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The endogenous cannabinoid (CB) system mediates a number of behaviors associated with drug-seeking and drug self-administration. In this study the effects of CB1 receptor manipulations on operant ethanol (EtOH) responding during EtOH-seeking, EtOH-relapse as well as on-going EtOH self-administration were determined.


Alcohol-preferring (P) rats were trained in 2-lever operant chambers to self-administer 15% EtOH (v/v) and water on a concurrent fixed-ratio 5-fixed-ratio 1 (FR5-FR1) schedule of reinforcement in daily 1-h sessions. After 10 weeks, rats underwent 7 extinction sessions, followed by 2 weeks in their home cages without access to EtOH or operant chambers. Rats were then returned to the operant chambers for testing of EtOH-seeking behavior (no EtOH present) for 4 sessions. After a week in their home cages following the EtOH-seeking test, rats were returned to the operant chambers with access to EtOH and water (relapse). Rats were then maintained in the operant chambers for daily 1-h sessions with access to 15% EtOH and water for several weeks.


The CB1 receptor antagonist (SR141716A), at doses of 1 and 2 mg/kg, i.p. reduced EtOH-seeking and transiently reduced EtOH self-administration during relapse and maintenance. Conversely, treatment with the CB1 receptor agonist CP 55, 940, at doses of 1 and 10 μg/kg i.p., increased EtOH-seeking and EtOH self-administration during relapse.


The results of this study demonstrate that activation of CB1 receptors are involved in regulating EtOH-seeking as well as the reinforcing effects of EtOH under relapse and on-going self-administration conditions.  相似文献   

Acetaldehyde (ACD), the first metabolite of ethanol, is a biologically active compound, which may mediate some of the reinforcing, behavioral and neurotoxic effects of ethanol. The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that ACD is reinforcing within the mesolimbic system. The intracranial self-administration (ICSA) technique was employed to determine whether ACD was reinforcing in the posterior ventral tegmental area (VTA), a site that supports the reinforcing actions of ethanol. Adult female alcohol-preferring (P) rats were implanted with guide cannulae aimed at the posterior VTA. Subjects were placed in two-lever operant chambers 7-10 days after surgery. Responding on the "active lever" on a fixed ratio 1 (FR1) schedule of reinforcement caused the delivery of 100 nl of infusate, whereas responses on the "inactive lever" were without consequences. Rats were assigned to one of five groups that self-administered either artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF) throughout all eight sessions (4 h in duration) or 3- and 6-, 11- and 23-, 45- and 90- or 180- and 360-microM ACD for the eight sessions, with the lower concentration of ACD given for the initial four sessions and the higher concentration of ACD given for the last four sessions. A second experiment examined the acquisition (first four sessions), extinction (aCSF in sessions 5 and 6) and reinstatement using 90-microM ACD. A third experiment examined the effects of extending the time-out period (from 5 to 55 s) on the number and pattern of infusions of 23-microM ACD. Adult P rats readily self-administered 6-90-microM ACD and discriminated between the active and inactive levers. Furthermore, rats self-administering 90-microM ACD also demonstrated extinction behavior when aCSF was substituted for ACD and gradually reinstated active lever responding when ACD was reintroduced. P rats maintained similar numbers of infusions and infusion patterns under both time-out schedules. Overall, the data indicate that ACD is a potent reinforcer within the posterior VTA of the P rat.  相似文献   

We used an intracranial self-administration (ICSA) procedure to assess the involvement of the ventral tegmental area (VTA) nicotinic receptors in the rewarding effects of nicotine. We then challenged intra-VTA nicotine self-administration via systemic or local injections of dopamine (DA)-D1 and nicotinic receptor antagonists. C57BL/6J mice were stereotaxically implanted unilaterally with a guide cannula above the VTA. After 1 week of recovery, mice were allowed to discriminate between two arms of a Y-maze over seven daily sessions, one arm being reinforced by intracranial nicotine microinjection. Mice exhibited nicotine self-administration at both doses tested, i.e. 10 ng (21.6 pmol) and 100 ng (216 pmol)/50-nl injection. In contrast, mice receiving a 216-pmol nicotine dose 0.8 mm above VTA performed at chance level. Once the ICSA response was acquired, systemic pretreatment with the DA-D1 receptor antagonist SCH 23390 (25 μg/kg i.p.) or co-infusion of the nAChR antagonist DHβE with nicotine disrupted ICSA. Replacement of SCH 23390 by vehicle, or withdrawal of DHβE from nicotine/DHβE mixed solutions led to recovery of intra-VTA nicotine self-administration. We conclude that nicotinic receptors in the VTA, presumably 4β2 nAChRs are critically to mediate the rewarding effects of nicotine and that DA-D1 receptors are also directly implicated.  相似文献   

 The effect of blocking the A subtype of γ-aminobutyric acid (GABAA)receptors in the anterior ventral tegmental area (VTA) on ethanol (EtOH; 10% v/v) and saccharin (SACC; 0.0125%) consumption was investigated in alcohol-preferring P rats. Picrotoxin (0.005, 0.01, 0.05 and 0.10 μg/0.5 μl) was injected into the VTA, and consumption of EtOH and SACC was assessed in two 2-h limited-access drinking paradigms (concurrent EtOH/ SACC access, and alternate-day-access to EtOH and SACC). Under concurrent-access conditions, the picrotoxin microinjections resulted in a 55 and 84% decrease in EtOH consumption at the 0.05 and 0.10 μg doses, respectively, compared with consumption following microinjections of vehicle solution (P<0.05). Saccharin intake was not significantly altered by picrotoxin. Under alternate-day-access drinking conditions, the picrotoxin microinjections resulted in dose-dependent decreases in EtOH consumption of 37–68%, with significant decreases following the 0.005, 0.05 and 0.10 μg doses (P<0.04). Saccharin intake was significantly reduced only at the 0.05 μg dose. The decrease in EtOH consumption after 0.10 μg picrotoxin was attenuated by co-administration of 0.01 μg muscimol. This dose of muscimol had no effect on EtOH consumption when injected alone. Intra-VTA injections of bicuculline (0.04 μg), another GABAA antagonist, reduced EtOH intake, comparable to the reduction following 0.10 μg picrotoxin. Microinjections of 0.10 μg picrotoxin in regions outside the VTA failed to decrease EtOH intake. These results suggest that anterior VTA mechanisms regulating alcohol drinking behavior are under tonic GABA inhibition, mediated by GABAA receptors. The results also suggest that different neural mechanisms are regulating voluntary EtOH and SACC drinking behaviors. Received: 25 November 1997 / Final version: 4 March 1998  相似文献   

Eiler WJ  June HL 《Neuropharmacology》2007,52(8):1570-1579
The dopamine (DA) mesolimbic pathway, which originates from DA cell bodies within the ventral tegmental area (VTA), has been shown by various studies to play a role in the mediation of various drugs of abuse including alcohol (EtOH). It has been suggested that the VTA's control of EtOH reward is mediated in part by the D2 receptors within the VTA. These receptors may be under the regulation of reciprocal GABAergic inputs from forebrain components of the mesolimbic path such as the nucleus accumbens (NAcc), a classic EtOH reward substrate, and the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis, a substrate recently implicated in EtOH reinforcement, forming a self-regulating feedback loop. To test this hypothesis, D2 regulation of EtOH self-administration (SA) was evaluated by the microinfusion of the D2 antagonist eticlopride into the VTA of P rats, which produced profound reductions in EtOH SA in the highest (20.0 and 40.0 μg) doses tested in both BST/VTA and NAcc/VTA implanted P rats. To determine the role of GABA in the mediation of EtOH SA, a 32.0 ng dose the non-selective GABA antagonist SR 95531 was microinfused into the BST producing no effect on responding for EtOH and into the NAcc which lead to a reduction in EtOH responding. Finally, the hypothesis that GABA innervation of the VTA from the mesolimbic forebrain may influence EtOH SA was examined by the simultaneous infusion of eticlopride (40.0 μg) into the VTA and SR 95531 (32.0 ng) into either the BST or NAcc. This combination infusion completely attenuated the reduction in EtOH SA observed with the 40.0 μg dose of eticlopride alone in both groups of animals. These results suggest that while the D2 receptors within the VTA regulate EtOH-motivated behaviors, this is modulated by GABAergic input from the mesolimbic forebrain, specifically from the BST and NAcc.  相似文献   

Drug addiction is characterized by compulsive drug-seeking and drug-taking behavior and by a high rate of relapse even after long periods of abstinence. Although the mesocorticolimbic dopamine (DA) pathway is thought to play a critical role in drug craving and relapse, recent evidence also implicates glutamate, an amino acid known to activate DA neurons in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) via ionotropic receptors. To assess whether increased glutamate transmission in the VTA is involved in cocaine-primed drug-seeking behavior, we tested rats in a between-session reinstatement model. They were trained to press a lever for cocaine infusions (0.25 mg/infusion) accompanied by compound stimuli (light and tone) under a modified fixed-ratio 5 reinforcement schedule. Cocaine-primed reinstatement was conducted after lever pressing was extinguished in the absence of the conditioned stimuli. Blockade of ionotropic glutamate receptors in the VTA by local application of kynurenate (0.0, 1.0, 3.2, and 5.6 microg/side) dose-dependently decreased cocaine-primed reinstatement, whereas sucrose-primed reinstatement of sucrose-seeking behavior was unaffected. In addition, the minimum effective dose for decreasing cocaine-primed reinstatement was ineffective in the substantia nigra. Together, these data indicate that glutamatergic activation of the VTA is critical for cocaine-primed reinstatement. Because such activation can increase impulse flow in DA neurons and thus DA release in mesocorticolimbic targets, this glutamate-DA interaction in the VTA may underlie cocaine-primed relapse to cocaine-seeking behavior.  相似文献   

In the present study, the effects of intra-ventral tegmental area injections of cholinergic agents on morphine-induced conditioned place preference were investigated by using an unbiased 3-day schedule of place conditioning design in rats. The conditioning treatments with subcutaneous injections of morphine (0.5-7.5 mg/kg) induced a significant dose-dependent conditioned place preference for the drug-associated place. Intra-ventral tegmental area injection of an anticholinesterase, physostigmine (2.5 and 5 microg/rat) or nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonist, nicotine (0.5 and 1 microg/rat) with an ineffective dose of morphine (0.5 mg/kg) elicited a significant conditioned place preference. Furthermore, intra-ventral tegmental area administration of muscarinic acetylcholine receptor antagonist, atropine (1-4 microg/rat) or nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antagonist, mecamylamine (5 and 7.5 microg/rat) dose-dependently inhibited the morphine (5 mg/kg)-induced place preference. Atropine or mecamylamine reversed the effect of physostigmine or nicotine on morphine response respectively. The injection of physostigmine, but not atropine, nicotine or mecamylamine, into the ventral tegmental area alone produced a significant place aversion. Moreover, intra-ventral tegmental area administration of the higher doses of physostigmine or atropine, but not nicotine or mecamylamine decreased the locomotor activity. We conclude that muscarinic and nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the ventral tegmental area may critically mediate the rewarding effects of morphine.  相似文献   

Brain mesolimbic dopamine (DA) neurons are considered critical for the dependence-producing action of nicotine, and its stimulatory effect on behavior and DA neurotransmission appears largely mediated via nicotinic receptors (nAChRs) in the ventral tegmental area (VTA). The nAChR antagonist mecamylamine administered systemically in chronically nicotine-treated rats elicits a behavioral withdrawal syndrome concomitant with a reduced DA output in the nucleus accumbens (NAC). Here, we investigated the behavioral and biochemical consequences of intrategmental administration of mecamylamine in rats chronically infused with nicotine by means of minipumps for 14 days (9 mg/kg/day). Bilateral, intrategmental mecamylamine injections (1, 3 or 9 micrograms/0.5 microliter/side) dose-dependently increased abstinence signs such as gasps, teeth chatter, and reduced locomotor activity in nicotine-treated, but not in control animals. Moreover, a unilateral intrategmental injection of 9 micrograms mecamylamine reduced DA output in the ipsilateral NAC of chronically nicotine-treated rats, but not in control animals. Consequently, nAChRs in the VTA may be involved not only in the stimulatory effects of acute nicotine administration, but also in the withdrawal reaction following cessation of chronic nicotine treatment.  相似文献   



Relapse is one of the main challenges facing the current treatment of cocaine addiction. Understanding its neurobiological mechanism is a critical step toward developing effective anti-relapse therapies.  相似文献   

Rationale  Sardinian alcohol-preferring (sP) or -nonpreferring (sNP) rats are one of the few pairs of lines of rats selectively bred for their voluntary alcohol preference or aversion, respectively. Ventral tegmental area (VTA) dopamine (DA) neurons have long been implicated in many drug-related behaviors, including alcohol self-administration. However, the electrophysiological properties of these cells in sP and sNP rats remain unknown. Objectives  This study was designed to examine the properties of posterior VTA DA neurons and to unveil functional differences between sP and sNP rats. Materials and methods  The electrophysiological properties of DA cells were examined performing either single-cell extracellular recordings in anesthetized rats or whole-cell patch-clamp recordings in slices. Results  Extracellular single-unit recordings revealed an increased spontaneous activity in sP rats. However, a corresponding difference was not found in vitro. Moreover, DA cells of sP and sNP rats showed similar intrinsic properties, suggesting changes at synaptic level. Therefore, inhibitory- and excitatory-mediated currents were studied. A decreased probability of GABA release was found in sP rats. Additionally, sP rats showed a reduced depolarization-induced suppression of inhibition, which is an endocannabinoid-mediated form of short-term plasticity. Additionally, the effect of cannabinoid-type 1 (CB1) receptor agonist WIN55,212-2 on GABAA IPSCs was smaller in sP rats, suggesting either a reduced number or functionality of CB1 receptors in the VTA. Conclusions  Our findings suggest that both decreased GABA release and endocannabinoid transmission in the VTA play a role in the increased impulse activity of DA cells and, ultimately, in alcohol preference displayed by sP rats.  相似文献   

Chronic administration of nicotine induces adaptations in the brain reward circuit to counteract the acute drug effects; when nicotine administration ceases, these adaptations remain unopposed and lead to drug withdrawal. The present studies were conducted to assess the effects of chronic nicotine administration on nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) activity in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and the nucleus accumbens (Nacc) shell. A discrete-trial intracranial self-stimulation procedure that provides current-intensity thresholds as measures of brain reward function was used in rats. Previous studies have shown that withdrawal from nicotine-induced elevations in brain reward thresholds that are indicative of a decrease in brain reward function. We show here that injections of the nAChR antagonist dihydro-beta-erythroidine (DHbetaE; 0.6-20 microg total bilateral dose) into the VTA, but not outside the VTA, resulted in significant elevations in brain reward thresholds in nicotine dependent rats (9 mg/kg/day nicotine hydrogen tartrate) while having no effect in saline-treated controls. By contrast, DHbetaE (0.6-20 microg total bilateral dose) injected into the Nacc shell had no effect on brain reward thresholds of nicotine- or saline-treated rats. The adaptations in cholinergic transmission in the VTA are likely to mediate, at least partly, the affective signs of nicotine withdrawal in humans.  相似文献   



The ventral tegmental area (VTA) mediates the local stimulating effects of ethanol (EtOH) in a region-dependent manner, with EtOH administration in the posterior but not anterior VTA stimulating the mesolimbic system. The serotonin-3 (5-HT3) receptor has been involved in the effects of EtOH on the mesolimbic system.  相似文献   

The GABAB receptor agonist, baclofen, suppressed alcohol deprivation effect (a proposed experimental model of alcohol relapse) in Sardinian alcohol-preferring rats. The present study was designed to extend the characterization of the “anti-relapse” properties of baclofen to the reinstatement of alcohol-seeking behavior (another proposed model of alcohol relapse). Rats of the sP line were first trained to lever press for alcohol under a fixed ratio 4 schedule of reinforcement. Subsequently, rats were exposed to two within-session 70-min extinction/reinstatement tests with saline or baclofen administered in a counterbalanced, within-subject design. After a 60-min extinction phase, an alcohol-associated stimulus complex was presented (reinstatement phase). Saline or baclofen (3 mg/kg) were administered via a permanent intraperitoneal catheter, 30 min before the reinstatement phase. During the reinstatement phase, baclofen administration: (a) reduced by approximately 60% responses on the previously active lever, (b) increased latency to the first response and (c) decreased the response rate. These results indicate that baclofen reduced cue-induced reinstatement of alcohol-seeking behavior in sP rats.  相似文献   

Objective: To investigate the function of muscarinic receptors in the ventral tegmental area in vivo, the release of endogenous monoamines was simultaneously measured in the somatodendritic (ventral tegmental area) and terminal (frontal cortex and nucleus accumbens) regions of the mesocorticolimbic dopaminergic system in rats, using dual probe microdialysis. Methods: Rats were implanted with dual microdialysis probes ipsilaterally into the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and nucleus accumbens (NAC) or frontal cortex (FC). Results: Intrategmental infusion of the muscarinic agonist oxotremorine M (OXO M, 0.1 and 1 mM) increased extracellular levels of dopamine and serotonin, but not noradrenaline, in the VTA to a maximum of 200% over baseline in both urethane-anaesthetized and unanaesthetized rats. In freely moving animals, this effect was accompanied by strong motor agitation. Both VTA dopamine and serotonin levels dropped to 60% or less of baseline when the perfusion medium was replaced by a calcium-free medium containing OXO M. In the NAC and FC, a similar increase in extracellular dopamine, but not serotonin and noradrenaline, was observed during OXO M infusion in the VTA. The removal of calcium during OXO M infusion in the VTA did not cause a decrease in NAC dopamine levels. Activation of serotonin and dopamine release by OXO M in the VTA and FC was dramatically reduced or prevented by the co-infusion of the muscarinic antagonist N-methylscopolamine (0.1 mM). Conclusion: These data demonstrate that VTA dopamine cells possess functional muscarinic receptors whose activation stimulates the release of dopamine in the VTA, NAC and FC. These results also suggest that muscarinic receptors may modulate the synaptic release of serotonin in the VTA. Received: 12 February 1999 / Final version: 6 July 1999  相似文献   

The meso-limbic dopamine (DA) system has an important role in regulating alcohol drinking. Previous findings from our laboratory indicated that Wistar rats self-administered ethanol (EtOH) directly into the posterior, but not anterior, ventral tegmental area (VTA), and that coadministration of a DA D(2,3) receptor agonist or a serotonin-3 (5-HT3) receptor antagonist blocked EtOH self-administration. In addition, we reported that alcohol-preferring (P) rats self-administered acetaldehyde (ACD), the first metabolite of EtOH, into the posterior VTA. The objectives of this study were to compare the reinforcing effects of EtOH and ACD within the VTA of P rats to examine the possibility that the reinforcing effects of EtOH within the VTA may be mediated by its conversion to ACD. Adult female P rats were stereotaxically implanted with guide cannulae aimed at either the posterior or anterior VTA. At 1 week after surgery, rats were placed in standard two-lever (active and inactive) experimental chambers for a total of seven to eight sessions. The 4-h sessions were conducted every other day. The results indicated that (a) 75-300 mg% (17-66 mM) EtOH and 6-90 microM ACD were self-administered into the posterior, but not anterior, VTA; (b) the self-administration of 150 mg% EtOH was not altered by coinfusion of a catalase inhibitor; (c) coadministration of the D(2/3) agonist quinpirole (100 microM) blocked the self-infusions of 150 mg% EtOH and 23 microM ACD into the posterior VTA; and (d) coadministration of 200 microM ICS205,930 (5-HT3 receptor antagonist) prevented the self-infusion of 150 mg% EtOH, whereas concentrations of ICS 205,930 up to 400 microM had no effect on the self-infusion of 23 microM ACD into the posterior VTA. Overall, the results of this study indicate that EtOH and ACD can independently produce reinforcing effects within the posterior VTA, and that activation of DA neurons mediates these effects. Furthermore, activation of 5-HT3 receptors within the posterior VTA is involved in the self-infusion of EtOH, but not ACD.  相似文献   

Abstract Rationale. Previous work from our laboratory indicated that Wistar rats will self-administer ethanol (EtOH) directly into the posterior ventral tegmental area (VTA) and that 5-HT3 antagonists will inhibit EtOH-stimulated somatodendritic release of dopamine within the VTA. Objectives. The objective of this study was to use the intracranial self-administration procedure to determine the involvement of 5-HT3 receptors in mediating the reinforcing effects of EtOH within the VTA, and to increase our understanding of central nervous system mechanisms involved in the rewarding effects of EtOH. Methods. Adult female Wistar rats were stereotaxically implanted with guide cannulae aimed at the posterior VTA. After 1 week, rats were placed into standard two-lever experimental chambers for a total of seven sessions (4-h sessions separated by 48 h) and allowed to self-administer vehicle alone, a 5-HT3 antagonist alone, 200 mg% EtOH alone, or combinations of 200 mg% EtOH with different concentrations of a 5-HT3 antagonist (n=6–9 per group). Results. Throughout all seven sessions, Wistar rats self-infused more 200 mg% ETOH (25±5 infusions) than vehicle (5±4 infusions) or 5-HT3 antagonist (6±4 infusions) (P<0.05), and responded significantly more (P<0.05) on the active than inactive lever (e.g., 50±12 vs 12±8 responses in session 1). Co-administration of 50 μM or 100 μM ICS 205,930 with 200 mg% EtOH completely prevented the acquisition and maintenance of EtOH self-infusion into the posterior VTA. Similarly, co-administration of either 25–100 μM LY-278–584 or 10–100 μM zacopride with 200 mg% EtOH completely blocked EtOH-maintained intracranial self-administration behavior. Conclusions. The results of this study suggest that the reinforcing effects of EtOH within the posterior VTA of Wistar rats require activation of local 5-HT3 receptors. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

1. The in vivo effects of a selective partial agonist for neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChRs) alpha4beta2 subtype, TC-2559, characterised recently in in vitro preparations, have been profiled. The brain bioavailability of TC-2559 and its effects on the spontaneous firing and bursting properties of the dopaminergic (DAergic) neurones recorded extracellularly in the ventral tegmental area (VTA) were studied following systemic administration in anaesthetised rats. 2. Cumulative doses of TC-2559 (0.021-1.36 mg kg(-1), i.v.) increased both the firing and bursting activities of VTA DA neurones. The effect of bolus doses of TC-2559 of 0.66 or 1.32 mg kg(-1), i.v., was approximately equivalent to that of 0.0665 mg kg(-1), i.v. nicotine. 3. The excitation evoked by both nicotine and TC-2559 was fully reversed by DHbetaE (0.39-0.77 mg kg(-1), i.v.), an alpha4beta2-subtype-preferring nicotinic antagonist, and application of nicotine after DHbetaE failed to evoke any excitation. MLA (0.23 mg kg(-1), i.v.), an alpha7 selective antagonist, failed to alter TC-2559-evoked excitation and bursting activities, and a novel alpha7 agonist (PSAB-OFP; 0.23 mg kg(-1), i.v.) was also without effect. 4. The present results indicated that TC-2559 fully mimics nicotine by increasing both the excitability and bursting behaviour of VTA DA neurones, effects that are predominantly due to activation of alpha4beta2-like nAChRs. 5. TC-2559 has been demonstrated to be a useful in vivo pharmacological tool for studying the alpha4beta2 subtype of nicotinic receptor.  相似文献   

Rationale  A recently published study has shown that microinjections of ethanol, or its metabolite, acetaldehyde into the substantia nigra pars reticulata, are able to produce behavioral activation in rats. Another brain site that could participate in such effects is the ventral tegmental area (VTA). Objectives  We have investigated the locomotor-activating effects of local microinjections of ethanol and acetaldehyde into the posterior VTA of rats and the role of opioid receptors in such effects. Materials  Cannulae were placed into the posterior VTA to perform microinjections of ethanol (75 or 150 nmol) or acetaldehyde (25 or 250 nmol) in animals not previously microinjected or microinjected with either the nonselective opioid antagonist naltrexone (13.2 nmol) or the irreversible antagonist of the μ-opioid receptors β-funaltrexamine (β-FNA; 2.5 nmol). After injections, spontaneous activity was monitored for 60 min. Results  Injections of ethanol or acetaldehyde into the VTA increased the locomotor activity of rats with maximal effects at doses of 150 nmol for ethanol and 250 nmol for acetaldehyde. These locomotor-activating effects were reduced by previously administering naltrexone (13.2 nmol) or β-FNA (2.5 nmol) into the VTA. Conclusions  The posterior VTA is another brain region involved in the locomotor activation after the intracerebroventricular administration of ethanol or acetaldehyde. Our data indicate that opioid receptors, particularly the μ-opioid receptors, could be the target of the actions of these compounds in the VTA. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that acetaldehyde could be a mediator of some ethanol effects.  相似文献   

Rationale: The pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus (PPTg) has been implicated in drug reward, particularly in the development of dependence. However, little is known of the receptor systems within this nucleus which might be involved. Furthermore, some research suggests that the PPTg may also be part of the neuronal circuitry involved in established drug-taking behavior. Objective: The objective of these experiments was to examine the role of mu-opioid and nicotinic cholinergic mechanisms in the PPTg in cocaine self-administration. Methods: Microinfusions of mu-opioid and nicotinic receptor selective compounds were made into the PPTg of rats trained to self-administer cocaine intravenously, in the vicinity of cholinergic cells which are known to project to the midbrain dopamine neurons of the ventral tegmental area (VTA). Results: The mu-opioid selective agonist DAMGO, tested at doses of 0, 0.05 and 0.5 μg, produced a dose-related reduction in the number of cocaine infusions obtained during the 1-h self-administration sessions. The mu-selective antagonist CTOP (0–2 μg) and nicotine (0–10 μg) did not produce significant changes in cocaine self-administration. Microinfusions of the nicotinic antagonist dihydro-β-erythroidine (0–30 μg) produced a small but significant increase in cocaine-maintained responding. Conclusions: These data show that mu-opioid mechanisms in the PPTg can influence cocaine self-administration markedly. Moreover, the data demonstrate that PPTg circuitry can influence drug reward in already-established drug-reinforced behavior, as well as during the development of dependence (as shown by previous research). Received: 30 November 1998 / Final version: 25 March 1999  相似文献   

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