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This preliminary study evaluated the reliability and validity of the Japanese version of the Anxiety Sensitivity Index (ASI). Its test-retest reliability and internal consistency were found acceptable. Factor analysis of the ASI yielded 4 anxiety-related factors: factor I is heart/lung failure concern; factor II, psychological concern; factor III, physical concern; and factor IV, social concern. In addition, multiple regression analysis showed that the ASI score significantly correlated only with the neuroticism-related category of the NEO-Personality Inventory Revised. The ASI mean scores of those with 5 or more according to the General Health Questionnaire (unhealthy) and those with 16 or more according to the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depressive Scale (depression) were significantly higher than in the healthy and nondepressive groups. Although further research is necessary to confirm the construct validity by factor analysis of the ASI, the Japanese version of the ASI is applicable for use in the Japanese population.  相似文献   

The 11-item Illness/Injury Sensitivity Index [ISI; Taylor, 1993: J Behav Ther Exp Psychiatry 24:289-299] measures fears of injury and illness and has the potential to delineate some mechanisms underlying anxiety-associated chronic health conditions. In a principal components analysis in 2005, Carleton et al. [2005a: J Psychopathol Behav Assess 27:235-241] indicated that a two-factor solution (Fear of Injury and Fear of Illness) best explained the structure of the ISI. The primary purpose of this study was to examine the structural and construct validity of the ISI. Results supported a two-factor solution after removal of two overinclusive items. Although the measure demonstrated good factorial validity, convergent and discriminant validity require further evaluation. In addition, a substantial correlation with fear of pain suggests a shift in our perspective on what constitutes a fundamental fear. Future research implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The factor structure of the Childhood Anxiety Sensitivity Index (CASI) was investigated in four nonclinic German samples (N = 1244, 225, 230, and 143) with participants aged 8–16-years-old. Factor solutions suggested for different CASI versions were tested using confirmatory factor analysis. The best goodness-of-fit indices were found for the 13-item CASI version with 4 factors (Disease Concerns, Unsteady Concerns, Mental Incapacitation Concerns, and Social Concerns). Testing for factorial invariance of this model with respect to age and gender revealed non-invariant factor loadings between children and adolescents as well as between boys and girls. The theoretical and clinical implications of these findings for anxiety sensitivity in children and adolescents are discussed.  相似文献   

The Anxiety Sensitivity Index (ASI; Reiss, S., Peterson, R. A., Gursky, D. M., & McNally, R. J. (1986). Anxiety sensitivity, anxiety frequency and the prediction of fearfulness. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 24, 1–8) is probably the most widely used measure of cognitive vulnerability to anxiety. However, there have been periodic doubts expressed about whether it measures beliefs about the negative consequences of anxiety symptoms, as it purports to, or actual anxiety experiences. The present study investigated the construct validity of the revised ASI using a cognitive interviewing approach. Sixteen outpatients with anxiety problems responded to ASI-R items and items from another measure of vulnerability to anxiety, the Anxiety Attitude and Belief Scale, while thinking aloud. The resulting verbal protocols were coded according to the apparent cognitive processes respondents engaged in when answering the items. Responses to the revised ASI-R more often entailed retrieval of past episodes of anxiety, and participants more frequently formulated their responses based on judgments of the occurrence or intensity of feelings rather than on the appraisal of anticipated consequences of what was described in the items. These findings potentially have significant implications for interpretation of results from the large body of literature using the different versions of the ASI.  相似文献   

Converging evidence suggests that anxiety sensitivity (i.e., threatening beliefs regarding autonomic arousal) is a risk factor for anxiety pathology. Specification of premorbid risk factors requires exclusion of individuals with a history of spontaneous panic to ensure that anxiety sensitivity is not merely a consequence or concomitant of the experience of panic. However, the psychometrics and dimensional nature of anxiety sensitivity in such a sample is undetermined. The present study evaluated the factor structure of the Anxiety Sensitivity Index (ASI), a measure of anxiety sensitivity, in a community sample (N = 233) with no history of psychiatric illness or spontaneous panic. Exploratory factor analyses (EFA) suggested a two- or three-factor solution (1, Fear of Mental Catastrophe; II, Fear of Cardiopulmonary Sensations; III, Fear of Vasovagal Sensations). Confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) comparing alternative models indicated that a hierarchical two-factor solution (I, Fear of Mental Catastrophe; II, Fear of Cardiopulmonary Sensations) best accounted for the data. This model generalized well to a nonclinical college sample (N = 809).  相似文献   

PURPOSE: Factor structure and construct validity of the Chinese version of the Health-Related Quality of Life Measure for Children with Epilepsy are reported. METHODS: The Parent-Proxy Response Scale and Child Self-Report Scale of the measure were administered to 266 children and their parents (or primary caregivers). Exploratory factor analysis was used to determine the underlying factor structure of the instrument. Hypothesis testing was used to explore construct validity. RESULTS: The Chinese version of the Health-Related Quality of Life Measure for Children with Epilepsy had the same five-factor structure as the Canadian version. Greater use of epilepsy-related services was associated with poorer quality of life. Quality of life was also poorer in children who had more seizures, took more than one anticonvulsant, had impaired cognition, and studied in special schools. Children who had close friends and spent more time in extracurricular activities with friends scored higher on the Interpersonal/Social subscale. CONCLUSIONS: Our data provide evidence of the cross-cultural applicability of the translated instrument.  相似文献   

PurposeFactor structure and construct validity of the Chinese version of the Health-Related Quality of Life Measure for Children with Epilepsy are reported.MethodsThe Parent-Proxy Response Scale and Child Self-Report Scale of the measure were administered to 266 children and their parents (or primary caregivers). Exploratory factor analysis was used to determine the underlying factor structure of the instrument. Hypothesis testing was used to explore construct validity.ResultsThe Chinese version of the Health-Related Quality of Life Measure for Children with Epilepsy had the same five-factor structure as the Canadian version. Greater use of epilepsy-related services was associated with poorer quality of life. Quality of life was also poorer in children who had more seizures, took more than one anticonvulsant, had impaired cognition, and studied in special schools. Children who had close friends and spent more time in extracurricular activities with friends scored higher on the Interpersonal/Social subscale.ConclusionsOur data provide evidence of the cross-cultural applicability of the translated instrument.  相似文献   



The aim here is to examine the factorial structure, internal consistency, and concurrent validity of the Korean version of the Anxiety Sensitivity Index-3 (K-ASI-3) in student samples in Korea. Also, we investigated the cross-cultural differences in the Social Concerns factor.


K-ASI-3 was administered to non clinical samples in Korea. Internal consistency, exploratory factor analysis (EFA), and confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) were undertaken to examine the factorial structure and reliability of the K-ASI-3.


Results from CFA comparing our data to factor solutions commonly reported as representative of European-American samples indicated an adequate fit. The K-ASI-3 showed good performance on the indices of internal consistency and concurrent validity. In addition, using regression analyses, we found the Social Concerns factor is most strongly related to life satisfaction and worry. However, we found no evidence that Korean college students express more Social Concerns than their European Caucasian counterparts.


The authors demonstrate that the K-ASI-3 has highly internally consistent and psychometrically sound items, and that it reliably measures three lower-order domains assessing Physical, Social, and Cognitive Concerns.  相似文献   

The factor structure and convergent and discriminant validity of the Anxiety Sensitivity Index-Revised (ASI-R) were examined in a community sample, a student sample, and patients with panic disorder in Korea. Results from a confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) comparing our data to factor solutions commonly reported as representative of European American populations indicated a poor fit. A subsequent exploratory factor analysis (EFA) indicated that a four-factor solution provided the best fit. Correlations between the ASI-R and anxiety measures were moderately high, providing evidence of convergent validity. Implications for assessment with Koreans are discussed.  相似文献   

Considerable controversy exists concerning the positive and negative syndrome scale (PANSS), one of the most widely used instruments in schizophrenia research. In this article we revisited the factor structure and external validity of the PANSS in a sample of 500 participants with DSM IV diagnoses of schizophrenia. We found that a model with six latent factors provided a relatively good fit, considered adequate by two rules of thumb. Five factors corresponded closely to those typically derived in other studies: Negative, Positive, Excited/Activation, Anxious-Depressed/Dysphoric, and Disorganized/Autistic preoccupation. The sixth factor seemed to have face validity and was labeled Withdrawn. With the exception of Anxious-Depressed/Dysphoric, Cronbach's Alpha ranged from 0.70 to 0.85 suggesting an acceptable internal consistency. External validity was studied through correlations with socio-demographic variables, DSM IV (subtype) diagnoses, clinical characteristics, and drug use. The many significant correlations suggested that the six PANSS scales measure meaningful aspects of schizophrenia. Furthermore, the pattern of correlations varied, providing evidence that the scales assessed partly different aspects of the disease. Our analyses also suggested that some of the controversy about the PANSS can possibly be attributed to methodological factors where the substantial cross-loadings of some PANSS items may play an important role.  相似文献   

This study evaluated the psychometric properties of the Social Anxiety Scale for Adolescents (SAS-A) and Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory for Children (SPAI-C) in a sample of 1147 adolescents aged 13-17 years. The fit indices of confirmatory factor analyses were comparable to those obtained in prior studies and supported the hypothesized models of the SAS-A and SPAI-C. The internal consistency was good and 12-month test-retest reliability modest for both measures. A significant, positive correlation was found between the SAS-A and SPAI-C, showing that these measures assess related, but relatively independent constructs of social anxiety and phobia. These findings support the use of the SAS-A and SPAI-C with adolescents.  相似文献   

《Journal of adolescence》2014,37(3):237-246
Existing measures of help-seeking focus on assessing attitudes and beliefs, rather than specific behaviors, toward help-seeking. This study described the development of a self-report measure of informal help-seeking behaviors (HSB). Participants were 228 high school students (148 males, 80 females) with disabilities from four states. Factor analyses revealed three underlying factors, each addressing a different source of help: parent, peer, and teacher. The HSB had good internal reliability and moderate validity. Results from regression analyses suggested that help-seeking behaviors toward parents and teachers contributed uniquely to students' self-ratings of school bonding, life satisfaction, and career outcome expectations. Help-seeking behaviors toward peers was a negative predictor of career outcome expectations. The value of the HSB as a research instrument was discussed.  相似文献   

The present study examined the factor structure underlying the Wisconsin Schizotypy Scales and the validity of these dimensions. Confirmatory factor analysis with 6137 nonclinical young adults supported a 2-factor model with positive and negative schizotypy dimensions. As predicted, the schizotypy dimensions were differentially related to psychopathology, personality, and social impairment. Both dimensions were related to schizotypal and paranoid symptoms. Positive schizotypy was uniquely related to psychotic-like experiences, substance abuse, mood disorders, and mental health treatment, whereas negative schizotypy was associated with negative and schizoid symptoms. Both dimensions were associated with poorer overall and social functioning, but negative schizotypy was associated with decreased likelihood of intimate relationships. The findings support the construct validity of a multidimensional model of schizotypy and the use of psychometric inventories to assess these dimensions.  相似文献   

Subscales of the Empowerment Scale (Rogers, E. S., Chamberlin, J., Ellison, M. L., Crean, T., 1997. A consumer-constructed scale to measure empowerment among users of mental health services. Psychiatr. Serv. 48, 1042-1047) were examined to see whether they fit a model of consumer empowerment that distinguishes self- and community orientations. In addition, the relationship of these two superordinate factors to several psychosocial factors was examined. Thirty-five participants in a partial hospitalization program were administered the Empowerment Scale and measures of quality of life, social support, self-esteem, psychiatric symptoms, needs and resources, global functioning, and verbal intelligence. Analysis of the subscales of the Empowerment Scale yielded two factors consistent with self- and community orientations to empowerment. Correlational analyses revealed that the two superordinate factors were associated with different sets of psychosocial variables. A self-orientation to empowerment was significantly associated with quality of life, social support, self-esteem, and psychiatric symptoms. Community orientation was correlated with self-esteem, resources, verbal intelligence, and ethnicity. The implications of these findings for a model of consumer empowerment are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper examines the relationship between self-reliance (preference to solve emotional problems on one's own) and 5 mental healthcare utilization outcomes for Puerto Ricans living in low-income areas. A random probability community sample of noninstitutionalized Puerto Ricans, ages 18–69, living in low-income areas of the island were selected and interviewed in 1992–93 and 1993–94. A series of logistic regression models tested the association between self-reliance and 5 mental health utilization measures, after adjusting for covariates measuring predisposing, enabling, need and barrier factors: any use of mental health services, any use of general health services for mental healthcare, any use of specialty care, use of psychotropic medications, and retention in mental healthcare. Self-reliance was found to be negatively associated with all 5 dependent service utilization measures. Those with a positive self-reliant attitude were 40% less likely to use care on any of the 5 outcome measures. An interaction was also observed between definite need for mental healthcare and having a self-reliant attitude when predicting mental health service use. Definite needers with a self-reliant attitude were 54%–58% less likely to use mental health services compared with definite needers who did not have a self-reliant attitude. Further, decreases in self-reliant attitude over the two data collection periods were associated with increases in mental health service use. Our findings suggest that self-reliance is a significant and robust predictor of mental healthcare utilization among Puerto Ricans living in low-income areas of the island.  相似文献   

ObjectiveStress impacts the quality of life and is associated with increased risk of mental and physical disorders. The Perceived Stress Scale (PSS) is widely used for measuring psychological distress. Although the instrument was originally defined as a single construct, several studies based on classical test theory suggest that a two-dimensional structure is more dominant. We aimed to explore the construct validity and dimensionality of the PSS-10 using modern test theory to determine if the scale is predominantly for a one- or a two-dimensional model.MethodsThe study population consisted of 32,374 citizens who completed the PSS-10 as part of the Danish National Health Survey in 2010. We investigated the construct validity of the PSS-10 by CFA. We examined the scalability by investigating the fit of the data distribution in a unidimensional Rasch model and performing modification of response categories, persons and items. The scale dimensionality was additionally assessed by Mokken and Rasch analysis.ResultsThe PSS-10 did not fit the Rasch model. Item four indicated the largest misfit, and items four and seven displayed disordered thresholds. Unidimensionality could not be established although the data showed improved fit to the Rasch model for the two dimensions respectively with the positive and negative items. Mokken analysis revealed fit to the unidimensional model, but disordered thresholds were shown for item four.ConclusionOur large population-based study indicated scalability problems in the current version of the PSS-10. The conducted analysis overall revealed better statistical fit for a two-dimensional than a unidimensional model.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to modify the Gambling Functional Assessment (GFA), which was proposed to identify four possible contingencies maintaining the respondent's gambling behavior. However, previous research found that it only identified two contingencies (i.e., positive vs. negative reinforcement), with some items cross-loading on both contingencies and one not loading at all. A total of 1,060 undergraduate students completed a revised version of the GFA containing 22 items. Exploratory factor analyses conducted on a random selection of half of the participants led to a two-factor solution (positive and negative reinforcement) for 16 of the items that strongly loaded on the two factors. Confirmatory factor analyses conducted using structural equation modeling on the data from the other half of the sample confirmed the two-factor model. The GFA-Revised consists of 16 items, 8 each measuring positive and negative reinforcement contingencies. Although this revised measure cleanly parses the two contingencies, the data indicate that gambling maintained by positive reinforcement is more frequent than gambling maintained by negative reinforcement. This outcome will make directly comparing the two contingencies difficult, especially given that evidence suggests that gambling maintained by negative reinforcement is more strongly associated with pathology than gambling maintained by positive reinforcement.  相似文献   

The construct and predictive validity of adaptive behavior of mentally retarded persons was investigated using a multitrait multimethod analysis. The validity issues of concern were (a) how generalizable the adaptive behavior dimension is over a variety of measurement methods, (b) how adaptive behavior relates to mental age (MA), and (c) how well adaptive behavior assessment references placement in programs and situations. Adaptive behavior and MA were assessed by program participation, psychometric ratings, and overall staff ratings. Adaptive behavior had high convergent validity and low discriminant validity and predicted MA program placement better than did MA. We concluded that adaptive behavior scores could replace MA.  相似文献   

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