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Image reconstruction in SNR units: a general method for SNR measurement.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The method for phased array image reconstruction of uniform noise images may be used in conjunction with proper image scaling as a means of reconstructing images directly in SNR units. This facilitates accurate and precise SNR measurement on a per pixel basis. This method is applicable to root-sum-of-squares magnitude combining, B(1)-weighted combining, and parallel imaging such as SENSE. A procedure for image reconstruction and scaling is presented, and the method for SNR measurement is validated with phantom data. Alternative methods that rely on noise only regions are not appropriate for parallel imaging where the noise level is highly variable across the field-of-view. The purpose of this article is to provide a nuts and bolts procedure for calculating scale factors used for reconstructing images directly in SNR units. The procedure includes scaling for noise equivalent bandwidth of digital receivers, FFTs and associated window functions (raw data filters), and array combining.  相似文献   

In this work, 3D vastly undersampled isotropic projection (VIPR) acquisition is used simultaneously with continuous table motion to extend the superior/inferior (S/I) FOV for MR angiograms. The new technique is termed floating table isotropic PR (FLIPR). The use of 3D PR in conjunction with table motion obviates the need to locate and prescribe imaging volumes containing the major blood vessels over the large superior-inferior (S/I) ranges encountered in whole-body imaging. In addition, the FLIPR technique provides extended anterior-posterior (A/P) abdominal coverage, isotropic spatial resolution, and temporal resolution. In volunteer studies, FLIPR MR angiograms with 1.6-mm isotropic spatial resolution that approached whole body in extent were acquired in less than 2 min.  相似文献   

Calculations of the radiofrequency magnetic (B(1)) field, SAR, and SNR as functions of frequency between 64 and 345 MHz for a surface coil against an anatomically-accurate human chest are presented. Calculated B(1) field distributions are in good agreement with previously-published experimental results up to 175 MHz, especially considering the dependence of field behavior on subject anatomy. Calculated SNR in the heart agrees well with theory for low frequencies (nearly linear increase with B(0) field strength). Above 175 MHz, the trend in SNR with frequency begins to depend largely on location in the heart. At all frequencies, present limits on local (1 g) SAR levels are exceeded before limits on whole-body average limits. At frequencies above 175 MHz, limits on SAR begin to be an issue in some common imaging sequences. These results are relevant for coils and subjects similar to those modeled here. Magn Reson Med 45:692-699, 2001.  相似文献   

A novel acquisition technique called multicontrast imaging is presented that provides multiple datasets of different image contrasts covering an extended field of view within one measurement procedure. The technique uses a continuously moving table and is based on the repetitive acquisition of axial volume sections while the patient moves through the scanner once. To compensate for the table motion during the measurement, adaptive slice shifting is applied. Multicontrast imaging is designed to combine the comfort of a moving table examination with the high time efficiency of a multitask protocol and can be used for generating differences in both contrast and spatial parameters of the acquired data. The technique and its properties are demonstrated on healthy human volunteers.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), precision, and accuracy of phase-contrast flow measurements at 3 T with the help of an in vitro model and to compare the results with data from two 1.5-T scanners. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Using an identical setup of a laminar flow model and sequence parameters, measurements were done at one 3-T and at two 1.5-T systems. Precision, accuracy, and SNR were obtained for velocity encodings ranging from 55 up to 550 cm(-1). SNRs were calculated from the magnitude as well as the flow encoded images. RESULTS: Precision and accuracy for the in vitro flow model were similarly high in all scanners with no significant difference. For velocity encodings from 55 cm(-1) up to 550 cm(-1), the SNR in magnitude as well as phase encoded images of the 3-T measurements was approximately 2.5 times higher than the SNR obtained from the two 1.5-T systems. CONCLUSION: Even without optimization for the 3-T environment, flow measurements show the same high accuracy and precision as is known from clinical 1.5-T scanners. The superior SNR at 3 T will allow further improvements in temporal and spatial resolution. This will be of interest for small-size vessels like coronary arteries or for slow diastolic flow patterns.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate the feasibility and accuracy of an automated method to determine the 3D position of MR-visible markers. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Inductively coupled RF coils were imaged in a whole-body 1.5T scanner using the body coil and two conventional gradient echo sequences (FLASH and TrueFISP) and large imaging volumes up to (300 mm(3)). To minimize background signals, a flip angle of approximately 1 degrees was used. Morphological 2D image processing in orthogonal scan planes was used to determine the 3D positions of a configuration of three fiducial markers (FMC). The accuracies of the marker positions and of the orientation of the plane defined by the FMC were evaluated at various distances r(M) from the isocenter. RESULTS: Fiducial marker detection with conventional equipment (pulse sequences, imaging coils) was very reliable and highly reproducible over a wide range of experimental conditions. For r(M) 相似文献   

Calculations of the RF magnetic (B(1)) field as a function of frequency between 64 and 345 MHz were performed for a head model in an idealized birdcage coil. Absorbed power (P(abs)) and SNR were calculated at each frequency with three different methods of defining excitation pulse amplitude: maintaining 90 degrees flip angle at the coil center (center alpha = pi/2), maximizing FID amplitude (Max. A(FID)), and maximizing total signal amplitude in a reconstructed image (Max. A(image)). For center alpha = pi/2 and Max. A(image), SNR increases linearly with increasing field strength until 260 MHz, where it begins to increase at a greater rate. For these two methods, P(abs) increases continually, but at a lower rate at higher field strengths. Above 215 MHz in MRI of the human head, the use of FID amplitude to set B(1) excitation pulses may result in apparent decreases in SNR and power requirements with increasing static field strength. Magn Reson Med 45:684-691, 2001.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To compare image quality, artifacts, and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) in cardiac cine TrueFISP magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with and without parallel acquisition techniques (PAT). MATERIALS AND METHODS: MRI was performed in 16 subjects with a TrueFISP sequence (1.5 T; Magnetom Sonata, Siemens): TR, 3.0 msec; TE, 1.5 msec; flip angle (FA), 60 degrees. Three axes were scanned without PAT (no PAT) and using the generalized autocalibrating partially parallel acquisition (GRAPPA) and modified sensitivity encoding (mSENSE) reconstruction algorithms with an autocalibration mode to reduce scan time. A conventional spine array and a body flex array were used. Artifacts, image noise, and overall image quality were classified on a 4-point scale by an observer blinded to the implemented technique; for quantitative comparison, SNR was measured. RESULTS: With a PAT factor of two, acquisition time could be reduced by 39%. No PAT did not show artifacts, and GRAPPA revealed fewer artifacts than mSENSE. PAT provided inferior-quality scores concerning image noise and overall image quality. In quantitative measurements, GRAPPA and mSENSE (20.1 +/- 6.2 and 15.6 +/- 6.2, respectively) yielded lower SNR than no PAT (30.6 +/- 20.1; P < 0.05) and P < 0.001). CONCLUSION: Time savings in PAT are accompanied by artifacts and an increase in image noise. The GRAPPA algorithm was superior to mSENSE concerning image quality, noise, and SNR.  相似文献   

Magnetic susceptibility differs among tissues based on their contents of iron, calcium, contrast agent, and other molecular compositions. Susceptibility modifies the magnetic field detected in the MR signal phase. The determination of an arbitrary susceptibility distribution from the induced field shifts is a challenging, ill‐posed inverse problem. A method called “calculation of susceptibility through multiple orientation sampling” (COSMOS) is proposed to stabilize this inverse problem. The field created by the susceptibility distribution is sampled at multiple orientations with respect to the polarization field, B0, and the susceptibility map is reconstructed by weighted linear least squares to account for field noise and the signal void region. Numerical simulations and phantom and in vitro imaging validations demonstrated that COSMOS is a stable and precise approach to quantify a susceptibility distribution using MRI. Magn Reson Med 61:196–204, 2009. © 2008 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

目的:进一步探讨不典型病例的诊断及可能导致其误诊、漏诊的原因,以便提高我们的诊断水平。材料及方法:本组共收集了126例多发硬化症患者,其中4/5为典型病例,1/5为临床表现、体征、影像学检查均不典型,但经临床及影像学追迹得以确诊的病例。126例中男60例;女66例;年龄在11—55之间,平均36岁。除头颅MR扫描外,对脊髓病变进行了追迹检查,多数做了增强扫描。结果:病变侵犯单一部位者76人,多部位者50人。多发硬化症的MRI表现:对典型的病例,诊断多无困难;但对不典型病例,则需加以注意,其中包括发病部位、病变形态,大小,周围水肿之有无,强化表现等。结论:不典型的多发硬化症MRI表现是造成误诊、漏诊的主要原因。  相似文献   

Quantitative MR metrics (e.g., T1, T2, diffusion coefficients, and magnetization transfer ratios (MTRs etc)) are often derived from two images collected with one acquisition parameter changed between them (the "two-point" method). Since a low signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) adversely affects the precision of these metrics, averaging is frequently used, although improvement accrues slowly-in proportion to the square root of imaging time. Fortunately, the relationship between the images' SNRs and the metric's precision can be exploited to our advantage. Using error propagation rules, we show that for a given sequence, specifying the total imaging time uniquely determines the optimal acquisition protocol. Specifically, instead of changing only one acquisition parameter and repeating the imaging pair until all available time is spent, we propose to adjust all of the parameters and the number of averages at each point according to their contribution to the sought metric's precision. The tactic is shown to increase the precision of the well-known two-point T1, T2, and diffusion coefficients estimation by 13-90% for the same sample, sequence, hardware, and duration. It is also shown that under this general framework, precision accrues faster than the square root of time. Tables of optimal parameters are provided for various experimental scenarios.  相似文献   

The fast spin-echo (FSE) sequence is frequently used as a fast data-readout technique in conjunction with other pulse sequence elements, such as in fluid-attenuated inversion-recovery (FLAIR) and double inversion-recovery (DIR) sequences. In order to implement those pulse sequences, an understanding is required of how the longitudinal magnetization evolves during the FSE part of the sequence. This evolution has been addressed to a certain extent by previous publications, but the DIR literature in particular appears to be replete with approximations to the exact expression for the longitudinal magnetization, and several papers contain errors. Equations are therefore presented here for the evolution of the longitudinal magnetization for a FSE readout. These are then applied to calculate the magnetization available immediately prior to the 90 degrees imaging pulse for the FLAIR-FSE and DIR-FSE pulse sequences.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to quantify microcirculation and microvasculature in breast lesions by pharmacokinetic analysis of Gd-DTPA-enhanced MRI series. Strongly T1-weighted MR images were acquired in 18 patients with breast lesions using a saturation-recovery-TurboFLASH sequence. Concentration-time courses were determined for blood, pectoral muscle, and breast masses and subsequently analyzed by a two-compartment model to estimate plasma flow and the capillary transfer coefficient per unit of plasma volume (F/VP, KPS/VP) as well as fractional volumes of the plasma and interstitial space (fP, fI). Tissue parameters determined for pectoral muscle (fP = 0.04 +/- 0.01, fI = 0.09 +/- 0.01, F/VP = 2.4 +/- 1.3 min(-1), and KPS/VP = 1.2 +/- 0.5 min(-1)) and 10 histologically proven carcinomas (fP = 0.20 +/- 0.07, fI = 0.34 +/- 0.16, F/VP = 2.4 +/- 0.7 min(-1), and KPS/VP = 0.86 +/- 0.62 min(-1)) agreed reasonable well with literature data. Best separation between malignant and benign lesions was obtained by the ratio KPS/F (0.35 +/- 0.17 vs. 1.23 +/- 0.65). The functional imaging technique presented appears promising to quantitatively characterize tumor pathophysiology. Its impact on diagnosis and therapy management of breast tumors, however, has to be evaluated in larger patient studies.  相似文献   

Artery wall motion and strain play important roles in vascular remodeling and may be important in the pathogenesis of vascular disease. In vivo observations of circumferentially nonuniform wall motion in the human aorta suggest that nonuniform strain may contribute to the localization of vascular pathology. A velocity-based method to investigate circumferential strain variations was previously developed and validated in vitro; the current study was undertaken to determine whether accurate displacement and strain fields can be calculated from velocity data acquired in vivo. Wall velocities in the porcine thoracic aorta were quantified with PC-MRI and an implanted coil and were then time-integrated to compute wall displacement trajectories and cyclic strain. Displacement trajectories were consistent with observed aortic wall motion and with the displacements of markers in the aortic wall. The mean difference between velocity-based and marker-based trajectory points was 0.1 mm, relative to an average pixel size of 0.4 mm. Propagation of error analyses based on the precision of the computed displacements were used to demonstrate that 10% strain results in a standard deviation of 3.6%. This study demonstrates that it is feasible to accurately quantify strain from low wall velocities in vivo and that the porcine thoracic aorta does not deform uniformly.  相似文献   

Using hypercapnia and carbogen as functional markers of vessel maturation and function, we compared blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) contrast with standard dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE)-MRI quantitative parameters in murine fibrosarcoma. Our results show that there was no correlation between vessel maturity and contrast-agent uptake rate (K(in) (Trans)) or contrast agent efflux rate (k(ep)). In addition, DCE-MRI provided higher estimates of the fraction of functional tumor compared to BOLD-MRI. The two putative markers of regional vascular density, i.e., the magnitude of BOLD signal change during carbogen challenge (VF) and the fractional plasma volume found by DCE-MRI (V(p)), were only weakly correlated (r(2) = 0.02-0.14). Furthermore, VF showed no correlation with K(in) (Trans). A positive correlation was observed (r(2) = 0.75) between mean tumor VF and k(ep), but only when averaged over the whole tumor (which includes tumor regions completely unperfused by the gadolinium (Gd) contrast agent). This would merely reveal a relationship between perfusion status and the capacity to respond to carbogen breathing. In conclusion, characterizations of tumor microvasculature imaging using BOLD-MRI and DCE-MRI appear to be largely complementary, given the weak correlations between their corresponding derived parameters.  相似文献   

Models have been developed for the analysis of dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI (DCE-MRI) data that do not require direct measurements of the arterial input function; such methods are referred to as reference region models. These models typically return estimates of the volume transfer constant (K(trans)) and the extravascular extracellular volume fraction (v(e)). To date such models have assumed a linear relationship between the measured R(1) ( identical with 1/T(1)) and the concentration of contrast agent, a transformation referred to as the fast exchange limit, but this assumption is not valid for all concentrations of an agent. A theory for DCE-MRI reference region models which accounts for water exchange is presented, evaluated in simulations, and applied in tumor-bearing mice. Using reasonable parameter values, simulations show that the assumption of fast exchange can underestimate K(trans) and v(e) by up to 82% and 46%, respectively. By analyzing a large region of interest and a single voxel the new model can return parameters within approximately +/-10% and +/-25%, respectively, of their true values. Analysis of experimental data shows that the new approach returns K(trans) and v(e) values that are up to 90% and 73%, respectively, greater than conventional fast exchange analyses.  相似文献   

The partition coefficient of Gd-DTPA (lambda) is elevated in infarcted relative to normal myocardium. Although MRI following an infusion of Gd-DTPA allows for the quantification of lambda, infarct imaging is more routinely performed using a bolus. In this study we sought to determine how image delay time and time postinfarction influence the estimation of lambda by the bolus strategy. Both infusion and bolus imaging were performed twice in the same group of patients (N = 9): once at 3-4 weeks and again 6 months after reperfusion therapy for myocardial infarction (MI). Bolus estimates of lambda were compared with those calculated after 60 min infusion, and comparisons were repeated at 6 months. The lambda of infarcted myocardium was significantly greater than that of normal tissue, irrespective of either the technique used or the time postinfarction (P < 0.0001, for each). The concordance (Rc) between bolus and infusion estimates of lambda was >0.83 for all image delays >4 min postinjection, and Rc at 2 min (0.78 +/- 0.04) was significantly less than Rc determined for longer image delay times (P = 0.009). Rc did not change with time postinfarction (P = 0.604). Thus, the bolus strategy can be used to provide estimates of lambda that are stable from 1-6 months postinfarction and independent of image delay time.  相似文献   

NMR q-space imaging is a method designed to obtain information from porous materials where diffusion-diffraction phenomena were observed from which pore size was derived. Recently, the technique has been applied to the study of biological structures as well. Although diffusive diffraction has so far not been observed in multicellular systems, displacement profiles have been used with some success as a means to estimate structure size. However, there have been no quantitative correlations of the retrieved structure sizes with histology. Clearly, the complexity of tissue architecture poses significant challenges to the interpretation of q-space data. In this work, simulations were first performed on a two-compartment model to demonstrate the effects of interference of the diffraction patterns arising from intra and extra-axonal compartments and finite boundary permeability on q-space data. Second, q-space echo attenuation was simulated on the basis of histologic images of various rat spinal cord fiber tracts and the information obtained from the displacement profiles were compared with structural parameters computed from the histologic images. The results show that calculated mean displacements and kurtosis parallel mean axon size and axonal density. Finally, spatially localized q-space measurements were carried out at the locations where simulations had previously been performed, resulting in displacement data that support those obtained by simulation. The data suggest the NMR q-space approach has potential for nondestructive analysis of the axonal architecture in the mammalian spinal cord.  相似文献   

The efficiency of MRI-guided focused ultrasound (FUS) hyperthermia with continuous sonication was investigated for the treatment of VX2 carcinoma implanted in rabbit thigh muscle. Six rabbits were treated with a single session of FUS when the tumor diameter exceeded 2 cm (10-21 days after implant). The FUS treatment method was based on a spiral trajectory of the focal point that allows continuous sonication under automatic, real-time MR guidance. The total heating time was approximately 1000 sec. Efficacy of treatment was evaluated twice a week based on clinical (weight) and MRI data. Treated animals were sacrificed 5 weeks after the heating procedure and histological analysis was performed. Tumor regression was observed in each treated animal. Complete ablation of tumor, with confirmation by histological analysis, was obtained in five of six treated cases. Tumor regrowth occurred in one animal. Thermal injury was limited to the targeted region in three cases, but ablation also reached some healthy muscle around the tumor in the other three cases. A good correlation was found between postmortem histological analysis and premortem MRI data. Efficacy of MR-controlled hyperthermia using FUS heating with spiral trajectories was demonstrated for successful local control of intramuscular VX2 tumor.  相似文献   

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