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OBJECTIVES: Combined administration of propranolol and disopyramide treatment often leads to better results in patients with atrial fibrillation refractory to only disopyramide administration. The electrophysiological mechanism of this combination therapy was investigated. METHODS: Nineteen patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation without organic heart disease were studied. The indices for atrial vulnerability were compared in the control state, 10 min after injection of disopyramide (2 mg/kg) and 10 min after additional administration of propranolol (0.2 mg/kg). RESULTS: Administration of both drugs did not significantly change the percentage fragmented atrial activity and the interatrial conduction delay. Disopyramide increased the atrial effective refractory period and the wavelength index, defined as the ratio of the atrial effective refractory period to the interatrial conduction delay and represented the length of the reentry circuit. Additional injection of propranolol caused further increases in both values. CONCLUSIONS: Combination therapy with disopyramide and propranolol improves atrial vulnerability by increasing the wavelength.  相似文献   

Disopyramide was administered intravenously to 54 patients during atrial fibrillation and predominantly pre-excited QRS configuration at the time of electrophysiologic study. All patients had Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome and no patient had coexistent heart disease. The drug was given during sustained atrial fibrillation (n = 45) or during sinus rhythm before induction of atrial fibrillation for patients whose atrial fibrillation was self-terminating in the control state (n = 9). Atrial fibrillation converted to sinus rhythm within 15 min after disopyramide in 37 (82%) of the 45 patients. The shortest RR intervals between two pre-excited cycles increased from 208 +/- 42 to 293 +/- 117 ms (p less than 0.0001). The average RR interval of all cycles prolonged from 332 +/- 60 to 396 +/- 117 ms(n = 45, p less than 0.0001). The 9 patients in whom pre-excitation was abolished after the drug had a significantly longer initial shortest RR interval than that of the 36 patients in whom pre-excitation persisted (246 +/- 47 versus 199 +/- 36 ms, p = 0.0022). No patients developed significant hemodynamic or other adverse effects after disopyramide. These data support the intravenous use of disopyramide in patients with normal ventricular function who have atrial fibrillation and a predominant ventricular response over an accessory atrioventricular pathway.  相似文献   

Electrophysiologic studies were performed before and after intravenous administration of disopyramide (2 mg/kg) to 40 patients with either documented or suspected atrial fibrillation (AF). In control studies, sustained AF (greater than 1 minute), nonsustained AF (1 to 60 seconds) and no AF were found in 14, 18 and 8 patients, respectively. After disopyramide, the ability to initiate AF was totally lost in 18 patients (group A), while 22 patients (group B) showed sustained AF (11 patients) or nonsustained AF (11 patients). The effective refractory period of the atrium was 232 +/- 41 ms in the control study and 266 +/- 49 ms after disopyramide. Atrial functional refractory periods before and after disopyramide were 282 +/- 43 and 317 +/- 48 ms, respectively. The differences and ratios of the refractory periods after and before disopyramide were higher in group A than in group B (p less than 0.001). The prolongation of atrial refractoriness after disopyramide was important to suppress the initiation of AF in group A. In some group B patients, on the other hand, the initiation of AF was promoted after disopyramide. Disopyramide may alter the atrial electrophysiologic substrate required for AF initiation.  相似文献   

We investigated the efficacy and safety of oral repetitive loading of disopyramide, for the termination of acute-onset (i.e., therapy started within 2 days after the onset of palpitations) atrial fibrillation (AF) in 96 consecutive patients, with concurrent monitoring of the serum concentration of this agent in fifteen of the patients. Outpatients with AF verified by standard electrocardiogram (ECG) were hospitalized and received disopyramide (200 mg) every 4-6 h, with a maximal dose of 800 mg daily, until the termination of AF under ECG monitoring was obtained. Conversion to sinus rhythm occurred within the first day of treatment in 88 patients (92%), on the second day of treatment in six patients (6%), and on the third and fifth days of treatment in the remaining two patients. No major adverse effects, such as hypotension, congestive heart failure, proarrythmic events or systemic embolism were noted. The serum levels of disopyramide evaluated in fifteen of the enrolled patients were found to be maintained within the therapeutic range throughout the treatment period. In spite of the absence of any placebo-controlled group in this study, these findings suggest that repetitive oral loading of disopyramide (200 mg) with an interval of 4-6 h is effective and safe for the termination of acute-onset AF under a stable therapeutic serum drug concentration, hence offering the possibility of self-medication for patients with episodic AF.  相似文献   



Limited data are available on the predictors of atrial fibrillation (AF) recurrence in patients with chronic AF.


To evaluate potential clinical, echocardiographic and electrophysiological predictors of AF recurrence after internal cardioversion for long-lasting AF.


A total of 99 consecutive patients (63 men and 36 women, mean age 63.33±9.27 years) with long-standing AF (52.42±72.02 months) underwent internal cardioversion with a catheter that consisted of two defibrillating coils. Shocks were delivered according to a step-up protocol. Clinical follow-up and electrocardiographic recordings were performed on a monthly basis for a 12-month period or whenever patients experienced symptoms suggestive of recurrent AF.


Ninety-three patients (93.94%) underwent a successful uncomplicated cardioversion, with a mean atrial defibrillation threshold of 10.69±6.76 J. Immediate reinitiation of AF was observed in 15 patients (15.78%) of whom a repeated cardioversion restored sinus rhythm in 13 cases. Early recurrence of AF (within one week) was observed in 12 of 93 patients (12.90%). At the end of the 12-month follow-up period, during which seven patients were lost, 42 of the 86 remaining patients (48.84%) were still in sinus rhythm. Multivariate regression analysis showed that left atrial diameter (OR 1.126, 95% CI 1.015 to 1.249; P=0.025) and mitral A wave velocity (OR 0.972, 95% CI 0.945 to 0.999; P=0.044) were significant and independent predictors of AF recurrence, whereas age, left ventricular ejection fraction and AF cycle length were not predictive of arrhythmia recurrence.


The present study showed that the left atrial diameter and mitral A wave velocity are the only variables associated with AF recurrence after successful cardioversion.  相似文献   

AIMS: We studied changes in atrial pacing threshold after termination of atrial fibrillation (AF) by acute administration of disopyramide phosphate (DP) to elucidate the suitable setting for atrial pacing output before AF termination. METHODS AND RESULTS: Four patients with sick sinus syndrome implanted with AAI mode pacemakers were examined. Disopyramide phosphate (2 mg/kg body weight) was injected intravenously for termination of a total of eight AF episodes. The maximal pacing threshold after AF termination (5.2+/-0.8 V at 0.45 ms) was significantly higher than that at baseline (1.3+/-0.2 V at 0.45 ms; P<0.01) and the average increment was 433+/-68%. During a period free from AF, an acute administration of DP did not increase the atrial pacing threshold and serum disopyramide levels were not toxic. CONCLUSION: The increased atrial pacing threshold observed after AF termination cannot be explained by the action of DP alone. However, our results suggest that atrial pacing output should be set at the maximum value before DP is administered to induce AF termination in patients with AAI pacemaker-dependent bradyarrhythmias.  相似文献   

心房颤动总是"引发"心房颤动吗?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
心房颤动(AF)是临床上常见的心律失常,心房重构和AF"引发"AF概念的提出是对AF病理生理机制研究的重大进展,但临床上有关AF的诸多问题并不能都用AF"引发"AF和单纯的心房电重构来解释,本文就AF"引发"AF这一问题结合有关文献作一综述.  相似文献   

植入型心房除颤器治疗心房颤动的临床应用   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
目的 评估入型心房除颤器(implantable atrial defibrillator,IAD)治疗阵发性和持续性心房颤动(房颤)患者的有效性和安全性。方法 11例患者(8例阵发性房颤,3例持续性房颤)安装了IAD,型吨Metrix^TM3000和Metrix^TM3020。所有的患者在室功能正常,45%存在高血压等基础心脏病。IAD在识别房颤和心室同步化后,通过右房-冠状静脉窦电流路线,发放  相似文献   

目的应用左心房追踪技术(LAVT)评价高血压心房颤动(房颤)和孤立性房颤患者左心房功能。方法实验组为50例房颤患者,分为孤立性房颤组24例,高血压房颤组26例,对照组为25例健康成人,用M型超声测量左心室舒张末期内径(LVEDD)、左心室收缩末期内径(LVESD)、舒张末期室间隔厚度(IVSTd)、舒张末期左心室后壁厚度(LVPWTd),用校正立方体积法(Teich)计算左心室射血分数(LVEF);二维超声测量患者收缩末期左心房前后径(LAD1)、上下径(LAD2)、横径(LAD3),收缩末期右心房上下径(RAD1)、横径(RAD2),应用LAVT测量左心房最大面积(LAAmax)、左心房最大容积(LAVmax)、最小容积(LAVmin)、收缩期左心房充盈速率峰值(dv/dtS)、舒张早期左心房排空速率峰值(dv/dtE)及舒张晚期左心房排空速率峰值(dv/dtA),并计算左心房排空分数(LAEF)。比较左心房的收缩及舒张功能。结果孤立性房颤组LAD1:(42.43±4.24)mm、LAD2:(60.22±5.79)mm、LAD3:(47.90±4.86)mm、RAD1:(55.04±5.06)mm、RAD2:(43.25±2.56)mm、LAAmax、LAVmax、LAVmin、dv/dtE与正常对照组LAD1:(33.81±2.96)mm、LAD2:(47.29±6.79)mm、LAD3:(39.04±3.53)mm、RAD1:(44.34±4.12)mm、RAD2:(36.06±3.16)mm、LAAmax、LAVmax、LAVmin、dv/dtE比较均明显升高(均为P<0.05),孤立性房颤组LAEF、dv/dtS、dv/dtA与正常对照组比较均明显减低(均为P<0.05),LVEDD、LVESD、IVSTd、LVPWTd、LVEF与正常对照组比较差异均无统计学意义(均为P>0.05)。与正常对照组比较,高血压房颤组的LAD1:(45.47±7.33)mm、LAD2:(61.35±7.39)mm、LAD3:(49.27±5.25)mm、RAD1:(56.18±4.36)mm、RAD2:(45.13±3.21)mm、LAAmax、LAVmax、LAVmin、dv/dtE均明显升高,LAEF、dv/dtS、dv/dtA均明显减低(均为P<0.05),LVEDD、LVESD、IVSTd、LVPWTd、LVEF差异均无统计学意义(均为P>0.05)。与孤立性房颤组相比,高血压房颤组LAAmax、LAVmax、LAVmin均明显升高(均为P<0.05),LAEF、dv/dtS、dv/dtE、dv/dtA均明显减低(均为P<0.05),LVEDD、LVESD、IVSTd、LVPWTd、LVEF、LAD1、LAD2、LAD3、RAD1、RAD2差异均无统计学意义(均为P>0.05)。结论 AF患者左心房功能明显下降高血压房颤患者左心房功能损害较孤立性房颤患者明显。LAVT能准确、快速的反映房颤患者左心房大小及功能的变化,在评价左心房功能方面有较高的重复性。  相似文献   

We analyzed the patterns of atrial activation and characterized the electrophysiologic properties of regional atrial sites in the, right atrium and left atrium at the onset of atrial fibrillation (AF) induced with programmed right atrial (RA) stimulation. Intraatrial conduction, atrial electrogram return cycle lengths for the first AF cycle, RA and left atrial (LA) activation maps during AF, and the stability and reproducibility of atrial activation sequences at AF onset and maintenance were analyzed in 23 patients with AF. Correlation of intracardiac electrograms with surface electrocardiographic morphology was attempted. Maximum intraatrial conduction delay for high RA premature beats was observed at the coronary sinus ostium (n = 15), His bundle region (n = 13) or interatrial septum (n = 15). The return cycle lengths for the first AF cycle showed increasing conduction delay with increasing prematurity of the last extrastimulus in most patients. Suprisingly, discrete atrial electrograms with regular or irregular cycle lengths were present at the onset of electrocardiographic documented coarse AF in 13 of 15 patients (87%). Fragmented or chaotic atrial activity were present in 2 of 15 patients (13%) in coarse AF but observed at > or = 1 atrial sites in 7 of 8 patients (88%) with fine AF (p = 0.001). The atrial activation sequence at the onset of the induced AF elicited by high RA extrastimuli usually showed the earliest activation site at the crista terminalis (9 patients) or interatrial septum (9 patients). In contrast, induced AF elicited from other RA sites usually showed earliest atrial activation at the septum (3 patients) or coronary sinus ostium (3 patients). Atrial activation sequences for the first induced AF cycle were usually reproducible in most patients. Atrial activation patterns during the first 10 cycles for AF were stable in RA and LA regions in 6 of 23 patients (260%) but demonstrated significant change(s) at > or = 1 region in 17 of 23 patients (74%) (p <0.05). We conclude that pacing induced AF elicited by RA premature beats commences as a regular or irregular rapid atrial tachycardia consistent with a transitional, but often organized, arrhythmia. The activation sequence and electrophysiologic behavior of the first induced AF cycle is consistent with intraatrial reentry and reproducible in most patients. More than 1 atrial activation sequence can sometimes be observed, emphasizing the dynamic nature of the initial RA reentrant circuits.  相似文献   

APBs in Persistent Versus Paroxysmal AF. BACKGROUND: Although the electrical disconnection between the left atrium (LA) and pulmonary veins (PVs) by radiofrequency catheter ablation has been proven to be effective in controlling atrial fibrillation (AF), the recurrence rate is higher in patients with persistent AF (PeAF) than with paroxysmal AF (PAF). We hypothesized that the origin of the atrial premature beats (APBs) that trigger AF and the pattern of their breakthrough into the LA differ between PAF and PeAF. METHODS: We mapped 75 APBs (53 APBs triggering AF, 22 isolated APBs) from the LA and PVs in 26 patients with AF (age: 49.5 +/- 9.6, males: 23, PAF = 17, PeAF = 9), using a noncontact endocardial mapping (NCM) system. The location of the preferential conduction (PC) sites and their conduction velocity (CV) were compared. RESULTS: In patients with PeAF, the earliest activation (EA) site and exit of the PC were more frequently located on the LA side of the LA-PV junction as compared with PAF (P < 0.001). Eighty-one percent of the PCs were located in the area between the left and right superior PVs. The incidence of PCs was similar between the PeAF and PAF patients (P = NS). PCs were more commonly found with APBs inducing AF (63.3%) than with those not inducing AF (35.2%, P = 0.01). The CV of the PC was slower for PeAF than PAF (P < 0.001). The CV in the LA during sinus rhythm was also slower for PeAF than PAF (P < 0.01). CONCLUSION: PeAF was more frequently triggered by APBs from the LA side of the LA-PV junction than PAF and resulted in slower conduction than did PAF. These findings may help explain the higher potential for recurrence after electrical PV isolation in patients with PeAF.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The relationship between the duration of arrhythmia and the subsequent long-term efficacy of disopyramide in preventing atrial fibrillation was investigated in patients with symptomatic paroxysmal and persistent atrial fibrillation. METHODS: A total of 60 patients (39 men, 21 women, mean age 65 +/- 11 years) were given disopyramide (300 mg/day) after electrical and pharmacological cardioversion based on American Heart Association Task Force on Practice Guidelines. The patients were divided into two types based on the duration of atrial fibrillation: conversion within 48 hr (group A, n = 35) and more than 48 hr (group B, n = 25) after the episode. Mean follow-up period was 47.1 +/- 28.7 months. RESULTS: Patient characteristics showed no statistically significant difference between groups A and B. The actuarial rates of maintenance of sinus rhythm at 1, 3, 6, 12, 18 and 24 months were 88.6%, 77.1%, 57.1%, 48.6%, 42.9% and 37.1%, respectively, in group A, and 72.0%, 44.0%, 28.0%, 16.0%, 12.0% and 8.0%, respectively, in group B. There was a significant difference in the rate at 24 months between groups A and B (p < 0.05). The periods for maintenance of sinus rhythm in groups A and B were 20.9 +/- 3.9 and 6.7 +/- 2.1 months, respectively, with a significant difference between groups A and B (p < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: The efficacy of disopyramide in preventing the recurrence of atrial fibrillation varies with the duration of the previous episode. These results demonstrate that it is important to convert to normal sinus rhythm earlier to prevent the recurrence of atrial fibrillation in the long term.  相似文献   

目的 探讨国人肥厚型心肌病(HCM)合并心房颤动(房颤)患者导管消融术的疗效及术后心律失常复发的危险因素.方法 纳入2005年6月至2013年6月在北京安贞医院行导管消融术的HCM合并房颤患者共40例(阵发性房颤27例,持续性房颤13例).阵发性房颤的消融策略为双侧环肺静脉隔离(PVI)持续性房颤的消融策略为PVI基础上加行左心房顶部、二尖瓣峡部和三尖瓣峡部线性消融.术后以常规心电图和长程心电图随访患者心律失常复发情况,用回归分析方法甄别与心律失常复发相关的危险因素并检测其预测效力.结果 单次消融术后随访(34±18)个月,窦性心律维持率为30% (12/40),64.3% (18/28)的心律失常复发出现在消融术后1年.Cox多因素分析显示左心房内径(LAD)和女性是术后快速房性心律失常复发的独立危险因素(LAD:HR=1.124,95% CI1.051~1.202,P=0.001;女性:HR=3.304,95%CI1.397 ~7.817,P=0.007).其中LAD的截断值为43.5 mm时的预测敏感度为93.5%,特异度为60.0%;LAD每增加1 mm,心律失常复发的风险比为1.095(95%CI1.031~1.163,P=0.003).结论 HCM合并房颤行导管消融术虽安全可行,但单次手术后长期随访的窦性心律维持率较低,大部分心律失常复发出现在术后1年内,左心房内径增大和女性是术后复发的独立危险因素.  相似文献   

心房纤颤的抗凝治疗   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
心房纤颤是一种常见的室上性快速性心律失常,脑卒中、栓塞和心力衰竭是心房纤颤导致患者死亡的主要原因。它所致的脑卒中,是无心房纤颤脑中风的2~7倍。风湿性心脏病心房纤颤所致的脑中风,是无心房纤颤脑中风的17倍。普通人群心房纤颤的发病率约为0.4%,60岁以下人群心房纤颤的发病率低于1%。随着年纪的增大,心房纤颤的发病率逐渐增高,80岁以上老年患者心房纤颤的患病率几乎达到10%。根据Framingham研究,60~69岁心房纤颤患者脑中风的发病率是21‰,70~79岁心房纤颤患者脑中风的发病率是49‰,80~89岁心房纤颤患者脑中风的发病率是71‰。虽…  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Regional differences in fibrosis, particularly related to the posterior wall and septum, may be important in atrial fibrillation (AF). Using electroanatomic mapping, voltage can be used as a measure of fibrosis. OBJECTIVES: The purpose of this study was to determine if patients with AF have disproportionately lower voltage in the septal and posterior walls of the left atrium. METHODS: Sinus rhythm left atrial electroanatomic maps were used in serial patients presenting for left atrial ablation of AF (8-mm tip). Patients undergoing left atrial mapping for focal atrial tachycardia (AT) were used as a comparison group (4-mm tip). Animal experiments were performed to assess the influence of ablation catheter tip size on voltage amplitude. RESULTS: The posterior and septal walls exhibited the lowest voltages in both groups. Compared with the anterior wall, there was a 3.78-fold greater odds of finding a low-voltage point (<0.5 mV) in the septum (P <.001) and a 3.37-fold greater odds of finding a low-voltage point in the posterior wall (P <.001) in the AF patients; the proportion of low-voltage points by region were not significantly different in the AT group. In the animal model, the mean voltage obtained from an 8-mm ablation catheter was significantly higher (0.30 +/- 0.17 mV) than that obtained from the same points using a 4-mm catheter (0.22 +/- 0.17, P = .05). CONCLUSION: Regional differences in voltage are present in patients with atrial arrhythmias, with AF patients exhibiting significantly more low-voltage areas in the septum and posterior walls.  相似文献   

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