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<正> 江苏圩墩新石器时代人头骨的发掘与测定,为我们研究公元前四千多年长江下游江南地区人类牙病提供了宝贵的资料。现将本课题观察牙病的罹患情况,报道于下。材料与方法观察材料:从代表115个人体的头骨中,选择颌骨比较完整,牙列大部分保存的上下颌骨89件。其中32例上下颌骨完整成  相似文献   

<正> 江苏圩墩新石器时代遗址,经3次发掘共得上、下颌骨基本保持完好115例个体。经专家鉴定已明确各个体性别与年龄。在对这批标本观察中,发现许多个体皆有生前同侧中切牙与侧切牙组合缺失的共同规律及其他齿种缺牙情况。本文就此现象进行了研究。方法与结果 1、大体观察:在少儿组上下颌骨中没有生前缺齿发现。生前缺齿的依据是:在标本牙列中该解剖形态的  相似文献   

<正> 圩墩新石器时代遗址人骨(以下简称:圩墩人)是江苏常州博物馆和南京博物馆分别于1972年、1974年和1978年3次对常州市郊圩墩村新石器时代遗址考古发掘出土的报告见。圩墩遗址的年代经中国社会科学院考古研究所C~(14)测定约公元前4000年,(公元前4750~3700)相当于中原的仰韶文化。人骨在地层中保存较好,出土过程中破损较大。经修复现保存在上海自然博物馆。人骨共代表115个个体。本文通过圩墩新石器时代人颅骨进行X线头影测量研究,以认识新石器时代长江下游先民的颅颌面形态,与现代人类比较,推断颅颌面的演化过程。有助于历史地,深入地认识现代人类的颅颌面形态。  相似文献   

作者测量了153例现代人下颌骨和37例新石器时代(距今6000余年)成人下颌骨的颏孔位置并将二者作比较。有67.97%的现代人颏孔位于下颌第二前磨牙根尖下方;新石器时代人(圩墩人)中有64.86%位于下颌第二前磨牙和第一磨牙近中根尖下方之间。两者有显著的差异(P<0.01).  相似文献   

本文测量了100具成人下颌骨下缘至牙根尖的距离及常见骨折部位下颌骨的厚度,根据测量结果和力学观点提出下颌骨骨折内固定的进针(钉)位置的选择既要注意保护下颌骨内的重要结构又要考虑固定的可靠。所测数据对于下颌骨的有关手术以及下颌骨骨折内固定器材的设计将有所帮助。  相似文献   

新石器时代成人颌骨的测量研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的:通过对距今六千多年前新石器时代成人颌骨的测量,为中国人颌骨数据积累一定的资料。方法:采用0~360°游标万能角度尺及数显游标卡尺对半坡博物馆内保存距今6000多年前的新石器时代成人颌骨进行测量。其中,男性上颌骨55个,下颌骨64个;女性上颌骨34个,下颌骨40个。年龄为20~55岁。测量结果用SPSS11.0进行统计分析。结果:上下颌骨的各项测量数据,除下颌角及下颌切迹宽外,均为男性大于女性。结论:本研究得到的结果,可对考古学利用上下颌骨进行性别判断提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

目的:为提高舌癌患者术后生存质量,探讨保留牙列和下颌骨的舌癌改良根治方法,并评价其疗效。方法:回顾性分析采用保留牙列和下颌骨方式行舌癌根治术的13例T2期舌癌患者的临床资料,通过术后肿瘤有无复发和转移,患者面形、咬合、舌运动、语言和进食等情况,评价手术疗效和患者口腔功能状况。结果:随访3~23个月,1例患者肿瘤转移,其余12例患者未发现肿瘤局部复发和远处转移。全部患者术后均无咬合错乱,语言、咀嚼功能良好,面部对称无畸形。结论:保留牙列和下颌骨的舌癌改良根治方法能够获得良好的舌癌治疗效果并保存面形和口腔功能,但须选择相应的手术适应证。  相似文献   

下颌骨的三维重建及实体解剖研究   总被引:29,自引:1,他引:28       下载免费PDF全文
目的:研究经实体解剖测量与螺旋CT三维重建测量下颌骨的解剖规律,探讨三维螺旋CT 对下颌骨进行重建测量的可靠性。方法:选择成人牙列完整的下颌骨标本15 例,进行螺旋CT 三维重建并在其每一牙位上截取与牙弓曲线垂直的截面,测量每一截面上有关牙槽嵴及下颌管的数据;同样方法进行实体解剖测量,然后对两种方法所得数据进行统计学分析。结果:牙槽嵴顶及下方10 mm宽度由前向后逐渐增宽;牙槽嵴由上向下逐渐增宽;下颌神经管位于下颌骨体内下方;三维CT重建测量所得数据与实体解剖测量结果无显著性差异。结论:临床上应用螺旋CT对下颌骨进行三维重建测量是下颌骨牙种植术前设计中非常可靠、准确、直观的方法。  相似文献   

目的 研究健康人下颌骨与全身骨密度的相关性.方法 选择中国北方健康志愿者221名,分别将不同性别的志愿者按年龄分为6组,即≥20岁(男21人、女23人)、≥30岁(男20人、女21人)、≥40岁(男21人、女22人)、≥50岁(男20人、女21人)、≥60岁(男16人、女15人)、≥170岁(男11人、女10人).从每人下颌骨颏部及双侧下颌角各选10个感兴趣区,用双能X线骨密度仪测量骨密度值,同时测量腰椎(L2-L4);并行统计学分析.结果 该人群的下颌骨颏部的骨密度值为(1.310 9±0.035 5)g/cm2,左下颌角的骨密度值(1.048 9±0.013 7)g/cm2,右下颌角的骨密度值(1.054 7±0.014 1)g/cm2,腰椎(L2-L4)的骨密度值(1.1211±0.0172)g/cm2.男女之间下颌角、腰椎的骨密度比较,差异有统计学意义(t(左)=2.017 5,t(右)=2.446 9,P<0.05).50岁以后下颌角、腰椎的骨密度明显减低.结论 下颌骨与腰椎的骨密度密切相关,下颌骨可以作为测量全身骨密度的一个敏感部位进行骨质疏松的预测.  相似文献   

Objective To measure the bone mineral density(BMD)of mandible and investigate the relationship between mandible and the whole body skeleton BMD.Methods Healthy volunteers were recruited in north China,which were divided into 6 groups by age:≥20,≥30,≥40,≥50,≥60 and ≥70 years older,10 male and 10 female in each group.Dual-energy X-ray absoptiometery(DXA)was used to measure the BMD of the lumbar spine,the mentum of mandible and the mandibular angle.The results were analyzed statistically.Results The mineral density(MD )of the mentum was(1.310 9 ±0.035 5)g/cm2,the left mandibular angle(1.048 9 ± 0.013 7)g/cm2,the right mandibular angle (1.0547 ±0.014 1)g/cm2,the lumbar spine(L2-L4)(1.121 1±0.017 2)g/cm2.There was a significant difference in mandibular angle and lumbar MD between men and women(P<0.05).The MD of mandibular angle and lumbar spine decreased significantly after 50 years of age.Conclusions The normal BMD of the mandibular mentum,mandibular angles and lumbar spine is obtained.The BMD of the mandibular angles is closely related to that of the lumbar spine.Mandible can be an appropriate measurement site in the evaluation of skeleton BMD status for the forecast of osteoporosis.  相似文献   

我国北方成年人下颌骨骨密度的测量研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Objective To measure the bone mineral density(BMD)of mandible and investigate the relationship between mandible and the whole body skeleton BMD.Methods Healthy volunteers were recruited in north China,which were divided into 6 groups by age:≥20,≥30,≥40,≥50,≥60 and ≥70 years older,10 male and 10 female in each group.Dual-energy X-ray absoptiometery(DXA)was used to measure the BMD of the lumbar spine,the mentum of mandible and the mandibular angle.The results were analyzed statistically.Results The mineral density(MD )of the mentum was(1.310 9 ±0.035 5)g/cm2,the left mandibular angle(1.048 9 ± 0.013 7)g/cm2,the right mandibular angle (1.0547 ±0.014 1)g/cm2,the lumbar spine(L2-L4)(1.121 1±0.017 2)g/cm2.There was a significant difference in mandibular angle and lumbar MD between men and women(P<0.05).The MD of mandibular angle and lumbar spine decreased significantly after 50 years of age.Conclusions The normal BMD of the mandibular mentum,mandibular angles and lumbar spine is obtained.The BMD of the mandibular angles is closely related to that of the lumbar spine.Mandible can be an appropriate measurement site in the evaluation of skeleton BMD status for the forecast of osteoporosis.  相似文献   

Objective To measure the bone mineral density(BMD)of mandible and investigate the relationship between mandible and the whole body skeleton BMD.Methods Healthy volunteers were recruited in north China,which were divided into 6 groups by age:≥20,≥30,≥40,≥50,≥60 and ≥70 years older,10 male and 10 female in each group.Dual-energy X-ray absoptiometery(DXA)was used to measure the BMD of the lumbar spine,the mentum of mandible and the mandibular angle.The results were analyzed statistically.Results The mineral density(MD )of the mentum was(1.310 9 ±0.035 5)g/cm2,the left mandibular angle(1.048 9 ± 0.013 7)g/cm2,the right mandibular angle (1.0547 ±0.014 1)g/cm2,the lumbar spine(L2-L4)(1.121 1±0.017 2)g/cm2.There was a significant difference in mandibular angle and lumbar MD between men and women(P<0.05).The MD of mandibular angle and lumbar spine decreased significantly after 50 years of age.Conclusions The normal BMD of the mandibular mentum,mandibular angles and lumbar spine is obtained.The BMD of the mandibular angles is closely related to that of the lumbar spine.Mandible can be an appropriate measurement site in the evaluation of skeleton BMD status for the forecast of osteoporosis.  相似文献   

Objective To measure the bone mineral density(BMD)of mandible and investigate the relationship between mandible and the whole body skeleton BMD.Methods Healthy volunteers were recruited in north China,which were divided into 6 groups by age:≥20,≥30,≥40,≥50,≥60 and ≥70 years older,10 male and 10 female in each group.Dual-energy X-ray absoptiometery(DXA)was used to measure the BMD of the lumbar spine,the mentum of mandible and the mandibular angle.The results were analyzed statistically.Results The mineral density(MD )of the mentum was(1.310 9 ±0.035 5)g/cm2,the left mandibular angle(1.048 9 ± 0.013 7)g/cm2,the right mandibular angle (1.0547 ±0.014 1)g/cm2,the lumbar spine(L2-L4)(1.121 1±0.017 2)g/cm2.There was a significant difference in mandibular angle and lumbar MD between men and women(P<0.05).The MD of mandibular angle and lumbar spine decreased significantly after 50 years of age.Conclusions The normal BMD of the mandibular mentum,mandibular angles and lumbar spine is obtained.The BMD of the mandibular angles is closely related to that of the lumbar spine.Mandible can be an appropriate measurement site in the evaluation of skeleton BMD status for the forecast of osteoporosis.  相似文献   

Objective To measure the bone mineral density(BMD)of mandible and investigate the relationship between mandible and the whole body skeleton BMD.Methods Healthy volunteers were recruited in north China,which were divided into 6 groups by age:≥20,≥30,≥40,≥50,≥60 and ≥70 years older,10 male and 10 female in each group.Dual-energy X-ray absoptiometery(DXA)was used to measure the BMD of the lumbar spine,the mentum of mandible and the mandibular angle.The results were analyzed statistically.Results The mineral density(MD )of the mentum was(1.310 9 ±0.035 5)g/cm2,the left mandibular angle(1.048 9 ± 0.013 7)g/cm2,the right mandibular angle (1.0547 ±0.014 1)g/cm2,the lumbar spine(L2-L4)(1.121 1±0.017 2)g/cm2.There was a significant difference in mandibular angle and lumbar MD between men and women(P<0.05).The MD of mandibular angle and lumbar spine decreased significantly after 50 years of age.Conclusions The normal BMD of the mandibular mentum,mandibular angles and lumbar spine is obtained.The BMD of the mandibular angles is closely related to that of the lumbar spine.Mandible can be an appropriate measurement site in the evaluation of skeleton BMD status for the forecast of osteoporosis.  相似文献   

下颌骨埋伏阻生智牙2种方法拔除的交叉试验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的:对2种拔除下颌骨埋伏阻生智牙方法的临床效果进行比较。方法:选取双侧阻生情况相似的下颌骨埋伏阻生智牙拔除患者15例,左右两侧手术相隔2周,分别采用侧入法(经下颌骨外斜线途径)和常规的上入法(经牙槽嵴顶途径)拔除两侧智牙,记录手术时间、术后反应及并发症情况,采用配对t检验进行统计学分析。结果:侧入法组手术时间(66.73±19.26)min,明显短于上入法组的(91.20±39.19)min,两者有显著性差异(P=0.0026);肿胀情况:侧入法组较上入法组明显(P=0.0233);术后疼痛及张口度情况两组之间差别不大。上入法拔除组术后有4例伤口延期愈合,4例发生一过性下唇麻木;侧入法组伤口均一期愈合,有2例发生一过性下唇麻木。结论:使用侧入法拔除下颌骨内埋伏阻生智牙特别适用于埋伏牙位置深、对保持术区牙槽嵴高度要求高的病例。  相似文献   

Objective To measure the bone mineral density(BMD)of mandible and investigate the relationship between mandible and the whole body skeleton BMD.Methods Healthy volunteers were recruited in north China,which were divided into 6 groups by age:≥20,≥30,≥40,≥50,≥60 and ≥70 years older,10 male and 10 female in each group.Dual-energy X-ray absoptiometery(DXA)was used to measure the BMD of the lumbar spine,the mentum of mandible and the mandibular angle.The results were analyzed statistically.Results The mineral density(MD )of the mentum was(1.310 9 ±0.035 5)g/cm2,the left mandibular angle(1.048 9 ± 0.013 7)g/cm2,the right mandibular angle (1.0547 ±0.014 1)g/cm2,the lumbar spine(L2-L4)(1.121 1±0.017 2)g/cm2.There was a significant difference in mandibular angle and lumbar MD between men and women(P<0.05).The MD of mandibular angle and lumbar spine decreased significantly after 50 years of age.Conclusions The normal BMD of the mandibular mentum,mandibular angles and lumbar spine is obtained.The BMD of the mandibular angles is closely related to that of the lumbar spine.Mandible can be an appropriate measurement site in the evaluation of skeleton BMD status for the forecast of osteoporosis.  相似文献   

Objective To measure the bone mineral density(BMD)of mandible and investigate the relationship between mandible and the whole body skeleton BMD.Methods Healthy volunteers were recruited in north China,which were divided into 6 groups by age:≥20,≥30,≥40,≥50,≥60 and ≥70 years older,10 male and 10 female in each group.Dual-energy X-ray absoptiometery(DXA)was used to measure the BMD of the lumbar spine,the mentum of mandible and the mandibular angle.The results were analyzed statistically.Results The mineral density(MD )of the mentum was(1.310 9 ±0.035 5)g/cm2,the left mandibular angle(1.048 9 ± 0.013 7)g/cm2,the right mandibular angle (1.0547 ±0.014 1)g/cm2,the lumbar spine(L2-L4)(1.121 1±0.017 2)g/cm2.There was a significant difference in mandibular angle and lumbar MD between men and women(P<0.05).The MD of mandibular angle and lumbar spine decreased significantly after 50 years of age.Conclusions The normal BMD of the mandibular mentum,mandibular angles and lumbar spine is obtained.The BMD of the mandibular angles is closely related to that of the lumbar spine.Mandible can be an appropriate measurement site in the evaluation of skeleton BMD status for the forecast of osteoporosis.  相似文献   

Objective To measure the bone mineral density(BMD)of mandible and investigate the relationship between mandible and the whole body skeleton BMD.Methods Healthy volunteers were recruited in north China,which were divided into 6 groups by age:≥20,≥30,≥40,≥50,≥60 and ≥70 years older,10 male and 10 female in each group.Dual-energy X-ray absoptiometery(DXA)was used to measure the BMD of the lumbar spine,the mentum of mandible and the mandibular angle.The results were analyzed statistically.Results The mineral density(MD )of the mentum was(1.310 9 ±0.035 5)g/cm2,the left mandibular angle(1.048 9 ± 0.013 7)g/cm2,the right mandibular angle (1.0547 ±0.014 1)g/cm2,the lumbar spine(L2-L4)(1.121 1±0.017 2)g/cm2.There was a significant difference in mandibular angle and lumbar MD between men and women(P<0.05).The MD of mandibular angle and lumbar spine decreased significantly after 50 years of age.Conclusions The normal BMD of the mandibular mentum,mandibular angles and lumbar spine is obtained.The BMD of the mandibular angles is closely related to that of the lumbar spine.Mandible can be an appropriate measurement site in the evaluation of skeleton BMD status for the forecast of osteoporosis.  相似文献   

Objective To measure the bone mineral density(BMD)of mandible and investigate the relationship between mandible and the whole body skeleton BMD.Methods Healthy volunteers were recruited in north China,which were divided into 6 groups by age:≥20,≥30,≥40,≥50,≥60 and ≥70 years older,10 male and 10 female in each group.Dual-energy X-ray absoptiometery(DXA)was used to measure the BMD of the lumbar spine,the mentum of mandible and the mandibular angle.The results were analyzed statistically.Results The mineral density(MD )of the mentum was(1.310 9 ±0.035 5)g/cm2,the left mandibular angle(1.048 9 ± 0.013 7)g/cm2,the right mandibular angle (1.0547 ±0.014 1)g/cm2,the lumbar spine(L2-L4)(1.121 1±0.017 2)g/cm2.There was a significant difference in mandibular angle and lumbar MD between men and women(P<0.05).The MD of mandibular angle and lumbar spine decreased significantly after 50 years of age.Conclusions The normal BMD of the mandibular mentum,mandibular angles and lumbar spine is obtained.The BMD of the mandibular angles is closely related to that of the lumbar spine.Mandible can be an appropriate measurement site in the evaluation of skeleton BMD status for the forecast of osteoporosis.  相似文献   

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