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岳纯 《天津护理》1998,6(2):86-88
在香港回归后的8月份,为推进港津护理交流,香港护士训练及教育基金会诚邀我市护士到香港做为期四周专业访问。我们除参观香港二十多所公立和私立医院、护校以及与健康医疗有关福利机构两周外,其余两周到联合医院相关科室实地观察操作及参观学习医院管理。在此期间,我们对香港现代化企业管理框架运用在医院管理,医护人员良好的  相似文献   

通过在德国的参观学习与交流,对德国医院护理工作的现状有了初步了解,护理保险特色突出,德国每百万人口拥有护士数是我国的6.62倍。德国的护理技能教育分为说明性学习、程序性学习、情景性学习和反射性学习4种教学模式。  相似文献   

2006年,我院和德国Asklepios骨科医院建立了友好关系.我们于2007年2月和6月先后到德国Asklepios骨科医院参观访问和进修学习,德国医院先进的医疗配置、以人为本的服务意识、一丝不苟的敬业精神给我们留下了深刻的印象.  相似文献   

参观荷兰社区护理有感   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
笔者于2000年10月赴荷兰参加了为期2个月的社区护理师资培训,实地考察和学习了荷兰的社区卫生服务(包括社区护理)、护理教育、临终关怀等,现介绍如下。  相似文献   

参观荷兰社区护理有感   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:7  
笔者于2 0 0 0年10月赴荷兰参加了为期2个月的社区护理师资培训,实地考察和学习了荷兰的社区卫生服务(包括社区护理)、护理教育、临终关怀等,现介绍如下。1 荷兰的社区卫生服务概况在荷兰,有组织的专业化的社区卫生服务(communityhealthcare )已有10 0多年的历史,最初的这种组织称为家庭帮助。进入2 1世纪后,荷兰已经形成了一个较完善、先进的社区卫生服务体系。1.1 社区卫生服务的基本内容。其基本内容包括疾病的预防及健康教育、有效的躯体疾病的护理及初步治疗用药、精神疾病的护理支持、残障者的康复治疗及家政服务,基本实现了小病在…  相似文献   

4月20日,德国德累斯顿大学教学医院麻醉科及ICU主任,高级内科医师Michael G.Meisner教授来到四川省人民医院讲学,与医院外科ICU、科技部及相关科室负责人就危重医学的临床与科研工作进行了深入交流,Michael G.Meisner  相似文献   

<正>我们是来自德国拉芬斯堡-魏恩加腾(Ravensburg Weingarten)应用科技大学护理教育(Nursing Pedagogy)方向的留学生,在临床护理岗位工作已有一段时间,现在是重返校园学习和实习护理教学方式方法,为将来成为师资奠定基础。2010年3月1日,我们有幸来到山东大学进行为期4个月的交流学习,  相似文献   

通过介绍德国老年人护理职业与教育轨迹、护理分级与费用支付情况,为建立健全我国的可持续、和谐、高效的老年人护理保障体系提供参考。  相似文献   

我于2005年10月至2007年10月在德国进修学习两年。第1年我在德国汉诺威医科大学直属医院(Medizinische Hochschule Hannover,MHH)学习。该院位于德国下萨克森州州府汉诺威市,是德国惟一一家大学直属医院,属公立医院,以急救创伤、心胸外科等学科见长。MHH对外公开床位数1441张,共有工作人员5256名,其中各类管理人员1222名,其余4034名医疗护理人员。我在MHH的创伤急救中心工作了7个月,在创伤外科重症监护室工作了5个月。通过直接参加临床护理工作,我有机会更深入地了解到他们的护理概况。在此对MHH的护理管理组织结构及护理人力资源配置进行介绍。  相似文献   

The development of nursing research in Germany is described in this article; in the first part, the evolution of nursing research in Europe is discussed briefly, then the development of nursing research in Germany is analysed using the framework of the main stages of the development of nursing research described by Tierney. A comparison of the differences between European and German development follows. Reasons for the differences are briefly analysed and discussed in the context of the German political and social background.  相似文献   

violence remains a public health challenge and the nursing profession accepts this challenge by expanding its field. Although countries such as the United States, Great Britain, and Canada have employed forensic nurses for decades in different capacities, Germany has yet to follow their lead. This report discusses the German health care and legal systems and challenges Germany to develop an innovative, cost-efficient, and competent profession of forensic nursing.  相似文献   

The purpose of this conceptual paper is to examine the current situation in which high-tech home care is going to materialize in Germany in the beginning of the new millennium. It will be shown that there have been long-standing efforts to bring about a corresponding expansion of home care as can be observed in other countries (e.g., United States). It is apparent, however, that these efforts are still crowned by only modest success. This especially applies to high-tech home care. The introduction of this special form of care is turning out to be a complicated process on a collision course with a great number of obstacles due to the peculiarities of Germany's health care system. If the nursing options related to high-tech home care are to be opened up and put into practice in the future, numerous prerequisites for their development will first have to be created. From a public health nursing viewpoint the three most pressing issues on the list of priorities relevant to high-tech home care are to: (1) increase awareness of the problems associated with this special form of care; (2) eliminate the present information deficits in society; and (3) initiate a debate in Germany about possibilities and limitations of technology-intensive home care, building on international exchange of experiences and ideas.  相似文献   

Annual pressure ulcer surveys in the Netherlands and Germany have shown remarkable differences in prevalence rates. We explored the differences between the two populations, and the degree to which these differences were associated with differences in prevalence. To this end, data from 48 Dutch and 45 German facilities (n = 9772) from 2003 were analyzed. The prevalence of pressure ulcers (excluding grade 1) was 12.5% in the Netherlands and 4.3% in Germany. After adjusting for age, sex, and other risk factors, the probability of developing a pressure ulcer of stage 2 or higher in Dutch nursing homes was three times greater than in German homes.  相似文献   

睡眠中心是进行睡眠医学研究及睡眠相关疾病诊断、治疗的重要医疗机构。睡眠中心可以为临床医师提供各类患者有关睡眠全面的数据,支持或确定临床诊断和治疗方案。本文将从人员配置、实验室配备、分级、医师认证、睡眠障碍诊断及治疗等方面阐述德国睡眠中心的规范化管理,从而为睡眠医学中心的建设提供帮助。  相似文献   

目的了解儿科护士工作满意度情况并探讨分析其影响因素,为提高儿科护理管理水平提供科学依据。方法采用明尼苏达满意度问卷(minnesota satisfaction questionnaire,MSQ)短式量表对广州市某三甲专科医院454名儿科护士进行调查。结果儿科护士工作满意度得分为(70.41±9.28)分,其中内部满意度(3.62±0.45)分、外在满意度(3.30±0.60)分、一般满意度(3.52±0.46)。收入是影响儿科护士满意度的重要因素。结论注重护士的薪酬管理,提高护士素质对提高儿科护士工作满意度和护理质量具有积极意义。  相似文献   

PURPOSE.  This study aims to describe the sleep experience of parents staying overnight with their children in hospital.
DESIGN AND METHODS.  Parents ( n  = 102) completed the Verran and Snyder-Halpern Sleep Scale following a night spent with their children in an Australian tertiary pediatric hospital .
RESULTS.  Parents experienced sleep deprivation and poor quality of sleep, reporting a mean sleep period of 4.6 hr ( SD  = 2.1). Having only one child in the room was the only variable that significantly influenced the quality or amount of parental sleep .
PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS.  Parental sleep deprivation needs to be acknowledged and accommodated when nurses and parents negotiate the care of children in hospital .  相似文献   

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