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积极心理学介绍   总被引:35,自引:0,他引:35  
积极心理学是当代新兴的心理学思潮。文章对积极心理学的发展、本质、理论研究等方面进行了系统阐述,重点从积极心理学的理念及其与传统主流心理学、人本主义心理学、建构主义心理学的关系等多个侧面对积极心理学进行了论述,并从国际心理学研究的趋势和积极心理学自身的特点两个方面阐述了积极心理学的本土化研究。在此基础上,指出了积极心理学研究领域存在的问题和未来的研究方向。  相似文献   

关于布郎芬布伦纳发展心理学生态系统理论   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的对布郎芬布伦纳发展心理学的生态系统理论进行分析,并对其优缺点进行述评,促进对该理论的进一步理解与研究。方法结合心理学研究重视生态化的发展趋势,对布郎芬布伦纳发展心理学的生态系统理论的核心进行阐述,通过与传统发展理论的对比,对其局限性及优缺点进行全面分析。结果布朗芬布伦纳提出人与其生活环境相互作用的行为生态系统理论模型,是心理学研究领域的重大进步。它承认人类发展的环境与生物因素的作用,但其研究过分强调环境的作用,而在一定程度上忽略了生物因素的影响。生态系统理论扩大了心理学研究中“环境”的概念,“环境”不仅包括了儿童周围的环境,还包括了影响儿童发展的大的社会、文化环境。确定了相关的4个系统之间存在交互耦合的联系及影响,使心理学研究结果更具有实际意义。布朗芬布伦纳强调了人的发展的动态性,推动了发展心理学的发展。结论生态发展观将环境看作一个不断变化发展的动态过程,强调发展来自于人与环境的相互作用,突破了以往研究中对环境的限定的局限性,拓宽了青少年心理发展的研究范围。尽管在生物因素影响及人类发展连续模型等方面的研究需进一步加强,布朗芬布伦纳的理论对儿童发展的情境影响提供了与众不同和全面的解释,值得我们进一步研究和发展。  相似文献   

健康心理学,是心理学应用学科中最新最有活力的领域之一。笔者曾在十年前撰文引维北美健康心理学的研究态势[1]。笔者认为,深入探讨健康心理学的研究实践和中国特色,会有助于人们重新认识健康心理学的重要价值,把心理健康真正平握在自己手中。1健康心理学是人们生活实践的必需品一门学科的科学位置并不依赖于人的主观愿望和预测,而是依赖于历史的发展、人类的需求以及得出结论和规律所使用的客观而系统的方法[2]。健康心理学有一个长远的过去、一部短暂的现代史。健康心理学是随着人类对身心关系的哲学争论开始的。1879年,冯特建立策…  相似文献   

目的了解中国健康心理学的研究范围、研究内容、研究现状及发展趋势。方法对近5年《中国健康心理学杂志》刊载的所有文章进行分类统计。结果①近5年来关于精神卫生方面研究逐渐减少。②中国健康心理学的研究领域不断扩大和细致分化。③健康心理学的研究受重视的程度有上升的趋势。结论中国健康心理学的领域不断扩大和细化,受重视的程度有逐年上升的趋势。  相似文献   

1什么是健康心理学健康心理学有一个漫长的过去和短暂的历史,关于健康的心理学研究早在心理学的各个分支中进行。但是在“健康心理学”的新学科体系下的研究,只有10余年的历史。健康心理学究竟是什么学问?用一句话来概括,可以说‘健康心理学是从心理学的角度探讨人类疾病和健康问题的学问。但是,如上所述,这门学问还很年轻,正在发展过程中,其外延及内涵还不太确定。因此,现在严格地给健康心理学下定义还为时过早。不过,作为美国心理学会(APA)的一个分会的健康心理学分会(TheDivisionofHealthPsychology),1980年把健康心理…  相似文献   

质的研究方法在临床心理学中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在心理学研究方法中素来都有"质"与"量"的分歧。伴随着对定量的研究方法的反思,近年来,质的研究方法在临床心理学研究中呈上升趋势。本文在论证质的研究方法非常适合于临床心理学研究的同时介绍了四种经常被应用于临床心理学研究的具体方法,并且指出临床心理学工作者在进行质的研究的时候需要更多的反思,下结论的时候也需要更加慎重。  相似文献   

南极心理学研究的现状与展望   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在过去30多年内,南极条约的许多成员国,诸如美国、澳大利亚、新西兰、法国、英国等国,已作了许多有关南极工作人员的人体生物,医学和心理学的研究,涉及问题广泛。仅与心理学有关的就包括:体温节律,温度应激,睡眠和昼夜节律。适应心理学方面的研究包括对被试者完成指定的操作的评价,心理调整及其在人员选拔中的应用,压抑和焦虑等心理紊乱因素,动机,态度和人格改变;认知操作,领导和越冬人员间的人际关系以及其它各种心  相似文献   

施明选 《解剖学杂志》2005,28(6):M0004-M0004,624
认知心理学认为:学习的过程是信息加工的过程,即信息的编码、贮存和提取的过程;在学习过程中,学习者通过自己对来自环境刺激的信息进行内在的认知加工而获得能力。当新接触的信息或概念与原有的知识结构中的前概念对立或者矛盾的时候,是实现新的概念代替原有概念的最佳契机。心理学研究还表明:人不能长期容忍认知心理的不平衡,人都有填补认知空缺、解决认知冲突的功能。一旦引发这种认知冲突,就会引起学生认知心理学的不平衡,就能激起学生的求知欲和好奇心。根据认知学的这个理论,我们在教学中,将组织学教学过程分为六个环节(以肌组织这一章节为例)。  相似文献   

目的对影响我国现阶段心理学科发展的制约因素进行总结,希望能找出影响我国心理学发展的症结,从而促进其更快更好地发展。方法利用文献法整合国内外的相关研究,对影响心理学发展的相关研究结果进行总结分析。结果我国心理学在学科定位问题、原创性和理论基础、本土化问题及研究方法等方面的发展受到直接的、重要的影响。结论我国心理学发展具有良好的前景,但如果不能正视存在的问题并及时加以解决,将有可能制约其发展。  相似文献   

目的 探讨我国宗教心理学研究现状和存在的问题.方法 以中国期刊网为平台检索宗教心理学的文献,并对其进行文献计量学分析,主要以百分比和频次分析为主.结果 1宗教心理学论文在前6年呈缓慢增长的趋势,后5年波动较大,2008年达到最多;2论文主要是期刊类;③论文发表源较为广泛,但以高校学报为主;④研究力量机构不均衡,主要集中于高校,而在高校又以师范类院校居多;⑤研究地域分布不均衡,主要集中在北京、上海等经济发达区以及四川、新疆等少数民族聚居区;⑥研究类型主要是理论研究,实证研究薄弱;⑦研究方式以独撰为主.结论 目前我国宗教心理学研究还处于初始阶段.  相似文献   

具有非线性阈值行为的神经系统常常工作在有大背景噪声的环境中,尽管如此,神经系统仍能高效地感知、分辨和处理信息。近10多年来,为探明神经系统在噪声环境中如何处理信息的机理,国内外研究人员做了大量的工作,本文着重回顾和总结了在与感觉知觉相关的神经系统中存在的随机共振现象,以及应用此种神经处理信息的方式来改善系统的功能方面所做的研究。文中还介绍了用于研究感受系统而采用的心理物理学方法的基本原理以及根据此原理得出的一些实际应用例子。这些工作为开发和应用新技术来弥补或增强人的感觉功能提供了依据。  相似文献   

Health and illness in contemporary psychology are remarkably undertheorized, with the consequence that implicit definitions of these topics are unquestionably imported into health psychology. Largely inspired and oriented to the medical system, health psychology is often subservient to biomedically inspired theory or directed to solving the problems of the health care system, not those of its patients or those who might ultimately benefit from health knowledge. Qualitative approaches have attempted to reintroduce the voice of the patient/sufferer/individual back into health psychology but without adequate theoretical integration this work has been marginalized and ignored by mainstream health psychology in the service of medical modelling. The point is not to develop a health psychology as an exclusive disciplinary enclave but rather to open up the possibilities of a responsible knowing. Using Kathryn Addelson's work on professional knowing I argue that the collective activity that constitutes health psychology can be made more explicit not only by devising reflexive theories and practices but by focusing on what the outcomes of that activity might be. Functional theories of health and illness, on the other hand, obscure our epistemological and moral commitments.  相似文献   

Psychology and its subfield of health psychology suffer from a lack of standardized terminology and a unified theoretical framework for the prediction and explanation of health behaviour. Hence, it is difficult to establish whether a given theory is logically consistent and to compare different theories. Science involves both empirical and conceptual issues. It is asserted that psychology has overemphasized the former and underemphasized the latter. Empirical psychology needs an explicit, shared conceptual system in order to develop its theories. An example of an axiomatic method (Psycho-Logic; see e.g. J. Smedslund.Psychological Inquiry 1991a; 2: 325-338) is applied to show how the Health Belief Model,the Theory of Planned Behaviour and Social Cognitive Theory all conform to the a priori conditions of acting. One implication is that studies of the predictive power of theories stated as definitional truths only assess auxiliary hypotheses, i.e. the extent to which the measuring instruments are reliable and valid. On the other hand, the introduction of logic into health psychology can facilitate genuine empirical studies by helping to avoid so-called 'pseudoempirical' work (Smedslund, J. In Smith, Harré & Van Langenhove (Eds.) Rethinking psychology, 1995). Systems such as Psycho-Logic can also enhance conceptual integration by using logic to explicate and demonstrate intuitive relations. Implications for practitioners are discussed briefly.  相似文献   

The profession of psychology is being impacted profoundly by broader changes within the national system of health care, as mental and behavioral health services are being recognized as essential components of a comprehensive, preventive, and cost-efficient primary care system. To fully define and embrace this role, the discipline of professional psychology must develop a shared disciplinary identity of health service psychology and a generalized competency-based model for doctoral education and training. This very framework has been adopted by Combined-Integrated (C-I) doctoral programs in professional psychology, which train across the practice areas (clinical, counseling, and school psychology) to provide a general and integrative foundation for their students. Because C-I programs produce general practitioners who are competent to function within a variety of health service settings, this innovative training approach has great potential to educate and train psychologists for a changing health care marketplace.  相似文献   

There is a need to widen the practice of health psychologists to include the theories and methods of community psychology and an awareness of contemporary issues in community health. The aim of such a community health psychology would be both to deepen our understanding of the aetiology of health and illness in society and to develop strategies that will contribute to a reduction in human suffering and an improvement in quality of life. The aim of this article is to review the background and assumptions of community health psychology and to consider some values that would underlie such an approach.  相似文献   

Recent discussions about the conduct of community interventions suggest the importance of developing more comprehensive theorizing about their nature and effects. The present study is an effort to infer how community interventions are theorized by the way they are represented in the peer‐reviewed scholarly literature. A coding of a random sample of 200 community intervention reports in eight journals encompassing public health, community psychology, and prevention science suggests the enduring influence of the laboratory tradition of psychology in both research design and the relationship of community interventionists to communities. Reflection on the underlying assumptions of community intervention theory and how community interventions are reported is recommended as critical to becoming more effective in improving community health. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

If health psychology is to maximize impacts on health, there will need to be a shift from relying primarily on efficacy trials to increasing reliance on effectiveness trials. Efficacy trials use homogeneous, highly motivated samples with minimal complications from a single setting receiving intensive treatments delivered under highly controlled conditions. Two effectiveness trials on bullying prevention illustrate the use of a heterogeneous population from multiple sites receiving a low intensity tailored treatment delivered under highly variable conditions. In spite of considerable noise the effectiveness trials produced robust results (odds ratios of about four) that bode well for population impacts under real-world dissemination.  相似文献   

Progress in the science and practice of health psychology depends on the systematic synthesis of quantitative psychological evidence. Meta-analyses of experimental studies have led to important advances in understanding health-related behaviour change interventions. Fundamental questions regarding such interventions have been systematically investigated through synthesising relevant experimental evidence using standard pairwise meta-analytic procedures that provide reliable estimates of the magnitude, homogeneity and potential biases in effects observed. However, these syntheses only provide information about whether particular types of interventions work better than a control condition or specific alternative approaches. To increase the impact of health psychology on health-related policy-making, evidence regarding the comparative efficacy of all relevant intervention approaches – which may include biomedical approaches – is necessary. With the development of network meta-analysis (NMA), such evidence can be synthesised, even when direct head-to-head trials do not exist. However, care must be taken in its application to ensure reliable estimates of the effect sizes between interventions are revealed. This review paper describes the potential importance of NMA to health psychology, how the technique works and important considerations for its appropriate application within health psychology.  相似文献   

目的:了解云南卫生人员吸烟者吸烟戒烟的行为及心理因素,为“吸烟与健康”控制政策的制定提供决策依据。方法:采用问卷调查研究方法,选择昆明、大理、丽江、玉溪和曲靖5个地区从事卫生工作的吸烟者作为调查对象。进行吸烟、戒烟的行为心理因素调查。结果:云南省卫生系统981名吸烟者开始吸烟的年龄出现低龄化趋势,吸烟的心理多样复杂,包括社会因素,家庭因素、自身因素;引起人们吸烟的条件和吸烟场所多样,对控烟及戒烟的态度积极,但戒烟成功率较低。结论:建议开展健康教育,纠正人们不良的心理,提高戒烟成功率,增进人们健康。  相似文献   

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