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现以美国奥尔巴尼药学与健康科学学院(AcPHs)的Pharm.D.教育为例,简要介绍美国Pharm.D.专业学位计划、培养目标、入学要求、培养模式、教学方法、毕业及就业等,重点介绍Pharm.D.的课程设置和核心课程,并与我国临床药学教育进行对比分析。建议学习和借鉴美国Pharm.D.教育经验,改革与完善我国药学教育模式,构建有中国特色的临床药学教育体系,争取早13设立中国的Pharm.D.专业学位。  相似文献   

目的通过作者亲历美国南加州大学药学院教学,浅议我国高等药学教学体制模式的改变。方法介绍美国南加州大学药学院的教学模式,并对比我国的药学教育体制。结果目前药学博士(Pharm D)培养已成为美国药学院校的核心教育体系。Pharm D培养的目标是临床药学服务。结论我国应顺应时代发展要求,大力加快发展临床药学教育,促进药学学科发展。  相似文献   

周春阳 《中国药房》2012,(48):4601-4604
目的:了解美国药学教育发展历程及其对我国药学教育的借鉴意义。方法:通过美国实地考察和资料查询,对美国临床药学教育,包括药学教育认证、入学方式、学制及学历学位、课程设置等内容进行剖析,并与国内药学教育进行比较。结果与结论:美国的临床药学教育为经认证的6年制药学博士教育,其学位为针对药师职位特设的Pharm.D,课程设置标准程度高,选修课程多,注重实践教学和学科融合。美国已形成较为成熟的药学教育模式,对我国药学教育具有一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

目的:探讨美国药学博士(Pharm D)教育课程设置及培养模式。方法:结合作者在美国培训的经历,简要介绍美国Pharm D教育的发展历史、培养目标、教育体制、教育内容等,探讨其对我国临床药师教育的启示。结果和结论:我国可借鉴美国Pharm D教育的药师培养制度,规范临床药师培训。  相似文献   

目的:通过借鉴美国、日本临床药学人才培养模式,加快我国临床药学教育发展。方法:介绍美国、日本临床药学教育发展历程与取得成绩,分析我国临床药学教育发展中存在的问题.加快完善临床药学的学科设置和管理制度。结果:目前Pharm.D项目已成为美国药学院校的核心教育体系,日本也着手实施新的6年制药学教育.临床药学教育已成为国际药学教育的发展趋势。结论:我国应顺应时代发展要求.加快发展临床药学教育.促进药学学科发展。  相似文献   

药师临床服务的现状及发展方向   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
王华光  王鹤尧 《首都医药》2006,13(16):15-16
临床药学(clinicalpharm acy,CP)始于20世纪60年代的美国,其主要任务是保证病人用药安全、有效、经济,其核心是指导临床合理用药。药学监护或药学服务(pharm aceuticalcare,PC)是临床药学的延伸,是美国药学家于1988年提出,并于1993年在国际药学会议上被正式肯定,是人类和社会发展的必然产物。目前,美国的临床药师一般由药学博士担任,在全美药学院校中有57所设置了6年制临床药学专业,授予药学博士(Pharm a.D)学位,另有58所院校规定,药学人员在获得药学学士学位后,可再续读临床课和实践课而授予Pharm a.D学位。而从2000年6月1日起,将全面…  相似文献   

试论医院药事管理学的发展(七)   总被引:11,自引:1,他引:11  
吴永佩  颜青 《中国药房》2005,16(3):182-184
6医院药学发展趋势 6.1国外药学教育和医院药学状况 20世纪60年代起,美国、加拿大、法国、英国等国家就陆续开展了与大学本科教育相衔接的Pharm.D.临床药学专业教育和临床药师培训制度.尤其是1990年,Hepler及Strand明确提出药学保健(pharmaceutical care)概念.国际药联将其定位为药师的神圣职责,其定义是:药师直接、负责地提供药物治疗与相关的药学保健服务,其目的是达到改善或维持病人生命质量的确定结果.这就把药师的工作性质和职责推到了临床第一线.  相似文献   

美国UIC医院药学教育和服务实践   总被引:4,自引:4,他引:0  
目的 介绍美国医院药学的教育和实践,为我国医院药学的发展提供借鉴。方法 结合查阅文献,阐述笔者实地考察美国伊利诺伊大学芝加哥分校(UIC)医院药学教学和服务实践。结果 Pharm.D教育在美国日趋成熟并彰显作用;UIC药学部由住院中心药房、门诊药房、卫星药房、药品分装室、临床药学等部门组成,高度的信息化和自动化很好保障了日常药品调剂的安全性和工作效率;临床药学服务覆盖器官移植、肿瘤药学、儿科药学、抗凝门诊、戒烟门诊、抗菌药物管理、慢病管理及远程医疗等众多领域;绩效考核制度充分体现科学性和人性化。结论 UIC医院药学管理高度信息化和智能化,临床药学服务系统而精细,充分体现药师在药物治疗中的作用和地位,值得国内借鉴和学习。  相似文献   

目的:探索我国药学本科生临床药学课程的教学、培养模式。方法:参照美国Pharm. D.教学模式,向31名药学本科生授课并以案例分析实践形式进行强化训练,课后以问卷形式调查学生对学习效果与教学方式的反馈。结果:学生在课堂上有较好的互动,对课堂内容掌握程度较高。问卷调查结果显示,学生自认为学习效果一般(3.47/5)而对于教学方法的认可度较高(4.13/5)。结论:理论学习结合案例学习的教学方式可行性高,值得推广。  相似文献   

目的:借鉴美国的临床药师培养模式,完善我国药学专业型人才培养方法,培养出能指导临床合理用药的临床药师。方法:以美国南加州大学药学院(USC school of pharmacy)的Pharm D教育为例,简单介绍美国如何培养Pharm D的临床实践能力,并与我国现行的临床药师培养模式进行对比。结果:我国药学院课程设置不够合理,本科毕业生缺乏临床思维,无法胜任临床药师一职。结论:从课程、学制、毕业后教育等方面入手,改良传统药学教育模式,培养具备丰富临床实践经验的药学人才。  相似文献   

In order to carry out the comprehensive reform of the professional master’s degree training mode of clinical pharmacy, we carried out interviews among 91 persons on the professional master's degree of clinical pharmacy in Peking University School of Pharmaceutical Sciences and collected extensive feedback. We preliminaries explore the mode of Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm. D.) Education, laying the foundation for Doctor’s education of professional clinical pharmacy in China. We conducted investigations and interviews among 91 clinical pharmacists and students of Peking University School of Pharmaceutical Sciences on the training of professional master’s degree and Pharm. D. education mode, which includes 67 postgraduates and 24 clinical pharmacists. Respondents put forward the problems of training mode and corresponding suggestions and opinions from different aspects during the investigation and interview. The results mainly divide into four aspects: curriculum setting, clinical practice, assessment system and teaching resources. Respondents put forward effective feedback on the above four aspects, which are beneficial to the comprehensive reform of the training mode of professional master degree in clinical pharmacy and preliminary exploration of Pharm. D. Education in China.  相似文献   

It’s the main trend of the development of international pharmaceutical education to cultivate professionals with the capability of pharmaceutical service by professional degree education. Clinical pharmacy rotation practice, named officially as “Advanced clinical pharmacy practice” at our school, is specific to our master of pharmacy (M. Pharm) graduate students for clinical pharmacy practice training in multiple clinical departments in hospitals. It is meaningful for the education reform of clinical pharmacy to evaluate the outcome of clinical pharmacy rotation practice. Questionnaire was developed based on the Teaching Guide To Advanced ClinicalPharmacy Practice and its related record forms. The practice outcomes of clinical rotation practice in the first two years for M. Pharm graduate students were assessed using the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method. Results showed that the teaching effect of clinical pharmacy practice was at the “excellent” level. The evaluation scores of Grade 2011 and Grade 2012 were 90.60 (excellent) and 91.83 (excellent) respectively, while the overall score was 91.29 (excellent). Students showed excellent skills and have met the requirements of the teaching guide after practice. There are somethings to improve in clinical rotation practice teaching. This study will provide important information for our school and the nation to achieve teaching reform in M. Pharm education of clinical pharmacy.  相似文献   

近年来,我国临床药学高等教育发展迅速,临床药学教育改革也取得了显著成果,并逐步形成了具有中国特色的临床药学高等教育体系,但与临床药学教育发达的美国相比,仍存在不足.该文以美国东北俄亥俄医科大学为例,通过比较中美临床药学高等教育在培养模式、培养目标、教学方式、课程设置等方面的差别,探讨中国临床药学高等教育的机遇与发展前景.  相似文献   

目的:探索建立北京协和医院互联网药学服务模式,助力公立医院高质量发展,以期为“互联网+ 药学”发展提供参考。方法:查阅国内外文献、开展调查研究,结合医院实践经验,归纳总结北京协和医院互联网药学服务管理制度、操作规程、服务内容和质控体系。结果:初步搭建北京协和医院互联网药学服务模式,服务内容包括互联网药学咨询、互联网处方审核、互联网用药指导、药品配送到家和互联网药学门诊。截至2022年11月30日,已完成互联网用药咨询5515例,互联网处方审核152113例,互联网电子用药指导单覆盖药品959种,药品配送33583人次,配送区域覆盖全国31个省市自治区。已取得较好的社会和经济效益。结论:互联网药学服务可以更好地满足患者的医疗需求,实现以患者为中心的药学服务转型,体现创新服务模式的理念。  相似文献   

目的 以英国药学技术人员的职业发展和教育模式为借鉴,以期为中国医院药学事业的发展提供实践依据。方法 介绍英国国家药学教育与药学技术人员发展框架及医院药师的受教育和职业发展路径,找出两国在药师培养、工作模式的不同和差距,提出促进中国临床药学事业发展、药学教育改革和临床药师培养的建议。结果与结论 英国的药学教育以培养面向临床及患者工作的药师为目的,学制4年,药学硕士学位,教学内容偏重临床实践。中国的药学教育起步较晚,药学人才培养模式与课程设置未突出该课程"交叉、实践性强"的特点;英国的药学教育模式、药学人才培养体系及医疗体制对其医院药学服务发展具有重要的作用,对中国药学人才培养模式与课程设置改革有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

PURPOSE: The development, implementation, and outcomes assessment of an innovative pharmacist-managed ambulatory care and community pharmacy practice clinic are described. SUMMARY: The Clinical Partners Program at The Ohio State University (OSU) provides an active learning environment for students and residents, offers a patient-focused practice model based on pharmaceutical care principles, and serves as an arena for applied research in pharmacy practice. The program offers multiple services, including anticoagulation management, diabetes self-management, cholesterol management, hepatitis C education, herbal product and dietary supplement consultations, medication management, smoking cessation, and wellness. The practice is currently staffed by two faculty members from the college of pharmacy, with a 0.8 full-time-equivalent (FTE) pharmacist and a 0.65 FTE community pharmacy resident. It has served as a training site for 17 pharmacy residents, 28 bachelor of science (B.S.) in pharmacy students, 30 post-B.S. doctor of pharmacy (Pharm.D.) students, and 132 entry-level Pharm.D. students at various levels of training. The most successful methods of reimbursement for programs have been contracted services with OSU Managed Health Care Systems, Inc., which serves OSU faculty and staff and fee-for-service billing, charged directly to non-OSU patients. Numerous studies have shown that Clinical Partners has consistently demonstrated improved therapeutic outcomes over those achieved in traditional practice. Faculty are exploring outreach services, including the development of advanced practice community sites for the college, establishing patient care services within physician offices, and providing disease management services for self-insured employers. CONCLUSION: The Clinical Partners Program has improved patient care and provided education and training opportunities for pharmacy students and residents.  相似文献   

以美国匹兹堡大学药学院Pharm D学位教育为例,评述美国药学服务型人才的学位设置、培养目标、课程设计、教学方法以及师资队伍建设等药师的培养体系及模式。审视我国当前药学教育的现状与执业药师转型发展,提出借鉴国外药学教育的成功模式和经验,推进我国高等药学职业教育,从人才培养源头提高我国执业药师的素质与能力。  相似文献   

To address the shortage of research-trained pharmaceutical scientists (or doctor of pharmacy [Pharm.D.] scientists), a 2-day pharmacy research conference titled "Pharm.D. Pathways to Biomedical Research" was convened on December 13-14, 2006, at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) campus (Bethesda, MD). The workshop included invited speakers and participants from academia, industry, and government. Forty-two pharmacy schools were represented, including deans and clinical pharmaceutical scientists with current NIH funding. In addition, several pharmacy professional organizations were represented--American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy, American College of Clinical Pharmacy, American Society of Health-System Pharmacists, and the Accreditation Council on Pharmaceutical Education. The workshop was divided into three sessions followed by breakout discussion groups: the first session focused on presentations by leading pharmaceutical scientists who described their path to success; the second session examined the NIH grant system, particularly as it relates to training opportunities in biomedical research and funding mechanisms; and the third session addressed biomedical research education and training from the perspective of scientific societies and academia. We summarize the discussions and findings from the workshop and highlight some important considerations for the future of research in the pharmacy community. This report also puts forth recommendations for educating future pharmaceutical scientists.  相似文献   

培养临床药师 促进合理用药   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
通过对国内外开展临床药学工作和临床药学教育理论与实践的研究与分析,结合天津医科大学药学院与天津市卫生局及所属医疗机构为建立临床药师制、开展临床药学服务、培养临床药师所进行的临床药学教育教学实践,探讨建立适合中国国情的在成人队伍中进行临床药师培养的模式与方法。  相似文献   

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