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Five patients with jejunoileal shunt for morbid obesity in whom postshunt hyperoxaluria and recurrent urinary tract calculi developed are presented. All the stones were composed of calcium oxalate. The twenty-four hour urinary oxalic acid levels were also elevated in twenty of twenty-six patients who had had jejunoileal shunt for six months or longer. No correlation was present between urolithiasis and the degree of hyperoxaluria.  相似文献   

The urinary excretion of oxalate, calcium, citrate, magnesium, urate and creatinine and the inhibition of calcium oxalate crystal growth were determined in 30 patients operated with three different types of jejunoileal bypass. In addition the ion-activity products of calcium oxalate and calcium oxalate saturation were calculated. 15 of the patients had formed urolithiasis postoperatively. The patients were investigated on an out-patient basis with their ordinary diet. All patients had hyperoxaluria. The oxalate excretion did not seem to decrease with time after operation. The patients operated with a biliointestinal shunt had a significantly higher excretion of oxalate than those with the other two types of operation, indicating that variations in the anatomy of the small intestine after jejunoileal bypass might result in different absorption of oxalate or oxalate precursors. Urinary oxalate, calcium oxalate saturation and ion-activity products were higher whereas the excretion of calcium, magnesium and citrate was lower in patients than in controls. The urine volumes, excretion of creatinine and urate and inhibition of calcium oxalate crystal growth were equal in patients and controls. Analogous urine composition was found in patients both with and without urolithiasis with the exception of a higher magnesium excretion observed in stone formers.  相似文献   

H W Scott  Jr  A B Brill    R R Price 《Annals of surgery》1975,182(4):395-404
A clinical and body compositional study has been made of 150 patients with morbid obesity and their responses to four different dimensional alterations of jejunoileal bypass. Total body potassium was estimated by measuring 40K with the whole body counter and total body water by tritiated water dilution. Body compositional data derived from these measurements were compared in the 4 groups during followup periods up to 4 years and related to clinical results. Initially, patients were two or more times overweight due to excess (60 to 65%) body fat and increased hydration (21%) of lean tissues. The 80 end-to-end jejunoileal bypass procedures of Groups 3 and 4 (30 cm jejunum to 15 or 20 cm ileum) had better weight losses and clinical results in followup were rated "good" in 60% and 81% respectively. These results were accompanied by a greater degree of improvement in body composition than was observed in the other groups under study.  相似文献   

This study analyzed a group of morbidly obese patients who underwent jejunoileal bypass over a 10 year period. Patients underwent either a Payne or Scott procedure. Weight loss was reported in terms of percent of excessive weight loss. Results showed that patients who had a Payne bypass had an average excess weight loss of 75 percent, whereas those with the Scott bypass had an average excess weight loss of 61 percent. All patients lost weight. Complications in this series were lower than what has been traditionally reported. The problem that occurred most often was kidney stones (8 percent of the patients). There has been only one death to date. The low incidence of complications can be attributed to the fact that the patients were evaluated, operated on, supervised, and followed by one doctor and his associated nurses. Thus, it is proposed that jejunoileal bypass, compounded with good patient care and careful patient selection, can produce positive results with a minimum number of problems.  相似文献   

The effect of dietary cholesterol on the composition of human bile   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
L DenBesten  W E Connor  S Bell 《Surgery》1973,73(2):266-273

The jejunoileal bypass is an efficient surgical treatment for morbid obesity, but it has a high complication rate that necessitates reversal in about 25 percent of patients. Conversion to Roux-Y gastric bypass was associated with acceptable morbidity and provided excellent control of weight. On the other hand, conversion to gastric partition resulted in weight gain almost equal to that seen with simple reversal alone. Conversion to Roux-Y gastric bypass is an acceptable procedure in the surgical treatment of the unsuccessful jejunoileal bypass.  相似文献   

The effects of vagal stimulation by insulin and vagal blockade by atropine, separately and in combination, on bile volume and biliary lipid secretion were studied. Insulin caused a significant increase in acid secretion and bile salt secretion and a brisk choleretic response. Atropine produced a decrease in bile volume and bile salt output. The two together reduced insulin's action on acid secretion and blocked its effect on bile secretion. This suggests that the principal choleretic action of insulin is vagally mediated and the vagus nerve does influence basal bile secretion. The study also shows that bile salt output is increased by vagal stimulation and decreased by vagal blockade.  相似文献   

T B Hubbard  Jr 《Annals of surgery》1978,187(5):502-509
The symptoms of bypass enteritis are disabling sequelae in many patients after jejunoileal bypass. This is a preliminary report of efforts to devise a valve to prevent reflux into the bypassed intestine after jejunoileal bypass. Valve I (42 cases) was formed by dividing the ileum, everting the proximal end as one matures an ileostomy, and inserting this into the distal ileum. Only 12 of these valves were competent. Valve II (six cases) was formed by dividing the ileum and merely inserting the proximal bowel into the distal, allowing it to evert spontaneously as with an unmatured ileostomy. In two cases the valve was competent, but four cases became obstructed and this valve is mentioned only to be condemned. Valve III (19 cases) is similar to an isoperistaltic Kock valve, except that the intussuscepted ileum is first divested of its mesentery. All such valves have been competent. All 33 patients with a competent valve have been free of the stigmata of bypass enteritis, whereas 54% of 156 patients showed the symptoms of enteritis after conventional jejunoileal bypass.  相似文献   

In this article the authors report a patient with cholesterol gallstone formation shortly after a jejunoileal bypass for treatment of morbid obesity. The etiological factors for gallstones in the general population as well as jejunoileal bypassed patients are reviewed and discussed.  相似文献   

Fifty-five patients with failed jejunoileal bypasses underwent reanastomosis and gastric bypass at the same operation. One patient died of undetermined cause three months postoperatively. The 54 surviving patients were all relieved of their preoperative symptoms, and 40 patients achieved satisfactory weight control. Technical complications prevented weight loss in 13 patients: four were given pouches too large to be effective, and nine had late disruption of the staple line. Two patients gained weight despite the fact that their pouches were of appropriate size. Reanastomosis will reverse the side effects of jejunoileal bypass, and a properly performed gastric bypass at the same operation will afford protection against subsequent weight gain.  相似文献   

Gallbladder stasis, increased gallbladder absorption, and elevated biliary levels of calcium, hydrogen ion, and bilirubin have been implicated as factors potentially critical to cholesterol crystal precipitation. Previous studies, however, have analyzed bile only when crystals or gallstones have already formed. Therefore, we tested the hypothesis that changes in bile composition are a late effect, occurring only after crystal formation. Adult male prairie dogs were fed a standard nonlithogenic control diet (n = 7) or a lithogenic 1.2% cholesterol diet for 5, 9, or 14 days to cause cholesterol saturation (n = 7), cholesterol monohydrate crystals (n = 7), or gallstones (n = 7). Gallbladder bile was examined microscopically for crystals, and analyzed for ionized calcium, bilirubin, pH, total protein, and biliary lipids. The ratio of gallbladder to hepatic bile radiolabeled cholic acid specific activity (Rsa) was calculated as an index of gallbladder stasis. Cholesterol saturation index was calculated. The results demonstrate that increased gallbladder bile cholesterol saturation and total protein concentration precede cholesterol monohydrate crystal precipitation. However, changes in gallbladder ionized calcium, unconjugated bilirubin, pH, stasis, and absorption were noted only after crystals and gallstones had already formed. These data indicate that alterations in gallbladder bile calcium, bilirubin, pH, stasis, and absorption are not early changes, but occur simultaneously with or after crystal formation. Increased biliary protein, however, which was elevated prior to nucleation, may be an important mediator of cholesterol precipitation in cholesterol-saturated bile.  相似文献   

The correlation between the degree of morphological alterations of the hepatic tissues, changes in the chemical composition of bile and bile stone structure was established after comparing clinico-laboratory findings, results of examinations of liver bioptates, chemical composition of the bile and bile stones in 216 patients with cholelithiasis. The formation of cholesterol and mixed stones in the gallbladder is in correspondence with mild alterations of the liver tissue and colloid stability of the hepatic bile. The formation of pigment stones in the gallbladder and common bile duct is considered to be a symptom of chronic hepatitis followed by deep alterations of the chemical structure of hepatic bile.  相似文献   

A 13-year review of jejunoileal bypass   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
One hundred and eighty patients had a jejunoileal bypass performed during the years 1971-1982. By leaving only 14 in. (35 cm) of intestine in continuity a mean weight loss of 34.4 per cent (s.d. = 8.5) was achieved over 2 years and, unless the operation had to be reversed for complications, this weight loss was maintained. The improvement in quality of life for a majority of patients should not be undervalued. Two-thirds of patients required admission for complications and eight patients died (4 per cent). Many of these problems were provoked by an inability to control eating. There have been no hospital deaths since 1976 which we attribute to better management of complications and a policy of early reversal for patients with excessive weight loss and signs of metabolic failure. Despite performing jejunoileal bypass less often in recent years we are still frequently reversing patients with electrolyte disturbances, metabolic failure, urinary calculi or arthritis. Thirty patients (16.7 per cent) have been reversed, half more than 5 years after bypass. Metabolic failure may occur even after many years of stable weight reduction. Because this is not well known the insidious onset of new weight loss and malaise may not be recognized, or not associated with the bypass many years before. Indefinite outpatient surveillance is mandatory. Changes in the operation have not significantly affected results. There has been no serious liver dysfunction in the 7:7:CJ group but this may reflect better management of lesser metabolic disturbances. Jejunoileal bypass remains the most effective operation for gross obesity and, with experience, can be performed safely. However, the complication rate and difficulty maintaining satisfactory follow-up on large numbers of young patients makes it an unacceptable procedure on any major scale.  相似文献   

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