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目的 探讨应用全关节磁共振成像评分(WORMS)系统对膝关节各结构特征进行半定量评价的观察者间一致性以及观察者临床阅片经验对评分结果的影响.方法 利用"祛风止痛胶囊对膝骨关节炎的临床作用及机制研究"临床研究项目数据库,随机抽取2018年5至10月摄取的膝关节骨关节炎患者的磁共振像(MRI)10例,分别由3位年资不同、拥...  相似文献   

磁共振成像可无创显示关节软骨,对关节软骨细胞外基质的生化及力学方面的早期变化具有很高的敏感度。关节软骨的磁共振T_2弛豫时间值与软骨的含水量、胶原结构、生物力学因素有关,T_2弛豫时间图成像技术是目前应用最为广泛的磁共振成像技术之一,通过测量软骨磁共振脉冲序列不同回波时间像的信号强度变化得到T_2值。作为评估关节软骨早期病变的敏感影像参数之一,T_2伪彩图及其T_2值可用于评价软骨形态学和功能学,有助于了解骨关节炎、软骨老化和运动后的生理及病理变化,并可用于评估软骨病变早期诊断及修复评估。该文就T_2弛豫时间图成像技术的基本原理、影响因素和临床应用现状作一综述。  相似文献   

磁共振成像可无创显示关节软骨,对关节软骨细胞外基质的生化及力学方面的早期变化具有很高的敏感度。关节软骨的磁共振T_2弛豫时间值与软骨的含水量、胶原结构、生物力学因素有关,T_2弛豫时间图成像技术是目前应用最为广泛的磁共振成像技术之一,通过测量软骨磁共振脉冲序列不同回波时间像的信号强度变化得到T_2值。作为评估关节软骨早期病变的敏感影像参数之一,T_2伪彩图及其T_2值可用于评价软骨形态学和功能学,有助于了解骨关节炎、软骨老化和运动后的生理及病理变化,并可用于评估软骨病变早期诊断及修复评估。该文就T_2弛豫时间图成像技术的基本原理、影响因素和临床应用现状作一综述。  相似文献   

目的:探讨中医辨证施治对早期膝骨关节炎的疗效,观察关节软骨MRI在治疗前后的变化及意义。方法:早期膝骨关节炎患者60例,按Doll法分为2组。试验组32例40个关节,男6例,女26例;年龄43~65岁,平均为52.2岁。对照组28例33个关节,男5例,女23例;年龄42~65岁,平均54.4岁。试验组予中医辨证中药口服,对照组予塞来昔布及盐酸氨基葡萄糖口服,疗程为3个月,分别于治疗前及随访时予MR检查及膝骨关节炎严重性指数(ISOA)评分,观察关节承重区软骨的变化及评价治疗效果。结果:60例全部随访13~17个月,平均15.3个月。试验组膝关节MRI显示显效15个关节,有效17个关节,总有效率为80.0%;对照组显效8个关节,有效11个关节,总有效率为57.6%。试验组ISOA评分治疗后平均为(0.35±0.16)分,对照组ISOA评分治疗后平均为(3.68±0.18)分,经统计学分析,t=6.94,P〈0.05,故两组治疗后疗效差异有统计学意义。结论:中医辨证施治可以显著减缓或抑制早期膝骨关节炎的关节软骨退变,减轻膝骨关节炎的严重程度,具有显著的临床疗效。  相似文献   

目的探讨关节镜下自体骨软骨移植技术治疗伴局灶性软骨缺损的膝骨关节炎的临床疗效。方法对72例伴局灶性软骨缺损的膝骨关节炎采用关节镜下自体骨软骨移植技术治疗。结果术后随访12~56个月,患者疼痛基本消失,膝关节活动良好。Brittberg-Peterson评分及关节液蛋白多糖,治疗前后比较有统计学差异(P<0.05)。术后1年复查膝关节MRI提示原缺损区软骨表面光滑,移植的软骨下骨愈合良好。结论关节镜下自体骨软骨移植创伤小、疗效确切,是治疗伴局灶性软骨缺损的膝骨关节炎的有效方法。  相似文献   

骨关节炎(osteoarthritis,OA)又称为退行性关节病,是一种由于关节软骨退行性病变引起关节软骨完整性破坏及关节边缘软骨下骨板病变,继而导致关节症状和体征的一组慢性退行性关节疾病[1]。易受累部位有膝关节、髋关节、脊柱、手等,其中膝关节发病率最高。膝骨关节炎最常出现关节僵硬、肿胀、活动受限和关节畸形等症状[2]。临床上,X线检查是膝骨关节炎最常用的影像学检查方法[3],不仅快捷、廉价,而且是MRI不能完全取代的,但是X线检查结果与膝骨关节炎(knee osteoarthritis,KOA)疼痛程度并无太大相关性[4]。临床上常用的膝骨关节炎评分工具具备以下特点:简单、易于掌握、有一定的灵敏度、特异度及准确性,在判断膝骨关节炎患者疾病情况时能为医护人员提供较多有用信息,从而快速地做出较为准确的病情评估和后续治疗方案[5]。目前常用评分多为国外建立,其在国内的应用以及国内自行研制评分工具的应用如何,值得关注。本文就目前常用评分工具在国内的使用情况和国内自行研制评分工具的临床应用进行综述。  相似文献   

目的探讨应用改良的Hulth法建立猕猴膝骨关节炎动物模型的可行性及可靠性。方法实验组:选用猕猴的10只膝关节,应用改良Hulth手术造模,即切断膝关节内侧副韧带,切除前十字韧带、内侧半月板,并在股骨内侧髁关节面切除部分软骨。对照组:选用实验组猕猴的对侧10只膝关节,只切开皮肤、关节囊,不破坏关节腔结构。对构建的猕猴膝骨关节炎模型分别在造模后2、4、6个月从膝关节功能、X线片、MRI、关节镜下结构、切开肉眼所示大体情况、膝关节股骨软骨组织切片等方面评估骨关节炎造模情况。结果对照组在术后2、4、6个月的X线片、MRI及切开肉眼观察关节腔与术前无明显差异。实验组在造模后2个月X线片示内侧关节间隙狭窄,膝关节力线内翻;造模后4个月,X线片示关节软骨下骨硬化、关节周缘骨赘形成,髌骨骨赘增生;造模后6个月,X线片示关节软骨下骨硬化、关节周缘骨赘增生进一步加重。实验组造模后2个月,膝关节MRI表现为内侧关节间室狭窄,股骨内侧髁可见软骨造模缺损区,关节腔少许积液;造模后4个月,MRI表现为关节腔积液增多,髁软骨下骨髓水肿;造模后6个月,MRI出现外侧半月板Ⅱ级退变信号、部分区域软骨变薄、软骨下骨髓水肿...  相似文献   

膝关节磁共振成像的类骨坏死68例分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
目的 回顾性研究不同疾病类型膝关节磁共振成像(MRI)的软骨下骨的信号改变特点,以进一步细化诊断为治疗提供依据.方法 研究2003~2006年间68膝成人膝关节MRI图像,并将较易诊断的剥脱性骨软骨炎排除,MRI有类骨坏死信号,T1为低信号,T2为中或低信号,在股骨端坏死灶的近侧或胫骨坏死灶的远侧如有一条低密度的线状影即为含线状影,若无即为无线状影.将坏死灶的分布,大小,T1和T2信号特点,有无合并骨髓水肿,有无合并表面软骨缺损,进行记录,并进行数据分析.结果 有隔离线的坏死灶面积大且伴有骨髓水肿急性病程,多为有不全骨折的骨坏死;有软骨缺损无隔离线的类坏死信号改变多为亚急性病程,多数为骨关节炎.结论 对膝关节的MRI进行详细的分析其类骨坏死信号的特点,有无隔离线及骨髓水肿的程度,以及关节软骨的特点可区分骨坏死及骨关节炎,作出诊断.  相似文献   

目的探讨慢性胰腺炎的磁共振成像(MRI)评价及功能评估。方法复习关于慢性胰腺炎的MRI评价及外分泌功能评估的文献。结果 MRI能发现慢性胰腺炎中胰腺实质的早期改变(包括胰腺大小、实质信号和强化模式的改变),磁共振胰胆管成像(MRCP)能发现胰腺导管系统的改变,促胰液素刺激MRCP进一步提高了对胰管及其分支的显示率,且可无创地评估胰腺的外分泌功能,同时结合了形态学和功能学评估。促胰液素刺激弥散加权成像也可作为另一种提供胰腺外分泌功能信息的无创检查手段。结论常规MRI和(或)促胰液素刺激MRI可作为慢性胰腺炎(尤其是早期慢性胰腺炎)评估方法,同时进行形态学和功能学评估,但仍需进一步的研究验证这些方法的诊断准确性。  相似文献   

目的探讨膝关节骨关节炎软骨下骨病理损伤磁共振成像(MRI)模式。方法本组共106例,临床均怀疑膝关节骨关节炎。采用GE Signa Profile SYS#0.2TMR Siemens Symphony Maestro class 1.5 T超导型,成像方位为矢状位、冠状位及横断位;序列为自旋回波(SE)T1WI,T2WI,自旋回波质子加权序列。结果膝关节软骨下骨灶状损伤呈多样性改变,包括股骨、胫骨、髌骨软骨下骨灶状损伤。MRI表现:(1)软骨下骨灶状骨髓水肿,本组88个病灶。(2)软骨下骨灶状脂肪样损害,本组79个病灶。(3)软骨下骨灶状血液样损害,本组96个病灶。(4)软骨下骨灶状水样损害,本组99个病灶。(5)软骨下骨灶状纤维样损害,本组87个病灶。结论 MRI膝关节骨关节炎软骨下骨病理损伤MRI模式对明确病理改变、指导临床诊断和治疗有重要意义。  相似文献   

This case report describes the early results of a 36-year-old man who underwent repair of a symptomatic full-thickness patellar cartilage defect with transplanted particulated juvenile articular cartilage. At 2 years postoperatively, the patient has experienced substantial clinical improvement in both pain and function when evaluated with both International Knee Documentation Committee subjective evaluation and Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score outcome measures. Two-year postoperative magnetic resonance imaging demonstrates fill of the defect with repair tissue and near complete resolution of preoperative subchondral bone edema. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this case report is the first to report clinical results of this new technique at 2 years postoperatively.  相似文献   

BackgroundSeveral studies have demonstrated that posttraumatic knee osteoarthritis progresses even after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. Few reports described zone-specific cartilaginous damages after anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction. This study aimed to compare the status of articular cartilage at anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction with that at second-look arthroscopy.MethodsThis study included 20 patients (20 knees, 10 males and 10 females, mean age 22.4 years, Body mass index 24.4 kg/m2) that underwent arthroscopic anatomic double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction and second-look arthroscopy. Mean periods from injury to reconstruction and from reconstruction to second-look arthroscopy were 3.4 and 15.3 months, respectively. Cartilage lesions were evaluated arthroscopically in the 6 articular surfaces and 40 articular subcompartments independently, and these features were graded with the International Cartilage Repair Society articular cartilage injury classification; comparisons were made between the grades at reconstruction and at second-look arthroscopy. Furthermore, clinical outcomes were assessed at reconstruction and at second-look arthroscopy, using the Lysholm knee score, Tegner activity scale, International Knee Documentation Committee score, Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score, side-to-side difference of the KT-2000 arthrometer, and pivot shift test.ResultsEach compartment showed a deteriorated condition at second-look arthroscopy compared with the pre-reconstruction period. A significant worsening of the articular cartilage was noted in all compartments except the lateral tibial plateau and was also observed in the central region of the medial femoral condyle and trochlea after reconstruction. However, each clinical outcome was significantly improved postoperatively.ConclusionsGood cartilage conditions were restored in most subcompartments at second-look arthroscopy. Furthermore, posttraumatic osteoarthritic changes in the patellofemoral and medial compartments progressed even in the early postoperative period, although good knee stability and clinical outcomes were obtained. Care is necessary regarding the progression of osteoarthritis and the appearance of knee symptoms in patients undergoing anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction.  相似文献   

Finite element models of the knee can be used to identify regions at risk of mechanical failure in studies of osteoarthritis. Models of the knee often implement joint geometry obtained from magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or gait kinematics from motion capture to increase model specificity for a given subject. However, differences exist in cartilage material properties regionally as well as between subjects. This paper presents a method to create subject-specific finite element models of the knee that assigns cartilage material properties from T2 relaxometry. We compared our T2-refined model to identical models with homogeneous material properties. When tested on three subjects from the Osteoarthritis Initiative data set, we found the T2-refined models estimated higher principal stresses and shear strains in most cartilage regions and corresponded better to increases in KL grade in follow-ups compared to their corresponding homogeneous material models. Measures of cumulative stress within regions of a T2-refined model also correlated better with the region's cartilage morphology MRI Osteoarthritis Knee Score as compared with the homogeneous model. We conclude that spatially heterogeneous T2-refined material properties improve the subject-specificity of finite element models compared to homogeneous material properties in osteoarthritis progression studies. Statement of Clinical Significance: T2-refined material properties can improve subject-specific finite element model assessments of cartilage degeneration.  相似文献   

Today early detection of osteoarthrosis (OA) must imply the recognition of initial changes of articular cartilage before radiological signs appear. A noninvasive imaging technique must meet the demands of imaging the articular cartilage layer with high contrast and surface irregularities (fibrillation) and changes within the substance. This can only be achieved by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) with optimized conditions (3D-gradient echo sequence). In 80 patients, 62% of them without radiological signs of OA, articular cartilage of the knee joint was prospectively (70 patients) and retrospectively (10 patients) investigated with MRI and compared with the arthroscopic findings. Normal cartilage could be distinguished from pathological conditions with a specificity of more than 90% when evaluating surface morphology, signal homogeneity and, above all, signal intensity (40 patients). Full-thickness defects were identified in all cases. Cartilage fibrillation of differing depths (grades 1-3) could not be differentiated with a sufficient degree of reliability and requires a more subtle evaluation method by means of improved software. Thus, the noninvasive recognition of early pathological changes of articular cartilage in patients without radiological signs of OA has become possible.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most prevalent chronic disease in the elderly, and it is generally diagnosed at an advanced state when treatment is difficult if not impossible. The early form of OA is characterized by an elevated water content in the cartilage tissue. The purpose of this study was to verify in vivo if changes in the water content of patellar cartilage typically occurring in early OA can be detected using T(2) mapping MRI methods. DESIGN: Twenty healthy volunteers performed 60 knee bends in order to compress their patellar cartilage thereby reducing its water content. MR images of the patellar cartilage were acquired immediately following exercise and after 45 min of rest. Patellar cartilage thickness and T(2) maps were determined and their difference between the time points evaluated. RESULTS: Cartilage thickness increased by 5.4+/-1.5% from 2.94+/-0.15 mm to 3.10+/-0.15 mm (P< 0.001) following 45 min of rest, while T(2) increased by 2.6+/-1.0% from 23.1+/-0.5 ms to 23.7+/-0.6 ms (P< 0.05). CONCLUSION: Small, physiologic changes in the water content of patellar cartilage and the concomitant change in proteoglycan and collagen density following exercise can be detected using MRI. The proposed T(2)-mapping method, together with other non-invasive MR cartilage imaging techniques, could aid in the early diagnosis of OA.  相似文献   



The aim of this study was to compare the results of primary total knee arthroplasty with or without patelloplasty.


We retrospectively reviewed 89 patients who had received total knee arthroplasty. In patelloplasty, the patellar cartilage was resected using a tangential saw cut, and in the traditional treatment, only the surrounding osteophytes were removed. The outcome was measured using radiographs, Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score, Oxford Knee Score, Knee Society Score, Knee Society Function Score and Knee Society Pain Score.


Patelloplasty patients had a better outcome according to the Oxford Knee Score (P = 0.012), Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score (P = 0.003) and all of the Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score subscales (P < 0.05). The patella was significantly thinner (P = 0.001) post-operatively in the patelloplasty patients, but there was no statistically significant correlation between Oxford Knee Score or Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score and post-operative patellar thickness in the patelloplasty group.


In this follow-up, patelloplasty was better than traditional treatment in relieving pain and improving function and quality of life.  相似文献   

Although there are numerous patient outcome instruments available, the most reliable and valid instruments for evaluating patient outcomes after patellofemoral arthroplasty have not been identified. In this article, we review and evaluate the psychometric properties and practical considerations of administering general health instruments (Medical Outcomes Study (MOS) Short Form-36 and Short Form-12), knee scales (Knee Society Clinical Rating System, Knee Outcome Survey, International Knee Documentation Committee form, Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score) and a disease specific scale (Western Ontario and McMaster Universities Osteoarthritis Index) for patellofemoral arthroplasty outcome assessment. Based on our review of the literature, we recommend the Short Form-36 and Knee Injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Score for evaluation of patellofemoral arthroplasty outcomes and provide recommendations for implementation of these instruments in a clinical setting.  相似文献   

Braun HJ  Gold GE 《BONE》2012,51(2):278-288
Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic, debilitating joint disease characterized by degenerative changes to the bones, cartilage, menisci, ligaments, and synovial tissue. Imaging modalities such as radiography, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), optical coherence tomography (OCT), and ultrasound (US) permit visualization of these structures and can evaluate disease onset and progression. Radiography is primarily useful for the assessment of bony structures, while OCT is used for evaluation of articular cartilage and US for ligaments and the synovium. MRI permits visualization of all intraarticular structures and pathologies, though US or OCT may be preferential in some circumstances. As OA is a disease of the whole joint, a combination of imaging techniques may be necessary in order to gain the most comprehensive picture of the disease state. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled "Osteoarthritis".  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: Age-related changes in articular cartilage are likely to play a role in the etiology of osteoarthritis (OA). One of the major changes in the extracellular matrix of cartilage is the age-related accumulation of advanced glycation end products (AGEs). Pentosidine, an AGE crosslink, is one of the few characterized AGEs and is considered an adequate marker for the many AGEs that are formed in vivo. We used data from a longitudinal observation study to determine if urinary pentosidine could serve as a marker to predict cartilage loss. METHODS: We conducted a prospective analysis of data from the Boston Osteoarthritis of the Knee Study (BOKS); a completed natural history study of knee OA. All subjects in the study met American College of Rheumatology (ACR) criteria for knee OA. Knee magnetic resonance (MR) images were scored for cartilage in 14 plates of the knee using the Whole Organ Magnetic Resonance Imaging Score (WORMS) semiquantitative grading scheme. Within the BOKS population, a nested sample of 127 subjects (39% of the whole sample) who had both baseline pentosidine and longitudinal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) measurements (MRIs performed at baseline and 30 months later) was assessed. Urinary pentosidine was assayed and normalized to creatinine to account for differences in urine concentrations. We analyzed the data using three different methods to assess if baseline measures of pentosidine predicted subsequent cartilage loss on MRI. These were (1) analysis 1: logistic regression with the outcome cartilage loss in any plate; (2) analysis 2: proportional odds model where the outcome was defined as 0=no cartilage loss, 1=cartilage loss in one plate, 2=cartilage loss in two plates, and 3=cartilage loss in at least three plates; and (3) analysis 3: Poisson regression with the outcome the number of plates with cartilage loss. All analyses were adjusted for age, sex and Body Mass Index (BMI). RESULTS: At baseline the mean (standard deviation) age was 67 (9) years and 54% were male. The results for the three analytic steps are as follows: Analysis 1: the odds ratio for cartilage loss is 1.01 (95% confidence interval (CI) 0.93-1.09) with 1 unit increase in pentosidine. Analysis 2: the odds ratio for more cartilage loss is 0.99 (95% CI 0.92-1.06) with 1 unit increase in pentosidine. Analysis 3: the relative number of plates with cartilage loss decreased was 1.00 (95% CI 0.95-1.03) with a 1 unit increase in pentosidine. CONCLUSION: Urinary pentosidine does not predict knee cartilage loss. Previous studies have suggested that local content within cartilage of AGEs is elevated in persons at high risk for progression. Our data suggest that these changes are not measurable systemically. Alternatively, urinary pentosidine levels reflect cartilage degradation in all joints (thus whole body cartilage breakdown) and may therefore not relate to OA severity in a single knee joint.  相似文献   

BackgroundIntra-articular administration of adipose tissue-derived stem cells (ADSC) is an alternative treatment option for knee osteoarthritis (OA) after conventional treatment fails; however, the clinical results related to the severity of OA grade and changes of cartilage volumes after the administration of ADSC is unknown. This study aimed to determine 1) clinical outcomes after the ADSC administration in knee OA with consideration of radiographic OA grades and 2) changes in cartilage volumes after ADSC administration.MethodsThis observational study included 86 knees from 51 patients who underwent intra-articular administration of cultured ADSC; 47 patients (80 knees) completed follow-up for 6 months (follow-up rate: 93%). The Knee injury and Osteoarthritis Outcome Scores (KOOS) were reported at baseline and 1, 3, and 6 months after the administration. The efficacy rate in the Outcome Measures in Arthritis Clinical Trials-Osteoarthritis Research Society International (OMERACT-OARSI) was evaluated using the KOOS. Cartilage volume of the knee joint was measured using quantitative 3-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging (3D-MRI) software at baseline and 6 months in 52 knees in 31 patients (follow-up rate: 61%).ResultsAll items on the KOOS except “sports/recreation” improved significantly at 6 months with more significance in knees with a Kellgren–Lawrence (KL) grade 2 or 3 compared with KL grade 4 knees. The OMERACT-OARSI responder at 6 months was significantly greater in knees with KL grade 2 or 3 (64%) than in knees with KL grade 4 (42%, p = 0.045). Cartilage volume changes varied among patients and were not related to the changes in KOOS after ADSC administration.ConclusionsIntra-articular administration of ADSC in knee OA improved KOOS at 6 months. The effects were more significant in knees with KL grade 2 or 3 than with KL grade 4. Changes in KOOS were not related to change in cartilage volumes after ADSC administration.  相似文献   

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