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目的有效控制口岸卫生处理质量安全风险,减少卫生处理事故的发生。方法采取风险水平矩阵分析法。结果通过对卫生处理质量安全风险的可能性影响因素和危害严重程度影响因素进行分析,评价口岸卫生处理质量安全风险水平。结论口岸卫生处理实施风险分析和风险控制,可以有效地提高了工作质量和安全。  相似文献   

〔目的〕为了预防和控制口岸医学媒介生物传播的传染病的发生,对港区及周边400m防控范围内医学媒介生物进行有效控制,确保盐田口岸的卫生安全。〔方法〕成立专业消杀灭队伍,在检验检疫部门监督指导下,对港区内、外环境开展消杀灭工作,口岸建立防控设施。〔结果〕港区场地硬化率95%以上,环境绿化率60%,建造防鼠网7.2km,防鼠灯17盏,下水道安装防蚊闸736个,布放毒鼠屋540个。〔结论〕采取综合治理防控措施,医学媒介生物密度呈逐年下降趋势,控制指标符合《国境口岸医学媒介生物控制标准》(SN/T1415-2004)。  相似文献   

加强口岸卫生处理安全质量监管的思考   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
〔目的〕加强口岸卫生处理安全和质量监管。〔方法〕列举当前口岸卫生处理监管存在八个方面问题,阐述加强口岸卫生处理监管的必要性。〔结果〕加强从业单位资质的监管是保证卫生处理安全质量的提升前提,加强从业人员资格的监管是保证卫生处理安全质量的必要条件,加强卫生处理药械的监管是保证卫生处理安全质量的有力措施,加强日常监管是保证卫生处理安全质量的根本保证。〔结论〕口岸卫生处理工作只有加强监管,才能保证工作安全和质量。  相似文献   

目的加强重大活动口岸卫生处理安全和质量监管。方法列举当前重大活动口岸卫生处理监管存在八个方面问题。结果加强从业单位资质的监管是保证重大活动卫生处理安全质量提升的前提,加强从业人员资格的监管是保证重大活动卫生处理安全质量的必要条件,加强卫生处理药械的监管是其有力措施,加强日常监管是其根本保证。结论只有加强监管,才能保证重大活动口岸卫生处理工作安全和质量。  相似文献   

目的:研究口岸卫生处理单位参与口岸医学媒介生物本底调查的可行性。方法:分析口岸医学媒介生物本底调查及口岸卫生处理单位工作现状,归纳当前存在的问题,探讨卫生处理单位参与口岸医学媒介生物本底调查的优势。结果:卫生处理单位参与本底调查可以确保工作质量,积累工作经验,拓宽业务范围,增强与检验检疫机构的协作。结论:]将口岸卫生处理单位纳入到口岸媒介生物防控体系,对构建疫病疫情防控屏障,提高口岸卫生控制水平,确保口岸卫生,安全具有积极的现实意义和长远的战略眼光。  相似文献   

目的研究非传统安全视角下的威海口岸检疫风险,保障威海口岸检疫安全,维护威海口岸检疫秩序,为健全威海口岸检疫安全屏障提供理论依据。方法根据威海口岸现状以及近期疫情动态,研究威海口岸检疫风险特点,应用文献溯源的方法对威海口岸检疫进行风险分析。结果对威海口岸检疫进行了有效地风险分析以及对威海口岸未来可能面临的风险进行了预测预判,同时提出了威海口岸风险防控对策。结论应高度重视口岸检疫工作,积极应对口岸检疫风险,多措并举维护口岸检疫秩序,保障口岸检疫安全。  相似文献   

目的通过对影响口岸消毒处理效果的因素分析,提出保障消毒处理效果的措施建议。方法分析了当前影响口岸消毒处理中的影响因素和当前口岸消毒处理存在主要问题,并提出控制措施。结果只有加强内部管理、教育培训、环节控制和定期检查,才能做好口岸消毒处理风险防范。结论通过实施消毒处理风险管理,可以改善和提高了口岸消毒处理工作质量,减少口岸消毒处理事故的发生。  相似文献   

目的卫生处理质量控制由事后检查转向事前控制。方法通过引进环节控制新概念,重点介绍环节控制的内容、控制点的设置和验证程序。结果环节控制的内容是保证口岸卫生处理质量控制的提升前提,环节控制点的设置是保证口岸卫生处理质量控制的有力措施,环节控制的验证是保证口岸卫生处理质量控制的重要手段。结论口岸卫生处理工作只有通过环节控制,才能规范卫生处理药品器械、现场操作和安全防护等各项工作的管理。  相似文献   

[目的]为把卫生处理质量控制由事后检查转向事前控制以达到“预防为主”的目的,对卫生处理关键点控制进行探讨。[方法]介绍关键点控制的内容、设置和验证程序。[结果]关键点的控制是保证口岸卫生处理质量控制的前提,关键点的设置是保证口岸卫生处理质量控制的有力措施,关键点的验证是保证口岸卫生处理质量控制的重要手段。[结论]口岸卫生处理工作只有通过关键点控制,才能规范卫生处理药品器械、现场操作和安全防护等各项工作的管理。  相似文献   

5·12汶川地震发生后,我省各受灾地区积极开展了消杀灭工作,使用了大量的消杀灭药剂。为保障灾区人民和救灾人员身体健康,避免中毒事件的发生,合理安全使用消杀灭药剂,我们起草了地震灾区消杀灭药剂中毒的预防与急救措施,供广大卫生防疫工作者及医疗救护人员参考使用。  相似文献   

目的认真贯彻落实"十二字"方针,全面提升口岸卫生检疫核心能力。方法通过检疫查验、疾病监测、卫生监督和卫生处理的职能,提出如何抓质量、保安全、促发展、强质检。结果抓质量,全面提升口岸卫生保障能力;保安全,全面提升依法行政能力;促发展,全面提升服务经济能力;强质检,全面提升应对处置能力。结论只有贯彻落实"十二字"方针,做好检疫查验、疾病监测、卫生监督和卫生处理,才能全面提升口岸卫生检疫核心能力。  相似文献   

Leapfrog Hospital Safety Grades and Magnet designation are two publicly available measures that serve as proxies for health care quality and safety. We examine whether hospitals with a better rating in one Leapfrog safety measure also have favorable ratings in other Leapfrog safety measures and whether Magnet-designated hospitals have better Leapfrog safety scores related to outcomes, processes, and structures than non-Magnet hospitals. Our study found that hospital-associated infections (HAIs) were not strongly correlated with one another, but Leapfrog safety process and structural measures were significantly and strongly correlated with one another, suggesting hospitals that invest in processes/structures to improve quality tend to do so across many dimensions. Also, Magnet-designated hospitals had higher Leapfrog grades for structural measures but not systematically better infection rates. Only one HAI (central line-associated bloodstream infections) had lower rates in Magnet hospitals than non-Magnet hospitals. These analyses suggest that improvements in process and structural measures do not necessarily translate into lower HAIs. Hospitals may need specific quality improvement strategies to target each HAI since HAIs are not strongly correlated with one another. Future research is needed to identify what process and structural measures can decrease HAIs and how this should be reflected in Magnet designation evaluation criteria.  相似文献   

卫生保健相关感染通常被称为“院内感染”或“医院感染”,是影响卫生健康,特别是医疗服务过程中患者安全的重要因素和衡量卫生健康质量的关键指标,也是人民群众感知卫生健康服务获得感最直接、最直观的来源。文章主要分析了影响医院感染发生的主要因素,并对相关防控措施进行了探讨。认为影响医院感染发生与防控效果的因素多且复杂,应科学循证、综合施策,做好医院感染防控始终是实现患者安全目标、促进卫生健康服务质量持续提升的基础性工作  相似文献   

The paper proposes a model for health and safety organization in health care units and hospitals which takes account of the risk assessment procedures required by law and the quality assessment of the measures thus taken. A redefinition is given of the role of Medical Director and of the functions, aims and standards on which health and safety service and the services of an authorized occupational health physicians must be based.  相似文献   

[目的]了解本市二次供水卫生状况,为制定有针对性的二次供水管理措施提供依据。[方法]收集整理上海市生活饮用水卫生监督监测预警控制平台中二次供水卫生监督检测数据,进行分析评价。[结果]本市二次供水设施清洗消毒及水质自检等方面合格率较低,二次供水水质合格率仍低于同期管网水合格率。主要不合格指标为耗氧量、菌落总数和余氯。[结论]二次供水水质卫生仍存在薄弱环节,应通过上海市生活饮用水卫生监督监测预警控制平台,实现二次供水的科学监管,确保二次供水水质安全。  相似文献   

This paper reviews the relative strengths and weaknesses of outcome and process measures as performance indicators in health care. Differences in outcome may be due to case mix, how the data were collected, chance, or quality of care. Health care is only one determinant of health and other factors have important effects on health outcomes, such as nutrition, environment, lifestyle and poverty. The advantages of process measures are that they are more sensitive to differences in the quality of care and they are direct measures of quality. However, outcome measures are of greater intrinsic interest and can reflect all aspects of care, including those that are otherwise difficult to measure such as technical expertise and operator skill. Outcome indicators can be improved if efforts are made to standardize data collection and case mix adjustment systems are developed and validated. It is argued that this is worth doing only where it is likely that variations in health care might lead to significant variations in health outcome and where the occurrence of the outcome is sufficiently common that the outcome indicator will have the power to detect real differences in quality. If these conditions are not met, then alternative strategies such as process measurement and risk management techniques may be more effective at protecting the public from poor quality care.  相似文献   

Quality of care measures are increasingly important to health plans, purchasers, physicians, and patients. Appropriate measures can be used to assess quality and evaluate improvement and are necessary components of pay-for-performance programs. Despite the broad scope of activity in the development of quality measures, migraine headache has received little attention. Given the enormous costs associated with migraine, especially in terms of lost productivity and preventable health care utilization, health plans could gain from a structured approach to measuring the quality of migraine care their beneficiaries receive. A potential migraine quality measurement set was developed through a review of migraine care literature and guidelines, interviews with leaders in migraine care, health care purchasing, and managed care, and the assembly of an advisory board. The board discussed candidate measures and established consensus on a testable measurement set. Twenty measures were developed, focused primarily on diagnosis and utilization. Areas of utilization include physician visits, emergency department visits, hospitalizations, and imaging. Use of both acute and preventive medications is included. More complex aspects of migraine care are also addressed, including triptan overuse, the relationship between acute and preventive medications, and follow-up after emergency department visits. The measures are currently being tested in health plans to assess their feasibility and value. A compelling case can be made for the development of migraine-specific quality measures for health plans. This effort to develop and test a starter set of measures should lead to new and innovative efforts to assess and improve quality of care for migraineurs.  相似文献   

The safety of the patient is discussed, in the offered article, tightly related with the promotion of the quality of medical care rendered to population. Data from various countries (Australia, Great Britain, Denmark etc) about damage, made to the patient's health at medical interventions, are presented. Some mechanism, related with the collection of information, as well as measures used to warn the population against the preventable damage to patients' health are described. The WHO recommendations on paying more attention to patients' safety are illustrated. The related activities implemented in Russia are depicted; and measures, needed to promote such activities, are indicated.  相似文献   

护理质量直接影响病人的生命和健康,也影响医院医疗安全。为了更好地加强护理质 量管理,提高护理质量,防范护理差错事故的发生,保障护理安全,我院在“医院管理年”活动中,采 取了一些切实可行的措施,收到了良好的效果。  相似文献   

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