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开展社区老年人健康教育的方法和体会   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  

老年人常见的压力源调查及健康教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2001年6月,我校大专一期150名护生到社区进行老年护理学的毕业实习,为期2周,对老年人常见压力源、压力的程度进行调查,并给予相应的健康教育,旨在探讨如何使老年人在生活事件及环境变化中提高适应性,提高生活质量,预防心身疾病的发生。1对象与方法1.1调查对象东北大学社区内2308名60岁及60岁以上的老年人。其中男性987名,女性1321名,≤初中文化程度380名,高中文化程度807名,≥大专文化程度1121名;与子女分住者1814名,与儿女同住者494名。1.2调查方法采用自行设计的统一调查表,以访谈与问卷相结合的形式对老人常见的压力源进行调查。内容包括…  相似文献   

老年糖尿病患者的健康教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
老年糖尿病是以年龄区段命名的 ,国内标准为 6 0岁 ,国外标准为 6 5岁。其临床特点为 :患病率高 ,起病隐匿 ,症状不典型 ,易漏诊 ,并发症多且严重 ,血糖控制结果不满意等。自 1997年起 ,我们开始实施整体护理 ,以老年糖尿病患者及家属为对象 ,有目的、有计划地进行健康教育 ,宣传糖尿病的发病机制 ,临床表现 ,治疗方法及护理知识 ,为早发现 ,早预防 ,早控制糖尿病病情发展 ,减少并发症 ,提高老年患者的生活质量起到了重要作用。现介绍如下。1 健康教育的方法及内容1 1 健康教育对象 主要为住院期间的老年糖尿病患者及其家属。1 2 收集健…  相似文献   

目的:为了提高老年人的生活质量,使老人能够幸福生活,达到较高水平的健康状况。方法:将80岁老人按年龄,文化,疾病控制程度分组。建立健康档案,采取定期体检,集中授课和分散授课等方法,对老人进行健康教育,生活指导,健康咨询。结果:不同年龄,不同文化层次的老人均愿意接受健康教育并采纳健康行为,年龄60-70岁,中专以上学历较70岁以上,初中以下文化的老人知道并采纳健康行为有显著差异,要求我们为病人提供健康服务时,要因人而异,有计划,有评价地进行教育活动,才能达到理想的效果。结论:社区老人的健康教育,促进了社区老年人的健康意识和自我防病能力,提高了生活质量,获得了良好的经济效益和社会效益。社区健康教育具有可行性和推广性。  相似文献   

健康教育在西方发达国家已实行了近半个世纪,而在我国则长期被称之为卫生宣传教育。近年来,随着国人对健康教育事业认识的逐步加深,卫生宣传教育一词已逐渐被健康教育所取代。通过健康教育,可以使受教育者掌握有关的健康知识,选择有益于健康的行为和生活方式,树立正确的健康观,以积极的态度维护自身和他人的健康。显然,健康教育是非常重要的卫生保健措施,我们应该积极开展这项工作,以有益于疗养康复事业。1-健康教育的必要性近年来,来院疗养的老年疗养员逐年增多,他们大多是参加革命工作几十年的老同志,长期致力于我国的社会…  相似文献   

2002年6~12月,我科对38例老年住院患者开展健康教育,收到良好效果,现总结如下:  相似文献   

对老年患者进行健康教育,提高老年患者自我保健能力,提高他们的生活质量是护理工作的重要内容。为此,对我院内、外科86例老年住院患者健康教育需求进行了问卷调查,现报告如下。1 对象和方法11 调查对象 选择1999年10月在我院内科(神经、内分泌、心血管、消化、呼吸、血液、肾内)和外科(肿瘤、泌尿、普外)住院的86例愿意合作的60岁以上的老年患者进行调查。12 调查内容 自行设计“老年住院患者健康教育需求问卷调查表”,内容有患者的一般情况、住院后患者最担心的问题、对健康教育内容需求的程度、教育方法及出院后对疾病相关知识的需求…  相似文献   

目的了解社区老年人家庭对健康教育内容的需求状况。方法 2011年11月至2012年3月,在浙江省温州市和江苏省南通市采用多阶段整群抽样的方法获取样本(包括4个居委会及4个村)。用问卷法调查符合纳入标准的老年人(1207名)及与其共同生活的子女(201名)的健康知识状况,以此反映老年人家庭对健康教育内容需求;用访谈法获得老年人(10名)对健康教育内容的主观需求。结果老年人健康知识处于中低水平(良好率为47.6%),其子女健康知识的水平较高(良好率为96.0%),但子女对老年人健康知识的影响不大。老年人及与其共同生活的子女对健康教育内容的客观需求主要集中在饮食和运动方面,老年人还表现为对导致跌倒的环境因素、心理保健知识的需求;对健康教育内容主观需求较多的是健康饮食、慢性病防治、用药、心理保健和急救知识。结论老年人家庭健康教育应以教育老年人为主,与其共同生活的子女为辅,教育内容应结合其对健康知识客观和主观两方面的需求。  相似文献   

While the mentally ill are considered to be vulnerable as a group, those who are mentally ill and reside in rural communities are at a greater disadvantage due to limited access to health care, a scarcity of resources, and traditional cultural belief systems. Social support has been found to have a direct effect on the well-being of families and individuals. Specific strategies are presented which will assist rural health nurses in providing the support systems necessary to help rural residents in managing and coping with stress and mental health problems.  相似文献   

Health psychology underpins health behaviour and effective health education. This article introduces the reader to concepts of health psychology and assists in linking these to practical health education approaches for patients.  相似文献   

Health education is an important, yet challenging and time-consuming, nursing intervention. It is one of the most important tools school nurses have in teaching students, families, and staff about health. To be effective health educators, nurses need skills in planning and implementing attractive and effective programs to students. They also need to develop skills in evaluating the effectiveness of their efforts to emphasize the impact school nursing can have on the health of children. This editorial highlights the school nurse's role in health education in schools and gives a brief overview of the health education process. Health education provides many opportunities for school nurses to reach out in new and creative ways to students in their quest to promote health and success in the school environment.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Health education and health promotion activities are a fundamental requirement for all health professionals. These two paradigms are closely related but are not inter-dependent. Despite this, it is known that many nurses confuse the terms and use them interchangeably. With this in mind, it is necessary to re-conceptualize the terms in an attempt to bring them to a current form of 'maturity'. AIM: The aim of the paper is to provide an up-to-date analysis of health promotion and health education that serves as a conceptual and operational foundation for clinicians and researchers. METHOD: A concept analysis following the criterion-based methods described by Morse and her colleagues was applied to the terms health education and health promotion, using generic and nursing-related literature. RESULTS: The conceptual literature on health education is consistent between generic and nursing-related sources. On the contrary, earlier nursing literature on health promotion is now at odds with more recent socio-political and community action models of health promotion, in that it focuses on individualistic and behavioural forms of 'health promotion'. A significant proportion of later nursing-related literature, however, suggests a maturing of the concept that brings it further in line with a socio-political health promotion agenda. CONCLUSION: While the theoretical and conceptual literature surrounding health education has remained relatively constant and unchanged over the last decade or so, the same cannot be said for the health promotion literature. The evolving dominance of socio-political action in health promotion has overtaken individualistic and behaviourally-related forms. While the recent nursing literature addresses and acknowledges the place of socio-political activity as the mainstay of health promotion interventions, this is largely from a theoretical stance and is not applied in practice.  相似文献   

医院健康教育服务部作用的探索与实践   总被引:69,自引:3,他引:69  
目的 :探讨健康教育服务部在医院健康教育中的作用和地位。方法 :介绍 2年多来 ,健康教育服务部的设置方法及探索实践的服务项目。结果 :健康教育服务部为临床整体护理提供了有力的支持 ,使更多的群众获得健康知识 ,保证了部分病人出院后仍能得到医务人员延续的健康护理指导 ,收到较好的社会效应 ,并使医院服务形象得到提高。结论 :健康教育服务部的设置方法及服务内容、方式值得继续研究和推广 ,领导重视是工作开展的重要保证。  相似文献   

医院是预防、诊治疾病,促进康复的重要场所。健康是指具备完整的生理、心理状态和社会适应能力。医院健康教育是有计划、有组织的系统地开展社会教育活动的过程,以促进人们自觉的采取有利于健康的行为。医院中人才密集,技术精良,医务人员具有丰富的专业理论知识和技术特长,为开展健康教育提供良好的人力资源。而患者受到疾病威胁或病痛折磨时,  相似文献   

Trauma centers find it a challenge to provide appropriate, cost-effective outreach education. A needs assessment of rural health care providers was conducted to determine "what," "how," and "where" was preferred. The results showed that multidisciplinary rural providers were consistent with their preferences, that they considered case reviews the most effective method, that weekday evenings were the most convenient time, and that their lack of experience was their greatest barrier to learning.  相似文献   

Chronic disease self-management is a growing field yet few systematic measures of its impact exist. The Health Education Impact Questionnaire (heiQ)-rigorously developed in partnership with key stakeholders-is a panel of eight highly relevant questionnaires that has been tested and applied in many settings. Wide uptake across diseases has occurred because it resonates with patient concerns, helps researchers and practitioners develop quality services, and assists policy-makers to appreciate the value of self-management support interventions. The heiQ continues to be adapted for new uses and applications creating a web of knowledge of the value and impact of health education programs.  相似文献   

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