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A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical study was performed to investigate the dose-dependent response of serum cholesterol after consuming an ultra-heat-treated milk containing a soy protein preparation. Eighty hypercholesterolemic subjects were assigned to one of four study groups receiving 12.5 or 25 g soy protein (active treatment) or casein (placebo) daily over a period of 4 weeks. The trial substances were provided as ready-made, ultra-heated milk preparations. Before and after the treatment, serum concentrations of total, low-density lipoprotein, and high-density lipoprotein cholesterol were determined. Unexpectedly, at the end of the study, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations were significantly increased compared with baseline in all study groups. The magnitude of this increase (17–19%) was similar in all active and placebo study groups. Soy protein supplements previously shown to be effective in reducing serum cholesterol had in this study no such lipid-lowering effect after ultra heat treatment.  相似文献   

In this work, the bioactive peptides produced during in vitro gastrointestinal digestion of soybean seeds and soy milk were investigated. The analysis was performed on extracted protein samples from soybean seeds and milk or directly on untreated soy milk. Proteins samples were subjected to simulated gastrointestinal digestion and then analyzed by nano-liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry for peptide sequencing. The identified peptides were 1173 in soybean seed samples, 1364 in untreated soy milk samples and 1422 in soy milk samples in which proteins were extracted by precipitation. The peptide identifications were then employed to search specific databases and look for the presence of bioactive peptides in the investigated samples, either with known biological activity or with potential antimicrobial activity. Results pointed out that soybean proteins underwent an extensive degradation process during gastrointestinal digestion and generated a large number of bioactive peptides, some with established activity, some with predicted antimicrobial activity. Finally, the supernatants collected after protein precipitation with acetone from both soybean seeds and soy milk were also analyzed to evaluate the presence of peptides produced by the action of endogenous proteases. Likely, peptides found in soy milk samples could be formed during food processing.  相似文献   

Protein qualities of lactalbumin (L), casein (C), soy concentrate (SC), soy isolate (SI), and soy isolate plus 15.3 mg methionine/g protein (SIM) were investigated in a slope-ratio assay using 32, 8-wk old cebus monkeys. Growth (28 days) and nitrogen balance (NB) (days 19-28) data were evaluated in a multiple-regression format with nitrogen intake and body weight as the independent variables. Based upon growth, potencies compared to L were: C, 72.1; SC, 52.5; SI, 40.6; and SIM, 72.2. Based upon NB, comparable potencies were: C, 62.2; SC, 69.0; SI, 46.8; and SIM, 90.7. NB data showed that the potency of SC was significantly greater than SI and that methionine supplementation of SI improved it to a potency not distinguishable from the standard. The marked improvement from SI to SIM emphasizes the beneficial effect of sulfur amino acid supplementation of soy protein for an infant primate species.  相似文献   

目的探讨分别饮用牛奶和豆浆对健康男性大学生血浆中钙、磷、胰岛素、葡萄糖、雌二醇和睾酮水平的影响。方法将36名大学生随机分为牛奶组、豆浆组,矿泉水组,每组12人,连续3周每天饮用指定样品1000mL,测定干预前后血浆中相关生化指标的变化。结果干预前3组间指标无明显差异;干预后牛奶组和豆浆组血钙水平分别上升了0.19和0.20mmol/L(P<0.005);豆浆组血磷水平(1.34±0.17)mmol/L明显高于矿泉水组(1.17±0.20)mmol/L(P<0.05);牛奶组血浆雌二醇水平(37.92±10.98)pg/mL明显高于矿泉水组(30.42±9.22)pg/mL(P<0.05);3组之间血浆胰岛素和血糖无明显差异。结论饮用牛奶后血钙水平在正常范围内有所上升;饮用豆浆后血钙、血磷均在正常范围内有所上升;饮用牛奶提高了雌二醇水平。  相似文献   

3~6岁儿童的奶类消费量与生长发育关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的探讨我国城乡3—6岁儿童奶类消费量与其生长发育的关系,为国家制定相关政策提供参考依据。方法研究数据来自于2002年中国居民营养与健康状况调查,比较城乡不同饮奶量3~6岁儿童的身高和体重,进行相关指标的统计学分析。结果城乡3—6岁儿童的饮奶率分别为46.9%和8.2%;城乡3~6岁儿童饮奶量平均为23.8g/d,城市儿童高于农村(P〈0.01);在同一年龄组,城乡儿童饮奶组的身高均高于未饮奶组,4岁、5岁和6岁饮奶组儿童的身高和体重与未饮奶组的差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05),并且与饮奶量有关。结论需要进一步提高3~6岁儿童的饮奶率和饮奶量,以改善儿童的生长发育状况。  相似文献   

目的 分析学龄前儿童运动与睡眠质量的关系,探讨影响学龄前儿童睡眠质量的生命早期因素。方法 2018年3-6月以上海市登记注册的4所幼儿园833名3~6岁学龄前儿童为研究对象,对750名有效样本运动及睡眠状况进行分析。采用多因素非条件Logistic回归模型分析运动时间和运动项目与学龄前儿童睡眠质量的关系。结果 学龄前儿童学习日、休息日运动时间较少比例分别占72.7%(545/750)、27.2%(204/750),参与散步者占73.5%(551/750)。睡眠质量好、中等、差分别占23.9%(179/750)、65.2%(489/750)、10.9%(82/750),调整是否独立睡眠、睡前是否接接触电子产品、是否定时睡觉起床、学习日运动时间、运动项目参与率等因素的相互影响后,学习日运动时间较少(OR=0.430,95%CI:0.205~0.904,P=0.026)、未参与散步(OR=0.399,95%CI:0.175~0.908,P=0.028)与学龄前儿童睡眠质量差成正向关联。结论 学习日运动时间较少与学龄前儿童睡眠质量差的发生有关。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: We assessed the effect of dietary proteins isolated from beef, pork, and turkey meat on concentrations of cholesterol and triacylglycerols in plasma, lipoproteins, and liver and the composition of the microsomal membrane (fatty acids, phosphatidylcholine/phosphatidylethanolamine ratio) compared with that of casein and soy protein in rats. METHODS: Five groups of 12 rats each were fed semisynthetic diets for 20 d that contained 200 g/kg of proteins isolated from beef, pork, or turkey meat or, as controls, casein or soy protein. RESULTS: Rats fed beef, pork, or turkey proteins did not differ in cholesterol concentrations of plasma, lipoproteins, and liver and in composition of microsomal membrane from rats fed the casein diet. All groups fed a protein from an animal source had higher very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) and liver cholesterol concentrations than did rats fed soy protein. However, rats fed pork protein had lower concentrations of triacylglycerols in liver, plasma, and VLDL and lower mRNA concentrations of sterol regulatory element binding protein-1 and glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase than did rats fed casein. However, concentrations of plasma and VLDL triacylglycerols in rats fed pork protein were not as low as those observed in rats fed soy protein. CONCLUSION: Proteins isolated from beef, pork, or turkey meat do not differ from casein in their effects on cholesterol metabolism. Pork protein decreases plasma triacylglycerol concentrations compared with casein but not compared with soy protein. The triacylglycerol-lowering effect of pork protein compared with casein is suggested to be caused by decreased hepatic fatty acid synthesis.  相似文献   

目的 探索学龄前儿童饮食行为与生存质量间的相关性,为改善学龄前儿童生存质量提供科学依据.方法 2016年4至6月间,采用第四军医大学儿童健康相关行为研究团队自主研制的学龄前儿童饮食行为量表及PedsQLTM4.0生存质量量表中文版,对319例3~6岁儿童进行调查.采用多元线性回归分析儿童饮食行为与生存质量间的相关性.结果 不同性别儿童挑食行为得分差异有统计学意义(=3.087,P <0.05);是否独生子女、母亲教育程度间食物响应维度得分差异均有统计学意义(t独生子女=3.817、F母亲教育程度=3.732,均P<0.05);不同性别、母亲教育程度、家庭人均月收入及家庭人口数间不良进食习惯得分差异均有统计学意义(t不同性别=2.943、F母亲教育程度 =4.091、F家庭月收入=4.160、F家庭人口数=4.987,均P<0.05).不同年龄、是否独生子女、母亲不同教育程度、不同家庭经济收入及家庭人口数间儿童生存质量得分差异均有统计学意义(t不同年龄=3.736、t独生子女=4.985、F母亲教育程度=3.890、F家庭经济收入=3.787、F家庭人口数=5.982,均P<0.05).在控制了家庭人口学特征后,儿童生存质量总分与儿童饮食行为中挑食、食物响应、不良进食习惯、过饱响应及情绪性进食呈负相关关系,不同饮食行为对生存质量各维度影响不同.结论 学龄前儿童饮食行为与其生存质量存在一定关系,不良饮食行为会降低儿童生存质量.  相似文献   

High-protein (11.0%, IR480-5-9) and low-protein (7.1%, IR32) milled rices were compared with casein as a control when fed as the main source of dietary N to eight apparently normal Filipino children, 1.5 to 2.0 years of age. Daily diets were formulated to contain 250 mg N and 100 kcal/kg body weight. Apparent digestibility of 60.0% for high-protein rice was lower than for low-protein rice (66.2%), and higher values of 76.8 and 80.8% were obtained for the two casein control diets. Corresponding apparent retentions were similar for the two rices, at 23.4 and 26.9%, respectively, as compared to 25.0 and 38.6% for the two casein control diets. These results support previous data on children fed non-isonitrogenous rice-based diets indicating that an increase in protein content of milled rice results in only a slight decrease in its protein quality. The results were similar to those obtained with Peruvian children on a similar protocol.  相似文献   

目的 对上海市早产儿学龄前期睡眠质量现状进行调查,为探索如何改善早产儿睡眠质量提供参考。方法 2018年5-6月随机整群抽取上海市20所幼儿园8 586名儿童进行调查,其中早产儿共848名,对家长进行问卷调查,问卷内容包括儿童及其家庭基本情况、睡眠习惯和睡眠问题等。结果 上海市848名早产儿学龄前期有睡眠问题的发生率为96.9%,睡眠问题较严重的发生率为45.9%。最常见的睡眠问题是:害怕就寝 74.3%,打鼾64.9%,入睡困难56.6%,男童磨牙(54.7%)的发生率显著高于女童(41.4%)(χ2=14.717,P<0.001)。学龄前期早产儿白天平均睡眠时间为(1.59±0.66)h,夜间为(9.19±0.92)h,全天为(10.78±1.10)h。不同年龄组学龄前期早产儿,白天及全天睡眠时间有随年龄增加而逐年减少的趋势(F=15.573、8.086,P<0.001)。夜惊(F=18.745,P<0.001)和白天嗜睡(F=1.044,P=0.791)随着年龄的增加发生率逐渐降低,生长痛随着年龄的增加发生率逐渐增加(F=4.134,P=0.227)。睡眠不足的发生率为16.3%,随着年龄的增长睡眠不足的发生率逐渐升高。结论 上海市早产儿学龄前期睡眠问题及多种睡眠问题合并,睡眠不足的发生率较高,早产儿学龄前期睡眠质量状况不容忽视,应重视早产儿的睡眠问题。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: A feeding study in rats investigated the principal active component for the hypocholesterolemic effect of soy protein isolate (SPI) by comparing the effect before and after ethanol washing. METHODS: Five-week-old male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed cholesterol-enriched AIN-93G diets containing 20% casein (CAS), 20% SPI, 20% ethanol-washed SPI (EWS), 18.4% EWS plus 1.6% ethanol extract (EE), or 20% CAS plus 1.6% EE for 2 wk. RESULTS: Plasma cholesterol concentrations in rats fed EWS and SPI were comparable and were significantly lower than those in rats fed CAS. The addition of EE to EWS and CAS did not influence plasma cholesterol level. Fecal steroid excretion of the three SPI groups was higher than that of the two CAS groups. The addition of EE to EWS and CAS showed a tendency to increase acidic steroid and decrease neutral steroid. CONCLUSIONS: In this experiment which used identifiable protein preparations, a significant fraction of the cholesterol-lowering effect of SPI in rats was attributed to its protein component but not to the ethanol-extractable minor constituents including isoflavones.  相似文献   

目的了解长期饮用学生奶对儿童骨密度的影响。方法于2009年7月份,在湖南省长沙市整群抽取435名10~12岁学生(其中男生188名,女生247名),调查学生奶饮用情况,根据学生饮奶频率和连续饮奶的时间,将被调查的学生分为长期饮奶组(连续1年以上和坚持每周饮奶4次以上或连续3年以上每周饮奶1~3次者为长期饮奶组,220人)和较少饮奶组,测定其右前臂长度、桡尺骨远端1/3处骨宽度(BW)、骨矿物质含量(BMC)和骨密度(BMD)、血磷和钙含量。结果长期饮奶组男孩右前臂长(22.53cm±1.63cm vs.21.95cm±1.75cm,P<0.05)、桡骨BW(1.370cm±0.237cm vs.1.300cm±0.176cm,P<0.05)、桡骨BMC(0.690±0.270 vs.0.599±0.090,P<0.01)、桡骨BMD(0.498±0.135 vs.0.462±0.055,P<0.05);女孩桡骨BMD(0.489±0.076 vs.0.469±0.081,P<0.05)、尺骨BMC(0.564±0.176 vs.0.512±0.100,P<0.01、尺骨BMD(0.470±0.129 vs.0.439±0.059,P<0.05均明显高于较少饮奶组。儿童饮用学生奶与奶制品的种类和性状密切相关。结论长期饮用学生奶可增加儿童骨密度,奶制品的种类及性状影响学生奶计划的实施与推广。  相似文献   

High-protein diets exert beneficial effects on appetite, anthropometry, and body composition; however, the effects of protein preloads depend on the amount, type, and time of consumption. Therefore, we hypothesized that long-term supplemental preloads of whey protein concentrate (WPC) and soy protein isolate (SPI) consumed 30 minutes before the largest meal would decrease appetite, calorie intake (CI), and anthropometry and improve body composition in overweight and obese men in free-living conditions. The subjects included 45 men with a body mass index between 25 and 40 kg/m2 and who were randomly allocated to either the WPC (n = 26) or SPI (n = 19) groups. For 12 weeks, the subjects consumed 65 g WPC or 60 g SPI that was dissolved in 500 mL water 30 minutes before their ad libitum lunch. Appetite, CI, anthropometry, and body composition were assessed before and after the study and biweekly throughout. After 12 weeks, mean changes between the groups were significant for appetite (P = .032), CI (P = .045), anthropometry (body weight [P = .008], body mass index [P = .006], and waist circumference), and body composition (body fat mass and lean muscle [P < .001]). Relative to baseline, within-group mean changes from WPC were significant for appetite, CI, anthropometry, and body composition (P < .001). In the SPI group, mean changes were significant, relative to baseline, for all variables except lean muscle (P = .37). According to this 12-week study, WPC preloads conducted 30 minutes prior to the ad libitum main meal exerted stronger beneficial effects than did SPI preloads on appetite, CI, anthropometry, and body composition of free-living overweight and obese men.  相似文献   

目的对奶粉中蛋白质测定时凯氏定氮法的样品前处理和分光光度法的样品前处理是否通用进行探讨。方法采用凯氏定氮法和分光光度法分别测定同一个样品前处理溶液,并对测定结果进行比对和统计学处理。结果凯氏定氮法或分光光度法测定的两种不同的样品前处理溶液,所测同一奶粉中蛋白质含量结果无统计学意义。结论凯氏法和光度法的样品前处理适用于两种测定方法通用。  相似文献   

【目的】 使用主成分分析方法对北京市不同地区学龄前儿童身体素质状况进行综合评价。 【方法】 选取监测年报中代表各地区3~6岁儿童身体素质单项指标的优秀率作为研究对象,采用统计学中的主成分分析方法进行分析。 单项指标分别为10 m往返跑、立定跳远、网球掷远、双脚持续跳、坐位体前屈及走平衡木。 【结果】 六个主成分的特征值依次为4.860、0.691、0.221、0.142、0.058、0.028,其贡献率依次为81.01%、11.51%、3.69%、2.37%、0.96%、0.47%。第一主成分(Z1)能够较好地反映出学龄前儿童的速度与灵敏性、爆发力、投掷力、弹跳力及平衡能力等素质的综合水平。根据主成分分值排序表明:北京市远县学龄前儿童的身体素质优于城区学龄前儿童。 【结论】 运用主成分分析能够将信息整合,整体反映学龄前儿童身体素质综合水平。  相似文献   

This study was carried out using four contrasted areas in Lagos, Agege, Mafoluku, Adeniyi-Jones Village and Allen Avenue by incidental sampling method. No other statistical sampling method was viable due to limitation posed by the parents of the subjects.

An estimated 39.3#pc of parasites infection was identified from the low socio economic pre-school children. Out of 20 pre-school children from highly socio economic status,” Allen Avenue” was tested negative of any parasite. The most common parasites were Ascaris lumbricoides followed by Trichuria Trichurias. 32 children from Adeniyi-Jones Village were infected. 27 children within the age of 0-24 months surveyed from Agege and Mafoluku were infected of the same similar parasites.

Socio economic status played a significant role in this study. Children from Allen Avenue with higher environmental sanitation compared with other three areas carried no parasites. A total of 18 #op12.0#pc#cp females were infected while 27.3#pc of the males were infected. A higher percentage rate occured among females than males though no association was made between the sexes.  相似文献   

【目的】 探讨学龄前儿童身体形态指标与身体素质之间的关系。 【方法】 对6 405名学龄前儿童进行身体形态指标(身高、坐高、体重、胸围及皮褶厚度)测量与身体素质(立定跳远、网球掷远、坐位体前屈、10 m往返跑、走平衡木及双脚连续跳)的测试,采用典型相关分析法进行统计分析。 【结果】 选取第一对典型变量进行分析,典型相关系数为0.760(P<0.001)。代表身体形态指标的典型变量为身高、胸围、腹部皮褶厚度及体重,其中身高的作用最大。代表身体素质指标的典型变量为立定跳远、网球掷远及10 m往返跑时间,其中立定跳远的作用最大。身高及胸围指标对身体素质起到积极作用,腹部皮褶厚度及体重对身体素质起到负面影响。 【结论】 学龄前儿童身体形态指标与身体素质指标存在相关性,身高和立定跳远的作用最大。  相似文献   

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