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BACKGROUND: Baker's asthma is related to wheat flour exposure and to other cereal dust exposure. OBJECTIVES: The cockroach is considered a significant allergen and can occasionally trigger asthma in bakery workers. METHODS: The case of a 33-year-old male, suffering from asthma in the workplace with previous equivocal tests for cereal dust was investigated Clinical assessment of the worker consisted of cutaneous and blood screening for common and occupational allergens, including cockroach. The subject was monitored for aspecific bronchial reactivity and peak flow in a cockroach disinfected workplace, and these data were compared to data obtained after previous workplace exposure. RESULTS: The worker was not allergic to wheat and other cereal dusts or alpha-amylase, but was sensitized to cockroach. His asthmatic symptoms disappeared, and bronchial reactivity varied after a long period outside the bakery workplace. PEF monitoring, that had showed diurnal variability > 20% and differences between working and non-working periods, demonstrated both normal values and daily variations less than 10% when he returned to the cockroach disinfected workplace. CONCLUSIONS: The cockroach is a common allergen, however no case of work-related baker's asthma due to the cockroach has been previously described. Clinical history and analysis of the allergens at the workplace must direct the clinical approach of the investigators, in order to correctly evaluate the subject and enable him/her to resume work.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Serial measurements of peak expiratory flow (PEF) are recommended in the evidence-based review list as the first stage in objective confirmation of occupational asthma. Different centres have reported widely different success in obtaining records of sufficient data quantity for diagnosis. We investigated different methods of instruction and determined the return rate and quality of the resulting record for the diagnosis of occupational asthma. METHODS: Consecutive new referrals were recruited from a specialized occupational lung disease clinic and requested to carry out serial PEFs for the assessment of suspected occupational asthma. Requests to carry out the records were either from written postal instructions or personal instruction from a PEF specialist. Record quality received from other clinicians was also analysed separating those using dedicated occupational forms, and those submitting on graph type forms. RESULTS: The postal return rate was 56% and the personal rate 85%. The number of records fulfilling all the data quality criteria were similar in the postal and personal groups (55 and 59%, respectively). Pre-existing records from other clinics plotted from graph charts (fulfilling all criteria) were only adequate in 23%, compared with 61% adequate for pre-existing records plotted from occupational forms. Failure of the record to contain consecutive work periods of > or =3 workdays was the most common failure. CONCLUSION: The return rate of PEFs for diagnosing occupational asthma is better when patients have been given specific instructions from a PEF specialist and the data quantity better when recorded on a dedicated form.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The Health & Safety Executive estimate that between 1500-3000 UK workers develop asthma through potentially avoidable workplace exposures each year. AIMS: To assess the perception of health, safety and the work environment by workers with symptoms suggestive of occupational asthma. METHODS: A total of 97 workers referred to hospital specialists with symptoms suggestive of occupational asthma were studied in order to investigate their attitudes to the workplace, safety and health. A qualitative study design using semi-structured telephone interviews at 2 months and 12 months following enrolment was used at 6 national UK centres with a special interest in occupational asthma. RESULTS: Many workers in the study felt let down by the workplace and management and perceived that a lack of health and safety measures had contributed to the development of their asthma symptoms. Many workers felt that their employers were 'uncaring' and were pursuing or considering medico-legal cases against them. CONCLUSIONS: Workers' perception of risk influences their behaviour in the workplace, and their own health beliefs potentially create barriers to changing this. It is essential to consider workers' perceptions when developing strategies to effect change within the workplace.  相似文献   

We performed a cross-sectional study to detect occupational asthma (OA) in 63 subjects occupationally exposed to herbal and fruit tea dust and in 63 corresponding controls. The evaluation included a questionnaire, skin prick tests to workplace and common inhalant allergens, spirometry, and histamine challenge test. The evaluation of the work-relatedness of asthma in the exposed workers was based on serial peak expiratory flow rate (PEFR) measurements and bronchoprovocation tests. We found a higher prevalence of respiratory symptoms in the exposed workers, whereas spirometric parameters were significantly lower. The prevalence of sensitisation to allergens and of bronchial hyperresponsivenss (BHR) did not differ significantly between the groups. The prevalence of asthma was also similar in both groups (8.0 % vs. 6.4 %; P=0.540). Work-relatedness of symptoms was reported by all asthmatic tea workers and by no control with asthma. Significant work-related changes in PEFR diurnal variations and in non-specific BHR, suggesting allergic OA, were found in one tea worker with asthma (1.6 %). No specific workplace agent causing OA in the affected subject was identified. None of the tea workers with asthma met the criteria for medical case definition of the reactive airway dysfunction syndrome (RADS). Our data confirm workplace exposure to herbal and fruit tea dust as a risk factor for OA.  相似文献   

This position statement reviews several aspects of spirometric testing in the workplace, where spirometry is employed in the primary, secondary, and tertiary prevention of occupational lung disease. Primary prevention includes pre-placement and fitness-for-duty examinations as well as research and monitoring of health status in groups of exposed workers; secondary prevention includes periodic medical screening of individual workers for early effects of exposure to known occupational hazards; and tertiary prevention includes clinical evaluation and impairment/disability assessment. For all of these purposes, valid spirometry measurements are critical, requiring: documented spirometer accuracy and precision, a rigorous and standardized testing technique, standardized measurement of pulmonary function values from the spirogram, adequate initial and refresher training of spirometry technicians, and, ideally, quality assessment of samples of spirograms. Interpretation of spirometric results usually includes comparison with predicted values and should also evaluate changes in lung function over time. Response to inhaled bronchodilators and changes in relation to workplace exposure may also be assessed. Each of these interpretations should begin with an assessment of test quality and, based on the most recent ATS recommendations, should rely on a few reproducible indices of pulmonary function (FEV1, FVC, and FEV1/FVC.) The use of FEF rates (e.g., the FEF25-75%) in interpreting results for individuals is strongly discouraged except when confirming borderline airways obstruction. Finally, the use of serial PEF measurements is emerging as a method for confirming associations between reduced or variable pulmonary function and workplace exposures in the diagnosis of occupational asthma. Throughout this position statement, ACOEM makes detailed recommendations to ensure that each of these areas of test performance and interpretation follow current recommendations/standards in the pulmonary and regulatory fields. Submitted by the Occupational and Environmental Lung Disorder Committee on November 16,1999. Approved by the ACOEM Board of Directors on January 4,2000.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE--To study the general and specific incidence of occupational asthma within a defined geographic area; to audit the diagnosis of occupational asthma; to determine proposed mechanisms of asthma; and to determine the employment state of workers at diagnosis. DESIGN--A surveillance scheme of physicians likely to see cases of occupational asthma. SETTING--The West Midlands Region of the United Kingdom. SUBJECTS--Workers with occupational asthma diagnosed within the boundaries of the West Midlands Region. MAIN MEASURES--Demographic data, employer, agent to which exposed, date of diagnosis, method of diagnosis, proposed mechanism of asthma, and employment state. RESULTS--A recognised incidence of 43 (95% confidence interval CI 35-52) new cases per million general workers per year was detected. Specific occupational incidences varied from 1833 (95% CI 511-2990) per million paint sprayers to eight per million clerks. Specific incidence by District Health Authority varied from 103 in Solihull to 14 per million general workers in South Warwickshire. Agents to which workers were exposed at the time of diagnosis were generally well recognised (isocyanates 20.4%, flour 8.5%, colophony 8.3%). The most commonly used method of diagnosis was serial peak expiratory flow (PEF) measurement. Its use varied (specialist unit 72%, general chest physicians 50%, compensation board 48%). Workers were still exposed and therefore could have usefully performed PEF readings in 4% of cases where they were omitted from the specialist centre, 16% seen by chest physicians, and 2% seen by the Compensation Board. Other methods of diagnosis were used only infrequently outside the specialist unit. Fifty six per cent of reporting physicians considered that the mechanism of asthma was allergy compared with 18% who believed that it was irritation. Twenty eight per cent of workers were exposed to the suspected causative agent at the time of diagnosis, 38% were either on long term sickness absence, had retired, or had become unemployed. More workers (38%) who were exposed to agents recognised for statutory compensation before the 1991 changes seen at the specialist centre reach compensation and were reported to the scheme by the Compensation Board than those seen by chest physicians (9%). CONCLUSIONS--These recognised incidences are likely to be an underestimate of the true incidence. They highlight at risk occupations and suggest underdiagnosis in some District Health Authorities. They suggest that diagnostic methods are underused outside specialist centres and that the mechanism of asthma is generally considered to be allergic.  相似文献   

The paper reports 5 cases of bronchial asthma in hairdressers exposed to bleaching dusts containing potassium and ammonium persulphate. All subjects complained of asthmatic symptoms at diagnosis, and underwent measurement of non-specific bronchial hyperresponsiveness to methacholine, skin prick tests for common allergens, PEF monitoring during 2 weeks at work, specific bronchial challenge (SBC) test with bleaching dust, and assessment of airway inflammation by induced sputum technique. All subjects were reassessed during a follow-up of 1 to 5 years. All subjects were negative for skin prick tests, but 3 showed an abnormal PEF variability at work (Maximal Amplitude > 10%, in at least half of the monitoring period). All subjects showed a positive airway response to SBC with bleaching dust, and 4 subjects did not react to the control tests with lactose dust. One subject only showed a high percentage of eosinophils (> 3%) in the induced sputum, while all were hyperreactive to methacholine (PD20FEV1 < 0.3 mg). During the follow-up, 2 subjects stopped working and 4 were treated by inhaled corticosteroids and bronchodilators. All subjects reported a significant improvement in asthmatic symptoms, related partly to the reduction of occupational exposure in the workplace and to the efficacy of anti-inflammatory treatment. In conclusion, similar findings were observed in these 5 cases of hairdresser asthma: absence of atopy, positive response to SBC, mild changes in PEF and variable percentages of eosinophils in induced sputum. Pharmacological treatment, associated with reduction of occupational exposure, could improve asthmatic symptoms, despite continuing the job.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: About 25% of greenhouse flower and/or ornamental plant growers sensitised to workplace flowers or moulds have occupational asthma, a disease that is suffered by 8% of the growers who cultivate these crops. Aim: To document a case of occupational asthma due to IgE mediated allergy to the flower Molucella laevis. METHODS: and Results: There was a history of work related seasonal asthmatic and rhinoconjunctivitis symptoms in a Molucella laevis grower. Bronchial obstruction following exposure to Molucella laevis was documented by a fall in FEV(1) from 89% to 73% of predicted during seasonal exposure to Molucella laevis. Daily PEF measurements showed a fall from 500 to 250 l/min during this period following withdrawal of inhaled steroids. Bronchial reactivity to inhaled methacholine was increased (PC(20) 1.45 mg/ml). Confirmation of sensitisation to Molucella laevis flower pollen extract was done using an SPT and by demonstration of Molucella laevis specific serum IgE (18 IU/ml; class 4). Specific inhalation challenge with Molucella laevis extract provoked an early and late asthmatic reaction (EAR and LAR) with a fall in FEV(1) compared with control day of 40% and 53% respectively, with associated 5.1-fold increase in absolute sputum eosinophil cell counts and 2.9-fold increase in neutrophil cell counts.  相似文献   

This study describes workplace accidents recorded by the Social Security Office in Botucatu, S?o Paulo, from 1995 to 1999. Related work force information for the same period was obtained from the 8 largest industrial companies in the city. Data were coded and processed electronically. A total of 2,462 accidents were recorded. Of these, 87.3% were workplace accidents, 6.1% occurred while commuting, and 6.6% were occupational diseases. From 1996 to 1999 there was a reduction in workplace accidents reflecting a drop in accidents at the largest companies. Mean time-off-the-job due to accidents was greater in small companies (16.21 to 24.32 days) than in the large ones (9.83 to 12.78 days), with a statistical significance of alpha = 5% and p = 0.0001. The results: (a) confirm that analyses based on number of officially recorded workplace accidents are limited; (b) show the importance of improving the quality of the system for recording workplace accidents in order to include all classes of workers, not only the registered work force; and (c) show that changes in company work management strategies are important to understand local changes in accident frequency.  相似文献   

CONTEXT: Latex allergy and sensitization have been an important problem facing health care workers. Providing a latex-safe environment is the intervention of choice. CASE PRESENTation: A 46-year-old surgical pathologist presented with increasing shortness of breath for the previous 4 years. Twenty years before presentation, he noted a pruritic, erythematous rash on his hands, associated with latex glove use. Fourteen years before presentation, during pathology residency, he developed a nonproductive cough, wheezing, and an urticarial rash, temporally associated with use of powdered latex gloves. These symptoms improved while away from work. At presentation, he had one-flight dyspnea. His skin prick test was positive for latex, and pulmonary function testing showed mild obstruction, which was reversible with bronchodilator use. Because the patient was at risk for worsening pulmonary function and possible anaphylaxis with continued exposure, he was removed from the workplace because no reasonable accommodation was made for him at that time. DISCUSSION: The patient's presentation is consistent with latex-induced occupational asthma. Initially noting dermal manifestations, consistent with an allergic contact dermatitis secondary to accelerators present in latex gloves, he later developed urticaria, flushing, and respiratory symptoms, consistent with a type I hypersensitivity reaction to latex. He also has reversible airways disease, with significant improvement of peak expiratory flow rate and symptoms when away from work. RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL OR PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE: The ideal treatment for latex sensitization is removal from and avoidance of exposure. Clinicians should consider occupational asthma when patients present with new-onset asthma or asthmatic symptoms that worsen at work.  相似文献   

Objectives: To estimate the prevalence of work related asthma and work related wheezing in United States workers. To identify high risk industries that could be targeted for future intervention. To determine the population attributable risk of work related asthma and work related wheezing.

Methods: The third national health and nutrition examination survey, 1988–1994 (NHANES III) was analyzed to determine the prevalence of work related asthma and wheezing and to identify initially defined industries at risk among United States workers aged 20 and older. Separate logistic models were developed with work related asthma and work related wheezing as outcomes. Work related asthma was defined as affirmative response to questions on self reported physician diagnosed asthma and work related symptoms of rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and asthma. Work related wheezing was defined as affirmative response to questions on self reported wheezing or whistling in the chest in the previous 12 months and work related symptoms of rhinitis, conjunctivitis, and asthma. All analyses were adjusted for age, sex, smoking, and atopy.

Results: The prevalence of work related asthma was 3.70% (95% confidence interval (95% CI) 2.88 to 4.52) and the prevalence of work related wheezing was 11.46% (95% CI 9.87 to 13.05). The main industries identified at risk of work related asthma and wheeze included the entertainment industry; agriculture, forestry, and fishing; construction; electrical machinery; repair services; and lodging places. The population attributable risk for work related asthma was 36.5% and work related wheezing was 28.5%.

Conclusions: The findings provide impetus for further research and actions by public health professionals which prioritise occupational asthma on the public health agenda. Future intervention strategies need to be developed for effective control and prevention of asthma in the workplace.




To examine the long-term effects on work ability among patients previously diagnosed with occupational asthma (OA) or work-exacerbated asthma (WEA) or symptoms in relation to workplace dampness.


A questionnaire follow-up was used to study 1,098 patients (of whom 87 % were female) examined because of a suspected occupational respiratory disease caused by building dampness and mold. Self-rated work ability and early withdrawal from work were the two outcomes of the study. As determinants, we investigated the influence of the asthma diagnosis given in the initial examinations (OA or WEA), the number of persistent indoor air symptoms, and the psychosocial factors at work.


With a mean follow-up of 7.8 years, 40 % of the OA patients, under 65 years of age, were outside worklife versus 23 % of the WEA patients and 15 % of the patients with only upper respiratory symptoms at baseline. The diagnosis of OA was associated with a nearly sixfold risk for early withdrawal from work in a comparison with a reference group with upper respiratory symptoms. A perceived poor social climate at work and poor experiences with supervisory co-operation were associated with impaired work ability outcomes. Those with multiple, long-term indoor air symptoms considerably more often perceived their work ability to be poor when compared with those with less significant symptoms.


Adverse work ability outcomes are associated with asthma in relation to workplace dampness. The study raises the need for effective preventive measures in order to help workers with indoor air symptoms sustain their work ability.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The pharmaceutical industry employs >350 000 people worldwide in operations including research and development (R&D), manufacturing, sales and marketing. Workers employed in R&D and manufacturing sectors are potentially exposed to drug substances in the workplace that are designed to modify physiology and also to chemical precursors that are potentially hazardous to health. Pharmaceutical workers are at risk from adverse health effects, including occupational asthma, pharmacological effects, adverse reproductive outcomes and dermatitis. AIM: This study aimed to describe the approaches taken by pharmaceutical companies for identifying and communicating potential adverse health effects that may result from workplace exposures and in setting 'in-house' exposure control limits and to highlight the challenges in controlling workplace exposures to increasingly potent compounds. METHOD: The literature was reviewed by searching the Medline and HSELine databases. RESULTS: The findings are presented in five sections, covering: test methods and approaches to occupational toxicology; hazard communication; approaches to setting health-based occupational exposure limits for pharmaceutically active agents; recent approaches to risk control; and occupational hygiene and exposure controls. CONCLUSION: Significant efforts have been directed at predicting and evaluating potential occupational health hazards in the pharmaceutical industry. The pharmaceutical industry has provided leadership in controlling exposure to hazardous substances. Much of this work has been driven by a real need to control occupational exposures to substances that can have profound adverse health effects in exposed employees and that are becoming increasingly more potent.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: A prospective epidemiological study was conducted at a fly-in-fly-out mining operation in Australia to assess the dynamics of occupational fatigue and its potential risk factors. METHODS: Performance and perceived fatigue were measured at the start/finish of each 12-h shift throughout the 28-day roster (10 days day shift work on-site, 5 days rest off-site, 8 days night shift work on-site and 5 days rest off-site) using the Mackworth Clock Vigilance test and the Swedish Occupational Fatigue Inventory, respectively. Additionally, major predisposing/reinforcing factors of fatigue were measured including a detailed sleep diary (length/quality of sleep, wake patterns), a diary on alcohol consumption and a general health/fitness questionnaire. RESULTS: Of 55 production staff at the site 52 (95%) participated in the study. Significantly increased occupational fatigue was observed at concerning levels at the finish of night shifts 1-3 and from day shift 8 onwards. At the measured level, total hours of sleep (average 6.8 h per night) and number of standard drinks (average 1.5) were not significantly correlated with fatigue measurements. CONCLUSIONS: A disturbed diurnal rhythm at the beginning of night shift and a roster of more than eight consecutive days were identified as the primary contributing factors to occupational fatigue in this setting. The observed magnitude of effects suggests adverse implications for safety as the effects on performance were beyond what would be expected at blood alcohol concentrations of 0.05%. The results of this study have been used to generate highly specific strategies to reduce fatigue in the workplace.  相似文献   

AIM: To determine the risk of asthma among 7891 Finnish construction workers in the Pirkanmaa Region of southern Finland. METHOD: Retrospective cohort study of hospital records of the Tampere University Hospital. A population of Pirkanmaa paper mill workers (n=2686) and the Pirkanmaa working age population (n=252,500) served as reference populations. RESULTS: There were 147 new cases of asthma among the construction workers in 1991-1995. The annual rate was 37 per 10,000 workers and the odds ratio was 2.1 [95% confidence interval (CI)=1.2-3.6] for the women and 1.8 (95% CI=1.5-2.2) for the men when compared with the general working age population. In general, the risk of asthma among the paper mill workers did not differ from the risk of asthma among the general working age population. The construction workers had an increased risk for asthma, although the number of reported cases of occupational asthma was lower for the construction workers than for the paper mill workers or for the working population. CONCLUSION: Construction work, especially dusty tasks, was associated with an elevated risk of asthma. Thus the effect of exposure to irritant agents may have a role in the development of asthma among construction workers. For the most part, these cases of asthma do not meet the criteria for occupational asthma because the specified causal agent can not be defined. The aetiologic agents and mechanisms of asthma in construction work should be clarified for preventive measures.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: BACKGROUND: Workers with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) often experience restrictions in functioning at work and participation in employment. Strategies to maintain work productivity exist, but these interventions do not involve the actual workplace. Therefore the aim of this study is to investigate the (cost)effectiveness of an intervention program at the workplace on work productivity for workers with RA. Methods/design This study is a randomized controlled trial (RCT) in specialized rheumatology treatment centers in or near Amsterdam, the Netherlands. Randomisation to either the control or the intervention group is performed at patient level. Both groups will receive care as usual by the rheumatologist, and patients in the intervention group will also take part in the intervention program. The intervention program consists of two components; integrated care, including a participatory workplace intervention. Integrated care involves a clinical occupational physician, who will act as care manager, to coordinate the care. The care manager has an intermediate role between clinical and occupational care. The participatory workplace intervention will be guided by an occupational therapist, and involves problem solving by the patient and the patients' supervisor. The aim of the workplace intervention is to achieve consensus between patient and supervisor concerning feasible solutions for the obstacles for functioning at work. Data collection will take place at baseline and after 6 and 12 months by means of a questionnaire. The primary outcome measure is work productivity, measured by hours lost from work due to presenteeism. Secondary outcome measures include sick leave, quality of life, pain and fatigue. Cost-effectiveness of the intervention program will be evaluated from the societal perspective. DISCUSSION: Usual care of primary and outpatient health services is not aimed at improving work productivity. Therefore it is desirable to develop interventions aimed at improving functioning at work. If the intervention program will be (cost)effective, substantial improvements in work productivity might be obtained among workers with RA at lower costs. Results are expected in 2015. Trial registration NTR2886.  相似文献   

目的 对某高尔夫球杆生产企业在投产期间出现的93例职业性手臂振动病(HAVD)进行分析,寻找发病原因,为该行业职业卫生监督管理和HAVD控制提供科学依据。 方法 通过现场职业卫生学调查,查阅该企业日常职业卫生监测、职业健康检查等档案以及HAVD诊断和鉴定结果并进行分析。 结果 对27个手传振动操作岗位进行4 h等能量频率计权振动加速度[ahw (4)]检测,其中位数M50、M25和M75分别为7.68、3.09和15.6 m/s2。其中17个点(占62.96%)的ahw (4)超过GBZ 2.2-2007规定限值(5 m/s2)。3种作业ahw (4)的M50比较,差异有统计学意义(H=229.52,P<0.01),进一步两两比较,3种岗位M50值大小依次为:细磨 > 粗磨 > 抛光。2010-2013年共检出观察对象和疑似HAVD 198例。其中107例次申请职业病诊断,诊断鉴定为HAVD的病例93例。接触人群发病率为32.07%(93/290)。病例诊断分级:轻度46例(49.46%)、中度42例(45.16%)、重度5例(5.38%);发病年龄为(37.6±4.7)岁,接触工龄(9.5±3.6)年。轻度、中度、重度患者接触振动工龄的中位数差异无统计学意义(H=1.60,P>0.05)。3种振动作业间的发病率差异有统计学意义(χ2=20.00,P<0.01),进一步两两比较,不同工种的发病率依次为:细磨>粗磨>抛光。 结论 该企业工作场所手传振动岗位超标严重。工人超标超时接触手传振动是导致职业病的主要原因。职业卫生监管部门应高度重视该行业手传振动的危害,督促相关企业改善劳动条件并开展职业健康监护。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: The knowledge of the occupational diseases incidence is an essential requisite for the adoption of rational control measures. The official statistics of the occupational diseases don't include the sex variable. The objective of this study is to describe occupational diseases recognized by the Spanish social security system in 2004 and assess the differences between men and women. METHODS: We describe the information of the Spanish Occupational Disease Registry notified in 2004. The considered variables are: sex, age, economic activity, occupation, and time in the workplace, size of the company and Autonomous Community. Percentages, crude and specific incidence rates per 100.000 workers and rates ratios have been computed as indicators. RESULTS: 28.728 occupational diseases were recorded in Spain in 2004. Women's incidence rate was 188,7 per 100.000 workers and 217,8 for men. The average age of occurrence was 39.4 +/- 1 years for men and 37.6 +/- 11 years for women. The exposure time was lower than 3 years for 52.7% of the recorded diseases in women, and 44,6% in men. CONCLUSIONS: We appreciate gender differences in the occupational diseases notified and recorded in Spain in 2004. The global incidence rate was higher in men, but the specific incidence rates in most of the economic activities and occupations were higher in women. Occupational diseases in women are mostly notified by big companies.  相似文献   

Objective: To evaluate the cost-effectiveness and cost-utility of a return to work (RTW) program for workers on sick-leave due to low back pain (LBP), comparing a workplace intervention implemented between 2 to 8 weeks of sick-leave with usual care, and a clinical intervention after 8 weeks of sick-leave with usual care. Design: Economic evaluation alongside a randomised controlled trial (RCT). Study population: Workers sick-listed for a period of 2 to 6 weeks due to LBP. Interventions: 1. workplace assessment, work modifications and case management). 2. physiotherapy based on operant behavioural principles. 3. usual care: provided by an occupational physician. Outcomes: The primary outcome was return to work (RTW). Other outcomes were pain intensity, functional status, quality of life and general health. The economic evaluation was conducted from a societal perspective. Outcomes were assessed at baseline (after 2–6 weeks on sick-leave), and 12 weeks, 26 weeks, and 52 weeks after the first day of sick-leave. Results: The workplace intervention group returned to work 30.0 days (95% CI=[3.1, 51.3]) earlier on average than the usual care group at slightly higher direct costs (ratio of 1 day: €19). Workers in the clinical intervention group that had received usual care in the first 8 weeks returned to work 21.3 days (95% CI= [−74.1, 29.2]) later on average. The group that had received the workplace intervention in the first 8 weeks and the clinical intervention after 8 weeks returned to work 50.9 days (95% CI=[−89.4, −2.7]) later on average. A workplace intervention was more effective than usual care in RTW at slightly higher costs and was equally effective as usual care at equal costs on other outcomes. A clinical intervention was less effective than usual care and associated with higher costs. Conclusion: The workplace intervention results in a safe and faster RTW than usual care at reasonable costs for workers on sick-leave for two to six weeks due to LBP.This study is granted by: The Netherlands Organisation for Health Research and Development (ZonMw), Dutch Ministries of Health, Welfare and Sports and, of Social Affairs. international Standard Randomised Controlled Trial Number: 60233560.  相似文献   



In recent years, cleaning has been identified as an occupational risk because of an increased incidence of reported respiratory effects, such as asthma and asthma-like symptoms among cleaning workers. Due to the lack of systematic occupational hygiene analyses and workplace exposure data, it is not clear which cleaning-related exposures induce or aggravate asthma and other respiratory effects. Currently, there is a need for systematic evaluation of cleaning products ingredients and their exposures in the workplace. The objectives of this work were to: a) identify cleaning products' ingredients of concern with respect to respiratory and skin irritation and sensitization; and b) assess the potential for inhalation and dermal exposures to these ingredients during common cleaning tasks.  相似文献   

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