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David B. Henson Balwantray C. Chauhan 《Documenta ophthalmologica. Advances in ophthalmology》1985,59(4):341-352
Information Theory has been applied to produce estimates of how valuable each stimulus location on the Friedmann Visual Field Analyser mk. II is in detecting early glaucomatous visual field defects. The results indicate that stimuli in the superior arcuate region of the visual field and in the inferior nasal quadrant give the maximum amount of information. Stimuli in the extreme superior field (beyond 20 degrees), the inferior temporal quadrant and around the physiological blind spot give the least amount of information. It is suggested that these results can be used to develop computerised techniques for the analysis of visual field data. 相似文献
Noe G Ferraro J Lamoureux E Rait J Keeffe JE 《Clinical & experimental ophthalmology》2003,31(6):482-486
Purpose: This study investigated the association between visual field loss and participation in daily activities in individuals with glaucoma. Methods: Seventy‐nine patients were recruited from the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital. Visual fields were assessed using the Esterman binocular visual field tests and participation in daily activities was assessed using the Impact of Vision Impairment (IVI) questionnaire. Visual acuity and contrast sensitivity were also measured. Results: There was no independent relationship between visual field loss and IVI score (r = ?0.20; P = 0.09), except for the mobility domain (r = 0.25; P = 0.03). Mobility was the most affected domain of the IVI (mean = 1.2). Over a quarter of the patients reported experiencing moderate to severe restriction with mobility activities despite relatively minor binocular field loss. Conclusion: Mobility is the area in which glaucoma patients encounter difficulties even when the visual field and visual acuity are relatively good. Questions related to mobility could be asked to identify those patients who need rehabilitation. 相似文献
目的 观察可疑青光眼患者中心30°阈值视野检测的异常情况.方法 按照临床筛选可疑青光眼患者标准,门诊筛选出可疑青光眼者.采用横断面研究设计,应用Octopus-101型计算机自动视野计的G2程序,对就诊的可疑青光眼患者进行中心30°阈值视野检测.统计分析视野异常情况,并进行可疑青光眼筛选指标的相关分析.结果 取得完整可靠视野结果可疑青光眼者共75例150眼,视野存在异常者45眼,视野发生可疑改变52眼,53眼正常.不同可疑指标的可疑青光眼者视野异常情况存在不同x2=27.71,P<0.05(x20.05为9.49).青光眼确诊病例占可疑青光跟的34.67%.结论 通过可疑青光眼患者视野异常情况的临床观察,进一步寻求提高筛选并能早期诊断青光眼效率的有效方法,以进行青光眼的有效筛查.该研究提示在临床筛查中要特别重视存在异常眼压和眼底杯/盘比者,并可进一步筛查其视野情况,对该群体做好相关随访工作. 相似文献
Modified Bagolini striated glass test: clinical applications of starlight test in binocular visual field screening

AIM—To introduce the "starlight" test which was devised to check binocular vision in normal conditions of seeing in a rapid, easy, and cost effective manner and to estimate the possibility of its clinical use in screening the binocular visual field of patients.
METHOD—The Bagolini striated glass test consists of optically plano lenses with imperceptible parallel scratches that barely blur the environment but produce two perpendicular luminous stripes (right eye stripe of 45° and left eye stripe of 135°) when subjects with normal binocular vision view one light source. Unlike the original Bagolini test, the starlight test uses three light sources in horizontal or vertical lines according to the testing purposes and the subject is asked to fixate upon the centre light. Through Bagolini glasses, the subject observes the resulting grid-like pattern and the state of binocular visual field of the subject can be roughly estimated.
RESULTS—Normal subjects and patients with strabismus, visual field loss from intracranial diseases, glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa, and functional visual loss were examined using the starlight test and findings from each case were discussed.
CONCLUSIONS—The starlight test, which was made by hand at a low cost, is a simple test that can be used clinically. It provides information about the state of binocular vision of patients in normal conditions of seeing. It is also useful because it enables the examiner to share similar experiences with the examinee. The results suggest it can be effective in visual field screening.
Keywords: Bagolini striated glass; binocular visual field; screening; starlight test 相似文献
METHOD—The Bagolini striated glass test consists of optically plano lenses with imperceptible parallel scratches that barely blur the environment but produce two perpendicular luminous stripes (right eye stripe of 45° and left eye stripe of 135°) when subjects with normal binocular vision view one light source. Unlike the original Bagolini test, the starlight test uses three light sources in horizontal or vertical lines according to the testing purposes and the subject is asked to fixate upon the centre light. Through Bagolini glasses, the subject observes the resulting grid-like pattern and the state of binocular visual field of the subject can be roughly estimated.
RESULTS—Normal subjects and patients with strabismus, visual field loss from intracranial diseases, glaucoma, retinitis pigmentosa, and functional visual loss were examined using the starlight test and findings from each case were discussed.
CONCLUSIONS—The starlight test, which was made by hand at a low cost, is a simple test that can be used clinically. It provides information about the state of binocular vision of patients in normal conditions of seeing. It is also useful because it enables the examiner to share similar experiences with the examinee. The results suggest it can be effective in visual field screening.
Keywords: Bagolini striated glass; binocular visual field; screening; starlight test 相似文献
目的比较自动标准白色视野计(white-on-white perimetry,啪w)和蓝/黄视野计(blue-on-bellow perimetry,B/Y)检测不同阶段青光眼视野损害的敏感性。设计横断面调查。研究对象青光眼患者42例(71眼)。方法采用HumphreyⅡ-750型自动视野计对青光眼患者进行B/Y及W|W检查。根据晚期青光跟治疗研究(Advanced GlaucomaIntervention Study,AGlS)视野评分标准,将青光眼患者分早、中、晚三组,运用青光眼首选治疗研究(collaborative initial glaucoma treatment study,CIGTS)方法,对视野缺损进行评分。比较三组不同时期青光眼应用两种视野计检查,在视野平均缺损(Meandeviation,MD)、模式标准差(Pattern Standard Deviation,PSD)、CIGTS评分方面的差异。主要指标视野的平均缺损、模式标准差、CIGTS评分。结果两种视野计检查MD的均值结果在早、中期青光眼组,B/Y检测的MD(-8.65dB±3.89dB;-14.94dB±3.22dB)较w/W(-3.29dB±2.40dB;-10.04dB±2.73dB)低,t=9.21,P〈0.001及t=-4.89,P〈0.001;在晚期青光眼组,B/Y检测的MD(-22.07dB±2.64dB)较w/w(-25.20dB±5.48dB)高,t=3.93,P〈0.001。两种视野计检查PSD的均值结果,在早期青光眼组,B/Y检测的PSD(4.17dB±1.20dB)较W/W(3.22dB±2.90dB)高,t=2.12,P〈0.05;在中、晚期青光眼组,B/Y检测的PSD较W/W低(t=-3.04,P〈0.01,t=-2.96,P〈0.001)。两种视野计CIGTS评分的均值结果,在早期青光眼组,B/Y的CIGTS评分(5.35±3.83)较W/W(3.36±3.12)高,t=2.67,P〈0.05);在中、晚期青光眼组,B/Y的CIGTS评分较W/W低,t-4131,P〈0.05及t=-4.02,P〈0.001。结论对于早期青光眼的视野检测,B/Y较W/W敏感,但对于中晚期青光眼,W/W视野较B/Y更敏感。对于早期青光眼及可疑青光眼采用B/Y视野检测较敏感,而对于中晚期青? 相似文献
口服弥可保前后青光眼视野缺损的比较 总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4
目的比较青光眼患者口服弥可保前后视野变化,评估弥可保对青光眼患者视野改善的作用.方法首先,筛选有视野缺损、眼压控制在21mmHg(1kPa=7.5mmHg)以下的25例49眼原发性开角型青光眼和27例52眼原发性闭角型青光眼患者,口服弥可保6个月,每日3次,每次500μg.然后,分别于用药3、6个月用静态自动电脑Octpus101型视野计进行视野检查.检查在半暗室下进行,检查程序采用G2(青光眼)30度灰度阈值59个点,背景光4asb;分别测试平均缺陷(MD)、丢失方差(LV)、刺激丢失方差(sLV)、可靠性因素(RF)及瞳孔变化.最后,记录结果并与用药前相比较.结果67.3%患者视野的平均缺损用药后3、6个月有不同程度好转,6个月变化显著.用药前与用药后3个月比较无显著性差异(P>0.05);与用药后6个月比较有显著性差异(P<0.05).用药后3、6个月比较也有显著性差异(P<0.05).6个月视野缺损的平均改善率开角型青光眼组与闭角型青光眼组分别为51.65%、44.55%,2组间比较无统计学差异(P>0.05).结论长期服用弥可保,对于眼压控制平稳的原发性开角型和原发性闭角型青光眼所致的视野缺损有明显改善. 相似文献
To prospectively examine changes in the central visual field (VF) in patients with advanced open-angle glaucoma (OAG) with advanced late stage after trabeculectomy for 12 months.Design
Prospective interventional case series.Methods
In all, 27 eyes of 27 OAG patients at a single center with a best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) of ≥40/200 and a mean total deviation of test locations of the 10-2 program of the Humphrey VF analyzer of ≤−20 dB preoperatively were enrolled. Intraocular pressure (IOP), VF parameters of the 10-2 program, and BCVA were examined for 12 months after trabeculectomy with mitomycin C. Slopes of VF parameters and their correlation with presumed risk factors were studied.Results
IOP decreased from 19.7±5.8 to 9.7±2.6 mm Hg (P<0.001) over postoperative 1 year. The slopes of all VF parameters did not significantly differ from zero (P>0.33), and none of the presumed factors significantly correlated with the slopes of those parameters (P>0.14). There were two eyes (7%) and one eye (4%) with ≥2 lines of deterioration in BCVA (decimal fraction) at 1 and 12 months, respectively, after surgery with no apparent causes.Conclusions
Trabeculectomy resulted in little change in the central 10-degree VF, but significant decrease in BCVA without apparent causes might occur approximately 5% of the cases. 相似文献8.
82 eyes of 82 patients with different types of glaucoma were examined with various psychophysical tests assessing central and paracentral function, including foveal temporal contrast sensitivity function, FM 100-Hue test, and foveal and parafoveal blue-on-yellow-sensitivity. For all eyes visual field tests were performed with the Humphrey-Field-Analyzer, program 30-2. Global visual field indices were calculated as follows: Mean Sensitivity MS, Mean Deviation MD, and Corrected Pattern Standard Deviation CPSD. Linear regression analysis and multiple regression analysis correcting for a possible influence of age between the central and paracentral criteria and the global indices was performed. For the entire study population highly significant correlations are present between foveal and parafoveal blue-on-yellow-sensitivity and MS, MD and CPSD. Whereas in the Normal Tension Glaucoma subgroup (19/82 eyes) no significant correlations are found, the subgroup of 35/82 eyes with markedly elevated intraocular pressure (30mmHg) shows highly statistically significant correlations between the low- and high-frequency end of the foveal temporal contrast sensitivity function and foveal and parafoveal blue-on-yellow-sensitivity and the global field indices. The results of the present study support the idea that there are two different mechanisms of glaucomatous damage, one which is pressure-dependent and one which may be pressure-independent. The pressuredependent mechanism is responsible for deficits of central or paracentral function which are correlated to overall visual field damage. 相似文献
The value of clinical interpretation in differentiating between glaucomatous and normal fields from threshold (Humphrey Field Analyser) and screening (Henson CFS3000) measures was determined using a masked prospective experimental design. The visual field plots of 20 primary open-angle glaucoma (POAG) patients, 19 ocular hypertensive and 19 normotensive glaucoma suspects, and 21 age- matched normals measured with the Humphrey Field Analyser (Humphrey) and Henson CFS3000 (Henson) were categorised by two experienced clinicians. Significant differences in interpretation of the field plots were demonstrated between the two clinicians (χ2 McNemars= 19–36; p<0.001). The sensitivity of clinical interpretation was shown to lie between 65 per cent and 90 per cent (dependent upon the individual clinician) for the Humphrey plots, but was as low as 40 per cent with the Henson plots. Specificity was, however, higher for the Henson overall, regardless of the clinician (between 90 per cent and 95 per cent) compared to the Humphrey (between 75 per cent and 100 per cent). These levels of sensitivity and specificity do not reach the levels reported when interpretation is based on the visual field indices alone. It was concluded that a screening instrument, such as the Henson, should only be employed for testing large unselected populations, in which the prevalence of glaucoma is low. Visual fields should not be judged in isolation, but in conjunction with measures of optic nerve and nerve fibre layer integrity, intra-ocular pressure and family history. 相似文献
B. C. Chauhan D. B. Henson A. J. Hobley 《Documenta ophthalmologica. Advances in ophthalmology》1988,69(1):25-39
The central visual fields of 2165 normal and 106 glaucoma eyes were measured using a threshold related suprathreshold strategy. The effects of altering the cluster radius in normals and glaucoma eyes sheds light on the nature of defects in these two groups. It is estimated that approximately 13% of normals have clusters; the great majority of these individuals have one cluster of two defects. Most clusters in normals are formed artefactually due to angioscotoma and/or physiological variations in the blind spot position. Clusters due to other factors occur rarely. Clusters are found with equal frequencies in the superior and inferior fields in normal eyes, but with a greater frequency in the superior field in glaucoma eyes.The use of clusters in quantification is both sensitive and specific. Using results from this large sample and looking at other visual field properties, it is possible to devise weighted probability indices to score visual fields. 相似文献
Purpose: To identify risk factors associated with visual field (VF) loss on first presentation of glaucoma. Methods: A case–control study of 107 consecutive newly diagnosed glaucoma patients was performed. Information collected included demographic data, reasons for referral, ophthalmological assessment and VF testing. VF grading was based on Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study (AGIS) scoring and was additionally classified for the presence of a nasal step, paracentral scotoma and/or arcuate scotoma. Results: Demographic parameters were: mean age 59 years (standard deviation [SD] 14), mean deviation ?4.37 dB (SD 4.5), intraocular pressure 21.4 mmHg (SD 6.6) and cup:disc ratio 0.69 (SD 0.1). Thirty‐seven per cent of all participants had a positive family history of glaucoma. Older age was associated with a VF defect at presentation (mean age of 54 years with no VF defect, compared with 63 years for mild, moderate or severe VF defect, P = 0.0014). Multivariate logistic regression analysis identified positive family history (odds ratio [OR] 10.43; 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.67–67.49) and age (OR 1.15; 95% CI 1.06–1.26) as independent risk factors for VF loss at presentation. Fifty‐six per cent had a paracentral VF defect at first diagnosis and 29% of patients showed evidence of substantial VF loss with AGIS score of ≥6 on initial presentation. Conclusions: Patients who have a positive family history of glaucoma are 10 times more likely to have a VF defect at the time of glaucoma diagnosis. An increased focus on family history may help identify these patients earlier and prevent significant visual loss at the time of presentation. 相似文献
Background We have developed a method of quantifying the central binocular visual field by merging results from monocular fields (Integrated visual field). This study aims to compare the new measure with the binocular Esterman visual field test in identifying patients with self-reported visual disability.Methods Forty-eight patients with glaucoma each recorded Humphrey 24-2 fields for both eyes and an Esterman on the same day, and each completed a binary forced-choice questionnaire relating to perceived visual disability. Computer software merged sensitivity values from monocular fields to generate an integrated visual field and a related score of the number of defects at the <10 dB and <20 dB level. Receiver operating characteristic (ROC) analysis was used to compare the integrated visual field score and the Esterman disability score with individual responses to the questions on perceived difficulty with visual tasks.Results Comparison of areas under ROC curves revealed that a score based on the integrated visual field was generally better (median area: 0.79) than Esterman scores (median area: 0.70) in classifying patients with or without a self-reported perceived difficulty with visual tasks.Conclusions The integrated visual field offers a rapid assessment of a glaucoma patients binocular visual field without extra perimetric testing. As compared to an actual binocular field test (Esterman), the integrated visual field provides a better prediction of a glaucoma patients perceived inability to perform certain visual tasks. 相似文献
目的:探讨发生青光眼危险因素与中心阈值视野改变的关系。方法:500例(980眼)可疑青光眼按危险因素分组,分别采用日本Topcon SBP2020自动视野SDT340程序检测中心30°阈值视野。结果:混合组、异常杯盘比组、高眼压组和症状组中心视野损害率分别为70.0%,48.3%,47.5%和35.8%,混合组与其他3组比较差异非常显著(P<0.01);近视性屈光不正患者与远视性屈光不正阈值视野损害比较差异非常显著(P<0.01);各年龄段中心阈值视野损害比较无差异(P>0.05)。结论:近视性屈光不正患者比远视性屈光不正患者中心阈值视野损害多;眼压增高伴有视乳头改变是发生视野损害的主要危险因素。 相似文献
Relationship between parapapillary atrophy and visual field abnormality in primary open-angle glaucoma 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
Yoshiki Kono MD Linda Zangwill PhD Pamela A. Sample PhD Jost B. Jonas MD Alireza Emdadi MD Neeru Gupta MD Robert N. Weinreb MD 《American journal of ophthalmology》1999,127(6):6408-680
PURPOSE: To investigate the relationship of parapapillary atrophy measured by confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy to visual field sensitivity measured with standard automated perimetry and short-wavelength automated perimetry in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma. METHODS: Forty-seven eyes of 47 primary open-angle glaucoma patients with increased intraocular pressure (> or = 22 mm Hg) were enrolled. Optic nerve head topography and parapapillary atrophy (beta and alpha zones) were assessed by confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy. Mean deviation and corrected pattern SD were assessed with standard automated perimetry and short-wavelength automated perimetry. RESULTS: Beta and alpha zones were found in 23 (49%) and 47 (100%) eyes with primary open-angle glaucoma, respectively. The area of beta zone showed significant correlations with MD of standard automated perimetry, corrected pattern SD of standard automated perimetry, and corrected pattern SD of short-wavelength automated perimetry (Spearman r = -0.366, P = .012; r = 0.327, P = .025; and r = 0.436, P = .002, respectively). The area of alpha zone showed a significant correlation with mean deviation of standard automated perimetry (r = -0.378, P = .009). Mean MD of standard automated perimetry, mean corrected pattern SD of standard automated perimetry, and mean corrected pattern SD of short-wavelength automated perimetry were significantly worse in eyes with beta zone than in eyes without beta zone. CONCLUSIONS: Parapapillary atrophy measured by confocal scanning laser ophthalmoscopy, especially beta zone, is associated with glaucomatous visual field loss demonstrated by standard automated perimetry and short-wavelength automated perimetry. 相似文献
Zahari M Mukesh BN Rait JL Taylor HR McCarty CA 《Clinical & experimental ophthalmology》2006,34(1):20-26
PURPOSE: To quantify the progression of visual field loss in participants with open angle glaucoma. METHODS: Cluster random samples of 3271 participants participated in this study. Each participant underwent a standardized ophthalmic examination, which included intraocular pressure measurement, Humphrey 24-2 Fastpac visual field testing and stereophotography of the optic disc. At baseline 118 participants were identified as possible, probable or definite open angle glaucoma and 74 (62.7%) of these were seen again at the follow-up examination. Progression of visual field loss was defined using three methods: the Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study criteria, the modified Anderson criteria and the Blumenthal method. RESULTS: In total, 49% of subjects showed progressive visual field loss with at least one method. The Blumenthal criteria yielded the highest rate of progression (37%), followed by the modified Anderson method (33%) and the Advanced Glaucoma Intervention Study method (16%). The progressive visual field loss was associated with baseline glaucoma status (P = 0.02); 65% of the definite glaucoma progressed, compared with 57% of the probable glaucoma and 25% of the possible glaucoma. Participants who had been previously diagnosed with glaucoma had a higher rate of progression (54%) when compared with those who had not been diagnosed previously (47%). In total, 50% (four of eight) of those receiving glaucoma medication at baseline had progressive visual field loss; all were in the definite glaucoma category. CONCLUSION: Despite use of glaucoma medications the majority of glaucoma patients managed by their regular ophthalmologist experienced progressive visual field loss over a 5-year period. 相似文献
目的 分析原发性开角型青光眼(primaryopen-angleglaucoma,POAG)患者确诊时的视野损害程度及其相关因素。方法 收集2014年5月至2015年10月在我院门诊就诊的POAG患者113例113眼。根据视野损害分级将患者分为早期视野损害组(视野损害0~1级)和中晚期视野损害组(视野损害2~5级)。对两组患者的确诊年龄、性别、身体质量指数、青光眼相关症状、家族史、高度近视、中央角膜厚度、眼压等相关因素进行统计分析。结果 早期视野损害组31眼(27.43%),中晚期视野损害组82眼(72.57%)。早期视野损害组的确诊年龄为(52.81±16.57)岁,眼压为(23.67±11.44)mmHg(1kPa=7.5mm-Hg),与中晚期视野损害组的(45.62±17.12)岁和(30.58±12.13)mmHg相比,差异均有统计学意义(P=0.047、0.007);早期视野损害组合并高度近视的患者比例(9.68%)及有青光眼相关症状的患者比例(29.03%)均小于中晚期视野损害组(29.27%、53.66%),差异均有统计学意义(P=0.029、0.019)。早期视野损害组的性别比例、身体质量指数、家族史、中央角膜厚度与中晚期视野损害组相比,差异均无统计学意义(均为P>0.05)。眼压与患者确诊时的视野损害严重程度呈正相关(r=0.411,P=0.000)。结论 大多数POAG患者确诊时已发生较严重的视野损害,高眼压、青光眼相关症状、合并高度近视、确诊时年龄偏低可能是POAG患者确诊时发生较严重视野损害的危险因素。 相似文献
目的 观察原发性开角型青光眼眼压、视野与P-VEP P100波潜时之间的关系。通过改变空间频率(120′、60′、30′)选择青光眼电生理学诊断最佳刺激参数。方法 对24例(30只眼)原发性性开角型青光眼进行眼压、定时静态视野及P-VEP检测。分析眼压、定时静态视野P-VEP P100波潜时关系。检测结果进行统计学分析。结果 眼压、定时静态视野缺损程序与P-VEP P100波潜时变化呈正相关。高空 相似文献
多焦视觉诱发电位(mVEP)近来在青光眼中多有介绍。较之传统的VEP,它具有更佳的空间定位能力,同时,相对于主观视野检查,因为没有学习曲线,更容易让患接受。本就mVEP的记录方法,正常人的mVEP及其在青光眼中的应用,特别是它与主观视野的关系作一综述。 相似文献