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浙江阳光集团股份有限公司与温州医学院眼视光学院经友好协商 ,在温州医学院眼视光学院建立‘阳光’照明与视觉实验室并建立‘阳光’博士、硕士访问基金。浙江阳光集团有限公司为国家大型集团企业 ,国家级重点高新技术企业 ,一直致力于照明灯具的研究和开发 ,本着探索照明和视觉健康的目的 ,阳光集团与温州医学院眼视光学院达成共识 ,联手合作建立照明和视觉实验室 ,其目的是根据人眼的生理特征 ,通过实验室检测方法和临床测试 ,提出有利视力健康的室内环境照明和适合阅读的照明和灯具 ,及改善环境照明和阅读照明的建设性意见 ,将科学研究结…  相似文献   

韩丁  孙靖  李静  魏瑞华 《眼科学报》2021,(2):176-182
世界卫生组织及我国"健康中国"战略都将视觉健康管理提升到前所未有的高度,多方位、全周期保障民众视觉健康,增强人们视觉保健的意识是我国实现健康中国的战略重点.而人才培养是行业发展的命脉与基石,因此眼视光人才教育的探索与建设又是重中之重.本文以天津医科大学眼视光专业为例,就当今社会视觉健康管理的背景下,如何切实有效地开展眼...  相似文献   

目的 探讨非同轴光照明下显微镜巩膜扣带术的可行性及效果.方法 回顾分析了137例(137只眼)孔源性视网膜脱离患者,在显微镜下采用非同轴光照明进行巩膜扣带术,手术后随访6~13个月.结果 130只眼手术全程均在显微镜下完成,手术过程顺利,7只眼术中改用倒像镜进行手术.视网膜一次性完全复位123只眼.4只眼再次采用外加压后复位;3只眼因术后严重PVR接受玻璃体手术.12只眼手术后视网膜下片状出血,2个月内均吸收.手术后3个月视力提高73只眼;不变40只眼;下降17只眼.结论 非同轴光照明下显微镜巩膜扣带术具有手术创伤小,术野清晰,手术操作简便等特点,在临床上具有实用价值.  相似文献   

已知光对视网膜有损害作用,间接眼底镜及光导纤维眼内照明器等眼科器械可引起组织学和临床上可见的视网膜损伤。在无晶体眼及置入人工晶体的患者,由于缺如滤过紫外线的天然透镜,在手术显微镜应用时亦可发生视网膜损害。  相似文献   

学校教室内的照度,就自然光而言差异很大。有报告分别对距窗1米、教室中央、距走廊1米处,在4月份测定的平均照度如下:晴天时分别为1144、247、93Lux;阴天时分別为385、119、40Lux;雨天时分别为113、62、23Lux。自然光照明与天气和教室内的位置差别很大。为了消除照度差或照度不足,必需加用人工照明。但是,照明的优劣并不完全取决于照度,还取决于光源的种类、晃眼程度、光的能量分布、视野以外的环境照明等所谓照明的质。因此,照明光源的种类和照明方法对提高视作业效率和防  相似文献   

随着社会的发展和生活水平的提高,人们对视觉健康的需求也不断加深。在这个过程中,作为保障人们视力视觉健康的眼视光行业受到前所未有的关注。在我国,虽然过去的30年里眼视光行业有了突飞猛进地发展,但因起步较晚,其发展仍远落后于欧美发达国家。教练技术是一门管理情绪和转化心态的技术,经过多年的发展和实践,理论基础扎实,操作性强;其主张关注个体内心变化及成长,增强团队的凝聚力和向心力,与人文教育有诸多相通之处。将教练技术应用于眼视光人文教育与团队建设中,具备很强的可操作性,有利于促进眼视光行业在国内的健康发展。  相似文献   

人类通过阳光和人工光源的照明实现“看得见”的基本功能.外界光穿过眼前部透明屈光介质后进入视网膜,通过视循环完成光电转化,将光信号转化为神经信号传递至大脑视觉中枢.随着平均寿命的延长和人工光源的增加,光辐射对视网膜的损伤受到越来越多的关注,但其机制仍未完全阐明.本文就视网膜光损伤机制的最新研究进展进行综述,讨论了光损伤视...  相似文献   

眼球屈光的发育离不开正常的光信号刺激,良好的照明光环境对屈光发育尤为重要.近年来,荧光灯与发光二极管(LED)等新型窄光谱照明光源逐渐替代白炽灯等宽光谱照明光源在日常学习与生活中的普及,巧合的是其普及时间与近视眼发生率升高的时间重叠.多年来,人们利用单色光的实验研究发现环境光线对眼的屈光发育具有调节作用.本文中笔者就照...  相似文献   

光线是人眼形成视觉的重要条件之一.研究发现蓝光与眼的关系密切,蓝光通过视网膜感光神经节细胞对人类调节昼夜节律有作用,蓝光也可造成视网膜光损伤.本文就蓝光与眼病的关系及为避免蓝光对眼的损害在人工晶状体设计等方面的进展作一综述.  相似文献   

光线是人眼形成视觉的重要条件之一.研究发现蓝光与眼的关系密切,蓝光通过视网膜感光神经节细胞对人类调节昼夜节律有作用,蓝光也可造成视网膜光损伤.本文就蓝光与眼病的关系及为避免蓝光对眼的损害在人工晶状体设计等方面的进展作一综述.  相似文献   

Extreme natural ambient light reduction, in both energy and range of wavelength spectrum, occurs during the winter season at very high latitudes (above the Arctic Circle or 66 degrees 32' North) that in turn results in increased exposure to artificial lighting. In contrast, during the summer months, the sun remains above the horizon and there is no darkness or night. Little is known about these extreme changes in light exposure on human visual perception. Measuring color discriminations with the FM100 Test revealed that Norwegians born above the Arctic Circle were less sensitive to yellow-green, green, and green-blue spectrum differences whereas they were more sensitive to hue variations in the purple range than individuals born below the Arctic Circle. Additionally, it was found that the Norwegian individuals born above the Arctic Circle and during autumn showed an overall decrease in color sensitivity, whereas those born in the summer showed a relative increase. All participants were adults and their color vision was tested in the same location (i.e., in Troms? at 69.7 degrees North). These findings are consistent with the idea that there is a measurable impact on colour vision as adults of the photic environment that individuals born above the Arctic Circle and in the autumn experienced during infancy, namely a reduction in exposure to direct sunlight and an increase in exposure to twilight and artificial lighting.  相似文献   

The human eye is constantly exposed to sunlight and artificial lighting. Light transmission through the eye is fundamental to its unique biological functions of directing vision and circadian rhythm, and therefore, light absorbed by the eye must be benign. However, exposure to the intense ambient radiation can pose a hazard particularly if the recipient is over 40 years of age. This radiation exposure can lead to impaired vision and transient or permanent blindness.Both ultraviolet-A (UV-A) and UV-B induce cataract formation and are not necessary for sight. Ultraviolet radiation is also a risk factor for damage to the retinas of children. The removal of these wavelengths from ocular exposure will greatly reduce the risk of early cataract and retinal damage. One way this may be easily done is by wearing sunglasses that block wavelengths below 400 nm (marked 400 on the glasses). However, because of the geometry of the eye, these glasses must be wraparound sunglasses to prevent reflective UV radiation from reaching the eye. Additional protection may be offered by contact lenses that absorb significant amounts of UV radiation.In addition to UV radiation, short blue visible light (400-440 nm) is a risk factor for the adult human retina. This wavelength of light is not essential for sight and not necessary for a circadian rhythm response. For those over 50 years old, it would be of value to remove these wavelengths of light with specially designed sunglasses or contact lenses to reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration.  相似文献   

Low frequency flicker, high frequency flicker, strong light, strong blue light, infrared, ultraviolet, electromagnetic radiation, ripple flicker and dimming flicker produced by different lamps have negative impact on vision, eyes and health. Negative impact on eyes resulting in myopia or cataract etc:the solution is to remove all the negative factors by applying upright lighting technology and that is optimum to vision, eyes and health.  相似文献   

Research has shown that rearing in abnormal lighting environments affects both visual behavior and retinal physiology in zebrafish larvae. These studies, however, used only constant dark and constant white light as the experimental rearing conditions. This study assessed the effects of rearing larvae in restricted spectral lighting environments on zebrafish retinal physiology. Larvae were reared in one of seven different lighting environments: cyclic white light (control group), constant blue light, constant green light, constant orange light, cyclic blue light, cyclic green light, and cyclic orange light. Assessment of retinal physiology was done using the electroretinogram (ERG). Results showed that rearing larvae in constant light conditions caused deficits in sensitivity to ultraviolet- and short-wavelength stimuli, but had little effect on sensitivity to middle- and long-wavelength stimuli. Rearing larvae in cyclic light did not cause differences in sensitivity to middle- and long-wavelength stimuli, but did cause extreme deficits in sensitivity to ultraviolet- and short-wavelength stimuli in the cyclic green and orange light-rearing conditions. Sensitivity of the cyclic blue light-rearing group was similar to the control group to stimuli of all wavelengths. The results support the notion that the light-rearing environment impacts the development of the ultraviolet- and short-wavelength cone mechanisms but has little impact on the development of the middle- and long-wavelength cone mechanisms; these effects coincide with the development of the various cone types. This study supports the notion that the zebrafish is a viable model for studying the effects of the lighting environment on visual development.  相似文献   

Visual impairment not only derives from deficient processes within the ocular tissues, but also from the quality and quantity of environmental lighting. High levels of short wavelength light are not used efficiently in eyes that have cloudy media anterior to the retina or whose cones are deficient. Chromatic aberration, light scattering, and fluorescence are enhanced by short wavelength lighting. We show here that in human vision and in photography, elimination of environmental light with wavelengths shorter than 450 nm improves both contrast and visual clarity, especially through cloudy media. Cutoff filters with appropriate characteristics could be developed to improve vision in elderly and visually impaired people whose ocular media mishandle short wavelength light.  相似文献   

在许多国家,近视的发生率都呈上升趋势。人类流行病学和动物模型研究表明,暴露于高强度或户外照明可以降低近视的严重程度,但目前还未完全明确光与视觉信号相互作用对近视的影响及机制。本文就光环境与近视发病机制和临床干预的潜在靶点进行综述,以期为近视的预防提供理论基础和进行一定的临床探索。  相似文献   

H M Petry  J P Kelly 《Vision research》1991,31(10):1749-1757
The role of the spectral lighting environment on the post-natal development of spectral sensitivity and color vision was studied in tree shrews (Tupaia belangeri) that were born and reared to adulthood in cyclic red light. Normal tree shrews are dichromats, possessing short-wavelength-sensitive (SWS) and long-wavelength-sensitive (LWS) cone receptors and a small population of rods. Red-light-rearing (RLR) produced differential stimulation of the cone types by effectively eliminating photic stimulation of the SWS cones, without depriving the LWS cones. Spectral sensitivity and color vision were measured behaviorally for RLR shrews and normal shrews under different ambient light levels. Spectral sensitivity functions were deutan-like, exhibiting maxima at ca 450 and 550 nm and a minimum at 510 nm. No significant differences in spectral sensitivity were observed between RLR and control animals. Furthermore, all animals demonstrated deutan-type dichromatic color vision evidenced by their ability to discriminate monochromatic lights from equally-bright achromatic lights except for a "neutral point" near 505 nm. These results demonstrate that a population of functional SWS cones survived the lack of post-natal photic stimulation. However, RLR shrews differed from controls in that they were poorer at making chromatic/achromatic discriminations. While no severe disorganization of color vision was evident, the poorer discrimination displayed by the RLR animals is likely the result of changes in post-receptoral visual mechanisms.  相似文献   

自然光照由连续光谱、不同能量的光组成,光的波长越短能量越大,故其中紫外线和蓝光具有更高能量。暴露在高强度光照下可能导致眼部组织细胞损伤,进而引起各种眼部结构的病理变化。我们回顾了近年来有关光照在角结膜、晶状体、前房结构、视网膜、视神经相关疾病中的作用的研究,综述了光照在眼部可能触发的信号通路和作用机制。眼组织过度暴露在光照下会导致DNA损伤增加、蛋白质的异常修饰和聚集,以及过度的氧化应激,从而导致眼部疾病的发生发展。因此,可根据所接触的光照特性与强度,以及需要保护的眼组织类型,针对性地单独或联合使用物理保护、局部和/或口服抗氧化剂和光照活化信号通路的小分子抑制剂,以防止和减少光照引起的眼部损害。  相似文献   

Sunlight consists of lights of continuous spectra. Ultraviolet light and blue light in the sunlight have higher energy. High dose exposure to sunlight can cause direct cellular damage. In the eye, sunlight is known to cause pathological changes in various eye structures. We reviewed the studies on the role of sunlight in corneal diseases, cataracts, glaucoma, and age-related macular degeneration in recent years. Possible sunlight-triggered signaling pathways and mechanisms in the eye are summarized. Excessive exposure to sunlight may lead to increased DNA damage, aberrant protein modification and aggregation, and oxidative stress of ocular tissues, and thus results in the development of ocular diseases. Accordingly, physical protection, topical and/or oral antioxidants and small molecules blocking sunlight-activated signal pathways could be used independently or combinedly to prevent and reduce sunlight-induced ocular damages.  相似文献   

近视作为屈光发育异常中最常见的一种屈光状态,不仅给个人和社会造成一定的经济负担,而且还增加了患近视性黄斑变性等损害视力疾病的风险。研究表明,不同光谱组成的光可以通过改变眼的调节、脉络膜厚度以及视锥细胞信号转导等来影响眼的屈光发育,改变近视进展。主流的观点认为增加短波长光含量有利于延缓近视的进展,但也有学者对此持不同的观点。本文总结环境光的光谱差异对屈光发育的影响及相应的眼部改变,为后续的研究提供参考。  相似文献   

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