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Ovarian mucinous borderline tumors are divided into two morphologic groups: endocervical-like and intestinal type, the latter comprising the majority of cases. Thirty-one endocervical-like ovarian mucinous borderline tumors (ELMBTs) were reviewed and evaluated for the presence of intraepithelial carcinoma and microinvasion. Intraepithelial carcinoma was identified in 13% and stromal microinvasion in 23% of cases. All but 1 patient were stage I. Follow-up information was available for 21 patients; all were alive with no evidence of disease at a mean follow-up interval of 5.7 years. Six of 8 patients with ELMBT containing foci of microinvasion and/or intraepithelial carcinoma and for whom follow-up was available were alive with no evidence of disease at a mean follow-up interval of 6.6 years. These results indicate that ELMBTs, specifically those exhibiting intraepithelial carcinoma and microinvasion, are tumors associated with an excellent prognosis. The frequency of occurrence and criteria for the diagnosis of intraepithelial carcinoma and microinvasion in ELMBT are discussed.  相似文献   

Appendiceal mucinous neoplasms: a clinicopathologic analysis of 107 cases   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
The classification of appendiceal mucinous tumors is controversial and terminology used for them inconsistent, particularly when they lack overtly malignant features but are associated with extra-appendiceal spread. We reviewed 107 appendiceal mucinous neoplasms and classified them as low-grade appendiceal mucinous neoplasm (LAMN) (n = 88), mucinous adenocarcinomas (MACAs) (n = 16), or discordant (n = 3) based on architectural and cytologic features. LAMNs were characterized by a villous or flat proliferation of mucinous epithelium with low-grade atypia. Thirty-nine tumors were confined to the appendix, but 49 had extra-appendiceal tumor spread, including 39 with peritoneal tumor characterized by mucin pools harboring low-grade mucinous epithelium, usually dissecting in a hyalinized stroma. Eight of the 16 MACAs lacked destructive invasion of the appendiceal wall and eight showed an infiltrative pattern of invasion. Extra-appendiceal tumor spread was present in 12 MACAs (four peritoneum, seven peritoneum and ovaries; one ovaries only). In MACAs with an infiltrative pattern, peritoneal tumor consisted of glands and single cells in a desmoplastic stroma. The peritoneal tumor in the remaining cases consisted of mucin pools that contained mucinous epithelium with high-grade atypia and, in some cases, increased cellularity compared with that seen in peritoneal spread in cases of LAMN. Three cases were classified as discordant because the appendiceal tumors were LAMNs but the peritoneal tumors were high-grade. Follow-up was available for 49 LAMNs, 15 MACAs, and 2 discordant cases. None of the patients with LAMNs confined to the appendix experienced recurrence (median follow-up 6 years). LAMNs with extra-appendiceal spread were associated with 3-, 5-, and 10-year survival rates of 100%, 86%, and 45%, respectively. Patients with MACA had 3- and 5-year survival rates of 90% and 44%, respectively (p = 0.04). The bulk of peritoneal disease correlated with prognosis among patients with MACA (p = 0.04) and, to a lesser degree, among patients with LAMNs (p = 0.07). We conclude that: 1) appendiceal mucinous neoplasms can be classified as either low-grade mucinous neoplasms or mucinous adenocarcinoma based on architectural and cytologic features; 2) tumors that can be confidently placed in the low-grade group (which requires rigorous pathologic evaluation of the appendix) and are confined to the appendix are clinically benign in our experience to date; 3) low-grade tumors confined to the appendix are morphologically identical to those with extra-appendiceal spread (except for the usual identification of breach of the wall in the latter cases) and the same designation is appropriate for the appendiceal neoplasia in each situation; 4) the long-term outlook for patients with low-grade tumors and peritoneal spread is guarded with just over half dying of disease after 10 years; 5) appendiceal mucinous tumors with destructive invasion of the appendiceal wall, complex epithelial proliferations, or high-grade nuclear atypia generally pursue an aggressive clinical course and should be classified as mucinous adenocarcinomas; 6) peritoneal tumor can be classified as involvement by LAMN or MACA, and this distinction is of prognostic significance; 7) bulky peritoneal tumor worsens prognosis; and 8) LAMNs associated with high-grade peritoneal tumor behave as adenocarcinoma.  相似文献   

Several types of mural nodules may develop in the wall of mucinous tumors of the ovary. The histopathologic features and prognosis of foci/nodules of anaplastic carcinoma are not well known. Although they were first thought to carry an invariably unfavorable prognosis, recent data indicate that this does not necessarily apply to stage Ia tumors. Slides from 34 consultation cases of mucinous ovarian tumors with foci/nodules of anaplastic carcinoma were reviewed and classified on the basis of their morphologic features. Cytokeratin stains were done in selected cases. Staging, treatment, and follow-up information were obtained. The foci/nodules of anaplastic carcinoma were classified histologically into 3 groups: (a) rhabdoid (n=12) having a diffuse arrangement of cells with large, bright, eosinophilic cytoplasms, eccentric nuclei, and one or more prominent nucleoli; (b) sarcomatoid (n=10) characterized by a spindle cell proliferation, with atypical and vesicular nuclei often with herringbone pattern; and (c) pleomorphic (n=12) exhibiting overlapping features of the first 2 categories. International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics (FIGO) stage was available in 31 cases: 15 were stage Ia, 6 stage Ic, 2 stage II, 7 stage III, and 1 stage IV. Follow-up was obtained in 21 cases. Seven patients died of the disease after a median time of 8 months: 3 stage IC, 1 stage II, 1 stage III, 1 stage IV, and the other was unstaged. Ten patients were alive and clinically free of disease after a median follow-up of 5 years: they were all stage Ia. Three patients (2 stages III and 1 stage IV) were alive with disease at 3 years, 9 months, and 7 months. The other patient (stage Ia) died of an unrelated cause. Thus, only 1 patient with stage Ia disease died, and she died of causes other than ovarian cancer. The presence of foci/nodules of anaplastic carcinoma in unruptured stage I mucinous tumors of the ovary does not necessarily carry an adverse prognosis. These foci/nodules may exhibit rhabdoid, sarcomatoid (spindle cell), or pleomorphic features.  相似文献   

Twelve women with mixed mesodermal tumors of the ovary were studied. These tumors grow rapidly and patients are frequently in an advanced state of their disease when the diagnosis is made. In 10 individuals the initial complaint was either an abdominal mass or increasing abdominal girth. With one exception, the patients were postmenopausal. The most important prognostic criterion was the stage of the tumor at the time of the diagnosis. Of nine women with Stage III and IV disease, only one is well and free of disease. No pathologic features were uncovered which could be related to prognosis.  相似文献   

Most cystic lesions of the pancreas are nonneoplastic and inflammatory in nature. However, approximately 5%–15% of cystic pancreatic masses may be neoplastic. Among the cystic neoplasms are the mucin-producing tumors, both the intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms and the mucinous cystic neoplasms. Their imaging features on contrast-enhanced computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can assist in the differentiation of these lesions. The imaging findings of both intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm and mucinous cystic neoplasm are reviewed with attention to CT and MRI.  相似文献   

Ovarian Sertoli cell tumors are rare, and their morphologic spectrum, behavior, and factors influencing the latter are not clearly established. They may be mimicked by many different tumors, some of them more frequent than Sertoli cell tumors; immunohistochemistry may aid in this differential, but its role has not been analyzed in a large series. We studied the clinicopathologic features of 54 Sertoli cell tumors, including the immunohistochemical profile of 23 of them. The patients, 6 of whom had Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, ranged from 2 to 76 years of age (mean, 30 years). Eleven patients had estrogenic and 4 had androgenic manifestations. The tumors ranged from 0.8 to 30 cm, with the majority being in the range of 4 to 12 cm. They were all unilateral, usually solid, and often yellow. The predominant microscopic pattern was tubular, seen, albeit often only focally, in all tumors; other patterns were cords or trabeculae (28), diffuse (21), pseudopapillary (4), retiform (3), islands or alveolar arrangements (3), and spindled (3). The tubules were solid or hollow with the former being somewhat more common. Delicate septa were occasionally seen and were conspicuous in areas of one tumor. The stroma was abundant in 15 tumors with marked sclerosis in 4. The cells usually had pale to occasionally densely eosinophilic cytoplasm, but 6 tumors were composed of cells with prominent foamy cytoplasm, falling in the category of "lipid-rich" Sertoli cell tumor, and one had cells with clear non-foamy cytoplasm. Forty-four tumors were stage I (42 of them were stage Ia and 2 were stage Ic), 1 was stage II, 3 were stage III, and 6 were not adequately staged. Follow-up was available for 27 patients with stage I tumors, and all were alive and well at last follow-up except for 2 patients with stage Ia and 1 with stage Ic disease. Those 3 patients had pelvic-abdominal recurrences 18, 36, and 9 months, respectively, after the initial diagnosis. Two of the three clinically malignant stage I tumors had moderate to severe cytologic atypia and brisk mitotic activity (>5 or more mitoses/10 high power fields [HPFs]), and one of these had tumor cell necrosis. Among the 10 clinically benign stage I tumors with more than 5 years of follow-up, only 3 had >5 mitoses/10 HPFs, but none had more than mild cytologic atypia and none had tumor cell necrosis. Two of the three patients with stage III disease had follow-up information and one was alive at 16 months and the second developed splenic metastases 2 years after the initial diagnosis. Two of the three stage III tumors had at least moderate cytologic atypia and brisk mitotic activity. Immunohistochemical stains showed positivity for AE1/3-Cam5.2 in 15 of 23 tumors; Epithelial membrane antigen (EMA) was negative in all the tumors. Inhibin was positive in 18 of 22 tumors, calretinin in 10 of 20, CD99 in 19 of 22, vimentin in 17 of 18, smooth muscle actin in 4 of 18, neuron specific enolase in 8 of 16, S-100 in 2 of 20, and chromogranin was negative in all 21 cases studied. Although Sertoli cell tumors usually have a distinctive tubular pattern that facilitates the diagnosis, other patterns may occasionally predominate, causing confusion with various other primary and metastatic ovarian tumors. EMA, inhibin, and chromogranin represent the most helpful triad of immunomarkers serving to exclude two common mimics of Sertoli cell tumors (endometrioid carcinoma [inhibin-; EMA+; chromogranin-] and carcinoid tumor [inhibin-; EMA+; chromogranin+]). Although CD99 and calretinin are often expressed in these tumors, they are much less specific and not as helpful in the differential diagnosis. Most Sertoli cell tumors are stage I, unilateral, cytologically bland, and clinically benign, but occasional examples are high stage, and about 11% of stage I tumors have worrisome histologic features that may portend an adverse outcome. The tumors typically occur in young females, sometimes children who typically present with sexual precocity, and occasional patients have Peutz-Jeghers syndrome.  相似文献   

120 Krukenberg tumors were analyzed with emphasis on their wide microscopic spectrum and resultant problems in differential diagnosis. The patients ranged from 13 to 84 years (average, 45 years) with 43% of them under 40 years. Abdominal swelling or pain usually accounted for the clinical presentation, but 17 had abnormal vaginal bleeding, 4 had virilization, and 4 had hirsutism without virilization. Ascites was present in 43% of the cases. Sixty-three percent of the tumors were documented to be bilateral, but both ovaries were not always removed or rigorously examined microscopically. The mean diameter of the tumors was 10.4 cm, and they typically had intact, bosselated external surfaces without adhesions. The sectioned surfaces were typically solid and firm to edematous to gelatinous; one third of the tumors also had cysts. Microscopic examination showed great variation from case to case and within individual neoplasms. Multiple nodules separated by normal stroma were seen in small neoplasms and focally in many larger ones. The tumors were often more cellular at their periphery and edematous to gelatinous centrally. An irregular distribution of cellular and less cellular areas often imparted a pseudolobular pattern. The cellularity of the stroma ranged from densely cellular to paucicellular; the latter regions ranged from edematous to mucoid. The overall morphology varied according to the prominence of signet-ring cells, extracellular mucin, edema, and various epithelial patterns. Signet-ring cells were numerous in most neoplasms (and by definition occupied at least 10% of the neoplasm) but were often absent or inconspicuous in significant areas of them. The signet-ring cells typically had modest but sometimes copious amounts of pale to basophilic cytoplasm; occasionally, it was eosinophilic. The signet-ring cells varied widely in their arrangement, growing singly, in clusters, forming confluent masses or pseudo-tubular arrays or lining part of all of a true tubule. Small glands and tubules were common, often resembling microcysts (when the lining cells were flattened) or Sertoli tubules; mucinous glands and cysts and medium-sized to large intestinal-type glands were also relatively common, particularly the latter. Extracellular mucin was often conspicuous and, when associated with scant acellular collagenous stroma, gave a distinctive appearance referred to by us as "feathery degeneration." Stromal luteinization was present in the tumors of the 8 pregnant patients and was seen in 14% of the nonpregnant patients. Unusual features that complicated the microscopic picture included diffuse sheets or other arrangements of mucin-free indifferent cells, squamous cells, clear cells, transitional cells, and corded, trabecular, and insular patterns. Vascular space invasion was common. Two thirds of the primary carcinomas were detected synchronously with, or subsequent to, detection of the Krukenberg tumor compounding the diagnostic difficulty posed by the cases. Two thirds of the primary tumors were in the stomach; other primary sites in order of frequency were appendix, colon, breast, small intestine, rectum, gallbladder, and urinary bladder. Our observations emphasize that the microscopic spectrum of the Krukenberg tumor is broader that often presented in the literature, in particular tubules, glands, and cysts often being present, and the wide pathologic differential diagnosis is discussed.  相似文献   

Most primary ovarian mucinous tumors are of surface epithelial-stromal origin and exhibit diffuse expression of cytokeratin 7 (CK7) combined with variable expression of cytokeratin 20 (CK20); this immunoprofile distinguishes them from most lower gastrointestinal tract tumors secondarily involving the ovaries. The uncommon ovarian mucinous tumors of germ cell (teratomatous) origin have not been extensively evaluated to determine the utility of these markers and other markers of intestinal differentiation for distinguishing these tumors from metastatic gastrointestinal tract mucinous tumors. Immunohistochemical expression of CK7, CK20, CDX2, and villin was assessed in 44 ovarian mucinous tumors associated with a mature cystic teratoma. All cases lacked evidence of a nonovarian primary mucinous tumor. All mucinous tumors were unilateral; 6 cases had bilateral teratomas. All tumors displayed gastrointestinal-type mucinous differentiation, with epithelium that was commonly goblet cell-rich or hypermucinous; 21 were associated with pseudomyxoma ovarii and 3 of these had pseudomyxoma peritonei. Tumor architecture ranged from purely cystadenomatous (n=24), to proliferative (n=13), to carcinomatous (n=6); some tumors had admixtures of these patterns. One tumor had a goblet cell carcinoidlike pattern with pseudomyxoma ovarii. Three carcinomas had a signet ring cell component. Cystadenomatous tumors without pseudomyxoma ovarii (n=15) exhibited all possible CK7/CK20 coordinate expression profiles with nearly equal frequency. All proliferative tumors without pseudomyxoma ovarii (n=8) expressed CK7, most often in combination with CK20 expression. All cystadenomatous and proliferative tumors with pseudomyxoma ovarii (n=9 and n=5) were CK7-/CK20+. All carcinomatous tumors had pseudomyxoma ovarii; 3 were CK7-/CK20+, 2 were CK7+/CK20+, and 1 was CK7+/CK20-. The presence of pseudomyxoma ovarii was significantly associated with a CK7-/CK20+ profile (86% with pseudomyxoma ovarii vs. 13% without, P<0.0001), CDX2 positivity (79% vs. 0%, P<0.0001), and villin positivity (57% vs. 5%, P=0.0009). A subset of mucinous tumors associated with mature cystic teratomas exhibiting morphologic and immunohistochemical features of lower intestinal tract-type mucinous tumors may be teratomatous in origin. In practice, the more common diagnosis of secondary involvement by a lower intestinal tract mucinous tumor should be addressed in the pathology report and in subsequent clinical evaluation; interpretation as a true primary ovarian mucinous tumor of teratomatous origin can be considered as an alternative diagnosis when evaluation and follow-up fail to identify a nonovarian source of the mucinous tumor. Those tumors having CK7 expression with or without CK20 expression may be derived from upper gastrointestinal tract-type or sinonasal-type teratomatous elements but could be independent tumors of surface epithelial-stromal origin.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: We reviewed cases of intrascrotal tumors treated at our institution except for germ cell testicular tumors. PATIENTS AND METHODS: From 1977 to 1998 (22 years), 120 cases of intrascrotal tumors treated at the University of Tsukuba. Of these, 15 cases (12.5%) were not germ cell testicular tumors. The patients' ages varied between 2 and 77 years with a mean of 49.6. RESULTS: The most common complaint regarding symptoms was painless testicular enlargement. Tumor weight ranged from 2 to 200 g, with an average of 104.6 g. The histological diagnoses of 15 patients were 8 malignant lymphomas, 2 paratesticular rhabdomyosarcomas, 2 metastatic tumors (origin; stomach and prostate), 1 epidermoid cyst, 1 cyst of tunica testis, and 1 adenomatoid tumor. As for the cases with malignant lymphoma, all of them were non-Hodgkin's lymphoma whose clinical stages were stage I in 2 cases and stage IV in 6 cases. Five 8 patients died in spite of systemic chemotherapy after an orchiectomy, whereas 2 cases with metastatic tumors died of primary cancer, and two cases with paratesticular rhabdomyosarcoma are still alive and have had no evidence of disease. CONCLUSIONS: Intrascrotal tumors except for germ cell testicular tumors are not common, and consist of various diseases. In particular, some kinds of malignant lymphoma mimic anaplastic seminoma histopathologically. Therefore, accurate diagnosis and precise treatment is important in the patient with intrascrotal tumors.  相似文献   

With the exception of benign cystadenomas, mucinous ovarian tumors are rare and heterogeneous neoplasms. They have been classified as either borderline tumors or carcinomas for almost 30 years. Subsequently, the borderline tumors have been subclassified into endocervical-like and intestinal types. The diagnostic criteria for distinguishing borderline tumors of the intestinal type from mucinous carcinomas have varied, making difficult the interpretation of prognostic information. More recently, a further subdivision of the former tumors into forms with only epithelial atypia and variants with focal intraepithelial carcinoma has been proposed. Consequently, in this study of 41 mucinous borderline tumors of intestinal type and 34 mucinous carcinomas, the former were also subdivided into 30 cases with mild to moderate atypia only and 11 with areas of intraepithelial carcinoma. All 30 purely borderline tumors were stage I tumors, and all 15 with follow-up information (including one case with microinvasion) were clinically benign. All 11 mucinous borderline tumors that had foci of intraepithelial carcinoma were also stage I neoplasms, and none of the eight patients with follow-up data (including one with microinvasive carcinoma) recurred. Thirty-four invasive carcinomas were subclassified into 15 expansile and 19 infiltrative subtypes. All 15 carcinomas with only expansile invasion were stage I; none of the 11 with follow-up data recurred. Three of nine patients with stage I infiltrative carcinomas with follow-up information had a fatal recurrence. Eight of the remaining 10 infiltrative carcinomas had extended beyond the ovary at the time of diagnosis (stages II and III); of the six patients with follow-up data, four died of tumor and two were alive with disease. In stage I carcinomas nuclear grade and tumor rupture correlated with unfavorable prognosis, but less than infiltrative invasion. However, all three fatal tumors were infiltrative carcinomas that had ruptured, and two contained grade 3 malignant nuclei. Combination of infiltrative invasion, high nuclear grade, and tumor rupture is a strong predictor of recurrence for stage I mucinous ovarian tumors. Among the 19 infiltrative tumors, 13 contained foci of anaplastic carcinoma. Of the seven patients with stage I tumors and follow-up data, only one patient whose tumor had ruptured intraoperatively had a fatal recurrence. The presence of anaplastic components in stage Ia (intact) carcinomas did not have an adverse effect in their outcome, even when the undifferentiated carcinomatous elements appeared in the form of mural nodules.  相似文献   

The definitive diagnostic criteria for malignant adrenocortical tumors are distant metastasis and/or local invasion. The Weiss histopathologic system is the most commonly used method for assessing malignancy because of its simplicity and reliability. Unfortunately, its application remains subjective. This current retrospective study evaluated the Weiss system and assessed the value of MIB-1 labeling in the diagnosis of adrenocortical malignancy. Twenty-four malignant tumors with distant metastasis, gross local invasion, or recurrence were selected and matched on their functioning status to 25 benign tumors. Two independent observers delineated the Weiss criteria. An MIB-1 labeling index was determined. Presence of three or more Weiss microscopic criteria was related to malignancy (specificity 96%, sensitivity 100%), thus confirming the value of the Weiss system. Interobserver agreement for the Weiss system (total score) was excellent (r = 0.94). The lack of reliability for some Weiss criteria led us to propose a statistically modified system, based on the most reliable criteria (2.mitotic rate x 2.cytoplasm x abnormal mitoses x necrosis x capsular invasion) with a significant correlation with the Weiss system (r = 0.98). The MIB-1 labeling index was significantly higher in malignant tumors (p <0.0001). MIB1 could also help to differentiate malignant from benign adrenocortical tumors.  相似文献   

The clinicopathological features of 56 patients with mucinous cystic tumors (MCTs) of the pancreas were studied. Particular attention was paid to the prognosis of MCTs and the relationship to their ovarian, hepatic, and retroperitoneal counterparts. To distinguish MCTs from pancreatic intraductal papillary-mucinous tumors, MCTs were defined as tumors lacking communication with the duct system and containing mucin-producing epithelium, usually supported by ovarian-like stroma. All 56 tumors occurred in women (mean age 48.2 years) and were preferentially (93%) located in the body and tail of the pancreas. In accordance with the WHO classification, MCTs were divided into adenomas (n = 22), borderline tumors (n= 12), and noninvasive and invasive carcinomas (n = 22). Survival analysis revealed the extent of invasion to be the most significant prognostic factor (p<0.0001). Malignancy correlated with multilocularity and presence of papillary projections or mural nodules, loss of ovarian-like stroma, and p53 immunoreactivity. Stromal luteinization with expression of tyrosine hydroxylase, calretinin, or alpha inhibin was found in 66% of the cases. We conclude that the biologic behavior of MCTs is predictable on the basis of the extent of invasion. The similarities (i.e. gender, morphology, stromal luteinization) between pancreatic MCT and its ovarian, hepatobiliary, and retroperitoneal counterparts suggest a common pathway for their development.  相似文献   

Metastatic tumors involving the vulva are rare, with only a few series and case reports published in the English literature to date. In this study, we present the clinicopathologic features of 66 cases of metastatic tumors of the vulva seen at the University of Texas M. D. Anderson Cancer Center from 1944 to 2001. The patients' age ranged from 18 to 84 years (mean 54.8 years). The most common presentations were vulvar nodules or a mass (39 cases), pain (7 cases), and ulceration (5 cases). In 46.9% of cases, the primary tumor was of gynecologic origin, whereas in 43.9% of cases the primary tumor was of nongynecologic origin. The remainder had unknown primaries. The site most frequently involved by metastasis was the labium majus (44 cases: 18 on the right, 13 on the left, 6 bilateral, and 7 unspecified side). Thirty percent of the patients received chemotherapy as treatment for the metastasis, 27% received radiotherapy, and the rest received some combination of chemotherapy, radiotherapy, and surgery. Of the 60 patients with available follow-up, 52 died of disease within 1-81 months (median 7.5 months) from diagnosis of the metastasis. Metastatic tumors of the vulva are rare; however, the diagnosis of these tumors is facilitated by the knowledge of a preexistent malignancy and the lack of a mucocutaneous intraepithelial lesion.  相似文献   

Twenty cases of malignant melanoma metastatic to the ovary are reported. The patients, whose ages ranged from 21 to 60 (average 37.5) years, typically presented because of abdominal swelling or pain. Approximately 50% of the patients also had metastatic tumor outside the ovary, usually within the pelvis and upper abdomen, at the time of presentation. Twelve patients were known to have had a cutaneous malignant melanoma 1 month to 13 years before their ovarian tumors were discovered, and pigmented lesions had been removed previously from three other patients. Most patients are known to have died within a few years of discovery of their ovarian tumors but two were alive without evidence of disease 5 and 8 years later. The ovarian tumors, which were bilateral in nine cases, ranged up to 20 (average 10.5 cm) in greatest dimension. Six of them were either entirely black or had discernible black or brown foci. The most common microscopic appearance was that of large cells with abundant eosinophilic cytoplasm growing in nodular aggregates or diffusely. Occasional tumors were characterized by small cells with scanty cytoplasm, and in five tumors spindle cells were present. Another pattern was growth in the form of discrete rounded aggregates having a nevoid appearance. Eight tumors contained folliclelike spaces. Major cytologic features of the tumors included prominent nucleoli in 13, cytoplasmic pseudoinclusions in many nuclei in five, and intracytoplasmic melanin pigment in nine cases. In the 10 cases studied immunohistochemically, most of the tumor cells were strongly positive for S-100 protein and fewer cells were positive for HMB-45 in the seven tumors that were stained for this antigen. Melanosomes were identified in the three tumors examined ultrastructurally. These neoplasms often were difficult to differentiate from many other types of tumors, including juvenile granulosa cell tumor and small cell carcinoma, because of the presence of folliclelike spaces.  相似文献   

Cutaneous angiosarcomas are rare tumors, which predominantly arise in the sun-exposed skin of the head and neck of adult and elderly patients. Rarely, these tumors can be seen in children. We identified cutaneous angiosarcomas in 10 children and assessed clinical (patient age, tumor site, tumor size, and tumor focality) and histologic features including growth pattern (vasoformative vs. solid), mitotic rate (mitotic figures per 10 high power field), necrosis (present vs. absent), and cell shape (epithelioid vs. nonepithelioid). Tumors predominated in the lower extremities (6 of 10) of female patients (2 male and 8 female); age at diagnosis ranged from 1.5 months to 15 years. Four patients had preexisting conditions: congenital hemihypertrophy of the contralateral limb, the Aicardi syndrome, congenital lymphedema, and congenital hemangioma treated with radiation therapy. Tumors were located in the lower extremity (6), flank (1), elbow (1), and buccal mucosa (1), and ranged in size from 0.6 to 6.5 cm. Eight cases showed predominantly epithelioid morphology, 1 case showed mixed epithelioid and spindled morphology and 1 case was entirely spindled. Mitotic activity ranged from 1 to 55 mitotic figures per 10 high power field. Necrosis was seen in 5 cases. Clinical follow-up was obtained for 9 patients: 4 died of disease (range, 12 to 49 mo; mean, 25 mo) and 5 patients were alive without disease (18 mo to 28 y). Five patients had metastatic disease; sites of involvement included the lung, soft tissue, lymph node, pleura, liver, and bone. Cutaneous angiosarcomas in children are rare tumors, which are commonly associated with a preexisting condition, suggesting a greater role for genetics as opposed to environmental factors in the pathogenesis of these tumors.  相似文献   

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