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用尿素沉淀法和分子蒸馏法研究了二十碳五烯酸,二十二碳六烯酸乙酯的分离提纯。实验表明,尿素沉淀法能够将EPA,DHA乙酯提纯到90%,分子蒸馏法能提纯到70%以上。两种方法对比,分子蒸馏法提纯工序简单,效率高,尿素沉淀法工序繁杂,效率低。  相似文献   

本文概述了鱼油中所含EPA和DHA在人体内的生理生化功能,药用和营养价值,以及在自然界的存在和利用。  相似文献   

鳀鱼鱼油中EPA和DHA的气相色谱分析   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
用气相色谱法测定鳀鱼鱼油中EPA、DHA的含量,鱼油PUFA用0.5mol/L NaOH-甲醇液皂化,BF3-甲醇酯化成脂肪酸甲酯,进行气相色谱测定.内标物用TSA-M.模拟试验5份平均回收率EPA-M为89.86%,DHA-M为89.78%.变异系数EPA-M为0.80%,DHA-M为0.64%.表明本法简便、快速、重现性好.  相似文献   

用气相色谱法测定鳀鱼鱼油中EPA、DHA的含量,鱼油PUFA用0.5mol/LNaOH-甲醇液皂化,BF_3-甲醇酯化成脂肪酸甲酯,进行气相色谱测定。内标物用TSA-M。模拟试验5份平均回收率EPA-M为89.86%,DHA-M为89.78%。变异系数EPA-M为0.80%,DHA-M为0.64%。表明本法简便、快速、重现性好。  相似文献   

目的 研究从魟鱼肝脏中提取、精炼、纯化鱼油的方法,并测定其EPA和DHA含量。方法 采用正己烷超声提取,磷酸脱胶,氢氧化钠脱酸,活性碳脱色,旋转蒸发脱臭和脱腥,盐析法提取总脂肪酸,尿素乙醇包合获得高纯度的不饱和脂肪酸,然后用HPLC测定 EPA和DHA含量。结果 精炼后的鱼油为浅黄色澄清透明,有略淡的鱼腥味,其各项指标均达到了SC/T3502-2000标准的一级要求;纯化后的鱼油质量为肝脏质量的16.1%,其中EPA和DHA的含量分别为19.54%和57.62%。结论 魟鱼肝脏中提取、精炼、纯化鱼油的方法可行,检测方法可靠。  相似文献   

高效液相色谱法分离测定鱼油中的EPA和DHA   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
介绍用高效液相色谱法分离测定鱼鱼油及其制品中的二十碳五烯酸(eicosapentaenoicacid,EPA)和二十二碳六烯酸(docosahexaenoicacid,DHA)方法。使用Waters液相色谱仪,μ-BondparkC_(18)H_(37)填充柱(30cm×4mm)。鱼油经0.5mol/LKOH乙醇溶液皂化,三乙胺-ω-溴苯乙酮酯化后直接进样。以88%的甲醇水溶液为流动相,紫外254nm检测,用外标法测定。该方法的回收率EPA为93.0%~98.0%,DHA为93.0%~100.0%。相对标准偏差EPA为0.41%~0.86%,DHA为0.67%~1.20%(n=7)。本法简便、快速、重现性好。  相似文献   

盐—溶剂法浓缩鱼油中EPA和DHA的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

DHA和EPA的抗炎及免疫调节功能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人体内的多不饱和脂肪酸 (PuFAs)根据其不饱和双键的位置分为n - 3型和n - 6型 ,DHA(全顺式 - 4 ,7,10 ,13,16 ,19 -二十二碳六烯酸 ,2 2 :6n - 3)和EPA(全顺式 - 5 ,8,11,14 ,17-二十碳五烯酸 ,2 0 :5n - 3)均属于n - 3型PuFAs ,是人体所需必需脂肪酸α -亚麻酸经脱饱和和碳链延长作用生成的两种重要代谢产物。在自然界 ,DHA、EPA的两大主要来源是陆地植物和海洋生物 ,主要以甘油脂的形式存在于海产鱼贝类 ,尤其是鱼油[1 ] 。另外 ,绿叶蔬菜、陆地上的一些动物器官如脑、肝脏、肾上腺等也被证实含有一定量的DHA、EPA。近年研究发…  相似文献   

采用气-质联谱法测定长江中游的鲢鱼、鳙鱼等淡水鱼脂质组分的分子式和结构式,用双键化学定位法确定其双键部位,证明含有二十碳五烯酸(eicosapantaenoic acid,EPA)和二十二碳六烯酸(docosahexenoic acid,DHA),并用气相色谱外标法测定其含量。发现鲢鱼和鳙鱼亦富含 EPA 和DHA,每100g 湿样,EPA 和 DHA 含量分别为0.187g,0.229g 和0.246g,0.325g,与海洋鱼类含量较高的金枪鱼、鲑鱼相近,而胆固醇含量则较低。  相似文献   

DeterminationoftheContentsofEPAandDHAandLipidConstituentsinMainFreshWaterFishesin ChinaYANGJun-guo(杨钧国)(InstituteofCardiovasc...  相似文献   


Background. The interest in n-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) has expanded significantly in the last few years, due to their many positive effects described. Consequently, the interest in fish oil supplementation has also increased, and many different types of fish oil supplements can be found on the market. Also, it is well known that these types of fatty acids are very easily oxidized, and that stability among supplements varies greatly.

Aims of the study. In this pilot study we investigated the effects of two different types of natural fish oils containing different amounts of the n-3 PUFAs eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) and antioxidants on plasma and brain fatty acids, blood lipids, vitamin E, and in vivo lipid peroxidation, as well as brain nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activity, an enzyme which has been shown to be important for memory and learning ability.

Methods. Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into four groups and fed regular rat chow pellets enriched with 5% (w/w) of butter (control group), a natural fish oil (17.4% EPA and 11.7% DHA, referred to as EPA-rich), and a natural fish oil rich in DHA (7.7% EPA and 28.0% DHA, referred to as DHA-rich). Both of the fish oils were stabilized by a commercial antioxidant protection system (Pufanox®) at production. The fourth group received the same DHA-rich oil, but without Pufanox® stabilization (referred to as unstable). As an index of stability of the oils, their peroxide values were repeatedly measured during 9 weeks. The dietary treatments continued until sacrifice, after 10 days.

Results. Stability of the oils varied greatly. It took the two stabilized oils 9 weeks to reach the same peroxide value as the unstable oil reached after only a few days. Both the stabilized EPA- and DHA-rich diets lowered the triacylglycerols and total cholesterol compared to control (-45%, P < 0.05 and -54%, P < 0.001; -31%, P < 0.05 and -25%, P < 0.01) and so did the unstable oil, but less efficiently. Only the unstable oil increased in vivo lipid peroxidation significantly compared to control (+40%, P < 0.001). Most of the fatty acids in the plasma phospholipids were significantly affected by both the EPA- and DHA-rich diets compared to control, reflecting their specific fatty acid pattern. The unstable oil diet resulted in smaller changes, especially in n-3 PUFAs. In the brain phospholipids the changes were less pronounced, and only the diet enriched with the stabilized DHA-rich oil resulted in a significantly greater incorporation of DHA (+13%, P < 0.01), as well as total n-3 PUFAs (+13%, P < 0.01) compared to control. Only the stabilized DHA-rich oil increased the brain NOS activity (+33%, P < 0.01).

Conclusions. Both the EPA- and DHA-rich diets affected the blood lipids in a similarly positive manner, and they both had a large impact on plasma phospholipid fatty acids. It was only the unstable oil that increased in vivo lipid peroxidation. However, the intake of DHA was more important than that of EPA for brain phospholipid DHA enrichment and brain NOS activity, and the stability of the fish oil was also important for these effects.  相似文献   

目的:探讨二十碳五烯酸(EPA)与尼莫地平(nimodipine)对减轻动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血后的脑血管痉挛的影响。方法:选70例接受开颅夹闭(craniotomy and clip)手术治疗的动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血患者,随机分为对照组(n1=16),尼莫地平组(n2=26)和EPA组(n3=28)。对照组患者术后未特殊服用解痉药物,EPA组和尼莫地平组患者术后第4天开始口服1800mg/d剂量的EPA和尼莫地平120mg/d。观察脑血管迟发痉挛、脑梗死发生及术后一月随访的临床结果。结果:EPA和尼莫地平可以显著减少脑血管痉挛(n1group:36.1%,n2group:14.5%,P<0.05;n3group:13.8%,P<0.05)和脑血管痉挛引起的脑梗死的发生(n1group:26%,n2group:4.2%,P<0.01;n3group:3.5%,P<0.01),而EPA组和尼莫地平组1个月临床随访结果不良事件无明显差异。结论:EPA仅为减轻动脉瘤性蛛网膜下腔出血后的脑血管痉挛和脑梗死提供了一个治疗方向,但其具体机制仍需进一步研究。  相似文献   

富含DHA的鱼油制剂遗传毒性和亚急性毒性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的研究富含DHA的鱼油制剂对哺乳动物的遗传毒性和亚急性毒性的影响,了解富含DHA的鱼油制剂可能存在的远期危害和毒性作用。方法采用小鼠骨髓细胞微核试验和大鼠亚急性毒性试验,观察3.33g/kg.BW、1.67g/kg.BW和0.83g/kg.BW剂量的富含DHA的鱼油制剂对小鼠骨髓细胞微核率的影响及对产生亚急性毒性作用。结果通过小鼠骨髓细胞微核试验未观察到富含DHA的鱼油制剂有明显的诱导骨髓细胞形成微核的作用;通过大鼠亚急性毒性试验未观察到与受试物有关的毒性作用的最大剂量。结论实验未观察到富含DHA的鱼油制剂对哺乳动物产生遗传毒性和亚急性毒性作用,也未发现其可能存在的远期危害,有关其在其它方面的毒理学作用还有待进一步研究。  相似文献   

乌鳢血清免疫球蛋白IgM的分离纯化及其兔抗血清的制备   总被引:3,自引:5,他引:3  
目的分离纯化乌鳢血清免疫球蛋白,并制备其兔抗血清。方法用Protein A亲和层析的方法纯化乌鳢血清免疫球蛋白,通过SDS-聚丙烯酰胺凝胶电泳检测蛋白的纯度,测定其重链、轻链的分子量,免疫大耳白兔制备抗血清,利用免疫双扩散检测抗血清的效价。结果纯化了乌鳢血清免疫球蛋白,SDS-PAGE测定其重链和轻链的相对分子质量分别为78×103和27×103左右,免疫双扩散法测定兔抗乌鳢免疫球蛋白抗血清效价为1∶32。结论成功纯化了乌鳢免疫球蛋白,制备了兔抗乌鳢IgM抗血清,为研究乌鳢的免疫机制、建立乌鳢的血清学检测系统奠定了基础。  相似文献   

刘君 《中国医药导刊》2001,3(4):292-293
目的:富含DHA的鱼油制剂对小鼠中脑红核,黑质区NOS阳性神经元表达的影响,方法:实验小鼠分为两组,鱼油组和对照组,应用NADPH-d组化法显示小鼠红核及黑质NOS阳性神经元的数量,突起及透光率。结果:鱼油组NOS阳性神经元数量及透光率均大于对照组,鱼油组NOS阳性神经元胞体大而深染,透光率低,树突棘增多,对照组NOS阳性神经元胞体数量少,透光率高。结论:鱼油制剂中DHA对从胎鼠到幼鼠期神经系统的生长,发育有促进作用。  相似文献   

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