here, we describe an analysis strategy that minimizes false positives in allelic detection and present analyses of recently published resequencing data from Arabidopsis meiotic products and individual humans. Our analysis enables the accurate detection of sequencing errors, small insertions and deletions (indels), and structural variants, including large reciprocal indels and copy number variants, from comparisons between the resequenced and reference genomes. We offer an alternative interpretation of the sequencing data of meiotic products, including the number and type of recombination events, to illustrate the potential for mistakes in single-nucleotide polymorphism calling. Using these examples, we propose that the detection of DNA polymorphisms using resequencing data needs to account for nonallelic homologous sequences.DNA polymorphisms are ubiquitous genetic variations among individuals and include single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), insertions and deletions (indels), and other larger rearrangements (13) (Fig. 1 A and B). They can have phenotypic consequences and also serve as molecular markers for genetic analyses, facilitating linkage and association studies of genetic diseases, and other traits in humans (46), animals, plants, (710) and other organisms. Using DNA polymorphisms for modern genetic applications requires low-error, high-throughput analytical strategies. Here, we illustrate the use of short-read next-generation sequencing (NGS) data to detect DNA polymorphisms in the context of whole-genome analysis of meiotic products.Open in a separate windowFig. 1.(A) SNPs and small indels between two ecotype genomes. (B) Possible types of SVs. Col genotypes are marked in blue and Ler in red. Arrows indicate DNA segments involved in SVs between the two ecotypes. (C) Meiotic recombination events including a CO and a GC (NCO). Centromeres are denoted by yellow dots.There are many methods for detecting SNPs (1114) and structural variants (SVs) (1525), including NGS, which can capture nearly all DNA polymorphisms (2628). This approach has been widely used to analyze markers in crop species such as rice (29), genes associated with diseases (6, 26), and meiotic recombination in yeast and plants (30, 31). However, accurate identification of DNA polymorphisms can be challenging, in part because short-read sequencing data have limited information for inferring chromosomal context.Genomes usually contain repetitive sequences that can differ in copy number between individuals (2628, 31); therefore, resequencing analyses must account for chromosomal context to avoid mistaking highly similar paralogous sequences for polymorphisms. Here, we use recently published datasets to describe several DNA sequence features that can be mistaken as allelic (32, 33) and describe a strategy for differentiating between repetitive sequences and polymorphic alleles. We illustrate the effectiveness of these analyses by examining the reported polymorphisms from the published datasets.Meiotic recombination is initiated by DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) catalyzed by the topoisomerase-like SPORULATION 11 (SPO11). DSBs are repaired as either crossovers (COs) between chromosomes (Fig. 1C), or noncrossovers (NCOs). Both COs and NCOs can be accompanied by gene conversion (GC) events, which are the nonreciprocal transfer of sequence information due to the repair of heteroduplex DNA during meiotic recombination. Understanding the control of frequency and distribution of CO and NCO (including GC) events has important implications for human health (including cancer and aneuploidy), crop breeding, and the potential for use in genome engineering. COs can be detected relatively easily by using polymorphic markers in the flanking sequences, but NCO products can only be detected if they are accompanied by a GC event. Because GCs associated with NCO result in allelic changes at polymorphic sites without exchange of flanking sequences, they are more difficult to detect. Recent advances in DNA sequencing have made the analysis of meiotic NCOs more feasible (3032, 34); however, SVs present a challenge in these analyses. We recommend a set of guidelines for detection of DNA polymorphisms by using genomic resequencing short-read datasets. These measures improve the accuracy of a wide range of analyses by using genomic resequencing, including estimation of COs, NCOs, and GCs.  相似文献   

Protein toxins from tarantula venom alter the activity of diverse ion channel proteins, including voltage, stretch, and ligand-activated cation channels. Although tarantula toxins have been shown to partition into membranes, and the membrane is thought to play an important role in their activity, the structural interactions between these toxins and lipid membranes are poorly understood. Here, we use solid-state NMR and neutron diffraction to investigate the interactions between a voltage sensor toxin (VSTx1) and lipid membranes, with the goal of localizing the toxin in the membrane and determining its influence on membrane structure. Our results demonstrate that VSTx1 localizes to the headgroup region of lipid membranes and produces a thinning of the bilayer. The toxin orients such that many basic residues are in the aqueous phase, all three Trp residues adopt interfacial positions, and several hydrophobic residues are within the membrane interior. One remarkable feature of this preferred orientation is that the surface of the toxin that mediates binding to voltage sensors is ideally positioned within the lipid bilayer to favor complex formation between the toxin and the voltage sensor.Protein toxins from venomous organisms have been invaluable tools for studying the ion channel proteins they target. For example, in the case of voltage-activated potassium (Kv) channels, pore-blocking scorpion toxins were used to identify the pore-forming region of the channel (1, 2), and gating modifier tarantula toxins that bind to S1–S4 voltage-sensing domains have helped to identify structural motifs that move at the protein–lipid interface (35). In many instances, these toxin–channel interactions are highly specific, allowing them to be used in target validation and drug development (68).Tarantula toxins are a particularly interesting class of protein toxins that have been found to target all three families of voltage-activated cation channels (3, 912), stretch-activated cation channels (1315), as well as ligand-gated ion channels as diverse as acid-sensing ion channels (ASIC) (1621) and transient receptor potential (TRP) channels (22, 23). The tarantula toxins targeting these ion channels belong to the inhibitor cystine knot (ICK) family of venom toxins that are stabilized by three disulfide bonds at the core of the molecule (16, 17, 2431). Although conventional tarantula toxins vary in length from 30 to 40 aa and contain one ICK motif, the recently discovered double-knot toxin (DkTx) that specifically targets TRPV1 channels contains two separable lobes, each containing its own ICK motif (22, 23).One unifying feature of all tarantula toxins studied thus far is that they act on ion channels by modifying the gating properties of the channel. The best studied of these are the tarantula toxins targeting voltage-activated cation channels, where the toxins bind to the S3b–S4 voltage sensor paddle motif (5, 3236), a helix-turn-helix motif within S1–S4 voltage-sensing domains that moves in response to changes in membrane voltage (3741). Toxins binding to S3b–S4 motifs can influence voltage sensor activation, opening and closing of the pore, or the process of inactivation (4, 5, 36, 4246). The tarantula toxin PcTx1 can promote opening of ASIC channels at neutral pH (16, 18), and DkTx opens TRPV1 in the absence of other stimuli (22, 23), suggesting that these toxin stabilize open states of their target channels.For many of these tarantula toxins, the lipid membrane plays a key role in the mechanism of inhibition. Strong membrane partitioning has been demonstrated for a range of toxins targeting S1–S4 domains in voltage-activated channels (27, 44, 4750), and for GsMTx4 (14, 50), a tarantula toxin that inhibits opening of stretch-activated cation channels in astrocytes, as well as the cloned stretch-activated Piezo1 channel (13, 15). In experiments on stretch-activated channels, both the d- and l-enantiomers of GsMTx4 are active (14, 50), implying that the toxin may not bind directly to the channel. In addition, both forms of the toxin alter the conductance and lifetimes of gramicidin channels (14), suggesting that the toxin inhibits stretch-activated channels by perturbing the interface between the membrane and the channel. In the case of Kv channels, the S1–S4 domains are embedded in the lipid bilayer and interact intimately with lipids (48, 51, 52) and modification in the lipid composition can dramatically alter gating of the channel (48, 5356). In one study on the gating of the Kv2.1/Kv1.2 paddle chimera (53), the tarantula toxin VSTx1 was proposed to inhibit Kv channels by modifying the forces acting between the channel and the membrane. Although these studies implicate a key role for the membrane in the activity of Kv and stretch-activated channels, and for the action of tarantula toxins, the influence of the toxin on membrane structure and dynamics have not been directly examined. The goal of the present study was to localize a tarantula toxin in membranes using structural approaches and to investigate the influence of the toxin on the structure of the lipid bilayer.  相似文献   

Necrosis and ethylene-inducing peptide 1 (Nep1)-like proteins (NLPs) are secreted by a wide range of plant-associated microorganisms. They are best known for their cytotoxicity in dicot plants that leads to the induction of rapid tissue necrosis and plant immune responses. The biotrophic downy mildew pathogen Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis encodes 10 different noncytotoxic NLPs (HaNLPs) that do not cause necrosis. We discovered that these noncytotoxic NLPs, however, act as potent activators of the plant immune system in Arabidopsis thaliana. Ectopic expression of HaNLP3 in Arabidopsis triggered resistance to H. arabidopsidis, activated the expression of a large set of defense-related genes, and caused a reduction of plant growth that is typically associated with strongly enhanced immunity. N- and C-terminal deletions of HaNLP3, as well as amino acid substitutions, pinpointed to a small central region of the protein that is required to trigger immunity, indicating the protein acts as a microbe-associated molecular pattern (MAMP). This was confirmed in experiments with a synthetic peptide of 24 aa, derived from the central part of HaNLP3 and corresponding to a conserved region in type 1 NLPs that induces ethylene production, a well-known MAMP response. Strikingly, corresponding 24-aa peptides of fungal and bacterial type 1 NLPs were also able to trigger immunity in Arabidopsis. The widespread phylogenetic distribution of type 1 NLPs makes this protein family (to our knowledge) the first proteinaceous MAMP identified in three different kingdoms of life.Immune responses in plants generally start by receptor-mediated detection of nonself molecules that are conserved among different classes of microbes, both beneficial and pathogenic (1). These molecules often have essential functions in microbial fitness (2) and are known as microbe-associated molecular patterns (MAMPs). Upon their perception by the plant, MAMPs trigger basal immune responses (3), e.g., ethylene biosynthesis, production of reactive oxygen species, release of antimicrobial compounds (4), and in certain cases programmed cell death (2). Collectively, these responses contribute to resistance against nonadapted pathogens [MAMP-triggered immunity (MTI)].MAMPs of plant-infecting microbes have been described for bacteria, fungi, and oomycetes. Three characterized bacterial MAMPs are flagellin (5), EF-Tu (6), and peptidoglycan (7). Flagellin is the main protein of the bacterial flagellum, which is used by eubacteria for movement. A highly conserved fragment of 22 aa, named flg22 (5), is sufficient to activate MTI in Arabidopsis and other plant species. Elongation factor thermo unstable (EF-Tu) is an abundant and conserved bacterial protein that plays a central role in the elongation phase of protein synthesis. An 18-aa domain of EF-Tu, named elf18, is recognized as a MAMP in Brassicaceae species, but not in other tested plant families (6). Peptidoglycan (PGN), the third characterized bacterial MAMP, is a major structural component of most bacterial cell walls. PGN, consisting of strands of alternating N-acetylglucosamine and N-acetylmuramic acid residues, triggers immunity in Arabidopsis (7). An important fungal MAMP is chitin, a structural component of all fungal cell walls. Plants are able to recognize chitin, and fragments of 4–10 N-acetylglucosamine residues are the most potent inducers of defense (8). Recently, a second fungal MAMP was identified, a secreted polygalacturonase of Botrytis cinerea that triggers immunity in Arabidopsis (9).Four oomycete-derived MAMPs have been identified to date (10): (i) heptaglucoside fragments, originating from branched β-glucans that are major cell wall polysaccharides, and that trigger defense responses in many Fabaceous plants (11); (ii) glycoprotein 42, a calcium-dependent transglutaminase that functions in irreversible protein cross-linking and is abundant in Phytophthora cell walls, and a 13-aa peptide fragment thereof that elicit MTI responses in parsley (12) and potato (13); (iii) elicitins, secreted proteins with sterol-binding activity (14), which provoke necrosis in Nicotiana plants through induction of cell death (15); and (iv) the Phytophthora cellulose-binding elicitor lectin, which is thought to cause perturbation of the cell wall cellulose status, thereby triggering necrosis and MTI in tobacco and Arabidopsis (16, 17). Other groups of cell death-inducing proteins may also qualify as MAMPs based on their widespread occurrence among different pathogens (2), e.g., the Crinklers and the cytotoxic necrosis and ethylene-inducing peptide 1 (Nep1)-like proteins (NLPs) (10).Two major NLP types are found in bacteria, fungi, and oomycetes (18, 19) and are known to cause rapid necrosis and ethylene production in many dicot, but not in monocot plant species (18, 20). Type 2 NLPs differ from type 1 by an additional conserved second cysteine bridge and putative calcium-binding domain (19). In Arabidopsis, cytotoxic NLPs were found to activate immunity-related gene expression, which strongly overlapped with that induced by flg22 (21, 22). However, it was suggested that immune responses resulted from cytotoxicity. Moreover, necrosis was only induced upon treatment with the complete NLP protein (23). In vitro, cytotoxic NLPs cause rapid leakage of dicot membrane-derived vesicles, suggesting a direct cytolytic activity (24). The immunogenic effect of NLPs was therefore suggested to result from direct cellular damage (24), or release of damage-associated molecular patterns (3).Several plant-infecting oomycetes have large expansions of NLPs in their genomes (2527), suggesting that these proteins play an important role in the pathogen’s lifestyle. A clear virulence function was observed for NLPPcc of the rot bacterium Pectobacterium carotovorum (27). Also, individual deletion of two NLP genes in the fungus Verticillium dahliae resulted in reduced virulence on different host plants (28). Five other NLP genes in this fungus encode noncytotoxic proteins (29), a phenomenon that is also observed in oomycetes. When tested by transient expression in tobacco, necrosis was only induced by 1 out of 3 tested NLPs of Phytophthora infestans (30), 8 out of 33 NLPs of Phytophthora sojae (31), whereas not a single 1 of 10 NLPs of Hyaloperonospora arabidopsidis tested caused necrosis (26). In contrast to cytotoxic NLPs that are mainly expressed during necrotrophic stages of infection, noncytotoxic NLPs appear to be expressed early during infection (26, 30), suggesting they serve an, as-yet-unknown, function during penetration or initial colonization of the host.In our search for the biological function of noncytotoxic NLPs of H. arabidopsidis, transgenic HaNLP-expressing Arabidopsis plants were generated that were severely stunted. In this paper, we show that Arabidopsis responds to noncytotoxic HaNLPs and small peptide fragments thereof that are highly conserved in type 1 NLPs. The peptides activate ethylene production and other typical MAMP-triggered defense responses, but not tissue necrosis, indicating they act as a MAMP. NLPs are not restricted to a single class of microbes but present in a broad range of mostly plant-associated microbes (bacteria, fungi, and oomycetes) belonging to three kingdoms of life, making this a MAMP with an unprecedented broad taxonomic occurrence.  相似文献   

Tools to reliably measure Plasmodium falciparum (Pf) exposure in individuals and communities are needed to guide and evaluate malaria control interventions. Serologic assays can potentially produce precise exposure estimates at low cost; however, current approaches based on responses to a few characterized antigens are not designed to estimate exposure in individuals. Pf-specific antibody responses differ by antigen, suggesting that selection of antigens with defined kinetic profiles will improve estimates of Pf exposure. To identify novel serologic biomarkers of malaria exposure, we evaluated responses to 856 Pf antigens by protein microarray in 186 Ugandan children, for whom detailed Pf exposure data were available. Using data-adaptive statistical methods, we identified combinations of antibody responses that maximized information on an individual’s recent exposure. Responses to three novel Pf antigens accurately classified whether an individual had been infected within the last 30, 90, or 365 d (cross-validated area under the curve = 0.86–0.93), whereas responses to six antigens accurately estimated an individual’s malaria incidence in the prior year. Cross-validated incidence predictions for individuals in different communities provided accurate stratification of exposure between populations and suggest that precise estimates of community exposure can be obtained from sampling a small subset of that community. In addition, serologic incidence predictions from cross-sectional samples characterized heterogeneity within a community similarly to 1 y of continuous passive surveillance. Development of simple ELISA-based assays derived from the successful selection strategy outlined here offers the potential to generate rich epidemiologic surveillance data that will be widely accessible to malaria control programs.Many countries have extensive programs to reduce the burden of Plasmodium falciparum (Pf), the parasite responsible for most malaria morbidity and mortality (1). Effectively using limited resources for malaria control or elimination and evaluating interventions require accurate measurements of the risk of being infected with Pf (215). To reflect the rate at which individuals are infected with Pf in a useful way, metrics used to estimate exposure in a community need to account for dynamic changes over space and time, especially in response to control interventions (1618).A variety of metrics can be used to estimate Pf exposure, but tools that are more precise and low cost are needed for population surveillance. Existing metrics have varying intrinsic levels of precision and accuracy and are subject to a variety of extrinsic factors, such as cost, time, and availability of trained personnel (19). For example, entomological measurements provide information on mosquito to human transmission for a community but are expensive, require specially trained staff, and lack standardized procedures, all of which reduce precision and/or make interpretation difficult (1922). Parasite prevalence can be measured by detecting parasites in the blood of individuals from a cross-sectional sample of a community and is, therefore, relatively simple and inexpensive to perform, but results may be imprecise, especially in areas of low transmission (19, 23), and biased by a number of factors, including immunity and access to antimalarial treatment (5, 6, 19, 2325). The burden of symptomatic disease in a community can be estimated from routine health systems data; however, such data are frequently unreliable (5, 2628) and generally underestimate the prevalence of Pf infection in areas of intense transmission. Precise and quantitative information about exposure at an individual level can be reliably obtained from cohort studies by measuring the incidence of asymptomatic and/or symptomatic Pf infection (i.e., by measuring the molecular force of infection) (2935). Unfortunately, the expense of cohort studies limits their use to research settings. The end result is that most malaria-endemic regions lack reliable, timely data on Pf exposure, limiting the capabilities of malaria control programs to guide and evaluate interventions.Serologic assays offer the potential to provide incidence estimates for symptomatic and asymptomatic Pf infection, which are currently obtained from cohort studies, at the cost of cross-sectional studies (3638). Although Pf infections are transient, a record of infection remains detectable in an individual’s antibody profile. Thus, appropriately chosen antibody measurements integrated with age can provide information about an individual’s exposure history. Antibodies can be measured by simple ELISAs and obtained from dried blood spots, which are easy to collect, transport, and store (3941). Serologic responses to Pf antigens have been explored as potential epidemiological tools (4245), and estimated rates of seroconversion to well-characterized Pf antigens accurately reflect stable rates of exposure in a community, whereas distinct changes in these rates are obtained from successful interventions (22, 39, 41, 4653). However, current serologic assays are not designed to detect short-term or gradual changes in Pf exposure or measure exposure to infection at an individual level. The ability to calibrate antibody responses to estimates of exposure in individuals could allow for more flexible sampling of a population (e.g., not requiring age stratification), improve accuracy of exposure estimates from small sample sizes, and better characterize heterogeneity in exposure within a community.Different Pf antigens elicit antibody responses with different magnitudes and kinetics, providing a large and diverse set of potential biomarkers for exposure (38, 5458). We hypothesized that new and more highly informative serologic biomarkers better able to characterize an individual’s recent exposure history could be identified by analyzing antibody responses to a large number of candidate Pf antigens in participants with well-characterized exposure histories. To test this hypothesis, we probed plasma from participants in two cohort studies in Uganda against a protein microarray containing 856 Pf antigens. The primary aim of this analysis was to identify responses to select antigens that were most informative of recent exposure using robust, data-adaptive statistical methods. Each participant’s responses to these selected antigens were used as predictors for two primary outcomes of their recent exposure to Pf: (i) days since last Pf infection and (ii) the incidence of symptomatic malaria in the last year. These individual-level estimates were then aggregated across a population to assess community-level malaria exposure. The selection strategy presented here identified accurate biomarkers of exposure for children living in areas of moderate to high Pf exposure and illustrates the utility of this flexible and broadly applicable approach.  相似文献   

Despite their importance for humans, there is little consensus on the function of antibiotics in nature for the bacteria that produce them. Classical explanations suggest that bacteria use antibiotics as weapons to kill or inhibit competitors, whereas a recent alternative hypothesis states that antibiotics are signals that coordinate cooperative social interactions between coexisting bacteria. Here we distinguish these hypotheses in the prolific antibiotic-producing genus Streptomyces and provide strong evidence that antibiotics are weapons whose expression is significantly influenced by social and competitive interactions between competing strains. We show that cells induce facultative responses to cues produced by competitors by (i) increasing their own antibiotic production, thereby decreasing costs associated with constitutive synthesis of these expensive products, and (ii) by suppressing antibiotic production in competitors, thereby reducing direct threats to themselves. These results thus show that although antibiotic production is profoundly social, it is emphatically not cooperative. Using computer simulations, we next show that these facultative strategies can facilitate the maintenance of biodiversity in a community context by converting lethal interactions between neighboring colonies to neutral interactions where neither strain excludes the other. Thus, just as bacteriocins can lead to increased diversity via rock–paper–scissors dynamics, so too can antibiotics via elicitation and suppression. Our results reveal that social interactions are crucial for understanding antibiosis and bacterial community dynamics, and highlight the potential of interbacterial interactions for novel drug discovery by eliciting pathways that mediate interference competition.The discovery and development of antibiotics to fight bacterial diseases is one of the great triumphs in modern medicine (1). However, increasing rates of antimicrobial resistance require innovative strategies to replenish antimicrobial drug pipelines (2, 3). Several novel antibiotics have been discovered in previously unexplored habitats (4) or uncultured microbes (5). By contrast, a second potential source of novel agents, silent antibiotic gene clusters in well-characterized organisms, remains unexploited because the factors that elicit their production are unknown (1). Identifying these factors requires understanding the ecological and evolutionary roles of antibiotics in the competitive and social context in which they are used in nature (6, 7). Here we test the role of social and competitive dynamics on antibiosis in the prolific antibiotic-producing bacterial genus Streptomyces. Simultaneously, we distinguish competing hypotheses for the role of antibiotics in nature.Streptomycetes are a diverse group of filamentous bacteria that produce some two-thirds of all known antibiotics (8). Although the antibiotics they produce have classically been viewed as intermicrobial weapons (6, 9), this perspective is increasingly questioned on two grounds (1013). First, antibiotic concentrations in soil are believed to be too low to kill or inhibit competing bacteria (9). Second, subinhibitory (sub-MIC) concentrations of antibiotics induce responses in exposed organisms, such as increased biofilm formation (14) or expression of virulence genes (11, 15) that may benefit these target cells (10). Thus, rather than weapons, these arguments have led to the idea that antibiotics are cooperative signals (16) used for intercellular communication, that they are “collective regulators of the homeostasis of microbial communities” (12).However, evidence of response to sub-MIC antibiotic concentrations does not imply that antibiotics are signals or a form of communication. Communication can be partitioned according to the costs and benefits associated with production and response (17). A signal is a form of mutually beneficial communication between the sender of a signal and its recipient. A cue, by contrast, elicits a response that benefits only the recipient, sometimes to the detriment of the sender. Finally, suppression or attenuation (18) elicits a response that harms the recipient and benefits the producer (19, 20). Whereas signals are a form of cooperation, the unidirectional benefits associated with cues and suppression imply that these are forms of competition.Distinguishing whether antibiotics are cooperative signals or competitive weapons requires partitioning communication into these contrasting modes (6, 19, 20) and examining the role of antibiotics in the competitive and social context in which they are used.  相似文献   

Increasing rates of life-threatening infections and decreasing susceptibility to antibiotics urge development of an effective vaccine targeting Staphylococcus aureus. This study evaluated the efficacy and immunologic mechanisms of a vaccine containing a recombinant glycoprotein antigen (NDV-3) in mouse skin and skin structure infection (SSSI) due to methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA). Compared with adjuvant alone, NDV-3 reduced abscess progression, severity, and MRSA density in skin, as well as hematogenous dissemination to kidney. NDV-3 induced increases in CD3+ T-cell and neutrophil infiltration and IL-17A, IL-22, and host defense peptide expression in local settings of SSSI abscesses. Vaccine induction of IL-22 was necessary for protective mitigation of cutaneous infection. By comparison, protection against hematogenous dissemination required the induction of IL-17A and IL-22 by NDV-3. These findings demonstrate that NDV-3 protective efficacy against MRSA in SSSI involves a robust and complementary response integrating innate and adaptive immune mechanisms. These results support further evaluation of the NDV-3 vaccine to address disease due to S. aureus in humans.The bacterium Staphylococcus aureus is the leading cause of skin and skin structure infections (SSSIs), including cellulitis, furunculosis, and folliculitis (14), and a common etiologic agent of impetigo (5), erysipelas (6), and superinfection in atopic dermatitis (7). This bacterium is a significant cause of surgical or traumatic wound infections (8, 9), as well as decuibitus and diabetic skin lesions (10). Moreover, SSSI is an important risk factor for systemic infection. The skin is a key portal of entry for hematogenous dissemination, particularly in association with i.v. catheters. S. aureus is now the second most common bloodstream isolate in healthcare settings (11), and SSSI is a frequent source of invasive infections such as pneumonia or endocarditis (12, 13). Despite a recent modest decline in rates of methicillin-resistant S. aureus (MRSA) infection in some cohorts (13), infections due to S. aureus remain a significant problem (14, 15). Even with appropriate therapy, up to one-third of patients diagnosed with S. aureus bacteremia succumb—accounting for more attributable annual deaths than HIV, tuberculosis, and viral hepatitis combined (16).The empiric use of antibiotics in healthcare-associated and community-acquired settings has increased S. aureus exposure to these agents, accelerating selection of resistant strains. As a result, resistance to even the most recently developed agents is emerging at an alarming pace (17, 18). The impact of this trend is of special concern in light of high rates of mortality associated with invasive MRSA infection (e.g., 15–40% in bacteremia or endocarditis), even with the most recently developed antistaphylococcal therapeutics (19, 20). Moreover, patients who experience SSSI due to MRSA exhibit high 1-y recurrence rates, often prompting surgical debridement (21) and protracted antibiotic treatment.Infections due to MRSA are a special concern in immune-vulnerable populations, including hemodialysis (22), neutropenic (23, 24), transplantation (25), and otherwise immunosuppressed patients (26, 27), and in patients with inherited immune dysfunctions (2831) or cystic fibrosis (32). Patients having deficient interleukin 17 (IL-17) or IL-22 responses (e.g., signal transduction mediators STAT3, DOCK8, or CARD9 deficiencies) exhibit chronic or “cold” abscesses, despite high densities of pathogens such as S. aureus (33, 34). For example, patients with Chronic Granulomatous Disease (CGD; deficient Th1 and oxidative burst response) have increased risk of disseminated S. aureus infection. In contrast, patients with Job’s Syndrome (deficient Th17 response) typically have increased risk to SSSI and lung infections, but less so for systemic S. aureus bacteremia (35, 36). This pattern contrasts that observed in neutropenic or CGD patients (37). These themes suggest efficacious host defenses against MRSA skin and invasive infections involve complementary but distinct molecular and cellular immune responses.From these perspectives, vaccines or immunotherapeutics that prevent or lessen severity of MRSA infections, or that enhance antibiotic efficacy, would be significant advances in patient care and public health. However, to date, there are no licensed prophylactic or therapeutic vaccine immunotherapies for S. aureus or MRSA infection. Unfortunately, efforts to develop vaccines targeting S. aureus capsular polysaccharide type 5 or 8 conjugates, or the iron-regulated surface determinant B protein, have not been successful thus far (38, 39). Likewise, passive immunization using monoclonal antibodies targeting the S. aureus adhesin clumping factor A (ClfA, tefibazumab) (40) or lipoteichoic acid (pagibaximab) (41) have not shown efficacy against invasive infections in human clinical studies to date. Moreover, the striking recurrence rates of SSSI due to MRSA imply that natural exposure does not induce optimal preventive immunity or durable anamnestic response to infection or reinfection. Thus, significant challenges exist in the development of an efficacious vaccine targeting diseases caused by S. aureus (42) that are perhaps not optimally addressed by conventional approaches.The NDV-3 vaccine reflects a new strategy to induce durable immunity targeting S. aureus. Its immunogen is engineered from the agglutinin-like sequence 3 (Als3) adhesin/invasin of Candida albicans, which we discovered to be a structural homolog of S. aureus adhesins (43). NDV-3 is believed to cross-protect against S. aureus and C. albicans due to sequence (T-cell) and conformational (B-cell) epitopes paralleled in both organisms (44). Our prior data have shown that NDV-3 is efficacious in murine models of hematogenous and mucosal candidiasis (45), as well as S. aureus bacteremia (4648). Recently completed phase I clinical trials demonstrate the safety, tolerability, and immunogenicity of NDV-3 in humans (49).  相似文献   

Embryonic stem cell-based therapies exhibit great potential for the treatment of Parkinson’s disease (PD) because they can significantly rescue PD-like behaviors. However, whether the transplanted cells themselves release dopamine in vivo remains elusive. We and others have recently induced human embryonic stem cells into primitive neural stem cells (pNSCs) that are self-renewable for massive/transplantable production and can efficiently differentiate into dopamine-like neurons (pNSC–DAn) in culture. Here, we showed that after the striatal transplantation of pNSC–DAn, (i) pNSC–DAn retained tyrosine hydroxylase expression and reduced PD-like asymmetric rotation; (ii) depolarization-evoked dopamine release and reuptake were significantly rescued in the striatum both in vitro (brain slices) and in vivo, as determined jointly by microdialysis-based HPLC and electrochemical carbon fiber electrodes; and (iii) the rescued dopamine was released directly from the grafted pNSC–DAn (and not from injured original cells). Thus, pNSC–DAn grafts release and reuptake dopamine in the striatum in vivo and alleviate PD symptoms in rats, providing proof-of-concept for human clinical translation.Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a chronic progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the specific loss of dopaminergic neurons in the substantia nigra pars compacta and their projecting axons, resulting in loss of dopamine (DA) release in the striatum (1). During the last two decades, cell-replacement therapy has proven, at least experimentally, to be a potential treatment for PD patients (27) and in animal models (815). The basic principle of cell therapy is to restore the DA release by transplanting new DA-like cells. Until recently, obtaining enough transplantable cells was a major bottleneck in the practicability of cell therapy for PD. One possible source is embryonic stem cells (ESCs), which can develop infinitely into self-renewable pluripotent cells with the potential to generate any type of cell, including DA neurons (DAns) (16, 17).Recently, several groups including us have introduced rapid and efficient ways to generate primitive neural stem cells (pNSCs) from human ESCs using small-molecule inhibitors under chemically defined conditions (12, 18, 19). These cells are nonpolarized neuroepithelia and retain plasticity upon treatment with neuronal developmental morphogens. Importantly, pNSCs differentiate into DAns (pNSC–DAn) with high efficiency (∼65%) after patterning by sonic hedgehog (SHH) and fibroblast growth factor 8 (FGF8) in vitro, providing an immediate and renewable source of DAns for PD treatment. Importantly, the striatal transplantation of human ESC-derived DA-like neurons, including pNSC–DAn, are able to relieve the motor defects in a PD rat model (1113, 15, 1923). Before attempting clinical translation of pNSC–DAn, however, there are two fundamental open questions. (i) Can pNSC–DAn functionally restore the striatal DA levels in vivo? (ii) What cells release the restored DA, pNSC–DAn themselves or resident neurons/cells repaired by the transplants?Regarding question 1, a recent study using nafion-coated carbon fiber electrodes (CFEs) reported that the amperometric current is rescued in vivo by ESC (pNSC–DAn-like) therapy (19). Both norepinephrine (NE) and serotonin are present in the striatum (24, 25). However, CFE amperometry/chronoamperometry alone cannot distinguish DA from other monoamines in vivo, such as NE and serotonin (Fig. S1) (see also refs. 2628). Considering that the compounds released from grafted ESC-derived cells are unknown, the work of Kirkeby et al. was unable to determine whether DA or other monoamines are responsible for the restored amperometric signal. Thus, the key question of whether pNSC–DAn can rescue DA release needs to be reexamined for the identity of the restored amperometric signal in vivo.Regarding question 2, many studies have proposed that DA is probably released from the grafted cells (8, 12, 13, 20), whereas others have proposed that the grafted stem cells might restore striatal DA levels by rescuing injured original cells (29, 30). Thus, whether the grafted cells are actually capable of synthesizing and releasing DA in vivo must be investigated to determine the future cellular targets (residual cells versus pNSC–DAn) of treatment.To address these two mechanistic questions, advanced in vivo methods of DA identification and DA recording at high spatiotemporal resolution are required. Currently, microdialysis-based HPLC (HPLC) (3133) and CFE amperometric recordings (34, 35) have been used independently by different laboratories to assess evoked DA release from the striatum in vivo. The major advantage of microdialysis-based HPLC is to identify the substances secreted in the cell-grafted striatum (33), but its spatiotemporal resolution is too low to distinguish the DA release site (residual cells or pNSC–DAn). In contrast, the major advantage of CFE-based amperometry is its very high temporal (ms) and spatial (μm) resolution, making it possible to distinguish the DA release site (residual cells or pNSC–DAn) in cultured cells, brain slices, and in vivo (3439), but it is unable to distinguish between low-level endogenous oxidizable substances (DA versus serotonin and NE) in vivo.In the present study, we developed a challenging experimental paradigm of combining the two in vivo methods, microdialysis-based HPLC and CFE amperometry, to identify the evoked substance as DA and its release site as pNSC–DAn in the striatum of PD rats.  相似文献   

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