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Factors involved in neutrophil and monocyte migrations were serially studied in strain 2 guinea pigs undergoing initial cytomegalovirus infection and sham-inoculated controls. All studies remained unchanged in uninfected animals. Monocyte migrations and neutrophil spontaneous migration remained unchanged in infected animals. However, transient abnormalities occurred early in infection, comprising a decrease in neutrophil-directed migration towards C5-derived chemotactic fractions (C5-fr) and a decrease in the chemotactic activity of zymosan-activated plasma. Consequently, the presence of neutrophil- and chemotaxin-directed inhibitors in plasma was investigated. Normal neutrophils, C5-fr, Escherichia coli-derived bacterial factor, and the synthetic peptide F-met-leu-phe were first incubated with control or infected plasmas and then assayed for directed migration and lysosomal enzyme release. Results indicated the de novo appearance of both neutrophil- and chemotaxin-directed inhibitory activities in plasma during early infection. The neutrophil-directed inhibition was heat stable (56 degrees C for 120 min) and nonspecific (responses to all chemotaxins were inhibited). The chemotaxin-directed inhibition was heat stable and C5-fr specific. The cytomegalovirus-induced inhibitors may be important in the enhanced susceptibility to concurrent opportunistic infections.  相似文献   

The ultrastructural development of guinea pig cytomegalovirus (GPCMV) in guinea pig embryo cells was studied using electron microscopy. Tubular structures were found in nuclei of virus infected cells, followed by the appearance of intranuclear inclusions containing virus nucleocapsids. While some nucleocapsids were enveloped at the inner nuclear membrane, others were released into the cytoplasm where they were associated with, or within, dense matrix which was subsequently enveloped by cytoplasmic membranes to form enveloped dense virions. Dense bodies without virus capsids were formed in the cytoplasm and enveloped in a similar manner. An involvement of the nuclear pores in the release of unenveloped virus capsids from the nucleus to the cytoplasm was postulated. Evidence that the enveloped dense virions and dense bodies shared common envelope antigen(s) was obtained by immunoelectron microscopy. The similarities and differences in the ultrastructural development of GPCMV and other cytomegaloviruses are discussed.  相似文献   

Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is the most common cause of congenital viral infection in the developed world, and can lead to significant morbidity. Animal models of HCMV infection are required for study of pathogenesis, because of the strict species-specificity of cytomegalovirus (CMV). Among the small animal CMV models, the guinea pig CMV (GPCMV) has unique advantages, in particular its propensity to cross the placenta, causing disease in utero. In order to develop quantitative endpoints for vaccine and antiviral therapeutic studies in the GPCMV model, a quantitative-competitive PCR (qcPCR) assay was developed, based on the GPCMV homolog of the HCMV UL83 gene, GP83. Optimal amplification of GPCMV DNA was observed using primers spanning a 248 base pair (bp) region of this gene. A 91 bp deletion of this cloned fragment was generated for use as an internal standard (IS) for PCR amplification. Standard curves based upon the fluorescent intensity of full-length external target to IS were compared with signal intensity of DNA extracted from blood and organs of experimentally infected guinea pigs in order to quantify viral load. Viral load in newborn guinea pigs infected transplacentally was determined and compared with that of pups infected with GPCMV as neonates. Viral loads were highest in pups infected as neonates. The most consistent isolation and highest quantities of viral DNA were observed in liver and spleen, although viral genome could be readily identified in brain, lung, and salivary gland. Viral load determination should be useful for monitoring outcomes following vaccine studies, as well as responses to experimental antiviral agents.  相似文献   

The growth characteristics of guinea pig cytomegalovirus (GPCMV) and guinea pig herpes-like virus (GPHLV) in cell cultures were compared. Guinea pig fibroblast cells were highly susceptible to infection with both viruses, whereas guinea pig kidney cells were sensitive only to GPHLV. No cytopathic effect was observed in the latter cell system after infection with GPCMV,nor was there an increase in virus titer, although the cirus persisted in the kidney cells for 2 to 3 weeks postinfection. Electron microscope studies showed nonvirion tubular structures in GPCMV -infected fibroblast cells, but not in GPHLV- infected cells. Large packages of enveloped nuclear virus particles were commonly seen in GPHLV -infected cells, especially kidney epithelial cells, but none were found in the GPCMV -infected fibroblasts. Complete enveloped extracellular virus particles were present in both virus-cell systems. Both viruses showed narrow host spectra and replicated well only in guinea pig cells although GPHLV multiplied to some degree in rabbit cells. No antigenic relationship could be demonstrated between the two viruses using antisera specific for each virus that was produced in rabbits and guinea pigs. Rabbits produced high neutralizing antibody titers to GPHLV, whereas guinea pigs were the animals of choice for GPCMV antiserum production.  相似文献   

The immune response to guinea pig cytomegalovirus (gpCMV) was evaluated by immunoblotting. Preinoculation guinea pig plasma did not react with gpCMV antigen, whereas convalescent plasma reacted to at least 18 gpCMV-specific polypeptides. The initial immune response was primarily directed at polypeptides with MWs of 100, 75, and 56 kDa. Over 80% of plasma collected more than 29 days after viral inoculation reacted to these polypeptides and also to those with MW of 54, 52, and 38 kDa. In this report, we also demonstrate cross reactivity between gpCMV and human CMV (HCMV). Human immunoglobulin (IVIG) reacted to at least 20 HCMV polypeptides and cross reacted with six gpCMV polypeptides. GpCMV convalescent plasma also reacted with HCMV polypeptides.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis of guinea pig cytomegalovirus (GPCMV) and guinea pig herpes-like virus (GPHLV) in guinea pigs was compared. Animals were inoculated with the two viruses by different routes and sacrificed after varying periods of time. GPCMV was consistently isolated from salivary gland 2 weeks postinoculation and thereafter following intraperitoneal or subcutaneous incoulaton. Virus was less frequently found in other tissues including blood, spleen, and kidney. Intranuclear inclusions were seen in tissue sections of salivary gland after inoculation with GPCMV- infected tissue suspension, but were only rarely found after inoculation with tissue culture virus. In GPHLV-infected guinea pigs, consistent latent infection of leukocytes and other tissues was detected by cocultivation techniques. Intranuclear inclusions were not found in the spleen, salivary gland, or other infected tissues after GPHLV infection with either tissue culture virus or infected tissue suspension. Guinea pigs inoculated with GPCMV produced high titers of specific neutralizing antibody to the homologous virus; those inoculated with GPHLV developed long-term viremia accompanied by minimal neutralizing antibody levels to the virus.  相似文献   

Summary Salivary glands from Hartley guinea pigs were experimentally infected with guinea pig cytomegalovirus (GPCMV) and examined by light and electron microscopy at different time intervals. Characteristic intranuclear and intracytoplasmic viral inclusions were observed in duct cells of infected animals. Viral inclusion counts and infectivity titers in the salivary gland reached maximum levels by 3 to 4 weeks after infection; infectivity persisted, though at reduced levels, for at least 30 weeks. Electron microscopic examination of viral inclusions revealed several developmental events including nucleocapsid assembly, envelopment of nucleocapsids at the inner nuclear membrane and their enclosure by a thin vacuolar membrane. While contained within cytoplasmic vacuoles, enveloped virions acquired surface spikes. Cytoplasmic vacuoles containing virions subsequently coalesced and discharged mature virions at the cell surface into the lumen of the salivary gland duct. The data indicate that the ultrastructural development of GPCMV in the guinea pig salivary gland shows many similarities to that of human cytomegalovirus in humans. The salivary gland may provide a primary locus for virus shedding and horizontal transmission of cytomegalovirus.With 7 Figures  相似文献   

Rabbit antiserum to guinea pig IgE was prepared. This antiserum absorbed IgE antibodies to dinitrophenyl determinants when examined by passive cutaneous anaphylaxis. This antiserum also provoked contraction of tracheal rings from normal guinea pigs in vitro. This system is a new model for asthma in which only IgE among immunoglobulins reacts.  相似文献   

Vaccines are urgently needed to protect newborns against the devastating sequelae of congenital cytomegalovirus infection. Evaluation of candidate vaccines in the guinea pig model of congenital infection can shed light on potentially useful strategies for humans, since guinea pig CMV (GPCMV) is transmitted to the fetus transplacentally, causing infection and disease in utero. A number of vaccine strategies have been evaluated in this model, including DNA vaccines, live attenuated vaccines, and recombinant glycoprotein vaccines. Induction of virus-neutralizing antibody appears to play a key role in protection of the fetus. Recently, a vectored vaccine based on the GPCMV homolog of the UL83 (pp65) protein has also been shown to be effective when used as a preconceptual vaccine in this model, suggesting that strategies designed to elicit T-cell responses may be of value in protection of the fetus.  相似文献   

The development of tubal obstruction and subsequent infertility is a major sequelum of upper genital tract infection with Chlamydia trachomatis; however, little is known about the pathogenesis of the infection. In this investigation, the authors present a detailed study of the progression of ascending chlamydial infection in female guinea pigs resulting from intravaginal inoculation of the Chlamydia psittaci agent of guinea pig inclusion conjunctivitis (GPIC). Isolation of chlamydiae from different tissues of the genital tract revealed definitive evidence for ascending infection that was not dose-related. By 7 days after infection, GPIC was isolated from the endometrium and oviducts of 78% of the animals. Pathologic changes analogous to those seen in human chlamydial disease, including polymorphonuclear, mononuclear, and plasma cell infiltration, were seen in the endometrium and oviducts, although not all isolation positive animals developed overt tubal disease. Long-term fibrosis, often in combination with hydrosalpinx, was noted in the mesosalpingeal tissue in 20% of the animals. Thus, the guinea pig:GPIC system represents a model for ascending chlamydial infection resulting from vaginal inoculation of normal guinea pigs that closely approximates the disease as seen in humans and can be used to study the pathogenesis of chlamydial genital infection.  相似文献   

A guinea pig model for Lyme disease.   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
We report that outbred Hartley guinea pigs are susceptible to Borrelia burgdorferi. We recovered spirochetes from 57 of 60 (95%) guinea pigs inoculated when < or = 3 months of age. In contrast, animals inoculated when > or = 6 months of age were resistant to infection as defined by recovery of organisms at > or = 4 weeks postinoculation. Infection was widely disseminated: B. burgdorferi was recovered from 83% of bladders, 64% of knee joints, 57% of hearts, 48% of spleens, and 38% of spinal cords examined within 4 weeks of inoculation. Histopathologic changes were common in the heart (88%) (preferential involvement of perineural tissues near the annulus fibrosus) and bladder (76%) and were also noted in a minority of spinal cords (13%) and knee joints (9%). Western immunoblots demonstrated an immunoglobulin G response to B. burgdorferi, particularly to the 24-, 31- (OspA), 39-, and 41-kDa (flagellin) antigens. Infection was cleared from most tissues with the passage of time; spirochetes were recovered from 63% of tissues removed from guinea pigs at < or = 4 weeks after inoculation but from only 32% at > or = 8 weeks postinoculation (P < 0.001). An exception was the failure to clear spirochetes from infected knees, 90% of which were culture positive even when evaluated at > or = 8 weeks postinoculation. The guinea pig provides a new model useful for studying host-spirochete interactions in Lyme disease.  相似文献   

Neonates born to female guinea pigs of either a highly susceptible (C4D) or a resistant (Albany) strain, infected prior to or during pregnancy with a single dose of Treponema pallidum, showed in their sera from the first day of life immunoglobulin M (IgM) antibodies to T. pallidum, circulating immune complexes consisting of IgM antibodies and treponemal antigens, and IgM rheumatoid factor. Although the animals were asymptomatic for a 6-month observation period, several lines of evidence indicated that they were infected in utero. Molecular analysis of whole sera, purified serum IgM fraction, or dissociated immune complexes demonstrated IgM reactivity against one (47 kDa) or more of several T. pallidum peptides (15, 17, 37, 42, 45, and 87 kDa) recognized as integral membrane components. Sequential analysis of the neonates' sera by immunoblot and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, using alcohol-treated T. pallidum, T. phagedenis biotype Reiter, and T. vincentii, demonstrated early IgM antibodies followed 3 to 4 months later by IgG2- and IgG1-specific antibodies to T. pallidum. Moreover, an infectivity test done in five rabbits with pooled tissue extracts prepared from liveborn or stillborn animals evoked a seroconversion in two rabbits (reactive Venereal Disease Research Laboratory and fluorescent treponemal antibody tests), suggesting the presence of T. pallidum in the organs. Sera from neonates born to either T. phagedenis biotype Reiter-injected mothers or three normal pregnant females were all serologically negative. The model offers new possibilities for exploration of factors responsible for asymptomatic infection often observed in human congenital syphilis.  相似文献   

Biotin labelled hybridization probes prepared from recombinant plasmids containing segments of the guinea pig cytomegalovirus (GPCMV) genome were used to detect GPCMV nucleic acids in guinea pig cells by in situ hybridization. The time course of GPCMV infection was assessed in two cultured cell types, guinea pig embryo (GPE) cells and 104C1 cells, a transformed and cloned guinea pig cell line. Detection of GPCMV nucleic acids was accomplished in both cell types with individual GPCMV DNA fragments and with mixtures of GPCMV DNA fragments. When compared to other established methods of GPCMV detection, the method of in situ hybridization enabled the detection of a higher percentage of positive cells early during the course of the infection. In addition, differences in the replication cycle of GPCMV in the two cultured cell lines could be demonstrated. These findings will facilitate future studies of GPCMV tissue tropism in vivo.  相似文献   

The mobilization and functional characteristics of polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) at the site of an inflammatory stimulus were studied during acute cytomegalovirus infection in guinea pigs. Weanling Hartley strain guinea pigs were inoculated subcutaneously with approximately 10(6) 50% tissue culture infective doses of virulent salivary gland-passaged guinea pig cytomegalovirus. The virus was uniformly present in bone marrow, buffy coat, and casein-elicited peritoneal exudate cells 5 to 7 days after the inoculation. The mean numbers of circulating PMNs in the animals were 2,862/microliters in uninfected controls and 880/microliters in infected animals. The total peritoneal PMNs recovered 14 h after casein injection were 491 X 10(6) and 237 X 10(6) in control and infected animals, respectively. The number of 50% tissue culture infective doses of guinea pig cytomegalovirus per 10(6) purified peritoneal PMNs was 10(2.17). Neutrophil O2 consumption was similar in infected and control animals in response to either stimulation by a neutrophil activator, phorbol myristate acetate, or phagocytosis of Staphylococcus aureus. However, the maximal rate of H2O2 release and the percent killing of S. aureus by peritoneal exudate cells from infected animals were significantly reduced compared with uninfected controls during acute infection. Granulocytopenia, a decreased mobilization of PMNs to the site of the inflammatory stimulus, a diminished cellular release of H2O2 in response to a bacterial stimulus, and a modest reduction in bacterial killing were demonstrated during experimental acute cytomegalovirus infection. Such reductions in granulocyte number and function at inflammatory sites during this type of infection could alter antimicrobial defenses.  相似文献   

Guinea pigs infected with lymphotropic herpesvirus (GPHLV) were given the immunosuppressive agent cyclophosphamide (Cy). All Cy-treated animals revealed the expected lymphoid depletion of spleen and lymph node B zones. Acute GPHLV infection of Cy-treated animals resulted in increased blood and spleen leukocyte viral infectivity titers and lymphoid tissue lesions containing cells positive for GPHLV antigen and intranuclear inclusions. During latent GPHLV infection, Cy treatment resulted in declining leukocyte viral infectivity titers without pathologic lesions. Morphologic data suggest that tissue histiocytic cells may be involved in the productive viral infection observed in Cy-immunosuppressed animals during acute GPHLV infection. During latency, however, infectious virus appears restricted to a Cy-sensitive, probably lymphoid, cell. This animal model appears useful for the study of lymphotropic viral infection during immunosuppression.  相似文献   

Serological screening of pregnant women in this and a previous study identified 28 cases of primary infection with cytomegalovirus, 7 (25%) of whom transmitted the infection to their fetuses. Risk factors for intrauterine infection were 1) age less than 20 years, 2) Caucasian rather than nonCaucasian race, 3) a weak response to cytomegalovirus antigen in the lymphocyte transformation test, and 4) the excretion of cytomegalovirus in the urine. The greatest risk was when a weak lymphoproliferative response was detected in combination with a positive result for virus isolation, in which case the chance of fetal infection was 83%. Despite these associations, there was one important anomalous result of a woman who demonstrated a strong lymphocyte response during pregnancy and a negative result for virus isolation, but who gave birth to an infected baby who developed unilateral hearing loss.  相似文献   

The guinea pig model of diisocyanate sensitization. I. Immunologic studies   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Two strains of guinea pigs were parenterally immunized with well-characterized diisocyanate-protein conjugates. Hapten-specific IgE antibodies were detected in the sera of English short-hair strain guinea pigs immunized with either toluene diisocyanate-human serum albumin (TDI-HSA) or hexamethylene diisocyanate-HSA (HDI-HSA) when these sera were analyzed by the 168 hr passive cutaneous anaphylaxis (PCA) technique followed by intravenous challenges with conjugates of respective ligands coupled to an unrelated carrier protein, transferrin. IgG1 antibodies and precipitating antibodies were demonstrated in Hartley strain guinea pigs immunized with TDI/HDI-HSA conjugates. The hapten specificity of these antibodies was proved by PCA inhibition experiments and antibody absorption experiments. In the precipitating antibody system, this was further confirmed by immunoelectrophoretic analysis. Cross-reactivity between HDI and TDI was not observed in the PCA experiments. However, apparent cross-reactivity in the double gel diffusion experiments was due to new antigenic determinants formed by isocyanates after conjugation with proteins. It was therefore apparent that immune responses of guinea pigs immunized with protein conjugates of bifunctional isocyanates were heterogeneous and involved multiple specificities for hapten, carrier protein, and new antigenic determinants. It was postulated that the complex nature of the immune response generated by diisocyanate compounds in the guinea pig may also serve as a more appropriate model of isocyanate-induced human sensitivity reactions, which are known to involve diverse immunologic and nonimmunologic mechanisms.  相似文献   

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