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We describe a 22-year-old previously healthy primigravida who presented with spontaneous rupture of membranes at 40 weeks of gestation. Because of her history of inadequate prenatal care, a chemoprophylaxis regimen against group B streptococcal infection was prescribed upon admission. Within a few minutes after initiation of an i.v. infusion of penicillin G, the patient developed generalized erythema and severe hypotension, which was essentially unresponsive to intravenous boluses of ephedrine. Following stabilization of maternal blood pressure with incremental doses of epinephrine, emergency cesarean section was performed with delivery of a severely depressed neonate. Postoperative recovery of the mother was uneventful, although the baby was diagnosed to have suffered significant neurological damage. This unfortunate event highlights the therapeutic dilemma in anaphylaxis during pregnancy, a relatively rare but potentially life-threatening event. A critical review of the scientific literature reveals several etiological agents for anaphylaxis during the perioperative period, with penicillin as the leading cause of anaphylaxis-related mortality. Although epinephrine is the vasopressor of choice during hemodynamic resuscitation in the non-pregnant patient, during pregnancy it may pose a risk to the placental-fetal circulation. Additionally, upon review of the various published reports to date, timing and mode of delivery of the neonate in the face of anaphylactic shock remains controversial.  相似文献   

目的 采用Meta分析评价α2 肾上腺素能受体激动剂预防冠心病患者术后心脏不良事件的效果.方法 检索MEDLINE、EMBASE、CINAHL、Web of Science、中国生物医学文献数据库和中国期刊全文数据库,收集全身麻醉下采用α2 肾上腺素能受体激动剂预防冠心病患者术后心脏不良事件的随机对照研究.采用Cochrane系统评价法评价所纳入文献的质量,评价指标包括:术后心肌梗死发生率、心肌缺血发生率、心动过缓发生率和低血压发生率.采用RevMan 5.1软件进行Meta分析.结果 纳入15项研究,9篇为高等质量文献,4篇为中等质量文献,2篇为低等质量文献.共3422例患者,应用α2 肾上腺素能受体激动剂(包括可乐定和右美托咪定)1790例,应用安慰剂1632例;非心脏手术724例,心脏手术2698例.α2 肾上腺素能受体激动剂可降低冠心病患者非心脏手术后心肌梗死生率,α2 肾上腺素能受体激动剂可降低冠心病患者菲心脏手术和心脏手术后心肌缺血发生率,α2 肾上腺素能受体激动剂可升高冠心病患者非心脏手术后心动过缓发生率(P<0.05),对冠心病患者心脏手术后心肌梗死发生率和冠心病患者术后低血压发生率无影响(P>0.05).结论 α2 肾上腺素能受体激动剂虽然可诱发心动过缓,但是可降低冠心病患者术后严重心脏不良事件发生,且可乐定和右美托咪定的效果一致.  相似文献   

Clonidine has anesthetic-sparing properties and it may reduce the hemodynamic and psychological effects of S+ ketamine. The objectives of this study were to evaluate the interactions between clonidine and ketamine in hemodynamic and the psychological effects. Psychological effects were evaluated in a very detailed way.MethodA prospective, double-blind, placebo-controlled study designed for 48 patients with major burns, aged 18–60 years, ASA II or III, who were scheduled for dressing changes was conducted. Midazolam, S+ ketamine, placebo, or clonidine was used for the anesthesia. Intraoperative hemodynamic alterations over time were assessed. The psychological effects were evaluated in detail using 13 variables, the return of conscience, and analgesia during the first 2 h after the procedures.ResultsThe clonidine group had low arterial pressure during the procedure. At the 30-min evaluation of the psychological variables, five out of 13 were lower in the clonidine group. At the 2-h evaluation, only the Anxious variable was lower in the clonidine group. Cardiac frequency, postoperative analgesia, delirium, and dreaming were not different between both groups. There was no difference in complication rates between both groups.ConclusionClonidine in S+ ketamine plus midazolam anesthesia reduces the arterial pressures and the postoperative psychological effects.  相似文献   

The treatment of acetabular fractures has evolved considerably in the past three decades. Associated injuries to the femoral head, proximal femur, or femoral shaft can complicate the initial management of the acetabular fracture, and mandate a careful treatment strategy for optimal treatment of both the acetabular fracture and associated injury. These injuries may have a large impact on the clinical outcome. The surgeon must consider surgical approaches, timing, and alternative modes of fixation. A discussion with case illustrations is provided.  相似文献   

Patients with mitochondrial disease are at risk of metabolicdecompensation and often require general anaesthesia (GA) aspart of their diagnostic work up and subsequent management.However, the evidence base for the use of GA is limited andinconclusive. We have documented the practice and outcome inthe use of GA in paediatric patients with mitochondrial diseaseusing a retrospective case review study of 38 mitochondrialpatients who had undergone 58 anaesthetics within the regionalmetabolic service for the period 1989–2005. A varietyof anaesthetic agents were used and the pattern of use reflectsthat seen in standard paediatric practice. There were no episodesof malignant hyperthermia and no documented intraoperative eventsattributable to the GA. Three postoperative adverse events werenoted; one episode of hypovolaemia, one episode of acute onchronic renal failure, and one episode of metabolic decompensation12 h post-muscle biopsy. Despite theoretical concern about thisgroup of patients, adverse events after GA are rare and in mostcases unrelated to the anaesthesia. Further prospective studiesof GA in mitochondrial disease are required to create evidence-basedclinical guidelines for safe practice.  相似文献   

A 32-year-old man developed an intracranial glioblastoma multiforme 10 years after irradiation for an incompletely resected convexity meningioma. The association of these two tumors is exceedingly rare. Therefore, we propose that this is a case of radiation-induced glioma and review the evidence supporting this view.  相似文献   

Congenital vaginouterine prolapse is a rare condition occurring in neonates and is usually associated with spinal cord malformations in about 80% of cases. Several modalities of treatment have been described for neonatal genital prolapse (NGP). Conservative treatment in the form of simple digital reduction, usage of a pessary or other self-retaining device is usually sufficient to treat this condition, which is self-limiting and regressive. The authors report a new simple and effective method of conservative treatment that uses a Foley catheter to achieve permanent correction of this condition. A review of the literature regarding this uncommon condition is also provided.  相似文献   

The present approach to the diagnosis, management and follow-up of anaphylaxis during anaesthesia varies in the Scandinavian countries. The main purpose of these Scandinavian Clinical Practice Guidelines is to increase the awareness about anaphylaxis during anaesthesia amongst anaesthesiologists. It is hoped that increased focus on the subject will lead to prompt diagnosis, rapid and correct treatment, and standardised management of patients with anaphylactic reactions during anaesthesia across Scandinavia. The recommendations are based on the best available evidence in the literature, which, owing to the rare and unforeseeable nature of anaphylaxis, mainly includes case series and expert opinion (grade of evidence IV and V). These guidelines include an overview of the epidemiology of anaphylactic reactions during anaesthesia. A treatment algorithm is suggested, with emphasis on the incremental titration of adrenaline (epinephrine) and fluid therapy as first-line treatment. Recommendations for primary and secondary follow-up are given, bearing in mind that there are variations in geography and resources in the different countries. A list of National Centres from which anaesthesiologists can seek advice concerning follow-up procedures is provided. In addition, an algorithm is included with advice on how to manage patients with previous suspected anaphylaxis during anaesthesia. Lastly, Appendix 2 provides an overview of the incidence, mechanisms and possibilities for follow-up for some common drug groups.  相似文献   

Giles JW  Sear JW  Foëx P 《Anaesthesia》2004,59(6):574-583
Little is known about the effect of chronic beta-adrenoceptor antagonist therapy during the peri-operative period in patients undergoing non-cardiac surgery. We conducted a literature review to identify studies examining the relationship between chronic therapy and adverse peri-operative outcome. Eighteen studies were identified in which it was possible to ascertain the incidence of adverse cardiac outcomes in those patients who were and were not receiving chronic beta-blocker therapy. None of the studies demonstrated a protective effect of chronic beta-blockade. The results of these studies were then combined and a cumulative odds ratio calculated for the likelihood of myocardial infarction, cardiac death and major cardiac complications. Patients receiving chronic beta-blocker therapy were more likely to suffer a myocardial infarction (p < 0.05). These findings differ from the published effects of acute beta-blockade. Reasons for this discrepancy are considered.  相似文献   

Gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog depots have been widely used for a variety of diseases including prostate cancer, breast cancer, endometriosis, uterine leiomyomas, and central precocious puberty. Most of the side/adverse effects of gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog depots, such as leuprorelin acetate depot, are related to hypotestosteronism in males. Anaphylaxis to gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog depot is extremely rare. We present the first case report of a Japanese man who developed anaphylaxis to leuprorelin acetate depot during the treatment of metastatic prostate cancer and recovered successfully by conservative treatment. A drug-lymphocyte stimulation test showed that not only leuprorelin acetate itself, but also its vehicle polylactic and glycolic acids, might be responsible for the anaphylaxis to leuprorelin acetate depot. Because anaphylaxis can be lethal, the present case suggests that one should bear in mind the possibility of anaphylaxis in all patients who receive gonadotropin-releasing hormone analog depot and monitor such patients carefully.  相似文献   

E. Albrecht  K. J. Chin 《Anaesthesia》2020,75(Z1):e101-e110
Regional anaesthesia has undergone several exciting advances in the past few decades. Ultrasound-guided techniques of peripheral nerve blockade have become the gold standard thanks to the associated improvements in efficacy, ease of performance and safety. This has increased the accessibility and utilisation of regional anaesthesia in the anaesthesia community at large and is timely given the mounting evidence for its potential benefits on various patient-centred outcomes, including major morbidity, cancer recurrence and persistent postoperative pain. Ultrasound guidance has also paved the way for refinement of the technical performance of existing blocks concerning simplicity and safety, as well as the development of new regional anaesthesia techniques. In particular, the emergence of fascial plane blocks has further broadened the application of regional anaesthesia in the management of painful conditions of the thorax and abdomen. The preliminary results of investigations into these fascial plane blocks are promising but require further research to establish their true value and role in clinical care. One of the challenges that remains is how best to prolong regional anaesthesia to maximise its benefits while avoiding undue harm. There is ongoing research into optimising continuous catheter techniques and their management, intravenous and perineural pharmacological adjuncts, and sustained-release local anaesthetic molecules. Finally, there is a growing appreciation for the critical role that regional anaesthesia can play in an overall multimodal anaesthetic strategy. This is especially pertinent given the current focus on eliminating unnecessary peri-operative opioid administration.  相似文献   

Pyoderma gangrenosum (PG) is a systemic disease with cutaneous manifestations consisting of necrotizing ulceration. The etiology of PG is controversial, and optimal management strategies have not been established. Current management is primarily medical to control the systemic inflammatory process, with occasional surgical intervention at the ulcer site. Based on the current literature and on the authors' clinical experience, the optimal outcome depends on early diagnoses and a combination of medical and surgical therapy. Initial management is directed toward medical control of the inflammatory process and local wound care. Surgical strategies involve recipient site preparation via local wound care and serial allograft followed by autologous skin graft or muscle flap coverage when necessary. Long-term wound stabilization is obtained only through control of the systemic and local inflammatory process.  相似文献   

We have analysed randomized controlled studies which reported the incidence of postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) after propofol anaesthesia compared with other anaesthetics (control). Cumulative data of early (0-6 h) and late (0-48 h) PONV were recorded as occurrence or non-occurrence of nausea or vomiting. Combined odds ratio and number- needed-to-treat were calculated for propofol as an induction or maintenance regimen, early or late outcomes, and different emetic events. This was performed for all control event rates and within a range of 20-60% control event rates. We analysed 84 studies involving 6069 patients. The effect of propofol on PONV was dependent mainly on the method of administration, time of measurement and range of control event rates. When all studies were included the number-needed-to-treat to prevent PONV with propofol was more than 9 when used for induction of anaesthesia and at best 6 when used for maintenance. Within the 20- 60% control event rate range, best results were achieved with propofol maintenance to prevent early PONV: the number-needed-to-treat to prevent early nausea was 4.7 (95% confidence interval 3.8-6.3), vomiting 4.9 (4-6.1) and any emetic event 4.9 (3.7-7.1). Within the 20- 60% control event rate, of five patients treated with propofol for maintenance of anaesthesia, one will not vomit or be nauseated in the immediate postoperative period who would otherwise have vomited or been nauseated. This may be clinically relevant. In all other situations the difference between propofol and control may have reached statistical significance but was of doubtful clinical relevance. Treatment efficacy should be established within a defined range of control event rates for meaningful estimates of efficacy and for comparisons.   相似文献   

We conducted a systematic review to determine the harm and benefit associated with prophylactic phenylephrine for caesarean section under spinal anaesthesia. We included 21 randomised controlled trials with 1504 women. The relative risk (95% CI) of hypotension with phenylephrine infusion – as defined by authors – before delivery was 0.36 (0.18–0.73) vs placebo, p = 0.004; 0.58 (0.39–0.88) vs an ephedrine infusion, p = 0.009; and 0.73 (0.55–0.96) when added to an ephedrine infusion, p = 0.02. After delivery, the relative risks of hypotension and nausea and vomiting with phenylephrine compared with placebo were 0.37 (0.19–0.71), p = 0.003, and 0.39 (0.17–0.91), p = 0.03, respectively. There was no evidence that hypertension, bradycardia or neonatal endpoints were affected. Phenylephrine reduced the risk for hypotension and nausea and vomiting after spinal doses of bupivacaine generally exceeding 8 mg, but there was no evidence that it reduced other maternal or neonatal morbidities.  相似文献   

The clinical presentation and natural history of congenital complete heart block (CHB) differ from those of acquired third-degree heart block. Although perioperative prophylactic cardiac pacing is considered mandatory in patients with acquired CHB, it is not usually necessary in children with asymptomatic congenital heart block. The anaesthetist should be able to identify which patients require temporary perioperative pacing, and should modify his anaesthetic technique appropriately for patients who do not. An 8-year-old patient with congenital CHB who required emergency surgery for acute appendicitis is presented and the anaesthetic management, including the indications for pacing, is discussed.  相似文献   

Mast cell tryptase: a review of its physiology and clinical significance   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Payne V  Kam PC 《Anaesthesia》2004,59(7):695-703
Mast cells, which are granulocytes found in peripheral tissue, play a central role in inflammatory and immediate allergic reactions. beta-Tryptase is a neutral serine protease and is the most abundant mediator stored in mast cell granules. The release of beta-tryptase from the secretory granules is a characteristic feature of mast cell degranulation. While its biological function has not been fully clarified, mast cell beta-tryptase has an important role in inflammation and serves as a marker of mast cell activation. beta-Tryptase activates the protease activated receptor type 2. It is involved in airway homeostasis, vascular relaxation and contraction, gastrointestinal smooth muscle activity and intestinal transport, and coagulation. Serum mast cell beta-tryptase concentration is increased in anaphylaxis and in other allergic conditions. It is increased in systemic mastocytosis and other haematological conditions. Serum beta-tryptase measurements can be used to distinguish mast cell-dependent reactions from other systemic disturbances such as cardiogenic shock, which can present with similar clinical manifestations. Increased beta-tryptase levels are highly suggestive of an immunologically mediated reaction but may also occur following direct mast cell activation. Patients with increased mast cell beta-tryptase levels must be investigated for an allergic cause. However, patients without increased mast cell tryptase levels should be investigated if the clinical picture suggests severe anaphylaxis.  相似文献   

In the literature, there is an astonishingly small amount of information on specific treatment modalities of locally advanced, ulcerated breast cancer. Here we present a case report and a literature review on ulceration in breast cancer. An older, so far untreated woman with complete ulcerative destruction of her right breast was inoperable because of the extent of the tumor. Primary anthracycline-based chemotherapy and hormonal therapy led to major tumor shrinkage with complete ulcer healing, which was maintained for nearly 2 years. There is increasing evidence from the literature that primary chemotherapy may particularly benefit patients with inoperable ulceration, as also illustrated by our case.  相似文献   

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