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Selected members were requested to prepare guidelines on specific issues, which were reviewed by two other members. These guidelines were then incorporated into a draft statement, which was circulated to all members. On 17th December 2011, Kunwar Viren Oswal round table conference was organized by the Apollo Center for Advanced Pediatrics, Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi and the Sub-specialty Chapter of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Indian Academy of Pediatrics. Presentations, ensuing discussions, and opinions expressed by the participants were incorporated into the final draft.


To formulate comprehensive evidence based guidelines for management of acute liver failure in India


Viral hepatitis is the leading cause of acute liver failure (ALF) in India. Search for metabolic etiology, particularly in infants and neonates, and in apparently idiopathic cases needs to be done. Planning for early transfer is important as the risks involved with patient transport may increase or even preclude transfer at later stages. Management should be in an intensive care setting in select situations. There is currently insufficient evidence to routinely prescribe branched-chain amino acids, non-absorbable antibiotics or lactulose. Group recommends use of N-acetyl cysteine routinely in patients with ALF. Administration of antibiotics is recommended where infection is present or the likelihood of impending sepsis is high. Enteral nutrition is preferred to parenteral nutrition. Protein restriction is not recommended. An international normalized ratio >4 or Factor V concentration of <25% are the best available criteria for listing for liver transplantation. Overall 40–50% of ALF patients survive without transplantation. Survival in patients fulfilling criteria for liver transplantation and not transplanted is 10–20%. Liver transplantation is a definite treatment for ALF with high one-and five-year survival rates.  相似文献   



Severe acute malnutrition (SAM) is a major public health issue. It afflicts an estimated 8.1 million under-five children in India causing nearly 0.6 million deaths. The improved understanding of pathophysiology of SAM as well as new internationally accepted growth charts and newer modalities of integrated intervention have necessitated a relook at IAP recommendations.


A National Consultative Meeting on Integrated Management of Severe Acute Malnutrition was held in Mumbai on 16th and 17th October, 2010. It was attended by the invited experts in the field. Extensive discussions were held as per the program. The participants were then divided into six groups for detailed discussions. The groups deliberated on various issues pertaining to the task assigned and presented recommendations of the groups in a plenary session. The participants made a list of recommendations after extensive discussions. A Writing Committee was formed and was entrusted with the task of drawing a Consensus Statement on the basis of these Recommendations. After multiple deliberations, the following Consensus Statement was adopted.


To critically evaluate the current global evidence to formulate a consensus among stakeholders regarding diagnosis and management of SAM.


An integrated management of malnutrition is likely to yield more dividends. Thus, management of SAM should constitute an important component of Integrated Management of Neonatal and Childhood Illnesses (IMNCI) program. Determination of SAM on the basis of Z-scores using WHO Growth charts is considered statistically more appropriate than cut-offs based on percentage weight deficit of the median. Considering the fact that many children with SAM can be successfully managed on outpatient basis and even in the community, it is no more considered necessary to advise admission of all children with SAM to a healthcare facility. Management of SAM should not be a stand-alone program. It should integrate with community management therapeutic programs and linkages with child treatment center, district hospitals and tertiary level centers offering inpatient management for SAM and include judicious use of ready-to-use-therapeutic Food (RUTF). All sections of healthcare providers need to be trained in the integrated management of SAM.  相似文献   



Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) is a clinically heterogenous condition with a wide range of etiological factors and causing significant public health burden. ASD poses a serious developmental disadvantage to the child in the form of poor schooling, social function and adult productivity. Thus, framing evidence-based national guidelines is a pressing need.


The meeting on formulation of national consensus guidelines on neurodevelopmental disorders was organized by Indian Academy of Paediatrics in Mumbai on 18th and 19th December 2015. The invited experts included Pediatricians, Developmental Pediatricians, Psychiatrists, Remedial Educators, Pediatric Neurologists and Clinical Psychologists. The participants framed guidelines after extensive discussions. Thereafter, a committee was established to review the points discussed in the meeting.


To provide consensus guidelines on evaluation and management of ASD in children in India.


Intervention should begin as early as possible. A definitive diagnosis is not necessary for commencing intervention. Intervention should target core features of autism i.e. deficits in social communication and interaction, and restricted repetitive patterns of behavior, activities and/ or interests. Intervention should be specific, evidence-based, structured and appropriate to the developmental needs of the child. Management of children should be provided through interdisciplinary teams, coordinated by the Pediatrician. Management of co-morbidities is critical to effectiveness of treatment. Pharmacotherapy may be offered to children when there is a specific target symptom or co-morbid condition.



The right to life has been accepted as one of the fundamental rights in our constitution. Resuscitation is a procedure performed for all patients suffering from cardiac or respiratory arrest irrespective of the clinical condition. There are no legal guidelines defining process to be adopted in situations where resuscitation is unlikely to be useful. There are no guidelines on withdrawal of care or end of life (EOL) decisions, accepted by the Government, judiciary, professionals, academicians or the community.


A National Consultative meet was organized by Indian Medico-Legal and Ethics Association and the Medico-legal group of Indian Academy of Pediatrics (IAP) to formulate the guidelines on ‘Do Not Resuscitate’ (DNR), and ‘End of Life Support’. The meeting was organized on 30th May, 2014 at Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital, New Delhi. The meeting involved professionals from legal and various medical fields as well as administrators, and members from Medical Council of India.


To frame the guidelines related to EOL care issues and withdrawal or with-holding treatment in situations where outcome of continued treatment is expected to be poor in terms of ultimate survival or quality of life.


(i) DNR or end of life care should not be activated till consensus is achieved between treating team and the next of kin; (ii) Consensus within health care team (including nurses) needs to be achieved before discussion with family members; (iii) Discussion should involve the family members–next of kin and other persons who can influence decisions; (iv) If family members want to include their family physician or a prominent person from the community, it should be encouraged. Similarly if family members want a particular member of treating team, he/she should be included; (v) Treating doctors should have all the facts of the case including investigations available with them before discussion; (vi) Unit in-charge or treating doctor should be responsible for achieving consensus and should initiate the discussion; (vii) After presenting the facts of the cases, family members should be encouraged to ask questions and clear doubts (if any); (viii) At the end of discussion, a summary of the discussion should be prepared and signed by the next of kin and the unit in-charge or treating doctors; (ix) DNR orders should be reviewed in the event of unexpected improvement or on request of next of kin. Same should be documented; (x) DNR orders remain valid during transport.

Measles continues to be a major cause of childhood morbidity and mortality in India. Recent studies estimate that 80,000 Indian children die each year due to measles and its complications, amounting to 4% of under-5 deaths. Immunization against measles directly contributes to the reduction of under-five child mortality and hence to the achievement of Millennium Development Goal 4 (MDG 4). The live attenuated measles vaccines are safe, effective and provide long-lasting protection. The key strategies being followed globally for measles mortality reduction are high coverage of measles first dose, sensitive laboratory supported surveillance, appropriate case management, and providing second dose of measles vaccine. Prior to 2010, India was the only country in the world that had not introduced a second dose of measles vaccine in its National immunization program. We herein discuss the current status of measles vaccination along with the rationale and challenges of providing a second opportunity for measles vaccination, and the principles of measles catch-up campaigns.  相似文献   



Hearing impairment is one of the most critical sensory impairments with significant social and psychological consequences. Evidence-based, standardized national guidelines are needed for professionals to screen for hearing impairment during the neonatal period.


The meeting on formulation of national consensus guidelines on developmental disorders was organized by Indian Academy of Pediatrics in Mumbai, on 18th and 19th December, 2015. The invited experts included Pediatricians, Developmental Pediatricians, Pediatric Neurologists and Clinical Psychologists. The participants framed guidelines after extensive discussions.


To provide guidelines on newborn hearing screening in India.


The first screening should be conducted before the neonate’s discharge from the hospital–if it ‘fails’, then it should be repeated after four weeks, or at first immunization visit. If it ‘fails’ again, then Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) audiometry should be conducted. All babies admitted to intensive care unit should be screened via ABR. All babies with abnormal ABR should undergo detailed evaluation, hearing aid fitting and auditory rehabilitation, before six months of age. The goal is to screen newborn babies before one month of age, diagnose hearing loss before three months of age and start intervention before six months of age.

The purpose of this statement is to delineate the concept of professionalism within the context of pediatrics and to provide a brief statement of principles to guide the behavior and professional practice of pediatricians.  相似文献   

PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The detection and identification of new congenital disorders of glycosylation continues at a rapid pace. Sine June 2003, four new congenital disorders of glycosylation have been reported, making a total of 20 diseases (on average nearly 1 disease per year since the first report in 1980; 12 of these congenital disorders of glycosylation were identified in the past 6 years). RECENT FINDINGS: Three of these newly discovered CDG are caused by defects in early steps of dolichol-linked oligosaccharide biosynthesis. Affected patients have a neurologic or a multisystem disease. The fourth new CDG is a completely new CDG type caused by a defect in an endoplasmic reticulum-Golgi shuttle protein carrying multiple glycosyltransferases and nucleotide-sugar transporters. SUMMARY: Disorders of nearly all organs and systems have been reported and continue to be reported in congenital disorders of glycosylation. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that congenital disorders of glycosylation be considered in any child with an unexplained clinical syndrome.  相似文献   



Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is highly prevalent in children worldwide. Management of ADHD requires a systematic, multidisciplinary approach and therefore evidence-based, standardized national guidelines are essential.


A meeting for formulation of national consensus guidelines on neurodevelopmental disorders was organized by Indian Academy of Pediatrics in Mumbai, on 18th and 19th December, 2015. The invited experts included Pediatricians, Developmental Pediatricians, Pediatric Neurologists, Psychiatrists, Remedial Educators and Clinical Psychologists. The participants framed guidelines after extensive discussions.


To provide consensus guidelines on evaluation and management of ADHD in children in India.


ADHD is a chronic condition and thus education of patients, families, and teachers regarding the diagnosis is an integral part of management. Involvement of patient the and the family in the management program is extremely vital. Management of ADHD centers on the achievement of target outcomes, which are chosen in collaboration with the child, parents, and school personnel. Coexisting conditions must be treated concurrently with ADHD. Modalities of management of ADHD include behavioral interventions, medications, and educational interventions. These modalities can be implemented individually or in combination.

Sanklecha M 《Indian pediatrics》2002,39(8):793; author reply 793-793; author reply 795

At the Academy's National Advanced Practice Neonatal Nurses Conference in New Orleans, nearly 500 advanced practice neonatal nurses attended…and did the good times roll! As always in the Big Easy, there are so many things to do! The infectious atmosphere of New Orleans was an ideal backdrop for this conference.  相似文献   


COPE Guidelines

Consensus statement on the adoption of the COPE guidelines  相似文献   

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