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The French health system combines universal coverage with a public-private mix of hospital and ambulatory care and a higher volume of service provision than in the United States. Although the system is far from perfect, its indicators of health status and consumer satisfaction are high; its expenditures, as a share of gross domestic product, are far lower than in the United States; and patients have an extraordinary degree of choice among providers. Lessons for the United States include the importance of government's role in providing a statutory framework for universal health insurance; recognition that piecemeal reform can broaden a partial program (like Medicare) to cover, eventually, the entire population; and understanding that universal coverage can be achieved without excluding private insurers from the supplementary insurance market.  相似文献   

The workers' compensation model of occupational and environmental medicine should be converted to a public health model. Occupational and environmental medicine, as a part of the public health infrastructure,could play a much more substantive part in bringing about a national program to deal with occupational and environmental health. The workers' compensation insurance system could be discontinued at any time,but it will be vital to do so when national health insurance is adopted in the United States. Abolishing workers' compensation would remove the perverse incentives that currently undermine the practice of occupational medicine. Medical care for workers should be provided by health care professionals who are not subject to influence by employers or insurers.Eligibility for benefits should not be determined by health and safety professionals. Wage-replacement benefits for workers should be determined by guidelines established by government and industry that prevent manipulation of health and safety professionals by employers and insurers. A nationwide comprehensive system to track work-related injury and illness, superior to the current reliance on records provided by employers and collated by government agencies, should be adopted. When unusually high rates of injuries, illnesses,and fatalities occur, government inspectors ought to respond and regulate the industry accordingly.Occupational health and safety professional strained in public health can and should participate in these activities, but not when they are in the employ of industry or insurers.  相似文献   

This paper reports an empirical investigation into the pattern of private health insurance coverage in South Africa before and after deregulation of the health insurance industry. More specifically, we sought to measure trends in risk-pooling over the period 1985-95, and to assess the impact of risk pooling on the costs of health insurance cover over this period. South African mutual health insurers (Medical Schemes) have existed for over 100 years, and have been regulated under a specific Act since 1967. Up until 1989, health insurers were required by law to community rate their premiums, and were not allowed to exclude high-risk enrolees from cover. In 1989 these regulations were removed, effectively allowing health insurers to risk-rate the cover which they provided, and exclude 'medically uninsurables'. Data were obtained from the office of the health insurance regulator (the Registrar of Medical Schemes) for the period 1985-95, and consisted of the statutory returns from all registered medical schemes for each year during the study period. Multiple regression methods were used to assess the determinants of changes in the risk pools of insurers, and their costs. Both cross-sectional and longitudinal models were estimated. Unadjusted data suggest changes in risk-pooling since the deregulation period after 1985. Health insurers with open enrolment had worse than average risk profiles in the 1980s, but this reversed by the early 1990s, leaving them with significantly better risk profiles by 1995. Worsening risk profiles were associated with decreasing fund size, higher loss-ratios and past premium increases. Most models showed that risk rating of premiums was consistently associated with higher premiums, after adjustment for risk, quality, scale and other environmental differences between insurers. Likely explanations include the additional costs required for marketing and underwriting risk-rated policies, insufficient incentives to use cost-control techniques, and higher levels of moral hazard associated with diminished risk-pooling. Current re-regulation of risk-pooling within medical schemes may thus improve both equity and efficiency of private health care cover.  相似文献   

The number of people in Australia that are currently covered by a hospital private health insurance product continues to rise every quarter. In September 2010, for the first time since the introduction of the public universal social insurance scheme, Medicare, more than 10million persons in Australia are covered by private health insurance. Although the number of persons covered by private health insurance continues to grow, the quality and level of cover that members are holding is changing significantly. In an effort to limit premium rises and to reduce the benefits paid for treatment, private health insurers have introduced, and moved a large number of existing members to, less-than-comprehensive private health insurance policies. These policies, known as 'exclusionary' policies, are changing the dynamics of private health insurance in Australia. After examining the emergence and prevalence of these products, this commentary gives three different examples to illustrate how such products are changing the nature of private health insurance in Australia and are now set to create a series of policy issues that will require future attention.  相似文献   

The US health insurance industry is highly concentrated, and health insurance premiums are high and rising rapidly. Policymakers have focused on the possible link between the two, leading to ACA provisions to increase insurer competition. However, while market power may enable insurers to include higher profit margins in their premiums, it may also result in stronger bargaining leverage with hospitals to negotiate lower payment rates to partially offset these higher premiums. We empirically examine the relationship between employer-sponsored fully-insured health insurance premiums and the level of concentration in local insurer and hospital markets using the nationally-representative 2006–2011 KFF/HRET Employer Health Benefits Survey. We exploit a unique feature of employer-sponsored insurance, in which self-insured employers purchase only administrative services from managed care organizations, to disentangle these different effects on insurer concentration by constructing one concentration measure representing fully-insured plans’ transactions with employers and the other concentration measure representing insurers’ bargaining with hospitals. As expected, we find that premiums are indeed higher for plans sold in markets with higher levels of concentration relevant to insurer transactions with employers, lower for plans in markets with higher levels of insurer concentration relevant to insurer bargaining with hospitals, and higher for plans in markets with higher levels of hospital market concentration.  相似文献   

We investigate the impact of the Affordable Care Act's dependent coverage mandate on insurance premiums. The expansion of dependent coverage under the ACA allows young adults to remain on their parent's private health insurance plans until the age of 26. We find that the mandate has led to a 2.5–2.8 percent increase in premiums for health insurance plans that cover children, relative to single-coverage plans. We are able to conclude that employers did not pass on the entire premium increase to employees through higher required plan contributions.  相似文献   

We review the rise, stabilization, and decline of employment-based insurance; discuss its transformation from quasi-social insurance to a system based on actuarial principles; and suggest that the presence of Medicare and Medicaid has weakened political pressure for universal coverage. We highlight employment-based insurance's flaws: high administrative costs, inequitable sharing of costs, inability to cover large segments of the population, contribution to labor-management strife, and the inability of employers to act collectively to make health care more cost-effective. We conclude with scenarios for possible trajectories: employment-based insurance flourishes, continues to erode, or is replaced by a more comprehensive system.  相似文献   

Despite substantial financial and personnel resources being devoted to occupational exposure monitoring (OEM) by employers, workers' compensation insurers, and other organizations, the United States (U.S.) lacks comprehensive occupational exposure databases to use for research and surveillance activities. OEM data are necessary for determining the levels of workers' exposures; compliance with regulations; developing control measures; establishing worker exposure profiles; and improving preventive and responsive exposure surveillance and policy efforts. Workers' compensation insurers as a group may have particular potential for understanding exposures in various industries, especially among small employers. This is the first study to determine how selected state-based and private workers' compensation insurers collect, store, and use OEM data related specifically to air and noise sampling.

?Of 50 insurers contacted to participate in this study, 28 completed an online survey. All of the responding private and the majority of state-based insurers offered industrial hygiene (IH) services to policyholders and employed 1 to 3 certified industrial hygienists on average. Many, but not all, insurers used standardized forms for data collection, but the data were not commonly stored in centralized databases. Data were most often used to provide recommendations for improvement to policyholders. Although not representative of all insurers, the survey was completed by insurers that cover a substantial number of employers and workers. The 20 participating state-based insurers on average provided 48% of the workers' compensation insurance benefits in their respective states or provinces. These results provide insight into potential next steps for improving the access to and usability of existing data as well as ways researchers can help organizations improve data collection strategies. This effort represents an opportunity for collaboration among insurers, researchers, and others that can help insurers and employers while advancing the exposure assessment field in the U.S.  相似文献   

Since 1974, Hawaii has required its employers to provide health insurance to all employees working at least 20 hours a week. More recently, the state created a new program to cover the "gap group" of 50,000 uninsured residents, along with a new program to create a "seamless system of health care" for all Aloha State residents. And Hawaii has managed to insure nearly all of its citizens while keeping the annual price of health insurance at nearly half of that paid in many mainland states ($1,300 per person and $4,000 per family). At the same time, life expectancy is the highest in the nation and infant mortality is among the lowest. In seeking to reform a dysfunctional national insurance system, policymakers should learn from the Hawaiian experience, which shows that small business can live with an employer mandate, universal coverage can cut costs by encouraging early preventive care, and a dominant payer can reduce administrative expenses.  相似文献   

通过文献梳理美国医院信息公开中的利益集团,分析主要利益集团的需求与实践。运用policy maker 4.0软件进一步分析各利益集团的立场、权力及受医院信息公开政策的影响程度。结果发现,利益集团主要为五类:决策者(政府)、雇主/购买者、健康保险公司、医院以及消费者。决策者为监测和提高医疗服务质量、雇主为了权衡各种保险计划的成本效益、健康保险公司为制约服务提供者和投保者选择高质量的服务机构、医院需要利用公开的信息来管理和提高医疗质量、消费者为选择好的医疗提供者,都有推动医院信息公开的意愿。作为医院信息公开中最大的利益主体,结果显示消费者对医院信息公开的立场为低支持,这主要源于消费者虽然认可医院信息公开的做法,但话语权等权力小,参与有限。分析美国医院信息公开中的利益集团,可为我国医院信息公开工作提供证据支持。  相似文献   

Throughout the 1990s states sought politically acceptable policies to reduce the ranks of the uninsured. Visions of comprehensive health reform and universal coverage yielded by mid-decade to more modest measures to repair private health insurance markets, and to these enactments were added several new public programs (state and federal) to expand coverage for lower-income children and, in some cases, adults. Because governments remain ill equipped to counter the power of business, insurers, and providers in conflicts fought on private turf, reform agendas have been more readily set, moved, and cleared in public-sector arenas. Although the number of uninsured rose steadily until 1999, "catalytic federalism"--the accelerating interplay between state and federal reform forces and funds--may be putting the programmatic foundations for broader coverage incrementally into place.  相似文献   

Like many other countries, the Netherlands has a health insurance system that combines mandatory basic insurance with voluntary supplementary insurance. Both types of insurance are founded on different principles. Since basic and supplementary insurance are sold by the same health insurers, both markets may interact. This paper examines to what extent basic and supplementary insurance are linked to each other and whether these links generate spillover effects of supplementary on basic insurance. Our analysis is based on an investigation into supplementary health insurance contracts, underwriting procedures and annual surveys among 1,700–2,100 respondents over the period 2006–2009. We find that health insurers increasingly use a variety of strategies to enforce a joint purchase of basic and supplementary health insurance. Despite incentives for health insurers to use supplementary insurance as a tool for risk selection in basic insurance, we find limited evidence of supplementary insurance being used this way. Only a minority of health insurers uses health questionnaires when people apply for supplementary coverage. Nevertheless, we find that an increasing proportion of high-risk individuals believe that insurers would not be willing to offer them another supplementary insurance contract. We discuss several strategies to prevent or to counteract the observed negative spillover effects of supplementary insurance.  相似文献   

Prices negotiated between payers and providers affect a health insurance contract's value via enrollees’ cost-sharing and self-insured employers’ costs. However, price variation across payers is difficult to observe. We measure negotiated prices for hospital-payer pairs in Massachusetts and characterize price variation. Between-payer price variation is similar in magnitude to between-hospital price variation. Administrative-services-only contracts, in which insurers do not bear risk, have higher prices. We model negotiation incentives and show that contractual form and demand responsiveness to negotiated prices are important determinants of negotiated prices.  相似文献   

In the United States, employers are an important source of health insurance for citizens less than 65 years of age. Yet despite the country's increasing number of unmarried partner households, fewer than 1 in 4 workers are employed by firms that offer healthcare benefits to same-sex and/or opposite-sex domestic partners. This paper presents the main arguments, from societal and employer perspectives, for offering domestic partnership benefits. As the number of companies offering such benefits has grown, data on the direct costs of insurance have become available. The experience of insurers and employers suggests that adverse selection is not a substantial problem. Domestic partners usually account for only a small percentage of an employer's risk pool, which also limits the potential effect on total insurance costs. Although low enrollment attenuates their potential economic impact on national healthcare, domestic partnership health benefits remain important from a sociopolitical standpoint—acknowledging the value of equity and diversity in the workplace.  相似文献   

Massachusetts' new universal coverage law has been lauded as a national model. The legislation expands Medicaid HMOs to cover all of the poor (free of charge) and near poor (with partial subsidies), and requires the rest of the uninsured to pay for private coverage. Large employers that don't offer coverage will pay a small tax. Other provisions raise Medicaid payment rates to providers; expand some smaller programs for the poor; allow dependents to remain on family policies up to age 25; and require increased public disclosure of medical price and quality data. Unfortunately, the legislation includes grossly inadequate funding for the promised subsidies and assumes that the uninsured, most of whom are in lower-income families, can afford substantial premiums. Moreover, the required coverage will leave gaping holes--co-payments and deductibles that will leave families vulnerable to bankruptcy. All of the new coverage will be purchased from private insurers with high overhead costs. The bill includes no credible cost-containment mechanisms. The legislation reflects a political calculus favoring private insurers, and ignores the imperative of cost control and the financial realities of cash-strapped families. Hence, it is unlikely to achieve universal coverage or to stabilize the state's health care financing system.  相似文献   

A poll of New Hampshire voters who participated in the February 17 presidential primary shows that the recession and overall concern for the economy was the most important factor in determining the outcome of the election. Health care and national health insurance ranked second, significantly outranking concerns over all other issues. When presented with the leading policy options for health care reform, the majority of voters favored a plan that would guarantee universal coverage by law--either a "play or pay" plan or an all-government plan. However, even though a majority of voters favored universal coverage, they also preferred plans that would make insurance available through private insurers rather than through an all-government plan.  相似文献   

Small companies and individual Americans have an extraordinarily difficult time finding health insurance they can afford. And, even when they do, annual premium increases quickly force them to shop for a new policy. Reforms of the small market insurance field should include requiring insurers to sell a policy to anyone who wants to buy one; requiring insurers, after six months, to cover all costs incurred because of preexisting medical conditions; and regulating annual premium increases. Two standard "MEDPLANS" would be offered at prices ranging from $75 to $100 a month.  相似文献   

The structure and regulation of the insurance system for financing workers' compensation affects the costs of workers' benefits. Using the example of Maine's insurance market restructuring in response to a crisis of the early 1990s, this commentary explores how changes in insurance regulation might better support the goals of workers' compensation. The commentary analyzes how insurance and its regulation should go beyond correct pricing of risks to questions of how to structure incentives for loss control to include workers' interests as well as the interests of employers and insurers.  相似文献   

Corporate employers have become major purchasers of health care. They are gatekeepers who decide whether to retain or drop an insurance company from the choice set offered to employees as well as whether to include new insurers into this choice set. If marketers of health maintenance organizations are to maintain their market share in this competitive environment, they need to understand issues considered important to corporate employers. This paper identifies the key drivers of satisfaction among corporate employers and shows the impact these key drivers have on overall satisfaction. More importantly, it demonstrates both theoretically and empirically that the impact of performance attributes on satisfaction is asymmetrical. Positive performances of attributes are shown to have smaller impacts on satisfaction than negative performances. The theoretical underpinnings of these phenomena are shown to lie in prospect theory. Finally, quantitative indicators are computed to aid managerial decision-making. Marketing managers of health insurance companies will optimize returns on their investment by understanding this asymmetric effect and eliminate existing deficiencies.  相似文献   

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