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Summary As we move forward in the new century, epidemiologists and public health practitioners are faced with the challenge of reviewing the current direction of epidemiology and its links with public health. While the history of epidemiology has been a successful and productive one, there is a danger that modern epidemiology is becoming too narrow in its scope, concerned primarily with the analysis of risk factors in individuals, while ignoring sociological and ecological perspectives of health. We argue that a theoretical framework to guide the practice of epidemiology is needed which encompasses a role for social determinants of health while simultaneously also acknowledging the importance of behaviour and biology, and the inter-connectedness of all these factors. This paper presents a public health model of social determinants of health, which provides a framework for testing the causal pathways linking social determinant variables with health care system attributes, disease inducing behaviours and health outcomes. This approach provides an improved opportunity to identify and evaluate evidence-based public health interventions, and facilitates stronger links between modern epidemiology and public health practice.  相似文献   

The first 25 years of universal public health insurance in Canada saw major reductions in income-related health inequalities related to conditions most amenable to medical treatment. While equity issues related to health care coverage and access remain important, the social determinants of health (SDH) represent the next frontier for reducing health inequalities, a point reinforced by the work of the World Health Organization's Commission on Social Determinants of Health. In this regard, Canada's recent performance suggests a bleak prognosis. Canada's track record since the 1980s in five respects related to social determinants of health: (a) the overall redistributive impact of tax and transfer policies; (b) reduction of family and child poverty; (c) housing policy; (d) early childhood education and care; and (e) urban/metropolitan health policy have reduced Canada's capacity to reduce existing health inequalities. Reasons for this are explored and means of advancing this agenda are outlined.  相似文献   

A large literature concurs that social determinants of health (SDH) are demonstrable, important, and insufficiently attended to in policy and practice. A resulting priority for research should be to determine how the social determinants of health can best be addressed. In this paper we support the more effective transfer of social determinants research into policy by: (1) describing a qualitative analysis of thirty-two cancer control policy documents from six English-speaking OECD countries and two transnational organizations, demonstrating great variability in the treatment of social determinants in these policies; (2) critiquing these various policy practices in relation to their likely impact on social determinants of health; and (3) advancing a tool that policy writers can use to assess the way in which social determinants of health have been addressed in their work. In the sample of policy documents, the distinction between structural and intermediate determinants, population-based and targeted interventions, and their respective relationships to equity were not always clear. The authors identified four approaches to social determinants (acknowledging SDH, auditing SDH, stating aims regarding SDH and setting out actions on SDH), and five ways of writing about the relationship between social determinants and cancer risk. These five discourses implied, respectively: that group membership was intrinsically risky; that not enough was known about SDH; that risk arose from choices made by individuals; that groups were constrained by circumstance; or that structural change was necessary. Socio-cultural factors were generally presented negatively, though New Zealand policies modeled a possible alternative. Based on their empirical work, the authors propose a matrix and a set of questions to guide the development and assessment of health policy.  相似文献   

ObjectivesOther forces related to socio-economic and cultural factors, besides biomedical and behavioural fields, also influence health but receive little attention in health research. This study aims to illuminate social determinants of health and to identify challenges and opportunities in addressing social determinants of child health (SDCH) in rural Cambodia.MethodsThis is a qualitative study based on interviews of frontline primary health care providers, health officials, local authorities and community volunteers in two health districts in Cambodia. The data were supplemented by secondary data on different aspects of the districts and Cambodia.ResultsPoverty, lack of basic commodities and adverse social conditions remained problems for population health. While access to health services was considered adequate, households and communities had several major risk exposures. Challenges in addressing SDCH were the high prevalence of social and household adverse conditions, and the lack of training of providers, of information about social services, of effective coordination and of trust in public services. Opportunities were present, including social services being existent albeit poor functioning, the traditional practice of social inquiry, existing frontline providers being open to further information and training, existing subnational coordination bodies at district and provincial levels, and use of evidence in planning and resource allocation.ConclusionAddressing SDCH requires broad and coordinated efforts of stakeholders from multiple sectors. Among the prerequisites are to leverage the existing structures and mechanisms, training primary health care providers and providing them with adequate information about local resources and available supports. Improving social care services and infrastructures requires strong coordination, planning and adequate resource allocation.  相似文献   

Based on a critical review of the obesity and health literature we provide five models of how the hypothesized obesity and health relationship is conceptualized. We then apply these models to make sense of how recent Canadian public health reports and clinical practice guidelines conceptualize the issue of obesity, its causes and health effects, and appropriate responses. We show how conformity to dominant models of the obesity and health relationship by health sciences researchers, public health workers, and the media lead to activities that rather than promoting health, actually threaten it. These dominant models – and the activities derived from them – do so by diverting attention from the far more important issues of the quality and distribution of the social determinants of health. These approaches also stigmatize heavy individuals, doing little to promote their health. For these reasons, we call for an end to seeing obesity as a significant health issue.  相似文献   

Urban regeneration programs, such as "Programa Quiero mi Barrio" (PQMB) that is carried out in neighborhoods with greater deprivation across Chile, can improve health and quality of life in socio-economically deprived neighborhoods. The aim of this study was to analyze the effects of this program on the physical, social, and safety environments of neighborhoods intervened between 2011 and 2018, according to gender and socioeconomic position. Four indices and six sub-indices were constructed to measure physical, social, and safety environments of the neighborhoods. We conducted a pre- and post-intervention analysis with 2095 people using linear models adjusted for repeated measurements. After the intervention, participants had an improved perception of physical, social, and safety environments, as well as the use of spaces, particularly among women and people with higher levels of education. Therefore, the PQMB program is a form of public policy that can improve the quality of life and health of people living in underprivileged areas.  相似文献   

A large body of research shows that social determinants of health have significant impact on the health of Canadians and Americans. Yet, very few studies have directly compared the extent to which social factors are associated with health in the two countries, in large part due to the historical lack of comparable cross-national data. This study examines differences in the effect of a wide-range of social determinants on self-rated health across the two populations using data explicitly designed to facilitate comparative health research-Joint Canada/United States Survey of Health. The results show that: 1) sociodemographic and socioeconomic factors have substantial effects on health in each country, though the size of the effects tends to differ-gender, nativity, and race are stronger predictors of health among Americans while the effects of age and marital status on health are much larger in Canada; the income gradient in health is steeper in Canada whereas the education gradient is steeper in the U.S.; 2) Socioeconomic status (SES) mediates or links sociodemographic variables with health in both countries-the observed associations between gender, race, age, and marital status and health are considerably weakened after adjusting for SES; 3) psychosocial, behavioural risk and health care access factors are very strong determinants of health in each country, however being severely/morbidly obese, a smoker, or having low life satisfaction has a stronger negative effect on the health of Americans, while being physically inactive or having unmet health care needs has a stronger effect among Canadians; and 4) risk and health care access factors together play a relatively minor role in linking social structural factors to health. Overall, the findings demonstrate the importance of social determinants of health in both countries, and that some determinants matter more in one country relative to the other.  相似文献   

卫生不公平是当前全球普遍面临的重大课题,但导致不同国家卫生不公平的原因又各有不同。本文对影响美国卫生公平的社会决定因素进行了分析,并对美国政府及相关机构采取的相应措施及难点进行了阐述。造成美国卫生不公平的主要原因在于种族及阶级歧视、贫富不均、就业及生活环境、生活习惯等方面存在差异;采取的相应措施包括成立促进卫生公平的相关组织,研究并揭示导致卫生不公平的社会决定因素,唤醒公民主动追求公平的意识,为决策者提供改善公平性的政策建议。最后提出了对我国的启示,如提高公众对卫生公平性的认识、缩小贫富差距、杜绝种族歧视、加强劳动保护和健康管理、保护环境等。  相似文献   

我国人口健康水平不断提升的同时老龄健康公平差距客观存在,而影响健康公平的社会决定因素又处于动态变化之中。本文依据WHO健康社会决定因素理论框架对我国老龄健康公平社会决定因素进行分析,提出了除以往影响老龄健康公平的共识性社会决定因素外,还包括宏观层面的老龄健康政策、老龄人口流动、科技发展和死亡认知等,个体层面的退休后工作及社会参与等,日常生活环境层面卫生服务体系的老龄友善程度,如老年卫生资源配置公平性、老年人对相关服务的可获得性及利用公平以及重大公共卫生事件对老龄健康公平的冲击等;并针对性提出要进一步加强对老龄健康公平的认识与评估,多措并举、多种公平兼顾缩小老龄健康公平差距,助力实现健康老龄化。  相似文献   

Screening for social determinants of health allows health care teams to assess and address social factors that influence one’s health, mental health, and access to care. These social factors include poverty, health literacy, social support, exposure to trauma, food insecurity, and housing instability. The objective of this study was to examine what screening tools for social determinants of health are being used, in what contexts, and with what populations. Findings suggest that health literacy is the most commonly screened for, followed by trauma history, social support, food insecurity and housing across diverse contexts and populations. Results from this study can be used to inform providers of available screening tools and resources that can be readily utilized in practice.  相似文献   

The social determinants of health (SDH) concept is common to Canadian policy documents and reports. Yet, little effort is undertaken to strengthen their quality and promote their more equitable distribution through public policy action. Much of this has to do with the SDH concept conflicting with current governmental approaches of welfare state retrenchment and deference to the dominant societal institution in Canada, the marketplace. In addition, many SDH researchers and implementers of SDH-related concepts are reluctant to identify the public policy implications of the SDH concept. The result is a variety of SDH discourses that differ greatly in their explication of the SDH concept and their implications for action. This article identifies these various SDH discourses with the goal of noting their contributions and limitations in the service of advancing the SDH agenda in Canada and elsewhere.  相似文献   

It is generally assumed by the donor community that the targeted funding of global, regional or cross-border surveillance programmes is an efficient way to support resource-poor countries in developing their own national public health surveillance infrastructure, to encourage national authorities to share outbreak intelligence, and ultimately to ensure compliance of World Health Organization (WHO) Member States with the revised (2005) International Health Regulations. At country level, a number of factors and constraints appear to contradict this view. Global or regional surveillance initiatives, including syndromic surveillance and rumour surveillance projects, have been conceived in neglect of fragile health systems, from which they extract scarce human resources. In contradiction with a rightful stance promoting 'integrated surveillance' by WHO, the nurturing of donor-driven, poorly coordinated and redundant surveillance networks generally adds further fragmentation to national health priorities set up by developing countries. In their current categorical format, ignoring the overwhelming deficits in governance and health care capacity, global surveillance strategies seem bound to benefit mainly the most industrially developed nations through the provision of early warning information or scientific data. In lower-income countries, a focus of resources on strengthening the health system first would ultimately be a more efficient way to achieve proper detection and response to outbreaks at national or sub-national level. As documented in several pilot initiatives at sub-national level (India, South Africa, Tuvalu and Cambodia), the empowerment of frontline health workers and communities is a key element for an efficient surveillance system. Such simple measures centred on human resources and community values appear to be more beneficial than massive and conditional monetary inputs.  相似文献   

目的 明确中国大陆城市新移民健康公平现状及其社会决定因素,为进一步改善当前现状提供理论依据。方法 以健康社会决定因素的分层模型为框架展开文献回顾并进行整理分析,梳理影响城市新移民健康公平的相关因素。结果 目前我国大陆城市新移民健康公平状况尚存在一些特殊问题,受到包括生存环境、社会经济地位、社会保障及其他相关政策因素的影响。结论 在城市新移民融入城市的进程中,政府应积极改善其生存环境,保障其合理收入以缩小贫富差距,同时落实各项保障政策,合理配置卫生资源,逐步实现健康公平,使其更好融入城市。  相似文献   

Social determinants are gaining momentum in public health practice. Many proposed solutions for tackling social determinants are outside the scope of local public health professionals. This article reviews the literature to find possible moderating variables which may buffer the effects of the social determinants of health at the local level, and allow social determinants to be addressed within the purview of local health departments. The systematic approach employed for this article entailed searches of electronic academic databases (PubMed, EBSCO and Medline) and additional searches using Internet search engines and relevant websites for articles published between 1,975 and May 2010. The search revealed 2,554 articles, and 36 were determined appropriate for inclusion. The purpose of the search was to identify published articles relating to social determinants of health, social capital and effective approaches for addressing both at the level of the local health department. The search was then expanded to include unpublished material, to include the perspectives of local health departments. This process resulted in the inclusion of content from five sources. In this article, the case is made for focusing on social capital interventions to mitigate health problems associated with social determinants. Examples of successful interventions are provided to aid public health professionals in developing locale-specific solutions for addressing social determinants.  相似文献   

To date, Ontario public health units (PHUs) have generally neglected the social determinants of health (SDH) concept in favor of risk aversion and behaviorally oriented health promotion approaches. Addressing SDH and responding to the presence of health inequities is required under the Ontario Public Health Standards and is a component of provincial public health documents and reports. Nevertheless, units vary in their understanding and application of the SDH concept in their activities. The authors conducted 18 interviews with Medical Officers of Health and lead staff persons from nine Ontario PHUs, in order to better understand how these differences in addressing the SDH among health units come about. The findings suggest that differences in practice largely result from epistemological variations: conceptions of the SDH; the perceived role of public health in addressing them; and understandings concerning the validity of differing forms of evidence and expected outcomes. Drawing from Bachelard’s concept of epistemological barriers and Raphael’s seven discourses on the SDH, we examine the ways in which the participating units discuss and apply the SDH concepts. We argue that a substantial barrier to further action on the SDH is the internalization of discourses and traditions that treat health as individualized and depoliticized.  相似文献   

The final report of the WHO Commission on the Social Determinants of Health is the culmination of a huge analytical effort to review the evidence and produce clear policy measures for achieving health equity. Further consideration needs to be given to an effective political strategy for taking forward these measures. Framing health equity in relation to global health, linking it to other key policy priorities, recognising that normative differences rather than lack of evidence lies at the heart of the problem, creating an appropriate institutional form for taking forward the Commission's recommendations, being prepared to challenge the status quo in global governance, and reflecting on the strengths and limitations of WHO's role in global governance should be part of such a strategy.  相似文献   

In this article, we draw on a 2012 Montreal-based study that examined the embodied, every day practices of immigrant children and families in the context of urban greenspaces such as parks, fields, backyards, streetscapes, gardens, forests and rivers. Results suggest that activities in the natural environment serve as a protective factor in the health and well-being of this population, providing emotional and physical nourishment in the face of adversity. Using the Social Determinants of Health model adopted by the World Health Organization (WHO, 1998), we analyze how participants accessed urban nature to minimize the effects of inadequate housing, to strengthen social cohesion and reduce emotional stress. We conclude with a discussion supporting the inclusion of the natural environment in the Social Determinants of Health Model.  相似文献   

Local government organisations (LAs) have a major role in the prevention and treatment of obesity in England. This study aims to 1) understand what actions are being taken by LAs to address obesity, and 2) determine how actions counter the perceived causes of obesity when mapped against the Wider Determinants of Health (WDoH) model.Thirty-two LAs were invited to complete an Action Mapping Tool, 10 participated. The tool requires LAs to document actions being implemented locally to address obesity. This then enables LAs to map their actions against the perceived causes of obesity, using the WDoH model as an analytical lens. We collated data from the 10 LAs and used an adapted framework synthesis method for analysis.280 actions were documented across the 10 LAs; almost 60% (n = 166) targeted Individual Lifestyle Factors (ILF), with 7.1% (n = 20), 16.8% (n = 47) and 16.4% (n = 46) targeting Social and Community Factors (SCF), Living and Working Conditions (LWC) and Wider Conditions (WC) respectively. Conversely, 60% of causes were spread across the LWC and WC, with 16.4% regarded as ILF. Physical activity-, weight management-, and health improvement- programmes were most frequently implemented by LAs.There is a stark mismatch between LA actions on obesity and its perceived causes. Given that LAs acknowledge the complex aetiology of obesity, an equally comprehensive approach should be implemented in the future.  相似文献   

Objective : Victorian local governments are required to develop Municipal Public Health and Wellbeing Plans that incorporate state‐level health planning priorities and address the social determinants of health. This paper describes a novel method for evaluating councils' performance against these requirements. Methods : Deductive content analysis was used to categorise all actions in 14 local government MPHWPs against Victorian state priorities as well as against social determinants of health policy areas. Results : More than 1,000 actions were identified. However, fewer than half directly addressed a state priority, with many actions addressing policy areas known to be broader determinants of health. In particular, there was a marked focus on leisure and culture, and on building social cohesion through changes to living and working conditions. Conclusions : Councils are working beyond state priorities and there was a clear emphasis on addressing the diverse upstream ‘causes of the causes’ of health, rather than health promotion behaviour change programs. Implications : The approach for data analysis and presentation provides a useful method for rapid appraisal of health and wellbeing actions relative to councils', and the State's, responsibility and efficacy in public health.  相似文献   

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