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在室内空气污染物中的许多污染物浓度一般高于室外,并且在一天的生活中有近90%的时间是处于这样的室内环境,尤其是在工业化的国家中室内生活的时间会更长,因而室内环境的污染对人体健康的影响在世界范围内引起了公众的关注,并形成学术界的研究新热点。本在一般的介绍室内空气污染的情况下,着重分析了室内空气污染物和污染源及污染程度、对人体的影响等,并概括地介绍了近期国际上的研究状况,及控制室内空气污染的某些技术措施。  相似文献   

室内空气污染研究之进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在室内空气污染物中的许多污染物浓度一般高于室外,并且在一天的生活中有近90%的时间是处于这样的室内环境,尤其是在工业化的国家中室内生活的时间会更长,因而室内环境的污染对人体健康的影响在世界范围内引起了公众的关注,并形成学术界的研究新热点。本在一般的介绍室内空气污染的情况下,着重分析了室内空气污染物和污染源及污染程度、对人体的影响等,并概括地介绍了近期国际上的研究状况,及控制室内空气污染的某些技术措施。  相似文献   

在分析了TVOC的来源及其对室内空气品质影响的基础上,提出了相应的污染控制对策。在污染控制策上,应首先从源头加以控制,同时保证室内环境有很好的通风能力,通过选用环保建筑装饰材科、“烘烤”加速污染物散发和通风换气、进行空气净化等措施来降低污染物浓度,以提高室内空气品质。  相似文献   

裴秀坤  戚海 《职业与健康》2005,21(8):1169-1169
近年来,随着科学技术的发展和人民生活水平的提高,大量新型建筑和装修材料进入家庭,加之现代建筑物的密闭性,使得室内空气污染问题日益突出。为保障人民群众的身体健康,国家和有关部门出台了一系列规范及标准以保障人们居住环境的安全,有国家质检总局和建设部联合发布的《民用建筑工程室内环境污染控制规范》,卫生部的《室内空气质量卫生规范》,国标《室内空气质量标准》。  相似文献   

室内空气质量与通风空调   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:20  
1 室内空气质量 人的一生有3/4以上的时间生活在室内,室内环境质量与人体健康的关系很大。随着时代的发展,人们越来越重视其工作、生活的建筑物内环境质量。但是往往忽略了室内隐藏的污染源。建筑材料、室内装饰材料、家具等都可能散发某些污染物。人体本身散发的生物气体、吸烟等活动,甚至家用电器和办公机械也会产生有害健康的气体。虽然这些污染物的浓度通常都低于有关标准的要求,但是在这些因素长期低浓度的综合作用下,生活在此建筑物内的人,会表现出呼吸系统症状眼受刺激、困倦、乏力、胸闷、精神恍惚、过敏等症状,WHO将此类症状称为“病态建筑综合征”(SBS)。 影响室内空气质量的因素很多也很复杂,美国EPA通过对SBS调查分析了引起不良室内环境的因素及构成比,  相似文献   

"过了年搬新家,再急也得等装修造成的毒气散光了啊。"原想在刚装修的新家里过春节的王先生,听从室内环境检测人员的忠告后打消了搬家的念头。自从山西省建筑科学研究院组建起"室内环境检测试验室",已有48家居民接受了室内空气检测。  相似文献   

室内环境是与人类关系最为密切的外环境,现代人一生中大约有70%的时间在室内度过,经测定证实室内空气中的污染物浓度要高于室外2~5倍,但由于室内环境的多样性和室内空气污染的复杂性,我国尚无一套全面的办公场所空气质量卫生标准。2003年3月实行的《室内空气标准》也仅是推荐标准。随着城市规划和功能布局的不断完善发展,办公楼宇内的微小环境的卫生质量已成为新的研究检测对象。为此,我们对某新闻单位办公楼空气质量进行检测,结果汇总如下。  相似文献   

我国室内空气污染及控制进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
室内空气污染已经引起人们的广泛重视。在19世纪中期 ,专家们已较早地认识到了大气污染会影响人体健康 ,室内空气污染有时比室外更严重。因为室内空气污染的种类更多 ,污染源更广泛 ,影响因素也更复杂 ,对人体健康造成的影响是多方面的。特别是近20年来 ,人们逐渐认识到室内环境是人类接触最频繁、最密切的外环境之一。室内污染物的来源及种类日趋增多 ,建筑物密闭程度的增加 ,使得室内污染物不易扩散 ,增加了室内人群与污染物的接触机会。1室内空气污染研究的进展1.1建筑装饰材料的污染建筑装饰材料的污染主要是指从室内各种化工产…  相似文献   

室内空气质量与使用空气清新剂   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
室内环境包括居住、办公、学习、医疗、娱乐、体育、交通工具等人们生活、工作、社李和活动的全密闭或半密闭场所。室内空气污染是指在室内空气成分之外,又增加了新的成分,或原有的成分增加,其数量、浓度和持续时间超过了室内空气的自净能力,  相似文献   

近年来,室内空气污染引起了百姓和政府的广泛关注,国家质检总局在2002年出台了室内空气质量标准,其中包括CO2、CO、可吸入颗粒物等19种污染物的检测。2001年11月国家质检总局和建设部联合发布了《民用建筑工程室内环境污染控制规范》,  相似文献   

室内空气污染物及其健康效应研究   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12  
随着人们生活质量的提高,室内空气污染越来越受到关注。由于室内空气污染导致的不良建筑物综合症(sick building syndrome,SBS)已经成为现代人生活中不可忽视的一个问题,室内空气污染已经被列为对公众健康危害最大的5种环境因素之一。笔者对影响室内空气质量的几种重要气态污染物(甲醛、氡气、氨气、氮氧化物以及挥发性有机物等),就其健康效应及其近几年的研究进展进行综述,并指出了今后的研究重点和方向。  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To investigate the occurrence of sick building syndrome in a tropical city, and its relation to indoor air quality and other factors. METHODS: 2856 office workers in 56 randomly selected public and private sector buildings were surveyed. The study consisted of a self administered questionnaire assessing symptoms and perception of the physical and psychosocial environment, inspection of the building plans and premises, and measurement of temperature, relative humidity, respirable particles, chemicals, bioaerosols, and other variables. RESULTS: Symptoms typical of the sick building syndrome were reported in 19.6% of the respondents. Multivariate modelling substantiated contributions associated with low thermal comfort, high work related stress, too much noise, a history of allergy or other medical conditions, poor lighting, young employees, and female sex. Measurements of indoor air quality or ventilation were not found to be reliable predictors of the symptoms. CONCLUSION: The survey confirmed the presence of sick building syndrome and its risk factors in the tropics. A biopsychosocial approach to the problem involving symptomatic treatment, environmental control, good ergonomic design, and stress management is recommended.



上海市卢湾区办公楼宇职业办公人群不良建筑综合征调查   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]研究办公楼宇职业办公人群不良建筑综合征(sick building syndrome,SBS)与办公环境之间的关系及其主要影响因素。[方法]以是否使用集中式空调为标准将办公楼分组,对办公楼环境进行检测并调查其中办公人群,用个人5项症状(即眼干燥或疼痛,鼻塞、喉干燥或疼痛、头痛和疲倦感5项症状都出现的出现数并结合离开办公室症状消除作为判断依据)进行判别并分析其与环境指标之间的关系。[结果]使用集中式空调办公楼的主要环境影响因素是氨、噪声、湿度和新风量,不使用集中式空调办公楼的主要环境影响因素是甲醛、氨、噪声、温度、照度;使用集中武空调办公楼与不使用集中式空调办公楼办公人群的SBS症状检出率分别为13.2%与10.2%,疲倦、眼干燥或疼痛、皮肤干燥、头痛、喉干分别位居各类症状的前5位。[结论]办公环境温度、环境湿度、新风量3项指标与办公楼宇SBS人群存在相关关系,是办公环境SBS的主要影响因素。  相似文献   

室内空气污染与人体健康的关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
阐述了室内空气污染的定义、种类、来源及国内外相关研究现状。分析了燃烧产物、被动吸烟、总挥发性有机物(VOC)、甲醛、氡及其子体、室内微生物对人体健康的危害。探讨了白血病、致病建筑物综合征与室内空气污染的关系。指出由于我国建筑装修(饰)行业管理不到位,法律、法规不健全,建材质量在整体上落后,未能与经济的高速发展同步,且存在地方保护和有法不依、执法不严的现象,使得室内空气污染问题突出,对人体健康造成了很大的危害。提出了规范我国室内空气质量标准的建议。  相似文献   

Air quality in industrial environments has been studied since the second half of the 20th century. Well-documented results show that exposure to chemical pollutants through their consumption, production, and storage can damage workers' health. New research focusing on non-industrial environments has shown unexpected correlations between air quality and health effects. Artificial ventilation systems have been related to health-related complaints and a high rate of absenteeism. Symptoms related to air quality in non-industrial environments are recognized by the World Health Organization and encompassed under the so-called sick building syndrome (SBS). In Brazil there are few studies comparing indoor air quality and health. The present study is intended to map the studies already conducted in Brazil in order to encourage further research in this area, due to its importance for public health.  相似文献   

室内氡的危害研究进展   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:11  
阐述了人类赖以生存的环境中氡的来源、性质、进入人体的途径及致病机制和主要危害。同时介绍了世界各国在氡研究领域中的现状和最新进展情况。资料表明:随着经济的发展,住宅的条件逐步得到改善,特别是家庭空调的使用,以及不适当建筑材料或装饰材料的使用,已经使室内氡的问题成为人人都要面临的普遍性问题。介绍了过去10年各国对氡的研究情况,包括室内空气中氡的浓度,它给人们带来的内照射剂量,以及为减少氡所带来的危害要采取的补救措施和降低室内氡的主要技术方法。  相似文献   

Background: The research on sick building syndrome (SBS) isdominated by quantitative methodology, which focuses preventiveand corrective strategies and actions on indoor air and thebuilding as a purely physical structure. However, in a numberof buildings, SBS is not resolved despite ambitious actionsdirected towards encountered presumed physical causes. Methods:Based on historical documents and semi-structured interviews,this paper is a qualitative study of an office with long-standing,building-related health problems. Results: A state of reducedcredibility developed between building owner, employees andemployer and was an important reason why symptoms persistedafter suspected causative defects in the building were corrected.This suggests that, in SBS, symptoms are influenced by interactionsbetween biomedical and psychosocial factors. Conclusions: Failureto plan and act from an integrated biopsychosocial perspectivemight lead to a building becoming chronically sick in spiteof rational corrective measures. Case studies might facilitatethe identification and understanding of complex social dynamicsand conflicting agendas within buildings and, therefore, bea valuable complementary study approach to quantitative studies.  相似文献   

The "sick building syndrome" involves symptoms such as eye, skin and upper airway irritation, headache, and fatigue. A multifactorial study was performed among personnel in consecutive cases of sick buildings to investigate relationships between such symptoms, exposure to environmental factors, and personal factors. The total indoor hydrocarbon concentration was significantly related to symptoms. Other indoor exposures such as room temperature, air humidity, and formaldehyde or carbon dioxide concentration did not correlate with the symptoms. Personal factors such as reported hyperreactivity and sick leave due to airway diseases were strongly related to the sick building syndrome. Other factors associated with the sick building syndrome were smoking, psychosocial factors, and experience of static electricity at work. Neither atopy, age, sex, nor outdoor exposures correlated significantly with the number of symptoms. It was concluded that the sick building syndrome is of multifactorial origin and related to both indoor hydrocarbon exposure and individual factors.  相似文献   

室内环境质量的好坏直接影响人的健康。随着人类物质生活的提高,装修污染和微生物污染的普遍性与严重性已经达到令人震惊的程度。在监测工作的基础上,对室内空气污染的成因及对人体健康的危害和武汉市室内环境污染现状进行了分析,并提出了相应的污染防治措施。  相似文献   

Different ways of interpreting environmental conditions have led to the development of concepts such as the sick building, indoor air quality or indoor environment quality, for understanding the complexity of the pollutants in enclosed environments and the implications thereof on the health. The "Indoor Environment Quality" proposal is an advancement, operative and conceptual, surpassing amply prior ones, given that it orients the actions toward healthy environments without limiting the idea of pollution to the air alone. The aim is identifying the competence to preventing hazards related to exposure to pollutants within the confines of indoor environments and know the legislative framework useful for taking the actions. Optimum conditions within indoor environments must redound in health, well-being and comfort with regard to both working life as well as the environments in which everyday activities outside of work, extracurricular, leisure-time and entertainment activities are carried out. Today's society is demanding safe, clean, well-climatized places, for this is necessary to integrate the inhabitant's perceptions and demands and achieve an optimum balance among social standards, energy use and sustainable development. Legislation is being further expanded upon in the direction of occupational health and safety and the regulation of chemical substances. Environmental Health carries out prevention and control tasks, takes part in the enforcement of international pollution and waste reduction agreements and promotes measures for carrying out the European Environment and Health Strategy. It is considered useful the elaboration of protocols for the evaluation and administration gives the risks associated to the interior pollutants.  相似文献   

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