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It is the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that the quality of life and nutritional status of older adults in long-term care, post-acute care, and other settings can be enhanced by individualized nutrition approaches. The Academy advocates that as part of the interprofessional team, registered dietitian nutritionists assess, evaluate, and recommend appropriate nutrition interventions according to each individual’s medical condition, desires, and rights to make health care choices. Nutrition and dietetic technicians, registered assist registered dietitian nutritionists in the implementation of individualized nutrition care, including the use of least restrictive diets. Health care practitioners must assess risks vs benefits of therapeutic diets, especially for frail older adults. Food is an essential component of quality of life; an unpalatable or unacceptable diet can lead to poor food and fluid intake, resulting in malnutrition and related negative health effects. Including older individuals in decisions about food can increase the desire to eat and improve quality of life.  相似文献   

Given the increasing number and diversity of older adults and the transformation of health care services in the United States, it is the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior that all older adults should have access to evidence-based food and nutrition programs that ensure the availability of safe and adequate food to promote optimal nutrition, health, functionality, and quality of life. Registered dietitian nutritionists and nutrition and dietetics technicians, registered, in partnership with other practitioners and nutrition educators, should be actively involved in programs that provide coordinated services between the community and health care systems that include regular monitoring and evaluation of programming outcomes. The rapidly growing older population, increased demand for integrated continuous support systems, and rising cost of health care underscore the need for these programs. Programs must include food assistance and meal programs, nutritional screening and assessment, nutrition education, medical nutrition therapy, monitoring, evaluation, and documentation of evidence-based outcomes. Coordination with long-term care services and support systems is necessary to allow older adults to remain in their homes; improve or maintain their health and manage chronic disease; better navigate transitions of care; and reduce avoidable hospital, acute, or long-term care facility admissions. Funding of these programs requires evidence of their effectiveness, especially regarding health, functionality, and health care–related outcomes of interest to individuals, caregivers, payers, and policy makers. Targeting of food and nutrition programs involves addressing unmet needs for services, particularly among those at high risk for poor nutrition. Registered dietitian nutritionists and nutrition and dietetics technicians, registered must increase programmatic efforts to measure outcomes to evaluate community-based food and nutrition services.Position StatementIt is the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics and the Society for Nutrition Education and Behavior that older adults should have access to evidence-based food and nutrition programs that ensure the availability of safe and adequate food to promote optimal nutrition, health, functionality, and quality of life. Registered dietitian nutritionists and nutrition and dietetics technicians, registered, in partnership with other practitioners and nutrition educators, should be actively involved in programs that provide coordinated services between the community and health care systems that include regular monitoring and evaluation of programming outcomes. The rapidly growing older population, increased demand for integrated continuous support systems, and rising cost of health care underscore the need for these programs.  相似文献   

Management in food and nutrition systems is presented with an ever-challenging tension between effective utilization of manpower resources, mechanical equipment, financial management, material production, and time constraints to produce optimal products. Management drives opportunities for personal development for multiple levels of its employee workforce. Given an increasing need to deliver high-quality food and services to satisfied customers, the Management in Food and Nutrition Systems Dietetic Practice Group, with guidance from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Quality Management Committee, has developed the Revised 2014 Standards of Professional Performance, which replace the 2009 Standards, as a tool for registered dietitian nutritionists working in food and nutrition systems management within health care and non−health care organizations. These Standards of Professional Performance consist of six domains of professionalism: Quality in Practice, Competence and Accountability, Provision of Services, Application of Research, Communication and Application of Knowledge, and Utilization and Management of Resources. Within each standard, specific indicators provide measurable action statements that illustrate how strong communication skills, attention to customer satisfaction, use of various resources, and application of personnel management principles can be applied to practice. The indicators describe three skill levels (ie, competent, proficient, and expert) for registered dietitian nutritionists managing food and nutrition systems.  相似文献   

Recent evidence examining adults infected with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has indicated a significant impact of malnutrition on health outcomes. Individuals who have multiple comorbidities, are older adults, or who are malnourished, are at increased risk of being admitted to the intensive care unit and of mortality from COVID-19 infections. Therefore, nutrition care to identify and address malnutrition is critical in treating and preventing further adverse health outcomes from COVID-19 infection. This document provides guidance and practice considerations for registered dietitian nutritionists providing nutrition care for adults with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 infection in the hospital, outpatient, or home care settings. In addition, this document discusses and provides considerations for registered dietitian nutritionists working with individuals at risk of malnutrition secondary to food insecurity during the COVID-19 pandemic.  相似文献   

In the United States, nutrition-related morbidities are rising steadily at rates corresponding to increasing overweight and obesity in the population. Such morbidities take huge tolls on personal health and impose high costs on health care systems. In 2019, the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics (Academy) and the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Foundation (Academy Foundation) embarked on a new project titled “The State of Food and Nutrition Series” to demonstrate the value of nutrition interventions led by registered dietitian nutritionists for individuals with the following 3 high-priority non-communicable diseases that affect many in the United States and globally: type 2 diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease, and hypertension. Poor nutritional status contributes to disease onset and progression in these non-communicable diseases, and appropriate medical nutrition therapy can prevent or delay worsening and ameliorate poor health outcomes. However, many people who have these conditions do not have access to an registered dietitian nutritionist, and consequently do not receive the nutrition care they need. On February 19-20, 2020 in Arlington, VA, as the first stage in The State of Food and Nutrition Series, the Academy and the Academy Foundation gathered health care policymakers, clinicians, and researchers from across the country for the State of Food and Nutrition Series Forum, where Academy leaders sought input to build a comprehensive research strategy that will quantify the impact of patient access to registered dietitian nutritionist–led nutrition interventions for type 2 diabetes mellitus, chronic kidney disease, and hypertension. This article summarizes the findings of that forum.  相似文献   

It is the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that early care and education (ECE) programs should achieve recommended benchmarks to meet children’s nutrition needs and promote children’s optimal growth in safe and healthy environments. Children’s dietary intake is influenced by a number of factors within ECE, including the nutritional quality of the foods and beverages served, the mealtime environments, and the interactions that take place between children and their care providers. Other important and related health behaviors that may influence the development of obesity include children’s physical activity, sleep, and stress within child care. Recent efforts to promote healthy eating and improve other health behaviors in ECE include national, state, and local policy changes. In addition, a number of interventions have been developed in recent years to encourage healthy eating and help prevent obesity in young children in ECE. Members of the dietetics profession, including registered dietitian nutritionists and nutrition and dietetics technicians, registered, can work in partnership with ECE providers and parents to help promote healthy eating, increase physical activity, and address other important health behaviors of children in care. Providers and parents can serve as role models to support these healthy behaviors. This Position Paper presents current evidence and recommendations for nutrition in ECE and provides guidance for registered dietitian nutritionists; nutrition and dietetics technicians, registered; and other food and nutrition practitioners working with parents and child-care providers. This Position Paper targets children ages 2 to 5 years attending ECE programs and highlights opportunities to improve and enhance children’s healthy eating while in care.  相似文献   

It is the position of the American Dietetic Association that all children and adolescents, regardless of age, sex, socioeconomic status, racial diversity, ethnic diversity, linguistic diversity, or health status, should have access to food and nutrition programs that ensure the availability of a safe and adequate food supply that promotes optimal physical, cognitive, social, and emotional growth and development. Appropriate food and nutrition programs include food assistance and meal programs, nutrition education initiatives, and nutrition screening and assessment followed by appropriate nutrition intervention and anticipatory guidance to promote optimal nutrition status. Food and nutrition programs create a safety net that ensures that children and adolescents at risk for poor nutritional intakes have access to a safe, adequate, and nutritious food supply and nutrition screening, assessment, and intervention. It is important that continued funding be provided for these programs, which consistently have been shown to have a positive impact on child and adolescent health and well-being. Food and nutrition programs serve as a means to prevent or reduce hunger and food insecurity, but also as a vehicle for nutrition education and promotion of physical activity designed to prevent or reduce overweight and prevent chronic disease. It is the role of the registered dietitian to support adequate and sustained funding for food and nutrition programs, universal health care reimbursement for nutrition services, and the use of research and surveillance programs to evaluate and improve these programs. In addition, the registered dietitian and dietetic technician, registered, are responsible for serving as a nutrition resource to all groups and individuals providing services to children and adolescents, acting as an advocate for the establishment of child-care, school, and community settings conducive to the development of good nutrition habits.  相似文献   

This Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Position Paper reports current evidence on pediatric overweight and obesity prevention interventions and discusses implications for registered dietitian nutritionists (RDNs). An overview of current systematic reviews provided evidence-based results from a range of nutrition interventions according to developmental age group (ages 2 to 5, 6 to 12, and 13 to 17 years). Twenty-one current systematic reviews of nutrition interventions demonstrated a beneficial effect of nutrition and physical activity interventions on body mass index measures and no adverse events were identified. RDNs impart nutrition expertise in a wide range of settings to provide comprehensive care for children and adolescents as their nutrition and developmental needs change over time. This Position Paper outlines the current roles of, and proposed directions for, RDNs engaged in pediatric overweight and obesity prevention. Prevention of pediatric overweight and obesity requires comprehensive strategies ranging from policy-level to individual-level interventions in settings that will have the most beneficial impact for children according to their developmental stage. This Position Paper advocates for increased availability of nutrition and food access programs and interventions to reduce risk of pediatric obesity and associated adverse health outcomes both now and for future generations.  相似文献   

In this article, we evaluate relationships between Nutrition Care Process (NCP) chain links and improvement or resolution of the nutrition diagnosis. We conducted a retrospective record review for 12 months in a single Veterans Health Administration health care system using the Veterans Health Administration–specific monitoring and evaluation terms, NCP terminology, and its etiology categories to evaluate outcomes. Logistic regression analysis revealed that the strongest predictor for diagnosis improvement was the etiology–intervention link. The odds of improving the nutrition diagnosis were 51.43 times higher when the etiology–intervention link was present. The odds of improving the nutrition diagnosis were 19.74 times higher when the evidence–diagnosis link was present and 9.46 times higher when the intervention–goal link was present. For every added nutrition visit by the registered dietitian nutritionist, the odds of improving the nutrition diagnosis increased by 32.5%. For every increased point on the NCP audit score, the odds of resolving or improving the nutrition diagnosis increased by 37.7%. When applying the NCP, the presence of the etiology–intervention link significantly improves the odds of resolving the nutrition diagnosis in a Veterans Health Administration population. For the first time, we show evidence that the NCP works as designed. Also, we demonstrate that the quality of NCP documentation impacts resolution of the diagnosis, and we describe the methodology for how to evaluate NCP outcomes. Registered dietitian nutritionists are encouraged to critically evaluate links of the NCP chain, assess NCP documentation for quality, and pursue follow-up visits to improve resolution of nutrition problems.  相似文献   

Vulnerable adult populations’ access to cost-effective medical nutrition therapy (MNT) for improving outcomes in chronic disease is poor or unquantifiable in most Health Resources & Services Association (HRSA)-funded health centers. Nearly 50% of the patients served at Federally Qualified Health Centers are enrolled in Medicaid; the lack of benefits and coverage for MNT is a barrier to care. Because the delivery of MNT provided by registered dietitian nutritionists is largely uncompensated, health centers are less likely to offer these evidence-based services and strengthen team-based care. The expected outcomes of MNT for adults with diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and other conditions align with the intent of several clinical quality measures of the Uniform Data System and quality improvement goals of multiple stakeholders. HRSA should designate MNT as an expanded service in primary care, require reporting of MNT and registered dietitian nutritionists in utilization and staffing data, and evaluate outcomes. Modification to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Prospective Payment System rules are needed to put patients over paperwork: HRSA health centers should be compensated for MNT provided on the same day as other qualifying visits. Facilitating the routine delivery of care by qualified providers will require coordinated action by multiple stakeholders. State Medicaid programs, Medicaid Managed Care Organizations, and other payers should expand benefits and coverage of MNT for chronic conditions, factor the cost of providing MNT into adequate and predictable payment streams and payment models, and consider these actions as part of an overall strategy for achieving value-based care.  相似文献   

The goals of nutrition intervention in HIV disease include early assessment and treatment of nutrient deficiencies, the maintenance and restoration of lean body mass, and support for activities of daily living and quality of life. The maintenance and restoration of nutritional stores is closely interrelated and interdependent with each of the other recommended medical therapies. Therefore, it is vital to the health of persons with HIV/AIDS to have access to the services of a registered dietitian, who is the essential member of the health care team for providing nutrition care (48). The registered dietitian should take an active role in developing nutrition care protocols for HIV/AIDS in their practice setting. The dietetic professional must take responsibility for obtaining and maintaining current knowledge in this area and take the lead in translating current nutrition knowledge and research into practical and realistic nutrition guidelines for the individual with HIV/AIDS. Further research is needed in the area of HIV/AIDS and nutrition. Registered dietitians and other members of the health care team are encouraged to conduct nutrition research in the area of nutrition interventions and outcomes of nutrition therapy. Additionally, government health related agencies, national AIDS-related organizations, and private industry should be encouraged to provide funding sources and support to the issue of research in nutrition related problems and interventions in HIV/AIDS.  相似文献   

It is the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that children and adolescents should have access to safe and healthy foods that promote physical, cognitive, and social growth and development. Federally funded nutrition assistance programs, such as food assistance, meal service, and nutrition education, play a vital role in ensuring that children and adolescents have access to the foods they need and in improving the overall nutrition and health environments of communities. Federally funded nutrition assistance programs help to ensure that children and adolescents receive safe, healthy foods that provide adequate energy and nutrients to meet their growth and development needs. These programs provide access to adequate food supplies to combat hunger and food insecurity; provide healthy foods to children and adolescents who have nutritional or medical risk factors, such as iron deficiency anemia; and provide nutrition education. In addition, federally funded nutrition assistance programs serve as a means to prevent or reduce obesity and other chronic diseases. It is important that permanent and full federal funding be provided for these programs, which have been consistently shown to have a positive impact on child and adolescent nutrition and health outcomes. Registered dietitian nutritionists and nutrition and dietetic technicians, registered—trained in food science, nutrition, and food systems to implement programs to monitor, evaluate, and improve the nutritional status of children and adolescents—are preeminently qualified to implement and evaluate nutrition assistance programs for children and adolescents.  相似文献   

It is the position of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics that nutrition informatics is a rapidly evolving area of practice for registered dietitian nutritionists and nutrition and dietetic technicians, registered; and that the knowledge and skills inherent to nutrition informatics permeate all areas of the dietetics profession. Further, nutrition and dietetics practitioners must continually learn and update their informatics knowledge and skills to remain at the forefront of nutrition practice. Nutrition informatics is the intersection of information, nutrition, and technology. However, informatics is not just using technology to do work. The essence of nutrition informatics is to manage nutrition data in combination with standards, processes, and technology to improve knowledge and practice that ultimately lead to improved quality of health care and work efficiency. Registered dietitian nutritionists and nutrition and dietetic technicians, registered, are already experts in using evidence to practice in all areas of nutrition and dietetics. To remain at the forefront of technological innovation, the profession must actively participate in the development of standards, processes, and technologies for providing nutrition care.  相似文献   

Public health nutrition personnel have been defined as those specialized nutrition professionals and paraprofessionals who provide nutrition services through agencies whose mandate is health protection and promotion, disease prevention, and/or primary care to people in the community. Educators preparing graduate level nutritionists for future demands of federal, state, and local public health programs must read the scientific, technological, and societal trends, including changes in demographics, health delivery systems, communications technologies, and consumer demands. As research more clearly defines the role of nutrition and diet in human health, nutritionists should be educated to monitor trends and be proactive in seeking emerging opportunities. It is nutritionists' responsibility to assure that scientific findings in nutrition, dietetics, and food science are considered in policy formulation as well as in the technical input into agency and community programs. The nutritionist who understands the changing values and life-styles of diverse populations uses acceptable techniques to motivate any necessary behavior changes. To be effective in the community, he/she uses community assessment, epidemiological, and program planning skills basic to public health practice. In the current climate of cost containment, the public health nutritionist will successfully compete for dwindling funds by managing programs with skill and documenting cost benefits and cost-effectiveness.  相似文献   

Using real-world data from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Health Informatics Infrastructure, we use state-of-the-art clustering techniques to identify 2 phenotypes characterizing the episodes of nutrition care observed in the National Quality Improvement (NQI) registry data set. The 2 phenotypes identified from recorded Nutrition Care Process data in the NQI exhibit a strong correspondence with the clinical expertise of registered dietitian nutritionists. For one of these phenotypes, it was possible to implement state-of-the-art classification techniques to predict the nutrition problem-resolution status of an episode of care. Prediction results show that the assessment of nutrition history, number of recorded visits in the episode, and use of nutrition counseling interventions were significantly and positively correlated with problem resolution. Meanwhile, evaluations of nutrition history that were not within the desired ranges were significantly and negatively correlated with problem resolution. Finally, we assess the usefulness of the current NQI data set and data model for supporting the application of contemporary machine learning methods to the data set. We also suggest ways of enhancing the NQI since registered dietitian nutritionists are encouraged to continue to contribute patient cases in this and other registry nutrition studies.  相似文献   

Personalization of nutrition advice is a process already familiar to registered dietitian nutritionists, but it is not yet clear whether incorporating genetic results as an added layer of precision improves nutrition-related outcomes. Therefore, an independent workgroup of experts, supported by the Academy’s Evidence Analysis Center staff, conducted a systematic review to examine the level of evidence measuring the effect of incorporating genetic testing results into nutrition counseling and care, compared to an alternative intervention or control group, on nutrition-related outcomes. This systematic review revealed that only weak quality evidence is available in the scientific literature and observed that this field is still maturing. Therefore, at present, there is insufficient scientific evidence to determine whether there are effects of incorporating genetic testing into nutrition practice. The workgroup prepared this Consensus Report based on this systematic review to provide considerations for the practical application of incorporating genetic testing into the nutrition care process.  相似文献   

Overweight and obesity affect most adults living in the United States and are causally linked to several adverse health outcomes. Registered dietitian nutritionists or international equivalents (dietitians) collaborate with each client and other health care professionals to meet client-centered goals, informed by the best available evidence, and translated through a lens of clinical expertise and client circumstances and preferences. Since the last iteration of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics guideline on adult weight management in 2014, considerable research has been conducted and circumstances confronting dietitians have evolved. Thus, updated guidance is needed. The objective of this evidence-based practice guideline is to provide recommendations for dietitians who deliver medical nutrition therapy behavioral interventions for adults (18 years and older) with overweight and obesity to improve cardiometabolic outcomes, quality of life, and weight outcomes, when appropriate for and desired by the client. Recommendations in this guideline highlight the importance of considering complex contributors to overweight and obesity and individualizing interventions to client-centered goals based on specific needs and preferences and shared decision making. The described recommendations have the potential to increase access to care and decrease costs through utilization of telehealth and group counseling as effective delivery methods, and to address other barriers to overweight and obesity management interventions. It is essential for dietitians to collaborate with clients and interprofessional health care teams to provide high-quality medical nutrition therapy interventions using the nutrition care process to promote attainment of client-centered outcomes for adults with overweight or obesity.  相似文献   

Obesity continues to be a major public health crisis, both nationally and globally. Metabolic and bariatric surgery has been proven to be a safe and effective treatment for this multifactorial chronic disease. However, inconsistent and varied results in bariatric nutrition literature have prevented the implementation of standardized guidelines. The purpose of this Evidence Analysis Library systematic review is to provide an evidence-based summary of nutrition-related practices in bariatric surgery. The systematic review methodology of the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics was applied. A total of 27 research studies were included, analyzed, and assessed for risk of bias by trained evidence analysts. The literature included in the systematic review was published from 2003 to 2015. Evaluation of the literature resulted in the development of five graded conclusion statements. Limited research demonstrates that registered dietitian nutritionists play a role in improving weight loss outcomes after bariatric surgery; further research is needed to understand the role of registered dietitian nutritionists in changing behaviors after bariatric surgery. Bariatric surgery results in significant reductions in resting metabolic rate and postoperative energy intake. There is no significant relationship between macronutrient distribution and postoperative weight loss. The graded conclusion statements provide registered dietitian nutritionists who practice in the field of bariatric nutrition with more insight and evidence that can guide and support their recommendations.  相似文献   

Management of food and nutrition systems (MFNS) encompasses the varied roles of registered dietitian nutritionists (RDNs) with administrative responsibilities for food and nutrition services within an organization. RDNs in MFNS are frequently employed in acute care, but also expand into a multitude of other settings in which management of nutrition and foodservice is required, for example, foodservice departments in assisted living and post-acute and long-term care; colleges and universities, kindergarten through grade 12 and pre-kindergarten schools and childcare; retail foodservice operations; correctional facilities; and companies that produce, distribute, and sell food products. RDNs in MFNS aim to create work environments that support high-quality customer-centered care and services, attract and retain talented staff, and foster an atmosphere of collaboration and innovation. The Management in Food and Nutrition Systems Dietetic Practice Group, with guidance from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Quality Management Committee, has revised the Standards of Professional Performance (SOPP) for RDNs in MFNS for 3 levels of practice: competent, proficient, and expert. The SOPP describes 6 domains that focus on professional performance: Quality in Practice, Competence and Accountability, Provision of Services, Application of Research, Communication and Application of Knowledge, and Utilization and Management of Resources. Indicators outlined in the SOPP depict how these standards apply to practice. The standards and indicators for RDNs in MFNS are written with the leader in mindto support an individual in a leadership role or who has leadership aspirations. The SOPP is intended to be used by RDNs for self-evaluation to assure competent professional practice.  相似文献   

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