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Entorhinal cortex neurons make monosynaptic connections onto distal apical dendrites of CA1 and CA2 pyramidal neurons through the perforant path (PP) projection. Previous studies show that differences in dendritic properties and synaptic input density enable the PP inputs to produce a much stronger excitation of CA2 compared with CA1 pyramidal neurons. Here, using mice of both sexes, we report that the difference in PP efficacy varies substantially as a function of presynaptic firing rate. Although a single PP stimulus evokes a 5- to 6-fold greater EPSP in CA2 compared with CA1, a brief high-frequency train of PP stimuli evokes a strongly facilitating postsynaptic response in CA1, with relatively little change in CA2. Furthermore, we demonstrate that blockade of NMDARs significantly reduces strong temporal summation in CA1 but has little impact on that in CA2. As a result of the differences in the frequency- and NMDAR-dependent temporal summation, naturalistic patterns of presynaptic activity evoke CA1 and CA2 responses with distinct dynamics, differentially tuning CA1 and CA2 responses to bursts of presynaptic firing versus single presynaptic spikes, respectively.SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Recent studies have demonstrated that abundant entorhinal cortical innervation and efficient dendritic propagation enable hippocampal CA2 pyramidal neurons to produce robust excitation evoked by single cortical stimuli, compared with CA1. Here we uncovered, unexpectedly, that the difference in efficacy of cortical excitation varies substantially as a function of presynaptic firing rate. A burst of stimuli evokes a strongly facilitating response in CA1, but not in CA2. As a result, the postsynaptic response of CA1 and CA2 to presynaptic naturalistic firing displays contrasting temporal dynamics, which depends on the activation of NMDARs. Thus, whereas CA2 responds to single stimuli, CA1 is selectively recruited by bursts of cortical input.  相似文献   

It is thought that CA3 pyramidal neurons communicate mainly through bursts of spikes rather than so-called trains of regular firing action potentials. Reports of both burst firing and nonburst firing CA3 cells suggest that they may fire with more than one output pattern. With the use of whole-cell recording methods we studied the firing properties of rat hippocampal pyramidal neurons in vitro within the CA3b subregion and found three distinct types of firing patterns. Approximately 37% of cells were regular firing where spikes generated by minimal current injection (rheobase) were elicited with a short latency and with stronger current intensities trains of spikes exhibited spike frequency adaptation (SFA). Another 46% of neurons exhibited a delayed onset at rheobase with a weakly-adapting firing pattern upon stronger stimulation. The remaining 17% of cells showed a burst-firing pattern, though only elicited in response to strong current injection and spontaneous bursts were never observed. Control experiments indicated that the distinct firing patterns were not due to our particular slicing methods or recording techniques. Finally, computer modeling was used to identify how relative differences in K+ conductances, specifically K(C), K(M), and K(D), between cells contribute to the different characteristics of the three types of firing patterns observed experimentally.  相似文献   

Norepinephrine decreases synaptic inhibition in the rat hippocampus   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The effects of norepinephrine (NE) on inhibitory synaptic potentials were studied on CA1 pyramidal neurons in the hippocampal slice in vitro. Norepinephrine caused the appearance of multiple population spikes in the CA1 region of the hippocampal slice, reminiscent of the actions of gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) antagonists. Intracellular recording revealed that NE causes a marked and reversible reduction in inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) recorded in CA1 pyramidal cells. This reduced IPSP results in a larger intracellular excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP), which can cause the cell to fire more than one action potential. This disinhibitory effect of NE appears to be mediated by an alpha-receptor, and occurs at a site presynaptic to the pyramidal cell, since NE does not change the reversal potential of the IPSP nor does it affect the amplitude or the reversal potential of iontophoretic GABA responses. In addition to reducing evoked IPSPs, NE causes an increase in the frequency of spontaneous IPSPs, suggesting that inhibition of interneuronal firing may not account for this disinhibitory action of NE.  相似文献   

The hippocampus plays a key role in learning and memory. Previous studies suggested that the main types of principal neurons, dentate gyrus granule cells (GCs), CA3 pyramidal neurons, and CA1 pyramidal neurons, differ in their activity pattern, with sparse firing in GCs and more frequent firing in CA3 and CA1 pyramidal neurons. It has been assumed but never shown that such different activity may be caused by differential synaptic excitation. To test this hypothesis, we performed high‐resolution whole‐cell patch‐clamp recordings in anesthetized rats in vivo. In contrast to previous in vitro data, both CA3 and CA1 pyramidal neurons fired action potentials spontaneously, with a frequency of ~3–6 Hz, whereas GCs were silent. Furthermore, both CA3 and CA1 cells primarily fired in bursts. To determine the underlying mechanisms, we quantitatively assessed the frequency of spontaneous excitatory synaptic input, the passive membrane properties, and the active membrane characteristics. Surprisingly, GCs showed comparable synaptic excitation to CA3 and CA1 cells and the highest ratio of excitation versus hyperpolarizing inhibition. Thus, differential synaptic excitation is not responsible for differences in firing. Moreover, the three types of hippocampal neurons markedly differed in their passive properties. While GCs showed the most negative membrane potential, CA3 pyramidal neurons had the highest input resistance and the slowest membrane time constant. The three types of neurons also differed in the active membrane characteristics. GCs showed the highest action potential threshold, but displayed the largest gain of the input‐output curves. In conclusion, our results reveal that differential firing of the three main types of hippocampal principal neurons in vivo is not primarily caused by differences in the characteristics of the synaptic input, but by the distinct properties of synaptic integration and input‐output transformation. © 2015 The Authors Hippocampus Published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Menahem Segal 《Brain research》1981,213(2):443-448
Intracellular activity was recorded from hippocampal CA3 pyramidal cells maintained in vitro. Histamine (HA) produced a slow depolarization associated with minimal conductance changes. In addition, there was an increase in action potential discharge rates and the emergence of bursting firing patterns. EPSP size increased by about 50% and spontaneous dendritic spikes were observed. These effects were markedly reduced by retrodotoxin. Extracellular recording of population spikes revealed a marked difference between CA1 and CA3 regions; in the former HA produced an increase in population spike size whereas in the latter this increase was larger and was associated with the appearance of secondary and tertiary population spikes. It is suggested that HA produces its effects by enhancing release of neurotransmitters from excitatory synapses on the recorded neurons.  相似文献   

O'Keefe and Recce [1993] Hippocampus 3:317–330 described an interaction between the hippocampal theta rhythm and the spatial firing of pyramidal cells in the CA1 region of the rat hippocampus: they found that a cell's spike activity advances to earlier phases of the theta cycle as the rat passes through the cell's place field. The present study makes use of large-scale parallel recordings to clarify and extend this finding in several ways: 1) Most CA1 pyramidal cells show maximal activity at the same phase of the theta cycle. Although individual units exhibit deeper modulation, the depth of modulation of CA1 population activity is about 50%. The peak firing of inhibitory interneurons in CA1 occurs about 60° in advance of the peak firing of pyramidal cells, but different interneurons vary widely in their peak phases. 2) The first spikes, as the rat enters a pyramidal cell's place field, come 90°–120° after the phase of maximal pyramidal cell population activity, near the phase where inhibition is least. 3) The phase advance is typically an accelerating, rather than linear, function of position within the place field. 4) These phenomena occur both on linear tracks and in two-dimensional environments where locomotion is not constrained to specific paths. 5) In two-dimensional environments, place-related firing is more spatially specific during the early part of the theta cycle than during the late part. This is also true, to a lesser extent, on a linear track. Thus, spatial selectivity waxes and wanes over the theta cycle. 6) Granule cells of the fascia dentata are also modulated by theta. The depth of modulation for the granule cell population approaches 100%, and the peak activity of the granule cell population comes about 90° earlier in the theta cycle than the peak firing of CA1 pyramidal cells. 7) Granule cells, like pyramidal cells, show robust phase precession. 8) Cross-correlation analysis shows that portions of the temporal sequence of CA1 pyramidal cell place fields are replicated repeatedly within individual theta cycles, in highly compressed form. The compression ratio can be as much as 10:1. These findings indicate that phase precession is a very robust effect, distributed across the entire hippocampal population, and that it is likely to be inherited from the fascia dentata or an earlier stage in the hippocampal circuit, rather than generated intrinsically within CA1. It is hypothesized that the compression of temporal sequences of place fields within individual theta cycles permits the use of long-term potentiation for learning of sequential structure, thereby giving a temporal dimension to hippocampal memory traces. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The action of bath applied NPY (1-1,000 nM) was investigated on hippocampal slices of the rat with extra- and intracellular recording. Neuropeptide Y (NPY) at 10-1,000 nM caused a concentration-dependent, long-lasting reduction of excitatory postsynaptic potentials (EPSPs) in the hippocampal subfield CA1 and the area dentata, and an even stronger reduction of population spikes. Paired pulse experiments with low intensity, stimulation-evoked PSPs showed a marked increase in facilitation in the presence of NPY, indicating a presynaptic action. Spontaneous burst firing of CA1 pyramidal cells in low calcium, high magnesium medium was reduced, indicating a partially postsynaptic inhibitory action of NPY on their dendrites. Intracellular recording from CA1 somata during NPY administration revealed a reduction of the amplitudes of excitatory-inhibitory postsynaptic potential (EPSP-IPSP) sequences in the absence of changes in membrane potential and conductance. Accommodation of firing during long depolarizing pulses and afterhyperpolarizations were unchanged. The innervation pattern of NPY immunoreactive fibers in the same regions was studied in slices adjacent to the ones used for electrophysiology by using antisera against NPY and light and electron microscopy. There is a dense innervation of CA1 by NPY-immunoreactive axons and terminals, particularly in the stratum moleculare. NPY-immunoreactive neurons are present in the stratum oriens and pyramidale. The NPY labeled axons of the stratum moleculare participate in numerous synaptic contacts with the smaller dendritic elements in this layer, many of which belong to pyramidal neurons. These observations provide evidence for a dendritic NPY-immunoreactive innervation of CA1 neurons, which is in keeping with the electrophysiological effects of NPY on pyramidal neurons.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The hippocampal region of the brain is important for encoding environment inputs and memory formation. However, the underlying mechanisms are unclear. To investigate the behavior of indi-vidual neurons in response to somatosensory inputs in the hippocampal CA1 region, we recorded and analyzed changes in local ifeld potentials and the ifring rates of individual pyramidal cells and interneurons during tail clamping in urethane-anesthetized rats. We also explored the mechanisms underlying the neuronal responses. Somatosensory stimulation, in the form of tail clamping, chan-ged local ifeld potentials into theta rhythm-dominated waveforms, decreased the spike ifring of py-ramidal cells, and increased interneuron ifring. In addition, somatosensory stimulation attenuated orthodromic-evoked population spikes. These results suggest that somatosensory stimulation sup-presses the excitability of pyramidal cells in the hippocampal CA1 region. Increased inhibition by local interneurons might underlie this effect. These ifndings provide insight into the mechanisms of signal processing in the hippocampus and suggest that sensory stimulation might have thera-peutic potential for brain disorders associated with neuronal hyperexcitability.  相似文献   

The role of the hippocampal somatostatin (somatotropin release-inhibiting factor, SRIF) system in the control of partial complex seizures is discussed in this review. The SRIF system plays a role in the inhibitory modulation of hippocampal circuitries under normal conditions: 1) SRIF neurons in the dentate gyrus are part of a negative feedback circuit modulating the firing rate of granule cells; 2) SRIF released in CA3 interacts both with presynaptic receptors located on associational/commissural terminals and with postsynaptic receptors located on pyramidal cell dendrites, reducing excitability of pyramidal neurons; 3) in CA1, SRIF exerts a feedback inhibition and reduces the excitatory drive on pyramidal neurons. Significant changes in the hippocampal SRIF system have been documented in experimental models of temporal lobe epilepsy (TLE), in particular in the kindling and in the kainate models. SRIF biosynthesis and release are increased in the kindled hippocampus, especially in the dentate gyrus. This hyper-function may be instrumental to control the latent hyperexcitability of the kindled brain, preventing excessive discharge of the principal neurons and the occurrence of spontaneous seizures. In contrast, the hippocampal SRIF system undergoes damage in the dentate gyrus following kainate-induced status epilepticus. Although surviving SRIF neurons appear to hyperfunction, the loss of hilar SRIF interneurons may compromise inhibitory mechanisms in the dentate gyrus, facilitating the occurrence of spontaneous seizures. In keeping with these data, pharmacological activation of SRIF1 (sst2) receptors, i.e. of the prominent receptor subtype on granule cells, exerts antiseizure effects. Taken together, the data presented suggest that the hippocampal SRIF system plays a role in the control of partial complex seizures and, therefore, that it may be proposed as a therapeutic target for TLE.  相似文献   

The innervation of the prefrontal cortex (PFC) by the ventral tegmental area (VTA) has an important role in incentive-motivation and cognitive functions. Although this projection has been extensively studied, the precise actions of its transmitters, dopamine (DA) and GABA, on PFC pyramidal neurons remain to be determined. We have recently shown that VTA stimulation elicits a sustained depolarization in PFC pyramidal neurons resembling the periodic depolarizations (up states) these neurons exhibit. This response was shortened by a D1 antagonist, suggesting that DA may sustain depolarized up states in PFC neurons. Here, we tested whether spontaneous PFC up states in vivo require spontaneous VTA activity. Intracellular recordings from PFC neurons conducted simultaneously with VTA local field potentials (LFPs) revealed PFC membrane potential fluctuations occurring synchronously with VTA field potential transitions. Extracellular PFC recordings performed simultaneously with VTA LFPs also indicated a high coherence between these two regions, with VTA oscillations trailing PFC oscillations by a few milliseconds. Furthermore, blockade of VTA activity with lidocaine transiently eliminated PFC LFPs, but not PFC cell up states; instead, up states became irregular during intra-VTA lidocaine administration. These results suggest that baseline levels of VTA activity are necessary for synchronizing PFC pyramidal neurons in the up-down oscillations observed in the anesthetized preparation, allowing the emergence of slow EEG components.  相似文献   

Stochastic resonance (SR) in a hippocampal network model was investigated. The hippocampal model consists of two layers, CA3 and CA1. Pyramidal cells in CA3 are connected to pyramidal cells in CA1 through Schaffer collateral synapses. The CA3 network causes spontaneous irregular activity (broadband spectrum peaking at around 3 Hz), while the CA1 network does not. The activity of CA3 causes membrane potential fluctuations in CA1 pyramidal cells. The CA1 network also receives a subthreshold signal (2.5 or 50 Hz) through the perforant path (PP). The subthreshold PP signals can fire CA1 pyramidal cells in cooperation with the membrane potential fluctuations that work as noise. The firing of the CA1 network shows typical features of SR. When the frequency of the PP signal is in the gamma range (50 Hz), SR that takes place in the present model shows distinctive features. 50 Hz firing of CA1 pyramidal cells is modulated by the membrane potential fluctuations, resulting in bursts. Such burst firing in the CA1 network, which resembles the firing patterns observed in the real hippocampal CA1, improves performance of subthreshold signal detection in CA1. Moreover, memory embedded at Schaffer collateral synapses can be recalled by means of SR. When Schaffer collateral synapses in subregions of CA1 are augmented three-fold as a memory pattern, pyramidal cells in the subregions respond to the subthreshold PP signal due to SR, while pyramidal cells in the rest of CA1 do not fire.  相似文献   

The contribution of septal afferents to spontaneous hippocampal single unit activity was examined by reversibly inactivating the medial septal nucleus using microinjections of the local anethetic lidocaine. Septal inactivation reduced spontaneous firing of cells in stratum granulosum and in the hilar/CA3 region for periods of up to about 15 min. The firing rates of CA1 complex-spike (pyramidal) cells, however, were not changed, although CA1 theta cells (inhibitory interneurons) exhibited a significant reduction in spontaneous rate. One interpretation of this pattern of results is that the output of CA1 pyramidal cells is maintained roughly constant in spite of reduced input from CA3 because of a proportional reduction in feedforward inhibition. This interpretation is consistent with Marr's22 formulation of the manner in which the hippocampus implements distributed associative memory. Alternatively, afferents to CA1 originating from regions other than CA3 may play a larger role in regulating CA1 output than previously assumed.  相似文献   

Slice preparations were made from the hippocampus of gerbils after 5 min of ischemia by carotid artery occlusion and the membrane properties of pyramidal neurons were examined. A majority of CA1 neurons lost the capacity for long-term potentiation following tetanic stimulation of the input fibers. CA3 pyramidal neurons, in contrast, preserved responses similar to those in the normal gerbil. Following ischemia, CA1 pyramidal neurons showed increased spontaneous firing that was highly voltage dependent and was blocked by intracellular injection of the Ca2+ chelator, EGTA. Thirty-five percent of CA1 neurons showed an abnormal slow oscillation of the membrane potential after 24 h following ischemia. Intracellular injection of GTP gamma S or IP3 produced facilitation of the oscillations followed by irreversible depolarization. Our results indicate that ischemia-damaged CA1 neurons suffer from abnormal Ca2+ homeostasis, involving IP3-induced liberation of Ca2+ from internal stores.  相似文献   

Depolarization of the neuronal soma augments synaptic output onto postsynaptic neurons via long-range, axonal cable properties. Here, we report that the range of this somatic influence is spatially restricted by not only axonal path length but also a branching-dependent decrease in axon diameter. Cell-attached recordings of action potentials (APs) from multiple axon branches of a rat hippocampal CA3 pyramidal cell revealed that an AP was broadened following a 20 mV depolarization of the soma and reverted to a normal width during propagation down the axon. The narrowing of the AP depended on the distance traveled by the AP and on the number of axon branch points through which the AP passed. These findings were confirmed by optical imaging of AP-induced calcium elevations in presynaptic boutons, suggesting that the somatic membrane potential modifies synaptic outputs near the soma but not long-projection outputs. Consistent with this prediction, whole-cell recordings from synaptically connected neurons revealed that depolarization of presynaptic CA3 pyramidal cells facilitated synaptic transmission to nearby CA3 pyramidal cells, but not to distant pyramidal cells in CA3 or CA1. Therefore, axonal geometry enables the differential modulation of synaptic output depending on target location.  相似文献   

Hippocampal oscillations reflect coordinated neuronal activity on many timescales. Distinct types of GABAergic interneuron participate in the coordination of pyramidal cells over different oscillatory cycle phases. In the CA3 area, which generates sharp waves and gamma oscillations, the contribution of identified GABAergic neurons remains to be defined. We have examined the firing of a family of cholecystokinin-expressing interneurons during network oscillations in urethane-anesthetized rats and compared them with firing of CA3 pyramidal cells. The position of the terminals of individual visualized interneurons was highly diverse, selective, and often spatially coaligned with either the entorhinal or the associational inputs to area CA3. The spike timing in relation to theta and gamma oscillations and sharp waves was correlated with the innervated pyramidal cell domain. Basket and dendritic-layer-innervating interneurons receive entorhinal and associational inputs and preferentially fire on the ascending theta phase, when pyramidal cell assemblies emerge. Perforant-path-associated cells, driven by recurrent collaterals of pyramidal cells fire on theta troughs, when established pyramidal cell assemblies are most active. In the CA3 area, slow and fast gamma oscillations occurred on opposite theta oscillation phases. Perforant-path-associated and some COUP-TFII-positive interneurons are strongly coupled to both fast and slow gamma oscillations, but basket and dendritic-layer-innervating cells are weakly coupled to fast gamma oscillations only. During sharp waves, different interneuron types are activated, inhibited, or remain unaffected. We suggest that specialization in pyramidal cell domain and glutamatergic input-specific operations, reflected in the position of GABAergic terminals, is the evolutionary drive underlying the diversity of cholecystokinin-expressing interneurons.  相似文献   

Lesion studies show that the hippocampus is critically involved in timing behavior, but so far there has been little analysis of how it might encode time. We recorded the activity of 266 CA1 neurons, 51 CA3 neurons, and 219 entorhinal neurons from rats performing on a differential reinforcement of low rates (DRL) 15 sec schedule in which reinforcement was contingent on responses that occurred at least 15 sec after the preceding response. The unit data were analyzed using two different methods. First, each unit was subjected to an ANOVA that examined the effects of the following: (1) the outcome of the previous response (reward or nonreward); (2) the outcome of the response on which the firing of the cell was synchronized; and (3) time. This showed that, for CA1, CA3, and entorhinal cortex, changes in unit activity were related to all aspects of the task, with the firing of >90% of units recorded in each region being related to at least one of the three factors. Second, intercorrelations between the firing profiles of individual units revealed several functional categories of hippocampal neurons but no clear categories of entorhinal neurons. Of the hippocampal categories, the most common profile was an initial increase in unit activity at the beginning of the DRL interval, followed by a gradual decrease throughout the interval. We suggest that this profile reflects temporal decay in circuits that may code details of the previous trial and that could be used to "time" the DRL interval.  相似文献   

In this study, the 5-HT1A agonistic activity of R- and S-enantiomers of the prototypical 5-HT1A agonist 8-OH-DPAT was investigated using in vivo microiontophoresis and the hypothermic response in rats. Both the R- and S-enantiomers suppressed current-dependently the firing activity of dorsal hippocampus CA3 pyramidal neurons. The number of spikes suppressed/nA of R-(+)-OH-DPAT was about 2-fold greater than that of S-(-)-OH-DPAT, which indicates greater agonistic activity of the R-enantiomer. The determination of the effectiveness of 5-HT in suppressing the firing activity of CA3 pyramidal neurons prior to and during application of either the R- or S-enantiomer showed that both compounds antagonized the effect of 5-HT, thus demonstrating their partial agonistic activity. Racemic 8-OH-DPAT produced a dose-dependent hypothermia which was attenuated by the 5-HT1A antagonist pindolol, but not by the nonselective 5-HT antagonist methysergide. Similarly, both R- and S-enantiomers induced a dose-dependent hypothermia, which was greater and longer lasting in the case of R-(+)-OH-DPAT when compared to S-(-)-OH-DPAT. In conclusion, R-(+)-OH-DPAT, displayed a greater agonistic activity at 5-HT1A receptors than S-(-)-OH-DPAT, both in suppressing firing activity of CA3 pyramidal neurons and in decreasing body temperature. Nevertheless, both compounds behaved as partial agonists.  相似文献   

Martin PD  Berthoz A 《Hippocampus》2002,12(4):465-480
The hippocampal formation participates in learning and memory, particularly that of a spatial nature. In adult rats, individual CA1 pyramidal neurons only fire when the animal visits specific locations in an environment, the "place field" of the neuron. Other structures (postsubiculum, thalamus, cingulum) contain neurons that code for the animal's instantaneous head direction. Previous work has shown that the rat hippocampal formation undergoes anatomical and neurophysiological maturation during the first 2 months of life and that rats <40 days of age are impaired in spatial navigation tasks. Here we show that the locational firing of CA1 pyramidal neurons is both less specific and less stable in animals aged <50 days. However, preliminary results indicate that head directional firing recorded around day 30 is essentially identical to that seen in adult animals. Therefore, the development of reliable, spatially specific place cell activity parallels the developmental time course of spatial navigational ability, but head directional firing appears before full maturation of the hippocampus.  相似文献   

The effects of dopamine (DA) on prefrontal pyramidal neurons were studied in vitro on rat cerebral cortex slices using intracellular recordings. Pyramidal neurons were first identified by Lucifer yellow and some of their basic bioelectrical properties were analysed. At resting potential, white matter stimulation mainly evoked depolarizing inhibitory postsynaptic potentials (IPSPs) which reversed between -60 and -50 mV and were almost totally abolished by bicuculline. Furthermore, pyramidal cells often exhibited spontaneous depolarizing IPSPs abolished by bicuculline. Under tetrodotoxin (TTX) this synaptic noise was partly blocked suggesting that it was due both to the spontaneous firing of presynaptic gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic neurons and to a spontaneous quantal release from these afferent fibers. In pyramidal cells, DA enhanced the number of spikes evoked by depolarizing current pulses, and the input resistance was increased by 10-20%. DA also clearly increased the inhibitory synaptic noise. This effect was blocked by fluphenazine. In contrast, evoked IPSPs were not consistently affected by DA. Taken altogether, these results suggest, that in the prefrontal cortex, dopamine has a mild excitatory effect on both pyramidal cells and GABAergic interneurons impinging on them.  相似文献   

Hypoxia is the most common cause of neonatal seizures and can lead to epilepsy, but the epileptogenic mechanisms are not yet understood. We have previously shown that hypoxia-induced seizures in the neonatal rat result in acutely decreased amplitudes and frequency of spontaneous and miniature inhibitory postsynaptic currents (sIPSCs and mIPSCs) in hippocampal CA1 pyramidal neurons. In the current study, we asked whether such changes persist for several days following hypoxia-induced seizures. Similar to the acute findings, we observed decreased frequency and amplitudes of sIPSCs and decreased mIPSC amplitudes in CA1 pyramidal neurons at 3-5 days after hypoxia. However, in contrast to the acute findings, we observed no differences between hypoxia-treated and control groups in mIPSC frequency. Additionally, by 7 days after hypoxia, sIPSC amplitudes in the hypoxia group had recovered to control levels, but sIPSC frequency remained decreased. These data indicate that the persistently decreased sIPSC frequency result from decreased firing of presynaptic inhibitory interneurons, with only transient possible changes in postsynaptic responses to GABA release.  相似文献   

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