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Purpose. MDR1 P-glycoprotein (P-gp) plays an important role in determining drug disposition. The purpose of the present study was to establish in vitro models to predict the in vivo function of P-gp. Methods. As an in vitro method, the transcellular transport of 12 compounds across the monolayer of Caco-2- and MDR1-transfected cells was examined. The ability of these compounds to stimulate the ATP hydrolysis was also determined using the isolated membrane fraction expressing P-gp. As a parameter to describe the in vivo P-gp function, we calculated the brain-to-plasma concentration ratio of compounds in mdr1a/1b knockout mice divided by the same ratio in wild type mice. Results. A good correlation was observed between the in vitro flux ratio across the monolayer and in vivo P-gp function for 12 compounds. Although all compounds that stimulated ATP hydrolysis were significantly transported by P-gp, some compounds were transported by P-gp without significantly affecting ATP hydrolysis. Conclusion. Collectively, the in vitro flux ratio across monolayers of P-gp-expressing cells may be used to predict in vivo P-gp function. The extent of ATP-hydrolysis in vitro may also be a useful parameter for in vivo prediction, particularly for eliminating P-gp substrates in high-throughput screening procedures.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: P-glycoprotein (P-gp) is made responsible for the limited oral bioavailability of P-gp substrates like peptidic HIV protease inhibitors (PIs). With respect to combined application of two PIs in antiretroviral regimes, we first investigated the influences on intestinal saquinavir uptake using different PIs in in situ perfusion studies. METHODS: Perfusion experiments were carried out in three intestinal segments with P-gp substrates talinolol and saquinavir using fixed concentrations of PIs and with each varying concentrations in the jejunum and ileum. Furthermore, cellular uptake of fluorescent P-gp substrate rhodamine-123 and MRP-substrate carboxyfluorescein has each been quantified in P-gp and MRP-expressing cells by flow cytometry under co-administration of PIs. RESULTS: Increase of calculated permeabilities of P-gp-specific substrate talinolol was found under co-administration of both PIs, ritonavir and H17, with highest absorption rates in the ileal and colon segment. H17 proved to be a better P-gp inhibitor than ritonavir by resulting IC50 values and also in the cellular uptake of rhodamine. Similar increases of permeabilities in ileum and colon have also been found for saquinavir as P-gp as well as MRP-substrate with differences in the jejunal uptake, which was found higher for H17. Additional MRP-inhibitory activities of H17 were proved by increasing cellular uptake rates of carboxyfluorescein in MRP-expressing cells. CONCLUSIONS: The investigated PIs were characterized as effective P-gp inhibitors in the intestinal absorption of P-gp substrates. H17 showed MRP-inhibitory effects that also favor intestinal drug absorption of corresponding substrates. With respect to combined therapeutic application of PIs, compounds like H17 raise hopes for improved bioavailability of poorly absorbed compounds.  相似文献   

The effects of lumenal glucose on jejunal water transport and the influence of glucose-induced water absorption on solute uptake from single-pass perfusions are compared in anesthetized rats in situ and isolated chronic loops in unanesthetized rats in vivo. While the magnitudes of solute membrane permeabilities are consistently higher in the chronic loop system, the effects on water transport and its promotion of jejunal solute uptake are comparable between the two experimental systems. The effect of glucose-induced water absorption on the enhanced/baseline jejunal uptake ratio of the hydrophilic drug, acetaminophen, is greater than that for the lipophilic drug, phenytoin, in both experimental systems. The fact that chronic loop effective solute permeabilities were equivalent to solute membrane permeabilities in situ is consistent with greater lumenal fluid mixing in vivo. In addition, in situ body temperature affects the uptake of phenytoin but not acetaminophen, water, or glucose. This suggests that active and paracellular solute transport is not compromised in situ, while membrane partitioning and diffusion of lipophilic species are more sensitive to experimental conditions.  相似文献   

徐勤  ;刘布鸣  ;邓立东 《中国药房》2009,(21):1613-1615
目的:研究芒果苷大鼠在体肠道吸收机制。方法:采用大鼠在体肠段灌流模型,建立高效液相色谱/紫外分光光度法测定肠循环液中芒果苷的浓度,研究不同芒果苷浓度、胆汁及吸收部位对芒果苷吸收参数的影响。结果:芒果苷在5.0~25.0μg.mL-1浓度范围内对小肠吸收速率常数(Ka)无影响;在12.5μg.mL-1浓度下对结扎胆管大鼠的小肠Ka有影响;各肠段的Ka回肠>空肠>结肠>十二指肠,分别为0.164、0.132、0.125、0.107h-1。结论:芒果苷的吸收符合一级动力学特征,吸收机制为被动扩散;芒果苷在各肠段均有较好的吸收,胆汁使芒果苷在小肠的透过系数增大。  相似文献   

Abstract The effect of methotrexate (20 mg/kg intramuscularly) on the absorption of phenobarbitone, sulphafurazole, mecamylamine, quinidine and isoniazid from the rat small intestine was studied in situ and in vitro. The disappearance of all drugs studied from the intestinal fluid in situ was retarded on the third day after methotrexate administration. The fluid transfer and the amount of drugs passed through the intestinal wall in vitro were also decreased. The absorption of phenobarbitone was reversible within six days, whereas the absorption of quinidine was still retarded on the sixth day after methotrexate administration. Methotrexate did not modify the amount of quinidine excreted into the intestinal lumen after intravenous administration. The levels of other drugs except isoniazid in the blood at the end of the experiment showed changes corresponding to their disappearance from the intestinal lumen. In situ the drug levels in the intestinal wall were much lower than in vitro. Their levels in the intestinal wall reflected drug absorption in vitro but not in situ. The methotrexate-induced reversible decrease in absorption seems to be attributable at least partly to diminished water flux through the intestinal wall, although other mechanisms may also exist.  相似文献   

Abstract The effect of colchicine (1 mg/kg intraperitoneally on two successive days) on the absorption of isoniazid, quinidine and sulphafurazole (sulfisoxazole) from the rat small intestine was studied in situ and in vitro. Colchicine produced two different types of histological damage in the small intestine, one with degenerative and the other with regenerative changes predominating. The small intestinal surface area was variably reduced. The colchicine-treated rats were lethargic and hypothermic as compared to controls. Colchicine retarded the disappearance of fluid and all three drugs from the small intestinal lumen in situ 2 days after the first colchicine injection. In vitro the total amounts of fluid and drugs passed through the intestinal wall were not significantly changed by colchicine, although there was a slight tendency towards an increased absorption of quinidine. Hence, colchicine as an antimitotic drug decreases drug absorption from the rat small intestine in situ, apparently due to the decreased surface area of the small intestine, the decreased water flux through the intestinal wall, the retarded intestinal motility and hypothermia of the rats. In vitro the changes are small, which makes the in vitro tests less suitable for studying the effect of colchicine on absorption.  相似文献   

Purpose. The purpose of this work was to elucidate the asymmetric effect of P-gp on modulation of absorptive and secretory transport of compounds across polarized epithelium, to develop experimental parameters to quantify P-gp-mediated modulation of absorptive and secretory transport, and to elucidate how P-gp-mediated modulation of transport is affected by passive diffusion properties, interaction of the substrate with P-gp, and P-gp expression. Methods. The permeability of a set of P-gp substrates was determined in absorptive and secretory directions in Madine-Darby Canine kidney (MDCK), Caco-2, and MDR-MDCK monolayers. The transport was also determined in the presence of GW918, a non-competitive P-gp inhibitor, to quantify the permeability without the influence of P-gp. From these two experimental permeability values in each direction, two new parameters, absorptive quotient (AQ) and the secretory quotient (SQ), were defined to express the functional activity of P-gp during absorptive and secretory transport, respectively. Western blot analysis was used to quantify P-gp expression in these monolayers and in normal human intestinal. Results. P-gp expression in Caco-2 and MDR-MDCK monolayers was comparable to that in normal intestine, and much less in MDCK cells. For all models, the substrates encompassed a wide range of apparent permeability due to passive diffusion (P PD). The parameters AQ and SQ, calculated for all compounds, assessed the attenuation in absorptive and enhancement of secretory transport, respectively, normalized to the permeability due to passive diffusion. Analysis of these parameters showed that 1) P-gp affected absorptive and secretory transport differentially and 2) compounds could be stratified into distinct groups with respect to the modulation of their absorptive and secretory transport by P-gp. Compounds could be identified whose absorptive transport was either strongly affected or poorly affected by changes in P-gp expression. For certain compounds, AQ values showed parabolic relationship with respect to passive diffusivity, and for others AQ was unaffected by changes in passive diffusivity. Conclusions. The relationship between attenuation of absorptive transport and enhancement of secretory transport of compounds by P-gp is asymmetric, and different for different sets of compounds. The relationship between attenuation of absorption by P-gp and passive diffusivity of compounds, their interaction potential with P-gp, and levels of P-gp expression is complex; however, compounds can be classified into sets based on these relationships. A classification system that describes the functional activity of P-gp with respect to modulation of absorptive and secretory transport was developed from these results.  相似文献   

采用大鼠在体单向肠灌流实验模型,用HPLC-UV法测定灌流液中药物浓度,研究穗花杉双黄酮肠吸收动力学。结果表明穗花杉双黄酮在十二指肠、空肠、回肠和结肠的吸收速率常数(Ka)、药物表观渗透系数(Papp)差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),提高药物浓度的吸收速率常数基本保持不变。在大鼠各肠段均有吸收,无特定吸收部位,吸收机制为被动扩散。  相似文献   

Purpose  To investigate the potential interaction between grapefruit juice (GFJ) and the oral microtubule polymerization inhibitor colchicine, a P-gp and CYP3A4 substrate. Methods  Colchicine intestinal epithelial transport was investigated across Caco-2 cell monolayers in both AP–BL and BL–AP directions, in the absence/presence of known P-gp inhibitors (verapamil and quinidine). The concentration-dependent effects of GFJ and its major constituents (6′-7′-dihydroxybergamottin, naringin and naringenin) on colchicine Caco-2 mucosal secretion were examined. The effect of GFJ on colchicine intestinal-permeability was then investigated in-situ in the rat perfusion model, in both jejunum and ileum. Results  Colchicine exhibited 20-fold higher BL–AP than AP–BL Caco-2 permeability, indicative of net mucosal secretion, which was reduced by verapamil/quinidine. Colchicine AP–BL permeability was increased and BL–AP was decreased by GFJ in a concentration-dependent manner (IC50 values of 0.75% and 0.46% respectively), suggesting inhibition of efflux transport, rather than metabolizing enzyme. Similar effects obtained following pre-experiment incubation with GFJ, even though the juice was not present throughout the transepithelial study. 6′-7′-Dihydroxybergamottin, naringin and naringenin displayed concentration-dependent inhibition on colchicine BL–AP secretion (IC50 values of 90, 592 and 11.6 μM respectively). Ten percent GFJ doubled colchicine rat in-situ ileal permeability, and increased 1.5-fold jejunal permeability. Conclusion  The data suggest that GFJ may augment colchicine oral bioavailability. Due to colchicine narrow therapeutic-index and severely toxic side-effects, awareness of this interaction is prudent.  相似文献   

Purpose. To study the contribution of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) to the oralabsorption of a substrate, tacrolimus, by comparing the extent and rateof bioavailability in normal and mdr1a knockout mice. Methods. Intravenous and oral (2 mg/kg) blood concentration data oftacrolimus in normal and knockout mice were obtained from a studyby K. Yokogawa et al. in Pharm. Res. 16:1213-1218 (1999). Meanbioavailability (F), mean hepatic first-pass extraction ratio (Fh), meanbioavailability rates, mean oral clearance, and mean total hepaticintrinsic clearance were calculated using standard pharmacokinetic methods. Results. The mean F of tacrolimus (an apparently highly permeablecompound) was increased from 0.22 in normal mice to 0.72 in knockoutmice. These values were consistent with mean predicted Eh (based onintravenous data) of 0.77 and 0.27 in normal and knockout mice,respectively. Great similarity in the relative bioavailability profile (suchas short Tmax) between normal and knockout mice was also found. Meanoral clearance and mean total or unbound hepatic intrinsic clearance oftacrolimus in knockout mice were found to be about 10 times lowercompared to those in normal mice. Conclusions. The above results suggest an apparent lack of effect ofP-gp on the gastrointestinal absorption of tacrolimus in normal miceunder the study condition. It is postulated that the effect of P-gp onthe rate and extent of oral absorption should be more pronounced forthose more slowly or incompletely absorbed drugs (i.e., drugs withrelatively low permeabilities) as illustrated by talinolol in humans. Theclearance data also suggest a very dominant role of P-glycoprotein incontrolling the rate of hepatic metabolism of tacrolimus in normalmice, and P-glycoprotein may serve as an effective efflux pump fordirect transport of metabolites formed in hepatocytes into the bloodcirculation.  相似文献   

Purpose. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of 50% ethyl acetate extracts of grapefruit juice (GFJ) and orange juice (OJ) on the transport activity of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) in the rat small intestine. Methods.The efflux of P-gp substrates from rat everted sac in the absence or presence of verapamil, GFJ, OJ or erythromycin was measured. Rhodamine123, fexofenadine and saquinavir were used as P-gp substrates. P-gp expression levels in the rat jejunum and ileum were determined by Western blot analysis. Results. The efflux of rhodamine123 from the everted sac increased from the apex of the jejunum to the low ileum and the expression of P-gp in the ileum was 2.31-fold higher than that in the jejunum. Verapamil and the 50% GFJ and OJ extracts inhibited the efflux from the intestine of all three drugs tested. Erythromycin decreased the efflux of rhodamine123 and fexofenadine, but did not affect the efflux of saquinavir in the intestine. Conclusions. GFJ and OJ extracts inhibited the efflux of P-gp substrates from the small intestine. Therefore, they may enhance the oral bioavailability of P-gp substrates by increasing absorption in the small intestine.  相似文献   

To determine the role of acid hydrolysis on the gastrointestinal absorption of erythromycin, six healthy subjects received erythromycin as a 240 mg intravenous dose, a 250 mg oral solution administered via endoscope directly into the duodenum and bypassing the stomach, and an enteric-coated 250 mg capsule. Blood samples were collected for 6 hours and serum erythromycin quantified by a microbiological method. The time to achieve maximum serum concentrations for the solution was 0.25 ± 0.08 (mean ± SD) hours and for the capsule was 2.92 ± 0.55 hours. The absolute bioavailability of erythromycin from the capsule was 32 ± 7% and for the duodenal solution 43 ± 14%. The ratio of the areas under the serum erythromycin concentration-time curve of capsule to solution was 80 ± 28% (range 38 to 110%). There is substantial loss of erythromycin apart from gastric acid hydrolysis, which cannot be accounted for by hepatic first-pass metabolism. Attempts to further improve the oral bioavailability of erythromycin beyond 50% by manipulation of formulation are likely to be futile.  相似文献   

Purpose The purpose of this work was to investigate the involvement of carrier-mediated apical (AP) uptake and efflux mechanisms in the absorptive intestinal transport of the hydrophilic cationic drug ranitidine in Caco-2 cells. Methods Absorptive transport and AP uptake of ranitidine were determined in Caco-2 cells as a function of concentration. Permeability of ranitidine in the absorptive and secretory directions was assessed in the absence or presence of the P-glycoprotein (P-gp) inhibitor, GW918. Characterization of the uptake mechanism was performed with respect to inhibitor specificity, pH, energy, membrane potential, and Na+ dependence. Efflux from preloaded monolayers was evaluated over a range of concentrations and in the absence or presence of high extracellular ranitidine concentrations. Results Saturable absorptive transport and AP uptake of ranitidine were observed with Km values of 0.27 and 0.45 mM, respectively. The ranitidine absorptive permeability increased and secretory permeability decreased upon inhibition of P-gp. AP ranitidine uptake was inhibited in a concentration-dependent fashion by a diverse set of organic cations including tetraethylammonium, 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridinium, famotidine, and quinidine. AP ranitidine uptake was pH and membrane potential dependent and reduced under conditions that deplete metabolic energy. Efflux of [3H]ranitidine across the basolateral membrane was neither saturable as a function of concentration nor trans stimulated by unlabeled ranitidine. Conclusions Saturable absorptive transport of ranitidine in Caco-2 cells is partially mediated via a pH-dependent uptake transporter for organic cations and is subject to attenuation by P-gp. Inhibition and driving force studies suggest the uptake carrier exhibits similar properties to cloned human organic cation transporters. The results also imply ranitidine transport is not solely restricted to the paracellular space.  相似文献   

Wang  Yanfeng  Aum  Renee  Tse  Francis L. S. 《Pharmaceutical research》1997,14(11):1563-1567
Purpose. A permeability-index approach was developed and used to study the transport of D-glucose in the jejunum and ileum of rats. Methods. The effective permeability coefficient (Pe) of [3H]D-glucose and [14C]antipyrine (an internal standard) in jejunum and ileum of four rats was determined using an in situ rat intestinal perfusion technique. The permeability ratio of the test compound (D-glucose) to the internal standard was defined as the permeability-index (Pi), which was mathematically independent of the length and surface area of the intestinal segment perfused. Using this approach, the transport of [3H]D-glucose in jejunum and ileum of eight animals was investigated at concentrations ranging from 1 to 300 mM. The tissue/perfusate distribution of [3H]D-glucose and [14C]antipyrine at steady state was also determined. Results. The variability (%CV) in Pi of D-glucose was only 5%, compared with 23–36% in Pe values of D-glucose or antipyrine alone. The permeability and tissue distribution of [14C]antipyrine were unaffected by the presence of D-glucose. In contrast, the permeability and tissue distribution of [3H] D-glucose were concentration-dependent in both jejunum and ileum. The transport of D-glucose was studied assuming that the transport was mediated by a carrier (with maximum flux, Vmax and dissociation constant, Km) as well as by non-saturable transport (Pd). The maximum transport capacity for D-glucose in jejunum (0.522 mole/min/cm2) was twice that in ileum (0.199 mole/min/ cm2), but the affinity (l/Km) was less than half of that in ileum (l/ (48.2 mole/mL) vs. 1/(21.4 mole/mL)), rendering a similar active transport efficiency (Vmax/Km) in these two regions. The non-saturable permeability (Pd) in jejunum (44.6 × 10–4 cm/min) was approximately twice that in ileum (20.4 × 10–4 cm/min). Conclusions. The permeability-index approach yielded parameters with reduced variability by eliminating potential imprecisions in length and surface area measurements of the intestinal segment perfused. D-glucose was transported via carrier-mediated systems in both jejunum and ileum, with different transport capacity and affinity in these two regions.  相似文献   

目的 考察柚皮素、橙皮素在大鼠肠道的吸收特性,并考察P-糖蛋白(P-gp)对这2种成分吸收的影响。方法 采用大鼠在体肠灌流模型,以超高效液相色谱(UPLC)测定灌流液中柚皮素、橙皮素的含量,计算有效渗透系数(Peff*)及10 cm肠段吸收百分比。结果 20 μmol·L-1柚皮素在十二指肠、空肠、回肠、结肠4个肠段的Peff*值分别为2.77±0.43,2.39±0.30,1.90±0.53,3.15±0.30;20 μmol·L-1橙皮素分别为2.51±0.18,2.29±0.12,1.99±0.14,3.38±0.20。当两者加了P-gp抑制剂维拉帕米后,柚皮素、橙皮素在4个肠段的吸收均显著增加(P<0.05)。结论 柚皮素、橙皮素在大鼠肠道内吸收较好,但两者均可被肠黏膜上的P-gp外排。  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to characterise the role of the efflux transporter P-glycoprotein in the disposition of cerivastatin. We investigated directional transport characteristics of [14C]cerivastatin across cell monolayers expressing P-glycoprotein (Caco-2 and L-MDR1) and disposition of cerivastatin in mice with disrupted mdr1a and mdr1b genes. The mice were given orally 1 mg/kg cerivastatin and plasma and tissue samples for analysis of cerivastatin were obtained 10, 20, or 30 min after drug administration. Four knock-out mice and four wild-type mice were studied at each time point. In addition, the hypothesis that gemfibrozil-mediated inhibition of P-glycoprotein contributes to the interaction between gemfibrozil and cerivastatin was tested in Caco-2 cells. The apparent permeability coefficient (Papp) value for the basal-to-apical transport of cerivastatin in Caco-2 and L-MDR1 cell monolayers was 2.4 times (P<0.001) and 3.8 times (P<0.001) as high as the apical-to-basal Papp value respectively. The P-glycoprotein inhibitor PSC-833 (1 M) inhibited the net basal-to-apical transport of cerivastatin in Caco-2 monolayers by 35% (P<0.01) and the MRP inhibitor MK-571 (10 M) by 50% (P<0.01). At concentrations up to 250 M, gemfibrozil showed no significant effects on the net transport of cerivastatin in Caco-2 cells. The concentration of cerivastatin in the brain at 30 min was 3.1 times higher in the knock-out mice than in the wild-type mice (P<0.05). The brain-to-plasma cerivastatin concentration ratio at 20 min and 30 min was 2.1 (P<0.05) and 3.6 times (P<0.05) higher respectively in the knock-out animals compared with the wild-type animals. Collectively, these results indicate that cerivastatin is a P-glycoprotein substrate, although other transporters probably contribute to cerivastatin transport in humans. As several statins are P-glycoprotein substrates, beneficial as well as adverse effects of the statins might be affected by interindividual differences in P-glycoprotein expression or function caused by, e.g., the MDR1 polymorphism.  相似文献   

Abstract The effect of treatment with triparanol (25 mg/kg by gavage every 24 hours for three weeks) on the absorption of phenobarbitone, sulphafurazole, isoniazid, mecamylamine and quinidine from the rat small intestine was studied in situ by measuring their disappearance from the intestinal lumen. The appearance of sulphafurazole and mecamylamine in the intestinal lumen was also studied after their intravenous administration, and the partitioning of mecamylamine between the buffer solution and the intestinal tissue was measured in vitro. Treatment with triparanol retarded the absorption of sulphafurazole, whereas the absorption of mecamylamine was accelerated. The amount of sulphafurazole and mecamylamine in the intestinal lumen after their intravenous administration was relatively slight. The in vitro partitioning of mecamylamine into the intestinal tissue was higher in triparanol–treated than in control intestines. Triparanol did not change the absorption of phenobarbitone, isoniazid or quinidine. Phenobarbitone in the whole blood at the end of the experiment was increased after triparanol, but the levels of other drugs were unchanged. Triparanol did not modify drug concentrations in the intestinal wall at the end of the experiment. The relatively slight changes in drug absorption induced by triparanol are probably due to changes in the morphology and composition of the intestinal wall.  相似文献   

艾片的大鼠在体肠吸收动力学研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马勇  杜守颖  宋逍  陆洋  李冬雪 《中国药房》2011,(39):3651-3653
目的:研究艾片的大鼠在体肠吸收动力学。方法:采用大鼠在体单向灌流实验,利用气相色谱法测定艾片中龙脑含量,分别研究灌流流速、药物浓度、吸收部位对艾片吸收的影响。结果:灌流流速、药物浓度、吸收部位对艾片吸收速度常数(Ka)和表观吸收系数(Papp)无显著性影响。结论:艾片的肠吸收机制为被动扩散,其吸收动力学符合一级方程。  相似文献   

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