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OBJECTIVE: To determine the associations between managed care, physician job satisfaction, and the quality of primary care, and to determine whether physician job satisfaction is associated with health outcomes among primary care patients with pain and depressive symptoms. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. SETTING: Offices of 261 primary physicians in private practice in Seattle. PATIENTS: We screened 17,187 patients in waiting rooms, yielding a sample of 1,514 patients with pain only, 575 patients with depressive symptoms only, and 761 patients with pain and depressive symptoms; 2,004 patients completed a 6-month follow-up survey. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: For each patient, managed care was measured by the intensity of managed care controls in the patient's primary care office, physician financial incentives, and whether the physician read or used back pain and depression guidelines. Physician job satisfaction at baseline was measured through a 6-item scale. Quality of primary care at follow-up was measured by patient rating of care provided by the primary physician, patient trust and confidence in primary physician, quality-of-care index, and continuity of primary physician. Outcomes were pain interference and bothersomeness, Symptom Checklist for Depression, and restricted activity days. Pain and depression patients of physicians with greater job satisfaction had greater trust and confidence in their primary physicians. Pain patients of more satisfied physicians also were less likely to change physicians in the follow-up period. Depression patients of more satisfied physicians had higher ratings of the care provided by their physicians. These associations remained after controlling statistically for managed care. Physician job satisfaction was not associated with health outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: For primary care patients with pain or depressive symptoms, primary physician job satisfaction is associated with some measures of patient-rated quality of care but not health outcomes.  相似文献   

Managed care, professional autonomy, and income   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
CONTEXT: Career satisfaction among physicians is a topic of importance to physicians in practice, physicians in training, health system administrators, physician organization executives, and consumers. The level of career satisfaction derived by physicians from their work is a basic yet essential element in the functioning of the health care system. OBJECTIVE: To examine the degree to which professional autonomy, compensation, and managed care are determinants of career satisfaction among physicians. DESIGN: Cross-sectional analysis using data from 1996-97 Community Tracking Study physician telephone survey. SETTING AND PARTICIPANTS: A nationally representative sample of 12,385 direct patient care physicians. The survey response rate was 65%. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Overall career satisfaction among U.S. physicians. RESULTS: Bivariate results show that physicians with low managed care revenues are significantly more likely to be "very satisfied" than are physicians with high managed care revenue (P < .05), and that physicians with low managed care revenues are significantly more likely to report higher levels of clinical freedom than are physicians with high managed care revenue (P < .05). Multivariate analyses demonstrate that, among our measures, traditional core professional values and autonomy are the most important determinants of career satisfaction after controlling for all other factors. Relative income is also an important independent predictor. Multiple dimensions of professional autonomy hold up as strong, independent predictors of career satisfaction, while the effect of managed care does not. Managed care appears to exert its effect on satisfaction through its impact on professional autonomy, not through income reduction. CONCLUSIONS: Our results suggest that when managed care (or other influences) erode professional autonomy, the result is a highly negative impact on physician career satisfaction.  相似文献   

The influence of managed care on internal medicine residents' attitudes and career choices has not yet been determined and could be substantial. In a survey of 1,390 third-year internal medicine residents, 21% believed that managed care was the best model of health care for the United States, and 31% stated they would be satisfied working in a managed care system. Those from high managed care communities (>30% penetration) were only slightly more accepting of managed care, but were more likely to choose general internal medicine as a career (54%, p = .0009) than those from communities with lower managed care penetration.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study examines how specific attributes of managed health plans influence patients' relationships with their primary care practitioners (PCPs) and determines whether these effects are mediated by access to, continuity with, or perceived choice of PCPs. DESIGN, SETTING, PATIENTS: The data source was the nationally representative 1996/97 Community Tracking Study Household Survey (cumulative response rate 65%). The study population (N = 19,415) was composed of 18- to 64-year-old adults whose most recent visit in the past 12 months was made to their primary care delivery site. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURE: Patients' ratings of their interpersonal relationships with their PCPs as measured by a 7-item scale. RESULTS: Gatekeeping arrangements that require patients to select a primary care physician or obtain authorization for specialty referrals were associated with lower ratings of the patient-PCP relationship. Health plan use of a provider network had no effect on the patient-PCP scale score. Although there were no significant differences across any insurance payer categories, uninsured adults rated their relationships with PCPs as significantly poorer than did their insured counterparts. Shorter office waits, having a specific clinician at the primary care site, better perceived choice of PCPs, and a longer duration of relationship with the primary care practitioner were associated with higher ratings of the patient-PCP relationship. Perceived choice of primary care practitioners, but not access to or continuity with PCPs, attenuated some of the negative effects of gatekeeping arrangements on patients' relationships with their primary care practitioners. CONCLUSIONS: Managed health plans that loosen restrictions on provider choice, relax gatekeeping arrangements, or promote access to and continuity with PCPs, are likely to experience higher patient satisfaction with their primary care practitioner relationships. Lack of health insurance impedes the development of patients' relationships with their primary care practitioners.  相似文献   

This paper discusses the job characteristics, satisfaction, and stress levels experienced by clinical neurologists in Guizhou Province, China.A questionnaire survey was conducted associated with the 2021 Annual Meeting of Neurology in Guizhou province. After obtaining ethical approval to conduct the study, the target group was asked to complete an anonymous online survey that included sociodemographic data, followed by questions related to job stress and satisfaction as well as future aspirations.Four hundred sixty people participated in the study, including 179 (38.9%) men and 281 (61.1%) women. About 407 (88.5%) felt stress in their job. Three hundred and seventeen (68.9%) experienced depression, 307 (66.7%) experienced anxiety, and 273 (59.3%) had some degree of sleep disturbance. Three hundred fifty-three (76.7%) were disappointed with their wages, 239 (52.0%) were bored with their jobs, and 353 (76.7%) considered their jobs to be somewhat dangerous. Interestingly, 250 (54.3%) would consider becoming doctors again, but 354 (77.0%) preferred their child not to become doctors. While 338 (73.5%) said they were proud to be a neurologist, only 123 (26.7%) indicated they were optimistic concerning doctor-patient relationships.Neurologists have significant emotional factors associated with their careers, which are more likely to lead to job burnout and decreased job satisfaction. Attention should be paid to these stresses to improve the retention and job satisfaction of neurologists.  相似文献   

Background and aimsPerception of quality of care is important in the management of patients with chronic diseases, particularly inflammatory bowel disease.Aims and methodsThis longitudinal study aimed to investigate variations of the Quality of Care through the Patients' Eyes (QUOTE-IBD) questionnaire scores one year after the basal evaluation in the Studio Osservazionale quaLità cUre malatTIe crOniche intestiNali (SOLUTION-1) study.ResultsOf the cohort of 992 patients, 936 were evaluable. The QUOTE-IBD score overcame satisfactory levels of more than the 80%, overall and in all subdomains except for the “Continuity of Care” sub-dimension (mean, 8.3; standard deviation, 1.49), scored satisfactory only by 34% of the patients. No significant changes in satisfaction were recorded overall, or considering patients subgroups. Significant differences were found at the end of the follow-up between physicians’ and patients’ perceptions of quality of care, with the former over-rating their performance in “Continuity of Cares” and under-rating “Costs”, “Competence”, and “Accessibility” sub-domains of the score (p < 0.05 for all).ConclusionPerceived quality of care in a large cohort of Italian patients with inflammatory bowel disease remains unchanged after one-year follow-up and was not significantly affected by disease activity or therapeutic interventions. Differences between physicians’ and patients’ perceptions of quality of care should be taken into account.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Psychosocial and lifestyle stressors, such as job strain and marital factors, have previously been associated with a sustained increase in blood pressure (BP). METHODS: In a 1-year longitudinal study, we evaluated whether job strain and marital cohesion continued to be associated with ambulatory blood pressure (ABP). The final study cohort included 229 male and female volunteers who were still employed and living with a significant other as at baseline and could complete all aspects of the follow-up testing. RESULTS: The interaction between job strain and marital cohesion was significantly associated with a change in ABP during 1 year for 24-h systolic BP but not diastolic BP (P = .018 and .13, respectively). This association also occurred for job strain (P = .011). Subjects with high job strain and a low cohesive marriage had an increase in systolic BP by 3 mm Hg during 1 year, and those with job strain who also had a highly cohesive marriage had a reduction of systolic BP by 3 mm Hg during 1 year. An exploratory analysis for gender effects found that the interaction between job strain and marital cohesion was found only in women (P = .025). CONCLUSIONS: Marital cohesion consistently interacted with the sustained elevation of BP associated with job strain over time in men and women. Low marital cohesion exacerbated the effect of job strain to elevate BP and high marital cohesion ameliorated it. This interaction may be gender specific in that it was demonstrated separately in women but not in men.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To determine whether an in-home palliative care intervention for terminally ill patients can improve patient satisfaction, reduce medical care costs, and increase the proportion of patients dying at home. DESIGN: A randomized, controlled trial. SETTING: Two health maintenance organizations in two states. PARTICIPANTS: Homebound, terminally ill patients (N=298) with a prognosis of approximately 1 year or less to live plus one or more hospital or emergency department visits in the previous 12 months. INTERVENTION: Usual versus in-home palliative care plus usual care delivered by an interdisciplinary team providing pain and symptom relief, patient and family education and training, and an array of medical and social support services. MEASUREMENTS: Measured outcomes were satisfaction with care, use of medical services, site of death, and costs of care. RESULTS: Patients randomized to in-home palliative care reported greater improvement in satisfaction with care at 30 and 90 days after enrollment (P<.05) and were more likely to die at home than those receiving usual care (P<.001). In addition, in-home palliative care subjects were less likely to visit the emergency department (P=.01) or be admitted to the hospital than those receiving usual care (P<.001), resulting in significantly lower costs of care for intervention patients (P=.03). CONCLUSION: In-home palliative care significantly increased patient satisfaction while reducing use of medical services and costs of medical care at the end of life. This study, although modest in scope, presents strong evidence for reforming end-of-life care.  相似文献   

With 24% global disease burden and 3% global health workforce, the World Health Organization (WHO) designates the African region a critical workforce shortage area. Task shifting is a WHO-recommended strategy for countries with severe health worker shortages. It involves redistribution of healthcare tasks to make efficient use of available workers. Severe physician shortages, increasing HIV disease burden, and the need for improved access to antiretroviral treatment (ART) posed serious challenges for Africa. Shifting ART management from physicians to nurses was adopted by many countries to increase access to treatment. Growing evidence from Africa supports this model of care but little is known about its impact on African nurses. A PubMed literature search was conducted for most recent task-shifting studies in Africa between January 2009 and August 2012. Thirty-four studies were identified but 11 met criteria for “task shifting from physicians to nurses in HIV settings.” The methodologies and findings related to patient outcome, nurses' perceived self-efficacy, and job satisfaction were summarized. Patient outcomes were measured in 10 of the studies and all demonstrated comparable results. Seven of eight studies showed no difference in mortality while five found better retention and lower client loss to follow-up in nurse-managed groups. Four studies showed that nurses built on existing nursing and HIV knowledge; improved HIV and other disease management skills; and had increased comfort levels with using treatment guidelines. Results of job satisfaction from three studies showed that nurses expressed “feelings of emotional rewards, accomplishment, prestige, and improved morale.” In six studies, nurse-managed care was acceptable to patients in five studies, nurses in two studies, and majority of physicians and program managers in one study. Nurse-managed care had comparable outcomes and retained more patients but only two studies “directly” assessed nurses' perceptions. Research exploring nurses' response, self-efficacy, and job satisfaction are critically to sustainability.  相似文献   

Social resource theory suggests that social interaction can be conceived as resource transaction or exchange with behaviours falling within six fundamental resource categories (i.e. love, status, information, money, goods, and services) organised along two underlying dimensions: particularism–universalism and concreteness–abstractness. With the purpose of extending knowledge about quality of care, this study adopts a novel approach in that it describes and categorises care behaviours using social resource theory instead of using single instances of care behaviour. The categorisation is further used to predict client satisfaction in care services targeting older people. Daily interactions between care staff and older persons were observed in two different residential care facilities using a structured non-participant observation design. The data were analysed using principal component analysis, correlation, and regression analysis. The results confirmed the hypothesis that satisfaction with care services is predicted by resource transactions that are high on the underlying dimensions of particularism and abstractness. Thus, the resource categories of love and status (resource categories high on particularism and abstractness) were shown to be strong predictors of client satisfaction. The use of social resource theory is a novel and appropriate approach to examine person-centred care and satisfaction with care. Also, in addition to addressing potential problems in previous self-report studies on care staff behaviour, the observational technique was highly practical to this service area where dealing with clients not always able to provide feedback directly.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To examine the differences in physician satisfaction associated with open- versus closed-model practice settings and to evaluate changes in physician satisfaction between 1986 and 1997. Open-model practices refer to those in which physicians accept patients from multiple health plans and insurers (i.e., do not have an exclusive arrangement with any single health plan). Closed-model practices refer to those wherein physicians have an exclusive relationship with a single health plan (i.e., staff- or group-model HMO). DESIGN: Two cross-sectional surveys of physicians; one conducted in 1986 (Medical Outcomes Study) and one conducted in 1997 (Study of Primary Care Performance in Massachusetts). SETTING: Primary care practices in Massachusetts. PARTICIPANTS: General internists and family practitioners in Massachusetts. MEASUREMENTS: Seven measures of physician satisfaction, including satisfaction with quality of care, the potential to achieve professional goals, time spent with individual patients, total earnings from practice, degree of personal autonomy, leisure time, and incentives for high quality. RESULTS: Physicians in open- versus closed-model practices differed significantly in several aspects of their professional satisfaction. In 1997, open-model physicians were less satisfied than closed-model physicians with their total earnings, leisure time, and incentives for high quality. Open-model physicians reported significantly more difficulty with authorization procedures and reported more denials for care. Overall, physicians in 1997 were less satisfied in every aspect of their professional life than 1986 physicians. Differences were significant in three areas: time spent with individual patients, autonomy, and leisure time (P < or =.05). Among open-model physicians, satisfaction with autonomy and time with individual patients were significantly lower in 1997 than 1986 (P < or =.01). Among closed-model physicians, satisfaction with total earnings and with potential to achieve professional goals were significantly lower in 1997 than in 1986 (P < or =.01). CONCLUSIONS: This study finds that the state of physician satisfaction in Massachusetts is extremely low, with the majority of physicians dissatisfied with the amount of time they have with individual patients, their leisure time, and their incentives for high quality. Satisfaction with most areas of practice declined significantly between 1986 and 1997. Open-model physicians were less satisfied than closed-model physicians in most aspects of practices.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: To compare the characteristics of a sample of EverCare nursing home residents with two control groups: one composed of other residents in the same homes and another made up of residents in matched nursing homes. To compare levels of unmet need, satisfaction with medical care, and the use of advance directives. DESIGN: Quasi-experimental design using two control groups to minimize selection effects. Information collected by in-person surveys of nursing home residents and telephone surveys of proxies and family members. SETTING: Nursing homes affiliated with EverCare and matched control homes. PARTICIPANTS: Nursing home residents and their family members. MEASUREMENTS: Questionnaire addressing function (activities of daily living (ADLs)), unmet care needs, pain, use of advance directives, satisfaction, and caregiver burden. RESULTS: In general, the experimental and control groups were similar, but the EverCare sample had more dementia and less ADL disability. Family members in the EverCare sample expressed greater satisfaction with several aspects of the medical care they received than did controls. Satisfaction of residents in the EverCare sample was more comparable with that of controls. There was no difference in experience with advance directives between EverCare and control groups. CONCLUSIONS: EverCare appears to be a model of managed care worth tracking. It is producing care that is at least comparable with what is available in the fee-for-service environment, with evidence that families seem to appreciate the added attention. There is some suggestion that it has enrolled a less disabled but more demented population. Pending results on the effects of this care on hospitalization and emergency care should shed useful light.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether managed care is associated with reduced access to mental health specialists and worse outcomes among primary care patients with depressive symptoms. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study. SETTING: Offices of 261 primary physicians in private practice in Seattle. PATIENTS: Patients (N = 17,187) were screened in waiting rooms, enrolling 1,336 adults with depressive symptoms. Patients (n = 942) completed follow-up surveys at 1, 3, and 6 months. MEASUREMENTS AND RESULTS: For each patient, the intensity of managed care was measured by the managedness of the patient's health plan, plan benefit indexes, presence or absence of a mental health carve-out, intensity of managed care in the patient's primary care office, physician financial incentives, and whether the physician read or used depression guidelines. Access measures were referral and actually seeing a mental health specialist. Outcomes were the Symptom Checklist for Depression, restricted activity days, and patient rating of care from primary physician. Approximately 23% of patients were referred to mental health specialists, and 38% saw a mental health specialist with or without referral. Managed care generally was not associated with a reduced likelihood of referral or seeing a mental health specialist. Patients in more-managed plans were less likely to be referred to a psychiatrist. Among low-income patients, a physician financial withhold for referral was associated with fewer mental health referrals. A physician productivity bonus was associated with greater access to mental health specialists. Depressive symptom and restricted activity day outcomes in more-managed health plans and offices were similar to or better than less-managed settings. Patients in more-managed offices had lower ratings of care from their primary physicians. CONCLUSIONS: The intensity of managed care was generally not associated with access to mental health specialists. The small number of managed care strategies associated with reduced access were offset by other strategies associated with increased access. Consequently, no adverse health outcomes were detected, but lower patient ratings of care provided by their primary physicians were found.  相似文献   

Worldwide, hypertension control rate is far from ideal. Some studies suggest that patients treated by specialists have a greater chance to achieve control. The authors aimed to determine the BP control rate among treated hypertensive patients under specialist care in Argentina, to characterize patients regarding their cardiovascular risk profile and antihypertensive drug use, and to assess the variables independently associated with adequate BP control. The authors included adult hypertensive patients under stable treatment, managed in 10 specialist centers across Argentina. Office BP was measured thrice with a validated oscillometric device. Adequate BP control was defined as an average of the three readings <140/90 mm Hg (and <150/90 in patients older than 80 years). The authors estimated the proportion of adequate BP control and the variables independently associated with it through a multiple conditional logistic regression model. Among the 1146 included patients, 48.2% were men with a mean age of 63.5 (±13.1) years old. Mean office BP was 135.3 (±14.8)/80.8 (±10) mm Hg, with a 64.8% (95% CI: 62%‐67.6%) of adequate control. The mean number of antihypertensive drugs was 2.1 per participant, the commonest being angiotensin receptor blockers and calcium channel blockers. In multivariable analysis, only female sex was a predictor of adequate BP control (OR 1.33 [95% CI 1.02‐1.72], P = .04). In conclusion, almost 65% of hypertensive patients treated in specialist centers in Argentina have adequate BP control. The challenge for future research is to define strategies in order to translate this control rate to the primary care level, where most patients are managed.  相似文献   

A self‐measured home blood pressure (BP)‐guided strategy is an effective practical approach to hypertension management. The Asia BP@Home study is the first designed to investigate current home BP control status in different Asian countries/regions using standardized home BP measurements taken with the same validated home BP monitoring device with data memory. We enrolled 1443 medicated hypertensive patients from 15 Asian specialist centers in 11 countries/regions between April 2017 and March 2018. BP was relatively well controlled in 68.2% of patients using a morning home systolic BP (SBP) cutoff of <135 mm Hg, and in 55.1% of patients using a clinic SBP cutoff of <140 mm Hg. When cutoff values were changed to the 2017 AHA/ACC threshold (SBP <130 mm Hg), 53.6% of patients were well controlled for morning home SBP. Using clinic 140 mm Hg and morning home 135 mm Hg SBP thresholds, the proportion of patients with well‐controlled hypertension (46%) was higher than for uncontrolled sustained (22%), white‐coat (23%), and masked uncontrolled (9%) hypertension, with significant country/regional differences. Home BP variability in Asian countries was high, and varied by country/region. In conclusion, the Asia BP@Home study demonstrated that home BP is relatively well controlled at hypertension specialist centers in Asia. However, almost half of patients remain uncontrolled for morning BP according to new guidelines, with significant country/regional differences. Strict home BP control should be beneficial in Asian populations. The findings of this study are important to facilitate development of health policies focused on reducing cardiovascular complications in Asia.  相似文献   

Nocturnal hypertension (NH) is an independent cardiovascular risk factor. We aimed to describe the frequency of NH among primary care hypertensive patients and to analyze NH determinants. This observational, cross‐sectional, multicenter study enrolled the patients of 23 general practitioners in Burgundy region, France. We included the first patient of the day with office blood pressure ≥ 140/90 mm Hg, whatever the reason for consultation. All included patients had 24‐hour ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM). Nocturnal hypertension was considered nighttime mean blood pressure ≥ 120/70 mm Hg, as per current guidelines. Medical, sociodemographic, and deprivation data were collected. Nocturnal hypertensive and non‐hypertensive patients were compared. The determinants of NH were identified using logistic regression models. From July 2015 to November 2018, 447 patients were analyzed. Mean office blood pressure was 158.6/91.5 mm Hg, and 255 patients (57.0%) were taking at least one antihypertensive drug. Among the 409 (91.5%) valid ABPM, 316 (77.3%) showed NH. In multivariate analyses, male sex (odds ratio [OR] = 2.20, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.29‐3.75), first office diastolic blood pressure >100 mm Hg (OR = 5.71, 95% CI 1.53‐21.40), and current smoking (OR = 5.91, 95% CI 2.11‐16.56) were independent predictors of NH. Obesity was associated with a reduced risk of NH (OR = 0.43, 95% CI 0.25‐0.75). No association was found between deprivation status or sociodemographic factors and NH. To conclude, NH was identified in more than three out of four patients with high office blood pressure. Male smokers with high diastolic blood pressure were most affected by NH. ABPM may improve hypertension management in these patients.  相似文献   

There have been no published empirical studies comparing the experiences of terminally ill patients in managed care organizations (MCOs) and those in fee for service (FFS). This investigation represents the first empirical study to systematically compare substantive outcomes between populations of terminally ill patients enrolled in MCO and FFS healthcare delivery systems. The investigators interviewed 988 patients whose physicians judged them to be terminally ill and 893 of their caregivers. Outcomes assessments were made in six domains: patient-physician relationship; access to care and use of health care; prevalence of symptoms; and planning for end-of-life care, care needs, and economic burdens. Overall, the two populations of terminally ill patients were found to have comparable outcomes, but several significant differences were present. MCO patients were more likely than their FFS counterparts to use an inconvenient hospital (P =.02), spend more than 10% of their income on medical care (P =.02), and have been bedridden more than 50% of the time during the last 4 weeks of life (P =.03). Caregivers of MCO patients were as likely as the caregivers of FFS patients to report a substantial caregiving burden (P =.59). Despite concerns about the threats of MCOs to the physician-patient relationship, few differences in the quality of the relationship between the two cohorts were found. Finally, terminally ill patients in MCOs did not show better experiences than those in FFS on any outcome measure. Additional research is required to explore how MCOs may improve upon the care available to dying patients.  相似文献   

This study sought to investigate whether the relation between increased blood pressure (BP) variability and increased arterial stiffness confers a risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD) events. We analyzed 2648 patients from a practitioner‐based population (mean ± SD age 64.9 ± 11.4 years: 75.8% taking antihypertensive medication) with at least one cardiovascular risk factor who underwent home BP monitoring in the Japan Morning Surge‐Home Blood Pressure Study. The standard deviation (SDSBP), coefficient of variation (CVSBP), and average real variability (ARVSBP) were assessed as indexes of day‐by‐day home systolic BP (SBP) variability. The authors assessed arterial stiffness by brachial‐ankle pulse wave velocity (baPWV) and divided patients into lower (< 1800 cm/s, n = 1837) and higher (≥1800 cm/s, n = 811) baPWV groups. During a mean follow‐up of 4.4 years, 95 cardiovascular events occurred (8.1 per 1000 person‐years). In Cox proportional hazard models adjusted for traditional cardiovascular risk factors including average home SBP, the highest quartiles of SDSBP (hazard ratio [HR], 2.30; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.23‐4.32), CVSBP (HR, 2.89; 95%CI, 1.59‐5.26) and ARVSBP (HR, 2.55; 95%CI, 1.37‐4.75) were predictive of CVD events compared to the other quartiles in the higher baPWV group. Moreover, 1SD increases in SDSBP (HR, 1.44; 95%CI, 1.13‐1.82), CVSBP (HR, 1.49; 95%CI, 1.16‐1.90) and ARVSBP (HR, 1.37; 95%CI, 1.09‐1.73) were also predictive of CVD events. These associations remained even after N‐terminal pro‐brain natriuretic peptide was added to the models. However, these associations were not observed in the lower baPWV group. We conclude that arterial stiffness contributes to the association between home BP variability and CVD incidence.  相似文献   

IntroductionRemarkable differences in quality of care (QoC) might be observed in different countries, affecting quality of life of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) patients. The aim of this study was to assess patient and physician perceptions of the QoC in Italy.MethodsA multicentre observational study on the quality of care in IBD (SOLUTION-1) was conducted in 36 IG-IBD (Italian Group for Inflammatory Bowel Disease) centres in Italy. The QUOTE-IBD (Quality of Care Through the Patient's Eyes) questionnaire was administered to IBD patients and to the attending physicians. The Quality Impact (QI) score summarises the QUOTE-IBD questionnaire, and a QI > 9 is considered satisfactory.ResultsNine-hundred-ninety-two patients and 75 physicians completed the QUOTE-IBD questionnaire. The patients scored the domains of competence (9.47 vs. 8.55) and costs (9.54 vs. 8.26) higher that the physicians, while information (9.31 vs. 9.43) and continuity of care (8.40 vs. 9.01) were scored lower. The QI score was rated worse by physicians with less experience (< 12 years) with regard to competence (8.0 vs. 9.01), courtesy (8.12 vs. 10.0) and autonomy (8.97 vs. 10.0). Physicians considered the cost domain unsatisfactory.ConclusionsHealthcare was rated as satisfactory overall for Italian patients and physicians. The physicians underestimate their competence and consider the cost of medical management unsatisfactory. The patients are more critical regarding the continuity of care and information. Country-specific data on QoC allow local governments to allocate resources more effectively.  相似文献   

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