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Familial congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is extremely rare; it comprises about 2% of all CDH cases. The empirical risk is about 2%, increasing to 10% in a family with two affected children. This report describes severe CDH in two siblings who had been diagnosed prenatally. The female newborn diagnosed with left CDH prenatally was born at 38 weeks of gestation. Despite surgical repair and intensive treatment, she died 10 days after birth. Her younger brother was born at 39 weeks of gestation after being diagnosed with bilateral CDH prenatally, and died 75 min after birth. Both infants had neither other congenital anomaly nor chromosomal abnormalities. Their parents are healthy without consanguinity. Their first daughter and the fourth child have no congenital anomalies.  相似文献   

Diaphragmatic hernias (DH) are an unusual complication after pediatric liver transplantation; however, they have been reported with increased frequency in the past few years. DHs are responsible for nearly half of the small bowel obstructions requiring surgical intervention in this patient population. It has been suggested that the use of a left lobe liver graft, surgical trauma, malnourishment, elevated intra‐abdominal pressures, and mTor inhibitors may predispose to development of DH. The use of a segmental graft may increase the recognition of diaphragmatic hernia because the surgically damaged right hemi‐diaphragm often remains exposed to underlying viscera, instead of being covered by the right hepatic lobe. Treatment is surgical reduction, with up to 20% of the patients requiring resection of the herniated intestine. Herein we describe a case of DH after left segmental liver transplant in a two‐ yr‐old boy that presented one month post left lobe split liver transplant with abdominal pain, anorexia, and respiratory distress. Just like in the majority of the reported cases, an urgent laparotomy with primary repair was performed. No resection of the herniated segment of intestine was required. For pediatric patients with otherwise unexplained respiratory or gastrointestinal symptoms after a left lateral segment liver transplant, right‐sided diaphragmatic hernias should always be high in the differential diagnosis.  相似文献   

In a 10-year review of autopsy records from Lutheran General Hospital (1992–2002), 13 cases of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) were found. The fetuses ranged between 21 and 35 wk of gestation. Four were born alive and five were diagnosed prenatally. The defect was left-sided in 11 cases. Cytogenetic study revealed five cases with normal karyotype and three cases with complex karyotypes. In five cases, no karyotype was performed. The three complex karyotypes were: 46,XX,del(8)(p23.1), 47,XX,+i(12)(p10)[6]/46XX[14] (Pallister-Killian syndrome), and 47,XY,+der(22)t(11:22)(q23.3:q11.2). The unbalanced translocation of chromosomes 11 and 22 in congenital diaphragmatic hernia has not been previously described. Three fetuses had heart abnormalities, including one which was associated with the 8p deletion. The other two had no karyotype study. Neither in this study, nor in the literature, is there a consistent or prevailing association between a specific chromosomal anomaly and CDH. The embryologic closure of the diaphragmatic leaflets may be mediated by a nonstructural chromosomal defect, more than one gene, and/or may be related to abnormalities not currently detectable. This study was presented at the College of American Pathologists Meeting, San Diego, California, USA, 10–14 September 2003.  相似文献   

Most cases of sacral dysgenesis are considered to be sporadic events. We present two families in whom the presence of associated clinical features prompted specific investigation of chromosome 7, leading to the identification of an underlying chromosome 7q deletion causing sacral dysgenesis. All affected individuals had microcephaly and developmental delay. Detailed cytogenetic studies confirmed that all three affected individuals had a deletion of chromosome 7q associated with their sacral dysgenesis, developmental delay and related problems. The three affected patients were studied clinically, radiologically and cytogenetically. Eleven unaffected individuals from the two families were also investigated by genetic studies, specifically evaluating chromosome 7. Conclusion It is important that detailed family history, evaluation of associated malformations and the overall clinical picture be considered in identifying the underlying diagnosis in cases of anal stenosis/sacral agenesis. The cases we present demonstrate the value of detailed chromosome studies in such situations. Received: 4 February 1999 / Accepted: 27 April 1999  相似文献   

The syndrome of caudal dysplasia (CDS) and the wide spectrum of associated skeletal and other anomalies arc reviewed, and a further case of this disorder is presented. The syndrome of CDS should be distinguished from the familial forms of sacral dysgenesis, three forms of which are tentatively identified. Two of these. usually involve some degree of “hemi-sacrum.” The third is usually manifested as partial sacral agenesis with absent distal segments. All these familial types are probably genetic dominants, and none is associated with maternal diabetes. Usually CDS is not familial, but it often is associated with a tendency toward diabetes in the mother. The suggestion is advanced here that CDS is the result of a combination of two principal factors represented by (a) a maternal diabetic tendency and (b) separate nondiabetogenic genes. Determination of the human leucocyte antigen (HLA) haplotypes involved in CDS is suggested to investigate the possibility of genetically distinctive factors in this condition.  相似文献   

An unusual case of a neonate with absent pericardium, left-sided diaphragmatic hernia, and hepatic hemangioendothelioma is described. The posterolateral diaphragmatic hernia was successfully repaired, and agenesis of the pericardium did not interfere with cardiac function postoperatively. The hepatic tumour was a coincidental radiological finding, while liver function and the biochemical profile were normal. We also present a review of the literature on congenital absence of the pericardium and conclude that all cases should be screened for cardiac and hepatic anomalies.  相似文献   

Background:  Congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) is a rare but clinically and scientifically challenging condition. The introduction of ultrasound has enabled early prenatal detection and consequently, hope of early therapeutic intervention.
Aim:  We undertook the task to review the recent developments in understanding the pathology of CDH as well as the history and current management strategies to aid perinatologists in consultations with parents of CDH-affected foetuses.
Study design:  A Medline search was undertaken of all reports and reviews published between 1980 and 2008 using MeSH search terms 'diaphragmatic hernia', 'congenital' and 'newborn'.
Results:  The true incidence of CDH is still difficult to estimate because of the high incidence of hidden mortality of CDH. Complete case ascertainment also poses difficulties in assessment of the impact of new therapeutic modalities on overall survival. Recent improvements in prenatal detection are a milestone in affording time for re-assessments and parental counselling. The true benefit of antenatal therapy is circumscribed and should be offered only in selected cases of isolated severe CDH as defined by existing guidelines. Postnatal intensive respiratory supportive therapy and innovative surgical techniques within specialized tertiary centres has had a major impact on survival of babies with CDH.
Conclusion:  The high survival of 'selected cases' that are live births and benefit from optimal care will be difficult to improve by antenatal interventions. The multidisciplinary approach to basic research and randomized clinical trials will further define the best approach to the foetus and neonate with CDH.  相似文献   

王彦云  孙云  蒋涛 《临床儿科杂志》2021,39(9):660-662,669
目的 探讨10q22.3q23.3微缺失综合征合并高甲硫氨酸血症的临床特征.方法 回顾分析1例10q22.3q23.3微缺失综合征合并高甲硫氨酸血症患儿的临床资料.结果 患儿,男,特殊面容,额突出,鼻根低,眼距宽,内眦赘皮,鼻头轻度上翘,人中浅,耳位低,余未见特殊异常.患儿于出生后72小时行串联质谱检测,蛋氨酸(MET...  相似文献   

DH is a rare complication following LT. This report presents three cases of right-sided DH after LT using a left-sided graft. All of the patients were younger than one yr of age, and they were critically ill owing to their original disease, characterized by biliary atresia, progressive familiar intrahepatic cholestasis, and acute liver failure. DH occurred with sudden onset within three months after LT. All of the cases were promptly diagnosed and treated. A literature review of 24 cases of DH identified four factors associated with DH: left-sided graft, right-sided DH, relatively delayed onset of DH, and age-specific chief complaint. DH following LT should be considered as a potential surgical complication when a left-sided graft is used, especially in small infants with coagulopathy and malnutrition.  相似文献   

We report a case of congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) with perinatal bowel strangulation requiring intestinal resection. Ten hours after birth, the newborn started to be lethargic and developed bilious emesis. X‐ray documented distended loops of bowel with air fluid levels in the abdomen and a gasless, non‐homogeneous opacity of the left hemithorax, a right mediastinal shift and loss of the sharp left hemidiaphram line. On gastrographin enema the left colon was above the adjacent left diaphragm. Emergency surgery was performed at 16 h of age. The entire small bowel appeared reddish and compromised. After 24 h, second‐look laparotomy was performed and only 25 cm of small bowel were viable. The postoperative period was uneventful. Neonatal bowel strangulation in CDH should be taken into account when estimating postnatal morbidity and mortality and, even if CDH treatment is not an emergency procedure, if gastrointestinal symptoms prevail over respiratory symptoms, surgery should be carried out without delay.  相似文献   

A male case with terminal deletion of chromosome 1Oq has growth retardation, craniofacial dysmorphism, congenital heart disease and other minor anomalies. The karyotypic formula is 46, XY, del (lo), (q26.1→q ter) by a high resolution G-banding staining. There are few differences in clinical features between our case and the previously reported cases.  相似文献   

Abstract: We report an infant with midline craniofacial defects and holoprosencephaly due to chromosome 46, XY, del (7) (pter →q34) who presented at 1 week of age with central diabetes insipidus. The importance of hypothalamic-pituitary endocrine investigation in patients with this syndrome, and more generally, in patients with midline craniofacial malformation or holoprosencephaly is emphasized. As infants with chromosome 7q deletion bear close phenotypic resemblance to infants of Trisomy 13, chromosomal confirmation and karyotype banding is mandatory to establish an accurate diagnosis and for genetic counselling of their parents.  相似文献   

We present a Norwegian family, followed since 1967, with a chromosome 6q24 duplication in two siblings with neonatal diabetes, in their non-diabetic father, and in a female (third generation) with adult-onset diabetes. The parents (first generation) were healthy and non-consanguineous. After a miscarriage, the couple had two infants with birth weights of 1780 and 1620 g, respectively, both of whom died on their second day of life. Patient I (male, weight 1840 g at term) had a blood glucose level of 33 mmol/L on day 6. He was treated with insulin for 3 months. In adult life he had permanent diabetes, treated with oral hypoglycemic agents. At 43 yr of age, there were no diabetic late complications. Patient II (female, birth weight 1440 g at term) had an increasing blood glucose of 55 mmol/L on day 13. She received insulin treatment for 12.5 months. Subsequently, she was successfully treated with sulfonylurea (tolbutamide) for 10 yr. At 11 yr of age, insulin was again considered necessary. At 40 yr of age, no diabetic late complications were detected. Patient III had a birth weight of 2630 g at term and no diabetic symptoms as a neonate. She had insulin-requiring diabetes from age 19. We conclude that (i) neonatal diabetes with chromosome 6q24 duplications may become a permanent disease in adult life; (ii) this chromosome anomaly may also be associated with adult-onset diabetes; (iii) sulfonylurea treatment may be attempted, and (iv) late diabetic complications may be absent, even after more than 40 yr.  相似文献   

It is prerequisite for the pre-operative management of patients with congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH) to avoid the factors that increase pulmonary vascular resistance, because such patients easily fall into the state of persistent fetal circulation (PFC). In this paper, a new protocol is proposed for the perinatal management of CDH patients to prevent the PFC which is facilitated by the enlargement of hernia and the deviation of mediastinum caused by spontaneous breathing just after birth. We also describe the usefulness of this protocol based on our experience in which we successfully treated a patient with CDH with severe hypoplastic lungs that were diagnosed antenatally by ultrasonographic examination. In treating the CDH patient with severe hypoplastic lungs, it is effective for the respiratory control and the prevention of PFC to administer morphine and pancuronium to the neonate through the umbilical vein before the resection of the umbilical cord. In the case of Cesarean section, in addition to the direct administration of morphine to the patient, administration of morphine to the patient's mother just before the delivery is more effective to prevent PFC, which can be easily induced by the initial resuscitation at birth.  相似文献   

目的 提高对16p11.2缺失综合征的临床和基因特征的认识。方法 总结分析1例16p11.2缺失综合征患儿的临床发现、辅助检查、诊断和随访资料,并文献复习。结果 ①患儿,男,2月13 d,因“发热近20 d伴咳嗽、腹泻”起病。入院查体可见右手六指畸形,脊柱侧弯,外周血淋巴细胞及其亚群明显低于正常同龄儿。X线胸片示胸椎9~12部分椎体呈半椎体畸形,胸骨塑形异常。予抗感染等治疗后好转,并呈多动兴奋表现。出院后随访提示淋巴细胞数量较住院时好转,但WBC、中性粒细胞及CD4+T细胞均低于正常值。患儿5月龄时诊断癫,予抗癫药物治疗有效。应用染色体芯片检测技术,并采用高密度寡核苷酸微阵列比较基因组杂交技术证实16p11.2区域缺失,缺失片段大小约0.545 4 Mb,该区段所包含的基因有SPN、QPRT、 C16orf54、 KIF22、 MAZ、 SEZ6L2、 CDIPT、 ASPHD1、 KCTD13、TMEM219、 TAOK2、 DOC2A、TBX6等;患儿父母染色体芯片检查结果均未发现异常。确诊为16p11.2缺失综合征。②检索国内外报道的关于16p11.2缺失相关病例共1 378例,临床表型涉及到神经系统表现547例(39.7%),内分泌系统371例(26.9%),生长发育与骨骼异常84例(6.1%),泌尿生殖与消化系统10例(0.7%),心血管系统4例(0.3%),免疫功能异常1例(0.07%),由于缺失片段大小不一,导致临床表型具有较大的异质性。结论 多发骨骼畸形(尤其脊柱侧弯),伴神经系统异常(如癫痫、孤独症等),其他系统累及(如反复感染、内分泌异常等)应考虑16p11.2缺失综合征可能,通过染色体芯片检测技术以及高密度寡核苷酸微阵列比较基因组杂交技术帮助诊断。  相似文献   

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