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两种冠修复贵金属合金与种植钛对龈下优势菌黏附的影响   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
目的:研究龈下优势菌在2种冠修复材料(金铂合金与金钯合金)与种植钛材料表面的黏附特征。方法:将金铂合金与金钯合金分别粘结在种植纯钛板上,与4种龈下优势菌:牙龈卟啉单胞菌(Pg),伴放线放线杆菌(Aa),中间普氏菌(Pi),具核梭杆菌(Fn)共同厌氧孵育。采用菌落形成单位(CFU)计数法量化测定培养试件表面的细菌黏附量,扫描电镜观察试件表面细菌黏附的情况。结果:Aa在2组试件上的黏附量最多,其次为Fn、Pg,最少的为Pi;龈下优势菌在金铂合金-钛试件表面细菌黏附量明显多于金钯合金-钛试件。结论:①4种龈下优势菌对同一合金试件的附着能力有差异:Aa>Fn>Pg>Pi。②金钯合金对细菌的生长与黏附有抑制作用。  相似文献   

冯莉  李雅娟  孟令强 《口腔医学》2010,30(8):466-469
目的 研究不同粗糙度冠修复材料对种植体龈下优势菌粘附性的影响。方法 选用两种常用冠修复合金材料:金铂合金和镍铬合金。将其制成两种不同粗糙度的试件粘固于种植纯钛板上,分别与4种龈下优势菌牙龈卟啉单胞菌(Porphyromanus gingivalis,Pg)、伴放线放线杆菌(Actinobacillus actinomycetemcomitans,Aa)、中间普氏菌(Prevotella intermedia,Pi)及具核梭杆菌(Fusobacterium nuclertum,Fn)共同厌氧孵育,采用菌落形成单位(colony-forming unit,CFU)计数法量化测定培养试件表面的细菌量,并进行统计学分析。同时扫描电镜观察各种菌在试件上的附着情况。结果 经两两比较,同种合金中粗糙度大的试件四种细菌附着量均大于粗糙度小的(P<0.01);同种粗糙度的试件,金铂合金与种植体钛上各种细菌粘附量均大于镍铬合金与种植钛上的附着量(P<0.01)。结论 在相同条件下,冠修复合金抛光度越高,细菌粘附量越小。体外培养镍铬合金上四种细菌的粘附均小于金铂合金。  相似文献   

龈下优势菌在冠、桥修复材料表面定植量的测定   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
为考察冠、桥修复材料对微生物定植的影响。探讨微观评价冠、桥修复材料的标准,本研究选用SDA-Ⅱ型中熔合金、烤瓷熔附金属材料=湿热固化冠用塑料、plat铸造陶瓷4种材料和血链球菌、粘性放线菌、具核梭杆菌、黄褐二氧化碳噬纤维菌4种龈下优势菌,通过3,7,14d连续厌氧培养,测定试件PBS洗涤液中微生物OD值,考察定植在材料表面的微生物量,本研究表明,不同细菌对不同材料定植量不同,与材料表面的结构、成分、抗腐蚀性以及抗溶解性有关。  相似文献   

冠修复材料对龈下优势菌生长的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
冠修复是牙体缺损后临床常用方法,修复时会造成龈沟内微生态平衡的破坏。修复后微生物的生长是恢复生态平衡、维护牙周组织健康的前提条件,环境因素的改变直接影响微生物的生长,材料的某些成份可成为激活细菌成为条件致病菌的潜在因素,微生物比例的改变使条件致病菌致病成为可能,影响牙周组织的健康,导致修复失败。本研究拟从微观上尝试评价冠修复材料的组成、性能对细菌生长的影响。研究结果认为:不同材料对不同细菌生长影响不同。Plat铸造陶瓷,Vita烤瓷,冠用湿热固化塑料对粘性放线菌、具核梭杆菌、黄褐二氧化碳噬纤维菌的生长无影响,对血链球菌的生长,四种材料均有抑制作用,以SDA-Ⅱ中熔合金的抑制作用最强,Plat铸造陶瓷最弱。细菌的生长量与培养时间以及培养液中的营养条件有关,培养时间与培养液中的营养量呈负相关关系。  相似文献   

侵袭性牙周炎和慢性牙周炎的龈下优势菌分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 :分析侵袭性牙周炎 (aggressiveperiodontitis ,AgP)与慢性牙周炎 (chronicperiodontitis ,CP)的龈下优势菌群 ,为探讨牙周炎分类、病因和诊断提供实验依据。方法 :将中学生流调筛选 (16例 )及牙周病专科就诊(2 4例 )的AgP和CP患者 ,采集龈下菌斑样本 ,在厌氧菌基础培养基 (CDC)和选择性培养基 (TSBV)上培养分析。结果 :局限型AgP患者的伴放线放线杆菌 (Actinobacillusactinomycetemcomitans ,Aa)及兼性厌氧菌的检出率显著高于中度CP患者 (P <0 .0 5 ,P <0 .0 1) ,而广泛型AgP和重度CP患者的厌氧菌总数较局限型AgP和中度CP患者显著增加 (P <0 .0 5 )。结论 :局限型AgP和中度CP的龈下优势菌有明显差别 ,Aa是一个重要的危险因子。  相似文献   

目的:观察2种合金及其粗糙度对种植体龈下优势菌黏附性的影响.方法:选用2种常用冠修复合金材料:金铂合金和金钯合金.将其制成2种不同粗糙度的试件,粘固于种植纯钛板上,分别与4种龈下优势菌Pg、Aa、Pi及Fn共同厌氧孵育,采用菌落形成单位(CFU)计数法量化测定培养试件表面的细菌黏附量.应用SPSS13.0软件包,对试件表面粗糙度的测量值及试件上黏附的菌落数进行统计学分析,同时在扫描电镜下观察各种菌在试件上的附着情况.结果:同种合金中.粗糙度大的试件4种细菌附着量均大于粗糙度小者(P<0.01);同种粗糙度的试件,金铂合金与种植体钛上各种细菌黏附量均大于金钯合金与种植钛上的附着量(P<0.01).结论:金钯合金对细菌黏附的影响比金铂合金大,同种合金粗糙度大者.细菌黏附量多.  相似文献   

两种种植材料对龈下优势菌粘附的影响   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
目的:研究不同龈下优势菌在种植材料表面的粘附特征。方法:通过将两种种植材料纯钛(TA2)及钛-6铝-4钒合金(TC4)试件分别与3种单一龈下优势菌S.s、F.n、P.g及其混合菌共同厌氧孵育,采用菌落形成单位(CFU)计数法量化测定培养试件表面的细菌粘附量,同时用扫描电镜观察材料表面形貌有细菌粘附情况。结果:TC4表面的各单一细菌及混合菌粘附量均少于TA2。结论:从微生态学角度而言,TC4作为种植  相似文献   

外伤后折断的牙齿,断端于龈下或龋坏达龈下,桩冠修复后牙龈易出现炎症或引起牙龈增生。2004年8月~2006年8月,笔者采用纯钛桩冠修复一侧断端位于龈下的外伤牙或龋坏达龈下的冠缺损取得了良好的效果。1.一般资料:本组26例(28颗牙),年龄18~58岁。外伤冠折一侧达龈下3mm以内的前牙2  相似文献   

黄磊  王鹏 《上海口腔医学》2013,22(5):581-584
目的:探讨铸造纯钛环对龈下残根修复的治疗方案和疗效。方法:选择2008—2010在我科收冶的32例经过完善根管治疗后龈下残根的病例,采用铸造纯钛环+玻璃纤维桩+全瓷冠修复,于修复前和修复后12个月及24个月分别进行常规牙龈指数检查、龈沟液量检测,采用 SPSS 17.0 软件包对数据进行配对t检验。结果:患者的牙龈指数、龈沟液量在修复前、修复后 12个月和 24 个月均无显著变化(P>0.05)。结论:在合适的病例中,采用铸造纯钛环修复龈下残根,大多数患牙仍能发挥良好功能。  相似文献   

目的 研究中间普里沃菌在牙周炎病人病变部位和健康部位龈下菌斑中的分布地选择64例成年人牙周炎患者,分别取病变部位和健康部位龈下菌斑,经厌氧培养,挑取产黑色素菌落,经多聚酶链反应鉴定中间普里沃菌。结果 共对614株产黑色素G厌氧杆菌进行多聚酶链反应鉴定,有112株被鉴定为中间普里沃菌;在病变部位和健康部位,中间普里沃菌的检出率分别是28.1%和12.5%,有统计学差异(P〈0.05);在病变部位和健  相似文献   

The effect of hand or ultrasonic instrumentation on the subgingival microflora of periodontal pockets was investigated. Pockets with probing depths of 6-9 mm were selected in 12 patients and were randomly assigned per patient to the experimental and control groups. After oral hygiene instruction, instrumentation of the experimental pockets was carried out either by ultrasonic or by hand instruments in a split-mouth design. The treatment effect on the subgingival microbiota was evaluated by microscopic and culture studies of subgingival plaque samples, while in addition, supragingival plaque, bleeding after probing and probing pocket depth were scored. Examinations were carried out before and 7, 21 and 49 days after treatment. The hand and ultrasonic treatments were equally effective in reducing probing pocket depths and bleeding scores. At the end of the experimental period, the probing depths of 54% of the hand-treated pockets and 43% of the ultrasonic-treated pockets were reduced to 4 mm or less while the bleeding scores were reduced to 29% and 22%, respectively. The analysis of microscopical and cultural data did not show any differences between hand and ultrasonic debridement. Both treatments reduced the microscopical counts of rods, spirochetes and motiles and reduced the total colony-forming units and number of black-pigmented Bacteroides and Capnocytophaga, resulting in a subgingival microbiota consistent with periodontal health.  相似文献   

目的:研究钛种植体的不同表面粗糙度对变形链球菌及血链球菌黏附的影响.方法:用光电3-D表面测量系统测定两种纯钛片机械切割表面和大颗粒喷砂酸蚀表面的表面粗糙度.将钛片与变形链球菌和血链球菌共同培养,培养时间分别为4h,1d和5d.通过菌落形成单位(CFU)计数法及结晶紫染色法,比较不同时间点两种细菌在两种粗糙度钛片上的黏附量.结果:机械切割表面和大颗粒喷砂酸蚀表面钛片的表面粗糙度Ra值分别为1.25 μm和4.25 μm.CFU计数显示,在不同的培养时间点,两组钛片上的变形链球菌及血链球菌活菌黏附数量相近,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结晶紫染色显示,在不同的培养时间点,大颗粒喷砂酸蚀组钛片上血链球菌的细菌黏附总量均多于机械切割组钛片,差异有统计学意义(P <0.05).在培养早期(4h),大颗粒喷砂酸蚀组钛片上变形链球菌的细菌黏附总量大于机械切割组钛片;但在培养后期(1 d,5 d)两组钛片上变形链球菌的细菌黏附总量相近,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05).结论:钛片不同表面粗糙度对变形链球菌和血链球菌的活菌黏附数量无影响,但粗糙表面上黏附的细菌及基质总量大于中度粗糙表面.对于变形链球菌而言,粗糙度对细菌及基质黏附总量的影响随着生物膜的成熟而消失.  相似文献   

目的测定6种云南天然药物对口腔临床常见优势菌的体外抗菌活性,从而初步确定其在口腔临床的药用价值。方法采用美国国立实验室标准化委员会推荐的厌氧菌药物敏感试验---琼脂稀释法,测定6种云南天然药物对21株口腔临床常见优势菌模式株、临床分离株的体外抗菌活性,用最小抑菌浓度(MIC)表示。结果6种药物对21株实验细菌均有抗菌作用:对10株致龋菌的MIC值范围:苏木为5~10 mg·mL-1;其他5种药物(丽江山慈菇、滇龙胆、诃子、龙血竭、杜仲)均大于20 mg·mL-1。对11株牙髓根尖周炎和牙周病的常见优势菌的MIC值范围:苏木均小于等于0.062 5 mg·mL-1;诃子为10~20 mg·mL-1;其他4种实验药物均大于20 mg·mL-1。结论6种药物在口腔细菌性疾病的临床治疗中具有潜在的药用价值。  相似文献   

The present study was conducted on 18 individuals to determine if Keyes' method of oral hygiene would present an alternative to traditional periodontal therapy in terms of establishing a subgingival microflora compatible with periodontal health. Oral hygiene, gingival conditions and subgingival microbial proportions assessed by dark field microscopy were measured at baseline, then once every 2 weeks for the remainder of this 8-week study. In addition, probing depths and bleeding on probing were evaluated. Group I (9 patients) was treated non-surgically, while Group II (9 patients) had received surgical therapy within the last 4 years. Both groups received routine scaling and root planing (Sc/RP) on one arch at time 0, and both were instructed to use Keyes' method of oral hygiene on one side of the mouth while the other side served as a control. This yielded a split-plot experimental design which permitted examination of the effects of Keyes' method of oral hygiene, Sc/RP and surgery. The results revealed no statistically significant differences between Keyes' method of oral hygiene and conventional oral hygiene in patients treated with a single session of Sc/RP. When scaling was not employed, Keyes' method was more effective than conventional oral hygiene. Surgical status was found to be the most significant factor in reducing clinical indicator values and establishing control of the subgingival microflora. In summary, oral hygiene alone had only minimal effects on subgingival microbial proportions. The primary antimicrobial effect observed, as evidenced by shifts in subgingival morphotype proportions, was produced by the Sc/RP procedure. This effect was enhanced by improved access (surgical status).  相似文献   



Zirconia ceramic material has been widely used in implant dentistry. In this in vitro study the physiochemical properties of titanium and zirconia materials were investigated and the affinity of different bacteria to different materials was compared.


Disc samples with different surface states were used: polished partially stabilized zirconia (PZ), titanium blasted with zirconia (TBZ), titanium blasted with zirconia then acid etched (TBZA), and polished titanium (PT) as a control. Surface topography was examined using scanning electron microscopy and profilometry. Contact angle, surface free energy (SFE), surface microhardness and chemical composition were determined.Disc samples were separately incubated with Streptococcus mitis and Prevotella nigrescens, either with or without pre-coating with human saliva, for 6 h and the surface area covered by bacteria was calculated from fluorescence microscope images.


PZ and TBZ exhibited lower surface free energy and lesser surface wettability than PT. Also, PZ and TBZ surfaces showed lower percentage of bacterial adhesion compared with control PT surface.


The zirconia material and titanium blasted with zirconia surface (TBZ surface) showed superior effect to titanium material in reducing the adhesion of the experimented bacteria especially after coating with saliva pellicle. Modifying titanium with zirconia lead to have the same surface properties of pure zirconia material in reducing bacterial adhesion.SFE appears to be the most important factors that determine initial bacterial adhesion to smooth surface.  相似文献   

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