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临床资料 患者男,55岁,半年前颈后左侧原有一色痣上发现,绿豆大淡红色新生物,渐增大至玉米粒大小,无明显自觉症状,有时磨擦后出血。体检:系统检查未发现异常。皮肤隆起,其上有一玉米粒大小乳头样增生,呈多角形和分叶状,表面粗糙,角化明显,触之较硬,淡红色。  相似文献   

1临床资料患者男,60岁,农民。阴茎肿物渐增大1年余。患者1年前无明显原因出现阴茎肿物,无自觉症状,无疼痛、瘙痒和泌尿系感染,未予任何治疗。近来皮损逐渐增大。否认不洁性生活史,配偶无异常。体检:系统检查未见明显异常,未触及浅表淋巴结肿大。皮肤科情况:阴茎根部、阴茎近端及龟头可见巨大疣(菜花)状增生物,呈灰白或淡红色,质硬,上覆黄色或黑色痂皮、污秽,无分泌物,最大处直径约8 cm,伴有恶臭(图1),血、尿、粪常规、肝、肾功能、骨盆X线平片等检查均正常。皮损组织病理示:表皮乳头瘤样增生,可见角化不全、角化不良细胞及空泡细胞,真皮部…  相似文献   

患者男,39岁,出生1月后躯干部及四肢出现风团样红斑,后双膝、手足及臀部相继出现角化性斑块,天冷时皮损加重,无明显痒痛感。皮肤组织病理:表皮角化过度,轻度棘层增厚,真皮乳头层血管周围见稀疏单一核细胞浸润。诊断:可变性红斑角化症。  相似文献   

1 临床资料 患者女 ,65岁。因上唇部丘疹 2月来诊。 2月前无明显诱因上唇部出现一约米粒大小淡红色丘疹 ,无自觉症状 ,未治疗。丘疹迅速增大至黄豆大 ,表面角化明显。体检 :系统检查未见异常。口唇右上侧见一约 0 .5cm× 0 .5cm大小淡红色丘疹 ,丘疹顶端角化明显 ,角化层不易去除 (图 1)。临床诊断考虑为皮角 ,遂进行手术切除并送病理检查。病理切片显示 :表皮凹陷如火山口样 ,其中充满角质物 ,底部表皮增生 ,表皮突不规则向真皮内延伸 ,内见不典型细胞 ,真皮内大量单一核细胞浸润 (图 2、3 )。结合临床 ,确诊为角化棘皮瘤。图 1 口唇右…  相似文献   

患者男,19岁。躯干部出现粟粒大暗红色皮疹10年余。病理检查示:角化过度,真皮乳头增宽,乳头内可见高度扩张的管腔,管壁为单层内皮细胞,管腔中大量红细胞。诊断:弥漫性躯体血管角皮瘤。  相似文献   

伴淀粉样物质沉积的汗孔角化病二例   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
例1男,32岁,阴囊和臀部红色斑块10余年。患者病初在阴囊部出现红色丘疹,缓慢增多,并扩大成环状红斑,边缘成堤状隆起。6年后,右臀部出现类似皮损。无自觉症状,无家族史。体检:各系统检查无异常。阴囊左侧多个红色环状斑块,其直径约为1~5cm,中央皮损轻度萎缩,边缘隆起为堤状,覆盖鳞屑。右臀部见单个相似皮损,直径约2cm。临床诊断:①汗孔角化症,②扁平苔藓?组织病理学检查患处皮损:柱状角化不全,其下方颗粒层消失,可见角化不良细胞,角化不全柱下方及邻近真皮乳头内可见嗜伊红、均质团块状物质沉积,结晶紫染色呈阳性,真皮浅层见稀疏炎症细胞浸润…  相似文献   

患者男,33岁。右侧躯干外侧皮肤硬化、萎缩斑2年,起水疱、血疱1个月。体检:右侧躯干外侧可见约12cm×10cm大萎缩性斑片,皮肤皱缩呈"羊皮纸样",周围呈淡红色,中心呈瓷白色;皮疹下部可见约7cm×5cm大环形血疱,呈椭圆形,尼氏征阴性。皮损组织病理示:角化过度,表皮萎缩,灶性基底细胞空疱变性,表皮下大疱形成,疱内较多红细胞;真皮浅层胶原均质化改变,并见带状淋巴组织细胞浸润。诊断:大疱性出血性硬化萎缩性苔藓。  相似文献   

姐:22岁,吉林省梨树县白山乡人,因面部结节躯干白斑14年就诊。患者8岁时面部出现针头大小的淡红色小丘疹,随着年龄的增长,皮疹逐渐增多,增大成结节。并融合成淡红色斑块,面积约4cm×5cm大小,表面凹凸不平,以后躯干部出现3个指头大的萎缩性白斑,无自觉症状。系足月顺产,家族中父亲有类似疾病,兄弟健康。体格检查:脉搏90/次,表情理解力差,心肺肝肾无异常。皮肤科检查:面部淡红色小丘疹,双侧颧部淡红色斑块,面积约4~5cm2表面凹凸不平,后腰部见3个0.7cm×0.9cm的萎缩性白斑。实验室检查:血尿常规正常,因条件不好;未做脑CT,组织病理检查:表皮萎…  相似文献   

报告1例单侧棘层松解角化不良性表皮痣并发色素性毛表皮痣。患者男,40岁。10岁时左侧胸部出现片状多毛区,其间有许多淡红色小丘疹。10年前同侧肢体出现红色疣状丘疹,部分融合。皮损冬轻夏重,伴有轻度瘙痒。皮损组织病理学检查可见表皮乳头瘤样增生,基底层上方棘层松解和裂隙,类似Darier病样改变。  相似文献   

1 临床资料 患者男,5 5岁。半年前颈后左侧原有一色痣上发现一绿豆大淡红色新生物,渐增大至玉米粒大小,无明显自觉症状,有时摩擦后出血。体检:系统检查未发现异常。皮肤科情况:颈后部稍左侧有一直径0 .6cm大小色素痣,呈半球形隆起,其上有一玉米粒大小乳头样增生,呈多角形和分  相似文献   

66岁男性患者,阴囊赘生物1年余。1年余前,左侧阴囊皮肤出现一绿豆大小粉红色疣状赘生物,逐渐增至2 cm×2 cm大小,表面光滑分叶状,基底有蒂,皮损局部触痛。组织病理示:表皮乳头瘤样增生,表皮突向下呈宽条状增生并相互融合,真皮乳头间大量泡沫样细胞和少量淋巴细胞、中性粒细胞和浆细胞浸润,乳头间血管增生、扩张充血。诊断:疣状黄瘤。手术完整切除赘生物。  相似文献   

A 68-year-old man, a known case of hypertension, coronary artery disease and old cardiovascular accident with right-sided hemiplegia, came with the chief complaints of a large cauliflower like growth with pus discharge on the left heel since 15 years. The patient had sustained a penetrating injury by a thorn on the left heel region few days before the lesion appeared. Dermatological examination revealed a single verrucous lesion measuring 7 × 7 cm on the left heel region associated with discharge of foul smelling cheesy material. There was also a enlarged right inguinal lymph node which was non-tender, firm, measuring 2 cm in diameter with normal overlying skin. X-ray left ankle was done which showed some soft tissue swelling. A skin biopsy showed hyperkeratosis, acanthosis and parakeratosis. Elongated rete ridges with keratinocyte hyperplasia, forming a large mass pressing on the underlying dermis were seen. There was formation of multiple large keratin filled invaginations and crypts. No atypical cells were seen. Based on history, clinical examination and investigations, a diagnosis of epithelium cuniculatum type of verrucous squamous cell carcinoma was made. A wide excision with a flap cover was performed in consultation with the oncosurgeon and the excision sample was sent for histopathological re-examination, which confirmed the diagnosis of epithelioma cuniculatum.  相似文献   

An 18-year-old male giraffe developed a verrucous lesion, 50 cm in diameter, on a flank. Some areas of the lesion were histologically typical of a viral verruca with papillomatosis, prominent hypergranulosis, and inclusion bodies. The bulk of the mass was a well-differentiated verrucous type of squamous cell carcinoma. It may be that the virus of the verruca also caused the verrucous carcinoma.  相似文献   

Verrucous Carcinoma of Skin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Five different cases of verrucous proliferative lesions of skin are described and discussed. One of each developed in a chronic ulcer on a heel, in a scar on a lower leg, and on the penis, and two appeared in the region of the buttock in relation to chronic inflammatory sinuses. All these lesions showed morphological and clinical features of verrucous carcinoma which are described. It has been concluded that the variously named verrucous lesions in the literature (epithelioma cuniculatum, florid papillomatosis, giant cutaneous papilloma and papillomatosis cutis carcinoides), as well as our five cases represent a verrucous carcinoma which is a particular type of squamous cell carcinoma. This tumor develops typically in moist areas which are frequently sites of chronic inflammation. Despite the favorable prognosis, it is a potentially invasive tumor.  相似文献   

Cutaneous verrucous carcinoma is a low-grade and well-differentiated variant of squamous cell carcinoma. This rare neoplasm follows a seemingly indolent progression and exhibits a low metastatic potential. Photodynamic therapy relies on the selective intratumoral cell accumulation and photoactivation of a photosensitizer, leading to the generation of phototoxic compounds responsible for necrosis and apoptosis of the target cells. An 82-year-old man presenting with a large long-standing verrucous carcinoma on the leg was treated successfully by 6 photodynamic therapy sessions administered at weekly intervals using methyl-aminolevulinate and 57-J/cm(2) irradiations at 634-nm wavelength. The use of methyl-aminolevulinate-photodynamic therapy for treating cutaneous verrucous carcinoma had not been reported so far. It may represent a convenient therapeutic alternative in this setting.  相似文献   

患者男,16岁,右面颊红斑、结痂,渐扩展11年。体检:右面颊6 cm × 10 cm形状不规则暗红斑和斑块,轻度疣状增生,皮疹边界清晰,边缘见条索状瘢痕,上部见多处约0.5 ~ 1 cm大小的破溃、结痂,痂皮较硬,压片未见果酱色小结节。多处痂皮下刮片直接镜检,见淡棕色、粗细不等、分支分隔的菌丝。25 ℃和35 ℃沙氏葡萄糖琼脂培养基或马铃薯葡萄糖琼脂培养基培养形成黑绿色绒毛状菌落,镜下见具领状结构的瓶形产孢细胞和花朵样排列的小分生孢子。组织病理学检查,PAS染色见大量分支分隔菌丝、假菌丝和酵母样细胞。rDNA种特异性序列与疣状瓶霉标准株CDC-B2152具有99.73%的相似度。诊断:疣状瓶霉引起的面部暗色丝孢霉病。治疗:两性霉素B、伊曲康唑治疗有效,停药后复发,目前应用伊曲康唑和特比萘芬继续治疗。  相似文献   

Verruciform xanthoma is an unusual lesion characterized by verrucous epithelial proliferation accompanied by a prominent replacement of the dermal papillae with large numbers of foamy histiocytes. Cases have been previously reported only as occurring in the oral cavity or, more rarely, on the vulva. A 16-year-old girl developed a verruciform xanthoma of the skin. The lesion appeared to arise within a large epithelial nevus involving the left inner thigh and inguinal area. This association supports the concept that verruciform xanthoma is a rare inflammatory reaction pattern that may be seen in a variety of squamous epithelial lesions characterized by verrucous hyperplasia.  相似文献   

Hidroacanthoma simplex is a benign tumor of the skin originating from or showing differentiation to the sweat glands. It grossly resembles seborrheic keratosis of Bowen's disease and histologically shows intraepidermal focal growth of epithelial cells. Malignant transformation of this tumor is rare. We report a case of pigmented hidroacanthoma with malignant transformation in a 67-year-old woman. There was a 20-year history of a skin lesion on the right thigh, which first appeared as a small verrucous papule, progressed to a dark-brown colored patch, and then to a pigmented plaque. Histologically, the primary tumor was composed of small squamoid cells with marked cellular atypia. Most of the tumor cells were located in the epidermis. Immunohistochemically, the cytoplasm of some tumor cells showed a positive reaction for epithelial membrane antigen, but not for either carcino-embryonic antigen or the S-100 protein.  相似文献   

A case of inflammatory linear verrucous epidermal nevus (ILVEN) is reported. Short contact treatment with dithranol resulted in complete relief from itching and a remarkable clearing of all linear lesions except from a small verrucous band on the shin. In patients with ILVEN it is advisable to try dithranol therapy before carrying out surgical procedures such as excision, cryotherapy, electrocautery. The prompt response to dithranol is best explained by the assumption that most of the lesions in this case of ILVEN represented true linear psoriasis.  相似文献   

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