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炎症性肠病(inflammatory bowel disease,IBD)是一组病因未明的慢性肠道炎症性疾病,包括慢性非特异性溃疡性结肠炎(ulcerative colitis,UC)和克罗恩病(Crons disease,CD)。大约10%的结肠炎尚不能区别是UC或CD,在欧美国家称为未定型结肠炎(indeterminate colitis)㈩。因为IBD的诊断和治疗目前均有未解决的难题,故需要采用动物模型来进行研究。本文就IBD动物模型的制作现况及进展作一综述。 相似文献
心力衰竭是心脏泵血功能衰竭,无法将静脉回流的血液充分泵出以满足全身组织代谢需求的一种病理生理状态及临床综合征。心衰模型可模拟心衰病理生理发展过程,从而为心衰发生、发展、治疗及预后提供良好平台。如何明确心衰发生指标及心衰诊断标准对心衰模型建立非常重要。心衰的指标包括行为学指标及心电图,超声,胸部放射学及心导管等检查等,但心衰诊断标准依然需要进一步研究。 相似文献
黄芪皂苷注射液对急性心衰犬心功能和血流动力学的影响 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的 观察黄芪皂苷注射液对实验性心衰犬心功能和血流动力学的影响.方法 采用β受体阻滞剂心得安诱发麻醉犬在体急性心衰模型,静脉注射黄芪皂苷注射液,同时测定心输出量(CO)、心脏指数(CI)、左心室收缩压(LVSP )、左室舒张末压(LVEDP)、收缩压最大上升速率(+dp/dtmax)及舒张压最大下降速率(-dp/dtmax)等心功能指标.结果 黄芪皂苷注射液对心衰犬CO 、CI 及LVSP、+dp/dtmax、-dp/dtmax均有明显的增加作用.结论 黄芪皂苷注射液具有增加col、增强心肌收缩力和改善心脏舒缩功能的作用.将其研制成强心和改善心功能药物具有良好的应用前景. 相似文献
用实验性心力衰竭制作持续性心房颤动模型 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
为探讨实验性心力衰竭(简称心衰)形成持续性心房颤动(简称房颤)的可行性,用200~250ppm的频率以VOO方式起搏犬心室3~7周形成实验性心衰,在犬清醒状态下观察心衰前、后刺激诱发的房性快速心律失常。快速起搏右室3~7周,8条犬均发生充血性心衰,3周时体重由心衰前的28±6kg降至24±4kg(P<0.05);左室射血分数由0.64±0.06降至0.23±0.09(P<0.01),右房直径由25±3mm增至36±6mm(P<0.01),心房不应期由116±5ms增至137±12ms(P=0.01),不应期离散度无显著性改变(16±12msvs20±9ms,P=0.20),心房平均传导时间亦无显著性变化(61±19msvs66±24ms,P=0.20)。1条犬于起搏后第6周夜间突然死亡。心衰前,8条犬均未诱发心房扑动,4条犬诱发短暂房颤;心衰后,8条犬均可反复诱发心房扑动和持续性房颤(持续时间超过15min,平均周长95±5ms),最长者持续24h以上。结果表明起搏心室导致犬心衰可形成非瓣膜病性慢性房颤的实验模型。 相似文献
目的 建立幽门螺杆菌感染Beagle犬动物模型 ,为研究幽门螺杆菌 (Helicobacterpylori,Hp)感染的临床治疗及预防提供实验基础。方法 对Beagle犬口服灌喂Hp液体培养悬液 ,通过胃镜观察其胃部组织病理改变 ,酶试验、组织培养、粪便PCR、血清及唾液中抗体和RT PCR法检测脾脏中淋巴细胞细胞因子含量等方法对Hp感染Beagle犬情况进行分析。 结果 Beagle犬感染Hp数月后胃部组织仍有病理改变 ;组织培养、酶试验、粪便PCR及抗体、细胞因子检测均阳性。 结论 Hp可以长时间定植于Beagle犬体内并引起相应的病理改变 ,其可以作为Hp感染动物模型进行相关实验研究。 相似文献
本文重点回顾了目前较常用的犬心力衰竭模型的评估标准,包括:症状和体征、影像学检查、血清学检查、电生理与病理解剖等,其中ISACHC分级、改良NYHA分级、LVEF及NT-pro BNP使用较为广泛,但现行办法均无法对犬心衰进行准确评估。因此,需要我们在现有的理论基础上,对多种标准综合应用,对犬心衰的发生发展进行评估。 相似文献
慢性心力衰竭是一种复杂的临床综合征,是各种心脏病最终的归宿,死亡率高。各种心血管疾病一旦发展到心力衰竭阶段,多种病因和病理生理机制交错在一起,将极大增加诊治难度。心衰患者经“传统”疗法即强心(西地兰等)、利尿(速尿等)、扩张血管(硝普钠等)等综合治疗后,病情不见好转,心功能仍处于Ⅲ~Ⅳ级(NYHA分级),称为顽固性心衰。其预后差,病情可迅速恶化,传统内科药物治疗极为困难。近年来,基础学科的发展及一些大型临床试验的结果不但使我们进一步了解了心衰的病理生理机制,而且也使心衰治疗的概念发生了根本性的变化。 相似文献
开胸结扎犬冠状动脉建立急性心肌梗死动物模型的研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
无菌条件下,16只健康杂种犬全麻后,开胸暴露心脏,预阻断犬冠状动脉左前降支(LAD)第一对角支下距左主干1.5 cm处3次,5 min/次,后予结扎,应用结扎前后犬体内血清心肌酶的变化、心电图(ECG)改变、超声心动图(UCG)检查、病理组织切片等确定急性心肌梗死(AMI)模型建立情况.结果 16只健康杂种犬中,存活6周12只,存活1周1只,麻醉意外死亡1只,术中死于室颤2只.认为采用本文方法可成功制备AMI动物模型,简便易行,经济实用,术后可长期饲养. 相似文献
心力衰竭犬血小板功能及血浆血管性血友病因子、内皮素-1改变的实验研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的:观察慢性心力衰竭犬血小板聚集功能和血浆血管性血友病因子(vWF)、内皮素-1(ET-1)和血管紧张素Ⅱ(AngⅡ)含量的变化,探讨心力衰竭血栓前状态的形成机制.方法:14只犬随机分为起搏组(8只)和假手术组(6只),起搏组犬植入实验用心室非同步固定频率起搏方式(VOO)型起搏器,行心室快速起搏(220次/分)6周,建立心力衰竭犬模型.起搏组犬于起搏前和起搏后6周,假手术组犬于术前和术后7周采静脉血测定血小板最大聚集率及血浆vWF、ET-1和AngⅡ含量.结果:①假手术组犬术前与术后7周比较,心脏功能、血小板最大聚集率及血浆vWF、ET-1、AngⅡ含量均无明显变化.②快速心室起搏后6周,起搏组所有犬出现心功能不全症状,心脏每搏量、心输出量、左心室射血分数及心脏指数较起搏前明显降低,有显著性差异(P<0.05~0.01);③起搏组犬快速心室起搏后6周,由二磷酸腺苷、肾上腺素、胶原和花生四烯酸诱导的血小板最大聚集率较起搏前增加,有极显著性差异(P<0.01);④快速心室起搏后6周,起搏组犬血浆vWF、ET-1及AngⅡ含量较起搏前升高,有极显著性差异(P<0.01).结论:血小板聚集功能增强、血浆vWF和ET-1含量升高,是导致心力衰竭血栓前状态形成的重要因素之一. 相似文献
objectives To demonstrate the phenomena and explore the causes of anemia in patients with chronic heart failure (CHF). Methods To observe the phenomena of anemia in patients with CHF, a total of 276 patients with CHF were included in this retrospective study. The clinical characteristics of the patients are; mean age 69.2±11.0 years; male 151, female 125; NYHAⅢandⅣ115(41.7%). Results①Among the 276 patients with CHF, 81 (29.4% )had anemia (Mean hemoglobulin concentration 101.5±13.0 g/L).②Patients with Anemia were more likely to be female and to have greater NYHA (ⅢorⅣ) (P < 0.05 ) , higher serum creatinine, as well as lower serum albumin and low-density lipoprotein levels (P < 0.01).③A weak negative correlation was also noted between the level of NYHA and hemoglobulin.④There was no significant difference in age, the primary cardiac etiology of the CHF, the history of diabetes, left ventricular end diastolic diameter, and left ventricular ejection fraction between CHF patient with and without anemia. Conclusions The prevalence of anemia is high among patients with CHF. The anemia patients with CHF tend to be female, have greater cardiac and renal functional impairment, but with lower serum albumin and LDL that suggests some degree of malnutrition. 相似文献
Objectives This study compared the effects of amiodarone on ventricular electrophysiological properties in normal dogs and CHF dogs. Methods Dogs (n=44) were randomized into four groups: Group 1 (n=10) was the control. Group 2 (n=10) was given amiodarone orally 300 mg·d^-1 for 4 to 5 weeks. Group 3 (n=12) was the congestive heart failure (CHF) models induced by right ventricular rapid pacing (240 pulses·min^-1 for 4 to 5 weeks). Group 4 (n=12) was the CHF models given amiodarone orally 300 mg·d^-1 for 4 to 5 weeks. The ventricular electrophysiological variables were evaluated by standard electric stimulation and monophasic action potential (MAP) recording. Results Amiodarone prolonged sinus cycle length (SCL), intra-ventricular conduction time (IVCT), MAP duration (MAPD90), ventricular effective period (VERP), ventricular activation time (VAT) and ventricular recovery time (VRT) without significant effects on the ratio of VERP to MAPD90 (VERP/MAPD90), ventricular fibrillation threshold (VFT), the dispersion of VRT (VRT-D), and ventricular late repolarization duration (VLRD) in normal dogs. However, amiodarone did not further prolong the prolonged SCL, MAPD90, VERP, VAT and VRT, but further prolonged IVCT in CHF dogs. Amiodarone normalized the abnormal ventricular electrophysiological properties in CHF dogs as manifested by increasing the decreased VERP/MAPD90 and VFT, shortening the prolonged VLRD, and decreasing the increased VRT-D. Amiodarone did not worsen the hemodynamic parameters in normal and CHF dogs. Conclusions Amiodarone had different effects on ventricular electrophysiological properties in normal and CHF dogs. The favorable effects of amiodarone in normalizing some abnormal cardiac electrophysiological properties in CHF models may have potential value on the prevention and treatment of ventricular arrhythmias and sudden cardiac death in CHF. 相似文献
心力衰竭是一种复杂的临床综合征,随着人口老龄化和心血管疾病治疗水平的提高,疾病死亡率在逐步下降,同时心力衰竭患者的数量在进一步增长。目前临床上对心力衰竭的诊断存在一定的局限性,这些局限性需要我们通过对新的生物标记物监测来克服和完善。本文就目前发现的几项在临床上运用潜力较大的几种标记物进行探讨。 相似文献
《Heart failure clinics》2018,14(4):493-500
Ganapathi Sanjay Panniyammakal Jeemon Anubha Agarwal Sunitha Viswanathan Madhu Sreedharan Govindan Vijayaraghavan Charantharayil Gopalan Bahuleyan R. Biju Tiny Nair N. Prathapkumar G. Krishnakumar N. Rajalekshmi Krishnan Suresh Lawrence P. Park Mark D. Huffman Sivadasanpillai Harikrishnan 《Journal of cardiac failure》2018,24(12):842-848
Long-term data on outcomes of participants hospitalized with heart failure (HF) from low- and middle-income countries are limited.Methods and Results
In the Trivandrum Heart Failure Registry (THFR) in 2013, 1205 participants from 18 hospitals in Trivandrum, India, were enrolled. Data were collected on demographics, clinical presentation, treatment, and outcomes. We performed survival analyses, compared groups and evaluated the association between heart failure (HF) type and mortality, adjusting for covariates that predicted mortality in a global HF risk score. The mean (standard deviation) age of participants was 61.2 (13.7) years. Ischemic heart disease was the most common cause (72%). The in-hospital mortality rate was higher for participants with HF with reduced ejection fraction (HFrEF; 9.7%) compared with those with HF with preserved ejection fraction (HFpEF; 4.8%; P?=?.003). After 3 years, 540 (44.8%) participants had died. The all-cause mortality rate was lower for participants with HFpEF (40.8%) compared with HFrEF (46.2%; P?=?.049). In multivariable models, older age (hazard ratio [HR] 1.24 per decade, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.15-1.33), New York Heart Association functional class IV symptoms (HR 2.80, 95% CI 1.43-5.48), and higher serum creatinine (HR 1.12 per mg/dL, 95% CI 1.04-1.22) were associated with all-cause mortality.Conclusions
Participants with HF in the THFR have high 3-year all-cause mortality. Targeted hospital-based quality improvement initiatives are needed to improve survival during and after hospitalization for HF. 相似文献19.
曲美他嗪治疗缺血性心脏病合并心力衰竭的疗效分析 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
目的探讨心肌能量代谢药物曲美他嗪与1,6-二磷酸果糖治疗缺血性心脏病并心力衰竭的临床疗效。方法收集60例缺血性心脏病合并心力衰竭患者,按入组编号随机分为观察组与对照组,每组各30例,在强心、利尿及扩血管等常规治疗基础上,观察组给予曲美他嗪干预治疗,对照组予以1,6-二磷酸果糖治疗,对比两组患者疗效及心功能变化。结果观察组有效率为86.67%,明显优于对照组的76.67%,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05);两组患者心功能均较前好转,治疗前后左室舒张末径(LVEDD)及左室射血分数(LVEF)比较差异均有统计学意义(P〈0.05),且观察组LVEDD及LVEF改善程度均好于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P〈0.05)。结论心肌能量代谢药物曲美他嗪治疗缺血性心脏病合并心力衰竭疗效显著,且曲美他嗪在提高疗效及改善心功能方面优于1,6-二磷酸果糖,值得临床推广和进一步研究。 相似文献