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目的 探讨无创DNA基因检测技术应用于产前筛查中的临床价值及意义。方法 回顾性分析在我院2015年1月~2017年1月针对553例孕妇包括预产期年龄≥35岁的高龄产妇、唐筛结果为高风险、临界风险或单项指标异常、超声软指标等孕妇。在充分知情同意,进行遗传咨询后选择胎儿无创DNA产前检测,对检测结果为高风险孕妇进一步进行染色体核型分析,对低风险孕妇进行电话追踪随访。结果 553例孕妇外周血中,541例低风险,12例高风险,在高风险病例中7例提示21三体异常;2例提示18号染色体异常;1例提示13三体异常;2例提示胎儿性染色体异常;无创DNA检测结果为高风险的12例孕妇,均进行了羊水或脐血穿刺,7例21三体高风险中7例为47,XN,+21;2例18三体高风险者中1例为47,XN,+18,1例为46,XN;1例13三体高风险者中1例为47,XN,+13;2例性染色体异常中,1例为XXY,1例为45X。并对无创DNA检测阴性的出生新生儿进行随访,未诉明显异常。应用无创DNA检测技术诊断胎儿染色体疾病的敏感度为100.00%,特异度为99.91%,假阴性率为0,假阴性率为0.09%,无创DNA产前检测对21三体,13三体和性染色体的符合率为100.00%,对18三体的符合率为50.00%。结论 无创DNA检测技术在产前筛查中准确性高,假阳性和假阴性低的优点,可提高产前筛查效率,减少染色体疾病患儿的出生,是快捷、安全、较介入性产前诊断易于接受、值得推广的安全可靠的产前筛查方法,是今后发展的必然趋势。但无创DNA检测出的高风险孕妇,也必须进行羊水穿刺进一步确诊。 相似文献
乳腺癌中女性激素受体的检测及其临床应用 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
乳腺癌中女性激素受体的检测及其临床应用黄受方一、乳腺癌对性激素的依赖性如果肿瘤仍然依赖原来组织的激素环境来调节其生长,此为激素依赖性肿瘤;相反,若肿瘤的生长不受激素的调控,此即非激素依赖性肿瘤。激素能在靶细胞或特定的瘤细胞发挥其生物学效应是通过其相应... 相似文献
AFP异质体检测及其临床应用价值 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的:探讨甲胎蛋白(AFP)异质体检测对原发性肝癌、良性肝病的临床应用价值。方法:根据小扁豆凝集素对AFP亲和力不同,采用亲和免疫电泳印迹法检测AFP-L3;化学发光免疫分析法检测AFP。结果:以AFP-L3≥15%作为PHC的诊断标准,其敏感性为91.1%,与慢性肝病鉴别诊断的特异性为95.0%,AFP-L3含量与血清AFP浓度及原发性肝癌癌灶大小无关。结论:AFP-L3结合AFP检测对原发性肝癌,尤其是小肝癌的早期诊断和与良性肝病的鉴别诊断具有重要的临床应用价值。 相似文献
不育患者AsAb检测的临床应用 总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3
李伟 《中国优生与遗传杂志》2000,8(2):113-113
人们已经发现精子具有抗原性,精子作为一种独特的抗原,与机体免疫系统接触后可引起自身或同种免疫反应,产生抗精子抗体(AsAb).研究资料证实,体内存在AsAb可导致不育.本文对113例不育患者的血清进行了AsAb的检测,结果报告如下. 相似文献
长期以来 ,乙肝两对半作为乙肝诊断的检测项目 ,传统观点认为乙肝HBsAb和HBeAb的产生预示HBV复制结束 ,随着此观点被Blum和Liang否认[1,2 ] ,乙肝核心抗原 (HBcAg)被证明是HBV复制的标志[3 ,4] ,以及HBVDNA检测的问世 ,乙肝两对半的检测已不能满足临床。但是基层单位很难开展HBVDNA的检测 ,为此我们通过对 2 6 8例HBsAg阳性乙肝血清同时检测HBVDNA和HBcAg ,探讨它们之间的相关性以及HBcAg的临床应用价值。对象和方法一、对象 :2 6 8份HBsAb阳性乙肝标本均来自我院门诊… 相似文献
血液流变学在临床检测中的应用 总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8
流 变学是研究物质流动 (flow)与变形 (deformation)的学科。生物流变学的概念首先由CopleyAL于 1984年提出 ,即指那些界于生物学与流变学边缘的一系列研究。近五十年来 ,生物流变学主要研究活物质以及某些从机体分离出的有主要生物学意义的物质的流动与变形。血液则是其中最主要的研究对象。因此 ,血液流变学是生物流变学的最主要分支。 195 1年 ,Copley提出的定义为“血液流变学是在宏观、微观、亚微观水平上 ,研究血液的细胞成分和血浆的变形和流动特征 ,以及与血液直接接触的血管结构的流变特性。由此可见… 相似文献
人绒毛膜促性腺激素(hCG)是由胎盘绒毛膜滋养层细胞产生的一种具有促性腺发育的蛋白类激素,因合成量、蛋白修饰以及裂解或离解等因素造成hCG存在多种亚基形式[1]。 相似文献
细胞凋亡检测技术进展及其应用 总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3
吴波 《临床与实验病理学杂志》1997,13(3):262-264
细胞凋亡检测技术进展及其应用吴波综述周晓军审校作者单位:南京军区南京总医院病理科,南京210002自1972年由Ker提出细胞凋亡(Apoptosis)的概念后,引起细胞生物工作者的注意,但由于检测技术的限制,这种细胞现象只停留于形态描述,缺乏定性、... 相似文献
荧光定量PCR检测沙眼衣原体及临床应用 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
目的:用荧光定量聚合酶链反应(FQ-PCR)检测沙眼衣原体的含量,探讨FQ-PCR在衣原体性尿道炎诊断中的价值。方法:应用荧光探针标记引物的荧光定量聚合酶链反应对172例疑为沙眼衣原体感染患者标本进行检测,并与常规PCR(电泳-EB染色)进行比较。结果:FQ-PCR阳性率为19.8%,常规PCR法为20.9%,两法符合率为63.9%。女性宫颈分泌物标本FQ-PCR阳性为29.2%,常规PCR法为16.7%;男性分泌物FQ-PCR阳性率为16.9%,常规PCR法为13.8%。FQ-PCR特异性较常规PCR法高。结论;FQ-PCR在扩增中实时在线检测,并选择理想的标准曲线做出较精确的临值分析,具有较高的特异性和敏感性,对病原体的诊断有一定的临床意义。 相似文献
S. C. McLoon R. D. Lund 《Experimental brain research. Experimentelle Hirnforschung. Expérimentation cérébrale》1980,40(3):273-282
Summary Retinae were taken from fetal rats and transplanted adjacent to the superior colliculus of neonatal rats. After 1 month survival, the transplants were surgically removed from the hosts, locally damaged or injected with horseradish peroxidase (HRP) to determine the distribution of the transplant efferents in the host brains. Histological examination of the transplants revealed cell and plexiform layers characteristic of normal retinae. Since the retinae were undifferentiated at the time of transplantation, this layering developed within the host. The only obvious differences from normal retina were that the layers were organized in rosettes or folded sheets and lacked well developed photoreceptor outer segments. In animals which had lesions or HRP injections confined to the retinal transplant, proper staining of sections of the host brain revealed transplant projections. These projections were confined to the optic tract and nuclei which are normally retinorecipient such as the superior colliculus and dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus. Projections were found along the border of non-retinorecipient nuclei such as the lateral posterior nucleus, but did not appear to enter these nuclei. It was observed that within the superior colliculus the host retinal input had an effect on the distribution of the transplant projection. In one-eyed hosts the transplant projection was distributed throughout the stratum (s.) zonale, s. griseum superficiale, and s. opticum; whereas in the two-eyed hosts, the transplant projection was confined to the s. zonale and the border between s. griseum superficiale and s. opticum.We suggest that a special affinity exists between the axons of the retinal transplants and host visual structures. Furthermore, factors, such as competition and timing may be important in determining the distribution of the transplant axons within the specific target nuclei. Transplantation appears to be a useful technique for further studies on the mechanisms underlying the development of specific neuronal connections. 相似文献
Ana Teresa Gabriel Cláudia Quaresma Mário Forjaz Secca Pedro Vieira 《Medical & biological engineering & computing》2018,56(8):1435-1446
The biomechanical changes in the spinal column are considered to be the main responsible for rachialgia. Although radiological techniques use ionizing radiation, they are the most applied tools to assess the biomechanics of the spine. To face this problem, non-invasive techniques must be developed. Vertebral Metrics is an ionizing radiation-free instrument designed to detect the 3D position of each vertebrae in a standing position. Using a stereo vision system combined with low intensity UV light, recognition is achieved with software capable of distinguishing fluorescent marks. The fluorescent marks are the skin projection of the vertex of the spinal processes. This paper presents a major development of Vertebral Metrics and its evaluation. It performs a scan in less than 45 s with a resolution on the order of 1 mm, in each spatial direction, therefore, allowing an accurate analysis of the spine. The instrument was applied to patients without associated pathology. Statistically significant differences between consecutive scans were not found. A positive correlation between the 3D positions of each vertebra and the homologous position of the other vertebrae was observed. Using Vertebral Metrics, innovative results can be obtained. It can be used in areas such as orthopedics, neurosurgery, and rehabilitation. 相似文献
《Mucosal immunology》2009,2(4):315-330
Autophagy is a cellular pathway involved in protein and organelle degradation, which is likely to represent an innate adaptation to starvation. In times of nutrient deficiency, the cell can self-digest and recycle some nonessential components through nonselective autophagy, thus sustaining minimal growth requirements until a food source becomes available. Over recent years, autophagy has been implicated in an increasing number of clinical scenarios, notably infectious diseases, cancer, neurodegenerative diseases, and autoimmunity. The recent identification of the importance of autophagy genes in the genetic susceptibility to Crohn's disease suggests that a selective autophagic response may play a crucial role in the pathogenesis of common complex immune-mediated diseases. In this review, we discuss the autophagic mechanisms, their molecular regulation, and summarize their clinical relevance. This progress has led to great interest in the therapeutic potential of manipulation of both selective and nonselective autophagy in established disease. 相似文献
对比不同CT探测器技术材料、技术特性。由于CT探测器技术性能的提高,使放射线剂量降低,图像质量提高,进一步提高了CT技术的应用;分析宝石探测器材质的变化为临床带来的新突破。 相似文献
Baryshnikova AIu Demidov LV Mikhaĭlova IN Petenko NN 《Vestnik Rossi?sko? akademii meditsinskikh nauk / Rossi?skaia akademiia meditsinskikh nauk》2007,(10):46-48
Methods of cancer immunotherapy with dendritic cell-based vaccines, activated outside the organism, as well as techniques employing genetically modified whole-cell antitumoral vaccines, transfected by cytokine gens and stimulating the patient's dendritic cell stimulation in vivo, have been developed in Russian Oncological Research Center. Phase 1 clinical trials of dendritic cell vaccine in patients with disseminated melanoma and colon cancer have been carried out. The treatment is well-tolerated; significant adverse effects are absent. Moderate clinical efficacy and immune activation have been noted. Preclinical and phase 1 clinical studies of genetically modified vaccines also demonstrate the safety of this treatment and its ability to activate antitumoral immune response. Both vaccines are promising as subjects of rationally planned clinical trials of the efficacy of this treatment. 相似文献