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Malacostracan crustaceans and dicondylic insects possess large second-order olfactory neuropils called, respectively, hemiellipsoid bodies and mushroom bodies. Because these centers look very different in the two groups of arthropods, it has been debated whether these second-order sensory neuropils are homologous or whether they have evolved independently. Here we describe the results of neuroanatomical observations and experiments that resolve the neuronal organization of the hemiellipsoid body in the terrestrial Caribbean hermit crab, Coenobita clypeatus, and compare this organization with the mushroom body of an insect, the cockroach Periplaneta americana. Comparisons of the morphology, ultrastructure, and immunoreactivity of the hemiellipsoid body of C. clypeatus and the mushroom body of the cockroach P. americana reveal in both a layered motif provided by rectilinear arrangements of extrinsic and intrinsic neurons as well as a microglomerular organization. Furthermore, antibodies raised against DC0, the major catalytic subunit of protein kinase A, specifically label both the crustacean hemiellipsoid bodies and insect mushroom bodies. In crustaceans lacking eyestalks, where the entire brain is contained within the head, this antibody selectively labels hemiellipsoid bodies, the superior part of which approximates a mushroom body's calyx in having large numbers of microglomeruli. We propose that these multiple correspondences indicate homology of the crustacean hemiellipsoid body and insect mushroom body and discuss the implications of this with respect to the phylogenetic history of arthropods. We conclude that crustaceans, insects, and other groups of arthropods share an ancestral neuronal ground pattern that is specific to their second-order olfactory centers.  相似文献   

Multimodal, higher-order sensory integration in decapod crustaceans occurs in local interneurons (parasol cells) within a structure in the lateral protocerebrum, the hemiellipsoid body, which is located dorsal to the terminal medulla. The hemiellipsoid body is targeted by projection neuron inputs by means of the olfactory globular tract from bilateral deutocerebral neuropils, the accessory lobes, which receive secondary visual, mechanosensory, and olfactory inputs. Parasol cell dendrites arborize extensively within the two neuropils of the hemiellipsoid body and possibly have some neurites within another neuropil at its base. The two neuropils of the hemiellipsoid body, neuropils I and II, are known to receive asymmetrical inputs from the contralateral and ipsilateral accessory lobes, and our current study addresses the question of the distribution of parasol cells within these two neuropils. Three anatomic methods were used to analyze this distribution: intracellular filling of cells with neurobiotin and visualization of the cells by using either a fluorescent or a peroxidase avidin conjugate, or placement of a fluorescent lipophilic tracer within a lobe of the hemiellipsoid body. All of these methods demonstrated that single parasol cells exclusively arborize within one of the two lobes of the hemiellipsoid body, but not in both lobes. Electrophysiological recordings from pairs of parasol cells with dendrites in the same or different lobes confirm a functional separation between neuropils I and II. Comparisons are made between insect and crustacean systems, emphasizing the inputs to the hemiellipsoid body and the mushroom body and similarities between extrinsic cells in insects and parasol cells in decapod crustaceans.  相似文献   

The fine structural organization of the principal sensory trigeminal nucleus was compared with that of the spinal trigeminal nucleus (subnuclei oralis, interpolaris, and the deep layers of caudalis) in adult albino rats. Direct comparisons indicate similarities between all of the subdivisions of the brainstem trigeminal complex both in the major morphological classes of neurons present and in basic patterns of synaptic connections. Major differences between the several subdivisions occur in the relative numbers and distribution of the different cell types. The spinal trigeminal nucleus is distinguished by more numerous large (22-40 micron) polygonal neurons which give rise to long straight primary dendrites. Both the perikaryal surface and the thick primary dendrites of many of these cells are densely innervated by synaptic terminals. Especially large cells of this type are a prominent feature of subnucleus oralis. By contrast, the principal sensory nucleus is distinguished by its high density of small to medium-sized (8-20 micron) round or ovoid neurons. These smaller neurons tend to receive a sparse axosomatic innervation. In addition to these differences the spinal trigeminal neuropil is distinguished by the striking manner in which it is broken up by large rostrocaudally oriented bundles of myelinated axons. Proximal dendrites of polygonal and fusiform neurons often wrap around these large axon bundles. Morphologically heterogeneous populations of synaptic terminals with round vesicles (R terminals) and terminals with predominantly flattened vesicles (F terminals) occur in all of the subdivisions of the trigeminal complex. Both types of terminal make primarily axodendritic synapses, but both also make axosomatic synapses, and axospinous synapses with somatic as well as dendritic spines. In addition, axoaxonic synaptic contacts from F terminals onto large R terminals are seen in all subdivisions. Convincing examples of presynaptic dendrites were not observed in any of the brainstem subdivisions. Synaptic glomeruli, characteristic groupings of dendrites and synaptic terminals, are found throughout the brainstem trigeminal complex. The dendritic elements in these glomeruli tend to be small-diameter dendrites, spines, and large, spinelike appendages. Within the glomerulus these elements are postsynaptic to a single large R terminal and may also be postsynaptic to smaller F terminals. In addition, axoaxonic synaptic contacts from the F terminals onto the R terminal are a consistent feature of trigeminal synaptic glomeruli.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

The small cell shell of the cochlear nucleus contains a complex integrative machinery which can be used to study the roles of interneurons in sensory processing. The cell clusters in the cochlear nerve root of the chinchilla provide the simplest example of this structure. Reported here are the neuronal architecture and synaptic organization of the three principal cell types and the three distinctive neuropil structures that could be characterized with the Nissl and Golgi methods and electron microscopy. Granule cells were characterized by several dendrites with claw-like terminals that received synaptic contacts from multiple excitatory mossy fiber rosettes. Given their relatively large number and their prolific parallel fiber synapses, the granule cells provide a suitable substrate for a tangential spread of excitatory activity, which could build to considerable proportions. The mitt cells had a thickened, single dendrite, its terminal branches arranged in a shape reminiscent of a baseball catcher's mitt. The dendritic mitt enclosed an enormous, convoluted mossy fiber rosette forming many excitatory synapses on just one cell. This could provide for a discrete, comparatively fast input-output relay of signals. Small stellate cells had longer, radiating dendrites that engaged the synaptic nests. These nests were strung in long strands, containing heterogeneous synapses from putative excitatory and inhibitory inputs. Given the prevalence of the synaptic nests, the small stellate cells appear to have the greatest integrative capacity. They provide the main output of the synaptic nests. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

As part of an ultrastructural analysis of the normal rat fascia dentata and intracerebral and intraocular dentate transplants the synapses in the dentate molecular layer were quantified. Hippocampal and dentate tissue from 21-day-old rat embryos were grafted into the brain of developing and adult rats and to the anterior eye chamber of adult rats. After 100 or 200 days of survival the recipient rat brains and the recipient eyes were processed for electron microscopy, and the graft dentate molecular layer with the adjacent granule cell layer selected for ultrastructural analysis. Tissue from the dentate molecular layer of normal adult rats served as controls. The dentate synapses were classified as asymmetric (Gray's type 1) or symmetric (Gray's type 2), and according to the postsynaptic element (cell body, dendritic shaft, dendritic spine). The spine synapses were further classified into simple and complex types according to the spine-terminal configuration. Also, the length of synaptic contacts of the individual synaptic types was measured in some grafts, just as the percentage of the cross sectional area of the neuropil covered by blood vessels. The results showed that the synaptic density, expressed as number per unit area of neuropil, to a large extent was the same within the different parts of the normal dentate molecular layer. Compared with this the synaptic density was reduced with 16.4% in dentate molecular layer of the intracerebral graft, primarily because of a 17.6% reduction of simple synapses on dendritic spines and almost halving of the symmetric synapses on dendritic shafts. The synaptic density was independent of the age of the recipient, the intracerebral location of the graft, and the survival time. Although the synaptic length of some of the individual synaptic types increased, this did not compensate for the loss of synapses. In the intraocular grafts the synaptic density was lower than in the intracerebral grafts. Despite the reduced synaptic density, which mainly involved two synaptic types, we conclude that grafted dentate granule cells can develop a remarkably normal, ultrastructural synaptic organization even in the absence of major afferent inputs. This outcome must accordingly be achieved by reorganization of the available intrinsic afferents.  相似文献   

Kainic acid (KA), an extended analog of L-glutamate, was injected into the eyes of living goldfish. After survival times ranging from 15 min to 6 days, retinae were inspected for KA-induced degeneration at both the LM and EM levels. KA had little effect on photoreceptors, mixed rod-cone bipolar cells, Müller cells, at least two types of amacrine cells and the optic nerve. Reversible edema was seen in both rod and cone horizontal cells. Pure cone bipolar cells and the majority of amacrine cells appeared to be destroyed by KA. The effect of KA is selective not only on the cell types involved, but also in the location of KA-induced edema on the affected cells, i.e., soma and proximal portions of dendrites of cone horizontal cells as opposed to the distal ends of dendrites of rod horizontal cells. Implications of these data are discussed in regard to the use of KA as a probe for glutamatergic pathways in the retina. One hypothesis suggested by our results is that rods use glutamate whereas cones use aspartate as their neurotransmitter.  相似文献   

The synaptic organization of inhibitory systems in the pigeon's optic tectum was studied with intracellular recording techniques. An extrapolation procedure based on response latency was used to determine the synaptic delay of the postsynaptic potentials (PSPs) and the velocity of conduction of the associated retinal axons. Tectal cells receive mostly disynaptic, trisynaptic or polysynaptic inhibition from retinal ganglion cells. However, evidence was found which together with previous studies raised the possibility of the existence of a direct inhibitory retino-tectal path. Our present results also suggest that inhibition is transmitted from the retina to the tectal cells by way of both, feedforward and feedback pathways.  相似文献   

AMPA receptors are the principal mediators of excitatory synaptic transmission in the mammalian central nervous system. The subunit composition of these tetrameric receptors helps to define their functional properties, and may also influence the synaptic trafficking implicated in long‐term synaptic plasticity. However, the organization of AMPAR subunits within the synapse remains unclear. Here, we use postembedding immunogold electron microscopy to study the synaptic organization of AMPAR subunits in stratum radiatum of CA1 hippocampus in the adult rat. We find that GluA1 concentrates away from the center of the synapse, extending at least 25 nm beyond the synaptic specialization; in contrast, GluA3 is uniformly distributed along the synapse, and seldom extends beyond its lateral border. The fraction of extrasynaptic GluA1 is markedly higher in small than in large synapses; no such effect is seen for GluA3. These observations imply that different kinds of AMPARs are differently trafficked to and/or anchored at the synapse. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The calyx neuropil of the mushroom body in adult Drosophila melanogaster contains three major neuronal elements: extrinsic projection neurons, presumed cholinergic, immunoreactive to choline acetyltransferase (ChAT-ir) and vesicular acetylcholine transporter (VAChT-ir) antisera; presumed gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA)ergic extrinsic neurons with GABA-like immunoreactivity; and local intrinsic Kenyon cells. The projection neurons connecting the calyx with the antennal lobe via the antennocerebral tract are the only source of cholinergic elements in the calyces. Their terminals establish an array of large boutons 2-7 microm in diameter throughout all calycal subdivisions. The GABA-ir extrinsic neurons, different in origin, form a network of fine fibers and boutons codistributed in all calycal regions with the cholinergic terminals and with tiny profiles, mainly Kenyon cell dendrites. We have investigated the synaptic circuits of these three neuron types using preembedding immuno-electron microscopy. All ChAT/VAChT-ir boutons form divergent synapses upon multitudinous surrounding Kenyon cell dendrites. GABA-ir elements also regularly contribute divergent synaptic input onto these dendrites, as well as occasional inputs to boutons of projection neurons. The same synaptic microcircuits involving these three neuron types are repeatedly established in glomeruli in all calycal regions. Each glomerulus comprises a large cholinergic bouton at its core, encircled by tiny vesicle-free Kenyon cell dendrites as well as by a number of GABAergic terminals. A single dendritic profile may thereby receive synaptic input from both cholinergic and GABAergic elements in close vicinity at presynaptic sites with T-bars typical of fly synapses. ChAT-ir boutons regularly have large extensions of the active zones. Thus, Kenyon cells may receive major excitatory input from cholinergic boutons and considerable postsynaptic inhibition from GABAergic terminals, as well as, more rarely, presynaptic inhibitory signaling. The calycal glomeruli of Drosophila are compared with the cerebellar glomeruli of vertebrates. The cholinergic boutons are the largest identified cholinergic synapses in the Drosophila brain and an eligible prospect for studying the genetic regulation of excitatory presynaptic function.  相似文献   

Fine structural organization of the subfornical organ. A concise review   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This review of the subfornical organ, with special emphasis on the rat, summarizes the fine structural characteristics of the capillaries, the access route for blood-borne substances, the ependyma through which cerebrospinal fluid-borne substances penetrate the organ, neuronal perikarya, and types of synapses and axons, together with a brief discussion of the principal as yet unresolved problems.  相似文献   

A. A.M. Taha  A.S. King   《Brain research》1983,266(2):193-201
Tritiated leucine was injected into the distal vagal ganglion of 11 domestic fowl, which survived for 12-24 h under general anaesthesia. The cells of this ganglion are known to be exclusively afferent. EM autoradiography showed that in all 11 birds the vast majority of the silver grains fell upon the nervous tissues of the carotid body. In 5 of these birds a quantitative analysis was made, using point-counting morphometry. The incidence of silver grain per unit area was found to be 26 times greater in axonal endings than in the non-nervous components, and 15 times greater in axons in transit than in non-nervous components. The difference in incidence per unit area between these nervous and non-nervous components was highly significant (P less than 0.001). Of all the observed axonal endings 77% were labelled, but there is evidence that this is a substantial underestimate of the total population of afferent endings; in one bird 88% of the endings were labelled. Of the axons in transit, 18% were labelled. This low value is believed to be related to transfer of the label to the axonal endings by the fast component of axonal transport. Afferent and reciprocal synapses occurred in labelled axonal endings, which were therefore considered to have an afferent function. 'Efferent' type synapses also occurred in labelled endings, and therefore belonged to axons which in fact were afferent in function. It is concluded that the innervation of the carotid body of the domestic fowl is almost entirely afferent, the nerve cell bodies being in the distal vagal ganglion. Only very few efferent axonal endings are present. Ultrastructural features, including synaptic morphology, appear to constitute unreliable criteria for distinguishing between afferent and efferent axonal endings in the carotid body.  相似文献   

The ultrastructure and synaptic organization of the nucleus medialis and cerebellar crest of the teleost Chelon labrosus have been investigated. The nucleus medialis receives projections from the anterior and posterior lateral line nerves. This nucleus consists of oval neurons and large crest cells (“Purkinje-like” cells) whose apical dendrites branch in the overlying molecular layer, the cerebellar crest. In the dorsal region of the nucleus medialis, the perikarya and smooth primary dendrites of the crest cells are interspersed among myelinated fibers and nerve boutons. The ventral layer of the nucleus medialis contains crest cell perikarya and dendrites as well as oval neurons. The cerebellar crest lacks neuronal bodies, but the apical dendrites of crest cells receive synapses from unmyelinated and myelinated fibers. In the cerebellar crest, two types of terminals are presynaptic to the crest cell dendrites: boutons with spherical vesicles that from asymmetric synapses with dendritic spines and boutons containing pleomorphic vesicles that from symmetric synapses with dendritic spines and boutons containing pleomorphic vesicles that from symmetric synapses directly on the dendritic shaft. Most axon terminals found on the somata and primary dedrites of crest cells in the nucleus medialis have pleomorphic vesicles and form symmetric contacts, though asymmetric with spherical vesicles and mixed synapses can be observed; these mixed synapses exhibit gap junctions and contain spherical vesicles. Unlike crest cells, the oval neuron perikarya receive three types of contacts (symmetric, asymmetric, and mixed). The origins and functions of these different bouton types in the nucleus medialis are discussed. © 1995 Willy-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

To explore whether experiencing inflammatory pain has an impact upon intracortical synaptic organization,the planar multi-electrode array(MEA)technique and 2-dimensional current source density(2D-CSD)imaging were used in slice preparations of the anterior cingulate cortex(ACC)from rats.Synaptic activity across different layers of the ACC was evoked by deep layer stimulation through one electrode.The layer-localization of both local field potentials(LFPs)and the spread of current sink calculated by 2D-CSD analysis was characterized pharmacologically.Moreover,the induction of long-term potentiation(LTP)and changes in LTP magnitude were also evaluated.We found that under na ve conditions,the current sink was initially generated in layer VI,then spread to layer V and finally confined to layers II–III.This spatial pattern of current sink movement typically reflected changes in depolarized sites from deep layers(V–VI)to superficial layers(II–III)where intra-and extracortical inputs terminate.In the ACC slices from rats in an inflamed state(for 2 h)caused by intraplantar bee-venom injection,the spatial profile of intra-ACC synaptic organization was significantly changed,showing an enlarged current sink distribution and a leftward shift of the stimulus-response curves relative to the na ve and saline controls.The change was more distinct in the superficial layers(II–III)than in the deep site.In terms of temporal properties,the rate of LTP induction was significantly increased in layers II–III by inflammatory pain.However,the magnitude of LTP was not significantly enhanced by this treatment.Taken together,these results show that inflammatory pain results in distinct spatial and temporal plasticity of synaptic organization in the ACC,which may lead to altered synaptic transmission and modulation.  相似文献   

Ultrastructural characteristics and distribution of nigral and pallidal axon terminals on thalamic neurons were studied after injections of tritiated leucine into substantia nigra and entopeduncular nucleus respectively. Adult cats received 0.1–0.2-μl injections of 2, 3, 4, 5, 3H-leucine in a concentration 60 μCi/μl and were allowed to survive for 4–5 days. The brain tissue was processed for electron (EM) and light microscopic (LM) autoradiography. EM samples were obtained from the ventral medial and ventral anterior thalamic nuclei. Ultrastructural features of labelled nigral and pallidal boutons were analyzed both qualitatively and quantitatively. Ultrastructural characteristics of nigral and pallidal boutons appeared similar. Their length along postsynaptic membrane ranged from 0.8 to 10 μm, with average length of apposition around 2 μm. Both types of bouton contained small clear vesicles of extremely variable shape and formed symmetrical type contacts. Mean diameter of synaptic vesicles profiles (n = 500) was 32.5 nm and 33.3 nm in nigral and pallidal terminal respectively, and mean vesicle profile areas were 846 nm2 in nigral terminals and 878m2 in pallidal. Both parameters showed normal distribution in percentage distribution histograms. The mean ratios of longest and shortest diameters was 1.6 for synaptic vesicles in both types of boutons. Thus, no significant differences in morphological parameters of nigral and pallidal axon terminals were discovered except that pallidal afferents often formed “en passant”-type synapses while nigral did not. However, this feature alone is not sufficient for distinction between the two types of termi-nals in unlabelled tissue. Analysis of distribution of synaptic sites showed that only pallidal bou-tons formed axosomatic synapses on thalamocortical projection neurons (TCPN), which comprised 21% of total number of pallidal terminals studied. On primary dendritic trunks of TCPN the proportion of nigral boutons was larger (28.8%) as compared to pallidal (19%). The percentage of both types of bouton contacting secondary TCPN dendrites was similar (36% pallidal, 30.6% nigral), while the proportion of nigral terminals on tertiary TCPN den-drites was larger (23.6% versus 13%). Both afferents revealed a tendency to synapse preferentially at the branching points of TCPN dendrites with sev-eral boutons often found along the perimeter of the branching site. Small but equal proportions (8%) of both types of axon terminal were found to synapse on vesicle-containing dendrites of local circuit neurons. Nigral boutons were also found in complex synaptic arrangements in glomeruli. It is concluded that the organizations of pallidal and nigral afferent in-puts in the thalamus are rather similar. Both occupy strategic positions which would allow them to exert strong influence on the firing pattern of TCPN.  相似文献   

Paired centers in the forebrain of insects, called the mushroom bodies, have become the most investigated brain region of any invertebrate due to novel genetic strategies that relate unique morphological attributes of these centers to their functional roles in learning and memory. Mushroom bodies possessing all the morphological attributes of those in dicondylic insects have been identified in mantis shrimps, basal hoplocarid crustaceans that are sister to Eumalacostraca, the most species-rich group of Crustacea. However, unless other examples of mushroom bodies can be identified in Eumalacostraca, the possibility is that mushroom body-like centers may have undergone convergent evolution in Hoplocarida and are unique to this crustacean lineage. Here, we provide evidence that speaks against convergent evolution, describing in detail the paired mushroom bodies in the lateral protocerebrum of a decapod crustacean, Lebbeus groenlandicus, a species belonging to the infraorder Caridea, an ancient lineage of Eumalacostraca.  相似文献   

An EM-autoradiographic technique was used to identify the ultrastructural features and synaptic sites of nigral afferents to the ventral anterior nucleus pars magnocellularis (VAmc) of the rhesus monkey thalamus. The findings demonstrate that the nigral boutons are of medium-sized to large, with the majority being of the en passant type. These boutons form symmetric synaptic contacts, and contain pleomorphic or entirely flat vesicles and numerous mitochondria. The nigral input is heavily biased towards thalamocortical projection neurons (PN), whose somata and dendrites represent about 82% of the postsynaptic sites of labeled boutons. The distal dendrites of local circuit neurons (LCN) comprise 13% of the postsynaptic sites. Nigral terminals appear to represent a single extrinsic afferent input to the somata and primary dendrites of thalamocortical projection neurons. A nigral input to LCN somata was not demonstrated but the possibility could not be excluded. Although the basic ultrastructural features of nigral boutons in the monkey are similar to those described earlier in the cat (Kultas-Ilinsky et al.: J. Comp. Neurol. 216:390-405, '83), essential species differences exist in the intensity of the nigral input and its distribution on thalamic neurons.  相似文献   

The retina of the cichlid fish, Astronotus ocellatus, contains an unusual class of amacrine cell, the interstitial amacrine cell, which has its soma and processes restricted to a sublamina of the proximal inner plexiform layer. The interstitial amacrine cell is unique in making synapses which contain a presynaptic dense bar specialization. The interstitial amacrine cell makes reciprocal synapses with bipolar cell terminals and is presynaptic to other amacrine cells and to ganglion cell dendrites. Processes of interstitial amacrine cells are connected to each other by large gap junctions.  相似文献   

Summary A case of non-progressive congenital myopathy is described in which there was absence of muscles and scapulo-peroneal distribution of weakness. The muscle biopsy showed preferential atrophy of Type I fibers and subsarcolemal bodies. These bodies were composed of an acidic protein with sulphahydryl groups which showed acid stable adenosine triphosphatase activity. The possibility of a maturational arrest as a cause is presented.  相似文献   

Immunocytochemical mapping of serotonergic and octopaminergic neurons in the central nervous system of the squat lobster Munida quadrispina reveal approximately 120 serotonin-immunoreactive cell bodies (distributed throughout the neuromeres except in abdominal ganglion 5) and 48 octopamine-immunoreactive cell bodies (in brain and thoracic neuromeres but none in the circumesophageal or abdominal ganglia). Immunopositive neuropils for both amines are distributed in multiple areas in each neuromere and overlap extensively. Serotonergic and octopaminergic neurons have extensive bilateral projections in abdominal ganglia, whereas the majority of projections in thoracic and subesophageal ganglia are unilateral (contralateral to soma). This difference correlates with typical differences between abdominal and thoracic motor system coordination. Processes of immunoreactive cells for both amines form extensive, peripheral, neurosecretory-like structures. Serotonin seems to be released peripherally in more segments, and from more nerves per segment, than octopamine. M. quadrispina has fewer serotonergic and octopaminergic immunoreactive cells, in particular, fewer segmentally repeated cells, than other species studied to date. Nevertheless, the general organization of the aminergic systems is similar, and several aminergic cells have locations and morphologies that strongly suggest homology with identified aminergic cells in other crustaceans. Among these are segmentally repeated neurons that, in M. quadrispina, form serotonin-immunopositive tubular structures in the thoracic hemiganglia innervating pereiopods 1-3 that are unlike anything reported previously for any species. Comparisons of immunocytochemical maps within one species and between species exhibiting different behaviors provide insights into possible sites of action, functional differences between, and evolution of biogenic aminergic systems.  相似文献   

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