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Lymphocyte proliferation tests to rabies antigen and myelin basic protein were performed on peripheral blood lymphocytes from nine patients with the encephalitic form and on seven with the paralytic form of human rabies. Six of the nine patients with encephalitis had proliferative responses to rabies antigen, whereas all of the patients with paralysis had no response. Two patients in each group also had a proliferative response to myelin basic protein. The myelin basic protein-reactive patients had a more rapidly fatal disease than the non-reactive patients. This preliminary study suggests that host immune responses may influence the clinical manifestations and course in human rabies.  相似文献   

山东省4株狂犬病病毒核蛋白基因序列分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的通过对山东省4株狂犬病病毒核蛋白(N)全基因序列的测定与分析,了解近年山东省狂犬病病毒流行株的遗传变异情况。方法直接免疫荧光法(DFA)和RT-PCR法检测2007-2008年在山东省采集的14份疑似狂犬病病毒感染的犬脑组织标本,检测阳性标本进行N基因序列测定、序列同源性比较和种系发生分析。结果 DFA和RT-PCR法检测均为阳性的标本为12份,其中4份得到N基因编码区全序。4株病毒N基因核苷酸序列的同源性在97.9%~99.9%之间,推导出的氨基酸序列同源性为98.7%~99.8%。结论近年山东省狂犬病病毒具有地域性特征,进化变异不大,与我国各地流行株相近。  相似文献   

Dumb (paralytic) rabies in dogs in Nigeria   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Five cases of dumb rabies were examined, quarantined and observed from the time of presentation until death. Two of the dogs bit four people, three children and an adult. Ages of dogs ranged from eight weeks to 30 months. Only one of these dogs had been vaccinated against rabies. One dog out of the five was simultaneously affected with trypanosomiasis and inapparent rabies. The predominant diagnostic clinical signs were conjunctival congestion, glazed eyes and idiopathic ataxia. Postmortem examination was performed on two dogs. Rabies was confirmed by the finding of Negri bodies in brain smears and by the mouse inoculation test (MIT).  相似文献   

目的 检测我国不同地区动物中狂犬病毒带毒率并分析糖蛋白编码基因序列.方法 El.ISA、免疫荧光法分别检测586份采集自中国不同地区的犬、猫,蝙蝠和野鼠脑标本和16份犬唾液中狂犬病街毒,阳性标本乳鼠颅内接种.并测序.结果 ELISA、免疫荧光法均在犬脑中分离到10株狂犬病街毒,其中贵州省113份犬脑中分离到2株病毒,湖南省62份犬脑中分离到2株病毒,武汉市70份犬脑中分离到2株病毒,江苏省85份犬脑中分离到4株病毒,沈阳市69份犬脑中未分离到狂犬病毒;79份猫脑、100份蝙蝠脑及8份鼠脑中未检出狂犬病街毒,16份犬唾液标本未检出狂犬病毒.在贵州省和武汉市,冬季采集的112份犬脑末检出狂犬病毒.春夏季采集的40份犬脑中,4份阳性.分离的10株狂犬病毒阳性株颅内接种乳鼠后.均发病死亡.所有分离株均属狂犬病毒基因1型,可分为4个亚组.结论 同一地区的狂犬病毒分离株以及相邻省份的狂犬病毒分离株的同源性十分接近,动物样本采集时间与狂犬病毒阳检率有关.  相似文献   



Rabies is readily diagnosed when it presents as the classic furious form. Paralytic and atypical forms can pose significant problems in diagnosis. Catastrophic incidents included 7 organ transplant recipients who died of rabies recently in United States and Germany. Although rabies remains top in the lists of differential diagnosis of encephalitis in rabies endemic area, its complication may divert physicians from making a relevant management. We encountered an unusual case of paralytic rabies who presented with spontaneous pneumomediastinum.  相似文献   

Animal and human rabies samples isolated between 1989 and 2000 were typified by means of a monoclonal antibody panel against the viral nucleoprotein. The panel had been previously established to study the molecular epidemiology of rabies virus in the Americas. Samples were isolated in the Diagnostic Laboratory of the Pasteur Institute and in other rabies diagnostic centers in Brazil. In addition to the fixed virus samples CVS-31/96-IP, preserved in mouse brain, and PV-BHK/97, preserved in cell culture, a total of 330 rabies virus samples were isolated from dogs, cats, cattle, horses, bats, sheep, goat, swine, foxes, marmosets, coati and humans. Six antigenic variants that were compatible with the pre-established monoclonal antibodies panel were defined: numbers 2 (dog), 3 (Desmodus rotundus), 4 (Tadarida brasiliensis), 5 (vampire bat from Venezuela), 6 (Lasiurus cinereus) and Lab (reacted to all used antibodies). Six unknown profiles, not compatible with the panel, were also found. Samples isolated from insectivore bats showed the greatest variability and the most commonly isolated variant was variant-3 (Desmodus rotundus). These findings may be related to the existence of multiple independent transmission cycles, involving different bat species.  相似文献   

狂犬病是一种重要的人兽共患传染病,虽然近年来我国在狂犬病防控方面采取了一定的措施,但狂犬病发病地区呈逐年增多趋势。本文对狂犬病病毒最新分型以及近年来动物狂犬病病毒分子流行病学研究情况进行综述,为了解狂犬病病毒遗传演化趋势,制定有效的狂犬病防控策略奠定基础。  相似文献   

上海地区2004年疑似狂犬的病毒检测分析及其应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的对2004年上海地区疑似狂犬进行病毒检测,分析应用于狂犬伤多人应急事件的处理。方法收集126份疑似狂犬病的犬脑标本,用ELISA法快速检测狂犬病毒抗原、小鼠感染法(MIT)分离病毒和免疫荧光法(IF)鉴定病毒型别。对疑似狂犬进行地区和时间分布调查。结果3种方法完全一致。确诊狂犬的阳性率为22.2%(28/126),鉴定为1型狂犬病毒。6-8月检出率最高,为全年的75%(21/28)。病毒检测阳性的地区进行紧急防治措施。结论狂犬病毒检测3种方法,既可快速诊断,又可获得定型的毒株。便于对狂犬地区采取应急防治措施,利于控制预防狂犬病。  相似文献   

目的研究瑞德西韦对不同狂犬病病毒的体外抑制作用。方法根据药物、病毒及细胞的不同作用方式,以法匹拉韦(T705)作为阳性对照药物,使用组织培养半数感染量(TCID_(50))、直接免疫荧光法及实时荧光定量PCR等方法,分析瑞德西韦对不同狂犬病病毒的阻断吸附、抑制复制和直接杀伤作用。结果在阻断吸附和抑制复制的实验中,与相应浓度的T705阳性对照组相比,500μmol/L瑞德西韦处理BHK-21及N2a细胞后,CVS-11病毒滴度均降低(P<0.01)。分别与CVS-11及SC16街毒株感染组相比,500μmol/L瑞德西韦处理N2a细胞后病毒的滴度及mRNA拷贝数均降低(P<0.01)。在直接杀伤实验中,瑞德西韦无抑制病毒作用。结论瑞德西韦能够显著阻断狂犬病病毒的吸附并能够抑制其体外复制,但无直接杀伤狂犬病病毒的能力。  相似文献   

Rabies diagnosis uses a direct fluorescent antibody test (FAT) that is difficult, costly, and time-consuming, and requires trained personnel. We developed a rapid immunochromatographic test (RICT) for the diagnosis of rabies. The efficacy of the RICT was compared with that of the FAT. Brain samples were collected from humans, dogs, cats, and other animals in Sri Lanka (n = 248), Bhutan (n = 27), and Thailand (n = 228). The sensitivity (0.74-0.95), specificity (0.98-1.0), positive predictive value (0.98-1.0), negative predictive value (0.75-0.97), accuracy (0.91-0.98), and kappa measure of agreement (0.79-0.93) were all satisfactory for animal samples and samples preserved in 50% glycerol saline solution. Because the RICT showed high sensitivity but low specificity with human brain samples, it is unsuitable for confirming rabies in humans. No amino acid substitutions were found in the antibody attachment sites of the nucleoprotein gene with FAT-positive, RICT-negative samples. The RICT is reliable, user friendly, rapid, robust, and can be used in laboratories with a modest infrastructure.  相似文献   

目的构建狂犬病毒载体,为新型疫苗研究提供依据。方法将狂犬病毒减毒株SAE基因组分段扩增,然后经逐步拼接得到全基因组克隆,并在其中引入转录终止-起始元件和多克隆位点获得重组质粒pSAETOPO。将绿色荧光蛋白(EGFP)基因和西尼罗病毒prME基因分别克隆至pSAETOPO,然后将带有这两个基因的狂犬病毒全长cDNA切下并克隆至pcDNA3.1(+)载体。将获得的重组质粒pcSAE-GFP和pcSAE-ME转染细胞,分别观察辅助病毒对外源基因表达的影响。结果获得狂犬病毒载体质粒pcSAE-GFP和pcSAE-ME,经酶切分析和序列测定表明所构建克隆是正确的。pcSAE-GFP及pcSAE-ME转染细胞后,在辅助病毒存在下可表达相应外源基因。结论构建的狂犬病毒载体质粒可表达外源基因,为进一步获得表达外源基因的重组狂犬病毒奠定了基础。  相似文献   

The study of a zoonotic disease requires an understanding of the disease incidence in animal reservoirs. Rabies incidence in bats submitted to diagnostic laboratories does not accurately reflect the true incidence in wild bat populations as a bias exists for testing bats that have been in contact with humans or pets. This article details the rabies incidence in two species of bats collected from natural settings without such bias. In this study, brain smears from 0.6% and 2.5% of wild-caught and apparently healthy Tadarida brasiliensis and Eptesicus fuscus, respectively, were positive for rabies virus (RV) antigen. Conversely, 92% of the grounded T. brasiliensis were positive for RV. Serology performed on captive colony and sick bats reveal an immune response to rabies. This work illustrates the complex interplay between immunity, disease state, and the conundrum of RV maintenance in bats.  相似文献   

We have studied the ability of rabies virus ribonucleoprotein (RNP) to induce a protective immune response in animals against lethal challenge with rabies and rabies-related lyssa viruses. Liposomes containing either RNP or the glycoprotein (G protein) of a variant virus with multiple alterations in the G antigenic structure conferred no or poor protection, respectively, against lethal intracerebral challenge with rabies virus. By contrast, liposomes containing RNP and the variant G protein induced a good protective response, comparable to that achieved with inactivated virus vaccine against intracerebral challenge. Moreover, mice or raccoons immunized with RNP alone resisted lethal peripheral challenge with homologous or heterologous virus strains. These results indicate that the RNP of rabies virus plays a crucial role in induction of protective immunity.  相似文献   

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