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目的药物经济学评价在药品定价中的应用进行研究分析。方法合药物经济学评价内容,分析当前我国药品定价机制的局限性、药物经济学应用于药品定价中的意义,探讨药物经济学评价在药品定价中的应用对策。结果品定价过程中,要根据实际的参照药物、价格开展药物经济学评价,同时结合药物经济学评价结果对成本基础的药品申报价格开展评估、调整工作。结论物经济学评价能够显著提升药品定价的科学、合理性,药物经济学评价在我国还面临着多方面的困境与挑战,药物经济学评价在药品定价中的应用仍然还有十分漫长的道路要开拓。  相似文献   

合理调整政府定价范围,改进药品定价方法,利用价格杠杆鼓励企业自主创新,促进国家基本药物的生产和使用。对新药和专利药品逐步实行上市前药物经济性评价制度。对仿制药品实行后上市价格从低定价制度,抑制低水平重复建设。推行在药品外包装上标示价格制度。严格控制药品流通环节差价率。  相似文献   

目的:分析国际药品价格管制方式及效果。方法:采用系统综述的方法归纳不同国家药品价格管制方式、对象、过程及效果。结果:共纳入来自36个国家的130篇文献,其中包括定价管制政策文献97篇,评价定价管制影响文献33篇,且多为评价参考定价效果研究。大多国家主要对报销药品价格进行控制;国家价格比较和参考定价是两种最主要的政府定价方式;药品加成采用递减加成体系;现有证据表明参考定价对于降低药品价格、节省药品开支和对其他卫生服务的影响效果较好。建议:以药物经济学评价为基础,通过参考定价对药品报销价进行有效管制,通过协商谈判、递减加成和完善医保支付方式来控制药品费用不合理增长。  相似文献   

针对目前我国药品定价模式出现的主要问题,通过分析澳大利亚和日本两国定价模式特点,提出了以药品定价与医保制度紧密结合为原则的相关优化建议:扩大医保报销目录;优化集中政府定价部门的职能,让医保机构参与到价格制定工作中;引入药物经济学制定药品医保报销参考价,发挥医保控价作用;建立药品价格动态调节机制,及时调整药价。  相似文献   

近年来,药品价格成了社会关注的焦点之一,政府为了整顿药品价格秩序,加强药品价格管理,降低药品费用,切实减轻政府、企业和群众的负担,制定了《关于改革药品价格管理的意见》,并对差价过大、价格虚高的药品以及属于国家医疗保险药品目录的品种实行了多次降价。 根据国家宏观调控与市场调节相结合的原则,药品价格实行政府定价和市场调节价。政府定价药品,由价格主管部门制定最高零售价,药品零售单位(含医疗机构)在不突破政府制定的最高零售价的前提下,制定实际销售价格。对于市场调节价药品,医疗机构在不超过生产企业制定的零售价格  相似文献   

建立针对药品的医疗保险支付标准(参考价)是多国控制药品费用不合理增长的重要措施。医保药品支付标准通过药品价格竞争刺激患者需求和增强患者选择的权利来影响医生行为和药品企业定价。我国放开药品政府定价后也亟需建立适应药品市场发展的价格形成机制,建立医保药品支付标准需要从我国药品管理政策转变和现状出发,厘清控费的具体机制,根据当前我国实践中存在的问题,从药物经济学评价、药品分级分类管理、完善医保药品支付方式和补偿机制、合理分配补偿结余等方面入手,提升药品的可及性、费用的可控性和政策的激励性。  相似文献   

<正>广东:拟探索药品支付价格改革试点近日,广东省政府下发《广东省深化医药卫生体制改革近期工作要点》。《要点》显示,广东计划在近期改革完善药品价格形成机制,强化药品成本和出厂价格审核,建立药品分类定价机制,探索实行药品支付价格改革试点。据了解,所谓药品支付价格改革,即通过对药品实施定额医保支付,超额患  相似文献   

1997年12月对日,全国人大常委会八届第29次会议审议通过的《中华人民共和国价格法》于1998年5月1日起实施。该法规定:我国实行市场调节价、政府指导价和政府定价3种价格形式,其中市场调节价在价格机制中占主导地位。药品是用来治病防病的特殊商品,有其特殊性,与我国的卫生事业是政府实行一定福利政策的社会公益事业的性质一样也具有一定的社会福利性,因而药品的盈利性不是唯一的目的,因此对药品价格实行政府定价是必要的。当前社会上普遍反映药品价格贵、药品利润大、药品折让率过高等实际情况,其原因主要有:大量低水平药厂的重复…  相似文献   

德国药品价格形成和补偿机制对我国的启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
李享  叶露 《中国卫生资源》2010,13(6):307-309
目的:为我国政府制定药品定价及其管理机制提供借鉴。方法:阐述德国药品价格形成和补偿机制,并且对其效果进行评价和分析,最后讨论了德国经验对我国药品价格管理政策的启示。结果与结论:我国应建立健全药品价格管理的法律体系,以最高报销限价替代最高指导价,规范我国同类药品的价格。  相似文献   

国家发展和改革委员会等7部委发布《推进药品价格改革的意见》提示了此次药品价格改革是逐步建立以市场为主导的药品价格形成机制,最大限度减少政府对药品价格的直接干预;机制转变是此次药品价格改革的内涵;政府作为市场参与主体,利用采购机制、医保支付机制和谈判机制实施市场干预,并通过医疗行为和价格行为监管实施综合管控,实现了药品价格形成机制从政府控制向市场主导的转变,而这一转变有赖于医疗保险与医疗服务相关政策的协同才能实现其最大效能。  相似文献   

In 1978, China decided to reform its economy and since then has gradually opened up to the world. The economy has grown rapidly at an average of 9.8% per year from 1978 to 1994. Medical expenditure, especially for drugs, has grown even more rapidly. The increase in medical expenditure can be attributed to changing disease patterns, a higher proportion of older people in the population and fee-for-service incentives for hospitals. Due to the changing economic system and higher cost of health care, the Chinese government has reformed its health care system, including its health and drug policy. The drug policy reform has led to more comprehensive policy elements, including registration, production, distribution, utilization and administration. As a part of drug policy reform, the drug distribution network has also been changed, from a centrally controlled supply system (push system) to a market-oriented demand system (pull system). Hospitals can now purchase drugs directly from drug companies, factories and retailers, leading to increased price competition. Patients have easier access to drugs as more drugs are available on the market. At the same time, this has also entailed negative effects. The old drug administrative system is not suitable for the new drug distribution network. It is easy for people to get drugs on the market and this can lead to overuse and misuse. Marketing factors have influenced drug distribution so strongly that there is a risk of fake or low quality drugs being distributed. The government has taken some measures to fight these negative effects. This paper describes the drug policy reform in China, particularly the distribution of drugs to health care facilities.  相似文献   

Before the recent pharmaceutical reform in Korea that mandates the separation of drug prescribing and dispensing, physicians and pharmacists both prescribed and dispensed drugs, resulting in the overuse and misuse of drugs. The pharmaceutical reform attempts to change the provider's economic incentives by eliminating the providers' profit from drugs that have been a major source of their income. It also influences the pharmaceutical industry that has thrived on offering high margins to physicians rather than on producing high-quality drugs. However, physician strikes forced the government to modify some critical elements of the reform package and to raise medical fees substantially to compensate for the income loss of physicians. Lack of a strategic plan of implementation, failure to appreciate the change in the paradigm of health policy process, and failure to convince consumers of the benefits of the reform, are the major reasons that the historic reform of the separation of drug prescribing and dispensing has resulted in greater social cost than expected.  相似文献   

由于日本实行全民医疗保险,未纳入医疗保险目录的药品不能报销,市场销售量很小,故日本几乎所有的药品均纳入了医疗保险目录,实行政府定价。在政府设定了药品价格的情况下,药品流通市场的交易主体为了获得更大利润,在长期交易过程中形成了许多交易惯例。本文通过对日本几种典型的药品交易惯例进行分析研究,了解其对药价及药品流通市场的影响,并希望对我国的医疗制度改革提供借鉴意义。  相似文献   

目的:通过评价东部某省5个县的8家县级公立医院医药价格改革实施情况,了解其改革进展及效果,总结经验与问题,并提出相应建议。方法:采取自身前后比较评价设计分析医药价格改革前后的变化,通过时间间断序列分析法判断此次改革对医务人员医疗行为以及脑出血、剖宫产及胆囊切除术住院患者的医疗费用产生的影响,并采取关键知情人访谈和半结构焦点组访谈方式,分析医务人员和患者对医药价格改革的参与程度及态度。结果:8家公立医院医药价格改革初步取得了较好进展。机构运行平稳,收支结余扩大的同时其结构得以优化,药品占比不断降低,人员投入增加;机构内部管理机制不断精细化,人员行为得到规范,次均医疗费用增加不显著,服务效率提升较快。然而,各县财政补偿情况差异较大,支付方式改革尚未完全与医药价格改革政策相配套,导致机构仍然以单纯增加工作量来弥补药品收入的损失,医务人员收入虽略有增加,仍不足以体现其劳动付出价值,医务人员抱怨颇多。虽然医保支出增加,保障水平持续提高,但患者实际就医负担仍呈缓慢提高态势。结论:该省医药价格改革虽然初步取得一些效果,但长效的"以药补医"退出机制尚未建立,需要辅以稳定的财政补偿机制和精细化医保管理政策。  相似文献   

目的:评估福建省医保药品支付标准改革对定点医疗机构临床用药的影响。方法:分析福建省省本级、福州市医疗保险管理中心331万参保人员2016年4~9月及上年同期门诊和住院药品消费数据,按年度统计药品费用、用药情况以及医保药品支付标准政策执行情况。结果:改革前后医保药品支付标准目录内费用占比从22.50%上升为64.95%;公立医院及非公立医院改革前后门诊药品前10位一致仅排序略有变化,改革后两者门诊支付标准内费用占门诊费用比例分别为73.21%、39.30%;公立医院住院前10位药品品种及其金额变化较大,其中联合采购价差较大的药品费用增幅较高,而非公立医院相对稳定。结论:医保药品支付标准改革显著影响了临床用药品牌选择和用药结构;以药品集中采购结合联合带量采购形成的医保药品支付标准有利于降低药品价格;医保药品支付标准改革结合医药卫生体制综合改革措施更有利于发挥引导作用。  相似文献   

Reference pricing and health technology assessment are policies commonly applied in order to obtain more value for money from pharmaceuticals. This study focussed on decisions about the initial price and reimbursement status of innovative drugs and discussed the consequences for market access and cost. Four countries were studied: Germany, The Netherlands, Sweden and the United Kingdom. These countries have operated one, or both, of the two policies at certain points in time, sometimes in parallel. Drugs in four groups were considered: cholesterol-lowering agents, insulin analogues, biologic drugs for rheumatoid arthritis and “atypical” drugs for schizophrenia. Compared with HTA, reference pricing is a relatively blunt instrument for obtaining value for money from pharmaceuticals. Thus, its role in making reimbursement decisions should be limited to drugs which are therapeutically equivalent. HTA is a superior strategy for obtaining value for money because it addresses not only price but also the appropriate indications for the use of the drug and the relation between additional value and additional costs. However, given the relatively higher costs of conducting HTAs, the most efficient approach might be a combination of both policies.  相似文献   

国家发展改革委提出取消大部分药品政府定价,医保目录内药品以医保支付标准进行支付。在市场价格的基础上形成医保支付标准,因此收集和整合药品市场价格信息成为实施这一政策的关键。药品价格指数可以整合药品市场价格信息,反映药品价格的变化水平。本文通过分析医保支付标准制定的需求,明确应当以分位价格指数的方式制定医保支付标准。通过介绍德国参考定价来具体说明利用分位价格确定医保支付标准的做法,并且引入不同的药品价格指数来分析药品价格变化的原因,为医保支付标准的制定和调整提供依据。  相似文献   

In this paper we carry out a vertical differentiation duopoly model applied to pharmaceutical markets to analyze how endogenous and exogenous generic reference pricing influence competition between generic and branded drugs producers. Unlike the literature, we characterize for the exogenous case the equilibrium prices for all feasible relevant reference prices. Competition is enhanced after the introduction of a reference pricing system. We also compare both reference pricing systems on welfare grounds, assuming two different objective functions for health authorities: (i) standard social welfare and (ii) gross consumer surplus net of total pharmaceutical expenditures. We show that regardless of the objective function, health authorities will never choose endogenous reference pricing. When health authorities are paternalistic, the exogenous reference price that maximizes standard social welfare is such that the price of the generic drug is the reference price while the price of the branded drug is higher than the reference price. When health authorities are not paternalistic, the optimal exogenous reference price is such that the price of the branded drug is the reference price while the price of the generic drug is lower than the reference price.  相似文献   

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