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生物芯片技术与基础医学研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
典型的生化分析系统通常包括三个部分:样品制备、生化反应和结果检测。许多年来,如何使这三个部分成为有机的结合体一直是许多科学工作者和企业界人上的梦想。生物芯片——分子生物学和半导体工业的完美结合——使得这一梦想成为了现实。生物芯片是应用于生命科学和医学领域中作用类似于电子芯片的器件,是便携式生物化学分析器的核心技术。通过对微加工获得的微米结构做生物化学处理能使成千上万个与生命相关的信息集成在一块厘米见方的芯片上。生物芯片将生命科学中许多不连续的过程如样品制备、化学反应和结果检测步骤移植到芯片上并使…  相似文献   

The object of this study was to assess the change towards a biopsychosocial health concept among medical researchers in the last two decades, after the explicit criticism of the biomedical model in the late 1970s because of its somatic reductionism. The concepts of 'health' or 'healthy status of an individual' as reported as variable in empirical articles published in the journal The Lancet over the years 1978-1982 (period a) and 1996-2000 (period b) were searched by means of Medline and compared for their definition of these variables. None of the 52 examined papers set out a positive and replicable definition of 'health' (seven papers) or 'healthy status' (45). No difference was found between the two periods studied except for the failure of reports to describe 'healthy status' at all (65.5% in a, 19% in b). Most articles do it in an indirect way, namely through exclusion conditions of subjects taking part in treatment or control groups. Only three studies include psychological dimensions in their measures of 'healthy status' (two in a, one in b). Concerning 'health', all seven examined papers include psychological or both psychological and social dimensions. Although a change towards a more holistic concept of health has occurred in academic and institutional contexts over the last few decades, there does not appear to have been a parallel change in the practical domains of medicine. Possible reasons are discussed, specially the difficulty of applying the biopsychosocial model in medical care and the difficulty of competing with the traditional biomedical concept of health, which has proved fruitful and dominant in medicine over the past three centuries.  相似文献   

This study examined ways of promoting research in the medical sciences by evaluating trends in research funding, and the present status of research funding by the Korea Science and Engineering Foundation (KOSEF). This study analyzed statistics from KOSEF from 1978 to 2003 to examine support for research. In medical science field, group-based programs receive more funding than do individual-based programs. The proportion of research funds allocated to the medical sciences has increased markedly each year. Researchers in the medical sciences have submitted more articles to Science Citation Index (SCI) journals than to non-SCI journals, relative to other fields. Researchers supported by the Mission-Oriented Basic Grants program have published the majority of these papers, followed by those supported by the Programs for Leading Scientists, Regional Scientists, Leading Women Scientists, Young Scientists, and Promising Women Scientists, in that order. Funding by KOSEF reflects many decades of government support for research and development, the development and maintenance of necessary infrastructure, and the education and training of medical scientists.  相似文献   

A nationwide epidemiologic survey of atopic diseases including allergic pollinosis was conducted in 9656 Japanese otorhinolaryngologists and their family members during the Japanese cedar pollen dispersion season in 2008 using methods identical to a previous survey that was performed in 1998. The survey response rate was 37.7% (compared with 42.8% in 1998). The overall prevalence rate of Japanese cedar pollinosis was 26.5%, which is an increase of approximately 9% from that noted in 1998. Similar increases were observed in all age groups, and the prevalence rate was similar between male and female respondents. A unimodal distribution was observed in male and female subjects, with a peak in both men and women aged in their 40s. Nationwide, a consistent positive relation was observed between the prevalence of Japanese cedar pollinosis and the regional Japanese cedar pollen counts. The prevalence rate of pollinosis other than Japanese cedar pollinosis and of perennial allergic rhinitis was 15.4% and 23.3%, respectively; both disease entities tended to occur more frequently in male than in female subjects. The prevalence rate of asthma, atopic dermatitis, and food allergy was 5.2%, 14.1%, and 3.9%, respectively. Our results suggest that the prevalence rates of atopic diseases including Japanese cedar pollinosis are dramatically increasing across all age groups in Japan. In particular, the increasing prevalence rate of Japanese cedar pollinosis seems to reflect higher exposure to the Japanese cedar pollen antigen in many prefectures.  相似文献   

The life expectancy of persons with Prader-Willi syndrome (PWS) has increased in recent years. Because of the paucity of reports on older persons with PWS, the natural history, the onset, and type of age-related problems are poorly understood. Twelve persons with a genetically confirmed diagnosis of PWS aged over 50 years are described (4 deletion; 8 mUPD). Data on physical, behavioral, psychiatric, and aging characteristics were collected through semi-structured interviews with the individuals with PWS and their main carers. Cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, dermatological, and orthopedic problems were common physical complaints in older people with PWS. Functioning in activities of daily living, psychological functioning, physical functions, and care dependence were substantially worse in the older age group (50+) compared to the control group (18-49 years). Seven out of eight persons with mUPD had a history of psychiatric illness. Behavioral problems were observed in the older age group. Given the combination of age-related physical morbidity, physical appearance, behavioral and psychiatric problems, and functional decline in our cohort, we hypothesize that premature aging occurs in PWS. The care for older people with PWS requires a lifespan approach that recognizes the presence, progression, and consequences of specific morbidity. Special medical surveillance of people with PWS from 40 years onwards would ensure that intervention and support is offered with respect to specific areas of decline at the earliest possible time.  相似文献   

To celebrate 30 years of peer-reviewed publication of cutting edge stem cell research in Stem Cells, the first journal devoted to this promising field, we pause to review how far we have come in the three-decade lifetime of the Journal. To do this, we will present our views of the 10 most significant developments that have advanced stem cell biology where it is today. With the increasing rate of new data, it is natural that the bulk of these developments would have occurred in recent years, but we must not think that stem cell biology is a young science. The idea of a stem cell has actually been around for quite a long time having appeared in the scientific literature as early as 1868 with Haeckels' concept of a stamzelle as an uncommitted or undifferentiated cell responsible for producing many types of new cells to repair the body [Naturliche Schopfungsgeschichte, 1868; Berlin: Georg Reimer] but it took many years to obtain hard evidence in support of this theory. Not until the work of James Till and Ernest McCulloch in the 1960s did we have proof of the existence of stem cells and until the derivation of embryonal carcinoma cells in the 1960s-1970s and the first embryonic stem cell in 1981, such adult or tissue-specific stem cells were the only known class. The first issue of Stem Cells was published in 1981; no small wonder that most of its papers were devoted to hematopoietic progenitors. More recently, induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) have been developed, and this is proving to be a fertile area of investigation as shown by the volume of publications appearing not only in Stem Cells but also in other journals over the last 5 years. The reader will note that many of the articles in this special issue are concerned with iPSC; however, this reflects the current surge of interest in the topic rather than any deliberate attempt to ignore other areas of stem cell investigation.  相似文献   

我国血液病理学研究50年的回顾   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
50年来我国血液病理学的基础与临床研究取得了较大发展,以下对50年来我国在骨髓和脾脏方面的(非淋系)血液病理学研究进展作一回顾与展望。1932年美国Forknet在我国建立第一个血液实验室,1957年中国医学科学院血液学研究所成立,近30年伞国各省市已有数十个血液学(病)研究单位。血液病临床病理学研究方法主要包括骨穿涂片(BMA)细胞学、  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Although it is a well-known fact that migration is a risk factor contributing to psychopathology, little is known in migrants who migrated in their old age. The present study examined whether origin of countries and visa types predicted psychological distress over a period of 1 year and whether their association changed after factors in health, social roles, cohort effect and social support were adjusted. METHODS: A nationwide representative sample of 431 migrants who aged 50 and above were interviewed in 2000-2001 and 359 of them were re-interviewed 1 year after the baseline assessment. 12-item General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) was used measure psychological distress and a series of questions regarding socio-demographic characteristics (age, gender, living alone), days in Australia, origin of countries, visa types, health, social role, cohort effect, and social support were also included. RESULTS: GHQ-12 scores did deteriorate over a period of 1 year among older migrants to Australia. In multiple regression analyses, origin of countries and visa types were significant predictors of future GHQ-12 scores. Baseline GHQ-12 scores, age, gender, living alone, days in Australia, poor self-rated health, the presence of heart disease, diabetes, and asthma, being a student or economically inactive, widowhood or divorce, as well as education were also significant predictors of GHQ-12 scores at 1-year follow-up. CONCLUSIONS: The status of refugees predicts future psychological distress in older migrants even when other known correlates of psychological distress are controlled.  相似文献   

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