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OBJECTIVES: Most research on falls among older persons focuses on health-related factors that affect the ability to maintain balance. The objective of the study is to determine the association between physical activity and occurrence of falls among community-dwelling older persons. METHODS: The distribution of falls and person-hours of physical activity in the home over 24 h was compared. The falls data (n=501) were extracted from a pooled dataset of three follow-up studies conducted between 1994 and 2005 (n=3587). The 1995 Dutch National Time-Budget Survey provided hour-by-hour information on activities performed by older individuals (n=459) in the home; this sample was representative for the Netherlands. The association between the 24-h distribution of falls and physical activity and the risk of falling (the ratio between the distribution of falls and physical activity) were determined. Participants were community-dwelling older persons aged 65 years and older. RESULTS: More physical activity was positively associated with more falls (Spearman correlation=.89, p<.000). The risk of falling at night (1 a.m.-6 a.m.) was almost eight times higher compared to 7 a.m.-12 p.m. CONCLUSIONS: Physical activity is strongly associated with the number of falls in the home, measured over 24 h. Older persons may be at increased risk of falling if they are encouraged to become more physically active, or if they often get out of bed at night. Thus in addition to health-related factors, changes in level of physical activity should also be taken into account when estimating a person's risk of falling.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: A clinical study was conducted to measure the effectiveness and operational characteristics of a new device intended to reduce the incidence of falls in elderly patients at high risk of falling. The NOC.watch device consists of a credit-card size device contained within an adhesive "patch"worn on the thigh continuously for many days. The patch is small, wireless, disposable, waterproof, shockproof, and unobtrusive. When a patient's leg becomes weight-bearing (such as when a patient gets out of bed or stands up unassisted), the receiver emits an audible signal which both alerts the patient to sit down and also summons a caregiver. DESIGN: A crossover design was used to compare the fall rate of patients while wearing the NOC.watch device with the fall rate while not wearing it. Patients (n = 47) wore the device for one week, and were monitored for fall activity before, during, and after this week. The three time periods were referred to as the "Pre," "During," and "Post" periods, respectively. PARTICIPANTS: The study was conducted between November 1, 2000, and April 1, 2001, in the Medicare unit of a skilled nursing facility in northern California. Forty-seven patients admitted to the unit with a fall risk assessment (FRA) score of at least 6 were entered into the study, with a mean FRA of 11.4. MEASUREMENTS: The main outcome measure was fall rate per 100 patient days. Qualitative observations of adverse effects on skin integrity, degree of staff and patient acceptance of the system, and lack of false alarms are also reported. Poisson regression with generalized estimating equations was used for analysis of fall rates. RESULTS: Forty-seven patients wore the device. Total number of patient-days of observation were 273, 299, and 497 in the Pre, During, and Post periods, respectively, for a total of 1,069 days of observation. These patients had 11 falls in the Pre period (4.0 falls per 100 days), 1 fall in the During period (0.3 falls per 100 days) and 17 falls in the Post period (3.4 falls per 100 days). This 91% reduction in fall rate while wearing the NOC.watch is statistically significant with P = 0.02. False alarms were qualitatively reported to be low or nonexistent, and patient and caregiver acceptance of the device was reported to be high. No adverse effects on skin integrity were noted. Cognitively impaired patients, who have difficulty remembering to call for assistance, appeared to respond particularly well to the device alarm. CONCLUSIONS: The prototype NOC.watch device appears to have a large impact on reducing fall risk in nursing home patients, with minimal adverse effects. However, due to the lack of an equivalent control group, these results should be confirmed with a larger, randomized, controlled study to better estimate the true magnitude of the effect of the NOC.watch device on fall rates.  相似文献   

Injury sustained through falling is a significant risk for the elderly and a significant burden on the health service. Although many risk factors have been detected and interventions proposed, there remains limited evidence concerning the cost-effectiveness of fall prevention. This study addressed the cost-effectiveness of a home assessment and modification program hypothesised to reduce risk of falling for the independent elderly. Due to a lack of direct clinical trial evidence concerning such an intervention, a decision analytic model was developed to simulate the potential costs and outcomes of the intervention. The model was developed using available published literature concerning injury in the elderly, focusing on Australian data where possible. Cost-effectiveness was estimated as the cost per fall prevented and cost per injury prevented. Over a one-year period, the incremental cost of introducing the intervention was $172 per person, resulting in an incremental cost per fall prevented of $1,721 and cost per injury prevented of $17,208. Over a 10-year period, the intervention resulted in a cost saving of $92 per person (i.e. dominance, with cost savings in addition to reduced falls and injuries). This analysis indicates that there is potential for considerable benefit to be gained from this intervention, in terms of less morbidity, fewer hospitalisations and, possibly, improved quality of life. However, these results are based on a model constructed from various data sources and assumptions so, although results are indicative, further research is required to provide firm data before definitive policy conclusions and recommendations may be made.  相似文献   

It is not clear which specific cognitive function is strongest related to falls. To investigate this, not only "general cognitive functioning," but also "nonverbal and abstract reasoning," "information processing speed," and "immediate memory" were related to falls. Furthermore, relevant effect modifiers, confounders, and mediators were identified. This study was performed within the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA), a multidisciplinary, prospective cohort study. In this study (n = 1437), an interaction between "immediate memory" and age was found. In persons aged 75 years and over, "immediate memory," as measured by the 15 Words Test, showed to be an independent risk factor for falls. Part of this relationship was explained by the mediating effects of activity, mobility, and grip strength. The association between the other cognitive functions and falls was only statistically significant in univariate analysis. We conclude that "immediate memory" is an independent risk factor for recurrent falls in persons aged 75 years and older.  相似文献   

The role of alcohol in the occurrence and burden of fall related injury at home is unclear. We examined the contribution of alcohol to fatal and hospitalized injuries due to unintentional falls at home among working-aged adults. We conducted a population-based case-control study in Auckland, New Zealand between July 2005 and July 2006. Cases were 335 people aged 25-60 years who were admitted to hospital or died as a result of unintentional falls at home. Control subjects were 352 people randomly selected from the electoral roll from the same age band as the cases. The participants or next-of-kin completed a structured interview that ascertained data on sociodemographic, personal, and lifestyle factors including alcohol consumption. After controlling for confounding, the consumption of two or more standard alcoholic drinks in the preceding 6h relative to none was associated with a significantly increased risk of fall related injury (for two standard drinks: odds ratio: 3.7, 95% confidence interval: 1.2-10.9; for three or more drinks: odds ratio: 12.9, 95% confidence interval: 5.2-31.9). Approximately 20% of unintentional falls at home in this population may be attributable to the consumption of two or more alcoholic drinks in the preceding 6h. Drinking is strongly associated with unintentional falls at home that result in admission to hospital or death. Moreover, a substantial proportion of falls at home among working-age people can be attributed to alcohol consumption. This largely unrecognized problem should be addressed in falls prevention programs.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to test the assumption that the level of outdoor physical activity mediates the relationship between fear of falling and actual outdoor falls according to the Task Difficulty Homeostasis Theory. METHOD: A prospective follow-up study of 10 months conducted in the year 2000 in three municipalities in the province of Friesland, The Netherlands. The participants were 1752 people aged 65 and older, living independently, in the community. Main baseline data were age, sex, outdoor physical activities (walking, bicycling), and fear of outdoor falls. The number of people who fell outdoors was recorded. RESULTS: People with a high fear of falling were more often low to moderately active or active compared with people who had no such fears and were more often very active. Fear of falling was not associated with outdoor falls, but it was after taking the level of physical activity into account. CONCLUSIONS: Outdoor physical activity mediates the relationship between fear of falling and actual outdoor falls. This implies that the incidence of falls as an outcome in studies does not adequately represent the impact of risk factors for falls and that level of physical activity should be taken into account.  相似文献   



Implementing quality improvement programs that require behavior change on the part of health care professionals and patients has proven difficult in routine care. Significant randomized trial evidence supports creating fall prevention programs for community-dwelling older adults, but adoption in routine care has been limited. Nationally-collected data indicated that our local facility could improve its performance on fall prevention in community-dwelling older people. We sought to develop a sustainable local fall prevention program, using theory to guide program development.  相似文献   

Abstract: Children are more likely to be hospitalised because of burns from hot liquids than from contact with fire and flames. Many of these hot liquid burns are from contact with hot tap water, usually in the home. Hot tap water burns to young children can be prevented completely by lowering the delivery temperature of the hot tap water. This study reports on the evaluation of a program designed to lower the temperature of home hot tap water in Dunedin, New Zealand. In conjunction with a national media campaign, the program provided an educational intervention to households with young children. Before and after measures were made and comparison groups were used to determine the effect of the intervention on tap water temperatures. Mean tap water temperature was 64.2°C at baseline and 61.2°C at follow-up. The proportion of households with water temperatures above 70°C decreased by 50 per cent between baseline and follow-up while the proportion below 60°C increased from 33 per cent to 47 per cent. The group receiving the intervention did not differ significantly from the comparison groups. There were significant decreases in tap water temperature across all groups, but the majority of households still had temperatures above 55°C at the end of the study.  相似文献   

Multi-strategy interventions have been demonstrated to prevent falls among older people, but studies have not explored their sustainability. This paper investigates program sustainability of Stay on Your Feet (SOYF), an Australian multi-strategy falls prevention program (1992-1996) that achieved a significant reduction in falls-related hospital admissions. A series of surveys assessed recall, involvement and current falls prevention activities, 5 years post-SOYF, in multiple original SOYF stakeholder groups within the study area [general practitioners (GPs), pharmacists, community health (CH) staff, shire councils (SCs) and access committees (ACs)]. Focus groups explored possible behavioural changes in the target group. Surveys were mailed, except to CH staff and ACs, who participated in guided group sessions and were contacted via the telephone, respectively. Response rates were: GPs, 67% (139/209); pharmacists, 79% (53/67); CH staff, 63% (129/204); SCs, 90% (9/10); ACs, 80% (8/10). There were 73 older people in eight focus groups. Of 117 GPs who were practising during SOYF, 80% recalled SOYF and 74% of these reported an influence on their practice. Of 46 pharmacists operating a business during SOYF, 45% had heard of SOYF and 79% of these reported being 'somewhat' influenced. Of 76 community health staff (59%) in the area at that time, 99% had heard of SOYF and 82% reported involvement. Four SCs retained a SOYF resource, but none thought current activities were related. Seven ACs reported involvement, but no activities were sustained. Thirty-five focus group participants (48%) remembered SOYF and reported a variety of SOYF-initiated behaviour changes. Program sustainability was clearly demonstrated among health practitioners. Further research is required to assess long-term effect sustainability.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study evaluated an anti-tobacco campaign targeting Vietnamese men in San Francisco, Calif. METHODS: The intervention included Vietnamese-language media, health education materials, and activities targeting physicians, youth, and businesses. Evaluation involved pretest and posttest cross-sectional telephone surveys and multiple logistic regression analyses designed to identify variables associated with smoking and quitting. RESULTS: At posttest, the odds of being a smoker were significantly lower (odds ratio [OR] = 0.82, 95% confidence interval [CI] = 0.68, 0.99), and the odds of being a quitter were significantly higher (OR = 1.65, 95% CI = 1.27, 2.15), in San Francisco than in a comparison community. CONCLUSIONS: Despite modest success, further efforts are needed to reduce smoking among Vietnamese-American men.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Our research group has established the effectiveness of an individually tailored home exercise program to prevent falls and fall injuries in older people in four controlled trials. In one of these trials we evaluated the applicability of the exercise program to routine primary health care practice and the feasibility of nurses implementing the program. METHODS: People aged 80 years and older, registered with general practices in three exercise (n = 330 participants) and four control centers (n = 120 participants) in New Zealand, were invited to take part by their doctor. We investigated program reach, uptake, and compliance. We carried out physical assessments at baseline and after 1 year to assess the impact of the program. RESULTS: Most (85%) doctors agreed to take part and they approved 71% of patients to undertake the exercise program. Overall 47% of people invited agreed to participate and 70% of the exercise participants remained exercising at 1 year. Balance score and chair stand time improved by a similar amount in each exercise center compared with the control centers. CONCLUSIONS: This falls prevention program is acceptable to older people and their doctors. Nurses trained by a physiotherapist can deliver the home exercise program effectively in routine primary health care practice.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: In their letters to the editor, Lacherez et al. [Lacherez, P.F., Wood, J.M., Kerr, G.K., 2007. Does activity level mediate or suppress the association between fear of falling and falls? Prev. Med. 31; (Electronic publication ahead of print)] and Hafeman and Schwartz [Hafeman, D., Schwartz, S., 2007. Assessing mediation: The necessity of theoretical considerations. Prev. Med. 26; (Electronic publication ahead of print)] questioned the correctness of using the term 'mediation' in our paper [Wijlhuizen, G.J., Jong, R. de, Hopman-Rock, M., 2007. Older persons afraid of falling reduce physical activity to prevent outdoor falls. Prev. Med. 44, 260-264.]. In this paper, we concluded that (outdoor) Physical activity mediates the relationship between Fear of falling and outdoor Falls. We investigated whether the term 'inconsistent mediation' might be a more appropriate term to use in this context. METHODS: Based on literature, we describe the relationship between fear of falling, physical activity, and falls within a causal model. RESULTS: Two causal pathways between Fear and Falls exist, with the causal pathway going from Fear of falling via Physical activity to Falls counteracting (is inconsistent with) the causal pathway going from Fear of falling via Hesitancy to Falls. CONCLUSION: The term 'inconsistent mediation' might be more appropriate to describe the causal relationships between Fear of falling, Falls, and Physical activity.  相似文献   

A program titled Contemporary Concerns about Food and Health (CCFH) was developed by the Florida Cooperative Extension Service after research in five counties showed 30%-74% of 2,308 middle-aged citizens to have three or more characteristics that placed them at above-average risk for developing diseases such as cardiovascular disease, adult-onset diabetes, and cirrhosis. CCFH addressed the effects of dietary and other practices that contribute to such lifestyle-related diseases. This article describes the test of the effectiveness of this program in increasing participant knowledge about the causes and preventions of health risk and in motivating them to make healthful risk-reducing changes in their lifestyles. A comparison, four-group, quasi-experimental design was used to study the program in five counties. The four groups included (a) those who participated only in CCFH lessons; (b) lesson participants who had also completed a computerized healthrisk profile; (c) a random sample of persons who completed only the health profile; and (d) a control group randomly selected to match both groups of lesson participants closely in age, sex, race, and county of residence. Results showed that lesson participants knew the answers to a significantly greater number of knowledge items than did the comparison groups, and they reported making more, and more important, changes in their lifestyles for reducing their risks of developing health problems.  相似文献   

Falls are the leading cause of accidents among those ages 65 and older and the largest single cause of death due to injury of the elderly. Environmental factors play a key role in the probability of a fall in the homes of the elderly. A community health promotion team approach can reduce the prevalence rate of injuries due to falls by eliminating the risk factors precipitating the injuries. A comprehensive program in Wilmington, OH, will incorporate the use of the community senior citizens' center, the local college, fire department, local radio stations and newspapers, community churches, local merchants, educators, and the medical community. Extrinsic factors that previously have been linked directly to falls will be identified in the home inspections. The "Fixer-Up-Team," composed of college students and community volunteers, will rectify any unsafe conditions found by the inspection team. Local merchants and lumber yards will donate materials to make needed repairs. Active senior citizens will be trained as part of the inspection team, allowing this program to be self-perpetuating. Compared with the national prevalence rates, this program will show a decrease in injuries caused by falls in the homes of the participants of this program.  相似文献   

跌倒是老年人常见的意外事件,随着老龄化的加剧,老年人跌倒已成为一个日益严重的公共卫生问题。发达国家[1]研究发现,居住在社区的65岁及以上的老人大约有1/3在1年中发生过跌  相似文献   

Quality assurance (QA) for comprehensive programs like the Program of All-inclusive Care for the Elderly (PACE) requires a special strategy. The assessment phase should be capable of looking across the usual subdivisions of care to recognize the contributions of various disciplines, and to focus on the effects of that care on the patient. Measures should thus include both problem-specific and patient-focused elements. The tracer technique which follows the care of specific problems provides an opportunity to look at both the process and outcomes of care. An outcomes focus which looks at patient functioning as well as condition-specific parameters can include specific sentinel events whose presence suggests untoward developments. Quality assurance implies more than assessment. It represents a commitment to act responsibly on the information obtained to improve the care rendered. It includes a strategy for proactive involvement where caregivers are prompted to consider pertinent information in a timely fashion, and a retrospective remedial approach where the data are analyzed and presented in a format that can be readily understood and which suggests next steps to improve care.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Influenza causes approximately 36,000 deaths per year in the United States despite the presence of an effective vaccine. This assessment of the value of influenza vaccination to the U.S. population is part of an update to the 2001 ranking of clinical preventive services recommended by the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force. The forthcoming ranking will include the new recommendation of the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices to extend influenza vaccination to adults aged 50 to 64 years. METHODS: This service is evaluated on the two most important dimensions: burden of disease prevented and cost effectiveness. Study methods, described in a companion article, are designed to ensure consistency across many services. RESULTS: Over the lifetime of a birth cohort of 4 million, it is estimated that about 275,000 quality-adjusted life years (QALYs) would be saved if influenza vaccination were offered annually to all people after age 50. Eighty percent of the QALYs saved (220,000) would be achieved by offering the vaccine only to persons aged 65 and older. In year 2000 dollars, the cost effectiveness of influenza vaccination is $980 per QALY saved in persons aged 65 and older, and $28,000 per QALY saved in persons aged 50 to 64. When the costs of patient time and travel are excluded, the cost effectiveness ratio of vaccinating 50- to 64-year-olds decreases to $7200 per QALY saved, and vaccinating those aged 65 and older saves $17 per person vaccinated. CONCLUSIONS: Influenza vaccination is a high-impact, cost-effective service for persons aged 65 and older. Vaccinations are also cost effective for persons aged 50 to 64.  相似文献   

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