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Bronchopulmonary dysplasia is a chronic lung disease observed in premature infants requiring oxygen supplementation and ventilation. Although the use of exogenous surfactant and protective ventilation strategies has improved survival, the long-term pulmonary consequences of neonatal hyperoxia are unknown. Here, we investigate whether neonatal hyperoxia alters pulmonary function in aging mice. By 67 weeks of age, mice exposed to 100% oxygen between postnatal days 1 to 4 showed significantly a shortened life span (56.6% survival, n = 53) compared to siblings exposed to room air as neonates (100% survival, n = 47). Survivors had increased lung compliance and decreased elastance. There was also right ventricular hypertrophy and pathological evidence for pulmonary hypertension, defined by reduction of the distal microvasculature and the presence of numerous dilated arterioles expressing von Willebrand factor and α-smooth muscle actin. Consistent with recent literature implicating bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling in pulmonary vascular disease, BMP receptors and downstream phospho-Smad1/5/8 were reduced in lungs of aging mice exposed to neonatal oxygen. BMP signaling alterations were not observed in 8-week-old mice. These data suggest that loss of BMP signaling in aged mice exposed to neonatal oxygen is associated with a shortened life span, pulmonary vascular disease, and associated cardiac failure. People exposed to hyperoxia as neonates may be at increased risk for pulmonary hypertension.  相似文献   

Cloning, chromosomal mapping and expression pattern of the mouse Brca2 gene   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
A proportion of human breast cancers result from an inherited predisposition to the disease. Mutations in the BRCA2 gene confer a high risk of breast cancer and are responsible for almost half of these cases. The recent cloning of the human BRCA2 gene has revealed that it encodes a large protein having little significant homology to known proteins. Here we describe the mouse Brca2 gene. The gene maps to mouse chromosome 5, consistent with its location on human chromosome 13q12. We have sequenced cDNA for the entire 3329 amino acid Brca2 protein and this has revealed that, like Brca1, Brca2 is relatively poorly conserved between humans and mice. Brca2 is transcribed in a diverse range of mouse tissues, and the pattern of expression is strikingly similar to that of Brca1. Taken together, our data highlight some intriguing similarities between two genes involved in inherited breast cancer susceptibility.   相似文献   

We have disrupted expression of the mitochondrial Friedreich ataxia protein frataxin specifically in murine hepatocytes to generate mice with impaired mitochondrial function and decreased oxidative phosphorylation. These animals have a reduced life span and develop multiple hepatic tumors. Livers also show increased oxidative stress, impaired respiration and reduced ATP levels paralleled by reduced activity of iron-sulfur cluster (Fe/S) containing proteins (ISP), which all leads to increased hepatocyte turnover by promoting both apoptosis and proliferation. Accordingly, phosphorylation of the stress-inducible p38 MAP kinase was found to be specifically impaired following disruption of frataxin. Taken together, these findings indicate that frataxin may act as a mitochondrial tumor suppressor protein in mammals.  相似文献   

The role of the region encoded by exon 27 of the Brca2 gene in DNA repair was studied in cells and tissues from Brca2Delta27/Delta27 mice. The COOH-terminal truncated Brca2 localized to the nucleus in primary mouse embryo fibroblasts from Brca2Delta27/Delta27 mice. Fluorescence-activated cell sorting (FACS) analysis demonstrated that these fibroblasts were hypersensitive to mitomycin C-induced cross-links, but not to double-strand breaks (DSBs) induced by irradiation. The gammaH2AX appearance kinetics and comet assay showed that DSBs were repaired through non-homologous end joining pathways, while interstrand cross-links were not repaired due to deficient homologous recombination pathways. Immunoprecipitation experiments showed that Fancd2 did not coprecipitate with the mutated Brca2. There were also no detectable Rad51-positive foci formed in these cells after damage. On the other hand, we did not find any difference during gametogenesis in mice harboring exon 27 truncating mutation of the Brca2 gene and control mice, and in both cases, Rad51 localized to the recombination foci. Our results suggest that exon 27 of murine Brca2 is crucial for the interaction of Brca2 and Fancd2 in Rad51-mediated recombination in response to DNA damage, but that this interaction is not taking place in the homologous recombination during meiosis.  相似文献   

Twenty-five temperature-sensitive (ts) mutants were isolated from Chinese hamster CHO-K1 cells after mutagenization withN-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. Of 13 complementation groups identified, nine exhibited chromosomal instability at a nonpermissive temperature. They were classified into three major classes according to inducibility of sister chromatid exchange (SCE) and/or chromosomal aberration (CA): class 1 resulted in predominant SCEs, class 2 manifested both SCEs and CAs, and class 3 exhibited higher induction of CAs. Flow cytometric analysis of the mutants exhibiting chromosomal instability indicated that many of the mutants were arrested in the S or S to G2 phases of the cell cycle at the nonpermissive temperature, accompanied by a decrease in the rate of DNA synthesis. These results imply that ts defects are related to some points in DNA replication and might be responsible for the induction of SCEs and/or CAs at the nonpermissive temperature.  相似文献   

CCL27 is one of the CC chemokines produced by epidermal keratinocytes and is suggested to be involved in the pathogenesis of inflammatory skin diseases. To clarify the contribution of CCL27 in skin inflammation, we created transgenic C57BL/6 mice that constitutively produce CCL27 in epidermal keratinocytes. These mice had high serum CCL27 levels and did not show any phenotypical change. Thus we stimulated these mice with various reagents by single and repeated application. Interestingly, only contact hypersensitivity to repeated application with fluorescein isothiocyanate was significantly enhanced in transgenic mice compared to non-transgenic mice. Under this condition, the numbers of inflammatory cells, CCR10-positive cells, CCR4-positive cells and cutaneous lymphocyte-associated antigen-positive cells were increased, and IL-4 mRNA expression was higher in the lesional skin of transgenic mice. Increased number of mast cells and higher serum IgE levels, which were similar to atopic dermatitis, were also observed. These results indicated that CCL27 modified inflammation by attracting CCR10-positive and CCR4-positive cells into the lesional skin, and may participate in the pathogenesis of Th2-shifted skin diseases such as atopic dermatitis.  相似文献   

Mice of the autoimmune, lymphoproliferative strain MRL/lpr and the congenic, nonlymphoproliferative strain MRL/n were fed one of six diets from weaning on-ward. These mice were sacrificed at 3 or 5 months of age. Low fat diets resulted in lower cholesterol and higher triglyceride levels than did cholesterol-containing high-fat diets. Caloric restriction of MRL/lpr mice was associated with an increased plaque-forming cell response to trinitrophenylated polyacrylamide beads, less lymphoproliferation, and less severe glomerulonephritis. Diet did not affect the incidence of autoimmune vasculitis in MRL/lpr mice sacrificed at 5 months. MRL/lpr mice fed a low-fat, calorically restricted diet from 5 months of age to death lived longer than mice which were fed ad libitum a cholesterol-containing, high-fat diet. At death, MRL/lpr mice fed the former diet had the autoimmune vasculitis which had been evident in mice killed at 5 months, whereas mice fed the latter diet, in addition to the vasculitis, had a high incidence of atherosclerotic lesions of intrarenal and aortic branch arteries.  相似文献   

By comparing fibroblast strains derived from individuals exhibiting chromosome instability and/or mutagen hypersensitivity (Cockayne syndrome, ataxia telangiectasia, and Fanconi anemia) with strains derived from healthy donors, the fibroblast micronucleus assay has been established as a reproducible measure of the genotypic variation in spontaneous or mitomycin C (MMC)-induced chromosomal instability. The patient strains that were moderately or exquisitely sensitive to MMC, whereas the mildly sensitive strain (Cockayne syndrome) overlapped with the control range. The reproducibility of the assay was evaluated within and between experiments. Paired comparison analyses between duplicate cultures and between repeat experiments failed to show any significant differences between micronucleus frequencies within strains, whereas a significant differences in the spontaneous micronucleus frequencies between strains was observed. In addition to its value as a test system for genotoxins, the fibroblast micronucleus assay may be useful for investigating genetically determined hypersensitivity to mutagens, elevated spontaneous chromosomal breakage, and chromosome segregation errors.  相似文献   

The present study deals with ultraviolet-light (uv) sensitivity and DNA repair as well as semiconservative DNA synthesis in Cockayne's syndrome (CS) cells in vitro. Homozygous CS cell lines were found to be more uv sensitive in colony-forming ability than normal human fibroblast cell lines. There was no difference in either excision repair or postreplication repair following uv irradiation when comparing CS cells with normal cells. Semiconservative DNA synthesis of both CS cells and normal cells was depressed to the same extent by uv irradiation. The subsequent recovery of CS cell lines, however, was reduced. This reduction in recovery appears to be caused by inhibition of replicon initiation following uv irradiation. These processes in the heterozygous CS cell line were indistinguishable from those of normal cells. These findings support the hypothesis that uv-induced chromatin alteration in no relation to well-known DNA repair processes persists longer in CS cells than in normal cells. This condition results in inhibition of replicon initiation.  相似文献   

Genes Kcna1 and Kcna2 code for the voltage-dependent potassium channel subunits Kv1.1 and Kv1.2, which are coexpressed in large axons and commonly present within the same tetramers. Both contribute to the low-voltage-activated potassium current I Kv1, which powerfully limits excitability and facilitates temporally precise transmission of information, e.g., in auditory neurons of the medial nucleus of the trapezoid body (MNTB). Kcna1-null mice lacking Kv1.1 exhibited seizure susceptibility and hyperexcitability in axons and MNTB neurons, which also had reduced I Kv1. To explore whether a lack of Kv1.2 would cause a similar phenotype, we created and characterized Kcna2-null mice (-/-). The -/- mice exhibited increased seizure susceptibility compared with their +/+ and +/- littermates, as early as P14. The mRNA for Kv1.1 and Kv1.2 increased strongly in +/+ brain stems between P7 and P14, suggesting the increasing importance of these subunits for limiting excitability. Surprisingly, MNTB neurons in brain stem slices from -/- and +/- mice were hypoexcitable despite their Kcna2 deficit, and voltage-clamped -/- MNTB neurons had enlarged I Kv1. This contrasts strikingly with the Kcna1-null MNTB phenotype. Toxin block experiments on MNTB neurons suggested Kv1.2 was present in every +/+ Kv1 channel, about 60% of +/- Kv1 channels, and no -/- Kv1 channels. Kv1 channels lacking Kv1.2 activated at abnormally negative potentials, which may explain why MNTB neurons with larger proportions of such channels had larger I Kv1. If channel voltage dependence is determined by how many Kv1.2 subunits each contains, neurons might be able to fine-tune their excitability by adjusting the Kv1.1:Kv1.2 balance rather than altering Kv1 channel density.  相似文献   

Transgenic (Tg) mice overexpressing human thioredoxin (TRX), a small redox-active protein, were produced to investigate the role of the protein in a variety of stresses. Bone marrow cells from TRX-Tg mice were more resistant to ultraviolet C-induced cytocide compared with those from wild type (WT) C57BL/6 mice. TRX-Tg mice exhibited extended median and maximum life spans compared with WT mice. Telomerase activity in spleen tissues in TRX-Tg mice was higher than that in WT mice. These results suggest that overexpression of TRX results in resistance against oxidative stress and a possible extension of life span without apparent abnormality in mammals.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that T cell subset levels, early life body weight, and levels of leptin and thyroid hormones can each serve, independently, as predictors of life span in populations of genetically heterogeneous mice. New data now confirm, in a replicate cohort, that T cell subset patterns predict longevity, and show that they can do so when measured in mice as young as 8 months of age. Individual T cell subsets, as well as composite indices that combine data from two or more T cell measures at 8 or 18 months, can be combined with 3- and 9-month body weight data to provide better prediction of life span than either immune or weight measures alone. Mice whose immune and weight measures are both in the lowest quartile have mean and maximal life spans that are 18% and 16-25% higher, respectively, than mice in the opposite quartiles for both traits. Thyroxine levels measured at 4 months lead to further improvement over models that combine weight and immune data only. A genome scan provided evidence for loci on chromosomes 2, 12, 13, and 17 that modulate age-sensitive T cell subset patterns at both 8 and 18 months of age. These data show that late-life mortality risks are influenced to a measurable degree by factors that modulate growth trajectory and hormone and immune status in the first third of the life span, and provide clues as to which early life systems deserve further scrutiny as potential mediators of late life disease risk.  相似文献   

Specific T-cell cytotoxic responses to allogeneic and hapten-modified syngeneic cells decrease with age. In order to determine the causes of these reduced T-cell cytotoxic responses, spleen cells from individual young and senescent C57BL/6J female mice were mixed in various proportions in culture with either X-irradiated BALB/c spleen cells or trinitrophenyl-modified syngeneic cells and the resultant cytotoxic responses determined in comparison to those of spleen cells from young and old mice stimulated alone. In both allogeneic and hapten-modified syngeneic cytotoxicity, it was found that a low percentage of the aged mice suffered from decreased helper-cell activity or from increase of suppressor activity, while the majority of mice showed no synergy, positive or negative, with the cells from the young donor. Studies of interleukin-2 (IL-2) activity were performed on conditioned medium from spleen cells from mice of various ages cultured for 24 h with concanavalin A. Those preparations from senescent mice that showed reduced IL-2 activity did not contain activity suppressive or competitive to IL-2 produced by spleen cells from young mice. Limiting dilution of spleen cells from mice of various ages in the presence of semi-allogeneic stimulatory cells and subsequent assay of the resultant allogeneic cytotoxicity provided a measure of the frequency of cytotoxic units. Parallel experiments in which crude IL-2 was added to the limit dilution cultures provided a measure of the frequency of cytotoxic cell precursors. Once again in these experiments, individual senescent mice demonstrated different defects. Three different types of age-related defects were observed. Certain aged mice were devoid of detectable cytotoxic units and cytotoxic T-lymphocyte precursor at the cell dilutions used. Other senescent mice demonstrated a very low frequency of cytotoxic units (approximately 1/40 000) as compared with young mice (approximately 1/5 000), and the addition of crude IL-2 to cultures from these mice did not improve reactivity. A third group of old mice, those with a moderate age-related decrease in the frequency of cytotoxic units (approximately 1/12 000), demonstrated a cytotoxic T-lymphocyte precursor frequency in the presence of crude IL-2 which was comparable to that of young mice (approximately 1/1000).  相似文献   

Genetic variation in adult life span, resistance to paraquat, resistance to DDT, and spontaneous flying activity were measured in 138 recombinant inbred lines of Drosophila melanogaster. We find that the phenotypic correlation between life span and resistance to an exogenous oxidizing agent is positive, though weak, and that there is little correlation between the two traits at the level of quantitative trait loci (QTLs). The sign of the life span-resistance correlation is haplotype-specific, suggesting a high degree of statistical interaction and dependence on genetic background. Because of the genotype-specificity in the relationship between life span and resistance phenotypes, interventions to extend life span by overexpression of antioxidant enzymes are likely to produce strain-specific results. These observations are in general agreement with the "genetic rescue" hypothesis of Sohal et al. [Sohal, R.S., Mockett, R.J., Orr, W.C., 2002. Mechanisms of aging: an appraisal of the oxidative stress hypothesis. Free Radic. Biol. Med. 33, 575-586.], though we emphasize that such statistical interaction is a normal feature of standing genetic variation, and does not imply that some genotypes are pathological. Ad hoc observation of spontaneous flying activity 5 days after emergence proved to be a much better predictor of life span than resistance to an exogenous oxidant in these populations.  相似文献   

Early embryonic hematopoiesis in mammals is defined by three successive waves of hematopoietic progenitors which exhibit a distinct hematopoietic potential and provide continuous support for the development of the embryo and adult organism. Although the functional importance of each of these waves has been analyzed, their spatio-temporal overlap and the lack of wave-specific markers hinders the accurate separation and assessment of their functional roles during early embryogenesis. We have recently shown that TLR2, in combination with c-kit, represents the earliest signature of emerging precursors of the second hematopoietic wave, erythro-myeloid precursors (EMPs). Since the onset of Tlr2 expression distinguishes EMPs from primitive progenitors which coexist in the yolk sac from E7.5, we generated a novel transgenic “knock in” mouse model, Tlr2Dtr , suitable for inducible targeted depletion of TLR2+ EMPs. In this model, the red fluorescent protein and diphtheria toxin receptor sequences are linked via a P2A sequence and inserted into the Tlr2 locus before its stop codon. We show that a timely controlled deletion of TLR2+ EMPs in Tlr2Dtr embryos results in a marked decrease in both erythroid as well as myeloid lineages and, consequently, in embryonic lethality peaking before E13.5. These findings validate the importance of EMPs in embryonic development.  相似文献   

Calorie restriction (CR) extends the life span of various species through mechanisms that are as yet unclear. Recently, we have reported that mitochondrion-mediated apoptosis was enhanced in alphaMUPA transgenic mice that spontaneously eat less and live longer compared with their wild-type (WT) control mice. To understand the molecular mechanisms underlying the increased apoptosis, we compared alphaMUPA and WT mice for parameters associated with SOD2 (MnSOD), a mitochondrial antioxidant enzyme that converts superoxide radicals into H(2)O(2) and is also known to inhibit apoptosis. The SOD2-related parameters included the levels of SOD2 mRNA, immunoreactivity and enzymatic activity in the liver, lipid oxidation and aconitase activity in isolated liver mitochondria, and the sensitivity of the mice to paraquat, an agent that elicits oxidative stress. In addition, we compared the mice for the levels of SOD2 mRNA after treatment with bacterial lipopolysaccharides (LPS), and for the DNA binding activity of NFkappaB as a marker for the inflammatory state. We extended SOD2 determination to the colon, where we also examined the formation of pre-neoplastic aberrant crypt foci (ACF) following treatment with dimethylhydrazine (DMH), a colonic organotypic carcinogen. Overall, alphaMUPA mice showed reduced basal levels of SOD2 gene expression and activity concomitantly with reduced lipid oxidation, increased aconitase activity and enhanced paraquat sensitivity, while maintaining the capacity to produce high levels of SOD2 in response to the inflammatory stimulus. alphaMUPA mice also showed increased resistance to DMH-induced pre-neoplasia. Collectively, these data are consistent with a model, in which an optimal fine-tuning of SOD2 throughout a long-term regimen of reduced eating could contribute to longevity, at least in the alphaMUPA mice.  相似文献   

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