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The transmission of a t(22q;22q) translocation is reported. The mother had had multiple miscarriages and carried both t(22q;22q) and t(22p;22p) portions of the rearrangement in a portion of her cells. The phenotypically normal daughter, who was the proband and was referred because of multiple miscarriages, also carried the t(22q;22q) translocation.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The t(14;22) remains one of the rare Robertsonian translocations observed in human, with an occurrence estimated at 1.2%. Three cases of rare Robertsonian translocation t(14;22) were investigated for meiotic segregation in sperm samples from male carriers using the fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) procedure. The three carriers included two men with an abnormal semen analysis and one with normal semen parameters. METHODS: Both locus-specific probes and whole-chromosome painting probes, specific for chromosomes 14 and 22, were used in this study. The number of spermatozoa scored for each probe set ranged from 3279 to 10,024. RESULTS: In the three carriers, similar frequencies, ranging from 78.53 to 81.76%, were found for normal and balanced spermatozoa resulting from alternate segregation. The total proportion of unbalanced spermatozoa resulting from adjacent modes of segregation ranged from 17.59 to 20.94%. CONCLUSION: This finding confirmed the predominance of alternate segregation over other segregation types in all Robertsonian translocations and indicates a higher production of imbalances in the t(14;22) than in most of the Robertsonian translocations previously analysed. This could be related to the variable location of breakpoints in Robertsonian translocations. This breakpoint diversity could also play a role in the differences in reproductive status observed in male carriers of Robertsonian translocations.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The t(13;22) Robertsonian translocation constitutes a rare form of rearrangement between acrocentric human chromosomes. Most of the meiotic segregation studies of human Robertsonian translocations have been performed on common t(13;14) and t(14;21) translocations. Analysis of the chromosomal constitution in sperm of Robertsonian translocation carriers is of great interest for assessing the risk of unbalanced forms and adapting genetic counselling. In the present study, we present the first meiotic segregation study of a t(13;22) Robertsonian translocation in human sperm. METHODS: A total of 11 787 sperm nuclei were scored using two distinct FISH labelling techniques, i.e. the locus-specific probes (LSI) method and the whole chromosome painting (WCP) technique. RESULTS: The frequency of normal or balanced sperm resulting from alternate meiotic segregation was 86%. Incidences of unbalanced complements resulting from adjacent segregation modes were 12.79% and 14.36% in LSI and WCP assays, respectively. No significant excess of nullisomy or disomy for the affected chromosomes was observed. CONCLUSIONS: Similar results in segregation were obtained with the two techniques, demonstrating the efficiency of the two strategies for the direct segregation analysis of Roberstsonian translocations. The results obtained indicated a moderate meiotic production of imbalance. This study shows that the rare Robertsonian translocation (13;22) displays a similar distribution of balanced and unbalanced sperm patterns as the common Robertsonian translocations previously studied. This suggests that the behaviour of acrocentric chromosomes was similar in all cases of centric fusion.  相似文献   

A newborn girl, homozygous for a balanced Y/22 chromosome translocation is described. This unique karyotype was detected during prenatal chromosome studies in the first pregnancy of a 26-year-old woman. Amniocentesis was performed because of clinical evaluation of severe fetal growth retardation in the 28th week of gestation. The cytogenetic results were confirmed using a lymphocyte culture after birth in the 30th week. Subsequent chromosome studies of the parents were hampered by the fact that the pregnancy was thought to be the result of artificial insemination with donorsperm. Nevertheless both, consanguineous, parents were shown to be carriers of the same, singular, chromosome translocation and the spermdonor could be excluded from paternity by bloodgroup- and HLA studies. Distamycin-A-DAPI chromosome staining and DNA studies of the mother were used to confirm the involvement of the Y-chromosome in this translocation. The probanda is developing quite normally at the age of 21 months.  相似文献   

Renee H.  Martin 《Clinical genetics》1984,25(4):357-361
A reciprocal translocation between chromosomes 11 and 22 (t(11;22)(q23;q11)) is a site-specific translocation that is of particular interest because of the propensity for 3:1 segregation of the chromosomes during meiosis. There have been no published reports of chromosomally unbalanced offspring born as a result of adjacent 1 or 2 meiotic segregations in a heterozygote for this translocation. This could be explained by a meiotic mechanism which produces only 3:1 chromosomal segregations or by differential embryonic survival in which 2:2 adjacent segregations do not produce a viable pregnancy. To distinguish between these two possibilities, sperm chromosome complements from a man heterozygous for this 11;22 translocation were studied. The human sperm chromosomes were analysed after fertilization of zona pellucida-free golden hamster eggs. All possible 2:2 (alternate, adjacent 1, adjacent 2) and 3:1 segregations were observed and these segregations occurred in approximately equal frequencies. The frequency of other chromosome abnormalities, unrelated to the translocation, did not appear to be increased. These results indicate that the 11;22 translocation does not specifically cause 3:1 disjunction of chromosomes but that this segregation of chromosomes is more likely to result in a viable pregnancy.  相似文献   

Individual sperm from men with balanced translocations have different chromosomal contents. Thus, an estimation of the overall sperm chromosomal imbalance of such patients could help to give the couple an adapted genetic counselling. We report here the study of a balanced translocation carrier, t(17;22) (q11;q12) whose reproductive history reported four miscarriages. Moreover, he had an abnormal semen analysis with oligoteratozoospermia. The meiotic segregation pattern was examined in 700 sperm, using fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH). Nineteen percent of the sperm had balanced translocations or were normal. All other sperm were unbalanced (81%) and their distribution was observed as follows: the frequencies of adjacent 1, adjacent 2 and 3:1 segregations were 12.9, 5.8 and 46.8% respectively. Among the segregations scored, 13.7% were related to second meiotic division abnormalities. Less than 2% of the total sperm scored were not explained. The 3:1 segregation was present at a very high rate, which is very unusual. In cases of balanced translocations, we believe that no general features can be drawn. Thus, the FISH technique may be very helpful for genetic counselling, which remains an important step and must be done with care.  相似文献   

Chromosome complements were studied in 118 sperm from a man heterozygous for a 15;22 Robertsonian trnaslocation using the human sperm/hamster oocyte fusion technique. Alternate segregation occurred in most spreads (89.6%) and the proportion of normal (42.6%) and balanced complements (47%) was approximately equal. The frequency of sperm that were unbalanced with respect to the translocation was 10.4% and all categories of unbalanced sperm were observed (?15, ?22, +15, +22). The frequency of chromosome abnormalities unrelated to the translocation was 7.6%. Since the frequencies of both numerical (3.4%) and structural abnormalities (3.4%) were within the normal range of control donors, there was no evidence for an interchromosomal effect. The frequencies of X-chromosome bearing (48%) and Y-chromsome bearing (52%) sperm were not significantly different from 50%. Data on this translocation were compared to the 4 other reports of cytogenetic analysis in sperm of Robertsonian translocation carriers. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Chromosomes from a normal 23-year-old, primigravid woman were examined at 10 weeks of gestation because of her mother's history: 8 miscarriages and two liveborn infants (the proposita and a brother who died at 3 days with multiple anomalies). Karyotypes of the proposita and her normal mother were 45,XX, t(13q13q). No evidence of mosaicism was encountered. When the proposita inherited the t(13q13q), she received two copies of 13q from her mother. Moreover, she and her mother shared the same homozygous pattern of alleles from 7 highly polymorphic microsatellite repeats localized along 13q. No evidence of paternal markers from 13 was detected, although biparental inheritance was demonstrated with DNA markers from chromosomes 2 and 17. Cytogenetic and molecular findings indicated that the proposita's chromosomal complement included mUPD 13q. The proposita's normal phenotype suggested that no maternally imprinted genes map to 13q. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We describe here a case of a tandem 22/15 translocation with deletion of the 22q13.3–qter region and retention of the NOR of chromosome 15. A 2½‐year‐old Korean girl was referred for chromosome analysis after a clinical evaluation for developmental delay. Physical examination revealed hypotonia, developmental delay, delay of gross motor milestones and speech delay. No dysmorphic features of face, hands or feet were evident in the patient. G‐banded peripheral blood lymphocyte chromosomes showed a tandem translocation between chromosomes 22 and 15, with the satellite stalks of chromosome 15 apparently being retained. All‐telomere FISH analysis using a TTAGGG repeat probe showed absent signals at the junction of the translocation. Sequential G‐banding and FISH analysis using a beta satellite probe showed positive signals close to the junction of the translocation, an indication that the short arms of the chromosome 15 involved in the translocation are retained. FISH with a probe for arylsulfatase, mapped to 22q13.3 region, was negative on the translocation chromosome. Therefore, the 22q13.3 region is deleted. © 2001 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We studied the chromosomes of a mentally retarded boy with minor anomalies and of his parents using a G-band stained high-resolution chromosome method. This documented dup (8q24.1 → 8qter) and dup(22pter → 22q11.2) in the boy due to a maternal balanced reciprocal translocation of chromosomes 8 and 22 and 3:1 disjunction during meiosis I. The karyotype of the boy is 47, XY, + der(22) (22pter → 22q11.2::8q24.1 → 8qter). The der(22) was involved in satellite associations and stained positively with AgNO3 in mother and child. The case is compared to similar cases in the literature and the function of the small acrocentric marker chromosome during meiosis is discussed.  相似文献   

We present a phenotypically normal woman with del(X)(q26) with no evidence of mosaicism, who had two pregnancies resulting in two live-born infants. Her first child had trisomy 21 Down syndrome and the del(X)(q26). To our knowledge, this woman is the first known case of presumably nonmosaic del(Xq) producing live-born infants. This finding can be explained on the basis of persistence into adulthood of germ cells in ovaries of the rare del(Xq) individuals. The normal phenotype in this woman supports the hypothesis that the absence of genes of middle Xq segment.(q13 → q26) is responsible for the somatic manifestations of the Ullrich-Turner syndrome. Our finding suggests that prenatal diagnosis should be offered not only to pregnant women with numerical X chromosome abnormalities, as suggested previously, but also to those with structural X chromosome abnormalities, because of the possibility of chromosome aberrations in the offspring of such women.  相似文献   

We present a boy with a rare unbalanced translocation 46,XY,?15,+der(22),t(15;22)(q13;q11) pat. Previous reports of similar chromosome findings mention only the Prader-Willi phenotype. At birth, his manifestations included severe hypotonia and lethargy, (typical of deletion of 15pter→q13); hypertelorism, down-slanting small palpebral fissures, preauricular tags, long philtrum (typical of duplication of 22pter→q11); severe laryngotracheo-malacia, and proximal implantation of the thumb. In a review of the literature on chromosome abnormalities involving duplication of 22q11 the associated clinical phenotype consists of mild mental retardation, microcephaly, hypotonia, hypertelorism, down-slanting palpebral fissures, a long philtrum, cleft or highly arched palate, and ear abnormalities. Preauricular pits or tags are common. Cardiovascular defects, renal and genital problems and dislocated hips are frequently present. Anal atresia and colobomata are mainly seen in cat-eye syndrome, the phenotype associated with idic 22q11. Our findings indicate that patients with unbalanced t(15;22) can have manifestations of the dup 22q11, in addition to the previously reported Prader-Willi phenotype, even if the duplicated segment is small. © 1992 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Little is known about the extent and timing of selection against the embryos that are carriers of unbalanced translocations. METHODS: Fluorescence in-situ hybridization (FISH) with probes for chromosomes 13, 14 and 18 was performed, mostly on day 3, on 69 human embryos which were then allowed to develop further in culture to day 5, from five carriers of Robertsonian translocation (RT) t(13;14). RESULTS: Twelve normal/balanced blastocysts were replaced in seven consecutive cycles (day 5). Three cycles resulted in clinical pregnancies. The proportion of blastocysts displaying a normal/balanced karyotype was 56%, while only the 20% of blocked embryos were normal/balanced (chi(2): P < 0.05). All the embryos analysed on day 5, except one, displayed mosaicism. The percentages of diploid cells for chromosomes 13 and 14 were significantly lower than for chromosome 18 (chromosome 13: 49.0 +/- 28.0; chromosome 14: 53.0 +/- 31.8; chromosome 18: 75.7 +/- 20.4; Mann-Whitney test: P < 0.01). The embryos displaying vertical line 62% of diploid cells for at least two of the three chromosomes analysed, more frequently reached the blastocyst stage (blocked embryos: blastocysts chromosome 13: 43.1 +/- 30.3, 64.9 +/- 29.0; chromosome 18: 64.9 +/- 29.0, 83.0 +/- 12.9; Mann-Whitney test: P < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: Normal/balanced embryos developed better but the proportion of abnormal blastocysts was still high. Preimplantation genetic diagnosis is recommended to select normal/balanced embryos from RT t(13;14) carriers.  相似文献   

We have studied 32 unrelated families with a site-specific reciprocal translocation between chromosomes 11 and 22 [t(11;22) (q23;q11)]. In translocation heterozygotes 3:1 meiotic segregation occurs and results in abnormal progeny who carry the der(22) as a supernumerary chromosome. Phenotypic findings consistent with 47,XX (or XY), +der(22), t(11;22) include mental retardation, preauricular skin tag and/or sinus, ear anomaly, palate anomaly, micrognathia, congenital heart disease, and genital anomalies in males. The frequency of abortions among offspring of male and female heterozygotes is increased. Segregation analysis shows that the risk for unbalanced offspring to be born to female heterozygotes may be as high as 10%, and that there may be a significant risk to male heterozygotes as well. The overall carrier frequency among progeny of 11;22 translocation carriers is 70.6%. The occurrence of multiple 11;22 translocation events is supported by de novo occurrence of the translocation, familial heteromorphic variants of the der(22), and varied racial and ethnic backgrounds of the families. To our knowledge, with the exclusion of centric fusion translocations, this represents the only example of nonrandom exchange in a constitutional chromosomal rearrangement.  相似文献   

A patient with classical Prader-Willi syndrome was found to have a Robertsonian translocation 45,XY,t(13q15q)mat. On CBG banding, the translocation chromosome had a large centromere with one primary constriction. Using fluorescence in situ hybridisation, positive signals were obtained with chromosome 13 and chromosome 15 centromere probes, proving that the translocation was dicentric. NOR banding was negative in this chromosome, suggesting that the breakpoints were at 13p11 and 15p11. DNA studies showed that, while there was no deletion involving 15(q11′13), maternal uniparental disomy for chromosome 15 was present. We compare our findings with the five other cases of familial Robertsonian translocation PWS that have been reported.  相似文献   

A balanced Robertsonian translocation 45,XY,t(15q15q) was detected in a patient with mental retardation, microcephaly, and hypertonia. Deletion of the 15q11q13 region was unlikely based on fluorescence in situ hybridization studies that revealed hybridization of appropriate DNA probes to both arms of the Robertsonian chromosome. Inheritance of alleles from 13 highly polymorphic DNA markers on chromosome 15 showed paternal uniparental isodisomy. The clinical, cytogenetic, and molecular results are consistent with a diagnosis of Angelman syndrome. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

t(13;15) and t(14;15) are two rare Robertsonian translocations. Meiotic segregation was studied in four males heterozygous for the rare Robertsonian translocations t(13;15) and t(14;15). Both locus-specific probes (LSPs) and whole chromosome painting (WCP) probes, specific to chromosomes 13, 14 and 15, were used in this study. The number of spermatozoa scored for each carrier ranged from 891 to 5000. The frequencies of normal and balanced sperm resulting from the alternate mode of segregation ranged from 77.6 to 92.8%, confirming the prevalence of alternate segregation over other segregation modes in all Robertsonian translocations. The incidences of unbalanced complements ranged from 6.7 to 20.4%, with a significant excess of disomy rates over the complementary frequencies of nullisomy. This variability might reflect differences in the location of breakpoints in translocated chromosomes, leading to the variable production of unbalanced gametes and the variable alterations of semen parameters in Robertsonian translocation carriers.  相似文献   

目的探讨t(11;22)平衡易位携带者对子代的影响.方法对1例t(11;22)平衡易位携带者的三孕进行分析.结果第1、3孕均分娩了额外der(22) t(11;22) 综合征患儿,第2孕胎儿脐血染色体检查提示为平衡易位携带者.结论平衡易位携带者在妊娠时应做产前检查,以防异常胎儿的出生.  相似文献   

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