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胸腔镜手术在孤立性肺结节诊断和治疗中的应用   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
目的探讨胸腔镜手术在孤立性肺结节诊断和治疗中的价值。方法1994年5月~2009年11月,经胸片、胸部CT发现的周围型孤立性肺结节(直径≤3cm)115例,术前均无明确病理诊断,经胸腔镜手术局部切除,术中送快速冰冻病理检查,根据病理结果和病人情况决定手术方式。原发性肺癌行全胸腔镜或胸腔镜辅助小切口肺叶切除、淋巴结清扫40例;行肺楔形切除75例,其中良性肿瘤59例、转移癌11例、不适合肺叶切除的原发性肺癌5例。结果所有病人均明确病理诊断,确诊率100%。术中、术后并发症10例(8.7%,10/115):全胸腔镜肺叶切除术中肺动脉分支出血1例,转小切口开胸止血;胸引管拔除超过1周3例,呼吸功能不全3例,肺不张、胸腔积液、切口感染各1例,经对症治疗治愈。无严重手术并发症,无手术死亡。良性肿瘤59例随访2~176个月,平均44.5月,无复发。原发性肺癌行全胸腔镜肺叶切除、淋巴结清扫18例,随访3~24个月,平均11个月,1例24个月复发仍存活,其余无复发。结论胸腔镜手术在明确孤立性肺结节病理诊断方面有不可取代的重要作用。良性孤立性肺结节得到治愈,原发肺癌可以得到明确诊断,及时有效的治疗,微创效果显著。  相似文献   

目的探讨电视胸腔镜辅助小切口肺叶切除术在早期肺癌及肺良性病变治疗中的应用价值。方法回顾分析1997年4月至2007年4月我科行电视胸腔镜辅助小切口肺切除术32例的临床资料。其中原发性周围性支气管肺癌26例,支气管扩张4例,肺脓肿2例。结果30例在电视胸腔镜下完成手术,手术时间90~210min,平均120min。术中出血80~400ml,平均180ml,均未输血,中转开胸2例,全组患者无一例死亡,并发症少,全部痊愈出院。结论电视胸腔镜行肺切除手术,具有创伤小、恢复快和安全可靠的优点,但要注意掌握手术指征。  相似文献   

目的探讨胸腔镜手术在不明原因肺孤立性小结节中的诊断价值。方法对42例40岁以上不明原因肺孤立性小结节(直径〈3cm)应用胸腔镜技术行肺小结节病灶切除,术中快速冰冻切片,对恶性病变按恶性肿瘤手术原则进一步手术,良性病变则结束手术。结果诊断恶性病变22例,其中17例原发性肺癌行胸腔镜辅助小切口肺癌根治术,2例双侧肺癌行病灶切除术,3例肺转移癌中2例肺叶切除联合局部淋巴结清扫、1例病灶切除。20例良性病变(2例机化性纤维化结节、6例肺硬化性血管瘤、5例肺炎性假瘤、7例肺错构瘤)仅行病灶切除。37例随访16~79个月,平均48个月,18例良性病变无复发;14例原发肺癌中,13例生存,1例术后38个月死亡。结论胸腔镜手术在诊断不明原因肺孤立性小结节中具有较高的应用价值,掌握良好的手术指征可明显提高恶性肿瘤的诊断率,避免长期观察和等待。  相似文献   

胸腔镜辅助小切口对早期肺癌切除术的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨电视胸腔镜手术(VATS)在早期肺癌手术治疗的应用价值。方法应用VATS辅助胸壁小切口(7~9cm)对26例肺周围孤立小结节(≤2.0cm)行肿物楔形切除术,术中快速冰冻病理切片检查,证实为非小细胞肺癌(NSCLC),施行相应的肺叶切除、系统性的肺门及纵隔淋巴结清扫术,术后未加辅助治疗。结果本组病人创伤明显减轻,出血量少,术后恢复快,无手术死亡及严重并发症。近期随访结果无一例复发与转移。结论VATS辅助胸壁小切口对较早期肺癌行根治性切除是可行的。  相似文献   

电视胸腔镜手术在肺周围型小结节病变诊断与治疗中的应用   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:17  
目的:探讨电视胸腔镜手术(VATS)在肺周围型小结节病变诊治中的作用和地位。方法:用VATS诊治肺周围型小结节病变患者91例,其中多发性结节18例,单发性结节73例。结节直径0.3-3cm。术前经电子计算机断层扫描(CT)等影象学检查均未能确诊。肺活检术5例,肺楔形切除术61例,肺叶切除术25例。结果:所有手术均顺利完成,无严重术后并发症和手术死亡。中转开胸手术6例(6.59%)。行VATS后,患者均获得明确的病理诊断,确诊率100%;其中良性病变50例,原发性肺癌32例,肺转移癌9例。良性病变及早期原发性肺癌患者行VATS后达到了临床治愈;不能耐受大手术的原发性肺癌患者,经VATS行肿瘤局限性切除后改善了症状;肺转移癌行姑息治疗,经VATS做肺楔形切除或肺叶切除术。结论:VATS在肺周围型小结节病变的确诊、良性结节、早期原发性肺癌患者的治疗以及肺恶性肿瘤的姑息治疗具有十分重要的应用价值。  相似文献   

胸腔镜辅助小切口解剖肺叶及全肺切除术的临床研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨胸腔镜辅助小切口行解剖肺叶及全肺切除的可行性。方法全麻下应用胸腔镜辅助6~8cm的小切口,用胸腔镜器械及常规开胸器械在电视监视下及辅助小切口直视下进行解剖肺叶或全肺切除。治疗肺癌33例,肺良性病变9例。行肺叶切除39例,全肺切除3例。结果手术时间1.5~4.5h,平均2.5h。术中出血量100~500ml,平均200ml。1例因肿瘤与奇静脉弓紧密粘连而延长切口至12cm,1例左上肺癌因术中癌肿与肺动脉粘连较紧,分离时致肺动脉干血管损伤出血而中转传统开胸手术。1例72岁肺癌患者肺叶切除术后第8天并发双肺感染致呼吸衰竭死亡,其余41例无手术并发症。41例随访6~47个月,平均18个月,其中32例肺癌随访8~47个月,3例分别于术后8、11、17个月出现肝脏、双肺转移死亡。结论胸腔镜辅助小切口行解剖肺叶及全肺切除术是可行的。  相似文献   

目的 探讨全胸腔镜肺段切除术的可行性、安全性及手术适应证.方法 2011年3月~2013年3月我院行胸腔镜解剖性肺段切除术12例,采用标准完全胸腔镜肺叶切除切口,按照解剖学依次用钉高2.5 mm 白色钉仓处理肺段动脉、肺段静脉,用钉高3.5 mm 蓝色钉仓处理支气管,同时进行系统淋巴结清扫.结果 12例均顺利完成胸腔镜解剖性肺段切除术,无中转开胸及辅助小切口.手术时间115~260 min,平均182 min;术中出血量100~300 ml,平均230 ml.胸腔引流时间2~6 d,平均3.5 d.术后住院3~11 d,平均7.5 d.无二次手术,无输血,无围手术期死亡.术后病理:腺癌6例,鳞癌2例,转移癌2例,炎性假瘤1例,结核球1例,其中原发非小细胞肺癌均为Ⅰa期.12例随访1~24个月,平均9个月,10例肺癌均无复发、转移.结论 全胸腔镜解剖性肺段切除术对于Ⅰa 期非小细胞肺癌及肺功能差或有其他合并症而不适合行肺叶切除者,是一种安全可行的选择.  相似文献   

胸腔镜诊治肺部微小结节29例报告   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
目的探讨电视胸腔镜手术(video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery,VATS)在肺微小结节的诊断和治疗中的可行性。方法2000年5月~2005年6月对29例肺微小结节行VATS,术中明确结节所在位置、大小、性状以及与胸膜关系;对于肺实质内微小结节的探查全部依赖于手指的触诊定位,一般用食指即可,若定位有困难,可将切口适当延长至4cm左右,以2根手指协助定位。根据探查结果行结节所在肺组织的楔形切除,术中切除标本送快速冰冻病理学检查,如为良性,则术毕;如为恶性,进一步行VATS辅助小切口开胸肺叶切除联合纵隔淋巴结清扫术。结果全组患者手术顺利,无严重手术并发症和围手术期死亡。食指触诊定位微小结节,无一例延长切口。恶性病变11例(11/29,37.9%),良性病变18例(18/29,62.1%)。8例(57.1%)术前拟诊为恶性病变及3例术前拟诊为良性病变最终确诊为恶性病变。11例具有分叶、毛刺及胸膜皱缩等“恶性”影像学表现中仅6例(54.5%)确诊为恶性病变。21例单发结节恶性7例;8例多发结节良性和恶性各4例。18例良性行VATS肺楔形切除;11例肺癌中6例行根治性肺叶切除联合纵隔淋巴结清扫术,5例行姑息性肺楔形切除术。结论肺部微小结节诊断困难;VATS手术诊治肺部微小结节,技术成熟可行,疗效满意。  相似文献   

电视胸腔镜辅助小切口诊疗肺部小结节   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
目的探讨电视胸腔镜辅助小切口诊治肺部小结节的价值。方法2007年2月~2008年2月,对53例40岁以上肺孤立性小结节(直径≤3cm)应用电视胸腔镜辅助小切口技术行肺小结节病灶切除,术中快速冰冻切片,对恶性病变按恶性肿瘤手术原则进一步手术,良性病变则结束手术。结果诊断恶性病变39例,其中34例原发性肺癌行胸腔镜辅助小切口肺癌根治术,2例双侧肺癌和3例肺转移癌行胸腔镜辅助小切口病灶切除术;14例术中病理诊断为肺良性病变,仅行病灶切除术。34例原发性肺癌中1例失访,余33例随访2~12个月,平均7个月,31例无瘤生存,2例术后6个月内复发,行肺叶切除术。2例双侧肺癌和3例肺转移癌均死亡,生存时间2~6个月,平均4个月。14例良性病变随访3~12个月,平均7.5月,无复发。结论电视胸腔镜辅助小切口诊治肺部小结节,创伤小,诊断准确,具有很大优势。  相似文献   

目的探讨肿瘤直径>5 cm的周围型肺癌行全胸腔镜肺叶切除手术的可行性。方法回顾性分析2009年7月~2012年4月全胸腔镜下肺叶切除术治疗周围型肺癌145例,其中肿瘤最大直径>5 cm 21例。胸腔镜手术通过3个切口完成:观察孔位于腋中线第7或第8肋间;主操作切口位于腋前线第4或第5肋间,长3~4 cm;另一辅助操作孔位于肩胛下角线第8或第9肋间。镜下各肺叶切除操作顺序与传统开胸肺叶切除基本相同,一般采用解剖性肺叶切除法,即分别处理肺动静脉和支气管。肺叶切除后常规行肺门及系统性纵隔淋巴结清扫术,左侧清扫5~9组淋巴结,右侧清扫2、4、7~9组淋巴结。结果手术时间(145.0±35.5)min(90~200 min),术中出血量(250.0±80.4)ml(150~400 ml),术后胸引管留置时间(6.8±2.1)d(2~8 d),术后第3天疼痛评分(5.3±1.2)分(2~7分)。共清扫淋巴结115组,共349枚,(16.6±4.3)枚,转移淋巴结26组,阳性率22.6%。术后声音嘶哑1例,未予特殊处理,术后6个月随访未见明显好转;乳糜胸1例,经保守治疗无效开胸行胸导管结扎术后治愈。无围手术期死亡。21例随访1~24个月,平均13.5月,其中>12个月8例,1例术后4个月发生同侧肺内转移,1例术后6个月死亡,术后病理分期均为Ⅲb期,为大细胞神经内分泌癌,余19例均健在,生活质量良好。结论全胸腔镜下肺叶切除术治疗直径>5 cm的周围型肺癌可行,且预后较好。  相似文献   

目的探讨单操作孔电视胸腔镜(single utility port video-assisted thoracic surgery,single utility portVATS)肺叶切除术治疗早期肺癌的临床效果。方法回顾性分析2009年9月至2011年10月解放军总医院胸外科采用单操作孔VATS肺叶切除术治疗162例早期肺癌患者的临床病例资料(单操作孔组),用同期胸腔镜辅助小切口(video-assisted mini-thoracotomy,VAMT)肺叶切除术221例早期肺癌患者做对照(小切口组),比较两组患者的手术时间、术中出血量、淋巴结清扫数、术后下床时间、拔除胸腔引流管时间及术后并发症等。结果两组患者手术过程均顺利,无围手术期死亡。单操作孔组与小切口组患者术中出血量(162.8±75.6)ml vs.(231.4±62.8)ml、术后下床时间(2.2±0.3)d vs.(3.7±0.5)d、拔除胸腔引流管时间(3.5±0.2)d vs.(4.6±0.4)d,差异有统计学意义(P0.05);单操作孔组与小切口组患者的手术时间(133.7±22.0)min vs.(124.9±25.7)min、淋巴结清扫数(11.7±1.9)枚vs.(12.5±2.7)枚、并发症发生率7.4%vs.8.1%,差异无统计学意义(P0.05)。结论单操作孔VATS肺叶切除并淋巴结清扫治疗早期肺癌安全、可靠,较VAMT创伤更小、恢复更快。  相似文献   

From 2000 to 2009, we retrospectively reviewed 62 patients who underwent surgical treatment for postoperative recurrent or 2nd primary lung cancer. Of the 62 patients, 43 were men and 19 were women with an average age of 67.6 years old. The histology of the initial primary lung cancer was adenocarcinoma in 42 patients, squamous cell carcinoma in 18, large cell carcinoma in 1 and small cell carcinoma in 1. The surgical procedures for 1st operation were lobectomy with mediastinal lymph node dissection in 52, bilobectomy with mediastinal lymph node dissection in 4, sleeve lobectomy with mediastinal lymph node dissection in 3, and lobectomy + segmentectomy or wedge resection with mediastinal lymph node dissection in 3. p-stage of the 1st primary lung cancer was IA in 22, IB in 16, II A in 7, IIB in 6, IIIA in 6, IIIB in 4, and IV in 1. On the 2nd operation, 56 patients underwent limited surgery. Five patients underwent a lobectomy twice metachronous bilateral lesions and 1 patient underwent completion pneumonectomy (CP) at the 2nd operation. The average age at 2nd operation was 71.8 years old. Of these, 42 patients were diagnosed 2nd primary lung cancer, 20 patients were recurrent disease histologically. The 5-year survival rate of the patients with metachronous and recurrent disease from the 2nd operation was 54.1%, and 43.1%, respectively. Although lobectomy or CP should be considered the surgical procedure of choice for patients with metachronous lung cancer, with this result, we consider that postoperative good survival can be expected by even the limited operation for cases of postoperative recurrent or 2nd primary lung cancer because of possible early detection. We conclude that limited surgery may be a treatment of choice for recurrent or 2nd primary lung cancer after initial operation.  相似文献   

From 1996 to 2002, we performed intentional limited resection for small peripheral lung cancer using intraoperative pathologic examination. Wedge resection was performed in patients who had small peripheral adenocarcinoma (< or = 20 mm), suspected of being Noguchi type A or B, and confirmed by intraoperative pathologic examination. Extended segmentectomy was performed in the rest of patients (tumor diameter < or = 20 mm), and not suspected of being Noguchi type A or B. Hilar and mediastinal lymph nodes sampling was performed in this group. If lymph node metastasis was detected by the intraoperative pathologic examination, the surgical procedures was converted into a lobectomy with lymph node dissection. Limited resection was performed in 27 patients, wedge resection in 8, and extended segmentectomy in 19. All patients received wedge resection are alive without sign of recurrence. In extended segmentectomy, 17 patients are alive with no evidence of disease, 1 patient died of non-pulmonary disease, and 1 patient is alive with recurrent disease. The overall survival rate at 5 years was 100% in wedge resection, 91% in extended segmentectomy, and 79% in standard lobectomy. We conclude that limited resection for small peripheral lung cancer using intraoperative pathologic examination may be safe and effective procedure.  相似文献   

目的评价电视胸腔镜手术(VATS)在肺部孤立性结节(SPN)诊治中的应用。方法回顾性分析55例SPN患者行VATS手术的临床资料,术中对SPN进行探查定位,然后行肺叶楔形切除并送快速冰冻病理检查。若为良性,则缝闭结束手术,若为恶性,则VATS辅助小切口行肺叶切除加纵隔淋巴结清扫术。结果全组55例SPN患者中31例为良性病变,24例为恶性病变;30例行VATS下肺楔形切除,25例行VATS辅助小切口肺叶切除加纵隔淋巴结清扫。全组患者无围手术期死亡,无严重手术并发症发生。结论 VATS对SPN患者具有诊断准确和治疗规范的突出优势,应做为SPN主要或标准的诊治手段加以明确。  相似文献   

Thirty patients with a peripheral lung cancer underwent consecutive thoracoscopic lung resections with a voice-controlled robot between October 1998 and February 2001. The patients with a high risk such as cardio-pulmonary dysfunction or the patients aged 80 years or older were included. Patients with stage I cancer of the right lung in which lobectomy with lymph node dissection was anticipated were also included. Thirty thoracoscopic procedures were performed by a single surgeon using a voice-controlled robot. Thoracoscopic lung resection by a single surgeon with a voice-controlled robot was achieved in 27 patients. The postoperative follow-up period ranged from 3 months to 42 months. In all patients, thoracoscopic procedures without no need for a human assistant were achieved. There were no survival differences between the wedge resection group and lobectomy group, in the patients having adenocarcinoma and patients having squamous cell carcinoma, and elderly patients and young group patients. Complications related or unrelated to the maneuvers of a voice-controlled robot were not noted. Postoperative complications occurred in 4 patients (atelectasis 2, postoperative dementia 2). All of the events resolved within one week. Thoracoscopic lung resection such as wedge resection or lobectomy by a single surgeon with a voice-controlled robot may be feasible in selected patients with lung cancers. Its application must be confirmed by further studies.  相似文献   

Malignancy must be suspected with any pulmonary nodule detected on radiologic examination of the chest until its benign origin has been proven. This requires further evaluation of the patient. The non invasive diagnostic steps include patient's history, clinical examination, lung function testing, and standard radiographs and a computed tomography (CT) of the chest. Based on these findings the presumed diagnosis claims the next appropriate diagnostic steps. If lung cancer is the most likely diagnosis and lung function testing revealed that the patient is a candidate for lung resection than surgery may be the next step. Preoperative proof of the histologic diagnosis is not mandatory. It is the less required the more surgery may be curative. If curative resectability is indoubt or the patient is not candidate for lung resection than histologic diagnosis should be confirmed prior to introduction of radiotherapy or chemotherapy by the least invasive procedure (bronchoscopy < lymph node biopsy < needle biopsy < mediastinoscopy/-tomy < VATS). If metastatic disease must be suspected, staging should be completed as required for the primary malignancy. With local recurrence and other metastases excluded the number of pulmonary nodules detected on CT scan points to the appropriate surgical approach. In case of a solitary nodule or multiple but resectable nodules, complete (wedge) resection with lymph node dissection through a lateral thoracotomy will be the procedure of choice. With multiple and unresectable nodules, surgery allows definitive diagnosis and videothoracoscopy affords the opportunity to accomplish wedge resection of the lung along with low morbidity. When lesions are deemed indeterminate, definitive diagnosis should nevertheless be attempted. If there is no history of malignancy routine evaluation for such in asymptomatic patients is not indicated. With small nodules (less than 3 cm in diameter) located in the periphery of the lung, videothoracoscopic wedge resection is indicated without preoperative sputum cytology, bronchoscopy or transthoracic needle biopsy. The histologic diagnosis obtained by intraoperative frozen sections than determines the further surgical approach. Benign lesion: completion of surgery; lung cancer: proceed to thoracotomy with anatomic lung resection and mediastinal lymph node resection; metastatic disease: completion of surgery and further search for primary malignancy.  相似文献   

Few studies have described video-assisted thoracic surgery (VATS) to bronchoplasty with pulmonary resection. Here, we report the successful implementation of VATS bronchoplasty, as determined retrospectively. Between 2005 and 2010, 362 patients underwent elective lung resection for malignant or benign lung tumors. Of these patients, VATS lobectomy with bronchoplasty was performed in seven patients (four men, three women; median age, 72.9 years). The medical records were retrospectively reviewed. Of the seven patients, six had primary lung cancer (PLC), and one had metastatic cancer of the lung. The surgical procedures were lobectomy with wedge bronchoplasty. The patients with PLC also underwent mediastinal or hilar lymph node dissection. The median total operating time was 230 min, and the median blood loss was 152 ml. The median postoperative hospital stay was seven days, without major postoperative complications. The most important feature of the described method is that the surgeon mainly observes the operative field directly, through a working wound; the surgical team observes via a monitor. An advantage for the surgeon is the ability to use the same instruments in VATS as are used in conventional thoracotomy, as well as the same suturing techniques in vascular reconstruction, especially involving the pulmonary artery.  相似文献   

目的探讨全胸腔镜肺叶切除术在治疗周围型肺癌患者中的应用。方法回顾性分析2009年7月至2011年12月安徽医科大学附属省立医院应用全胸腔镜肺叶切除术治疗90例周围型肺癌患者的临床资料,其中男55例,女35例;年龄33~79(62.5±11.5)岁。观察术中淋巴结清扫组数、手术时间、术中出血量、术后胸腔引流时间、术后住院时间、并发症发生率和疼痛评分。结果围术期无死亡。手术时间(135.0±32.5)min,术中出血量(230.0±80.4)ml,术后胸腔引流时间(4.8±2.1)d,术后第3 d疼痛评分(5.3±1.2)分。共清扫淋巴结520组,1 568枚,5.8组/例、17.4枚/例;淋巴结有转移71组,阳性率13.7%(71/520)。术后发生声音嘶哑2例;乳糜胸3例,经相应的治疗均治愈。随访90例,随访时间1~24个月,随访期间因肿瘤转移死亡4例;其余生存患者生活质量良好。结论对周围型肺癌患者采用全胸腔镜肺叶切除术治疗,具有创伤小、恢复快和疼痛轻等优点。手术安全性、根治性与开胸手术相似,可作为治疗周围型肺癌患者的手术方式。  相似文献   

Hepatocellular carcinoma occasionally metastasizes to extrahepatic organs, rarely to the mediastinal lymph nodes. We present the case of a 64-year-old man who presented with nodules in the upper and right lower lobes of the lung 4 years after undergoing resection of a hepatocellular carcinoma. We performed wedge resection of both lesions. Pathological examination showed that the lesion in the right upper lobe was non-small cell lung cancer and that in the right lower lobe hepatocellular carcinoma. We accordingly performed right upper lobectomy with lymph node dissection. Nine months later, enlarged subcarinal and segmental lymph nodes were detected and mediastinal lymph node metastases from the hepatocellular carcinoma diagnosed by transbronchial needle aspiration.  相似文献   

目的探讨直径≤3cm的周围型非小细胞肺癌(non-small cell lung cancer,NSCLC)纵隔淋巴结转移的情况,分析早期周围型NSCLC纵隔淋巴结转移的规律。方法 2000年1月1日~2008年12月31日治疗直径≤3cm的周围型NSCLC161例,男89例,女72例,年龄(63.4±10.7)岁,行肺叶切除或肺局限性切除加系统性纵隔淋巴结清扫术,分析其临床特征、病理特点及纵隔淋巴结转移规律。结果全组手术顺利,无死亡及严重并发症发生。肺叶切除153例,肺楔形切除7例,肺段切除1例。全组共清扫淋巴结2456枚,平均每例4.5±1.6组、13.1±7.3枚。术后病理:腺癌99例,鳞癌30例,肺泡细胞癌19例,其他类型肺癌13例。术后TNM分期:ⅠA期50例,ⅠB期62例,ⅡA期6例,ⅡB期10例,ⅢA期33例。N1组淋巴结转移率为23.6%(38/161),N2组转移率为20.5%(33/161),其中隆突下淋巴结转移率为8.1%(13/161),跳跃式纵隔转移率为6.8%(11/161),全组未发现下纵隔淋巴结转移。肺泡细胞癌及直径≤2cm的鳞癌、直径≤1cm的腺癌均无pN2转移。上肺癌发生pN2转移时上纵隔100%(19/19)受累,其中21.1%(4/19)同时伴有隆突下淋巴结转移;下肺癌则除主要转移至隆突下外(64.3%,9/14),还常直接单独转移至上纵隔(35.7%,5/14)。转移的纵隔淋巴结左肺癌主要分布在第5、6、7组,右肺癌主要分布在第3、4、7组。结论对于直径≤3cm的周围型NSCLC,肿瘤直径越大,其纵隔淋巴结转移率越高,肺泡细胞癌、直径≤2cm的鳞癌和≤1cm的腺癌其纵隔淋巴结转移率相对较低;上肺癌主要转移在上纵隔,下肺癌则隆突下及上纵隔均可转移;第5、6、7组淋巴结是左肺癌主要转移的位置,第3、4、7组是右肺癌主要转移的位置,术中应重点清扫。  相似文献   

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