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山西农村社区人群高血压现患状况研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
选取山西农村有条件进行健康教育的社区人群19749人,进行了高血压患病率及其现患因素研究。结果表明,15岁以上人群高血压总患病率为21.61%,其中临界和确诊高血压患病率分别为13.29%和8.32%;男性患病率(22.84%)高于女性(20.57%);15~34岁人群患病率在10%以下,而35~54岁年龄组患病率波动在20%~30%,55岁以上患病率达40%以上。男性在50岁前患病率高于女性,而50岁以后则女性高于男性。高血压现患因素多元逐步回归分析结果显示,除年龄、性别、文化程度、婚姻状况和父母、同胞高血压患病史等因素外,该人群高血压危险因素主要是超重、肥胖及饮酒、口味偏咸和吸烟等行为因素。  相似文献   

人群对高血压的认知调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解人群对高血压 (HBp)的认知及患病情况 ,1998年对宏伟区光华街道居民 5 5 0人进行了调查。现报告如下。对象和方法 多级整群抽样。光华街道办事处按每户 1人比例抽取 5 0 7人作为监测对象。以调查表形式进行居民行为危险因素健康调查 ,测量血压 :按WHO规定 ,收缩压≥18 6 3kPa(140mmHg) ,且 (或 )舒张压≥ 11 97kPa(90mmHg)为高血压。结果 共调查 5 0 7人 ,其中男性 312人 ,女性 195人 ,调查对象中高血压患者共 113人 ,患病率 2 2 3%。男性 77人 ,患病率 2 4 7% ;女性 36人 ,患病率 18 5 %。年龄分布 :113名H…  相似文献   

张宁  周正元  徐晓燕  周犇 《职业与健康》2011,27(23):2679-2681
目的:了解常熟市农村居民高血压患病率、知晓率、治疗率和控制率的变化情况.方法 采用多阶段分层整群抽样的方法,分别于1999和2010年调查35周岁以上农村居民22 423和4 634人,自行设计调查表调查一般情况、高血压患病情况、治疗情况,同时进行血压测量.结果 ①2次调查高血压粗患病率分别为37.58%和36.75%,差异无统计学意义,标化患病率分别为35.04%和26.92%,2010年调查标化患病率明显下降.②男性调查粗患病率下降(x2=9.37,P<0.01),女性调查粗患病率差异无统计学意义,2次调查男性粗患病率、标化患病率均高于女性.2次调查显示,随着年龄的上升,各年龄组高血压患病率均上升,差异且有统计学意义.男女比较,1999年调查70岁~年龄组以前患病率男性高于女性,70岁~年龄组以后男女患病率差异无统计学意义;2010年调查60岁~年龄组以前患病率男性高于女性,60岁~年龄组以后男女患病率差异无统计学意义;50岁~及以前年龄组,1999年调查患病率显著高于2010年调查患病率;60岁~及以上年龄组,2次调查患病率差异不大.③高血压知晓率、治疗率、控制率、治疗者控制率2010年均高于1999年;高血压知晓率、治疗率1999年调查女性高于男性,而2010年调查男女差异无统计学意义;高血压控制率、治疗者控制率1999年调查女性高于男性,而2010年调查为男性高于女性.结论 2010年调查与1999年调查结果相比,常熟市农村居民高血压患病率得到控制,但随着人口老龄化,老年人口高血压患病率有增高趋势;高血压知晓率、治疗率、控制率、治疗者控制率均有所提高,但控制率、治疗者控制率仍较低.  相似文献   

目的了解呼伦贝尔蒙古族地区城镇居民高血压患病现况。方法采用整群抽样方法,抽取呼伦贝尔蒙古族地区城镇居民1536名,有效调查1496名,有效率为97.4%。对调查对象进行问卷调查和血压测量。统计高血压患病率。结果呼伦贝尔蒙古族地区城镇居民高血压患病率为31.1%(标化患病率35.3%),其中男性42.0%(标化患病率44.8%),女性24.5%(标化患病率25.4%),男性高血压患病率高于女性(P〈0.05)。高血压患病率随年龄增长呈上升趋势(P〈0.05)。不同民族间高血压患病率差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。结论呼伦贝尔蒙古族地区城镇居民高血压患病率较高,当地卫生部门应加强高血压的综合防治,积极采取健康干预措施。  相似文献   

苏南农村社区高血压患病率及危险因素分布研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
为了解苏南农村社区人群高血压患病危险因素水平,采用整群抽样方法,调查江苏省金坛市农村社区35~59岁自然人群共1120人。结果表明:高血压标化患病率为23.11%,其中男性为25.27%,显著高于女性22.14%;高血压患病率随年龄增长而增加,女性组患病率上升较男性组快,50岁以后女性高血压患病率高于男性;高血压组与非高血压组的空腹血糖(FBS)、总胆固醇(TC)、甘油三酯(TG)、总胆固醇与高密  相似文献   

深圳市糖尿病流行特征研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用分层整群抽样方法,对深圳市5个行政区在深圳居住5年及以上,年龄在20岁及以上的8200名社区人群进行了糖尿病流行病学调查。结果表明,深圳居民糖尿病(DM)标化患病率为431%,糖耐量低减(IGT)标化患病率为1193%,两者之比为1∶278;其中女性糖尿病(DM)和耐糖量低减(IGT)标化患病率分别为431%和1193%,明显高于男性,后者分别为371%和1028%。研究结果还表明糖尿病和糖耐量低减率随年龄的升高而升高,离退休人员和家庭妇女明显高于其他职业人群,末发现来自不同地区人群糖尿病和IGT患病率间差异。  相似文献   

[目的]探讨农村居民食物摄入水平与高血压的关系,对农村居民开展高血压的膳食防治提供参考依据。[方法]2006年7月,对壶关县石河末村25岁以上农村常住居民进行食物频率调查和血压测量,并对食物摄人量与高血压患病关系进行多因素非条件Logistic回归分析。[结果]调查1256人,高血压患病率为23.96%。高血压患病率,男性为26.10%,女性为21.92%(P〉0.05);男性与女性均为≥45岁高于〈45岁(P〈0.01);〈45岁男性高于女性(P〈0.05),≥45岁男性与女性的差异无统计学意义(P〉0.05)。非条件Logistic回归分析结果,进入回归模型的食物因素有腌制蔬菜摄入量(OR=1.28)、油脂类食物摄入量(OR=1.06)、新鲜蔬菜水果摄入量(OR=0.72)。[结论]石河末村25岁以上农村常住居民高血压患病率处于一般水平。腌制蔬菜、油脂类食物摄入量多是高血压的危险因素,新鲜蔬菜水果摄入量多是高血压的保护因素。  相似文献   

目的:调查衢州市城乡中老年人群高血压患病情况及影响因素。方法:采取分层整群抽样方法,抽取衢州市城区、郊区、农村3个街道(乡镇)6个行政村1730名30岁以上居民进行体格检查和问卷调查,同时检测血脂等血生化指标。结果:衢州市30岁以上居民高血压患病率为40.2%(695/1730),男性为44.8%,女性为37.4%,男性高于女性,城、郊居民高于农村居民。随年龄增长高血压患病率有上升趋势,55岁以上组患病率上升明显。年龄、体重指数、慢性病家族史、体育锻炼是高血压患病的影响因素。结论:衢州市中老年人群高血压患病状况严重,对高危因素暴露者要及时检测血压,对患者要进行健康教育,采取综合措施进行防控。  相似文献   

发挥健康体检在功能社区高血压防治中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的了解功能社区职业人群的高血压患病情况及高血压防治的可利用资源。方法2007年5—9月间在北京城区针对功能社区职业人群进行了“健康膳食、健康血压促进行动”为主题的高血压防治现场调查。对北京城市社区73家机关和企事业单位18—65岁职业人群29224名进行高血压防治调查,其中男性15930名,女性13294名;平均年龄40岁。结果北京城市功能社区职业劳动力人群高血压患病率为28.73%;其中男性患病率为34.43%,女性为21.91%。问卷调查显示81.39%的职业人群有至少2年1次的定期健康体检(其中62.56%的人至少每年1次)。无论是知道自己血压水平情况、高血压知晓率和达标率,定期健康体检人群均明显高于非定期健康体检人群,但高血压诊断标准的掌握在二组人群间差异没有统计学意义(P〉0.05)。定期健康体检人群高血压知晓率仅为16.68%,而实际高血压患病率为28.32%,高血压达标率也仅为25.06%。结论定期健康体检在高血压的检出和控制中发挥了一定的作用,但成效有限。提示应发挥定期健康体检的有利资源,开展功能社区高血压疾病管理,以维护职工的心血管健康。  相似文献   

目的:了解绍兴市城郊20个自然村农民的健康状况,了解脂肪肝等常见病在该地区的患病率。方法:2008年6月-11月,对18周岁以上村民进行健康体检,建立统一健康档案。检查项目为内科、外科常规检查,测血压、血常规、尿常规、空腹血糖、肝功能和表面抗原、腹部B超、心电图、胸部透视,如有异常则进一步检查。结果:体检结果发现,脂肪肝检出率(13.53%)位居首位,其后为高血压(12.09%)、胆结石(2.80%)、糖尿病(1.99%)。高血压患病有年轻化趋势,且随着年龄的增长而增加,50岁以前男性高于女性,50岁以后女性高于男性,总体患病率男性(13.28%)高于女性(11.12%)。脂肪肝检出率50岁以前男性高于女性,而50岁以后女性高于男性,男性检出率主要集中在30岁以后,有年轻化趋势,而女性检出率随着年龄的增长而增加。胆结石随着年龄的增长而增加,女性患病率(3.79%)高于男性(1.59%)。糖尿病患病率随着年龄的增长而增加,男性(2.24%)高于女性(1.60%)。结论:加大宣传力度,提高农民的保健意识,改善人们的生活方式和社会风气;定期体检,及早发现和治疗,减少以上疾病的发生发展,提高人们的生活质量。  相似文献   

目的了解北京市石景山区社区居民高血压等慢性病患病率及其危险因素。方法用整群随机抽样方法抽取某社区≥15岁的1407人,进行问卷调查并测量血压、身高、体重及空腹血糖等。结果高血压患病率为30.7%,男31.63%,女29.86%;其中≥35岁占35.4%,≥60岁为42.1%,且有随年龄增长而上升的趋势,不同年龄组高血压患病率差异有统计学意义。糖尿病患病率10.95%,男11.10%,女10.81%,不同年龄组糖尿病患病率随着年龄的增长而增高。≥18岁人群体质指数(BMI)≥24的占31.3%,BMI≥28的为15.7%,男性多于女性。超重、肥胖和血糖增高是高血压患病的危险因素。结论该社区居民高血压患病率、糖尿病患病率和体重超重率等较明显高于国内调查数据水平,且高血压基本知识水平偏低。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Strategies for preventing premature cardiovascular disease include measures to control its risk factors. To plan such activities, prevalence of these factors must be known. Data regarding risk factor prevalence is limited in Bangladesh and measurement of biochemical factors is not always feasible. The aim of our study is to describe the non-biochemical risk factors in a clinic-based rural population of Bangladesh that would reflect at least a part of the problem in the rural area. METHODS: A cross sectional study was done in a clinic based patient population aged 20 years and older (471 males and 800 females) in a rural community of Bangladesh. A questionnaire on lifestyle including dietary and smoking habit was administered and physical examinations including height, weight, waist circumference, and blood pressure were measured in standardized way. RESULTS: Mean body mass index was 18.5 kg/m2 (standard deviation [SD]: 2.9 kg/m2) in males and 18.7 kg/m2 (SD: 3.3 kg/m2) in females. Mean systolic blood pressure was 120.0 mmHg (SD: 18.5 mmHg) and mean diastolic blood pressure 77.2 mmHg (SD: 9.9 mmHg) in all subjects. The prevalence of hypertension (140+/90+ mmHg and/or on treatment) was 17.8%. Prevalence of tobacco consumption (smoking and chewing) was 43.8% in males and 27.1 in females. Prevalence of abdominal obesity (waist circumference >94 cm in males, >80 cm in females) was 1.6 % and 11.4 % for males and females respectively. Proportion of overweight (BMI 25.0+) was 3.6%. CONCLUSION: Prevention programs and measures should be emphasized for the control of tobacco and hypertension in general, and central obesity in females, as far as rural population of Bangladesh is concerned.  相似文献   

社区中老年人原发性高血压患病调查   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
目的:了解社区中老年人原发性高血压的流行现状和主要危险因素,以制定合理的预防措施。方法:对南海市桂城区4个居委会3699名50岁以上中老年人进行高血压患病调查,并对429例高血压患者和481名非高血压者进行葡萄糖耐量试验和心电图检查。结果:中老年人高血压患病率为43.39%;男性高于女性(P<0.005);单纯收缩期高血压患病率为12.9%,随年龄增加而增加(P<0.005)。分析相关因素显示,体重指数与高血压密切相关;有48.35%否认或不知道有高血压病;高血压病人组伴发糖尿病、糖耐量减低和冠心病患病率明显高于非高血压组(P<0.005)。结论:高血压是危害社会中老年人健康的主要疾病之一,需加强社区高血压的管理和教育。  相似文献   

目的为了掌握秦皇岛市北戴河区社区居民高血压患病情况及影响发病的危险因素,探讨社区居民高血压的防治对策。方法对抽样人群采用入户调查方式,集中测定血压,填写统一设计的调查表格。结果北戴河区社区居民高血压患病率为15.19%,其中男性高于女性;60岁以上人群明显高发;不同文化程度人群患病率呈现出文化程度高患病率低的态势;不同收入人群中的患病率差异不明显;不同体质指数人群中,体重正常的患病率明显低于超重和肥胖的患病率。结论高血压是该区社区居民中一种常见、高发病。性别、年龄、体力活动情况、精神因素、饮食习惯和肥胖可能是导致高血压的诱发因素。  相似文献   

酒仙桥地区中老年人高血压患病调查   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
为了解酒仙桥地区老年人高血压的流行现状和主要危险因素 ,以制定合理的预防措施 ,于1996年 6~ 12月对北京酒仙桥地区 9个居委会 2 0 55名 50岁以上中老年人进行高血压患病调查。并抽查 2 39例高血压患者和 2 67名非高血压者进行 75g葡萄糖耐量试验和心电图检查。结果共发现临界高血压和确诊高血压 874例 ,临界高血压和确诊高血压患病率分别是 10 .9%和 31.6% ,合计 4 2 .5% ;男性确诊高血压高于女性 (P <0 .0 5) ;单纯收缩期高血压患病率为 7.5% ,随年龄增加而增加 (P <0 .0 5) ;男女单纯高血压患病率无差异 (P >0 .0 5) ;有 2 5.6%的患者否认或不知道有高血压 ;高血压病人组伴发糖尿病、糖耐量低减和冠心病患病率明显高于非高血压组 (P <0 .0 1)。结果表明 ,高血压是社区老年人的主要疾病之一 ,需加强社区高血压的管理和教育。  相似文献   

目的 了解昆明市社区居民高血压患病情况,以便更好地做好防治工作.方法 采用多阶段分层随机抽样的方法,抽取昆明市社区居民11 396人进行调查,收集被调查者的家庭一般情况、个人基本情况和生活行为情况,并对其进行体格检查.结果 社区成年人患病率为21.91%,标化患病率为20.75%.男性患病率为22.12%,标化患病率为21.20%;女性患病率为21.73%,标化患病率为20.33%.社区居民收缩压为(118.87±16.38) mmHg,其中男性收缩压为(120.46±15.47) mmHg,女性收缩压为(117.50±17.02) mmHg;舒张压为(76.85±10.26) mmHg,其中男性舒张压为(78.00±9.83) mmHg,女性为(75.86±10.51) mmHg,男性平均收缩压和舒张压均>女性.高血压患病知晓率为51.98%,服药率为44.57%,血压控制率为17.53%.结论 我市社区居民高血压患病率低于全国水平,患病知晓率、服药率和控制率较低,应全面开展社区高血压患者强化分级管理以提高“三率”.  相似文献   

Hypertension, congestive heart failure, and valvular heart disease are frequently seen among hospital inpatients in the United Republic of Tanzania. A population survey was therefore carried out to determine the prevalence of hypertension and cardiac murmurs in a random sample of people aged 25-64 years living in an undeveloped rural area. Standard cardiovascular survey methods as recommended by WHO were used. Only mean systolic blood pressure in women increased with age; even so, the difference in mean levels between those aged 25-34 and 55-64 years was only about 1.6 kPa (12 mmHg). Hypertension was found to be uncommon, only 2% of subjects having blood pressures ≥ 21.3/ 12.7 kPa (≥ 160/95 mmHg). By means of multiple regression analysis, less than 10% of the variance in blood pressure levels could be explained by age and anthropometric measurements. Murmurs of grade 2 or more were detected in 17% of the men and 22% of the women, being most commonly heard at the apex (54%) and the left lower border of the sternum (31%). Mitral valve diastolic murmurs were heard in 4 of 275 women and these were asymptomatic. The cause of the high prevalence of systolic murmurs is unknown.  相似文献   

STUDY DESIGN: A cross-sectional study was conducted in all states of Malaysia to determine the prevalence, awareness, treatment and control of hypertension. A stratified two-stage cluster sampling design with proportional allocation was used. METHODS: Trained nurses obtained two blood pressure measurements from each subject. Hypertension was defined as mean systolic blood pressure >140 mmHg, diastolic blood pressure >90 mmHg, or a self-reported diagnosis of hypertension and taking antihypertensive medication. All data were analysed using Stata 9.2 software and took the complex survey design into account. A two-sided P-value of <0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. RESULTS: The overall prevalence of hypertension for subjects aged 15 years was 27.8% (95% confidence interval (CI) 26.9-28.8). The prevalence of hypertension was significantly higher in males (29.6%, 95% CI 28.3-31.0) compared with females (26.0%, 95% CI 25.0-27.1). Multivariate logistic regression showed that the odds of having hypertension increased with increasing age, in males, in subjects with a family history of hypertension, with increasing body mass index, in non-smokers and with decreasing levels of education. Only 34.6% of the subjects with hypertension were aware of their hypertensive status, and 32.4 were taking antihypertensive medication. Amongst the latter group, only 26.8% had their blood pressure under control. The prevalence of hypertension amongst those aged 30 years has increased from 32.9% in 1996 to 40.5% in 2004. CONCLUSION: In Malaysia, the prevalence of hypertension is high, but levels of awareness, treatment and control are low. There is an urgent need for a comprehensive integrated population-based intervention programme to ameliorate the growing problem of hypertension in Malaysians.  相似文献   

Body mass and body fat distribution are important considerations in the study of hypertension. However, few studies have investigated the relationships with regards to race differences in elevated arterial pressure. A population-based sample of black and white adults was assessed by interview and physical measurement. The prevalence of hypertension (defined as 140/90 mmHg and/or medically treated) was disproportionately higher among blacks than whites. In addition, blacks had a higher prevalence of the more severe hypertension (160/95 mmHg) and hypertension with higher prevalence at earlier ages than whites. Black females had a significantly higher distribution of body mass index (BMI) than white females, while no difference was found in the distributions of males. White males had a higher distribution of waist to hip ratio (WHR) than black males, while black females had the higher values compared to white females. The prevalence of hypertension increased with BMI and WHR. Blacks maintained higher rates of hypertension after controlling for BMI and WHR, however, the margin of difference diminished when BMI and WHR was considered together. The black-white difference in hypertension was not completely explained by BMI and WHR. In addition, the strength of the association of hypertension and body size was different for blacks and whites which suggests possible differences in the mechanisms regulating blood pressure.  相似文献   

We studied the prevalence of hypertension in 57,499 male and 35,803 female Israeli military recruits and its relation with sex, weight, and parents' ethnic origin. The overall prevalence of systolic hypertension (greater than 140 mmHg) was 1.75 per cent for males and 0.32 per cent for females. The prevalence of diastolic hypertension (greater than 90 mmHg) was 0.41 per cent for males and 0.06 per cent for females. For males, the prevalence of systolic and diastolic hypertension increased with weight, exponentially. Males of Ashkenazi origin had a significantly higher prevalence of hypertension (systolic 2.52 per cent, diastolic 0.55 per cent) compared with those of Sephardi origin (systolic 1.12 per cent, diastolic 0.3 per cent). The prevalence of adolescents with systolic or diastolic blood pressure greater than the mean +2SD of each weight group ranged between 1.5-2.3 per cent.  相似文献   

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