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王莉莎 《中国临床康复》2013,(6):M0004-M0005
打开电脑搜天下,2月的生日花里竟然有紫丁香?实在难以想出,在北方料峭寒风的2月,谁能够淘到一束紫丁香送给过生日的朋友?实在没有想到,“光辉”是紫丁香的花语?可屏幕上显示的视觉上看到的实实在在就是如此呀!那么,这里呈现的2月的紫丁香,是我心底的那株紫丁香吗?属于我的紫丁香该是啥模样?  相似文献   

王莉莎 《中国临床康复》2013,(7):M0004-M0005
打开电脑搜天下.2月的生日花里竟然有紫丁香?实在难以想出,在北方料峭寒风的2月,谁能够淘到一束紫丁香送给过生日的朋友?实在没有想到,“光辉”是紫丁香的花语?可屏幕上显示的视觉上看到的实实在在就是如此呀!  相似文献   

王莉莎 《中国临床康复》2013,(9):M0004-M0005
打开电脑搜天下,2月的生日花里竟然有紫丁香?实在难以想出,在北方料峭寒风的2月,谁能够淘到一束紫丁香送给过生日的朋友?实在没有想到,“光辉”是紫丁香的花语?可屏幕上显示的视觉上看到的实实在在就是如此呀!  相似文献   

卫竹翠 《家庭护士》2006,(9S):22-24
小编有位好友,是幼儿园老师,日子过得很滋润,每年暑假都要去旅游一番。前几天给她打电话,问:“哈喽,在哪里游?”“还没呢,要去西藏,火车票不好买。”电话那边的声音匆匆忙忙。西藏?火车票?我猛然明白了:7月1日,青藏铁路全程通车,她要去走“天路”。这厮,实在令我羡慕。可转念之间,我又是一惊:她要去西藏?就她那个身板儿?这厮太狂了,也不来向我咨询一下(要知道,我可是做过护士的,职称护师)。看来,小编我需要做一篇稿子了——[编者按]  相似文献   

白茹 《当代护士》2005,(1):49-49
北方小城,五月是紫丁香开放的时节,和其它植物不一样,她是先开花,再长叶,再结果,所以,紫丁香花开的时候,花朵在瘦骨鳞峋的枝干上绽开,那么骄傲,像是被一双双有力的大手爱惜地高高地举起,尤其是一场雨后,空气里到处都弥漫着它的芳香。  相似文献   

王莉莎 《中国临床康复》2014,(1):I0001-I0001
几个月前,湖南电视台推出的一档名叫《爸爸去哪儿》的亲予互动节目迅速蹿红,超萌的小不点和其酷酷的老爸们一起的真实表演,触动了亿万观众的内心。是不是也萌翻您啦?说实在的,本人对此栏目并不太感兴趣,但对湖南电视台的节目策划水平、对观众心里需求的认知水平,实在是打从心眼里佩服,他们的很多节目都常常会成为我学习的模板。  相似文献   

门诊部护士的职责之一就是解答患者提出的疑问,而最多见的则是患者要求我们对各种检验报告单给予合理的解释。怎样处理才有利于患者呢?1993年2月中旬,我曾遇到一例老年男性患者,由于对化验报告单上两项不正常的结果有疑问,要求我解答。报告单上示血糖8.20mmol/L(正常值4.l~60mmol/L),血尿酸70Umol/L(正常值1487~416.4Umol/L)。患者以往无糖尿病病史而有痛风病史多年,为什么会出现血糖升高,血尿酸明显偏低呢?我仔细翻阅了患者的病历,并询问了患者近期用药的情况,分析化验值可能是受药物因素影响的结果。一周前,…  相似文献   

从小到大,我一直是个爱美的女孩?可是,进入青春期发育阶段以来,我发觉。我的腿上、手上开始长毛了,开始并没有觉得什么。可随着年龄的增长,毛也不断地长。尤其是腿上的毛,叉黑叉长。听说这叫“多毛症”,是吗?我也试过用绝毛膏,但一点效果都没有。我已是20多岁的姑娘了,也渴望能够像别人一样穿着短裙短裤自信地走在大街上。帮帮我好吗?  相似文献   

娜尔丝: 我今年35岁,不知道是什么原因,在亲热的时候越来越干,渐渐地变得很疼。后来实在无法忍受,原本美好的享受变成煎熬,我开始拒绝让老公碰我。可是看着老公非常想的时候又很不忍心,而且老公的脾气也变得很急躁起来,我知道都是我身体的原因惹祸,这样下去肯定会影响到夫妻感情。后来我了解了一下,目前能够使阴道润滑的方法主要是使用雌激素和润滑剂,我对使用雌激素很担心,怕使用了以后患上乳腺癌之类的病,所以使用了润滑剂。但是使用润滑剂后,在做爱的时候还是有些疼,这是为什么呢?  相似文献   

第一次进精神科,我好不容易才克制住自己,没有夺门而逃。我可不是个刚出校门的青涩的小丫头哦,两年的护龄,应该足够让我镇定地处理很多事情了。但.今天,我实在无法镇定了。从昨天知道自己换科室的事情后,我昨晚一夜没睡着。虽然实习的时候去过精神科,但那是远远的看着,发个药打个针就走,还有老师跟着,不那么紧张。现在,我可是要单独的和这样一群人相处,甚至晚夜班。要单独的处理突发的事件,能不紧张吗?  相似文献   

Patients suffering from sustained acute or chronic illness often have decreased white blood cell and platelet counts as well as anemia, and bone marrow studies routinely show only decreased numbers of blood precursor cells. While much has been recently learned about the cause of isolated anemia, the pathogenesis of true bone marrow failure (i.e., low bone marrow cellularity and low counts in multiple blood lineages) has remained elusive. In this issue of the JCI, Chen et al. present evidence that overactivation of mammalian target of rapamycin signaling in HSCs is found in two mouse models of bone marrow failure, and they show that treatment with rapamycin significantly normalizes the low blood counts.  相似文献   

To determine the osteoblastic dysfunction that may be involved in the pathophysiology of osteoporosis in men we have compared histomorphometric indices of bone formation with in vitro characteristics of osteoblastic cells isolated from the trabecular bone surface in 23 untreated men with eugonadal osteoporosis. In most patients (n = 14), trabecular bone loss resulted from decreased bone formation evidenced by a lower than normal osteoblast surface, double tetracycline labeled surface, bone formation rate, and mean wall thickness. In these patients, DNA synthesis by cultured osteoblastic cells was altered. The peak of [3H]thymidine incorporation into DNA, the maximal DNA synthesis, and the area under the curve of cell proliferation were lower than the values in normal bone cells from age-matched controls. Parameters of bone cell growth were decreased in correlation with the extent of actively bone forming surfaces. By contrast, in patients (n = 9) with normal histomorphometric indices of bone formation, bone cell proliferation in vitro was not different from normal. Parameters of osteoblastic differentiation in vitro such as osteocalcin production and alkaline phosphatase activity were normal in the two groups of patients. This study shows that the trabecular bone loss resulting from defective bone formation in eugonadal osteoporotic men is associated with a lower than normal proliferative capacity of osteoblastic cells lining the trabecular bone surface.  相似文献   

von Willebrand factor (vWF) has a key role in initiating platelet aggregation, and thereby thrombus formation, that is dependent on its ability to form appropriately sized multimers. Ultralarge multimers promote the formation of the microvascular thrombi that are hallmarks of the life-threatening condition thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP). In this issue of the JCI, Chen et al. show that the drug N-acetylcysteine (NAC) can decrease the size of vWF multimers in vitro and in vivo, resolving thrombi in mice. These data suggest that NAC could potentially be used to treat thrombotic conditions such as TTP.  相似文献   

背景:脊柱后路融合是在特殊解剖、特殊生物学作用下的骨性融合过程,影响因素很多,对融合材料的选择考虑因素亦很多.近年随着骨组织工程学的发展,种子细胞复合支架材料体外构建组织工程化骨膜有望解决这一临床难题.目的:评价体外构建组织工程化生物活性骨膜为骨移植替代物应用于兔腰椎横突间融合的效果.方法:体外构建组织工程化生物活性骨膜植入24只健康成年新西兰大白兔腰椎横突间,每只兔子取3个横突间隙(Left L_(4,5,6),Right L_(4,5,6))植入3种材料.复合支架组RightL_(4,5)植入诱导后骨髓间充质干细胞复合猪小肠黏膜下层、单纯支架组Right L_(5,6)植入无细胞支架即单纯小肠黏膜下层、自体髂骨组Left L_(5,6)植入自体髂骨.术后12周处死动物进行大体标本、影像学、组织学观察.结果与结论:大体标本比较复合支架组、自体髂骨组差异无显著性意义,均与单纯支架组比较差异有显著性义,影像学观察复合支架组、自体髂骨组上下横突间可见明显有骨小梁通过,单纯支架组未见骨密度影.复合支架组Ⅰ型胶原、骨钙素免疫组织化学染色强阳性,与自体髂骨组之间差异有显著性意义,单纯支架组未见阳性表达.实验提示利用猪小肠黏膜下层复合经诱导后向成骨细胞转化的骨髓间充质干细胞体外构建组织工程化生物活性骨膜是横突间融合骨移植的良好替代物.  相似文献   

The demineralized bone matrix (DBM) is the most widely used bone allograft, which is obtained by removing the mineral component of bone, leading to exposure of the proteins responsible for osteoinduction. For clinical use, DBM shall be formulated with a carrier that provides consistency and improves its osteoinduction. In this study, three DBM formulations with glycerol (Gly), hyaluronic acid (HA), and gelatin methacryloyl (GelMA) were evaluated measuring their physicochemical properties (microstructure, compressive strength, and serum cohesivity) and their osteoinductive capacity both in vitro using C2C12 cells and umbilical cord human mesenchymal stem cells and in vivo in an ectopic bone formation model in athymic mice. To assess the effectiveness of DBM in vitro in inducing the differentiation into osteoblasts, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity was assessed in combination with a cytotoxicity assay. In vivo, new bone formation was assessed by histological and radiological analysis. In the compression and in the serum cohesive assays, the GelMA DBM formulation showed its superiority over the other formulations. In addition, GelMA showed a more compact structure analysed by scanning electron microscopy. Higher cell toxicity was observed on Gly formulations in vitro, whereas GelMa and HA showed very low toxicity. All formulations significantly improved ALP activity compared with control. In the in vivo studies, GelMA showed the greatest osteoinductive potential with a higher percentage of new bone and bone marrow formation. Our results suggest GelMA is useful as a carrier for DBM designed to promote the formation of the new bone.  相似文献   

Poly(ε-caprolactone fumarate) (PCLF) scaffold formulations were assessed as a delivery system for recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein (rhBMP-2) for bone tissue engineering. The formulations included PCLF with combinations of poly(vinyl alcohol) (PVA) and hydroxyapatite (HA). The assessments included in vitro and in vivo assays. In vitro assays validated cell attachment using a pre-osteoblast cell line (MC3T3-E1). Additionally, in vitro release profiles of rhBMP-2 from PCLF scaffolds were determined up to 21 days. The data suggested that PCLF incorporated with PVA and HA accelerated rhBMP-2 release and that the released protein was bioactive. For the in vivo study, a critical-sized defect (CSD) model in rabbit calvaria was used to test PCLF scaffolds. At 6 weeks post-implantation, significantly more bone formation was measured in PCLF scaffolds containing rhBMP-2 than in scaffolds without rhBMP-2. In conclusion, we demonstrated that PCLF delivered biologically active rhBMP-2, promoted bone healing in a CSD and has potential as a bone tissue engineering scaffold.  相似文献   

背景:骨形态发生蛋白被证实有成骨诱导作用,然而关于骨形态发生蛋白7诱导骨膜细胞成骨的超微结构研究尚未见报道。目的:观察骨膜细胞经成骨因子骨形态发生蛋白7诱导后的生物活性及超微结构。方法:实验取材于成人胫骨。分离出原代骨膜细胞后行常规体外培养,实验分为实验组和对照组。实验组加入骨形态发生蛋白7和细胞培养辅助剂,对照组仅仅加入了成骨细胞培养辅助剂。每组分别在第5,10,15天设3个时间点,每个时间点设3个样本,分别行钙结节的染色及采用相差显微镜观察大体形态结构,在透射电镜下观察超微形态结构。结果与结论:实验组和对照组形成的成骨细胞增殖良好,形态一致。细胞早期呈梭形,立体感强,饱满透明,分裂期呈短柱状或立方形,电镜下见成骨细胞内有大量的粗面内质网和高尔基复合体;后期细胞由长梭形逐渐变成宽梭和不规则形,后期射透电镜下可见细胞内有大量基质小泡,有膜包被,胞质内上有碱性磷酸酶及钙结合蛋白,泡内有钙盐结晶,成骨细胞的基底部和侧面出现突起与邻近的骨细胞突起相连。由骨形态发生蛋白7诱导的成骨细胞在体外增殖更快,细胞分裂及成骨速度更快。结果提示骨形态发生蛋白7在体外培养中具有明显增强成骨细胞增殖的能力。  相似文献   

Chemotherapeutic bone cements can both stabilize the bone fractures as well as deliver chemotherapy agents directly to the bone metastatic site and adjacent soft tissue tumors. This study evaluated the in vitro elution and flexural properties of Vertebroplastic? and Confidence Ultra? bone cements (Depuy Spine Inc., Raynham, Mass., USA) containing methotrexate. In vitro elution was measured by placing bone cement specimens containing 4 different methotrexate amounts in 20 ml saline, and the methotrexate elution was measured at regular intervals for 672 h. The flexural properties of bone cement containing 2 different initial methotrexate amounts after storage in physiological saline were measured using a 3-point bending test. The drug elution rate depended on the initial methotrexate amount added and the type of bone cement used. The relationship between the initial drug amount added and the drug elution rate was not linear. Methotrexate elution decreased the flexural modulus and strength of specimens; this decrease was not proportional to the initial amount of methotrexate added. The results show that bone cements are well suited for use with chemotherapy agents. However, the elution and mechanical properties of each bone cement-drug amount combination should be thoroughly quantified in vitro before using such a combination in a clinical setting.  相似文献   

We examined the potential of ex vivo gene therapy to enhance bone repair using lentiviral vectors encoding either enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP) as a reporter gene or bone morphogenetic protein-2 (BMP-2) downstream of either the cytomegalovirus immediate early (CMV) promoter or the murine leukemia virus long terminal repeat (RhMLV) promoter derived from a murine retrovirus adapted to replicate in a rhesus macaque. In vitro, rat bone marrow stromal cells (BMSCs) transduced with Lenti-CMV-EGFP or Lenti-RhMLV-EGFP demonstrated over 90% transduction efficiency at 1 week and continued to demonstrate stable expression for 8 weeks. ELISA results demonstrated that lentivirus-mediated gene transfer into BMSCs induced stable BMP-2 production in vitro for 8 weeks. Increased EGFP and BMP-2 production was noted with the RhMLV promoter. In addition, we implanted BMSCs transduced with Lenti-RhMLV-BMP-2 into a muscle pouch in the hind limbs of severe combined immune deficient mice. Robust bone formation was noted in animals that received Lenti-RhMLV-BMP-2 cells at 3 weeks. These results demonstrate that lentiviral vectors expressing BMP-2 can induce long-term gene expression in vitro and new bone formation in vivo under the control of the RhMLV promoter. Prolonged gene expression may be advantageous when developing tissue engineering strategies to repair large bone defects.  相似文献   

The ability of bone marrow cells, obtained from mice pretreated with the synthetic glucocorticoid dexamethasone, to form erythroid colonies in vitro was studied. The results show that these bone marrow cells form a reduced number of erythroid colonies in vitro in response to Epo. This effect is evident after single injection (1 mg, intraperitoneally) of dexamethasone (46% of control values) and is at a maximum after two to four consecutive treatments (12% to 17% of control values). In order to eliminate the influence of either influx or efflux of cells to or from the bone marrow, the effect of dexamethasone on erythroid colony formation in vitro was examined. In these experiments, bone marrow cells cultured in the presence of Epo (25 microU) and dexamethasone (2 X 10(-6)M to 2 X 10(-8)M) formed fewer erythroid colonies than cells cultured in the presence of Epo alone. The ability of the antiglucocorticoid, 17 alpha-methyltestosterone (2 X 10(-7)M) to reverse this dexamethasone-mediated inhibition of erythroid colony formation suggests that this phenomenon is mediated through a glucocorticoid receptor. These studies show therefore that dexamethasone, either in vivo or in vitro, decreases the number and/or functional capacity of adult murine bone marrow cells capable of forming erythroid colonies in vitro in response to Epo, although the precise mechanism of this inhibition remains to be established.  相似文献   

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