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A flock of 14 apparently healthy cockatiels, purchased from a single aviary, was tested for the presence of avian bornavirus (ABV). Twelve birds were found to be intermittently shedding ABV, predominantly genotype 4. Four of the cockatiels known to be shedding ABV4 were subsequently challenged with the tissue culture derived, virulent M24 strain of ABV4. The challenged birds remained in apparent good health until day 92 when one was found dead. The remaining three birds began to exhibit severe neurologic signs, ataxia and convulsions on day 110 and were euthanized. On necropsy, all four birds showed mild proventricular enlargement. In contrast, histopathological examination showed unusually severe and widespread tissue lesions. These included massive lymphocytic infiltration and lymphoid nodule formation within and around the ganglia throughout the gastrointestinal tract. There were similar lesions in the medullary cords of the adrenal gland, heart, spleen, liver, kidney, lungs, pancreas, testes and ovary. Immunohistochemistry demonstrated ABV P antigen not only in the cells of the central and autonomic nervous systems, but also within the mononuclear cells infiltrating the various organs. Two healthy cockatiels, one of which was a known ABV carrier, were inoculated with uninfected tissue culture cells and euthanized on day 150. These birds showed no gross lesions of proventricular dilatation disease but had a mild lymphocytic infiltration in their liver, spleen, and kidneys. Prior infection with ABV did not therefore confer significant immunity on these birds, and may have resulted in increased disease severity following challenge.  相似文献   

Summary.  Circoviruses are a diverse group of animal and plant pathogens with undefined relationships to one another but for their non-geminate, non-enveloped capsids and circular, single-stranded DNA genomes. The sequences of the beak and feather disease virus and porcine circovirus genomic DNAs are presented and analyzed in the context of the other members of the family. Sequence comparisons, inferred phylogenies, and geographic occurrence suggest that the ambisense circoviruses, particularly the beak and feather disease virus, represent an evolutionary link between the geminiviruses and the plant circoviruses. We propose that the family members be reclassified into three groups: The family Circoviridae consists of the animal pathogens (beak and feather disease virus and porcine circovirus) that possess ambisense genomes with striking similarities to the geminiviruses. The BBTV-like viruses include the plant pathogens (coconut foliar decay virus, banana bunchy top virus, subterranean clover stunt virus) with a geminivirus-like stem-loop element in their DNAs, and single to multiple component genomes. The chicken anemia virus is an unassigned virus possessing unique characteristics bearing little similarity to the other ssDNA viruses. Received March 3, 1998 Accepted April 4, 1998  相似文献   

Unique migration patterns for chicken and cockatiel albumins were detected when electrophoresis was performed using cellulose acetate and agarose gel support media. Cockatiel albumin migrated to a position equivalent to chicken alpha globulins, while the migration of cockatiel prealbumin was similar to that of chicken albumin. A chicken prealbumin band was not detected. Cockatiel and chicken albumins purified by affinity chromatography had similar migration patterns when electrophoresis was performed under denaturing conditions [sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) ] in 7% polyacrylamide gel (PAGE). The molecular weights of both albumins were similar, and were estimated to be approximately 66,000 Da when compared to known molecular weight markers. The different migration patterns were attributed to variations in conformation and surface charge distribution of albumin molecules between the two species. The experimental and clinical consequences of these findings are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The hematological characteristics of juvenile long-billed corellas (Cacatua tenurostris), with or without prior administration of a psittacine beak and feather disease vaccine, were studied for 97 days after experimental infection with beak and feather disease virus (BFDV). It was found that the pre-challenge hematological values were similar between vaccinated and non-vaccinated corellas. Most pre-challenge parameters were comparable to previously reported values of other cockatoos and psittacine birds. Significant differences were seen in both groups when comparing pre-challenge values with post-challenge values for total and differential leukocyte concentrations, but packed cell volume and total serum protein were not significantly affected by BFDV challenge.  相似文献   

A simple method for concentrating psittacine beak and feather disease virus (PBFDV) from crude feather suspensions is described. The addition of 10% polyethylene glycol (MW 6000 to 9000) to feather suspensions facilitated the precipitation and pelleting of PBFDV by low speed centrifugation. Pellets were resus-pended in one-twentieth of the original volume with caesium chloride (CsCl) buffer and subjected to isopycnic ultracentrifugation. Peak haemagglutination activity (HA) occurred at 1.35 g/ml in PBFDV CsCl gradients. CsCl purified virus agglutinated galah (Eolophus roseicapillus), eastern long-billed corella (Cacatua tenuirostris), sulphur-crested cockatoo (Cacatua galerita), Major Mitchell's cockatoo (Cacatua lead-beateri) and gang gang cockatoo (Callocephalon fimbriatum) erythrocytes, but not those of 19 other avian or five mammalian species. PBFDV agglutinated galah erythrocytes at 4 degrees C and 37 degrees C over a wide range of pH and no change in HA titre was observed when PBFDV was treated with chloroform. HA persisted in PBFDV suspensions heated to 80 degrees C for 30 min, but was not detected after incubation at higher temperatures. High HA titres were detected in the feathers, serum, liver and kidneys of PBFD-affected birds.  相似文献   

The pathogenesis and epidemiology of a feather disease in wild Senegal doves (Streptopelia senegalensis) which is morphologically similar to psittacine beak and feather disease (PBFD) was investigated. Although the lesions in doves resembled PBFD there was little evidence for the presence of psittacine circovirus (PsCV). Haemagglutination activity (HA) using type A galah (Eolophus roseicapillus) erythro-cytes was not detected in feathers or livers of affected doves as would occur in PBFD. Low concentrations of HA excreted in the faeces of affected doves was not caused by psittacine circovirus (PsCV) because the antigen in faeces also caused haemagglutination of PsCV-insensitive type B galah erythrocyte and was not inhibited by anti-PsCV antibody. Similar HA of unknown cause was also detected in faeces from clinically normal Senegal doves. Anti-PsCV haemagglutination inhibiting (HI) antibody was not detected in the serum of affected doves or in the blood of 206 clinically normal wild Senegal doves or 17 captive columbid birds in close contact with a flock of psittacine birds that was known to be PsCV-infected. Senegal doves also failed to seroconvert after two inoculations with PsCV purified from the feathers of a PBFD-affected long-billed corella (Cacatua tenuirostris). The results indicate that the feather disease seen in feral Senegal doves in Perth is not due to PsCV although the possibility that it is due to another antigenically distinct circovirus was not eliminated.  相似文献   

The complete nucleotide (nt) sequence of eight isolates of beak and feather disease virus (BFDV) obtained from a range of psittacine species with psittacine beak and feather disease (PBFD) from throughout Australia were compared with the sequences of two BFDV isolates previously reported from Australia (BFDV-AUS) and America (BFDV-USA), respectively. All isolates had the same basic structure including the position of the open reading frames, the hairpin structure between ORF1 and ORF2, the nonanucleotide motif (TAGTATTAC) therein, the three motifs of Rep protein encoded from ORF1 and involved in rolling circle replication, and the P-loop motif previously described, but the genome size of the eight isolates ranged from 1992 to 2018 nt. Overall nt identity of the isolates compared to BFDV-AUS ranged from 84 to 97%; the variation was due to a combination of point mutations and a number of deletions and insertions ranging from 1 to 17 nt in size detected in both coding and noncoding regions. The identity of the nt sequence of ORF2 compared to BFDV-AUS varied from 80 to 99%, while the identity of the deduced amino acid sequences varied from 73 to 99%. Phylogenetic analysis grouped the isolates into four clusters but there were no apparent regional differences or differences related to the psittacine species of origin. While seven ORFs with the potential to encode proteins greater than 8.7 kDa were detected in the BFDV-AUS isolate described previously, only three of these ORFs were detected in all 10 BFDV isolates for which sequence data were available. The three ORFs were ORF1 that presumably encodes the Rep protein, ORF2 presumably the major capsid protein, and the ORF previously designated ORF5. The ORF5 was of two size classes in different isolates, 303 and 474 nt, and only the first 303 nt of the viruses with an ORF of 474 nt were common to the other isolates.  相似文献   

Monkeys were infected intranasally with Herpesvirus suis. After an incubation period of 7 to 13 days the animals became acutely ill and rapidly died. Clinical signs included salivation, incoordination, ataxia and epileptiform convulsions, but not pruritus. Histopathological changes were confined to the central nervous system, and consisted of destruction of neurones with the formation of intranuclear inclusion bodies, gliosis and perivascular cuffing. Virus was isolated from the brain and spinal cord in the later stages of the illness but neutralising antibodies were not detected in serum. The distribution of lesions indicated direct spread of virus from the inoculation site along cranial nerves to the brain.  相似文献   

Two outbreaks of gastrointestinal illness with identical symptoms occurred in parties attending banquets on consecutive evenings at a large hotel. The illness was typical of epidemic winter vomiting disease. Small round structured viruses resembling those seen in the Norwalk Ohio outbreak were identified by electron microscopy in stools of victims from one episode. One food handler was found to be excreting the virus, and there was evidence of a poor standard of hygiene in the kitchen. A food history analysis showed the illness to be significantly associated with eating cold cooked ham.  相似文献   

Beak and feather disease virus (BFDV) infections are often fatal to both captive and wild parrot populations. Its recent discovery in a wild population of native red-fronted parakeets has raised concerns for the conservation of native parrots, all of which are threatened or endangered. The question of a recent introduction versus a native genotype of the virus poses different conservation-management challenges, and thus, a clear understanding of the molecular phylogeny of BDFV is a crucial step towards integrated management planning. This study represents the first comprehensive attempt to screen New Zealand's endangered and threatened psittacines systematically for BFDV. We sampled and screened kakapos (Strigops habroptilus), kakas (Nestor meridionalis), keas (N. notabilis), Chatham parakeets (Cyanoramphus forbesi), Malherbe's parakeets (Cyanoramphus malherbi), yellow-crowned parakeets (C. auriceps) and red-fronted parakeets (Cyanoramphus novaezelandiae), as well as eastern rosellas (Platycercus eximius), an introduced species that is now common throughout the North Island, for BFDV. Out of all species and populations sampled (786 individuals), we found 16 BFDV-positive red-fronted parakeets from Little Barrier Island/Hauturu, seven eastern rosellas from the Auckland region, and eight yellow-crowned parakeets from the Eglinton Valley in the South Island. The full genomes of the viral isolates from the red-fronted parakeets share 95-97?% sequence identity to those from the invasive eastern rosellas and 92.7-93.4?% to those isolates from the South Island yellow-crowned parakeets. The yellow-crowned parakeet BFDV isolates share 92-94?% sequence identity with those from eastern rosellas. The low level of diversity among all BFDV isolates from red-fronted parakeets could suggest a more recent infection among these birds compared to the yellow-crowned parakeets, whereas the diversity in the eastern rosellas indicates a much more established infection. Pro-active screening and monitoring of BFDV infection rates in aviaries as well as in wild populations are necessary to limit the risk of transmission among threatened and endangered parrot populations in New Zealand.  相似文献   

Canine distemper virus infection in a masked palm civet (Paguma larvata).   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A free-living masked palm civet (Paguma larvata) died after exhibiting signs of canine distemper (CD). The microscopic lesions consisted of cytoplasmic and intranuclear eosinophilic inclusion bodies, bronchointerstitial pneumonia, non-purulent encephalitis accompanied by demyelination and lymphocytic depletion in various lymphoid tissues. CD virus-specific antigens were demonstrated immunohistochemically in intracellular eosinophilic inclusions, which were ultrastructurally confirmed to be viral nucleocapsids. From these findings, the present case was diagnosed as CD virus infection in a masked palm civet.  相似文献   

Beak and feather disease virus (BFDV) is a common avian circovirus infection of wild Psittaciformes and is a recognised threat to endangered psittacine species. Currently, there is a requirement to develop BFDV antigen for diagnostic purposes and since efforts to propagate BFDV in vitro have so far been unsuccessful the entire coding region of BFDV ORF C1 was expressed in Sf9 insect cells using a baculovirus expression system. The entire coding region of BFDV ORF C1, the presumptive capsid, was expressed in Sf9 insect cells using baculovirus expression system. Electron microscopic examination of negatively stained material demonstrated that the recombinant protein self-assembled to produce virus-like particles (VLPs) thus confirming that ORF C1 is likely to be the sole determinant for capsid construction in vivo. BFDV VLPs also possessed haemagglutinating activity which provides further evidence that self-assembled BFDV VLPs retain receptor mediated biological activity and that the determinants for BFDV haemagglutination activity rely solely on the capsid protein. The recombinant protein reacted with anti-BFDV sera from naturally immune parrots and cockatoo and from chickens experimentally inoculated with native BFDV in both Western blots and haemagglutination inhibition (HI) assay. BFDV VLPs were also a suitable replacement antigen for serological detection of BFDV antibody by HI.  相似文献   

Beak and feather disease virus (BFDV), the causative agent of psittacine beak and feather disease (PBFD) infects psittaciformes worldwide. We provide an annotated sequence record of three full-length unique genomes of BFDV isolates from budgerigars (Melopsittacus undulatus) from a breeding farm in South Africa. The isolates share >99% nucleotide sequence identity with each other and ~96% nucleotide sequence identity to two recent isolates (Melopsittacus undulatus) from Thailand but only between 91.6 and 86.6% identity with all other full-length BFDV sequences. Maximum-likelihood analysis and recombination analysis suggest that the South African budgerigar BFDV isolates are unique to budgerigars, are non-recombinant in origin, and represent a new genotype of BFDV.  相似文献   

A novel virus isolated from the feather follicles of cockatoos diagnosed as having psittacine beak and feather disease was characterized by electron microscopy, nucleic acid content, and polypeptide composition. Purified virions displayed an icosahedral symmetry, were nonenveloped, and had a mean diameter of 14 to 16 nm negatively stained. Three major viral proteins were identified, with approximate molecular weights of 26.3, 23.7, and 15.9 kDa. The viral nucleic acid was found to be single-stranded DNA based on acridine orange staining, resistance to alkali and ribonuclease, and sensitivity to both DNAse 1 and S1 nuclease. The size of the DNA was estimated to be between 1.7 and 2.0 kb by agarose gel electrophoresis. This size and its circular conformation were confirmed by electron microscopy. A preliminary transmission study using purified virus induced pathological lesions characteristic of those observed in the natural disease. On the basis of the extremely small size of the virions and the single-stranded circular viral DNA, we propose that the etiologic agent of psittacine beak and feather disease represents a previously undescribed viral pathogen.  相似文献   

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