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International systems are frequently offered as models for health care reform. This study, focusing on preventive services for children and pregnant women in six industrialized countries, finds that a broad range of preventive services can be provided through health care systems with divergent financing and cost containment, utilizing multiple entry points into the health care system, and employing targeted programs for high-risk patients. Despite variability in form and financing, health outcomes are not compromised, suggesting that health care reformers in this country need not be restricted to any single model to strengthen preventive health care for children and pregnant women.  相似文献   

The French government introduced a 'free complementary health insurance plan' in 2000, which covers most of the out-of-pocket payments faced by the poorest 10% of French residents. This plan was designed to help the non-elderly poor to access health care. To assess the impact of the introduction of the plan on its beneficiaries, we use a longitudinal data set to compare, for the same individual, the evolution of his/her expenditures before-and-after enrollment in the plan. This before-and-after analysis allows us to remove most of the spuriousness due to individual heterogeneity. We also use information on past coverage in a difference-in-difference analysis to evaluate the impact of specific benefits associated with the plan. We attempt at controlling for changes other than enrollment through a difference-in-difference analysis within the eligible (rather than enrolled) population. Our main result is the plan's lack of an overall effect on utilization. This result is likely attributable to the fact that those who were enrolled automatically in the free plan (the majority of enrollees), already benefited from a relatively generous plan. The significant effect among those who enrolled voluntarily in the free plan was likely driven by those with no previous complementary coverage.  相似文献   

Can the Veterans Affairs (VA) health care system, long an important part of the safety net for disabled and poor veterans, survive the loss of World War II veterans--once its largest constituency and still its most important advocates? A recent shift in emphasis from acute hospital-based care to care of chronic illness in outpatient settings, as well as changes in eligibility allowing many more nonpoor and nondisabled veterans into the VA system, will be key determinants of long-term survivability. Although allowing less needy veterans into the system runs the risk of diluting services to those most in need, the long-run effect may be to increase support among a larger and younger group of veterans, thereby enhancing political clout and ensuring survivability. It may be that the best way to maintain the safety net for veterans is to continue to cast it more widely.  相似文献   

Public spending on health care in Africa: do the poor benefit?   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Health care is a basic service essential in any effort to combat poverty, and is often subsidized with public funds to help achieve that aim. This paper examines public spending on curative health care in several African countries and finds that this spending favours mostly the better-off rather than the poor. It concludes that this targeting problem cannot be solved simply by adjusting the subsidy allocations. The constraints that prevent the poor from taking advantage of these services must also be addressed if the public subsidies are to be effective in reaching the poor.  相似文献   

Acute respiratory infections (ARI) are leading killers of children. Case management using community health workers (CHW) has halved ARI mortality in children in Asia. WHO/UNICEF recommend integrating pneumonia into Home Management of Malaria strategies. However, in sub-Saharan Africa, CHW's performance to recognise pneumonia is rarely demonstrated. We evaluated the ability of CHWs to assess rapid breathing in under 5 year olds and explored caretaker interpretation of pneumonia symptoms. Ninety-six CHWs were evaluated for their skills to count and classify breathing rate in inpatient children. Respiratory illness concepts and actions were obtained from focus group discussions with mothers, video probing and key informant interviews. Of the CHW assessments, 71% were within +/-5 breaths/min from the gold standard. The sensitivity of CHW classification was 75% and the specificity was 83%. Many local terms existed for ARIs, such as "quick breathing" and "groaning breathing". There was consistency in the interpretation of severity, cause and treatment, most being related to fever and treated with antimalarials. Given the ability of CHWs to classify pneumonia, their skills should be tested in real life. To minimise failure to treat and overtreatment, context-specific communication strategies that improve care-seeking and increase illness prevalence among patients assessed by CHWs are needed. A toolkit including a set of methods for this purpose is proposed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: First, to determine the prevalence of measles non-immunity in a group of health care workers (HCW), and secondly, to investigate what pre-employment screening for measles is carried out by NHS occupational health departments. METHODS: Two hundred and eighteen HCWs with patient contact on the medical wards at Addenbrooke's hospital provided an oral fluid sample and answered a questionnaire. A postal survey of Association of National Health Occupational Physicians Society (ANHOPS) members was conducted to assess whether UK NHS Trusts identify measles non-immune individuals. RESULTS: Of the HCWs tested, 3.3% of were found to be non-immune to measles (both oral fluid and confirmatory serum sample were measles IgG negative). Less than one third of a sample of 80 NHS occupational health departments enquired about measles immunity. CONCLUSION: The prevalence of measles non-immune health care workers is low, but with a fall in uptake of MMR immunization and increased likelihood of measles outbreaks, it is important to identify these at-risk individuals. Serum testing is the most reliable method to use. Oral fluid testing and history of measles disease or vaccination are unreliable methods of identifying non-immune individuals. To achieve complete immunity, it is cost-effective to screen and then offer immunization. NHS trusts vary greatly in their measles policies for health care workers.  相似文献   

In the debate on 'Third options' for health care delivery in low- and middle-income countries it is proposed that self-help should play a larger role. Self-help is expected to contribute towards improving population health outcomes and reducing government health care expenditure. We review scope and limitations of self-help groups in Europe and South Asia and assess their potential role in health care within the context of health sector reform.Self-help groups are voluntary unions of peers, formed for mutual assistance in accomplishing a health-related purpose. In Europe, self-help groups developed out of dissatisfaction with a de-personalised health care system. They successfully complement existing social and health services but cannot be instrumentalized to improve health outcomes while reducing health expenditure.In South Asia, with its hierarchical society, instrumental approaches towards self-help prevail in Non-governmental Organizations and government. The utility of this approach is limited as self-help groups are unlikely to be sustainable and effective when steered from outside. Self-help groups are typical for individualistic societies with developed health care systems - they are less suitable for hierarchical societies with unmet demand for regulated health care. We conclude that self-help groups can help to achieve some degree of synergy between health care providers and users but cannot be prescribed to partially replace government health services in low-income countries, thereby reducing health care expenditure and ensuring equity in health care.  相似文献   

We describe a willingness to pay (WTP) survey in which values were elicited from the public for three disparate health care programmes. Previous applications of WTP in this context have revealed a high proportion of preference reversals between WTP values and ordinal ranking of the programmes. In view of the doubts these findings raise over the use of WTP in this context, our aim was to develop a method of eliciting WTP values which we considered would improve consistency between respondents' explicit ranking of the programmes and their WTP values. Compared to the standard approach, the structure of the new design (the marginal approach) reduced the number of possible preference reversals, thus encouraging a degree of consistency among respondents. Despite this, the marginal approach did not result in fewer preference reversal being observed in actuality, thus casting doubt on the application of WTP in this context.  相似文献   

Nepal has seen impressive recent health gains through a successful community‐based health program. However, governance challenges remain within the Nepalese primary health care system that include under‐staffing and absenteeism, limited health facility opening hours, poor supervision and monitoring, and insufficient financial management. We propose that these be addressed through expanded community engagement and a power shift towards local communities, enhancing skills of community representatives in co‐managing health facilities and of service providers to effectively engage the community, increased quality of community participation, and improved documentation of the process and impact of engagement on health outcomes. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with how poor populations can obtain access to trusted, competent knowledge and services in increasingly pluralistic health systems where unregulated markets for health knowledge and services dominate. The term "unregulated" here derives from the literature on the development of markets in low income countries and refers to the lack of state enforcement of formal laws and regulations. We approach this question of access through the changing roles and fortunes of community health workers over the last few decades and ask what kind of role they can be expected to play in the future. Community based health agents have been used in many settings as a way of filling gaps in service provision where more skilled personnel are not available. They have also fulfilled a more transformative role in broad based community development. We explore the reasons for the decline of programmes from the 1980s onwards. Using the specific experience of Bangladesh, the paper considers what lessons can be learned from past successes and failures and what needs to change to meet the challenges of 21st century health systems. These challenges are those of establishing credibility and legitimacy in a pluralistic environment and creating a sustainable livelihood strategy. The article concludes with a discussion of four potential models of community based health agents which are not necessarily exclusive: a generic agent that is closely linked to a reputable supervisory agency; a specialist cadre working with particular health conditions; an expert advocate; and a mobiliser or facilitator who can mediate between users and health markets.  相似文献   

Outbreaks of hospital acquired tuberculosis (TB) in the 1990s, some of which affected staff, highlight the fact that TB still poses a risk to health care workers (HCWs). This risk is best minimised by the primary controls of early identification and treatment, good infection control practice such as early isolation, patients covering mouths when coughing, and engineering controls such as negative pressure isolation. There is no direct evidence to prove that the use of respiratory protective devices has prevented HCWs from acquiring TB, but modelling has shown that environmental controls are not enough to prevent exposure. Masks that filter aerosols (including TB) and have at least 95% efficiency of filtering particles 0.3 micron in diameter can reduce exposure. Environmental controls in the United Kingdom (UK) do not (always) include a specified minimum number of air-changes per hour or negative pressure. Therefore it seems reasonable to advise that HCWs should use masks as advocated by national guidelines for high risk procedures. Masks are also of value when entering any body cavity or dissecting any viscus/organ in which TB is suspected, as in the necropsy room or operating theatre. This is recommended in current guidelines from the United States but not those from the UK.  相似文献   

《Annals of epidemiology》2014,24(4):312-318
PurposeHealth care reform was introduced in Massachusetts (MA) in 2006 and serves as a model for what was subsequently introduced nationally as the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. The Boston Area Community Health survey collected data before (2002–2005) and after (2006–2010) introduction of the MA health insurance mandate, providing a unique opportunity to assess its effects in a large, epidemiologic cohort.MethodsWe report on the apparent effects of the mandate on the same participants over time, focusing specifically on the vulnerable working poor (WP). We evaluated differences in subpopulations of interest at pre- and post-reform periods to explore whether MA health care reform resulted in an overall gain in insurance coverage.ResultsMA health care reform was associated with net gains in health insurance coverage overall and among the subgroups studied. Our findings suggest that despite being targeted by health care reform legislation, the WP in MA continue to report lower rates of insurance coverage compared with both the nonworking poor and the not poor.ConclusionsMA health care reform legislation, including the expansion of Medicaid, resulted in substantial overall gains in coverage. Disparities in insurance coverage persist among some subgroups following health care reform implementation in MA. These results have important implications for health services researchers and policy makers, particularly in light of the ongoing implementation of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.  相似文献   


Driven in part by a resurgent interest in social inequality and health, and in part by increasing scrutiny of the social and health consequences of neoliberal economic reform, principles of health equity and social justice, the centerpieces of the Health for All strategy drafted at Alma Ata in 1978, are once again at center stage in global public health debates. Whether and how equity in access to health care can be maintained in a context of market-based health sector reform has not been systematically addressed, particularly from the perspective of local communities. This paper will explore how health reform affects health care in post-socialist Mongolia. Through a mixed-methods household-based study of low-to-middle income communities in urban and rural Mongolia we find that despite explicit and concerted efforts to reduce inequities, the reform system is unable to provide equitable health care either vertically or horizontally. Emphasis on privatization of the secondary and tertiary sectors of the system, coupled with deployment of universally-accessible, but from a clinical standpoint, limited, version of essential primary care, produces a fragmented system. Particularly for the vulnerable poor, access to services beyond the primary care system is compromised by financial, opportunity, and informational cost barriers. This research suggests that new models of health reform are needed that will effectively bridge the growing gaps between public and private resources, primary and secondary and/or tertiary care, and clinical and public health services.  相似文献   

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