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Desorption kinetics were determined for fluoranthene (FLU) and trifluralin (TF) spiked onto Lake Erie and Lake Huron, USA, sediments at three concentrations (10, 40, 100 mg/kg dry wt). Following four months of equilibration, desorption was measured by extraction with Tenax and the data were fit to a first-order three-compartment kinetic model. The rate constants of the rapidly (k(rap)), slowly (k(slow)), and very slowly (k(vs)) desorbing fractions were on the order of 10(-1)/h, 10(-2-3)/h, and 10(-4)/h, respectively. The t99.9 (time required for 99.9% of the FLU and TF to desorb from each pool value) for each compartment indicated that FLU and TF desorption from rapid, slow, and very slow compartments were on the order of hours, days, and years, respectively. Higher rates of desorption were observed for FLU and TF from the Lake Huron sediments and this was not apparently related to the total organic carbon (TOC), particle size distribution, or polarity (carbon-to-nitrogen ratio) of the sediments. In general, the total fraction of the initial contaminant amounts that desorbed over the time course was directly related to concentration, which we hypothesized was due to the combined effects of saturation of high-energy (slow and very slow) binding sites in the organic carbon matrix and hysteresis. In extrapolations to field conditions, FLU and TF were predicted to persist in the sediments for years due to the very slow desorption of an estimated 31 to 53% of the bulk concentrations. Based on the rapidly desorbing fractions, the bioavailable amounts of the contaminants were predicted to be between 31 to 55% of bulk sediment concentrations.  相似文献   

The extent of bioaccumulation and trophic transfer of brominated diphenyl ether (BDE) congeners, hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) diastereoisomers (alpha, beta, and gamma), decabromodiphenylethane (DBDPE), and bis(2,4,6-tribromophenoxy)ethane (BTBPE) was examined in a Lake Winnipeg (Canada) food web. Six species of fish, zooplankton, mussels, sediment, and water from the south basin of the lake were selected for study. Significant positive correlations were found between concentrations of total (sigma) polybrominated diphenylethers (PBDEs; p < 0.005), sigmaHBCDs (p < 0.0001), BTBPE (p < 0.0001), and lipid content in fish. Strong positive linear relationships also were observed from individual plots of BDE 47, BDE 209, and DBDPE concentrations (lipid wt) and trophic level (based on delta15N), suggesting that these compounds biomagnify in the Lake Winnipeg food web. Biomagnification factors varied for the chemicals studied. Plots of log bioaccumulation factors for mussel and zooplankton versus log octanol-water partition coefficient (Kow) were similar and suggest that neither mussels nor zooplankton are in equilibrium with the water. Fifteen BDE congeners were consistently detected in water (dissolved phase, n = 3), with BDE 47 having the greatest concentration (17 pg/L). The rank order of compounds in water (arithmetic mean +/- standard error) were sigmaPBDEs (49 +/- 12 pg/ L) > alpha-HBCD (11 +/- 2 pg/L) > BTBPE (1.9 +/- 0.6 pg/L). Concentrations of DPDPE, BDE 209, and beta- and -gamma-HBCD isomers were below their respective method detection limits (MDLs) in water. Total PBDE concentrations in sediment (n = 4) were greater than any other brominated flame retardant examined in the present study and ranged from 1,160 to 1,610 ng/g (dry wt), with BDE 209 contributing roughly 50% of the total. The gamma-HBCD isomer was detected at concentrations of 50 +/- 20 pg/g (dry wt) in sediment, whereas BTBPE and DBDPE were consistently below their respective MDLs in sediment.  相似文献   

Flame retardants (FR) play a significant role in reducing the flammability of many consumer products. On a volume basis, approximately 25% of the FRs in use today utilize bromine as the active flame-retarding moiety. Their applications are those requiring high FR performance or in resins needing an FR that is active during the gas phase. Laboratory fish bioconcentration factors (BCFs) for 11 brominated FRs (BFRs) or their components were compared with those for their nonbrominated analogues. Bioconcentration, defined here as a BCF of greater than 1,000, was not observed in those brominated molecules examined with molecular weights of 700 or greater. These included the decabromodiphenyl oxide and octabromodiphenyl oxide commercial products, ethane 1,2-bis(pentabromophenyl), ethylene bis-tetrabromophthalimide, and decabromobiphenyl. Tetrabromobisphenol A, with a molecular weight of less than 700, also did not bioconcentrate. This likely relates to the ease with which it is metabolized and eliminated. Within the BFR class of polybrominated diphenyl oxides/ethers, the BCFs for those congeners with molecular weights of between approximately 450 and 700 varied with the number and position of the bromine atoms. The BCF of hexabromocyclododecane appeared to be related to its cyclododecane substructure, not to its bromine content. Bioconcentration was not a characteristic feature of the BFRs examined here.  相似文献   

The subcooled liquid vapor pressures (P0(L),25S) and aqueous solubilities (Sw,25s) were determined and Henry's law constants (H25s) were estimated for a number of brominated flame retardants (BFRs) at 25 degrees C. The established methods of the gas chromatography-retention time and generator column techniques were used to experimentally determine P0(L),25 and Sw,25 for hexabromobenzene and a series of brominated diphenyl ether (BDE) congeners. The H25 was estimated as the ratio of P0(L)25 to the subcooled liquid aqueous solubility. Values of PL0(L),25 obtained ranged from 0.000000282 Pa (BDE-190) to 0.259 Pa (BDE-3); Sw,25 ranged from 0.00000087 g/L (BDE-153 and BDE-154) to 0.00013 g/L (BDE-15); and H25 ranged from 0.0074 Pa m3/mol (BDE-183) to 21 Pa m3/mol (BDE-15). An increase in the bromine content of polybrominated diphenyl ether congeners resulted in significant decreases Of P0(L),25, Sw25, and H25. A simple four-compartment equilibrium distribution model suggested that the majority of BFRs being released into the environment would reside in soil and sediment and have localized distributions. The model also suggested that lower brominated congeners tend to be somewhat more mobile. Degradative debromination reactions that yield these congeners would mobilize them environmentally, and ultimately affect the fate and distribution of BFRs.  相似文献   

Brominated flame retardants (BFRs) and brominated dioxins are emerging persistent organic pollutants that are ubiquitous in the environment and can be accumulated by wildlife and humans. These chemicals can disturb endocrine function. Recent studies have demonstrated that one of the mechanisms of endocrine disruption by chemicals is modulation of steroidogenic gene expression or enzyme activities. In this study, an in vitro assay based on the H295R human adrenocortical carcinoma cell line, which possesses most key genes or enzymes involved in steroidogenesis, was used to examine the effects of five bromophenols, two polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs 77 and 169), 2,3,7,8-tetrabromodibenzo-p-dioxin, and 2,3,7,8-tetrabromodibenzofuran on the expression of 10 key steroidogenic genes. The H295R cells were exposed to various BFR concentrations for 48 h, and the expression of specific genes--cytochrome P450 (CYP11A, CYP11B2, CYP17, CYP19, and CYP21), beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (3betaHSD2), 17beta-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase (17betaHSD1 and 17betaHSD4), steroidogenic acute regulatory protein (StAR), and 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl coenzyme A reductase (HMGR)--was quantitatively measured using real-time polymerase chain reaction. Cell viability was not affected at the doses tested. Most of the genes were either up- or down-regulated, to some extent, by BFR exposure. Among the genes tested, 3betaHSD2 was the most markedly up-regulated, with a range of magnitude from 1.6- to 20-fold. The results demonstrate that bromophenol, bromobiphenyls, and bromodibenzo-p-dioxin/furan are able to modulate steroidogenic gene expression, which may lead to endocrine disruption.  相似文献   

Proteomic effect screening in zebrafish liver cells was performed to generate hypotheses regarding single and mixed exposure to the BFRs HBCD and TBBPA. Responses at sublethal exposure were analysed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis followed by MALDI-TOF and FT-ICR protein identification. Mixing of HBCD and TBBPA at sublethal doses of individual substances seemed to increase toxicity. Proteomic analyses revealed distinct exposure-specific and overlapping responses suggesting novel mechanisms with regard to HBCD and TBBPA exposure. While distinct HBCD responses were related to decreased protein metabolism, TBBPA revealed effects related to protein folding and NADPH production. Overlapping responses suggest increased gluconeogenesis (GAPDH and aldolase) while distinct mixture effects suggest a pronounced NADPH production and changes in proteins related to cell cycle control (prohibitin and crk-like oncogene). We conclude that mixtures containing HBCD and TBBPA may result in unexpected effects highlighting proteomics as a sensitive tool for detecting and hypothesis generation of mixture effects.  相似文献   



Brominated flame retardants (BFRs) have been in widespread use in a vast array of consumer products since the 1970s. The metabolites of some BFRs show a structural similarity to thyroid hormones and experimental animal studies have confirmed that they may interfere with thyroid hormone homeostasis. A major concern has been whether intrauterine exposure to BFRs may disturb thyroid homeostasis since the fetal brain is particularly susceptible to alterations in thyroid hormones. However, few reports on newborns have been published to date.


To evaluate the association between BFRs and neonatal thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH).


We studied six polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) measured in milk samples from 239 women who were part of the “Norwegian Human Milk Study” (HUMIS), 2003–2006. Hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD) and BDE-209 were measured in a subset of the women (193 and 46 milk samples, respectively). The milk was sampled at a median of 33 days after delivery. TSH was measured in babies three days after delivery as part of the routine national screening program for early detection of congenital hypothyroidism. Additional information was obtained through the Medical Birth Registry and questionnaires to the mothers.


The PBDE concentrations in human milk in Norway were comparable to concentrations reported from other European countries and Asia, but not the US and Canada where levels are approximately one order of higher magnitude. We observed no statistically significant associations between BDE-47, 99, 153, 154, 209 and HBCD in human milk and TSH in models adjusted for possible confounders and other environmental toxicants including polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).


We did not observe an association between TSH and exposure to HBCD and PBDEs within the exposure levels observed.  相似文献   

Since the 1980s, brominated flame retardants (BFRs) have been detected in air, sewage sludge, sediment, fish, shellfish, birds, and mammals, including humans. However, model studies regarding BFR food-chain accumulation are scarce. In the present study, the accumulation of hexabromocyclododecane and brominated diphenyl ethers (BDEs) 47, 153, 154, and 183 in benthivorous barbel (Barbus graellsii) and pelagic bleak (Alburnus alburnus) from four locations in the Ebro river basin in Spain was modeled using a first-order, one-compartment model with sediment interaction. The model accounted for BFR uptake from water, ingested sediment, and food; release via water and feces; growth; and in situ binding of BFRs to black carbon. Rate constants were derived from allometric regressions. For most BFRs, dynamically modeled biota-sediment accumulation factors (BSAFs) were close to measured values, whereas steady-state model BSAFs were too high, especially for BDEs 153, 154, and 183. Differences between BSAFs for individual fish were explained by differences in age, growth, and feeding behavior. On average, modeled BSAFs for barbel were 50% higher than those for bleak because of extra BFR uptake through sediment ingestion and older age of barbel specimens.  相似文献   

The concentrations and distribution of seven organophosphate flame retardants and plasticizers (OPs) were investigated in 28 sediment samples collected from Taihu Lake. The analytes were ultrasonically extracted, enriched using solid-phase extraction, and determined by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The results indicated that the analytes were all detected in the sediments. The total concentrations of seven OPs ranged from 3.38 to 14.25 μg/kg, and tris (2-chloroiso-propyl) phosphate (TCPP), tris (2-chloroethyl) phosphate (TCEP), and tris (2-butoxyethyl) phosphate (TBEP) were the dominant compounds, with concentrations ranging from相似文献   

In this work, quantitative structure-activity relationships (QSARs) were developed to aid human and environmental risk assessment processes for brominated flame retardants (BFRs). Brominated flame retardants, such as the high-production-volume chemicals polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), tetrabromobisphenol A, and hexabromocyclododecane, have been identified as potential endocrine disruptors. Quantitative structure-activity relationship models were built based on the in vitro potencies of 26 selected BFRs. The in vitro assays included interactions with, for example, androgen, progesterone, estrogen, and dioxin (aryl hydrocarbon) receptor, plus competition with thyroxine for its plasma carrier protein (transthyretin), inhibition of estradiol sulfation via sulfotransferase, and finally, rate of metabolization. The QSAR modeling, a number of physicochemical parameters were calculated describing the electronic, lipophilic, and structural characteristics of the molecules. These include frontier molecular orbitals, molecular charges, polarities, log octanol/water partitioning coefficient, and two- and three-dimensional molecularproperties. Experimental properties were included and measured for PBDEs, such as their individual ultraviolet spectra (200-320 nm) and retention times on three different high-performance liquid chromatography columns and one nonpolar gas chromatography column. Quantitative structure-activity relationship models based on androgen antagonism and metabolic degradation rates generally gave similar results, suggesting that lower-brominated PBDEs with bromine substitutions in ortho positions and bromine-free meta- and para positions had the highest potencies and metabolic degradation rates. Predictions made for the constituents of the technical flame retardant Bromkal 70-5DE found BDE 17 to be a potent androgen antagonist and BDE 66, which is a relevant PBDE in environmental samples, to be only a weak antagonist.  相似文献   

There are emerging concerns about potential effects on child health and development of early-life exposure to substances such as brominated flame retardants (BFRs), perfluorinated compounds (PFCs), phthalates and phenols (including bisphenol A (BPA)); pregnancy and birth cohort studies are ideally designed to study such concerns prospectively. As part of the ENRIECO project, we evaluated existing human biomonitoring data for these substances in European birth cohorts and develop recommendations for more harmonized methods that will enable combination and comparison of cohort data in the future. The ENRIECO inventory shows that 20 European birth cohorts have measured or are measuring BFRs (N = 10), PFCs (N = 11), phthalates (N = 16) or phenols (N = 8). Generally, samples were collected prenatally or at birth and measurements involved few subjects in each cohort (a few hundred maximum). Biological matrices, timing, and analytical methods of the measurements varied between cohorts. Few cohorts have measured at multiple time points or in children. In European cohorts, levels of BFRs were very low and at least 10-fold lower than in US; levels of PFCs and phthalates have decreased over the last decade since the phasing out of certain of these compounds; concentrations of phenols are comparable to those in the US. Although there is little published data in the cohorts now, many measurements are ongoing and we recommend that cohorts start working towards combined and comparison studies. Specific recommendations for use of existing data include the development of conversion models for the different media used for measurement of persistent chemicals, and inter-laboratory comparisons and calibrations. Recommendations for further data collection include more evaluation of exposure to these chemicals in children; repeated measurements of non-persistent chemicals; validation and harmonisation of questionnaires; and the development of mechanisms for fast European birth cohort response for the detection and prioritisation of new chemicals of concern.  相似文献   

Trophic transfer of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners in zebra mussels (Dreissena polymorpha), round gobies (Neogobius melanstomus), and smallmouth bass (Micropterus dolomieu) were assessed in four sites along the south shore of the west and central basin of Lake Erie (all sites were in OH, USA). Total PCB levels in smallmouth bass (1,091-1,520 ng/g wet weight) and round gobies (118-256 ng/g wet weight) were similar among sites despite a west-to-east decrease in total PCB concentrations in zebra mussels (29-97 ng/g wet weight). At all sites, PCB body burden increased three- to fivefold at each successive trophic level, suggesting biomagnification in this nonnative food chain. Whereas fish species were dominated by the hexachlorine homologue, zebra mussels were dominated by penta- and hexachlorine homologues; the average degree of chlorination of PCBs was 56.1% for zebra mussels, 60.4% for round goby, and 59.9% for smallmouth bass bodies. Predictive structure-activity relationships based on chemical characteristics, such as the octanol-water partition coefficient (log K(ow)), had little predictive power on bioaccumulation and biotransformation of PCB congeners because of nonlinearity, threshold relationships, and species-specific differences. Calculated trophic transfer for the smallmouth bass-round goby linkage was higher than for the round goby-zebra mussel linkage. Only when PCB congeners were grouped by chemical structure first (vicinal [adjacent] H-atom position in the phenyl ring) were linear relationships achieved. It appeared that the chemical group to which each congener belonged influenced biotransformation more than species-specific (round gobies vs smallmouth bass) differences. Biotic changes at midtrophic levels, such as exotic species invasions, may have an increasingly important role in determining pollutant cycling and hence pollutant residues in top predators.  相似文献   

Persistent organic pollutants (POPs), such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), some organochlorinated pesticides (OCPs), polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs), and hexabromocyclododecane (HBCD), were analyzed in yolk sacs of kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla) hatchlings from Kongsfjorden at Svalbard (Norwegian Arctic; 79 degrees N) and from Runde, an island on the coast of Norway (62 degrees N). Retinol (vitamin A), retinyl palmitate, and alpha-tocopherol (vitamin E) were measured in plasma and liver of the hatchlings to examine whether these vitamins were associated with the POPs. Higher levels of PCBs and OCPs were found in hatchlings from Kongsfjorden than in hatchlings from Runde. However, HBCD levels were significantly lower in hatchlings from Kongsfjorden compared to those in hatchlings from Runde. No differences between the two populations of kittiwake hatchlings were found regarding levels of PBDEs. In comparison with seabirds from other European waters and the Canadian Arctic, the kittiwakes seemed to have relatively high levels of PBDEs and HBCD. No effects on morphological variables or vitamin levels by the POPs were revealed, but multivariate regression indicated that liver tocopherol levels may be influenced by POPs.  相似文献   

We performed dynamic linear modeling analysis on fish contaminant data collected from the Ontario Ministry of the Environment and Environment Canada to examine long-term trends of total mercury (THg) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in Lake Erie. Several sport fish species (walleye, smallmouth bass, rainbow trout) with differences in their diet habits, food competition strategies and foraging patterns are characterized by weakly increasing trends of their THg levels in Lake Erie after the mid- or late 1990s. Similarly, our analysis shows that the decline rates of the PCB body burdens in white bass, smallmouth bass, freshwater drum and whitefish have slowed down or have switched to weakly increasing rates over the last decade. Our analysis also provides evidence that the rainbow trout and coho salmon PCB concentrations have been decreasing steadily but the associated rates were fairly weak. The systematic shifts in energy trophodynamics along with the food web alterations induced from the introduction of non-native species, the new role of the sediments as a net contaminant source, and the potentially significant fluxes from the atmosphere stand out as some of the hypotheses proposed to explain the limited Lake Erie response in recent years to the various contamination mitigation strategies.  相似文献   

Background/objective: Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) and their hydroxylated (OH-) or methoxylated forms have been detected in humans. Because this raises concern about adverse effects on the developing brain, we reviewed the scientific literature on these mechanisms.Data synthesis: Many rodent studies reported behavioral changes after developmental, neonatal, or adult exposure to PBDEs, and other studies documented subtle structural and functional alterations in brains of PBDE-exposed animals. Functional effects have been observed on synaptic plasticity and the glutamate–nitric oxide–cyclic guanosine monophosphate pathway. In the brain, changes have been observed in the expression of genes and proteins involved in synapse and axon formation, neuronal morphology, cell migration, synaptic plasticity, ion channels, and vesicular neurotransmitter release. Cellular and molecular mechanisms include effects on neuronal viability
(via apoptosis and oxidative stress), neuronal differentiation and migration, neurotransmitter release/uptake, neurotransmitter receptors and ion channels, calcium (Ca2+) homeostasis, and intracellular signaling pathways.Discussion: Bioactivation of PBDEs by hydroxylation has been observed for several endocrine end points. This has also been observed for mechanisms related to neurodevelopment, including binding to thyroid hormone receptors and transport proteins, disruption of Ca2+ homeostasis, and modulation of GABA and nicotinic acetylcholine receptor function.Conclusions: The increased hazard for developmental neurotoxicity by hydroxylated (OH-)PBDEs compared with their parent congeners via direct neurotoxicity and thyroid disruption clearly warrants further investigation into a) the role of oxidative metabolism in producing active metabolites of PBDEs and their impact on brain development; b) concentrations of parent and OH-PBDEs in the brain; and c) interactions between different environmental contaminants during exposure to mixtures, which may increase neurotoxicity.  相似文献   

The present study examines a new bioaccumulation model for hydrophobic organic chemicals in aquatic food webs. The purpose of the model is to provide site-specific estimates of chemical concentrations and associated bioconcentration factors, bioaccumulation factors, and biota-sediment accumulation factors in organisms of aquatic food webs using a limited number of chemical, organism, and site-specific data inputs. The model is a modification of a previous model and incorporates new insights regarding the mechanism of bioaccumulation derived from laboratory experiments and field studies as well as improvements in model parameterization. The new elements of the model include: A model for the partitioning of chemicals into organisms; kinetic models for predicting chemical concentrations in algae, phytoplankton, and zooplankton; new allometric relationships for predicting gill ventilation rates in a wide range of aquatic species; and a mechanistic model for predicting gastrointestinal magnification of organic chemicals in a range of species. Model performance is evaluated using empirical data from three different freshwater ecosystems involving 1,019 observations for 35 species and 64 chemicals. The effects of each modification on the model's performance are illustrated. The new model is able to provide better estimates of bioaccumulation factors in comparison to the previous food web bioaccumulation model while the model input requirements remain largely unchanged.  相似文献   

A dynamic or level IV multimedia model is described and illustrated by application to the fate of three polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners in the United Kingdom over a 60-year period from their introduction into commerce until the present. Models of this type are shown to be valuable for elucidating the time response of environmental systems to increasing, decreasing, or pulse inputs. The suggestion is made that in addition to the outputs of time-dependent concentrations (which can be compared with monitoring data for validation purposes), it is useful to examine masses, fugacities, and fugacity ratios between media? The relative importance of processes is best evaluated by compiling cumulative intermedia fluxes and quantities lost by reaction and advection and examining the corresponding process rate constants or their reciprocals, the characteristic times. The suggestion is made that uncertainty and sensitivity analyses are desirable, but it must be appreciated that relative sensitivities of input parameters may change during the simulation period, so a single sensitivity analysis conducted at one point in time can be misleading. The use of the model for forecasting future trends in concentration is illustrated. Given the uncertainties in emission and advective inflow rates, the simulation of PCB fate in the United Kingdom is regarded as showing time trends that are in satisfactory agreement with monitoring data.  相似文献   

A mass-balance model for the uptake of organic contaminants in the opposum shrimp (Mysis relicta) is developed. The model describes the concentration in the mysid as a function of time as it grows and its lipid content changes over a two-year life span. The model can describe uptake in varying proportions from pelagic and benthic sources. Four mysid scenarios are considered: entirely pelagic, entirely benthic, half-pelagic and half-benthic, and following the observed seasonal behavior patterns. The seasonal-scenario mysid yields results consistent with levels of total polychlorinated biphenyls reported for Lake Ontario (Canada/USA). The relative sediment and water fugacities are shown to play a critical role in determining the contamination level in mysids. Inclusion of mysids in a simple food-web model demonstrates higher concentrations in upper-trophic-level organisms by two effects: introduction of another trophic level in the food web, and increased benthic-pelagic coupling.  相似文献   

Silver (Ag) is discharged in wastewater effluents and is also a component in a proposed secondary water disinfectant. A steady-state model was developed to simulate bioaccumulation in aquatic biota and assess ecological and human health risks. Trophic levels included phytoplankton, invertebrates, brown trout, and common carp. Uptake routes included water, food, or sediment. Based on an extensive review of the literature, distributions were derived for most inputs for use in Monte Carlo simulations. Three scenarios represented ranges of dilution and turbidity. Compared with the limited field data available, median estimates of Ag in carp (0.07-2.1 micrograms/g dry weight) were 0.5 to 9 times measured values, and all measurements were within the predicted interquartile range. Median Ag concentrations in biota were ranked invertebrates > phytoplankton > trout > carp. Biotic concentrations were highest for conditions of low dilution and low turbidity. Critical variables included Ag assimilation efficiency, specific feeding rate, and the phytoplankton bioconcentration factor. Bioaccumulation of Ag seems unlikely to result in toxicity to aquatic biota and humans consuming fish. Although the highest predicted Ag concentrations in water (> 200 ng/L) may pose chronic risks to early survival and development of salmonids and risks of argyria to subsistence fishers, these results occur under highly conservative conditions.  相似文献   

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