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Human cases due to Salmonella enterica subsp. arizonae are especially rare, but it may affect immunocompromised patients and infants. We present a case of endocarditis in a patient with sickle cell disease and a review of earlier cases caused by this rare human pathogen. The patient was successfully treated with ceftriaxone and ciprofloxacin. There are only few cases of salmonella endocarditis reported in the last six decades and it is the first case of Salmonella enterica subsp. arizonae endocarditis in the literature to the best of our knowledge.  相似文献   

Hypertension is a potentially dangerous side effect of erythropoietin treatment; however, extreme elevations in blood pressure are rare. A 75-year-old woman with chronic renal insufficiency was treated with subcutaneous erythropoietin. Three weeks before she started receiving erythropoietin, her hematocrit was 27.2%; after 5 weeks of treatment, it rose to 45.7%. The patient came to the emergency department and was admitted with hypertensive urgency. During her hospital stay she was treated with nitroglycerin and nitroprusside infusions, extended-release nifedipine, a variety of beta-blockers, clonidine, and furosemide. By day 3, her blood pressure was adequately controlled. Her renal insufficiency may have progressed as a result of the hypertensive episode, which probably was related to erythropoietin administration and the resultant rapid increase in her hematocrit. Erythropoietin dosing should be titrated to increase the hematocrit gradually, and blood pressure should be monitored closely to avoid serious side effects such as hypertensive emergencies.  相似文献   

The reported case of Hairy cell leukemia (HCL) refers to a 47-year-old man with pancytopenia, splenomegaly, a month and a half history of dyspnea on mild effort and in common daily activities and a purplish-brown cutaneous node on the back of the left hand at the time of hospital admission. Bone marrow aspiration showed an infiltration by a lymphoproliferative malignancy and the following cytochemical studies on bone marrow sample led to diagnosis of HCL. The biopsy of the skin lesion revealed a infiltrate of medium and large-size cells in the dermis with the the same cytologic features of leukemic blasts appearing in the bone marrow, upon which the diagnosis of Leukemia cutis was established. The differential diagnosis of leukemia includes other neoplastic hematopoietic disorders, such as lymphoma, myelodysplastic syndromes, multiple myeloma, aplastic anemia, severe megaloblastic anemia, severe lymphocytosis, severe monocytosis, and bone marrow failure. In our case, the skin lesion was surgically removed and then left to heal by secondary intention due to the presence of bacterial infection by Staphylococcus aureus and Streptococcus pyogenes. The wound was finally medicated to total healing with Promogran?, an advanced dressings which consists of a sterile, freeze-dried matrix composed of collagen and oxidised regenerated cellulose. The importance of our case lies in the fact that cases with association of HCL with leukemia cutis are very rare, and furthermore that after the excision of the skin lesion of the left hand, the surgeons heal to let the wound close by secondary intention.  相似文献   

Renal cell carcinoma (RCC) is the most common malignancy of the kidney. One third of RCC presents metastatic disease at the time of diagnosis, usually leading to a fatal outcome. Small response rates were seen with most cytotoxic agents including gemcitabine and vinorelbine, whereas systemic therapy with high doses of interleukin 2 (IL-2) has been shown to provide durable complete remissions. However, in consideration of its severe toxicity, IL-2 immunotherapy is restricted to selected patients. Aerosol IL-2 has been introduced as an alternative therapy in cancer patients. However, only very few data are available on its use in patients with pulmonary metastatic RCC. This paper briefly summarizes current clinical experience with the use of inhaled IL-2 therapy, either as a single therapy or in combination with other treatments. In addition, we report on a male patient with pulmonary metastasized RCC who achieved a durable complete response to combined gemcitabine/vinorelbine and interleukin-2 inhalation therapy.  相似文献   

崔颖  杜文华  刘丽丽  高冠起 《安徽医药》2023,27(7):1396-1399
目的 探讨合并高钙危象的弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤病人的临床特点,提高对该疾病的认识。方法 回顾性分析临沂市人民医院于2021年11月收治的1例弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤合并高钙危象的临床资料。结果 病人经腹腔肿物穿刺活检确诊弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤,给予利妥昔单抗+环磷酰胺+多柔比星+长春地辛+甲泼尼龙(R-CHOP)化疗,化疗次日出现恶心、嗜睡、尿频,乏力,复查血钙4.31 mmol/L,合并高钙危象,并辅以水化、碱化、大量补液、护胃保肝、降血钙等治疗,血钙下降至正常,随访未再升高,后因病情恶化放弃治疗自动出院。结论 弥漫大B细胞淋巴瘤合并高钙危象少见且症状因人而异,预后不良,做到早期识别及诊断,将有利于提高这类病人的疗效。  相似文献   

Renal oncocytomas (RO) are tumours containing a population of cells with highly differentiated eosinophilic granular cytoplasm, extremely rich in mitochondria. It is estimated they account for about 3 to 7% of all solid renocortical tumours that were previously regarded as renal cell carcinoma. Based on their clinical behaviour and distinct pathologic features they are now regarded as benign renal tumours, often less than 5cm in diameter. We present a case of giant renal oncocytoma in a patient with synchronous bladder tumour, with pre-operative clinical, urographic and ultrasound features of locally advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC). Findings at surgery included huge right renal tumour with infiltration to the duodenum; hepatic colic flexure; gall bladder; liver capsule and the greater omentum with small indurations at the base of the bladder. There was no tumour extension to the renal vein, no peritoneal seedling, no nodal metastasis and no ascites. Radical nephrectomy was carried out with good prognosis and without recurrence 52months post nephrectomy. This presentation, besides highlighting the possible giant nature of RO, also illustrates the malignant potential of RO to infiltrate contiguous structures and mimics infiltrating RCC. In view of the difficulties at establishing pre-operative diagnosis in this disease and because nephron-sparing surgery is curative, especially for the well-circumscribed tumours, RO should be considered in the management of patients with features of infiltrating RCC. A review of literature is also presented.  相似文献   

目的探讨伴破骨细胞样巨细胞肿瘤的肾盂移行细胞癌的临床病理学特征。方法对1例伴破骨细胞样巨细胞的肾盂移行细胞癌进行临床病理学分析及免疫组化研究,并复习相关文献。结果患者男性,51岁。肿物位于右侧肾盂内,约3.0cm×2.5cm×1.5cm,灰白色,蕈伞状。镜下:肿瘤组织由典型的Ⅱ级移行细胞癌及破骨细胞样肿瘤两种成分组成,混杂存在,未见移行。免疫组织化学:癌成分表达CK7、CK(AE1/AE3)及EMA阳性,灶性表达p53;破骨细胞样巨细胞及单核肿瘤细胞成分表达波形蛋白,CD68,少数异型单核肿瘤细胞呈CK(AE1/AE3)及EMA阳性,而CK7及p53均阴性。结论伴破骨细胞样巨细胞肿瘤的肾盂移行细胞癌应视为移行细胞癌的一个特殊组织学类型,破骨细胞样巨细胞肿瘤成分的出现可能提示肿瘤更具侵袭性,预后不良。  相似文献   

Acute acalculous cholecystitis (AAC) can occur without gallstones in critically ill or injured patients and has also been associated with various infectious agents.(1-4) We report here a case of AAC in a patient with Plasmodium falciparum malaria.  相似文献   

The literature lacks adequate dosing guidelines for modifying pentamidine therapy in renal failure. This report describes a patient in renal failure undergoing intermittent peritoneal dialysis who is treated with pentamidine for Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. Data on pentamidine's disposition are reviewed.  相似文献   

A report of a probable case of acute, reversible renal failure and hyperkalemia, after an increase in dose of ibuprofen, is presented. Other cases of renal dysfunction associated with various nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are reviewed. The ability of NSAIDs to inhibit prostaglandin synthesis may explain the various renal consequences. Possible predisposing factors to renal deterioration include the amount of drug consumed, presence of compromised renal blood flow, underlying renal insufficiency, nephrotoxic drug combinations, and high urinary prostaglandin excretion. Generally, the renal failure with NSAIDs is acute and reversible, though analgesic nephropathy with papillary necrosis and chronic renal failure are reported. Electrolytes, blood urea nitrogen, and serum creatinine levels need to be monitored in high-risk patients with predisposing factors and for chronic, long-term use of drugs that inhibit prostaglandin synthesis.  相似文献   

肾错构瘤是较常见的肾脏肿瘤,绝大部分为良性,体积较大时易破裂出血。但妊娠晚期并发肾错构瘤出血,且病理示肿瘤具有恶性潜能的案例报道极少。本文通过回顾分析收治的1例妊娠晚期肾错构瘤破裂出血的诊疗资料,给合文献,探讨妊娠期肾错构瘤出血的治疗。  相似文献   

Zygomycosis refers to any fungal infection originating from the class Zygomycetes and the order Mucorales. In immunocompromised patients, these fungi produce a relatively rapid, violently destructive, and highly fatal infection. Treatment approaches include both aggressive antifungal pharmacotherapy and surgical intervention. Unfortunately, even with optimal therapy, morbidity and mortality rates remain relatively high. As failure rates are elevated with commercial antifungals, new treatment options are needed. Posaconazole is an orally available, extended-spectrum triazole antifungal being investigated in phase III clinical trials for the treatment and prevention of invasive fungal infections, including zygomycosis. We report the case of a 26-year-old Vietnamese man with a medical history of acute lymphocytic leukemia who had undergone consolidation chemotherapy and had neutropenic fever when he came to the emergency department. The patient was admitted to the hospital and treated with broad-spectrum antibiotics and caspofungin. Two weeks into his admission, however, abscesses in the pelvis, prostate, and musculature surrounding the hip were detected radiographically; these abscesses eventually cultured for Mucor sp. Disseminated zygomycosis was diagnosed. Caspofungin was immediately discontinued, and high-dose liposomal amphotericin B 10 mg/kg/day was begun. Over the next month, infection spread to the right lung, left kidney, middle thoracic spine, and epidural space. As a result, oral posaconazole 200 mg 4 times/day was added to the liposomal amphotericin B. Significant clinical, hematologic, mycologic, and radiologic improvements were demonstrated as early as 10 days after start of posaconazole therapy and continued through 41 days of inpatient treatment. Liposomal amphotericin B was discontinued after 3 weeks of posaconazole, and the patient was discharged on hospital day 92 receiving oral posaconazole, with no major adverse events reported. Five months after discharge, the patient had no evidence of fungal disease recurrence or progression. Posaconazole appears to be a well-tolerated and effective salvage treatment for zygomycosis, including disseminated disease.  相似文献   

Most cases of cytomegalovirus colitis occur in adults with severe immune deficiency. Only a few cases involving immunocompetent patients have been reported. We describe the first case reported in English, of cytomegalovirus colitis in an immunocompetent patient with preceding amebiasis. Eight previous cases have been reported of cytomegalovirus colitis occurring after colonic mucosal injury in immunocompetent patients. Similar to our case, all eight of these cases resolved without the use of antiviral therapy. This suggests that disruption of colonic mucosa may predispose immunocompetent patients to cytomegalovirus colitis, and that the colitis may become self-limited once the preceding intestinal damage resolves.  相似文献   

Cyclosporine has been shown to increase the risk of lymphoma when used in organ transplant patients; however, studies have failed to demonstrate an increased risk of lymphoma when used at lower dermatologic doses for psoriasis. The authors present a case of solid B-cell lymphoma occurring in a psoriasis patient with a history of intermittent exposure to high-dose methotrexate, followed by low-dose cyclosporine for two years and subsequently transitioned to treatment with adalimumab. Methotrexate, cyclosporine and adalimumab are each effective treatments for psoriasis. However, when faced with an interplay of several factors, closer surveillance for malignancy is warranted than that which is currently considered for monotherapy.  相似文献   

Follicular dendritic cell (FDC) sarcoma is a rare tumour with a low-to-intermediate grade of malignancy. It frequently occurs in cervical, mediastinal and axillary lymph nodes. In approximately 30% of cases an extranodal localization has been reported (tonsils, oral cavity, mediastinum, liver, and spleen). Very little is known about possible treatment options and overall prognosis. This case reports a 66 year-old patient, who underwent surgical removal of a persistently enlarged right cervical lymph node. The histopathological examination revealed a spindle cell tumour with lymphocyte and plasma cell infiltrates. Neoplastic cells stained positive for CD21, CD23 and CD35, thus confirming the diagnosis of FDC sarcoma. The neoplasm recurred two years later and partial regression was achieved by IGEV rescue therapy. We briefly discuss clinical history, histopathological differential diagnosis and treatment options of FDC sarcoma.  相似文献   

Squamous cell metaplasia of colorectal epithelium is very rare. There have been only 29 cases previously reported in the English language medical literature. The cause and consequences of squamous cell metaplasia in the colorectum are unknown. We encountered a patient with squamous cell metaplasia in rectum who have had a curious history for more than 20 years. This case may be useful in attempting to understand the pathogenesis of squamous cell metaplasia in colorectum.  相似文献   

We present a clinical case report regarding recurrent atrial fibrillation in a patient with ulcerative colitis treated with azathioprine. Atrial fibrillation represents the most common sustained cardiac arrhythmia, occurring in 1-2% of the general population and characterized by seemingly disorganized atrial depolarizations without effective atrial contraction. Several mechanisms determine this arrhythmia; in particular remodelling (structural, mechanical and electrical alteration related to atrial fibrillation). The pro-arrhythmic effect of azathioprine may be evaluated during immunosuppressive therapy to be aware of this serious but reversible adverse effect.  相似文献   

目的探讨具有血管周上皮样细胞分化的肿瘤临床病理特点。方法对1例腹膜后具有血管周上皮样细胞分化的肿瘤的临床病理组织学及免疫表型进行观察并结合文献复习。结果患者体检发现盆腔包块,术中见腹膜后偏左相当于髂内外动脉分叉下方有一10×8×6cm^3大小不规则包块。镜下见上皮样肿瘤细胞环绕血管生长排列,大部分细胞呈圆形或多边形,也可见少数梭形细胞,胞浆呈透明至细颗粒状,核位于中央,呈圆形或椭圆形,染色质正常,核仁小,细胞有明显异型性,免疫组化标记HMB45(+),SMA(+),CK(-),S-100(-)。结论腹膜后PEComas非常罕见,其有独特的细胞组织学特征和明确的免疫组化表型,但其良恶性标准及预后仍待进一步探讨。  相似文献   

Cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 inhibitors are widely prescribed for their antiinflammatory and analgesic effects. The potential for COX-2 inhibitors to exert deleterious effects on renal function similar to those of traditional nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs is not well defined. Until recently, COX-1 was considered responsible for the synthesis of renal prostaglandins. However, COX-2 is also constitutively expressed in the human kidney Clinical studies have reported a significant decrease in glomerular filtration rate in young and elderly sodium-depleted volunteers given COX-2 inhibitors. We describe the case of a 71-year-old woman who developed acute renal failure after receiving a 50-mg dose of the selective COX-2 inhibitor rofecoxib.  相似文献   

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