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The greater splanchnic nerve trunks in the rat, unlike in other experimental animals, do not join celiac plexus directly. These nerve trunks join small ganglia, the cardiac ganglia, on either side. The cardiac ganglia are located about 1 cm rostro-lateral to unpaired celiac ganglion. The greater splanchnic nerve activity immediately proximal to celiac ganglion is predominantly post-ganglionic in the rat. On the other hand, the activity of the greater splanchnic nerve proximal to the celiac ganglion is predominantly preganglionic in other experimental animals, (e.g., cat). In the rat, preganglionic sympathetic nerve activity is predominant in the segment of the greater splanchnic nerve proximal to the cardiac ganglion.  相似文献   

Afferent neurons in the solitary tract nucleus (NTS) which innervate the liver were identified by electrical stimulation of the hepatic branch of the vagus. This nerve branch projects predominantly into the left side of the medulla. A collision test was employed to discriminate the afferent unit discharges from the efferent ones. These afferent neurons are characterized by no cancellation of the evoked unit discharges by the collision. Latencies were widely scattered and lay between 73.2 and 222.5 ms. A variable latency in each response was always recognized. Excitability curves obtained by applications of conditioning and test stimuli revealed that there exist two different types of units; one is characterized by a higher safety factor for synaptic transmission, while the other shows a lower safety factor than the former. It is concluded that the neurons in the NTS activated by the hepatic vagal afferent nerve locate predominantly in the left side of the medulla and also these nerve fibers are mostly non-medullated fibers in which conduction velocities are slower than 1 m/s. The variable latency recognized in each neuron and low safety factors for synaptic transmission recognized in some neurons indicate integrative action within the NTS as well as a relay of the afferent signals from the liver.  相似文献   

采用荧光金逆行标记和免疫荧光组织化学技术,观察了大鼠脑干SP能神经元向腰骶髓后连合核(DCN)的投射状况。将FG压力注入DCN后,脑干中缝苍白核、中缝隐核、中缝大核和巨细胞网状核α部腹外侧部的一些FG逆标神经元呈现SP样免疫反应阳性。结果表明,脑干的SP能下行纤维可终止于脊髓DCN区。  相似文献   

Nerve transfer procedures involving the repair of a distal denervated nerve element with that of a foreign proximal nerve have become increasingly popular for clinical nerve repair as a surgical alternative to autologous nerve grafting. However, the functional outcomes and the central plasticity for these procedures remain poorly defined, particularly for a clinically relevant rodent model of hindlimb nerve transfer. We therefore evaluated the effect of selective tibial branch nerve transfer on behavioural recovery in animals following acute transection of the deep peroneal nerve. The results indicate that not only can hindlimb nerve transfers be successfully accomplished in a rat model but that these animals display a return of skilled locomotor function on a par with animals that underwent direct deep peroneal nerve repair (the current gold standard). At 2 months, ground reaction force analysis demonstrated that partial restoration of braking forces occurred in the nerve transfer group, whereas the direct repair group had fully restored these forces to similar to baseline levels. Ankle kinematic analysis revealed that only animals in the direct repair group significantly recovered flexion during the step cycle, indicating a recovery of surgically induced foot drop. Terminal electrophysiological and myological assessments demonstrated similar levels of reinnervation, whereas retrograde labelling studies confirmed that the peroneal nerve‐innervated muscles were innervated by neurons from the tibial nerve pool in the nerve transfer group. Our results demonstrate a task‐dependent recovery process, where skilled locomotor recovery is similar between nerve transfer and direct repair animals, whereas flat surface locomotion is significantly better in direct repair animals.  相似文献   

采用荧光金逆行标记和免疫荧光组织化学技术,观察了大鼠脑干SP能神经元向腰骶髓后连合核(DCN)的投射状况.将FG压力注入DCN后,脑干中缝苍白核、中缝隐核、中缝大核和巨细胞网状核α部腹外侧部的一些FG逆标神经元呈现SP样免疫反应阳性.结果表明,脑干的SP能下行纤维可终止于脊髓DCN区.  相似文献   

The hepatic vagus nerve contains various thermosensitive afferent fibers which are widely varied in their sensitivity. Their Q10 values lie between 4 and 16. The discharge rate is positively correlated with increase of liver temperature (warm fiber type). The result supports the existence of a thermosensitive structure in the liver which may possibly contribute to maintain thermal homeostasis. Neural responses to the osmotic changes in the perfusion solution have been analyzed. It was found that two different types of osmosensitive afferent fibers exist in the hepatic vagus; one is characterized by increasing the frequency of spike discharges in response to higher osmotic pressure, while the other shows the same response to lowered levels. Behavioral changes caused by hepatic vagotomy were observed. These results provide evidence for the existence of an osmoreceptor mechanism. The role of these hepatic afferent nerves in homeostasis are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

In a companion paper (Jacquin et al., '89), the structure and function of local circuit (LC) neurons in spinal trigeminal (V) subnucleus interpolaris (Sp Vi) were described. The present report provides similar data for 44 projection neurons in Sp Vi. Of these, 25 thalamic, 16 cerebellar, 2 superior collicular, and 1 inferior olivary projecting neurons were studied. The majority responded to vibrissa(e) deflection, and all except 4 of these had multivibrissae receptive fields. The remainder were responsive to either guard hair deflection or indentation of glabrous skin. Latencies to V ganglion shocks were suggestive of monosynaptic activation from the periphery. Sp Vi projection neurons were topographically organized in a manner consistent with that of their primary afferent inputs. Nonvibrissa sensitive cells had diverse morphologies. Morphometric analyses of the more heavily sampled thalamic and cerebellar projecting, vibrissa(e)-sensitive cells indicated the following. (1) As compared to LC neurons, projection neurons had bigger receptive fields, cell bodies, dendritic trees, and axons; less circular dendritic trees; a greater preponderance of spiny dendrites and fewer axon collaterals in Sp Vi. (2) Dendritic tree extent correlated significantly with receptive field size, thus suggesting that dendritic tree size is one mechanism contributing to receptive field size in vibrissae-sensitive projection neurons. (3) V thalamic cells had significantly bigger receptive fields and dendritic trees, and also give off more local axon collaterals, than V cerebellar neurons. Collicular and inferior olivary projecting neurons shared structural and functional attributes with other Sp Vi long-range projecting cells. Structure-function relationships exist for vibrissa-sensitive projection neurons in Sp Vi. The relevant parameters correlating with projection neuron morphology are receptive field size and projection status, whereas for Sp Vi LC neurons the relevant correlative parameter is peripheral receptor association.  相似文献   

This study measured the vagus and phrenic nerves from 12 adult cadavers. We found that the width and thickness of the vagus and phrenic nerves were different in the chest. The distance from the point of the vagus nerve and phrenic nerve on the plane of the inferior border of portal pulmonary arteries (T point) was approximately 7 cm to the diaphragm and was approximately 10 cm to the clavicle level. The number of motor fibers in the vagus nerves was 1 716 ± 362, and the number of nerve fibers was 4 473 ± 653. The number of motor fibers in the phrenic nerves ranged from 3 078 ± 684 to 4 794 ± 638, and the number of nerve fibers ranged from 3 437 ± 642 to 5 071 ± 723. No significant difference was found in the total number of nerve fibers. The results suggest that width, thickness, and total number of nerve fibers are similar between the vagus and phrenic nerves, but the number of motor fibers is different between them.  相似文献   

The hepatic branch of the vagus nerve has been implicated as an important source of afferent input controlling both physiological and behavioral homeostasis. In addition, it is clear that parasympathetic efferents to the liver can significantly alter hepatic functions. In order to begin physiological studies on the nature of hepatic afferent and efferent relations, it will be necessary to understand the central anatomical organization of the components of this small visceral nerve. By carefully exposing and dissecting the hepatic branch of the vagus and applying crystalline horseradish peroxidase (HRP) to it, we were able to elucidate a predominant pattern of afferent terminations within the left subnucleus gelatinosus, the medial division of the left solitary nucleus and the left lateral edge of the area postrema. Efferent nuclei were concentrated in the left dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus (DMN) with a few scattered neurons located in the right DMN as well as the left anterior nucleus ambiguus.  相似文献   

The projection of phrenic nerve afferents to the sensorimotor cortex was studied in cats. The results of these experiments demonstrate that stimulation of phrenic nerve afferents elicits cortical evoked potentials (CEPs) in the sensorimotor cortex of cats. Cortical foci for CEPs classified as primary were found in areas 3b, 3a and 4 gamma. These foci were located medial to forelimb and lateral to hindlimb afferent representations in the sensorimotor cortex.  相似文献   

Kynurenic acid (KYN) is a metabolite of tryptophan and is involved in various neurological disorders. Using whole-bundle nerve recording techniques, we previously observed that applications of KYN to block endogenous ionotropic glutamate receptor activities in neonatal rat spinal cords in vitro cause a reversible fluctuation of splanchnic sympathetic nerve discharge (SND). We hypothesized that the SND fluctuation was due to a heterogeneous single-fiber response. To detail individual fiber activities, we used the so-called ‘oligofiber recordings’. Spontaneous single-fiber activities were recorded from the collagenase-dissociated splanchnic nerve fascicles. Applications of KYN increased, decreased or did not change firing rates. The heterogeneous responses in spontaneous spiking activities were confirmed by applications of APV or CNQX, suggesting an effect mediated by endogenous NMDA- or non-NMDA receptor activities. In addition to changes in firing rates, apparent drug-induced changes in firing patterns were also observed in some fiber activities. Using the oligofiber recording techniques, we confirmed a differential role of endogenous ionotropic glutamate receptor activities in regulating sympathetic outflows from the spinal cord of neonatal rats. Fine-tuning of ionotropic glutamate receptor activities in the spinal cord may serve as a simple way for heterogeneous regulation of various sympathetic-targeting tissues.  相似文献   

To investigate activation and discharge patterns of central nervous system neurons that regenerate lengthy axons along peripheral nerve grafts we inserted a 4 cm long autologous segment of sciatic nerve into the dorsolateral medulla oblongata of adult rats. Two to 6 months after grafting, the distribution of the cells of origin of the regenerating axons in many nuclei of the brainstem was documented by retrograde horseradish peroxidase labelling from the cut end of the grafts. Functional properties of neurons regenerating axons into the grafts were studied by recording from single regenerated fibers teased from the grafts. Conduction velocities of graft fibers ranged from < 1m/s to 25m/s (30°C). Spontaneous centrifugal impulse traffic in the grafts included units firing in bursts synchronously with the respiratory cycle. Activity in other units was either elicited or inhibited by natural or electrical stimulation of the periphery. Most units recorded in the grafts were neither spontaneously active nor responsive to stimulation of primary afferents. We conclude that: (1) there are central nervous system neurons projecting into the grafts that respond to both excitatory and inhibitory transsynaptic influences; (2) at least some of the spontaneous and induced activity recorded from axons in the grafts resembles that known for normal nerve cells in the regions of the brainstem from which axonal growth arises; and (3) it is possible that many central neurons regenerating axons into peripheral nerve grafts have significantly reduced or altered synaptic inputs.  相似文献   

Hand injuries with nerve lesions often leave the patient with a persistent sensory deficit, particularly with respect to glabrous skin. The present study examines axonal regeneration in the foot branch of the superficial peroneal nerve (fSPN) and the lateral plantar nerve (LPN), supplying hairy skin and glabrous skin together with some intrinsic muscles, respectively, after sciatic nerve lesions in the rat. Following crush lesions, the number of myelinated axons is normal in the fSPN, and the occurrence of C-fibers appears slightly reduced. In the LPN, the numbers of myelinated axons and C-fibers are both significantly increased. Post-crush regenerated myelinated fSPN and LPN axons show normal size ranges, but the proportion of small myelinated axons is increased. After neurotomy and suture, the numbers of myelinated axons and C-fibers in the fSPN are not significantly different from normal. The LPN exhibits a significantly increased number of myelinated axons, but the number of C-fibers is not significantly abnormal. In both nerves, the myelinated axons present an abnormally narrow size range. These findings show that the quantitative outcome of regeneration in a nerve innervating glabrous skin (and some intrinsic muscles) differs significantly from that of branches to hairy skin of the foot, with respect to myelinated as well as unmyelinated axons. To what extent these differences mirror functional differences awaits elucidation.  相似文献   

This study examines the outcome of axonal regeneration in the posterior articular nerve of the adult rat knee joint (PAN), after sciatic nerve lesions. Some animals had previously been subjected to chemical sympathectomy with guanethidine. In crushed cases the number of myelinated PAN axons was 50% above control level. The occurrence of C-fibers was doubled, mainly due to an increased number of sympathetic efferents. In neurotomy/suture cases the number of myelinated fibers was clearly elevated, but the number of C-fibers was close to normal. Most C-fibers were sensory. Similar, but less marked, post-regeneration abnormalities were seen in the nerve to the lateral gastrocnemius muscle. The sural nerve exhibited moderately increased numbers of myelinated and unmyelinated fibers in crushed cases. In neurotomy cases, the myelinated axons had increased and the C-fibers had decreased in number. The size distribution of myelinated PAN axons was less abnormal in crushed cases than after neurotomy, like in the other nerves. These results show that the outcome of axon regeneration in an articular branch of the lesioned rat sciatic nerve differs from that in non-articular branches, and suggest that joints may become hyperinnervated by C-fibers after nerve crush lesions.  相似文献   

Intracellular staining with biotinamide was used to study the axonal projection and synaptic morphology of rat jaw-muscle spindle afferents. Intracellular recordings in the mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus (Vme) were identified as spindle afferent responses by their increased firing during stretching of the jaw-elevator muscles. Biotinamide-stained axon collaterals with boutons were found in the trigeminal motor nucleus (Vmo), Vme, the region dorsal to Vmo including the supratrigeminal region, the dorsomedial portion of the trigeminal principal sensory nucleus, and the dorsomedial part of the rostral spinal trigeminal subnucleus oralis. Additional, previously undescribed projections of jaw-muscle spindle afferents were found to the dorsomedial portiori of the caudal spinal trigeminal subnucleus oralis (Vodm), the dorsomedial part of the spinal trigeminal subnucleus interpolaris (Vidm), the caudal parvicellular reticular formation, laminae IV and V of the spinal trigeminal subnucleus caudalis (Vc), and the dorsal division of the medullary reticular field. Labeled spindle boutons in Vodm formed predominately axodendritic synapses. Some of these boutons received presynaptic inputs from unlabeled P-type boutons containing clear, spherical, or flattened vesicles. In Vidm, labeled collaterals and boutons were densely clustered into glomerular-like structures. Labeled boutons in Vidm made axodendritic, axosomatic, and axoaxonic synapses and received synaptic contacts from unlabeled boutons containng clear, spherical, or flat and pleomorphic vesicles. Unlabeled presynaptic boutons in Vidrn occasionally contained dense core vesicles. Labeled boutons in Vc mainly formed synaptic contacts with large diameter dendrites. This projection of jaw-muscle spindle afferents to caudal brainstem regions may play a significant role in masticatory-muscle stretch reflexes and in the integration of trigeminal proprioceptive information and its transmission to higher centers. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Isolated cranial nerve palsies due to brainstem lesions.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
F Th?mke 《Muscle & nerve》1999,22(9):1168-1176
Isolated cranial nerve palsies are often attributed to lesions of the respective nerves along their extraaxial courses. There are a significant number of reports of individual patients with cranial nerve palsies, mostly of the 3rd and 6th nerves, as the sole manifestation of brainstem lesions proven by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computer-assisted tomography (CT). An intraaxial basis may still be underestimated if based on MRI only, as electrophysiological abnormalities indicating brainstem lesions (masseter reflex, blink reflex, DC electrooculography) may be independent from MRI-documented morphological lesions. This article reviews the evidence that ischemic and demyelinating brainstem lesions are an important and underestimated cause of clinically isolated cranial nerve palsies. Especially in middle-aged and elderly people with 3rd and 6th nerve palsies, small pontine and mesencephalic infarctions seem to be more frequent than small-vessel ischemic infarctions of the extraaxial nerves.  相似文献   

Three patients with inferior branch palsies of the oculomotor nerve are described. Two were under 10 years of age and the third was 30 years old at the onset. All 3 presented with painless diplopia. The onset was sudden in 2 patients and progressive in the third. The palsy cleared within a short time in the 2 patients with sudden onset, and a possible viral origin was considered. In the third patient, with progressive palsy, there was no change eight years later.  相似文献   

Electrophysiological evaluation of cranial nerves provides information on its functional aspects and may be a valuable adjunct to imaging. In 10 normal subjects, we used transcranial magnetic stimulation with a double cone coil at the posterior head region to obtain orbicularis oris motor evoked potentials. Our findings suggest activation of descending facial fibers proximal to brainstem motoneurons. This method is advocated as an adjunct in the electrodiagnostic workup of facial nerve dysfunction.  相似文献   

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